JVCE 5 (2) (2020) : 140-148
Journal of Vocational Career Education
Developing Fashion Design Vocational Career Guidance Module
Khanza Azizah Abas Karend1, Yeri Sutopo2, Dwi Widjanarko2
Universitas Ngudi Waluyo Ungaran, Indonesia
Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
Article Info
This research was conducted with the main problem, namely the lack of resources that
can be used by productive teachers in Vocational High Schools (SMK) in supporting
industrial career path learning. Teaching materials that can be used as a provision to
prepare students to enter the workplace, especially the fashion study program. This
research aims to produce a feasible, practical, and effective module. In this research
method, the R&D, the chosen design is ADDIE which consists of five stages: Analysis,
Guidance Module,
Vocational Career,
Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The unit of analysis of this
Fashion Design, Career
research is the fashion design vocational career guidance module. The instruments used
Decision, Vocational High in this study are (1) module assessment sheets; (2) questionnaires; and (3) and a
questionnaire. The data analysis used in this study consisted of: (1) categories to
determine the feasibility level of the module; (2) Guttman's categorization for the
practicality of the module, using the coefficients Kr and Ks; and (3) n gain test using t
test, for module effectiveness. The results of the module feasibility test obtained a score
of 4,71% with a very feasible category, the practicality of the module is 88% with very
practical criteria, and the effectiveness of the module obtained an N-Gain score of
82.37%. It can be concluded that the module is effectively used as vocational teaching
materials. Previous research is developing a printed career material module in a broad
scope and it is necessary to have a career focus in a particular field. In this study, the
module focuses on a career in fashion that is feasible, practical, and effectively used by
productive students and teachers in learning industrial career paths.
Article History :
Received August 2020
Accepted October 2020
Published December 2020
Correspondence :
Jl. Diponegoro No.186, Ngablak, Gedanganak, Kec. Ungaran Tim.,
Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia 50512
[email protected]
p-ISSN 2339-0344
e-ISSN 2503-2305
Khanza Azizah Abas Karend / Journal of Vocational and Career Education 5 (2) (2020) : 165-174
Arjanggi (2017) based on the results of the
analysis of research conducted in SMA and SMK in
Semarang City, it shows a high level of difficulty in
making adolescent career decisions. Career decision
making is a crucial problem faced by adolescents
when they reach adulthood (Hearne, 2020).
Students feel that the majors taken in schools are
inappropriate or in the wrong major. The use of
effective modules as teaching materials for
vocational school students is fun and can increase
student motivation in careers and becoming
entrepreneurs (Rohman, 2020).
This research is also based on the analysis of
observations and interviews with students and
teachers in vocational schools that there are some
students who are hesitant, uninformed, anxious
about the future, not confident, feeling that they
have wrong majors, and the absence of career
teaching materials in the form of vocational career
modules in vocational high school. Research
conducted by Atmaja (2014), and Alfriansyah (2018)
developed printed teaching materials in the form of
modules related to improving students' careers at
school, in this study the developed module is a
career guidance print module that focuses on the
vocational field, especially the fashion study
program. The main objective of this research is
developing a module that is feasible, practical, and
effective, used by vocational productive teachers as
a support for career path subjects, and can be used
by students as a reference in planning their future
The source of printed teaching materials in
the form of modules used by productive teachers in
Vocational High Schools (SMK) in learning
industrial career paths in tourism subjects is still in a
broad scope so there is a need for modules that focus
on certain areas of expertise. Charokopaki &
Argyropoulou (2019) argued that students need to be
equipped with career insights in accordance with
their fields since entering school, so that students are
better prepared to enter the workplace. This supports
the goal of Vocational Revitalization, which is to
form students who are ready to enter DU/DI
(workplace) in accordance with their field of
expertise. One of the efforts that can be done in
preparing SMK graduates to enter the workplace is
by providing career insights in their fields with
innovative printed media.
Based on the elaboration of the problem
above, the researcher developed a module that can
be used as teaching material for industrial career
paths that can be used by productive students and
teachers in Vocational High Schools, especially the
Fashion Design study program. According to
Qemha (2020) modules are printed teaching
materials that are designed to be studied
independently by students. A module can be said to
be good and attractive if there are characteristics of
the module, namely self-instruction, self-contained,
stand-alone, adaptive, and user friendly. Learning
using modules will be more effective, efficient and
relevant, students are required to learn
independently and be able to solve problems,
especially in determining careers (Sari et al, 2016).
Garcia et al (2015) Grice revealed that making
a career choice is an easy thing to do, because of a
mature and steady consideration. Everyone has to
have independence in choosing a career, this is
because the career that is followed by someone is not
the responsibility of others but their own
responsibility (thenmozhi, 2018).
According to Fernandes (2019), a career in
fashion is very broad and complex where after
graduating from a fashion vocational school,
students can work in garment companies,
convection and open their own business, or continue
their studies in accordance with their field. Wiana
(2018) reveals the rational steps that need to be taken
so that the learning process in the field of fashion is
effective, namely developing learning media. In
addition, teachers also play an important role in
students' careers, especially for students who are in
vocational schools, in the field of fashion
(Wahyuningsih, 2018).
The research method used in this study uses
the type of development research, namely
developing fashion design vocational career
guidance module. Development research is a
research method that is used to produce certain
products, and test the effectiveness of these products
(Sugiyono, 2012). The product that will be produced
is a fashion design vocational career guidance
module that is feasible, practical, and effective, used
in Vocational High Schools (SMK).
The research procedure carried out in this
study adopted the ADDIE model developed by Lee
and Owens, namely analysis, design, development,
implementation, and evaluation.
(Alodwan &
Almosa, 2018). The ADDIE model was chosen
because it is simple (basic stages of development)
and structured systematically, making it easy to
understand (Aldoobie, 2015). Data collection in this
study can be seen in table 1 below:
Khanza Azizah Abas Karend / Journal of Vocational and Career Education 5 (2) (2020) : 165-174
Table 1. Data Collection Techniques
Data Collecting Type
Feasibility test
Practicality Test
Module Effectiveness Trial
Module Effectiveness Test
This research was conducted at SMK Widya
Praja and SMK Al Asror Semarang from May 2021
to July 2021. The stages in the development of the
ADDIE model are explained as follows:
(1) The analysis includes needs analysis,
module needs analysis, and analysis of student
career decision making in SMK, especially the
Fashion Design Study Program;
(2) Design is the activity of designing learning
modules that will be developed including the
preparation of the module framework, collection
and selection of references, module design, and
preparation of module response instruments;
(3) The first development is a fashion design
vocational career guidance module at SMK Al Asror
Semarang, then after the module is developed, the
module is submitted to validators consisting of
media experts, material experts, and module user
responses (teachers and students);
(4) The implementation of the activities
carried out in this stage is the application of the
Data Source
2 Media experts and 3 Material experts
Vocational high school teachers and
students of fashion design study program
Tenth grade students of SMK Al Asror
Tenth grade students of fashion design 1
and Tenth grade students of fashion
design 2 SMK Widya Praja
fashion design vocational career guidance module.
Respondents are students of the Fashion Design
Study Program at SMK Widya Praja, where group 1
is the experimental class and the 2nd class is the
control class. The steps taken were pre-test on the
two respondents, then giving treatment to the
experimental class in the form of a fashion design
career guidance module, while the control class was
not given treatment, after that the post test was given
as the final result of the response scoring;
(5) Evaluation The stages evaluated in this
stage are divided into two evaluations, namely
formative evaluation and summative evaluation.
The formative evaluation in this study is related to
the feasibility test of the module and the practicality
of the module, the summative evaluation is related
to the test of the effectiveness of the fashion design
vocational career guidance module. To make it
easier to understand the product design steps, the
flow chart in Figure 1 below can be observed.
Khanza Azizah Abas Karend / Journal of Vocational and Career Education 5 (2) (2020) : 165-174
Figure 1. Product Design Flowchart
students, (f) there is a need for learning media that
can increase students' motivation to learn;
(3) Analysis of student career decision making
results of observations on student career decision
making, researchers conclude that students have
problems in making career decisions. With the
career skills possessed, students graduating from
vocational schools are expected to be able to
actualize and implement all their abilities to live well
with their career provisions. (Waters et al., 2015).
Based on several characteristics of students, a
module is needed to overcome problems and to
arouse students' self-confidence, provide broad
knowledge about careers in their fields, motivate
students, and assist students in determining their
career direction.
The design phase includes the criteria for the
preparation of the module framework, collection
and selection of references, module design,
preparation of module response instruments. To
make it easier to design the module, it can be seen in
table 2 below:
Module Development
Analysis Results
The analysis is the initial stage carried out by
collecting information that is used as material in
making products, in this case the resulting product is
the Fashion Design Vocational Career Guidance
Module, with the following analysis stages:
(1) Needs analysis, before analyzing the modules
needed in the field, students' needs for vocational
career guidance modules;
(2) Analysis of the needs for vocational career
guidance modules based on observations (a)
learning media have not attracted the attention of
students, (b) learning media have been difficult for
students to be understood and less communicative,
(c) there is a need for learning media that can be
studied independently, (d) need teaching materials
that can be studied anytime and anywhere and can
be studied alone without the help of other parties, (e)
more practical teaching materials that can be used by
Khanza Azizah Abas Karend / Journal of Vocational and Career Education 5 (2) (2020) : 165-174
Table 2. Module Designing Stage
Module Designing
Preparation of Module
Module Design
Preparation of Module
Module Design Context
The initial part contains a cover, introduction, Core Competencies and
Basic Competencies, Module Position Map, and table of contents, list
of pictures, list of tables. The content section contains activities I, II,
III, IV career guidance modules. The final section contains a Glossary
and Bibliography.
Module Cover
Table of Contents, list of figures and list of tables
Module position map
Core Competencies and Basic Competencies
The main part of the module (learning activities)
The instrument adopted from the BSNP questionnaire which has been
proven to be valid and then adapted to the discussion of the fashion
design vocational career guidance module.
vocational career guidance module at SMK Widya
Praja, with the respondents are 30 tenth grade
students of SMK Widya Praja Fashion Design study
program 1 as the experimental class who were given
treatment in the form of giving modules, while in
2nd class which is consisted of 29 tenth grade
students as the control class and were not given
treatment. Responses from questionnaires answered
by students are taken into consideration to test the
effectiveness of the module in stages:
(1) Pre Test in the experimental class and control
class which aims to determine the initial state of the
respondent before being given treatment in the form
of giving a module. The pre-test was given once at
the beginning of the study by the teacher of each
study program which students could access online
via google forms with a questionnaire of 30
responses. The researcher calculated that the
processing of 1 response item can be completed in 1
minute. Questionnaires that are filled in by students
will be directly taken as responses;
(2) The conditioning stage in this study was taken by
conditioning the respondents after being given a pre
test. The conditioning of these respondents was by
giving treatment in the form of using a vocational
career guidance module for students of Fashion
Design Study Program SMK Widya Praja class 2 as
a control group, while students of Fashion Design
Study Program SMK Widya Praja class 1 as an
experimental group with no treatment in the form of
a module;
(3) Post test was given to both groups. The last
stage is to test the effectiveness of the career
guidance module by conducting a post test. The post
test response instrument was given after the pre test.
Pre-test was given once to two groups. The items
tested were similar to both tests.
This stage aims to determine the feasibility of
the vocational career guidance module. The
development stage of this research consists of:
(1) Development of a fashion design vocational
career guidance module to improve students' career
decision making. It is hoped that this vocational
career guidance module can assist students to be
more confident in choosing their careers, and
improve students' career decision-making abilities to
reduce the high unemployment rate due to lack of
career information;
(2) Validation of Media Experts, Material Experts,
and user validation (teachers and students), this step
is carried out to determine the feasibility and
practicality of the module. The feasibility test is
carried out by module experts from BPMPK, media
experts are carried out by lecturers and teachers who
are experts in the field of fashion;
(3) Revision of the Vocational Career Guidance
Module, after validation, the module is revised
based on input and suggestions;
(4) Development of an instrument to test the
effectiveness of the career guidance module,
development of an assessment sheet based on the
results of the module feasibility prerequisite test. In
addition, participant response instruments were also
developed. The participant's response instrument is
adjusted to meet the requirements of the appropriate
career guidance module by adopting the existing
The implementation phase can be done if the
results of the expert test (feasibility test) and
practicality test carried out by users (teachers and
students) have met the feasible and practical criteria.
Implementation is the stage of applying the
Khanza Azizah Abas Karend / Journal of Vocational and Career Education 5 (2) (2020) : 165-174
The last stage in R&D (research and
development) is the evaluation stage, in this
research, at the evaluation stage, improvements will
be made for a better system by processing the data
that has been obtained from the previous stages that
have been carried out. This evaluation is carried out
after the four previous stages in the ADDIE model
have been completed. The evaluation stage in this
study is divided into two, namely; (1) formative
evaluation related to the module feasibility test
conducted by Media Experts and Material Experts.
This formative evaluation is also related to the
practicality of the module, formative evaluation is
carried out in order to improve or revise the module.
According to Scriven (1967) the formative
evaluation stage is related to the implementation
stage, so that the developed module is in a very
feasible and practical condition; (2) Summative
evaluation in this study was conducted in order to
measure the effectiveness of the module. The
dependent variable of this research is the career
decision making of fashion design vocational
students. The module is declared effective if the
experimental group scores significantly higher on
the student questionnaire than the control group.
Summative evaluation in this study, getting a score
in the experimental group has a score of N Gain in
the effective category.
Module Feasibility
The feasibility assessment sheet for the
fashion design vocational career guidance module in
this study adopted a questionnaire from BSNP
which has been proven to be valid. Therefore, the
validity of the questionnaire testing was no longer
carried out
Table 3. Module Feasibility Test Results
Expert 1
Expert 2
Expert 3
Very feasible
Very feasible
Very feasible
Very feasible
Very feasible
Very feasible
̅ Overall Expert Average
Source: Calculation Results (2021)
Table 3 shows that the average score of the
materials for students of the Fashion Design
module feasibility test by Media Experts and
Study Program.
Material Experts is 4.71 with very feasible
Module Practicality
criteria. Thus, this fashion design vocational
This stage is carried out to determine the
career guidance module is declared valid and
practicality of the vocational career guidance
very feasible. Based on the validation results, it
module. The practicality test of the career
can be concluded that the fashion design
guidance module is carried out by involving
vocational career guidance module is valid
users, namely teachers and students. The
with revisions and does not require a significant
results of the practicality test can be seen in
overhaul and is suitable for use as teaching
table 4 below:
Khanza Azizah Abas Karend / Journal of Vocational and Career Education 5 (2) (2020) : 165-174
Table 4. Data Analysis of Kr and Ks Scores
Content Competence
Content Competence
̅ Average Score
Source: Calculation Results (2021)
The average score of the Reproductive
Coefficient or Kr of teachers and students is = 0.92,
indicating that the career guidance module is very
practical to use because it has met the requirements
of the Reproductive Coefficient < = 0.9. The results
Kr Score
Ks Score
of the practicality test of the module are confirmed
in the scalability test, the Scalability Coefficient or
(Ks) obtains an average score of 0.79 with the criteria
that meet the requirements, that is > 0.60.
Table 5. Practicality Test Results of Teachers and Students
Average Validator
100 %
72.94 %
86 %
Very Practical
94 %
89.71 %
92 %
Very Practical
87 %
91.76 %
89 %
Very Practical
89 %
86 %
Very Practical
88 %
Very Practical
Overall Average of Users
Source: Calculation Results (2021)
Module Effectiveness
The results of the pre-test and post-test data on
the normality test for the experimental and control
groups are as follows:
Table 6. Normality Test
Pre Test
Post Test
Sig. Kolmogorof-Smirnova
Sig. Shapiro-Wilk
Source: Calculation Results (2021)
Based on table 6, the normality test has the
lowest significance value (Sig.) of the Kolmogorov
Smirnov normality test for the pre-test group of
0.196> 0.05 and for the post-test group of 0.226>
0.05. So that according to the basis for making
student career decisions in the Kolmogorov Smirnov
normality test, it can be concluded that the data is
normally distributed.
Khanza Azizah Abas Karend / Journal of Vocational and Career Education 5 (2) (2020) : 165-174
Table 7. Homogeneity Test
Pre Test
Based on Mean
Lavene Statistic
Based on Median
Based on Median and with adjusted
Based on Mean
Based on Median
Based on Median and with adjusted
Based on trimmed mean
Post Test
Based on trimmed mean
Source: Calculation Results (2021)
Table 7 homogeneity test results based on the
mean Pre Test shows a significant value of 0.776
which means data > 0.05, so it can be concluded that
the data is homogeneous, while the score based on
the mean Post Test shows a significant value of
0.152 which means data > 0.05, so it can be
concluded that the data is homogeneous. The results
of the N-Gain test with SPSS are shown in the
following table 8:
Table 8. N-Gain Test Results
Experimental Group
N-Gain Score (%)
Control Group
N-Gain Score (%)
Source: Calculation Results (2021)
The results of the N Gain score show that the
N Gain score in the experimental group is 82.37 or
82% and with a minimum N-Gain value is 66% and
a maximum N-Gain value of 100%. While for the
control group is -37.28 or -37% with a minimum
score of 21.82% and a maximum N Gain score is
The results of the t test on the pre test and post
test for the experimental and control groups are as
Table 9. Results of t test for N-Gain Data
Levene Statistic
t test
N Gain_Persentage
Source: Calculation Results (2021)
T Significancy level
concluded that before being treated by using the
fashion design vocational career guidance module to
improve the career decision making abilities of
vocational high school (SMK) students, there was
no difference between the two classes being studied.
The results of the independent sample t test by
including the average N-Gain score in the table,
show that the N-Gain_Percentage data has a Sig (2tailed) 0.000 (smaller than the 0.05 significance
level), meaning that the N-Gain_Percentage data in
Table 9 shows the significance (Sig) of
Levene's Test for Equality of Variances is 0.284 >
0.05, so it can be concluded that the variance of the
N-Gain data (%) for the experimental class and
control class is the same or can be said to be
Based on the calculation results, the
calculated T value of N-Gain_percentage is 19,093
with a T table score at (df = 57; = 5%) is 2.0024.
Because T count is greater than T table, it can be
Khanza Azizah Abas Karend / Journal of Vocational and Career Education 5 (2) (2020) : 165-174
distributed after the t test was concluded to be quite
effective and significant.
The fashion design vocational career
guidance module can be used by students and
teachers in Vocational High Schools (SMK),
especially the Fashion Design Study Program. This
module category is very feasible, very practical, quite
effective to be used as a support for productive
teaching materials and as a provision for students to
enter the workspace. The results of this study agree
with research conducted by Alfriansyah & Widarto
(2018), Garcia et al (2015), Atmaja (2014), Arjanggi
(2017) that the career guidance module can be used
as teaching and supporting materials in improving
students' career knowledge.
the study, the distributed data is quite effective and
This research and development produces a
final product in the form of printed teaching
materials for vocational career guidance modules in
Vocational High Schools (SMK), especially in the
Fashion Design Study Program. The main purpose
of learning using module media is to increase the
efficiency and effectiveness of teaching and learning
activities in schools, both time, funds, facilities and
energy, in order to achieve optimal goals (Susanti &
Kurniawan, 2020). This career guidance module is
designed in such a way to produce products that are
feasible, practical, and effectively used as teaching
materials to support industrial career paths.
This vocational career module was declared
feasible based on the responses of several experts in
the field of fashion and module experts. According
to Azwar (2014) in product development, expert
validation needs to be done to get input. Based on
the results of the assessment of the module size
indicator a score of 4.66 with very feasible criteria,
the module cover design indicator (cover) getting a
score of 4.83 with very feasible criteria, the module
content design indicator getting a score of 4.87 with
very feasible criteria, of all the indicators that have
been mentioned ,including the aspect of the
feasibility of graphics, the average score of the results
of media validation get a score of 4.79 with very
feasible criteria.
The results of the material expert validation
based on the content feasibility aspect got a score of
4.68 with very decent criteria, the presentation
feasibility aspect got a score of 4.67 with very
feasible criteria, the linguistic feasibility aspect got a
score of 4.76 with very feasible criteria, contextual
scoring aspects get an average score of 4.70 with very
feasible criteria and the average of all aspects in the
material validity test obtained a score of 4.70 with
very feasible criteria.
The results of data analysis indicate that the
fashion design vocational career guidance module is
effective and significantly applied to learning
activities. The effectiveness of a class is influenced
by four main factors called the “four trump cards of
effective teaching”, namely goals (outcomes),
clarity, participation and enthusiasm (Walls, 1999).
Based on the testing phase of the effectiveness
of the fashion design vocational career guidance
module. In the independent sample t test table, it can
be concluded that the experimental class and the
control class are the same or homogeneous, before
being treated by using the fashion design vocational
career guidance module, and in this study the data
The fashion design vocational career
guidance module can increase students' enthusiasm
for learning to explore careers in fashion because the
modules are arranged in an innovative, structured
way, the images presented are actual and up to date,
and use communicative language equipped with
pictures and illustrations that are presented in color
print to attract student attention. This module has
several advantages, one of which is the career path
material presented for vocational students,
especially the fashion program, which has been
adapted to conditions in the field. The language
context, cover, learning activities and practice
questions presented in the module have been tested
for validity by experts in the field of learning
modules and experts in the field of fashion.
Based on the responses of several experts, it
shows that the vocational career guidance module is
appropriate to be used as teaching material for the
fashion career path. This module can be used
anytime and anywhere, making it easier for teachers
and students in effective learning activities. Based on
the results of the user's responses, namely teachers
and students, modules in the practical category are
used to support productive subjects in the Vocational
High School majoring in Fashion Design. This
vocational career guidance module is also effectively
used by students as a support for career path
subjects, besides that it can also be used as a
provision in planning future careers.
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