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Sprechen wir sogleich vom Titel des Buches: Verspricht er nicht mehr, als er hält? Dabei meine ich nicht die Tatsache, daß die vorgenommene Zentrierung auf die deutsche Geschichte gar nicht erst angezeigt wird. Sie ergibt sich ja schließlich aus dem Namen jener Reihe, zu der dieser Band gehört. Nein, nicht auf den Raum, sondern auf die Zeit, den Zeitraum, bezieht sich das womöglich größere Versprechen des Titels. Läßt er nicht erwarten, daß hier hundert Jahre in den Blick genommen werden, während es in Wirklichkeit nur knapp siebzig sind? Weder werden die letzten zehn Jahre des alten Millenniums dargestellt, noch die ersten zwanzig Jahre des damals jungen Säkulums erwähnt. Die Darstellung beginnt vielmehr mit dem Jahr 1919/20 und endet mit dem Blick auf die Ereignisse um 1989/90. Weitschweifige Erklärungen für diese durchaus sinnvolle Begrenzung erübrigen sich; und doch verrät sie etwas von der dominierenden Perspektive des Autors, mit der dieser das gesellschaftliche Ganze des besagten Raumes zu strukturieren sucht. Gerhard Besier, Professor für historische Theologie und Konfessionskunde an der theologischen
Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte, 2012
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2013
Im Auge des Hurrikans. Eidgenössische Machteliten und der Dreissigjährige Krieg. Hrsg. von André Holenstein, Georg von Erlach und Sarah Rindlisbacher, Berner Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2015, 77. Jahrgang 03/15, S. 106-121. [URL:], 2015 This article investigates how Johann Jacob Breitinger (1575-1645), head of the protestant church in Zurich, und Caspar Waser (1565-1625), Professor for Theology, Hebrew and Greek, initiated the political and diplomatic career of Caspar's son Johann Heinrich Waser (1600-1669). In the 17th century, the Zurich mayors were elected from a limited group of aristocratic families. Johann Heinrich Waser, whose father wasn't a politician but a scholar, profited from a careful education that included studies in Geneva and in Italy. In 1618/19 he accompanied Johann Jacob Breitinger to the synod of Dordrecht, serving as his secretary. Further travels brought him to England and Bohemia, where he witnessed the arrival of the catholic troops and the beginning of the 30 years war. In regard to his political career, he profited from the fact that his mother was a descendant of reformer Ulrich Zwingli and other distinguished Zurich theologians. He married into Zurich's power elite, was a member of the guild «Zunft zur Schmiden» and president of the exclusive aristocratic association «Schildner zum Schneggen». Review: Bertrand Forclaz: Rezension zu: Holenstein, André; von Erlach, Georg; Rindlisbacher, Sarah (Hrsg.): Im Auge des Hurrikans. Eidgenössische Machteliten und der Dreissigjährige Krieg. Baden 2015 , in: H-Soz-Kult, 10.05.2016.
Владимир Владимирович Мильков был членом редакционного совета журнала Палеоросия. Про его вклад в развитие нашего журнала мы уже писали в номере 17, целиком посвященном его памяти. 4 октября 2022 года Институт философии РАН провел междисциплинарную научную конференцию памяти Владимира Владимировича Милькова «Проблемы изучения древнерусской мысли». Главным организатором конференции стал кандидат философских наук, руководитель сектора истории русской философии института Владимир Витальевич Сидорин. Видеоматериалы конференции выложены в открытый доступ в Интернет. Материалы этой конференции, оформленные в виде научных статей, публикуются в настоящем номере Палеоросии, поскольку память о Владимире Владимировиче дорога для нас.
This paper presented an overview on the dynamic analysis and control of the transmission tower-line system in the past forty years. The challenges and future developing trends in the dynamic analysis and mitigation of the transmission tower-line system under dynamic excitations are also put forward. It also reviews the analytical models and approaches of the transmission tower, transmission lines, and transmission tower-line systems, respectively, which contain the theoretical model, finite element (FE) model and the equivalent model; shows the advances in wind responses of the transmission tower-line system, which contains the dynamic effects under common wind loading, tornado, downburst, and typhoon; and discusses the dynamic responses under earthquake and ice loads, respectively. The vibration control of the transmission tower-line system is also reviewed, which includes the magnetorheological dampers, friction dampers, tuned mass dampers, and pounding tuned mass dampers.
Visual Culture Studies 6-7 - special double issue, 2024
PER Journal, 2024
The Zimbabwean banking sector has experienced several tumultuous challenges since 2000. This is owing chiefly to the political and economic challenges the country has experienced. Poorly conceived and ill-timed policies have also wreaked havoc in the Zimbabwean banking sector. Financial consumers have sometimes lost their savings to hyper-inflation or overnight policy changes in Zimbabwe. The change in currencies is a good example of how financial consumers have seen their deposits and savings at banks and other related financial institutions eroded to nothing. In 2018, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) issued a directive for all banks to convert all deposits made prior to October 2018 from the United States (US) dollar denomination to the Zimbabwean dollar (bond notes and coins). This was done on an exchange rate of one US dollar as to one Zimbabwean dollar, yet in reality, the local currency had been devalued. The RBZ directive left individuals and corporates reeling from exchange losses. The directive was akin to a heist and many people lost trust and confidence in the Zimbabwean banking sector. While many financial consumers suffered in silence, some decided to take their banks to court, demanding a reimbursement of their deposits in the currency in which they deposited or alternatively, the equivalent of the original deposit using the correct exchange rate. This article examines the role of the courts in upholding the rights of financial consumers in the Zimbabwean banking sector in the light of the Penelope case. It also discusses how the Zimbabwean courts could assist in preserving the sanctity of the bank-client relationship among banks and financial customers. In addition, the article explores the role of the courts in challenging unjust laws that affect financial consumers' investments in banks. The strengths and weaknesses of the Zimbabwean banking regulatory framework are further discussed to assess if it is robust enough to protect financial consumers. The article recommends that the courts should objectively set aside unjust laws in the interest of justice to enable banks and other financial institutions to honour their contractual obligations. Policymakers should not adopt poor policies that infringe upon financial consumers' rights.
La ley de la emergencia, 2021
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, 2022
Karantinada Din ve Dindarlık, Edt. Hasan Hüseyin Aygül, Nobel Akademi Yayınları, Ankara, 2021.
Homeland Security Today, 2019
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, 2001
Plant Cell Reports, 1996
Research, Society and Development, 2021
International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2010
Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia - UPF, 2010
European Heart Journal, 2017
Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society, 1998
Jurnal Teknik ITS, 2013
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 2021