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2014, Science
2 pages
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COLLECTING BIOLOGICAL specimens for scientific studies came under scrutiny when B. A. Minteer et al. ["Avoiding (re)extinction," Perspectives, 18 April, p. 260] suggested that this practice plays a significant role in species extinctions. Based on a small number of examples (rare birds, frogs, and a few plants), the authors concluded that collection of voucher specimens is potentially harmful to many species, and that alternativesphotographs, audio recordings and nonlethal tissue sampling for DNA analysis-are sufficient to document biological diversity. The isolated examples that Minteer et al. cited to demonstrate the negative impact of scientific collecting have been carefully analyzed, and none of these extinction events can be attributed to that cause (1-3). For example, only about 102 Great Auk specimens (Pinguinus impennis) exist today in scientific collections, many of which are skeletons obtained after extinction, whereas millions were harvested for food, oil, and feathers over millennia (1). Similarly, only nine Mexican elf owls (Micrathene whitneyi graysoni), endemic to Socorro Island, Mexico, are present in natural history collections. Field notes indicate that this species was common when specimens were collected between 1896 and 1932, and the most likely reasons for extinction around 1970 were habitat degradation and predation by invasive species (2). Scientists have come a long way from the days of indiscriminate collecting. Modern collecting adheres to strict permitting regulations and ethics guidelines, including the general practice of collecting a number of specimens substantially below levels that would affect population demography (3, 4). The suggested alternatives to collecting specimens (photographing, recording calls, or sampling tissue nonlethally) are individually problematic, and even together cannot be used to reliably identify or describe the vast majority of Earth's biodiversity [for example, a large proportion of the world's marine LETTERS Undercover. Many Alpheidae shrimps live deep in the reef and are impossible to collect nonlethally.
Biological Reviews, 2010
Housed worldwide, mostly in museums and herbaria, is a vast collection of biological specimens developed over centuries. These biological collections, and associated taxonomic and systematic research, have received considerable long-term public support. The work remaining in systematics has been expanding as the estimated total number of species of organisms on Earth has risen over recent decades, as have estimated numbers of undescribed species. Despite this increasing task, support for taxonomic and systematic research, and biological collections upon which such research is based, has declined over the last 30-40 years, while other areas of biological research have grown considerably, especially those that focus on environmental issues. Reflecting increases in research that deals with ecological questions (e.g. what determines species distribution and abundance) or environmental issues (e.g. toxic pollution), the level of research attempting to use biological collections in museums or herbaria in an ecological/environmental context has risen dramatically during about the last 20 years. The perceived relevance of biological collections, and hence the support they receive, should be enhanced if this trend continues and they are used prominently regarding such environmental issues as anthropogenic loss of biodiversity and associated ecosystem function, global climate change, and decay of the epidemiological environment. It is unclear, however, how best to use biological collections in the context of such ecological/environmental issues or how best to manage collections to facilitate such use. We demonstrate considerable and increasingly realized potential for research based on biological collections to contribute to ecological/environmental understanding. However, because biological collections were not originally intended for use regarding such issues and have inherent biases and limitations, they are proving more useful in some contexts than in others. Biological collections have, for example, been particularly useful as sources of information regarding variation in attributes of individuals (e.g. morphology, chemical composition) in relation to environmental variables, and provided important information in relation to species' distributions, but less useful in the contexts of habitat associations and population sizes. Changes to policies, strategies and procedures associated with biological collections could mitigate these biases and limitations, and hence make such collections more useful in the context of ecological/environmental issues. Haphazard and opportunistic collecting could be replaced with strategies for adding to existing collections that prioritize projects that use biological collections and include, besides taxonomy and systematics, a focus on significant environmental/ecological issues. Other potential changes include increased recording of the nature and extent of collecting effort and information associated with each specimen such as nearby habitat and other individuals observed but not collected. Such changes have begun to occur within some institutions.
MAKALAH ILMU PENDIDIKAN TENTANG PENDIDIKAN DAN PEMBANGUNAN (Diajukan untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah Ilmu Pendidikan) O L E H KELOMPOK 12 DINDA AYU ANDINI DINDA MAYANGSARI RIYANPATI M.RISKI ANANDA NURUL FADILA SEMESTER : 1 PAI TARBIYAH DOSEN PEMBIMBIN : AHMAD FUADI,M.Pd.I SEKOLAH TINGGI AGAMA ISLAM JAM'IYAH MAHMUDIYAH TANJUNG PURA T.A 2017 KATA PENGANTAR Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadapan Allah SWT, karena berkat rahmat-Nya makalah ini dapat terselesaikan tepat waktu. Makalah ini disusun untuk melengkapi tugas mata kuliah Ilmu Pendidikan. Makalah ini telah kami susun dengan maksimal dan mendapatkan bantuan dari berbagai pihak sehingga dapat memperlancar pembuatan makalah ini. Untuk itu kami menyampaikan banyak terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah berkontribusi dalam pembuatan makalah ini. Terlepas dari semua itu, Kami menyadari sepenuhnya bahwa masih ada kekurangan baik dari segi susunan kalimat maupun tata bahasanya. Oleh karena itu dengan tangan terbuka kami menerima segala saran dan kritik dari pembaca agar kami dapat memperbaiki makalah ilmiah ini.
KADER, 2018
The Thesis states Global Terrorism, is a global project that has no direct place or time is an interesting approach. Although the reason of terrorism has been come down to difference between civilizations and religions; that is not the case. Another reason which is argued is that Muslims are unable to integrate into Western societies. However this is not unique to Muslims, it is also a problem for non-Muslim immigrants. Another problem is whether Islam is compatible with democracy or not. Most of the Islamic countries have despotic and oppressive regimes which are economically, politically and socially unstable. However this has nothing to do with Islam. Hundreds years of colonization did not let democratic values and institutions to develop in these countries. Lack of non-governmental organizations in Islamic world; caused these countries to become either a secular despotic or an Islamic oppressive regime. Both situations create an environment for radical groups to exist. To eradicate terrorism, one has to look for its political and economical reasons. The despotic regimes in Islamic countries have to be removed and some Western countries should change their mentality while dealing with terrorism. Although Muslims were blamed for being terrorists; they are the ones who get more damage from terrorism. Muslims have gained nothing from terrorist attacks. Who gets benefit from it? It's not important who gets benefit from it because it can change depending on time and place.
Financial Inclusion and its services are considered very relevant to the state like Odisha which has got vast majority of poor including SC & ST population who mostly depend on casual labour and informal sector employment for their livelihoods. With a view to bring large number of poor households into the fold of financial inclusion, Reserve Bank of India (RBI), State and Central government have taken several initiatives. In spite of the best efforts, there are a few districts like Malkangiri district in Odisha still remaining as an underserved area in terms of financial inclusion parameters. With this backdrop, a study was carried out in Malkangiri district of Odisha, to ascertain the current financial inclusion status and to identify the constraints, issues and key challenges in the district. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected from the field. A total of 103 villages and 200 SHGs were visited and 400 respondents were interviewed. A random sampling method was used to finalize the number and names of the GPs/Villages/SHGs etc. in consultation with various stakeholders. The study found that around 89% of the sample having a bank accounts, the pattern of its distribution and usage is concerning. 15% of the samples were having a RuPay card and enrolled under the social security schemes ranged from 9-10% across the 7 blocks. Around 34% of the sample had availed a loan of which around 27% had got a loan through their SHGs and not through their individual accounts. The study also finds that effort should be made by the state government to open more bank branches through PSU & private banks in this district. The government may take up the actions in designing, delivering and expanding appropriate financial services including micro insurance, pension for the poor exclusively in the hilly and tribal areas. The study recommends that efforts on client education and financial literacy need to be expanded further in order to sensitize members on the evils of various chit funds and their schemes and help them making household financial planning.
Ejercicio de diseño de encuesta y muestreo no paramétrico a nivel de la comunidad estudiantil en la Facultad de ingeniería económica y Ciencias Sociales
Câu hỏi 240: Đối tượng bảo hiểm của bảo hiểm trách nhiệm dân sự là gì? DNBH có bảo hiểm cho trách nhiệm hình sự, trách nhiệm hành chính không?
The publication of the book Rethinking Cultural Tourism by Greg Richards represents a key moment of reflection after 30 years of research by the ATLAS Cultural Tourism Group. When this project was launched in 1991, culture and tourism were relative strangers - now they seem to be inseparable partners – both equally hard hit by the pandemic. The SmartCulTour Horizon 2020 project, of which this book is part, is also therefore searching for new concepts of cultural tourism for the future. See the webinar at:
זוהי עבודת דוקטור שבוחנת את יחסי החוק והסיפור במקרא בעיני חז"ל. העבודה מציגה שלשה מודלים של יחסי חוק וסיפור - א. אין קשר בין אחד לשני. אי אפשר לפרש את הסיפור לפי החוק וממילא גם אי אפשר ללמוד חוקים מסיפורים. ב. יש התאמה בין החוק לסיפור, ולכן אפשר לפעמים ללמוד את החוק מתוך הסיפור. ג. יש זהות מוחלטת בין החוק לסיפור ולכן יש לפרש כל מרכיב בסיפור כחוקי וממילא אפשר ללמוד חוקים חדשים מהסיפורי.
Another Universalism: Seyla Benhabib and the Future of Critical Theory, 2024
Starohrvatska prosvjeta, 2015
Muy Historia. Edición Coleccionista, 2024
InterNéo, 2020
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 2001
Diabetologia, 2014
TELKA - Telekomunikasi Elektronika Komputasi dan Kontrol
Bizinfo Blace, 2020