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This paper discusses noise mapping in the European Union, exploring its implications for public health and urban planning. It highlights a shift from traditional noise measurement techniques to a soundscape approach, emphasizing the importance of understanding the human perception of noise and its effects on well-being. The future perspectives on noise mapping are also addressed, outlining potential advancements and strategies for effective implementation.

Noise Mapping in the EU Models and Procedures Edited by Gaetano Licitra CRC Press @Taylor & Francis Boca Raton CRC Press Is an Taylor Group London New York Imprint of the & Francis Croup, an Informa business A SPON PRESS BOOK Contents xi Preface xiii Contributors 1 1 Fundamentals D. PALAZZUOLI AND G. LICITRA PART 1 Noise evaluation and 2 Legal basis on noise 15 mapping mapping in the and the Directive 69/2002/EC European Union 17 P. DE VOS AND G. LICITRA 3 Measurements 29 J.L. CUETO AND R. HERNANDEZ 4 Road traffic noise 55 G. DUTIIXEUX 5 Railway noise 81 P.DEVOS 6 Industrial and harbour noise J.R. 7 109 WITTE Airport noise R. BOTIKOFER 129 viii Contents 8 The Good Practice Guide, Version 2 159 G, LICITRA AND E. ASCARI 9 Uncertainty and quality assurance in simulation software 181 W. PROBST PART 2 Noise mapping and geographic information systems 213 (G1S) 10 Geographic information system tools for noise mapping 215 J.L. CUETO AND G. LICITRA 11 Maps and geographic information systems in noise 255 management D. MANVELL 12 The evaluation of population exposure to noise 269 G. BRAMBILLA PART 3 Noise mapping in Europe 13 Noise maps in the 283 European Union: An overview 285 P. DE VOS AND G. LICITRA 14 Noise maps from different national assessment methods: Differences, uncertainties, and needs for harmonisation 311 S. KEPHALOPOULOS AND M. PAVIOTTI PART 4 Communication and action 15 Communication to the p. Mcdonald plans general public 337 339 Contents 16 Which information for the ix European and local policy 351 makers? L. MAFFEI 17 From noise maps to critical hot spots: Priorities in action 361 plans W. PROBST PART 5 Future 369 perspectives 18 From noise to annoyance mapping: A soundscape approach 371 G. MEMOLI AND G. LICITRA Index 393