Nanoscale Fourier-transform MRI of spin noise
John M. Nichol1, Tyler R. Naibert1, Eric R. Hemesath2, Lincoln J. Lauhon2, and Raffi Budakian1
Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208
We report a method for Fourier-transform magnetic resonance imaging of statistically
polarized nanoscale samples. Periodic magnetic field gradient pulses, which are generated by
ultrahigh current densities in a nanoscale metal constriction, spatially encode the spin density in
the sample and create temporal correlations in the spin noise. We demonstrate this technique
using a silicon nanowire mechanical oscillator as a force sensor to image 1H spins in polystyrene.
We obtain a two-dimensional projection of the sample proton density with approximately 10-nm
resolution. Fourier encoding offers better sensitivity than point-by-point techniques for high
resolution imaging of statistically polarized samples.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an invaluable tool for three-dimensional biological
and materials imaging. The noninvasive tomographic capabilities of MRI together with the
techniques of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy offer unique ways to elucidate the
physical and chemical structure of objects, usually at millimeter length scales and above.
Continued efforts to extend the sensitivity and resolution of MRI to the nanometer scale and
below are motivated by the desire to investigate materials on the atomic scale using the same
techniques that have proved so powerful in biology and medicine. Promising candidates for
nanoscale MRI include force-detected magnetic resonance, which has been used to perform
three-dimensional imaging of single tobacco mosaic virus particles with spatial resolution below
10 nm [1], and nitrogen-vacancy-based magnetic resonance, which has been used to detect
proton resonance in volumes as small as (5 nm)3 [2, 3].
Despite remarkable progress, nanoscale MRI remains challenging because the relatively
weak nuclear magnetic moment makes achieving a high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) difficult [4].
Therefore, it seems worthwhile to consider spatial encoding techniques that are used in
conventional MRI, such as Fourier encoding [5, 6], for nanoscale imaging. Such methods offer
better sensitivity [7] than sequential-point imaging by acquiring signal from all voxels in the
sample simultaneously. It is difficult, however, to adapt these and most spectroscopic techniques
to nanoscale objects for two primary reasons. First, precise spin manipulation pulses require
homogeneous magnetic fields, and Fourier encoding requires pulsed gradients. In contrast, most
nanoscale MRI techniques use static gradients [1, 8], making both global spin manipulation and
Fourier-encoding difficult. For thermally-polarized samples on the micron scale and above, this
challenge has been met in part by moving the gradient source to enable encoding [9-11] or by
employing uniform-field spin-detection protocols [12]. Second, pulsed magnetic resonance
techniques cannot be used per se because statistical fluctuations can equal or exceed the thermal
spin polarization in nanoscale objects [13, 14]. To overcome this challenge, back-projection
encoding without rf pulses has been used for millimeter-scale imaging of a liquid sample [15],
and spectroscopic approaches that correlate the statistical polarization before and after an
encoding pulse have been proposed [16, 17] and implemented [13, 18] for micron-scale
statistically polarized samples.
In the following, we describe a method that overcomes both challenges to enable Fouriertransform imaging of nanometer-size statistically polarized samples. We use a nanoscale metal
constriction, which can support current densities greater than 3 × 108 Acm-2 , to generate intense,
periodic gradient pulses that create correlations in the statistical polarization, or spin noise, of a
solid organic sample. The correlations are recorded for a set of pulse configurations and Fourier
transformed to give the spin density. We demonstrate the method using a silicon nanowire force
sensor to reconstruct a two-dimensional projection image of the 1H density in a polystyrene
sample with roughly 10-nm resolution. We also show that Fourier encoding enhances SNR for
high-resolution imaging.
Figure 1(a) shows a schematic of the apparatus. A key element of the experiment is an
ultrasensitive silicon nanowire force transducer [19], which vibrates in response to the force
exerted by nuclear spins on resonance in the presence of a magnetic field gradient. The nanowire
used in this study was grown epitaxially on a Si[111] substrate using a controlled-diameter
vapor-liquid-solid approach with silane as a precursor at 600 °C [20]. The nanowire was roughly
15 µm long, with a tip diameter of 50 nm. The fundamental flexural mode had a spring constant
k = 150 µN/m, a resonance frequency ω0/2π = 333 kHz, and an intrinsic quality factor
Q = 1.8 × 104 at a temperature of approximately 6 K. The displacement of the nanowire was
measured using a polarized fiber-optic interferometer [19, 21]. The sample consisted of a thin
polystyrene coating on the tip of the nanowire (Figure 1b).
A second important element of the experiment is a constriction in an Ag current-carrying
wire (Figure 1c). The constriction focuses current passing through the wire to densities
exceeding 3×108 Acm-2. Such locally intense current densities are used to generate large timedependent magnetic field gradients that couple spins in the sample to the resonant displacement
of the nanowire, rf magnetic fields to excite magnetic resonance, and pulsed gradients for
imaging [21]. The constriction was patterned by electron beam lithography on an MgO (100)
substrate, and the Ag film was deposited in an ultra-high vacuum electron beam evaporator (see
Supporting Information). The constriction used in this study was 240 nm wide and 100 nm thick.
Both the nanowire substrate and constriction were cooled to 4.2 K in high vacuum, and the
sample was positioned directly above the center of the constriction. A small solenoid provided a
uniform static field B0 = 181 mT along the z direction. We used the MAGGIC spin detection
protocol [21] to measure the longitudinal component of the 1H spins in the sample near the
Fourier-transform imaging generally involves measuring the transverse component of the
sample magnetization as it evolves in the presence of an external field gradient. To accomplish
this using the MAGGIC protocol, we used an encoding pulse sequence, which creates a
transverse component of the magnetization and projects its evolution onto the longitudinal axis.
We inserted this sequence every τp (Figure 2a) in the MAGGIC protocol. Provided τp<< τm,
where τm is the statistical spin correlation time, the encoding sequence creates measurable
correlations in the spin noise. To verify this procedure, we measured the free precession of the
sample magnetization in a uniform field. The pulse sequence consists of an adiabatic halfpassage (AHP) [22], an evolution period te, and a time-reversed AHP. The first AHP rotates the
spins away from the z axis onto the xy plane. During the period te, the spins precess about B0 .
The second AHP, which is phase-shifted by φ ( te ) = −γ B0te relative to the first AHP, projects the
magnetization back onto the z axis. The time-dependent phase shift creates a longitudinal
projection that oscillates at the Larmor frequency as te varies. This free-precession sequence is
related to a Ramsey-fringe measurement [23].
Since the statistical polarization fluctuates randomly, the encoding sequence has no
impact on the mean or variance of the polarization. However, we may still infer the effect of the
pulses by measuring correlations in the force signal. Specifically, we measure the (nonnormalized) autocorrelation R ff (τ p , te ) of the force signal f ( t ) at lag τ p :
R ff (τ p , te ) =
dt f ( t ) f ( t − τ p ) .
T ∫0
Here, T is the measurement time, and the force signal implicitly depends on te . In the
Supporting Information, we show that the time-averaged value of the autocorrelation is
R ff (τ p , te ) =
e−τ p
τm µ 2 D2
∫ drρ ( r )G 2 ( r ) M pulse (τ p , te , r ) .
Here, µ is the spin magnetic moment, D is the duty cycle of the MAGGIC gradient modulation
[21], ρ ( r ) is the spin density, G ( r ) = dBz ( r ) dx is the gradient modulation strength, and
M pulse (τ p , te , r ) = 1 − 2 Pflip
( te , r ) describes the effect of the encoding pulses. Pflip
( te , r ) is the
probability for a spin located at r to have reversed its orientation after a single encoding
sequence. The exponential factor in eq. (2) expresses the requirement that τ p should be much
less than τ m to prevent statistical fluctuations from destroying the desired correlations.
For the free-precession sequence, M pulse (τ p , te , r ) = Ev ( te ) cos ( γ B0te ) , where γ 2π
= 42.6 MHz/T is the proton gyromagnetic ratio. The free precession will decay with envelope
Ev ( te ) due to the fluctuating local fields experienced by the spins. Hence,
R ff (τ p , te ) =
e −τ p
τm µ 2 D2
Ev ( te ) cos ( γ B0te ) ∫ drρ ( r )G 2 ( r ) .
By sweeping te , we measured the Larmor precession of the statistical polarization (Figure 2b).
We found the decay envelope to be well described by a Gaussian: Ev ( te ) = e
− te T2*
with T2*
= 14 µs (Figure 2c). The non-exponential envelope is characteristic of free precession in solids
[24], and the decay time is consistent with previous measurements in polystyrene [25]. By
cosine-transforming the free-precession data, we obtain the nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum
of our statistically polarized sample (Figure 2c).
The essential feature of the free-precession encoding is the use of repeated, identical
pulse sequences to induce correlations in the spin noise. Such a paradigm permits the use of
established magnetic resonance techniques not only for spectroscopy, but also for imaging of
statistically polarized samples. The most common MRI technique, Fourier encoding, uses a
pulsed gradient during the free precession to encode the location of a spin in either the phase or
frequency of its Larmor precession. With the use of the constriction, which enables the
generation of intense, pulsed gradients, this technique can be easily adapted for nanoscale
DC current through the constriction produces a strong gradient in the x direction of the
total field Btot ( r ) and a spatially varying Larmor frequency ωLarmor ( r ) = γ Btot ( r ) . Additionally,
rf current through the constriction at frequency γ B0 produces a field in the rotating frame
B1 ( r ) = Bx ( r ) 2 that excites magnetic resonance. Directly above the center of the constriction,
B1 ( r ) , and hence the Rabi frequency ωRabi ( r ) = γ B1 ( r ) , vary strongly with distance above the
constriction. With these two independent gradients, the constriction enables spatial encoding in
two dimensions. To simplify notation, we introduce the generalized coordinates u ( r ) ≡ ωRabi ( r )
and v ( r ) ≡ ωLarmor ( r ) . Figure 1a shows constant u and v contours above the constriction.
These contours form the coordinate system in which the spin density will be encoded. Because
dv dy << dv dx and du dy << du dz over the dimensions of the sample for fixed x and z, we
make the reasonable assumptions that u ( r ) = u ( x, z ) and v ( r ) = v ( x, z ) for the purposes of
The imaging sequence (Figure 3a) is composed of two parts. The first is similar to the
free-precession sequence except that a static gradient pulse of length tv is applied during the
evolution period to encode the spin density along v contours. The second part consists of an rf
pulse of length tu with center frequency γ B0 , which nutates the spins by an angle γ B1 ( r ) tu and
encodes them along u contours. For this sequence,
M pulse (τ p , tu , tv , r ) = Eu ( tu ) Ev ( tv ) cos ( u ( r ) tu ) cos ( v ( r ) tv ) , where
Eu ( tu )
describes the
transverse spin relaxation in the rotating frame [26], Hence,
R ff (τ p , tu , tv ) =
e−τ p
τm E
( tu ) Ev ( tv ) µ 2 D 2
∫ dudv p ( u, v ) cos ( utu ) cos ( vtv ) ,
where p ( u , v ) = G 2 ( u , v ) J ( u , v ) ∫ dy ρ ( y, u , v ) is the projected signal density in the
( u, v )
coordinate system, and J ( u, v ) is the Jacobian of the ( x, z ) → ( u, v ) coordinate transformation.
We have also assumed that G ( r ) = dBz ( x, z ) dx , since the readout gradient does not vary
significantly with y for fixed x and z in the sample.
To record an image, the sample was positioned 40 nm above the surface of the
constriction. The pulse interval was τ p = 11 ms, and the spin correlation time was τ m ≈ 400 ms .
R ff (τ p , tu , tv ) was measured for 305 different
( tu , tv )
configurations (Figure 3b). The u
encoding pulse was stepped in increments of 0.26 µs up to Tu = 5.2 µs, and the v encoding pulse
was stepped in increments of 0.625 µs up to Tv = 10.6 µs. The data were zero-padded by a factor
of 4 in each dimension. A discrete cosine transform (see Supporting Information) was used to
recover the signal density p ( u, v ) (Figure 3c). To suppress noise, all negative values of p ( u, v )
were set to zero. To obtain the ( x, z ) -space representation of the image (Figure 3d), p ( u, v ) was
divided by G2 ( u, v ) J ( u, v ) , and the coordinates were transformed from ( u , v ) to
( x, z ) .
magnetic field distribution from the constriction was calculated using COMSOL Multiphysics
(COMSOL, Inc.) and was used to obtain G ( u, v ) , J ( u, v ) , and the ( u , v ) ↔ ( x, z ) coordinate
The reconstructed spin density strongly resembles the expected shape of the polystyrene
coating (Figure 1b). The nanowire and the gold catalyst particle are clearly visible through the
polystyrene in the reconstructed image as a reduction in the spin density. Figures 3e and 3f show
a simulated signal density and reconstructed image, respectively. To generate the simulations,
R ff (τ p , tu , tv ) was calculated for each
( tu , tv )
point using the calculated magnetic field
distribution and the profile of a nanowire tip and polystyrene coating (Figure 1b) prepared in the
same fashion as the tip and sample used in this study. The actual tip and sample used here were
not imaged in a scanning electron microscope to avoid electron beam damage. The simulated
data were inverted and transformed in the same manner as the experimental data. Both
simulations appear qualitatively similar to the actual data and image.
In order to determine the spatial resolution, we simulated the image from a point source
located near the tip of the sample and find the resolution in the x and z directions to be
approximately 10 nm and 15 nm, respectively. The voxel size increases with increasing distance
from the constriction because the magnetic field gradients are strongest near the constriction. We
estimate the peak imaging gradients in this study to be u z ,max γ ≈ 2.0 × 105 Tm-1 for 56 mA of
current through the constriction, and vx ,max γ ≈ 1.4 × 105 Tm-1 for 20 mA of current [27]. Here,
vx,max = dv dx max and u z ,max = du dz max are the maximum gradients experienced by the
sample. Such gradients are more than 104 times stronger than the highest gradients used in
inductively-detected MRI [28].
During the readout, the peak gradient was approximately
5.0 × 105 Tm-1 for 71 mA of current through the constriction, corresponding to a current density
of 3.0 × 108 Acm-2.
The most notable feature of the constriction is its ability to sustain ultrahigh current
densities comparable to the best values obtained with carbon nanotubes [29], metal-silicide
nanowires [30], and other metal nanostructures [31]. Such high current densities permit the
generation of intense, pulsed gradients, which are necessary for nanoscale solid-state Fouriertransform imaging. Both the cryogenic operating temperature and ac nature of the current in the
constriction likely contribute to its ability to survive such high current densities [32].
For thermally polarized samples, Fourier encoding offers better sensitivity by a factor of
N , where N is the total number of points in the image, over sequential-point methods by
acquiring signal from the entire sample at all times [7]. For such samples, the dominant noise
source is voltage noise in the receiver circuitry for inductively-detected MRI or oscillator force
noise in the case of force-detected MRI. When the sample is statistically polarized, however, the
spin noise [33] also contributes to the total noise, and a new analysis is required. In the
following, we show that Fourier-transform imaging of statistically polarized samples improves
SNR for high resolution imaging when force noise becomes the limiting factor.
In the Supporting Information, we show that, in d dimensions, the average SNR of an
image acquired via Fourier encoding is
SNRFourier ≈
e −τ p τ m
2d NAτ p
2d NS 2f
2d NS f
4Tτ pσ spin
T σ spin
−1 2
2 is the variance of the spin-component of the force signal from the entire sample, S is
Here, σ spin
the oscillator force noise power spectral density, T is the averaging time per point, and A , which
is approximately 2 for the present experiment, characterizes the average error in the
autocorrelation integrated over the sample. Spin relaxation effects have been neglected in the
above estimate.
For comparison, the average SNR of an image in which each voxel is measured
sequentially is
SNR point
2τ m
N 2 S 2f
2 NS f
Tτ mσ spin T σ spin
−1 2
Equation (6) assumes that the signal in each voxel is the same (see Supporting Information).
While the resonant-slice imaging techniques used in previous force-detected MRI experiments
[1, 34] are not, strictly speaking, point-by-point methods, they do involve sequentially scanning
the sample with respect to a magnetic tip. Furthermore, achieving high spatial resolution with
resonant-slice techniques necessitates acquiring signal from small volumes in the sample, as
opposed to spatial encoding techniques, which acquire signal from the entire sample at all times.
Because SNR in resonant-slice imaging is difficult to calculate, however, we shall compare
sequential-point imaging to Fourier encoding in order to illustrate its benefits.
In both equations (5) and (6), the first term in the parentheses represents the spin noise,
the second term represents the oscillator force noise, and the last term is the covariance of the
force noise and the spin noise. The main difference between (5) and (6) is how the different
sources of noise scale with the number of points N . For sequential-point imaging, the spin noise
power is independent of N , but the force noise power scales as N 2 . For Fourier encoding, the
spin noise scales less favorably with N because spin noise from all voxels contributes to every
data point. However, the force noise contribution scales more favorably with N because all
voxels in the image are measured N times, compared with only once in the sequential-point case.
When N is large enough that the force noise significantly exceeds the spin noise per
2 >> 1 , then SNR
voxel, i.e., when NS f 2τ mσ spin
point ∝ 1 N . Because SNRFourier ∝ 1
Fourier encoding can be expected to offer better sensitivity than sequential point imaging in this
2 ≈ 300 aN2, S ≈10 aN2Hz-1, and NS
case. In the present experiment, σ spin
f 2τ mσ spin ~ 13. For
example, consider a hypothetical (20 nm)3 biological sample with a spin density of 4.9 ×1028 m-3
experiencing a uniform gradient of 6 × 106 Tm-1 [35], with S f = 4 aN2Hz-1 [21], τ m = 20 ms [1],
and τ p = 10 ms. Under these conditions, the two imaging methods yield approximately the
same SNR for a voxel size of (3 nm)3. However, for a (1 nm)3 voxel size, SNRFourier SNR point
≈ 5, and for a (.5 nm)3 voxel size, SNRFourier SNR point ≈ 15. The sensitivity enhancement for
small voxel sizes suggests that Fourier encoding is advantageous when force noise makes highresolution imaging difficult.
In this work we have demonstrated nanoscale Fourier-transform MRI by creating
correlations in the spin noise of a nanometer-scale sample via pulsed gradients generated by
ultrahigh current densities in a metal constriction. We have further shown that Fourier encoding
can enhance sensitivity for high-resolution imaging. This technique could be readily extended to
enable full three-dimensional encoding with constrictions capable of producing two orthogonal
static gradients. A small coil could also be used to generate a uniform B1 in the sample, which
would enable the use of solid-state line-narrowing pulses for high-resolution spectroscopy as
well as longer encoding times and enhanced spatial resolution. More generally, our approach
serves as a model for leveraging these and other sophisticated magnetic resonance tools to aid
nanoscale MRI in its progress toward atomic-scale imaging.
This work was supported by the Army Research Office through grant No.
W911NF-12-1-0341 and by the Department of Physics and the Frederick Seitz Materials
Research Laboratory Central Facilities at the University of Illinois. Work at Northwestern
University was supported by the National Science Foundation Grant Nos. DMI-0507053 (E.R.H)
and DMR-1006069 (L.J.L.).
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Figure 1. Experimental apparatus. (a) Schematic of the experimental setup. A silicon nanowire
coated with polystyrene was positioned near the constriction in an Ag current-carrying wire. The
locally high current density at the constriction generates intense fields and gradients used for
readout, spin manipulation, and spatial encoding. During imaging, the spin density was encoded
along contours of constant Larmor and Rabi frequency, which are illustrated as blue and green
lines, respectively. (b) Scanning electron micrograph of a representative nanowire and
polystyrene coating prepared in the same manner as the nanowire and sample used in this study.
The dashed lines indicate the outer diameter of the nanowire. (c) Scanning electron micrograph
of the constriction used in this study. The constriction is 100 nm thick and 240 nm wide.
Figure 2. Measurement of free precession in a statistically polarized sample. (a) Periodic
encoding pulses were inserted in the MAGICC protocol every τp. To measure the free
precession, the encoding sequence consisted of two adiabatic half passages (AHP) separated by
an evolution period te . The first AHP rotates the spins onto the xy plane, where they precess for
a time te , and the second AHP projects the magnetization back along the z axis. (b)
Autocorrelation of the force signal R ff (τ p , te ) showing free precession of the statistical spin
polarization and fit to a cosine. (c) Amplitude of the free precession and fit to a Gaussian. From
the fit, we infer that T2* = 14 µs. Inset: nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum of the statistically
polarized sample.
Figure 3. Two-dimensional MRI of the polystyrene sample. (a) Image acquisition encoding
sequence. Free precession in the presence of a gradient for a time tv permits encoding along v .
In the u -encoding step, an rf pulse lasting a time tu nutates the spins about the effective field in
the rotating frame. (b) Raw data. Cross-sections corresponding to R ff (τ p ,0, tv ) and R ff (τ p , tu ,0)
are shown. (c) Signal density in the ( u, v ) coordinate system obtained by cosine-transforming the
raw data. The arrow indicates the position of v = γ B0 . (d) Real-space reconstruction of the
projected spin density. The nanowire and gold catalyst are clearly visible through the polystyrene
in the image as a reduction in the spin density. The cross-sections above and to the right of the
image are taken along the lines indicated by the arrows. (e) Simulated signal density in ( u, v )
space calculated for the sample and nanowire geometry shown in Figure 1b. (f) Real-space
reconstruction of the simulation in (e).
Supporting Information
Nanoscale Fourier-transform MRI of spin noise
John M. Nichol1, Tyler R. Naibert1, Eric R. Hemesath2, Lincoln J. Lauhon2, and Raffi Budakian1
Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208
The constriction was fabricated on a single-crystal MgO (100) substrate using a liftoff
process with electron beam lithography and an MMA/PMMA resist bilayer. AquaSAVE
(Mitsubishi Rayon Co., Ltd.) was used as a conductive layer on top of the resist. Ag was
deposited via ultra-high vacuum electron beam evaporation. The MgO surface, because it is
hygroscopic, was cleaned briefly by argon ion milling in situ before deposition.
Conventional photoresist delaminated during aqueous development, so the contact pads
and leads were defined using deep ultraviolet optical lithography and an MMA/PMMA resist
bilayer. The same deposition and liftoff procedure used for the constriction was used for the pads
and leads. Thin copper wires were gap welded to the pads for good electrical contact. The
substrate was diced and polished to ensure that the constriction was within 30 µm of the substrate
edge to allow an unobstructed optical path between the nanowire and the optical fiber.
We derive equation (2) in the main text. Consider a set of N spins nuclear spins
constituting the sample, which evolve in time under the influence of statistical fluctuations and
encoding pulses. The output of our lock-in amplifier is the (time-dependent) rms amplitude of
the force exerted on the nanowire by the spins:
f (t ) =
N spins
i =1
µGi mi ( t ) .
Here, µ is the spin magnetic moment, Gi is the peak gradient experienced by the ith spin, D is the
duty cycle of the MAGGIC readout [1], and mi ( t ) is a variable taking on the values ±1
describing the orientation of the ith spin as it evolves in time.
The time-averaged autocorrelation of the force signal at lag τ p is
R ff (τ p ) = limT →∞
dt f ( t ) f ( t − τ p )
T ∫0
= limT →∞
= limT →∞
= limT →∞
2T ∫0
N spins N spins
∑ ∑
i =1
N spins N spins
N spins N spins
∑ ∑
i =1
µ 2Gi G j mi ( t ) m j ( t − τ p )
µ 2Gi G j
j =1
∑ ∑
i =1
j =1
dt mi ( t ) m j ( t − τ p )
T ∫0
µ 2Gi G jδ i , j
j =1
≈ µ2
drρ ( r )G 2 ( r ) Rmm (τ p , r )
2 ∫
i =1
dt mi ( t ) mi ( t − τ p )
T ∫0
µ 2Gi2 Rmm,i (τ p )
The 4th equality follows because statistical flips between different spins are independent. In the
last equality, we have passed into the continuum limit, where ρ ( r ) is the spin number density,
and G ( r ) is the peak value of the readout gradient. Note that
Rmm (τ p , r ) = limT →∞ ∫ dt m ( r, t ) m ( r, t − τ p )
= m ( r, t ) m ( r, t − τ p )
= P+ ( r ) − P− ( r )
where P+ is the probability that m ( r, t ) = m ( r, t + τ p ) , and P− is the probability that
m ( r , t ) = − m ( r, t + τ p ) . Note also
P+ ( r ) − P− ( r ) = Peven Pnopulse
flip ( r ) + Podd Pflip ( r ) − Podd Pno flip ( r ) − Peven Pflip ( r ) ,
where Peven is the probability for an even number of statistical flips during τ p , Podd is the
probability for an odd number of statistical flips, Pflip
( r ) is the probability for the spin to have
reversed its orientation after a pulse, and Pnopulse
flip ( r ) is the probability for no change in
orientation after the pulse. Since Pnopulse
flip ( r ) = 1 − Pflip ( r ) ,
P+ ( r ) − P− ( r ) = ( Peven − Podd ) 1 − 2 Pflip
(r ) .
Assuming that the statistical fluctuations obey Poisson statistics [2], Peven = (1 + e−τ p
Podd = (1 − e−τ p
2 , and
2 . Hence,
Rmm (τ p , r ) = e−τ p
τm M
(τ p , r ) ,
where M pulse (τ p , r ) = 1 − 2 Pflip
( r ) describes the effect of a single encoding pulse on the spin at
location r . M pulse (τ p , r ) depends on any parameters that affect Pflip
( r ) , such as the pulse
length, for example.
Here we describe the mathematical image reconstruction procedure for a twodimensional data set. The generalization to other dimensions is straightforward. Recall from the
main text that R ff (τ p , tu , tv ) = ∫ dudv p ( u , v ) cos ( utu ) cos ( vtv ) . (We have here neglected the
effects of relaxation, which will be considered in a later section.) By incrementing the pulse
lengths tu = ku ∆tu with ku = 0,1,⋯, Nu − 1 , and tv = kv ∆tv with kv = 0,1,⋯, Nv − 1 , we may
record a series Rk = R ff (τ p , ku ∆tu , kv ∆tv ) , where k = (ku , kv ) . A discrete cosine transformation
(DCT) may be applied to the data to recover the spin density. Setting umax = π
vmax = π
, the appropriate transformation is the DCT-I [3]:
Rɶn =
umax vmax
Nu −1 Nv −1
πn k
πn k
∑ ∑ Rk w ( k ) cos Nuu−u1 cos Nv v−v1 ,
ku =0 kv =0
where n = ( nu , nv ) , and the weighting function is
1 2 ku = 0 or ku = N u − 1
w (k ) =
1 otherwise
1 2 kv = 0 or kv = N v − 1
1 otherwise
As Nu , Nv → ∞ , Rɶn → p u umax , v vmax . Having obtained p ( u , v ) by this method,
Nv − 1
Nu − 1
the spin density may be recovered as discussed in the main text.
In practice, the measured value of the autocorrelation is the expected value plus random
noise: Rk = Rk + rk . Noise in the raw data produces noise in the image: Rɶn = Rɶn + rɶn . Here we
will compute the value of rk , and in the next section we will compute the average value of rɶn .
We assume that the force signal f ( t ) is digitized much more rapidly than τ p and that all
samples between consecutive pulses are averaged together. The signal is thus filtered
synchronously with the encoding using a convolution filter [4] with time constant τ p . Hence, a
continuous record of the measured signal sk ( t ) = fk ( t ) + n ( t ) containing the desired force signal
fk ( t ) and random instrumentation noise n ( t ) spanning a time T becomes a discrete set of points
sk ,i = fk ,i + ni , where i = 0,1,⋯ , N pts − 1 , and N pts = T τ p . We have retained the index k to
indicate the encoding pulse configuration, and the index i is associated with a point in time. The
autocorrelation is:
Rk =
N pts
N pts −1
i =0
sk ,i sk ,i +1 =
N pts
Only the first term
N pts
N pts −1
fk ,i fk ,i +1 + ni ni +1 + fk ,i ni +1 + ni fk ,i +1 .
i =0
N pts −1
fk ,i fk ,i +1 has a non-vanishing average value. However, all
i =0
of the terms have a non-zero variance. It can be shown, using the results of Degen et al. [4], and
Bartlett [5] [6], that
N pts
N pts −1
i =0
var ( ni ) var ( f k ,i )
ni fk ,i +1 =
N pts
N pts
N pts −1
i =0
(S f
2τ p ) σ spin
T τp
S f σ spin
var ( ni )2
ni ni +1 =
N pts
(S f
2τ p )
T τp
S 2f
4Tτ p
N pts
N pts −1
i =0
var ( fk ,i )2 τ p
fk ,i fk ,i +1 =
(σ spin
= Ak
j =−∞
j =−∞
ρk2, j + ρk , j −1ρk , j +1
ρk2, j + ρk , j −1ρk , j +1
4 τ
σ spin
where var (⋯) indicates the variance of the quantity in parentheses, and
ρk , j = R ff ( jτ p , ku ∆tu , kv ∆tv ) σ spin
πk u
πk v
du p ( u , v ) cos j u cos j v e− jτ p
du p ( u , v )
the time-averaged normalized autocorrelation of the force signal at lag jτ p . The quantity
Ak =
j =−∞
ρk2, j + ρk , j −1ρk , j +1 characterizes the average error in the non-normalized
autocorrelation [6]. Putting it all together:
= Ak
4 τ
σ spin
S f σ spin
S 2f
4Tτ p
The orthogonality relation for the DCT-I is
Nu −1 Nv −1
πk n
π k′ n
πk n
π k′n
∑ ∑ a 2 ( n ) cos Nuu−u1 cos Nuu−u1 cos Nvv−v1 cos Nvv−v1
nu =0 nv =0
2 ku = 0 or N u − 1 2 kv = 0 or N v − 1
N − 1 Nv − 1
δ k ,k ′ ×
= u
1 otherwise 1 otherwise
a (n ) =
nu = 0 or nu = N u − 1 1
1 otherwise
nv = 0 or nv = N v − 1
1 otherwise
Making use of Parseval’s Theorem for the DCT-I,
Nu −1 Nv −1
( Nu − 1)( N v − 1) n∑
u =0 nv =0
a 2 ( n ) rɶn2 =
Nu −1 Nv −1
∑ ∑ w ( k ) rk2
ku =0 kv =0
4 τ
S 2f
S f σ spin
2 ( N u − 1) 2 ( N v − 1) σ spin
4Tτ p
Here A =
1 Nu −1 Nv −1
∑ ∑ w ( k )Ak . Note that w ( k ) appears only to the first power to
N u − 1 N v − 1 ku =0 kv =0
account for the normalization factor in eq. (S14). For the current experiment, we estimate that
A ≈ 2.
A useful quantity to calculate is the average SNR in the image, which we define as the
average signal divided by the rms noise. The average variance in the image is given by eq. (S16),
and the average signal is R0 = e−τ p
SNRFourier =
e −τ p τ m
≈ e −τ p
τ mσ 2
( Nu − 1)
spin .
−1 2
Hence, the average SNR in d dimensions is:
( N v − 1)
−1 2
2d S 2f
2d Aτ p 2d S f
T σ spin
4Tτ pσ spin
2d NAτ p 2d NS f
NS 2f
4Tτ pσ spin
−1 2
−1 2
provided that N u >> 1 and N v >> 1 , and where N = N u N v .
For comparison, the SNR of a sequential-point image may be calculated using equation
(4) of Degen et al [4]. Assuming that the signal per voxel is σ spin
N , where N is the total
2S 2f 2 S f σ spin
2τ σ spin
number of points, the noise energy in each voxel is m
+ 2 +
. Hence,
2τ m N
T N 2 4τ m
SNR point ≈
−1 2
σ spin
2τ m σ spin
S 2f N 2
2τ m
Tτ mσ spin
2 S f σ spin
+ 2 +
4τ m
2τ m N
2 S 2f
2S f N
T σ spin
−1 2
−1 2
We now discuss the effects of spin relaxation on spatial resolution and SNR. Expanding
eq. (S7):
Rɶn =
umax vmax
πn k
πn k
∑ ∑ Rk w ( k ) cos Nuu−u1 cos Nv v−v1
ku =0 kv =0
Nu −1 Nv −1
du p ( u , v )
umax vmax
Nu −1 Nv −1
πn k
πk u
πn k
πk v
∑ ∑ w ( k ) cos Nuu−u1 cos umaxu cos Nvv−v1 cos vmaxv
ku =0 kv =0
du p ( u , v )g ( u, v, u′, v′ )
≈ p ( u′, v′ )
where g ( u, v, u′, v′ ) =
u′ =
Nu −1 Nv −1
π k u′
π ku u
π kv v′
π kv v
cos u
cos v
cos v
∑ ∑ w ( k ) cos umax
ku =0 kv =0
nu umax
, and v′ = v max . Note that g ( u , v, u ′, v′ ) → δ ( u − u ′, v − v′ ) as Nu , Nv → ∞ . Note also
Nu − 1
Nv −1
umax vmax
du ′ g ( u , v, u ′, v′ ) = 1 . The kernel g ( u, v, u′, v′ ) is strongly peaked about u = u ′ and
v = v′ and defines the impulse response of the image transformation and the resulting spatial
With regard to spatial resolution, the effect of spin relaxation is to modify the kernel:
g ( u , v, u ′, v′ ) →
umax vmax
Nu −1 Nv −1
π k u′
π ku u
π kv v′
π kv v
cos u
cos v
cos v
∑ ∑ w ( k ) E ( k ) cos umax
ku = 0 kv =0
where E ( k ) describes the effect of spin relaxation. In the present experiment E ( k ) is expected to
be of the form E ( k ) = e
− ku ∆tu T2*ρ
) e−( kv∆tv T2* )2 , where T2*ρ is the transverse spin relaxation time in
the rotating frame. Provided that E ( 0 ) = 1 , as is usually the case, the average value of the signal
density is preserved. The form of E ( k ) affects the shape of g ( u, v, u ′, v′ ) and hence the spatial
resolution. In general, E ( k ) → 0 as k → ∞ . The more rapidly E ( k ) decays, the broader
g ( u, v, u ′, v′ ) becomes. Spin relaxation affects SNR via Ak → Ak E 2 ( k ) . Although the spatial
resolution in the image degrades the more rapidly E ( k ) decays to zero, the SNR can be expected to
improve slightly because of the reduced spin noise.
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