Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-napoca, Jun 6, 2023
In this study, the response to salt stress was evaluated in ex vitro acclimated date palm plants,... more In this study, the response to salt stress was evaluated in ex vitro acclimated date palm plants, regenerated from in vitro culture multiplication. The plants, eighteen-month-old, were irrigated with 0 (control), 150, 300 or 450 mM NaCl solutions (high to very high-water salinity). Photosynthesis parameters and antioxidant compounds were determined at the end of the experiment in leaves. At 150 mM NaCl, net CO2 assimilation rate and internal CO2 concentration were not impaired; while transpiration and stomatal conductance decreased by 60 and 70%, respectively. By increasing salt concentrations, all gas exchanges parameters were decreased. Measurement of chlorophyll fluorescence and P700 redox state showed that PSII and PSI machineries were significantly enhanced under 150 mM NaCl, conditions. With the 300 mM NaCl, the PSI parameters remained unchanged compared to control, while some of the PSII parameters, such as NPQ and Y (NPQ), were increased. At 450 mM NaCl, photosystems functionality was light intensity (PAR) dependent. Only at low PAR, a significant increase of some PSI and PSII parameters was observed. At the contrary, with high PAR, most of the energy conversion functions were significantly reduced, especially those related to PSI, indicating that PSI was more susceptible for damage by salinity than PSII. To overcome high salinity stress, ex AcademicPres Notulae Botanicae Horti Cluj-Napoca Agrobotanici Sghaier-Hammami B et al. (2023). Not Bot Horti Agrobo 51(2):13057 2 vitro date palm plants mobilized a cascade of physio-biochemical pathways including the antioxidant activity and proline biosynthesis. Overall, the salinity of irrigation water, and up to 150 mM, improves the physiological performance of ex vitro date palm plants, which manage to tolerate very high levels of this stress.
Resumen del trabajo presentado en el XIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Fitopatología, celeb... more Resumen del trabajo presentado en el XIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Fitopatología, celebrado en Toledo (España) del 08 al 10 de octubre de 2018.Los nematodos noduladores del género Meloidogyne son reconocidos en todo el mundo como un factor limitante para la producción de diferentes cultivos de importancia económica primaria. El conocimiento de su diversidad y prevalencia, así como los principales factores ambientales y agronómicos que determinan su distribución es de vital importancia para diseñar estrategias de control frente a ellos. En este estudio, proporcionamos la primera información detallada sobre la diversidad, distribución y niveles de población de las especies de Meloidogyne que infectan olivo en Andalucía, incluyendo prospecciones de 499 puntos de muestreo en olivo cultivado y silvestre. La prevalencia ha sido del 6.6%, habiéndose identificado seis especies diferentes, de las cuales cinco son conocidas (Meloidogyne arenaria, M. baetica, M. hapla, M. incognita, M. javanica) y una ha sido caracterizada mediante taxonomía integrativa como una nueva especie (Meloidogyne sp.), incrementándose así la biodiversidad conocida de este género en olivo. A partir de una amplia gama de factores comprendiendo el clima, suelo, topografía y manejo agronómico, que potencialmente podrían determinar la incidencia de Meloidogyne spp. en olivo cultivado, sólo tres fueron significativamente retenidosportécnicasdemodelización:lapresenciadecubierta vegetalencalle,elriegoylatextura del suelo. En resumen, se han detectado diferentes patrones de respuesta entre las distintas especies: M. incognita está asociada con suelos arcilloso arenosos, M. javanica con suelos irrigados y vegetación de cobertura, y en cambio, M. arenaria con la ausencia tanto de vegetación en la calle y riego.Investigación financiada por P12-AGR-1486-CICE, AGL-2012-37521, y 201740E042
Trabajo presentado en el International Symposium on Flowering, Fruit Set and Alterna te Bearing, ... more Trabajo presentado en el International Symposium on Flowering, Fruit Set and Alterna te Bearing, celebrado en Palermo del 19 al 23 de junio de 2017.
Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) production for wine and table grapes is one of the most extensive frui... more Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) production for wine and table grapes is one of the most extensive fruit crop agricultural systems worldwide. V. vinifera is native to Asia Minor and the Caucasus region, was dis
Trabajo presentado en el I Congreso Iberico de Olivicultura, celebrado en Badajoz del 13 al 15 de... more Trabajo presentado en el I Congreso Iberico de Olivicultura, celebrado en Badajoz del 13 al 15 de abril de 2016.
A 3-year deficit irrigation study was conducted on young olive (Olea europaea 'Frantoio') trees t... more A 3-year deficit irrigation study was conducted on young olive (Olea europaea 'Frantoio') trees to determine the effect of reduced water supply from the onset of full fruit production on vegetative growth, fruit characteristics, and yield components. Irrigation was carried out from 5-6 until 5-19 weeks after full bloom (AFB) using subsurface drip lines. The volume of water applied to the fully-irrigated trees, calculated from effective evapotranspiration was 558, 1293, and 1857 m 3 ha-1 in 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively. During the same irrigation period the deficitirrigated trees received approximately 50% total water of the fully-irrigated trees. Deficit irrigation reduced the trunk cross sectional area (TCSA) to 69% of the fullyirrigated treatment over the three years. Yield components were differently affected by deficit irrigation. Over the 3-year period fruit yield and oil yield of deficit irrigated trees were 79 and 83% those of well irrigated ones, respectively but, when expressed on a TCSA basis, they were 89 and 100%. Fruit fresh weight and pulp/pit ratio were decreased slightly, although non-significantly, with the 50% deficit irrigation, whereas oil in the mesocarp basis was similar in both watering regimes. These results show that deficit irrigation starting from the onset of fruit production is sustainable, allowing substantial saving of water in olive orchards.
Fruit bruising caused by physical impact is a major problem for mechanical harvesting of table ol... more Fruit bruising caused by physical impact is a major problem for mechanical harvesting of table olives, particularly in the case of green processing. We have initiated studies of the bruising process which include timing of the appearance of the surface discoloring, comparison of the degree of bruising among three different table olive cultivars and 14 new genotypes from a breeding program, and histological observations. Timing was monitored by photographs at successive times following standardized bruising by dropping from one meter high onto a floor field. To compare the degree of bruising among genotypes and cultivars a visual scale was established for evaluating fruits, which were processed in lye and saltwater according to standard commercial procedures. We observed significant differences among genotypes in sensitivity to the bruising. Histological sections of bruised and unaffected fruit tissues revealed a subsurface zone of tissue discoloration but a much greater area in which cell structure was altered but not damaged. Those observations support the hypothesis that the bruising phenomenon consists of both chemical and physical processes which differ in the area which is affected and the progression of the effect.
The usefulness of morphological and histological characteristics to differentiate between juvenil... more The usefulness of morphological and histological characteristics to differentiate between juvenile and adult olive leaves and its determination by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy have been evaluated in this work. Twenty adult and twenty juvenile olive seedlings originating from crosses 'Arbequina' x 'Arbosana', 'Arbequina' open pollination, and 'Manzanilla' open pollination were randomly chosen from progenies of the olive breeding program of Córdoba, Spain. Twenty five fully expanded leaves collected from five randomly chosen branches per tree were used for morphological (10), histological (10), and spectroscopic (5) studies. A wide range of variability was obtained for all morphological and histological characteristics measured and significant differences between juvenile and adult samples were observed for most of them. Calibration models developed with partial least squares regression using the whole spectral range (400-2498 nm) allowed the determination of morphological (moisture, specific weight) and histological (thickness of leaves and their different component tissues) characteristics. These characteristics could therefore be useful as early selection criteria in olive breeding programs
The response of fruit growth to irrigation depends on the cellular processes which form the fruit... more The response of fruit growth to irrigation depends on the cellular processes which form the fruit. We compared plum mesocarp (pulp) growth and development under two irrigation regimes: full irrigation (FI) that provided 100% of estimated crop evapotranspiration (ETc) and regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) without irrigation from 56 to 120 days after full bloom (DAFB) and full irrigation for the rest of the season. The experiment was performed in 2012 in a high-density plum (Prunus salicina 'Angeleno', on Mariana 2624 rootstock) orchard in La Orden regional experimental station (Extremadura, southwest Spain). Fruit central transverse mesocarp sections were observed by microscope, and mesocarp area, mesocarp cell number and mesocarp cells area determined at the onset of the deficit period (70 DAFB), the end of that period (120 DAFB) and at harvest (180 DAFB). Following the deficit period, fruit fresh weight in the deficit treatment was 68% of fully irrigated and mesocarp area, mesocarp cell number and mesocarp cells area were 31, 17 and 18% less, respectively. At harvest the deficit irrigated fruits had partially recovered, reaching 80% fresh weight of the control, and all cellular parameters and tissue sizes were similar to the fully irrigated fruits. These results confirm the capacity for plum fruit growth recovery following mid-season water stress, and that both cell and tissue processes contribute to recovery.
Gamma linolenic acid (GLA) is an essential fatty acid that is being used for the treatment of hea... more Gamma linolenic acid (GLA) is an essential fatty acid that is being used for the treatment of health problems related to deficiencies in essential fatty acids and prostaglandins. Borage plant is an important source of GLA, but the shattering habit of the genus limits large scale seed production. Looking for alternatives to the available borage material and for the possibilities of borage and other plant species belonging to the same botanical family as potential crops in Mediterranean conditions, this work describes: i) the evaluation of the seed quality of European borage population, and further selection of entries with high oil and GLA, and low erucic acid content, ii) the isolation of two borage mutants with improved seed production characteristics, iii) the first results of the anatomical and molecular studies in relation with the reproductive system and the cariotype of normal and mutants plants, and iv) the beginning and characterization of a germplasm collection of Boraginaceae plant species for its fatty acid composition and adaptability to semi arid environments: Anchusa azurea and Echium boissieri highlight as potential new crops for GLA production.
The Abstracts that follow are arranged in numerical sequence by the abstract number. For Poster S... more The Abstracts that follow are arranged in numerical sequence by the abstract number. For Poster Sessions, the number preceded by PB (i.e., PB XXX) indicates the poster board number on which the poster will be mounted. Abstracts for Oral Sessions, Colloquia,and Workshops are grouped by sessions. To determine when a paper is to be presented, check the session number in the Program Schedule or the Conference at a Glance charts. The author presenting the paper is indicated by an asterisk.
Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-napoca, Jun 6, 2023
In this study, the response to salt stress was evaluated in ex vitro acclimated date palm plants,... more In this study, the response to salt stress was evaluated in ex vitro acclimated date palm plants, regenerated from in vitro culture multiplication. The plants, eighteen-month-old, were irrigated with 0 (control), 150, 300 or 450 mM NaCl solutions (high to very high-water salinity). Photosynthesis parameters and antioxidant compounds were determined at the end of the experiment in leaves. At 150 mM NaCl, net CO2 assimilation rate and internal CO2 concentration were not impaired; while transpiration and stomatal conductance decreased by 60 and 70%, respectively. By increasing salt concentrations, all gas exchanges parameters were decreased. Measurement of chlorophyll fluorescence and P700 redox state showed that PSII and PSI machineries were significantly enhanced under 150 mM NaCl, conditions. With the 300 mM NaCl, the PSI parameters remained unchanged compared to control, while some of the PSII parameters, such as NPQ and Y (NPQ), were increased. At 450 mM NaCl, photosystems functionality was light intensity (PAR) dependent. Only at low PAR, a significant increase of some PSI and PSII parameters was observed. At the contrary, with high PAR, most of the energy conversion functions were significantly reduced, especially those related to PSI, indicating that PSI was more susceptible for damage by salinity than PSII. To overcome high salinity stress, ex AcademicPres Notulae Botanicae Horti Cluj-Napoca Agrobotanici Sghaier-Hammami B et al. (2023). Not Bot Horti Agrobo 51(2):13057 2 vitro date palm plants mobilized a cascade of physio-biochemical pathways including the antioxidant activity and proline biosynthesis. Overall, the salinity of irrigation water, and up to 150 mM, improves the physiological performance of ex vitro date palm plants, which manage to tolerate very high levels of this stress.
Resumen del trabajo presentado en el XIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Fitopatología, celeb... more Resumen del trabajo presentado en el XIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Fitopatología, celebrado en Toledo (España) del 08 al 10 de octubre de 2018.Los nematodos noduladores del género Meloidogyne son reconocidos en todo el mundo como un factor limitante para la producción de diferentes cultivos de importancia económica primaria. El conocimiento de su diversidad y prevalencia, así como los principales factores ambientales y agronómicos que determinan su distribución es de vital importancia para diseñar estrategias de control frente a ellos. En este estudio, proporcionamos la primera información detallada sobre la diversidad, distribución y niveles de población de las especies de Meloidogyne que infectan olivo en Andalucía, incluyendo prospecciones de 499 puntos de muestreo en olivo cultivado y silvestre. La prevalencia ha sido del 6.6%, habiéndose identificado seis especies diferentes, de las cuales cinco son conocidas (Meloidogyne arenaria, M. baetica, M. hapla, M. incognita, M. javanica) y una ha sido caracterizada mediante taxonomía integrativa como una nueva especie (Meloidogyne sp.), incrementándose así la biodiversidad conocida de este género en olivo. A partir de una amplia gama de factores comprendiendo el clima, suelo, topografía y manejo agronómico, que potencialmente podrían determinar la incidencia de Meloidogyne spp. en olivo cultivado, sólo tres fueron significativamente retenidosportécnicasdemodelización:lapresenciadecubierta vegetalencalle,elriegoylatextura del suelo. En resumen, se han detectado diferentes patrones de respuesta entre las distintas especies: M. incognita está asociada con suelos arcilloso arenosos, M. javanica con suelos irrigados y vegetación de cobertura, y en cambio, M. arenaria con la ausencia tanto de vegetación en la calle y riego.Investigación financiada por P12-AGR-1486-CICE, AGL-2012-37521, y 201740E042
Trabajo presentado en el International Symposium on Flowering, Fruit Set and Alterna te Bearing, ... more Trabajo presentado en el International Symposium on Flowering, Fruit Set and Alterna te Bearing, celebrado en Palermo del 19 al 23 de junio de 2017.
Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) production for wine and table grapes is one of the most extensive frui... more Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) production for wine and table grapes is one of the most extensive fruit crop agricultural systems worldwide. V. vinifera is native to Asia Minor and the Caucasus region, was dis
Trabajo presentado en el I Congreso Iberico de Olivicultura, celebrado en Badajoz del 13 al 15 de... more Trabajo presentado en el I Congreso Iberico de Olivicultura, celebrado en Badajoz del 13 al 15 de abril de 2016.
A 3-year deficit irrigation study was conducted on young olive (Olea europaea 'Frantoio') trees t... more A 3-year deficit irrigation study was conducted on young olive (Olea europaea 'Frantoio') trees to determine the effect of reduced water supply from the onset of full fruit production on vegetative growth, fruit characteristics, and yield components. Irrigation was carried out from 5-6 until 5-19 weeks after full bloom (AFB) using subsurface drip lines. The volume of water applied to the fully-irrigated trees, calculated from effective evapotranspiration was 558, 1293, and 1857 m 3 ha-1 in 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively. During the same irrigation period the deficitirrigated trees received approximately 50% total water of the fully-irrigated trees. Deficit irrigation reduced the trunk cross sectional area (TCSA) to 69% of the fullyirrigated treatment over the three years. Yield components were differently affected by deficit irrigation. Over the 3-year period fruit yield and oil yield of deficit irrigated trees were 79 and 83% those of well irrigated ones, respectively but, when expressed on a TCSA basis, they were 89 and 100%. Fruit fresh weight and pulp/pit ratio were decreased slightly, although non-significantly, with the 50% deficit irrigation, whereas oil in the mesocarp basis was similar in both watering regimes. These results show that deficit irrigation starting from the onset of fruit production is sustainable, allowing substantial saving of water in olive orchards.
Fruit bruising caused by physical impact is a major problem for mechanical harvesting of table ol... more Fruit bruising caused by physical impact is a major problem for mechanical harvesting of table olives, particularly in the case of green processing. We have initiated studies of the bruising process which include timing of the appearance of the surface discoloring, comparison of the degree of bruising among three different table olive cultivars and 14 new genotypes from a breeding program, and histological observations. Timing was monitored by photographs at successive times following standardized bruising by dropping from one meter high onto a floor field. To compare the degree of bruising among genotypes and cultivars a visual scale was established for evaluating fruits, which were processed in lye and saltwater according to standard commercial procedures. We observed significant differences among genotypes in sensitivity to the bruising. Histological sections of bruised and unaffected fruit tissues revealed a subsurface zone of tissue discoloration but a much greater area in which cell structure was altered but not damaged. Those observations support the hypothesis that the bruising phenomenon consists of both chemical and physical processes which differ in the area which is affected and the progression of the effect.
The usefulness of morphological and histological characteristics to differentiate between juvenil... more The usefulness of morphological and histological characteristics to differentiate between juvenile and adult olive leaves and its determination by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy have been evaluated in this work. Twenty adult and twenty juvenile olive seedlings originating from crosses 'Arbequina' x 'Arbosana', 'Arbequina' open pollination, and 'Manzanilla' open pollination were randomly chosen from progenies of the olive breeding program of Córdoba, Spain. Twenty five fully expanded leaves collected from five randomly chosen branches per tree were used for morphological (10), histological (10), and spectroscopic (5) studies. A wide range of variability was obtained for all morphological and histological characteristics measured and significant differences between juvenile and adult samples were observed for most of them. Calibration models developed with partial least squares regression using the whole spectral range (400-2498 nm) allowed the determination of morphological (moisture, specific weight) and histological (thickness of leaves and their different component tissues) characteristics. These characteristics could therefore be useful as early selection criteria in olive breeding programs
The response of fruit growth to irrigation depends on the cellular processes which form the fruit... more The response of fruit growth to irrigation depends on the cellular processes which form the fruit. We compared plum mesocarp (pulp) growth and development under two irrigation regimes: full irrigation (FI) that provided 100% of estimated crop evapotranspiration (ETc) and regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) without irrigation from 56 to 120 days after full bloom (DAFB) and full irrigation for the rest of the season. The experiment was performed in 2012 in a high-density plum (Prunus salicina 'Angeleno', on Mariana 2624 rootstock) orchard in La Orden regional experimental station (Extremadura, southwest Spain). Fruit central transverse mesocarp sections were observed by microscope, and mesocarp area, mesocarp cell number and mesocarp cells area determined at the onset of the deficit period (70 DAFB), the end of that period (120 DAFB) and at harvest (180 DAFB). Following the deficit period, fruit fresh weight in the deficit treatment was 68% of fully irrigated and mesocarp area, mesocarp cell number and mesocarp cells area were 31, 17 and 18% less, respectively. At harvest the deficit irrigated fruits had partially recovered, reaching 80% fresh weight of the control, and all cellular parameters and tissue sizes were similar to the fully irrigated fruits. These results confirm the capacity for plum fruit growth recovery following mid-season water stress, and that both cell and tissue processes contribute to recovery.
Gamma linolenic acid (GLA) is an essential fatty acid that is being used for the treatment of hea... more Gamma linolenic acid (GLA) is an essential fatty acid that is being used for the treatment of health problems related to deficiencies in essential fatty acids and prostaglandins. Borage plant is an important source of GLA, but the shattering habit of the genus limits large scale seed production. Looking for alternatives to the available borage material and for the possibilities of borage and other plant species belonging to the same botanical family as potential crops in Mediterranean conditions, this work describes: i) the evaluation of the seed quality of European borage population, and further selection of entries with high oil and GLA, and low erucic acid content, ii) the isolation of two borage mutants with improved seed production characteristics, iii) the first results of the anatomical and molecular studies in relation with the reproductive system and the cariotype of normal and mutants plants, and iv) the beginning and characterization of a germplasm collection of Boraginaceae plant species for its fatty acid composition and adaptability to semi arid environments: Anchusa azurea and Echium boissieri highlight as potential new crops for GLA production.
The Abstracts that follow are arranged in numerical sequence by the abstract number. For Poster S... more The Abstracts that follow are arranged in numerical sequence by the abstract number. For Poster Sessions, the number preceded by PB (i.e., PB XXX) indicates the poster board number on which the poster will be mounted. Abstracts for Oral Sessions, Colloquia,and Workshops are grouped by sessions. To determine when a paper is to be presented, check the session number in the Program Schedule or the Conference at a Glance charts. The author presenting the paper is indicated by an asterisk.
Papers by Hava Rapoport