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1998, Ramus: Critical studies in greek and roman …
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Principios de economía pdf
Inglés Técnico, 2019
El inglés técnico está relacionado con el uso de términos específicamente relacionados con el ambiente de una profesión o carrera. Sectores como ingeniería, salud y medicina, farmacéutica, derechos, finanzas y banca, petróleo, tecnología y desarrollo, científico, de investigación, están entre los que tienen mayor necesidad de que el profesional conozca la jerga propia. Conocer el inglés para profesionales de su carrera le permite tener una mayor comprensión de los temas relacionados con su trabajo, en las reuniones o informes. Por otro lado, también facilita estar al día con tendencias y avances, ya que muchos de
Walking Among Ancient Trees, 2022
Studies on obsidian sources, its use, and distribution, have been conducted in various parts of the globe for over a century. This product of the volcanic activity, due to its outstanding physical properties and aesthetic quality, was widely used by prehistoric populations. The most important sources of obsidian for the prehistoric communities of Central- Eastern Europe are located in southeast Slovakia (Carpathian 1, a and b) and northeast Hungary (Carpathian 2, a and b). The Carpathian 3 variety is located in Transcarpathian Ukraine. A century ago, Stefan Krukowski was the first to publish works concerning the presence of obsidian in Polish archaeological sites. This information was later brought to the wider attention of the English-reading world by Józef Kostrzewski. The inventory and description of eastern European obsidian were compiled many years later, as were the first analyses undertaken. Nevertheless, it was Marian Wawrzeniecki, archaeologist-amateur, who for the first time, over a century ago, had observed the presence of obsidian in Poland at a site in Wężerów, Kraków district, Małopolska (Lesser Poland). In the Department of Old Collections of the Archaeological Museum in Kraków, the archaeological materials from Wawrzeniecki’s collection are stored, amongst which are seventeen obsidian artefacts.
The aim of this short paper is to remove the confusion between the mysterious unearthing of a purported 'Viking Longboat' near Newenden in Kent in 1822, and the reality that it was a likely 'Plague Ship' containing human remains of a much later period.
RESUMO: Este artigo tem como objetivo traçar um breve panorama do grupo OULIPO, surgido na década de 60 na França e ativo até hoje. O grupo tornou-se célebre pelas regras que impôs a seus membros para a criação de qualquer texto literário, e também por fl ertar com a matemática. Pretende-se aqui enumerar algumas das muitas contraintes criadas pelo grupo e associar alguns procedimentos ao movimento surrealista.
Le geste indécent de Gilberte à Tansonville, avec la Felix culprit d'HCE à Phoenix Park et les images obscènes composant le livre du juge de Kafka, composent le rébus de l'Europe aux anciens parapets.
Latar belakang : Makanan dalam pandangan sosial budaya, memiliki makna yang lebih luas dari sekedar sumber nutrisi. Terkait dengan kepercayaan, status, prestise, kesetiakawanan dan ketentraman. Makanan memiliki banyak peranan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari di dalam suatu komunitas manusia. Makna ini selaras dengan nilai hidup, nilai karya, nilai ruang atau waktu, nilai serasi dengan alam sekitar, dan nilai serasi dengan sesama. Para ahli antropologi memandang kebiasaan makan sebagai suatu kompleks kegiatan masak-memasak, masalah kesukaran dan ketidaksukaran, kearifan rakyat, kepercayaan-kepercayaan, pantanganpantangan, dan takhayultakhayul yang berkaitan dengan produksi, persiapan, dan konsumsi makanan. Pendeknya, sebagai suatu kategori budaya yang penting, ahli-ahli antropologi melihat makanan mempengaruhi dan berkaitan dengan banyak kategori budaya lainnya A. Pola budaya terhadap makanan gizi Ragam budaya makan di indonesia di tinjau dari unsur kebudayaan dan budaya. Dari
All Things Arabia
Jewelry has played a signi cant social role in the life of the people of the Arabian Gulf for millennia. This is well-evidenced by the 24,000 pieces of Neolithic shell and stone beads found at the al-Buhais 18 site in Sharjah. Burial jewelry comprising of head decorations, earings, necklaces, pendants, bracelets, anklets, hip and elbow decorations, and upper lip beads found at this site suggest that adornment from head to toe was an important ritual element in death, if not in life. As Roland de Beauclair, Sabah A. Jasim, and Hans-Peter Uerpmann summise, "[t]he full range of jewellery may have been reserved for special ceremonies, including burial and possibly others such as marriage or coming of age." In addition to the jewelry found at al-Buhais 18, carnelian beads have been discovered in archaeological sites all over the
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Research Ideas and Outcomes, 2022
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2014
Community Practitioner, 2024
Calidad en Educación, 2024
Muiraquitã: Revista de Letras e Humanidades, 2016
Enhancing Cybersecurity Resilience: A Comprehensive Analysis of Human Factors and Security Practices Aligned with the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, 2023
The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 2008
Hrvatske vode, 2016
Revista Caatinga, 2019
Iranian Food Science and Technology Research Journal, 2015
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 2003
arXiv (Cornell University), 2021
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2016
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 2018