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2003, Extrapolation
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Антропологический форум, 2024
Studies of more-than-human sociality in general, and multispecies ethnography in particular, are becoming an increasingly popular trend in global (social, human, and transdisciplinary) scholarship. In the current forum, researchers from various disciplines discuss the advantages, limitations, and challenges of this trend. They also share their thoughts on why multispecies research has (or has not) an appeal in Russian academia and what the future may hold for it. The discussion addresses the key issues of the origin of this trend and its distinctive vocabulary; the subject and object problem; the search for an appropriate methodology and elaborating a scholarly narrative; interdisciplinarity and the relationship between political activism and research. ___________ Исследования более-чем-человеческой социальности в целом и мультивидовая этнография в частности становятся все более популярным направлением в глобальной (социальной, гуманитарной и трансдисциплинарной) науке. В публикуемой дискуссии представители различных дисциплин рассуждают о преимуществах, подводных камнях и вызовах, которые это направление несет с собой, а также делятся своими размышлениями о том, почему мультивидовые исследования (не)популярны в России и какое будущее может их ожидать. Дискуссия затрагивает ключевые вопросы генезиса этого направления и его специфического терминологического аппарата, определения субъекта и объекта исследования, поисков адекватной методологии и языка описания, междисциплинарности и соотношения политического активизма и науки.
Slovanský přehled 110, 2024
Operation Desert Storm from the Czechoslovak Perspective The occupation of Kuwait by Iraq and the subsequent conflict in the Per sian Gulf in 1990 / 1991 represented the first serious crisis in international relations after the end of the Cold War. The then Czech and Slovak Federa tive Republic (CSFR) joined the international coalition headed by the Uni ted States of America. This was a major breakthrough in Czechoslovak fo reign policy. At the time, CSFR was still part of the Warsaw Pact, which was led by the Soviet Union. The decision to send a Czechoslovak chemical corps aligned with the notion of the new political class to gradually change the country's allegiance. The contribution to the liberation of Kuwait was therefore intended to support Czechoslovak ambitions for early inclusion in EuroAtlantic structures. This topic resonated strongly in the political and media discourse of the time. All this took place during a transition pe riod, as Czechoslovakia was going through a difficult phase of social trans formation, and the democratisation of its armed forces was an integral part of this process. The general description of these events is based on the study of Czechoslovak archival documents, contemporary press and the recolle ctions of direct participants in the events.
Nota Numismatica XIII, 2018
Nineteen Republican denarii and one early Augustan denarius have been found as a result of metal-detector surveys conducted by amateurs at Skellerup in Eastern Funen (Denmark). The finds are interpreted as a hoard scattered by plowing. The same site has produced two denarii of Galba, a Roman bronze coin, and five other objects ranging in age from the 5th to the 20th century.
Título original: Faith food -devotions Tradução: Gordon Chown Graça Editorial, 2002. COLABORAÇÃO HTTP://ASAFFE.BLOGSPOT.COM O ministério de Kenneth E. Hagin já dura mais de 60 anos, desde que Deus o curou milagrosamente de um defeito no coração e de uma doença incurável no sangue aos 17 anos. Atualmente, sua obra tem um alcance mundial. O ministério de programas de rádio, chamado Seminário Fé no Ar, é ouvido em todos os Estados Unidos e alcança mais de cem nações. Outro trabalhos evangelísticos incluem: A Palavra da Fé, uma revista mensal gratuita; cruzadas realizadas por todo o país; Escola Bíblica por Correspondência RHEMA; Centro de Treinamento Bíblico RHEMA; Associação Alumni RHEMA e Associação Ministerial RHEMA Internacional. Além disso, são realizados trabalhos em prisões. Confissão: "No ano que se inicia, minha fé crescerá. Minha resolução é que meu conhecimento da Palavra de Deus crescerá. Minha compreensão da Palavra de Deus crescerá. A fé, portanto, virá. A minha fé crescerá. Durante este ano, crescerei e progredirei espiritualmente!" 2 DE JANEIRO 2 DE JANEIRO 2 DE JANEIRO 2 DE JANEIRO A A A A FÉ SEGUE A LUZ FÉ SEGUE A LUZ FÉ SEGUE A LUZ FÉ SEGUE A LUZ A exposição das tuas palavras dá luz [...] SALMO 119.130
Zenodo, 2024
This course examines some problems of aesthetics and art theory by analysing texts from the history of Western thought. Students will develop appropriate critical and analytical reading skills of philosophical and interdisciplinary texts on topics such as aisthesis, poetics, taste, the sublime, aesthetic judgement, imagination, beauty, spirit, empathy, ornament, the concept of experience, the aura, the psychedelic experience, the concept of the beholder’s share, the theory of the avant-garde, emotion, photography, the essence of art, the concept of influence, the power of images, the end of art, neuroaesthetics, and perception. Furthermore, students will learn to navigate philosophical thought by addressing the following questions: What is aesthetics? What is the difference between speculative aesthetics and empirical aesthetics? What is the difference between an aesthetic judgement and an aesthetic experience? What is art? What is a work of art? What is the role of biology in perception? This course addresses these and other related questions by focusing on the works of various thinkers.
Desenvolvimento da Criança e do Adolescente: Evidências Científicas e Considerações Teóricas-Práticas, 2020
Prefácio É um livro de filosofia na medida em que tenta analisar muitos traços da desintegração moderna reportando-os a uma causa primeira. Realizar uma rigorosa análise de causa e efeito do declínio da crença em regras e valores. Pag,7 Parece-me que o mundo está agora, mais do que nunca, dominado pelos deuses da massa e da velocidade, e que o culto a eles pode conduzir apenas à diminuição dos padrões, à adulteração da qualidade e, em geral, à perda das coisas que são essenciais à vida da civilidade e da cultura. Pag,7
Open Archaeology, 2023
Sites from the earliest known phases of Maltese prehistory often consist of scatters of sherds for the Għar Dalam and Skorba phases (6000-4800 BCE), and tomb contexts for the Żebbuġ phase (3800-3600 BCE). Neolithic studies are, therefore, heavily reliant on the study of pottery. Although traditional typological and seriation-based analyses of the pottery record have substantially enhanced our knowledge of Early Neolithic Malta, there is a growing appreciation of the need to go beyond these approaches to gain new insights. This study reviews the accessible literature on fabric studies on assemblages found in the Maltese Islands, presenting the state of knowledge for the pottery of the Għar Dalam, Skorba (Early Neolithic), and Żebbuġ (Late Neolithic) phases. Microphotographs of pottery wares were selected from a compilation produced for an ongoing project (the MaltaPot project) to illustrate the descriptions found in the literature. The advances made by archaeologists in studying the Maltese Neolithic pottery are reviewed, and suggestions for building on them are proposed, as archaeometric and petrographic techniques have not been applied systematically to Neolithic pottery from Malta.
BMC women's health, 2024
Background Menstruation is a major physiological change in a woman's life, but lack of knowledge, poor practices, socio-cultural barriers, poor access to products and their improper disposal have significant consequences on health, dignity and well-being of women and adolescent girls. Objectives This study aimed to assess the knowledge and practices related to menstrual health and hygiene amongst females of 10-49 years of age; explore the experiences and challenges of women during menstruation; and identify the key predictors of healthy menstrual health and hygiene. Methods Using a cross-sectional study design, we adopted a mixed methods approach for data collection. For quantitative household survey, a total of 921 respondents were selected from three districts of Odisha. Qualitative findings through focus group discussions and in-depth interviews supplemented the survey findings and helped to identify the barriers affecting good menstrual practices. Epi data version 2.5 and R 4.2.2 was used for data entry and data analysis, respectively. Descriptive statistics was used to calculate proportion, mean and standard deviation; Chi square test was used to measure the association between categorical variables. Bivariate and multivariate logistics analyses were done to identify predictors of healthy menstrual health and hygiene. For qualitative data analysis, thematic analysis approach was adopted using software Atlas.ti 8. Results For 74.3% respondents, mothers were the primary source of information; about 61% respondents were using sanitary pad. The mean age at menarche was 12.9 years and almost 46% of respondents did not receive any information about menstruation before menarche. Lower age and education up to higher secondary level or above had statistically significant associations with the knowledge about menstruation. Age, caste, respondent's education, mother's education, sanitation facility, availability of water, accessibility and affordability for sanitary pads were found to be strongly associated with good menstrual hygiene practices.
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Papeles de Trabajo, 2018
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems, 2024
Annals of Philosophy, Social and Human Disciplines , 2022
Journal of Electrical Power Control and Automation, 2024
British educational research journal, 2007
Food Control, 2020
Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion, 2018
European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1996
Journal of Chemical Health Risks, 2018
APCBEE Procedia, 2014
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 2012
Journal of Materials Research, 2021
Ambiencia, 2009
Physica Status Solidi B-basic Solid State Physics, 2019