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1994, Acta horticulturae
4 pages
1 file
Томъ ѴіГ 1882 годъ. № 2. Отчетъ о дѣятельности и состояніи Кавказскаго Отдѣла Императорскаго Русскаго Географическаго Общества въ 1881 году *). Ваше Сіятельство ІІ Милостивые Государи! ІІашъ Отдѣлъ началъ недавно 32-й годъ своего существованія. Учредитель его, незабвенный правитель здѣшпяго края, князь M. С. Воронцовъ. обезпечивъ существоваыіе Отдѣла на многіе годы въ матсріальномъ отиошеніи, содѣйствовалъ упроченію его существоваиія и въ научномъ отыошеиіи: призванные имъ въ сотрудпики въ дѣлѣ учрежденія Отдѣла такія личности, какъ В. Н. Ханыковъ, I. И. Ходзько, ІГ. К. Усларъ и другіе почтенные дѣятели, безкорыстио преданные Кавказовѣдѣнію, успѣли возбуднть живой интересъ къ изученію здѣшняго края и оставилп послѣ себя славиую традицію, которая, и въ неблагонріятныя для Отдѣла времеиа, вызывала новыхъ дѣятелей, что и содѣйствовало немало къ его поддержанію. Существованію послѣдняго угрожали многія обстоятельсхва. Въ числѣ ихъ нужно поставить на первомъ планѣ равнодушіе прежней ннтеллигенціи края въ задачамъ Отдѣла. Говоримъ это не съ дѣлыо укора послѣдией: вѣдь въ то время, когда былъ ос-*) Отчетъ бы.іь читанъ иравителемъ дѣлъ вь годовокъ общемъ собраніи Отдѣла, состолвшемся, G апрѣля 1882 г., нодъ предсѣдательствомъ Поаровите.ія Отдѣла князя Алексаидра Михайловича Д о п д y к о в а-К о р с a к о в а. *) Этотъ рефератъ былъ читанъ въ общемъ собраніи Отдѣла 12 января.
Most contemporary political theories of sovereigntyfrom Giorgio Agamben to Achille Mbembehave argued that the emergency powers claimed by the Bush administration under the auspices of the War on Terror epitomized what Carl Schmitt calls a state of exception. If so, I argue, perhaps it is time for new visions of sovereignty to emerge, ones attendant to the eccentricities of the present conjuncture. Occupy Wall Street and the Arab Spring are but two obvious examples of counterpublics that seem to have presented new modalities of sovereign life worth reflecting upon.
Agora: papeles de Filosofía, 2015
A vida sem princípios é um ensaio que reúne as reflexões e críticas recorrentes de Thoreau. Trata-se, também, do único ensaio ao qual Thoreau dedicará atenção continuada durante toda a sua vida. O tema central do ensaio é a relação da economia com a vida e, mais especificamente, o preço que os seres humanos precisam de pagar para criar riqueza. Um conceito já não relacionado com a ideia de saúde, criação de bem-estar, mas com a ideia de consecução de meios e fins materiais. Neste ensaio, Thoreau analisa e critica a nova consideração pós-industrial do trabalho desde uma perspectiva transcendentalista. A procura de Thoreau das coisas autenticamente essenciais para o fim último da vida leva-o a uma reavaliação da noção de trabalho face a uma predominante república que transforma todo cidadão num súbito.DOI
Revista Cubana De Enfermeria, 2000
Ecosystems and Development Journal, 2018
Mountain ecosystem assessments are usually based on species or taxonomic groups, structural characters of forest ecosystems and/or biodiversity indicators derived from taxonomic variables. Amidst advanced science tools for species diversity studies, forest biodiversity data in the light of ecology and taxonomy for promoting conservation and enhancing biodiversity management especially in urban and urbanizing areas, are few. In Mt. Malarayat, Brgy. Malitlit, Lipa City, Batangas, a rapid plant diversity survey was conducted to provide the needed biodiversity information. An approximately 2.3 km BMS transect was established and all plant species were identified within the 10-meter width (5 meters from each side of the trail). Height and diameter of trees with diameter of not less than 10 cm were measured. Additional transect surveys, as well as opportunistic approach, were conducted on other forested areas to account for other species outside the BMS. A total of 264 morpho-species, belonging to the seed plants (angiosperms and gymnosperms), ferns and their allies were recorded from the area. Results of the rapid plant survey revealed that Mt. Malarayat has high biodiversity value. Despite the limited survey time and efforts, the study also revealed that Mt. Malarayat is still home to a significant number of threatened, endemic, and indigenous forest tree species that could contribute to overall health and balance of the city environment. The City's effort to strengthen conservation and management of these precious resources is the key to biodiversity resilience in a city environment. The quality of the environment depends on how these floral resources are managed and protected against loss and extinction.
La joia en l’art i l’art en la joia. 3r Congrés Europeu de Joieria, 2018
El objetivo de este artículo es analizar una colección de moldes de bronce del siglo XIX (de aproximadamente un millar y medio) que todavía se utiliza en un taller de orfebrería en Gondomar (una ciudad situada cerca de Oporto, Portugal). La colección pertenecía a un taller de Oporto que cerró durante la década de 1970 y corría el riesgo de desaparecer. La compró el taller de Gondomar que comenzó a utilizarla nuevamente desde ese momento. Estos moldes se utilizan en la técnica de estampación, un proceso de realización de un patrón de relieve sobre metal forzando, con un golpe de martillo, un punzón con el patrón deseado de relieve en una lámina de metal sobre el molde correspondiente. Es un proceso manual antiguo y permite hacer varios objetos idénticos al mismo tiempo. Se desarrolló ampliamente en el siglo XIX para hacer joyas en producción masiva. Los moldes de bronce se utilizaron para crear algunas de las tipologías más comunes de joyas portuguesas durante el siglo XIX y la primera mitad del siglo XX, especialmente pendientes y colgantes, concretamente cruces, corazones e imágenes religiosas.
Reviews by M. Weedon: by J. Kelder:
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City: Analysis of Urban Change, Theory, Action, 2024
Eralingua: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Asing dan Sastra
Jurnal Keperawatan Jiwa, 2020
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Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2006
Accounting and Business Research, 2011
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2013
Health services research, 1976
2013 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Cloud Computing, 2013
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2015