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2009, Physics Letters B
9 pages
1 file
We construct a SU(N) membrane B ∧ F theory with dual pairs of scalar and tensor fields. The moduli space of the theory is precisely that of N M2-branes on the noncompact flat space. The theory possesses explicit SO(8) invariance and is an extension of the maximal SU(N) super-Yang-Mills theory.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2009
Based on recent developments, in this letter we find 2+1 dimensional gauge theories with scale invariance and N=8 supersymmetry. The gauge theories are defined by a Lagrangian and are based on an infinite set of 3-algebras, constructed as an extension of ordinary Lie algebras. Recent no-go theorems on the existence of 3-algebras are circumvented by relaxing the assumption that the invariant metric is positive definite. The gauge group is non compact, and its maximally compact subgroup can be chosen to be any ordinary Lie group, under which the matter fields are adjoints or singlets. The theories are parity invariant and do not admit any tunable coupling constant. In the case of SU(N) the moduli space of vacua contains a branch of the form (R^8)^N/S_N. These properties are expected for the field theory living on a stack of M2 branes.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2009
Based on recent developments, in this letter we find 2 + 1 dimensional gauge theories with scale invariance and N = 8 supersymmetry. The gauge theories are defined by a lagrangian and are based on an infinite set of 3-algebras, constructed as an extension of ordinary Lie algebras. Recent no-go theorems on the existence of 3-algebras are circumvented by relaxing the assumption that the invariant metric is positive definite. The gauge group is non compact, and its maximally compact subgroup can be chosen to be any ordinary Lie group, under which the matter fields are adjoints or singlets. The theories are parity invariant and do not admit any tunable coupling constant. In the case of SU(N) the moduli space of vacua contains a branch of the form (R 8) N /S N. These properties are expected for the field theory living on a stack of M2 branes.
Physics Letters B, 1998
We consider superconformal field theories in three and six dimensions with eight supercharges which can be realized on the world-volume of M-theory branes sitting at orbifold singularities. We find that they should admit a N = 4 and N = 2 supergravity dual in AdS 4 and AdS 7 , respectively. We discuss the characteristics of the corresponding gauged supergravities. †
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2010
By integrating out the U(1) B gauge field, we show that the U(n) × U(n) ABJM theory at level k is equivalent to a Z k identification of the (SU(n) × SU(n))/Z n Chern-Simons theory, but only when n and k are coprime. As a consequence, the k = 1 ABJM model for two M2-branes in R 8 can be identified with the N = 8 (SU(2) × SU(2))/Z 2 theory. We also conjecture that the U(2) × U(2) ABJM model at k = 2 is equivalent to the N = 8 SU(2) × SU(2)-theory.
Nuclear Physics B, 1996
We show how the Riemann surface of N = 2 Yang-Mills eld theory arises in type II string compactications on Calabi-Yau threefolds. The relevant local geometry is given by brations of ALE spaces. The 3-branes that give rise to BPS multiplets in the string descend to self-dual strings on the Riemann surface, with tension determined by a canonically xed Seiberg-Witten dierential . This gives, eectively, a dual formulation of Yang-Mills theory in which gauge bosons and monopoles are treated on equal footing, and represents the rigid analog of type II-heterotic string duality. The existence of BPS states is essentially reduced to a geodesic problem on the Riemann surface with metric jj 2 . This allows us, in particular, to easily determine the spectrum of stable BPS states in eld theory.
We consider supergravity solutions of D5 branes wrapped on supersym- metric 2-cycles and use them to discuss relevant features of four-dimensional N = 1 and N = 2 super Yang-Mills theories with gauge group SU(N). In particular in the N = 1 case, using a gravitational dual of the gaugino condensate, we obtain the complete NSVZ �-function. We also find
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 1997
Taking the N=2 strings as the starting point, we discuss the equivalent self-dual field theories and analyse their symmetry structure in 2 + 2 dimensions. Restoring the full 'Lorentz' invariance in the target space necessarily leads to an extension of the N=2 string theory to a theory of 2 + 2 dimensional supermembranes propagating in 2 + 10 dimensional target space. The supermembrane requires maximal conformal supersymmetry in 2 + 2 dimensions, in the way advocated by Siegel. The corresponding self-dual N=4 Yang-Mills theory and the self-dual N=8 (gauged) supergravity in 2+2 dimensions thus appear to be naturally associated to the membrane theory, not a string. Since the same theory of membranes seems to represent the M-theory which is apparently underlying the all known N=1 string theories, the N=2 strings now appear on equal footing with the other string models as particular limits of the unique fundamental theory. Unlike the standard 10-dimensional superstrings, the N=2 strings seem to be much closer to a membrane description of the F & M theory.
Journal of High Energy Physics
Maximally $$ \mathcal{N} $$ N extended 2 + 1 dimensional flat supergravity theories exist for a class of super-Poincaré algebras for arbitrary $$ \mathcal{N} $$ N . They have rich asymptotic structures and contain all interesting topological supergravity solutions in presence of non-trivial holonomy. For the asymptotic symmetry algebra being a suitable flat limit of the superconformal algebra, which is an infinite dimensional extension of two copies of Osp($$ \mathcal{N} $$ N |2; R) group, we have found the 1 + 1 dimensional chiral WZW model as the dual quantum field theory that describes the dynamics of these solutions. In the Hamiltonian analysis, the reduced phase space resembles a flat super Liouville theory.
Arxiv preprint arXiv:1012.2707, 2010
This thesis consists of two parts. In the first part we investigate the worldvolume supersymmetry algebra of multiple membrane theories. We begin with a description of M-theory branes and their intersections from the perspective of spacetime and worldvolume supersymmetry algebras. We then provide an overview of the recent work on multiple M2-branes focusing on the Bagger-Lambert theory and its relation to the Nambu-Poisson M5-brane and the ABJM theory. The worldvolume supersymmetry algebras of these theories are explicitly calculated and the charges interpreted in terms of spacetime intersections of M-branes. The second part of the thesis looks at l 3 p corrections to the supersymmetry transformations of the Bagger-Lambert theory. We begin with a review of the dNS duality transformation which allows a gauge field to be dualised to a scalar field in 2+1 dimensions. Applying this duality to α ′2 terms of the non-abelian D2-brane theory gives rise to the l 3 p corrections of the Lorentzian Bagger-Lambert theory. We then apply this duality transformation to the α ′2 corrections of the D2-brane supersymmetry transformations. For the 'abelian' Bagger-Lambert theory we are able to uniquely determine the l 3 p corrections to the supersymmetry transformations of the scalar and fermion fields. Generalising to the 'non-abelian' Bagger-Lambert theory we are able to determine the l 3 p correction to the supersymmetry transformation of the fermion field. Along the way make a number of observations relating to the implementation of the dNS duality transformation at the level of supersymmetry transformations.
We review developments in the theory of multiple, parallel membranes in M-theory. After discussing the inherent difficulties with constructing a maximally supersymmetric lagrangian with the appropriate field content and symmetries, we introduce 3-algebras and show how they allow for such a description. Different choices of 3-algebras lead to distinct classes of 2+1 dimensional theories with varying degrees of supersymmetry. We then demonstrate that these theories are equivalent to conventional superconformal Chern-Simons gauge theories at level k, but with bifundamental matter. Analysing the physical properties of these theories leads to the identification of a certain subclass of models with configurations of M2-branes on Z k orbifolds. These models give rise to a whole new gauge/gravity duality in the form of an AdS 4 /CFT 3 correspondence. We also discuss mass deformations, higher derivative corrections, and the possibility of extracting information about M5-brane physics.
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