Stefano Liberati∗†
SISSA/ISAS and INFN, Trieste, Italy
[email protected]
The search for a quantum gravity (QG) theory has been one of the main aims of theoretical physics
for many years by now. However the efforts in this direction have been often hampered by the
lack of experimental/observational tests able to select among, or at least constrain, the numerous
quantum gravity models proposed so far. This situation has changed in the last decade thanks to
the realization that some QG inspired violations of Lorentz symmetry could be constrained using
current experiments and observations. This study it is not only allowing us to test at higher and
higher energies a fundamental symmetry of spacetime but it is also providing us with hints and
perspectives about the fundamental nature of gravity.
School on Particle Physics, Gravity and Cosmology
21 August - 2 September 2006
Dubrovnik, Croatia
∗ Speaker.
[email protected]
c Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Licence.
Quantum gravity phenomenology via Lorentz
Stefano Liberati
Quantum gravity phenomenology
1. Introduction
2. Lorentz symmetry at the Planck scale
Lorentz symmetry has been confirmed to ever greater precision, and it powerfully constrains
theories in a way that has proved instrumental in discovering new laws of physics. It seems then
natural to assume under these circumstances that Lorentz invariance is a symmetry of nature up to
arbitrary boosts. Nevertheless, from a purely logical point of view, it is clear that such a conjecture
is empirically not strongly motivated given that an infinite volume of the Lorentz group is (and
will always be) experimentally untested being the Lorentz group non-compact, unlike the rotation
group. Why should we assume that exact Lorentz invariance holds at all scales when this hypothesis
cannot even in principle be tested? In this sense high energy tests of Lorentz symmetry are “per se”
The quest for a quantum theory of gravity has been one of the main enterprise of modern
physics for more than half a century. However this research has been systematically frustrated by
the lack of experimental/observational test of the models so far proposed.
Albeit many intriguing and ingenious ideas have been explored, it seems safe to say that without both observing phenomena that depend on Quantum Gravity (QG), and extracting reliable
predictions from candidate theories that can be compared with observations, the goal of a theory
capable of incorporating quantum mechanics and general relativity will remain unattainable.
Of course one can claim that a primary tests to be passed by any candidate QG theory is to
admit a suitable semiclassical limit, i.e. to recover GR at sufficiently low energies. However this is
is more a consistency requirement than a true prediction to be tested for a given QG model. In this
sense the only example of a prediction of a quantum gravity model that has received some support
from observation is the spectrum of primordial cosmological perturbations where the quantized
longitudinal linearized gravitational mode, albeit slave to the inflaton and not a dynamically independent degree of freedom, plays an essential role [1]. However also in this case one might object
that somehow any theory of quantum gravity that admits a GR limit should admit as well a regime
where gravitons are a valid concept.
Looking for empirical evidence the last decades have witnessed an increasing number of ideas
about observable phenomena where QG could play a key role. A partial list includes: deviations
from Newton’s law at very short distances [2, 3], Planck-scale fuzziness of spacetime [4], possible
production in TeV-scale QG scenarios of mini-black holes at colliders [5] or in cosmic rays [6],
QG induced violations of discrete symmetries of the Standard Model [7, 8] as well as spacetime
symmetries [9]. This broad field of research goes under the general name of quantum gravity
We shall focus here on this last item, more specifically on the possibility that the Lorentz
symmetry could be violated or deformed (we shall explain later what we exactly mean by this) by
Planck-suppressed corrections. Given the necessary conciseness of these proceedings we shall not
cover all the related issues, we direct the reader interested in deepening this subject to some of the
extensive reviews available in the literature (see e.g. [10]). Discussion and results presented in this
proceeding can be also be found (in an extended form) in the following works [11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
16, 17].
Stefano Liberati
Quantum gravity phenomenology
E 2 = p2 + m2 + f (E, p; µ; M) ,
where, c = 1, E, p are the energy and momentum of the particle, µ is some particle physics mass
scale (possibly the mass of the particle m) and M denotes the mass scale at which the quantum
gravity corrections become appreciable. Normally, one assumes that M is of order the Planck
mass: M ∼ MP ≈ 1.22 × 1019 GeV.
We can expand the above dispersion relation in powers of the particle momentum1
E 2 = p2 + m2 + η̃ (1) p + η̃ (2) p2 + η̃ (3) p3 + η̃ (4) p4 + . . . .
The dependence on the mass terms µ and M is now hidden in the dimensionfull coefficients η̃ (n) .
In general the idea that the above dispersion relations are a sort of mesoscopic effect of some
Planckian physics leads to the natural expectation that the extra term in Eq. (2.2) contains suitable
powers of the mass terms that make sufficiently Planck suppressed for being compatible with low
energy observations. For the moment we simply follow the observational lead and insert at least
one inverse power of M in each term
η̃ (1) = η (1)
η̃ (2) = η (2)
η̃ (3) =
η (3)
η̃ (4) =
η (4)
Later on, in characterizing the strength of a constraint we refer to the ηn without the tilde, so we
are comparing to what might be expected from Planck-suppressed LV. We shall also allow the LV
parameters to dependent on the particle type η (n) = ηi .
1 We
assume, for simplicity, that rotational invariance is preserved and only boost invariance is affected by Planck
scale corrections.
valuable being significant improvements of the precision with which an apparently fundamental
symmetry of nature is tested.
While the above reasoning is logically sound, it is by itself not very encouraging as it is not
providing any argument by which we should expect any departure from Lorentz symmetry due to
QG. However, there are also several arguments that lead to suspect that there could be a failure
of Lorentz symmetry in proximity of the Planck scale such as the ubiquity of UV divergences
in quantum field theories or profound implications related to the very construction of a quantum
theory of spacetime (see e.g. [18, 19, 20]).
Aside from general issues of principle, specific hints of Lorentz violation have come from tentative calculations in various approaches to QG hinting that this might be the case. Just to cite a few,
we can recall string theory tensor VEVs [21], spacetime foam [22], semiclassical spin-network calculations in Loop QG [23], non-commutative geometry [24], some brane-world backgrounds [25],
and condensed matter analogues of “emergent gravity” [12].
Of course, lacking a definitive theory of QG one cannot claim that there is a convincing prediction that some departure from Lorentz symmetry must be a feature of quantum gravity. However,
taken together they do motivate the effort to characterize possible observable consequences of LV
and to strengthen observational bounds. Moreover, although very different, these models have in
common the fact that Lorentz violations express themselves through modified dispersion relations
for elementary particles. Generically one can cast them in the form:
Stefano Liberati
Quantum gravity phenomenology
It is remarkable that several significant constraints can be put on the intensity of the Lorentz
violating term f (E, p; M) using current experiments and observations [10]. However before discussing some of such constraints we want to provide here an explicit toy model of a system which
does show modified dispersion relations of the sort we just conjecture and which for this reason
could in fact provide a test field for our ideas. Such a framework is provided by the so called
analogue models of gravity [12].
3. Analogue models of gravity
∆φ ≡ √ ∂µ
−g gµν ∂ν φ = 0.
This signifies that under the above conditions, the propagation of sound is governed by an acoustic
metric — gµν (t, x). This acoustic metric describes a (3 + 1)–dimensional Lorentzian (pseudo–
Riemannian) geometry. The metric depends algebraically on the density, velocity of flow, and
local speed of sound in the fluid. Specifically
−(cs − v ) . −v
gµν (t, x) ≡ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
. I
where cs is the speed of sound.
Correspondingly the dispersion relation for the quanta of sound (which can be meaningfully
defined in some coherent systems like e.g. superfluids), the so caled “phonons”, will take the standard relativistic form
ω 2 = c2s k2
where the role of the speed of light is now played by the speed of sound.
The interesting point for our discussion here is that in a realistic condensed matter system
the underlying microscopic structure of the background (e.g. the fact that the fluid is made up of
Reduced to the bones most of the analogue models of gravity can be described as condensed
matter systems where the dynamics of atoms or molecule provides an emergent space-time geometry for the propagation of collective excitations of the background. In this sense analogue models
of gravity are indeed analogue models of emergent gravity frameworks, i.e. of scenarios in which
the metric and the affine connections are collective variables emerging from the dynamics of more
fundamental objects (note that in this sense the metric or the connections would not be the right
object to quantize the same way you would not expect to recover atomic interactions from the
quantization of hydrodynamical variables).
The simplest example of an analog model is provided by a barotropic — ρ = f (p), with ρ
and p respectively equal to the density and pressure of the fluid — and inviscid fluid whose flow
is irrotational (though possibly time dependent). For such a system the equation of motion of the
velocity potential of an acoustic disturbance φ (defined as v = −∇φ , where v is the velocity of the
flow) is identical to the d’Alembertian equation of motion for a minimally coupled massless scalar
field propagating in a (3 + 1)–dimensional Lorentzian geometry
Stefano Liberati
Quantum gravity phenomenology
molecule) will generically show up in a breakdown of the acoustic Lorentz invariance of the phonon
equation of motions which will lead to modified dispersion relations of the form (2.2) where now M
will correspond to the energy scale that marks the transition from an hydrodynamic description to
a molecular/atomic one (e.g. inter-molecular distance or coherence length). In order to explicitly
see this we have however to fix a particular analogue model and a well known example in this sense
is that of a Bose-Einstein condensate [12, 26, 27, 28, 29].
∂ b
h̄2 2
b Ψ
b Ψ.
ih̄ Ψ = − ∇ +Vext (x) + g(a) Ψ
Here g parameterizes the strength of the interactions between the different bosons in the gas. It can
be re-expressed in terms of the scattering length as
g(a) =
The quantum field can be separated into a macroscopic (classical) condensate and a fluctuation:
b = ψ. After some suitable approximations (basically neglecting the backb = ψ + ϕ,
b with hΨi
reaction of the excitations on the background, see e.g. [12, 30]), and adopting the so called Madelung
representation for the wave function of the condensate
ψ(t, x) =
nc (t, x) exp[−iθ (t, x)/h̄],
the equation describing the evolution of the background (classical) field ψ (Gross–Pitaevskii equation) can be rewritten as a continuity equation plus an Euler equation:
nc + ∇ · (nc v) = 0,
h̄2 ∇2 nc
+Vext (t, x) + gnc −
= 0,
m v+∇
where we have defined the irrotational “velocity field” by v ≡ ∇θ /m.
Let us now note that these equations are completely equivalent to those of an irrotational and
inviscid fluid apart from the existence of the so-called quantum potential
Vquantum = −h̄2 ∇2 nc /(2m nc ),
From what we previously saw it should then be clear that if one neglects the quantum potential then
the propagation of acoustic perturbations on the BEC background will be again characterized by
an acoustic geometry of the form of (3.2).
More precisely if one defines θb1 as a quantum excitation of the phase of the background θ
(which here plays the role of the velocity potential in the perfect fluid) then one finds that the
Bose–Einstein condensates: Let us start by very briefly reviewing the derivation of the acoustic
metric for a BEC system, and show that the equations for the phonons of the condensate closely
mimic the dynamics of a scalar field in a curved spacetime. In the dilute gas approximation, one
b satisfying
can describe a Bose gas through a quantum field Ψ
Stefano Liberati
Quantum gravity phenomenology
equation for the field θb1 becomes that of a (massless minimally coupled) quantum scalar field over
a curved background
∆θ1 ≡ √
−g gµν ∂ν θb1 = 0,
with an effective metric of the form
gµν (t, x) ≡
m cs (a, nc )
. −v j
· · · · · · ·
. δi j
where the magnitude cs (nc , a) represents the speed of the phonons in the medium:
cs (a, nc )2 =
g(a) nc
Let us now consider the case in which the above “hydrodynamical” approximation for BECs
does not hold. In order to explore a regime where the contribution of the quantum potential
cannot be neglected we can use the so called eikonal approximation, a high-momentum approximation where the phase fluctuation θb1 is itself treated as a slowly-varying amplitude times a
rapidly varying phase (see e.g. [12, 30] for further details). Specifically, we shall write θb1 (t, x) =
Re {Aθ exp(−iφ )}. As a consequence of this assumption, gradients of the amplitude, and gradients of the background fields, are systematically ignored relative to gradients of φ . Then adopting
the notation
ki = ∇i φ ,
one can show that the dispersion relation for the excitations of the BEC (quasi-particles) in a flat
background (i.e. when the fluid is at rest, v0 = 0) takes the form:
ω 2 = c2s k2 + c2s
k4 ,
which is just a special case of the general form of dispersion relations (2.2) we consider in this work
and corresponds to the so called Bogoliubov dispersion relation which was found in 1947 [31] via
a diagonalization procedure for the Hamiltonian describing the system of bosons . Note also that
the “quantum gravity scale” or more correctly the scale of the violation of the acoustic Lorentz
invariance is the wavelength λ = 2π/||k|| with respect to the “acoustic Compton wavelength” λc =
h/(mcs ). In particular, for large wavelengths λ ≫ λc one gets a standard phonon dispersion relation
ω ≈ c||k||. For wavelengths λ ≪ λc the quasi-particle energy tends to the kinetic energy of an
individual gas particle and in fact ω ≈ h̄2 k2 /(2m) (as it should be given that the BEC is in the
end a system of many interacting non-relativistic atoms as described by the non-linear Schr̈odinger
equation (3.4) ).
The above discussion clearly shows the potentiality of the analogues systems as an inspirational tool for understanding the interplay of micro-physics and macro-physics in quantum gravity
phenomenology of Lorentz violations, where the modified dispersion relations of the form (2.2)
can be considered intrinsically a mesoscopic physics effect relevant at intermediate energies between our low energy world and the Planck scale. Of course one has to keep in mind that while
−{cs (a, nc ) − v }
Stefano Liberati
Quantum gravity phenomenology
the relativistic (low energy w.r.t. M) limit of the dispersion relation above is quite generic in many
models (the microscopic parameters will in general only determine the value of the speed of sound
cs ), the “high energy” deviations (i.e. the phenomenology at energies comparable to M) will not be
generic but instead strongly dependent on the microphysics of the system. Nonetheless we shall
see later on that sometimes useful lessons about viable mechanisms in nature for generating the
dispersion relations under investigations can be learn and possibly exported to the more realistic
Let us now move back to the problem of actually placing constraints on the departures from
Lorentz invariance manifested in dispersion relations like (2.2). It was perhaps one of the greatest
achievements of the last decade the realization that such constraints can be cast (see e.g. [10] for an
extensive review). In fact it was realized that in some special situations even tiny corrections, like
the one considered here, can be magnified to observable effects. A partial list of these “windows
on quantum gravity” includes:
• sidereal variation of Lorentz violation (LV) couplings as the lab moves with respect to a
preferred frame or directions
• cumulative effects: long baseline dispersion and vacuum birefringence (e.g. of signals from
gamma ray bursts, active galactic nuclei, pulsars)
• anomalous (normally forbidden) threshold reactions allowed by LV terms (e.g. photon decay,
vacuum Čerenkov effect)
• shifting of existing threshold reactions (e.g. photon annihilation from blazars, GZK reaction)
• LV induced decays not characterized by a threshold (e.g. decay of a particle from one helicity
to the other or photon splitting)
• maximum velocity (e.g. synchrotron peak from supernova remnants)
• dynamical effects of LV background fields (e.g. gravitational coupling and additional wave
It has however to be stressed that not all of the above cited tests are in the same way robust
against the underlying physical framework that one is choosing in order to justify the use of the
modified dispersion relations (2.3). In fact while the above cited cumulative effects use exclusively
the form of the modified dispersion relations basically all the other effects are dependent on the
underlying dynamics of interacting particles and on the fact that the standard energy-momentum
conservation holds or not. Hence in order to cast most of the constrains on dispersion relations
of the form (2.2) one needs to adopt a specific theoretical framework justifying the use of such
deformed dispersion relations.
4. Modified dispersion relations
Stefano Liberati
Quantum gravity phenomenology
5. Theoretical frameworks for Lorentz violation
(Latin indices i, j, . . . run from 1 to 3) and supplements this with the following (deformed) commutators between the Lorentz generators and those of translations in spacetime (the momentum
operators P0 and Pi ):
[Li , P0 ] = 0 ;
[Li , Pj ] = i εi jk Pk ;
Pi ;
[Bi , P0 ] = i f1
P Pi Pj
P0 + f3
[Bi , Pj ] = i δi j f2
Finally, assume
[Pi , Pj ] = 0 .
The commutation relations (5.3)–(5.4) are given in terms of three unspecified, dimensionless structure functions f1 , f2 , and f3 , and are sufficiently general to include all known DSR proposals —
the DSR1 [32], DSR2 [33], and DSR3 [34]. Furthermore, in all the DSRs considered to date, the
dimensionless arguments of these functions are specialized to
→ fi
P0 ∑3i=1 Pi2
so that rotational symmetry is completely unaffected. Furthermore, in order to recover ordinary
special relativity in the M → +∞ limit, one has to demand that, in that limit, f1 and f2 tend to 1,
and that f3 tend to some finite value.
It was soon recognized [36] that such deformed boost algebra amounts to the assertion that
physical energy and momentum of DSR can be always expressed as nonlinear functions of a fictitious pseudo-momentum π, whose components transform linearly under the action of the Lorentz
group. More precisely one can assume the existence of an invertible map F between two momentum spaces: the classical space P, with coordinates πµ where the Lorentz group acts linearly and
the physical space P, with coordinates pµ , where the Lorentz group acts as the image of its action
DSR: Quantum gravity effects seems to introduce a new dimensional fundamental scale given
by the Planck length (or the corresponding area/volume). Deformed or Doubly Special Relativity
(DSR) [32, 33, 34] can be understood as a tentative modification of Special Relativity (SR) in order
to incorporate some QG scale (generally the Planck length) as a new invariant scale other than that
provided by the speed of light c but preserving at the same time the relativity principle.
This very ambitious program has so far found a partial realization only in momentum space
where the DSR idea has been implemented by introducing a deformation of the Poincaré algebra
in the boost sector [33, 35]. Specifically the Lorentz commutators among rotations and boost are
left unchanged but the action of boosts on momenta is changed in a non-trivial way (see e.g. [33])
by corrections which are suppressed by M.
Concretely one considers the standard Lorentz algebra of the generators of rotations, Li , and
boosts, Bi :
[Li , B j ] = i εi jk Bk ;
[Bi , B j ] = −i εi jk Lk
[Li , L j ] = i εi jk Lk ;
Stefano Liberati
Quantum gravity phenomenology
on P. Also, F must be such that F : [π0 , ~π ] → M for all elements on P with |~π | = ∞ and/or
π0 = ∞.
On the other hand, since DSR is not a formulation of QG, but gives a set of transformations
with the typical QG scale, it might be plausible to consider it as a low energy limit of QG, that is, as
some effective theory. (Indeed such point of view was taken in several works on the subject [37, 38,
39].) Along this line of though, it was recently proposed [13] that DSR could be interpreted as an
effective theory of measurement for high energy particle properties. According to this framework,
the relation between “true” energy and momentum of a particle (the classical variables π of DSR)
and observed quantities (the physical variables p of DSR) acquires, at sufficiently high energies,
Planck suppressed distortions induced by quantum gravity effects. These relations can be identified
with DSR-type deformations. In [14, 15] it was further argued that this non linear nature might arise
as a result of the unavoidable averaging over QG fluctuations of the metric around flat spacetime
which is required in order to properly define energy and momentum in first place.
The main observational constraints on DSR type dispersion relations concerns limits on the
delays between arrival times of sharp features of different energies observed in the intensities of
radiation from very distant astrophysical sources. Not very much else is available at the moment
given that DSR type dispersion relations do not generically show birefringence and that we cannot
resort to anomalous threshold reactions as these phenomena are not allowed in DSR (the reason
for this being simply that a kinematically forbidden reaction in the “classical” variables πµ cannot be made viable just via a nonlinear redefinition of momenta). There have been attempts to
consider constraints provided by shifts of normally allowed threshold reactions [40]. However for
such reactions the possible constraints are strongly dependent not just on kinematical considerations, but also on reaction rates which require some working framework for their derivation, which
presumably would take the form of some Effective Field Theory (EFT).
The problem in this case is the present lack of a DSR formulation in configuration space.
In this sense the main stream approach in the DSR community has been oriented towards the
possibility that the configuration space description of the just discussed deformed symmetry in
momentum space could imply spacetime non-commutativity [41, 42]. While some promising results linking DSR to some special form of spacetime non-commutativity have been found in 2+1
dimensions [43], we are still lacking a consistent physical picture in 3+1 dimensions. Moreover
attempts to develop a quantum field theory associated with different forms of non-commutativity, a
much needed step in order to be able to effectively cast phenomenological constraints, led to highly
non-trivial quantum field theories (possibly with problematic features such as IR/UV-mixing [44]).
An alternative route it was recently proposed in [16] where it was shown that any modified dis9
The main open issues in this momentum formulation of DSR are the so called multiplicity
and saturation problems. The first is related to the fact that in principle there are many possible
deformations (an infinite number, depending on the choice of an energy invariant scale, threemomentum scale or both [35]). This seems to suggest that the set of linear transformations (that
is SR) is the only one that have a physical sense. Moreover the composition law for energy and
momenta of DSR, being derived by imposing a standard composition law for the pseudo fourmomenta πµ , is characterized by a saturation at the Planck scale apparently in open contrast with
the everyday life observation of classical objects with transplanckian energies and momenta.
Stefano Liberati
Quantum gravity phenomenology
EFT with Lorentz violation: EFT has proven very effective and flexible in the past, it produces
local energy and momentum conservation laws, and seems to require for its applicability just locality and local spacetime translation invariance above some length scale. It describes the standard
model and general relativity (which are presumably not fundamental theories), a myriad of condensed matter systems at appropriate length and energy scales, and even string theory. Furthermore,
it is at the moment the only framework within which we can compute reaction rates and in general
fully describe the particle dynamics.
For what regards concrete realizations of this framework we can distinguish two main lines
of research: one considers EFT with only renormalizable (i.e. mass dimension 3 and 4) LV operators [47, 48], the other considers instead EFT with non-renormalizable (i.e. mass dimension 5 and
higher) LV operators [49, 11].
Most of the research along the first direction has been carried out within the so called (minimal)
standard model extension (SME) [47]. It consists of the standard model of particle physics plus all
Lorentz violating renormalizable operators (i.e. of mass dimension ≤ 4) that can be written without
changing the field content or violating the gauge symmetry. For illustration, to lowest order in the
Lorentz violating coefficients the dispersion relations respectively for electrons and photons in the,
rotationally invariant, QED sector of the SME are [10, 47]
E 2 = m2 + p2 + ηe p + ηe p2
E 2 = (1 + ηγ )p2 .
where from here thereafter we shall identify m with the electron mass me ≈ 511 keV.
The alternative approach is to study non-renormalizable operators. All in all we nowadays
consider the SM just an effective field theory and in this sense its renormalizability is seen as a
consequence of neglecting some higher order operators which are suppressed in some appropriate
mass scale. It is a short deviation from orthodoxy to imagine that such non-renormalizable operators can be generated by quantum gravity effects (and hence be naturally suppressed by the Planck
2 Finsler
geometry is a generalization of Riemannian geometry: instead of defining an inner product structure over
the tangent bundle, we define a norm F. This norm will be a real function F(x, v) of a spacetime point x and of a tangent
vector v ∈ Tx M, such that it satisfies the usual norm properties namely F(x, v) 6= 0 if v 6= 0, and F(x, λ v) = |λ |F(x, v),
with λ ∈ R. The Finsler metric is then defined as gµν (x, v) = 2(∂∂vµF∂ vν ) , or equivalently F(x, v) = gµν (x, v)vµ vν .
3 It
was recently shown in [46] that this is not the case for the standard DSR algebra presented at the start of this
section: while the equation of motions are indeed invariant the norm is so only modulo a total derivative. It is presently
unclear the physical relevance of this point, given that it is not excluded that other realizations of the Lorentz algebra can
leave the norm invariant, neither it is clear the observational relevance the Finsler norm once the invariance of the field
equations is assured.
persion relation of the form (2.2) can be associated with a Finsler geometry 2 . While this approach
can be naturally seen as a geometrical description of the violation of Lorentz symmetry (and in fact
it naturally arises in analogue models of gravity [45]), it cannot be excluded at the moment that it
might fit instead in a DSR-like framework if a non linear realization of the Lorentz algebra can be
found leaving the Finsler norm invariant 3 . This seems an interesting perspective which probably
deserve further attention in the next future.
In conclusion, missing a field theory implementation of the DSR idea we cannot safely pose
most of the constraints listed before. We shall then move to consider the alternative route of an
EFT with Lorentz violating terms.
Stefano Liberati
Quantum gravity phenomenology
ω±2 = k2 ± ξ
E±2 = p2 + m2 + η±
were we have introduced the simplified notation ηγ = ξ and ηe = η. The subscripts ± refer to
helicity which can be shown to be a good quantum number in the presence of these LV terms [51].
Moreover, η± are the LV parameters of the two electron helicities, those for positrons can be shown
= −η∓electron [11, 51].
to be η±
This is the framework in which most of the work on astrophysical constraints has been carried out (with or without taking into account explicitly the possible helicity dependence of the
6. Constraints
We shall focus now on the QED sector with dimension 5 LV operators described by the dispersion relations Eq. (5.8) and (5.9). For these dispersion relations it is obvious that high energies are
needed in order to cast constraints. How high, can be estimated considering, for example, threshold processes. In these cases sizable deviations start to appear when the LV term in the dispersion
relation is of the order of the relevant mass term. For an electron this implies that one can cast a
constraint of O(1) on η when p ∼ (mM)1/3 ≈ 10 TeV. This energy is at the moment beyond the
capacity of terrestrial experiments in particle accelerators however it is well within the realm of
high energy astrophysics observations. We give here a very dry account, see e.g. [10, 11] for a
detailed discussion.
Cumulative effects: Constraints based on cumulative effects are not the strongest available but
they do have a special status given that, being a purely of kinematical nature, they are the only ones
independent on the choice between the above discussed theoretical frameworks.
They are cast by placing upper limits on the differences in the time of arrival at Earth of
photons produced by a distant astrophysical events. In fact one can see from Eq. (5.8) that there is
a LIV induced time delay given by
∆t = ξ (k2 − k1 )d/M ,
4 Note
that while CPT violation implies LIV the opposite is not true [50].
mass) and possibly associated to the violation of some fundamental spacetime symmetry like local
Lorentz invariance.
A rigorous study of Lorentz violating EFT in the higher mass dimension sector was initiated
in [49] through a classification of all LV dimension five operators that can be added to the QED
Lagrangian and are quadratic in the same fields, rotation invariant, gauge invariant, not reducible to
a combination of lower and/or higher dimension operators using the field equations, and contribute
p3 terms to the dispersion relation. Just three operators arise and all of the terms violate CPT
symmetry as well as Lorentz invariance 4 . In this case the QED sector dispersion relations come to
be (in the limit of high energy E ≫ m)
Stefano Liberati
Quantum gravity phenomenology
∆θ = ξ (k22 − k12 )d/2M .
Albeit small this vacuum birefringence can easily depolarize linearly polarized radiation composed of a spread of frequencies when this travels over astrophysical distances. Hence detection
of polarized light from distant sources can cast a constraint on the strength of the LV coefficient
ξ . A reliable constraint on the dimension five term, |ξ | . 2 × 10−4 , was deduced in [54] using
UV light from distant galaxies. The much stronger constraint |ξ | . 2 × 10−15 was derived [51, 55]
from the report [56] of a high degree of polarization of MeV photons from the gamma-ray burst
GRB021206. However, the data has been reanalyzed in two different studies and no statistically
significant polarization was found [57]. Finally, using the same methodology, it was very recently
derived the strongest up to date constraint by looking at polarization in the optical/UV afterglow of
some gamma-ray bursts (GRB 020813 and GRB 021004). This limit is |ξ | . 2 × 10−7 [58].
Anomalous threshold reactions: These are typical phenomena allowed just in case of explicit
LV however they are not very sensitive to the details of the dynamics given that the rates, once
above threshold, are tremendously strong Thus we could tolerate huge modifications to the matrix
element (the dynamics) and still be able to cast a strong constraint just assuming standard energy
momentum conservation (i.e. no DSR).
The reactions used in this case are mainly those reactions related to the basic vertex of QED,
i.e. gamma decay γ → e± γ and vacuum Čerenkov (VC) e± → e± γ. In both the cases the reaction
happens so fast above threshold that the particle stops immediately to propagate [11] 5 . Hence if
5 Above
threshold the decay rate of photon goes as Γ ∼ E 2 /M, while the electron rate of energy loss goes as
∼ E 3 /M
which increases with the distance from the source and with the energy difference. Using single
sources (generally gamma rays bursts (GRB) or active galactic nuclei (AGN)) the typical strength
of the current constraints strength up to order 102 [52].
Unfortunately these constraints suffer of large systematic errors, because it is hard to state if
the photons, at different energies, are produced simultaneously in the source, even for a GRB. This
problem might be avoided using the helicity dependence of (5.8). In fact one can consider the
velocity difference of the two polarizations at a single energy [51]. This would lead to a constraint
at least twice as large as the one arising from energy differences which is also independent of any
intrinsic time lag between different energy photons. However would required the simultaneous
detection of both photons’ polarizations and the possibility to exclude that some spurious helicity
dependent mechanism (like for example the crossing of the light path of some birefringent medium)
has affected the relative propagation of the two polarizations states.
Nowadays the most robust constraints on ξ based on this mechanism are obtained via a statistical analysis on a large sample of GRBs with known redshifts. Looking at the arrival times
of sharp features in the radiation intensity at different energies it is obtained a constraint of order
ξ ≤ O(103 ) [53].
The helicity dependence of (5.8) also implies that the direction of linear polarization is rotated
through a frequency-dependent angle, due to different phase velocities for opposite helicities. The
difference in rotation angle between two wave vectors k1 and k2 after a propagation distance d is
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photons or electrons are observed to propagate up to some given high energy one can infer that the
latter should be still below the threshold for one of the above reactions to happen.
Taking ξ ≃ 0 6 , the photon decay threshold is
kth = 6 3|η|m2 M .
pth = (m2 M/2η)1/3 ≃ 11 TeV η −1/3 .
Moreover just above threshold, this process has a time scale of the order of 10−9 s, so it is extremely
efficient. The strongest constraint up to now is again cast using the observation of high energy
photons from the Crab nebula: the VHE γ-ray emission of the Crab Nebula is usually interpreted as
due to Inverse Compton (IC) scattering of accelerated electrons/positrons onto background photons.
These leptons simply would not be able to produce the observed inverse Compton radiation if they
would have been above the VC threshold (the VC rate above threshold is much higher than the IC
scattering rate in the Crab).
In [11] it was used the fact that 50 TeV photons are observed from the Crab Nebula to infer
that 50 TeV electrons or positrons in at least one helicity state must be propagating in the Crab
nebula. Thus, the bound η . 10−2 was deduced for one of the 4 fermion parameters. With the
observation of 80 TeV photons by HEGRA [59] this is strengthened to η . 3 × 10−3 .
Shifting of existing threshold reactions: Two characteristic reactions of high energy astrophysics have been studied: photon pair production from TeV gamma rays hitting the infrared (IR)
and cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons γγ0 → e+ e− and the so called GZK reaction
which describes the production of pions via the collision of ultra high energy protons7 (p ≥ 5 · 1019
eV) on CMB, p + γCMB → p + π 0 (see e.g. [60, 61, 62, 63]). In the presence of Lorentz violating
dispersion relations the threshold for these processes is in general shifted. Moreover, it has been
noticed [60, 63, 64], that in some cases there is an upper threshold beyond which the process does
not occur. It is very difficult to cast robust constraints on reactions of this kind, in fact these are
strongly dependent on the shape of the primary spectrum of the incident particles, on the backgrounds (which in the case of IR photons is not well known) and on the reaction rates. Moreover,
for GZK reaction, we do have even an uncertainty about the very existence of the reaction hence it
is not clear how present observations should be used. For all these reasons we do not discuss here
the constraints and refer the reader to the reviews [10, 11].
LV induced decays not characterized by a threshold: Characteristic examples in this case are
decays of a particle from one helicity to the other or photon splitting. Although they are not characterized by a proper threshold energy they are strongly dependent on the decay rate which of course
that from birefringence we already know that ξ ∼ 10−7 .
that we do not have at the moment a fundamental derivation of the dispersion relation for hadrons (i.e. for
composite particles) and a form like Eq. (5.9) is just assumed.
6 Remember
7 Note
In [11] |η| ∼ 0.2 was derived by requiring that that 50 TeV γ-rays measured from the Crab Nebula
had to be below threshold. Now, this constraint is somewhat better, |η| ∼ 5 × 10−2 , due to the fact
that 80 TeV photons have been seen by HEGRA [59].
For the vacuum Čerenkov (taking again ξ ≃ 0), the threshold energy is given by
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Quantum gravity phenomenology
Maximum velocity: Synchrotron radiation emission by electrons/positrons cycling in a magnetic
field is strongly affected by LIV. In the Lorentz invariant case, as well as in the presence of Lorentz
violation [66, 67], most part of the radiation due to an electron of energy E is emitted around a
critical frequency
3 γ 3 (E)
ωc = eB
where γ(E) = 1/ 1 − v2 (E)/c2 , and v(E) = ∂ E/∂ p is the electron group velocity.
The dispersion relation (5.9) implies that electrons (or positrons) with a negative value of η
will have a maximal group velocity smaller than the low energy speed of light. Consequently there
will be for them a maximal synchrotron frequency ωcmax that can be produced, regardless the energy
of the radiating lepton. Thus for at least one electron or positron helicity ωcmax must be greater than
the maximum observed synchrotron emission frequency ωobs . This yields a constraint which is
strongest for a system that has the smallest B/ωobs ratio [66]. Presently such a system is the Crab
nebula, which emits synchrotron radiation up to 100 MeV and has a magnetic field no larger than
0.6 mG in the emitting region. Thus one can infer that at least one lepton population must have a
LIV coefficient greater than −7 × 10−8 (note this is not per se a constraint, see discussion below).
Combined constraints: Putting all together we get the following picture where all the relevant
information is given by the Crab nebula.
In summary we see that the ξ , η coefficients are nowadays restricted to the region |ξ | . 10−7
by birefringence and |η± | . 10−1 by photon decay. It is clear that while the constraint on the photon
coefficient is remarkably strong not the same can be said about the LIV coefficients of the leptons.
Of course we have a comparably strong estimate on the leptons coefficients, namely the synchrotron
one, but this is not a double sided constraint and it only implies that the LIV coefficient of the
population responsible for the Crab synchrotron emission cannot be more negative that −8 × 10−7 .
The same way the vacuum Čerenkov-IC bound η < +3 × 10−3 only tell us that at least one lepton
population must satisfy it. These statements, although not void of physical significance, cannot be
considered per se constraints on the parameters η± , since for each of them it is easy to realize that
one of the two parameters ±η+ will always satisfies the bound, as will do one of ±η− .
Something more can be said making partial use of the information provided by current modeling of the Crab nebula emission. In particular current reconstructions of the Crab emission fit very
well the data by just assuming a single lepton population accounting for both the synchrotron and
IC emission [11]. In this case it is possible to infer that at least one of the four pairs (±η± , ξ ) must
is totally negligible at low energies. Helicity decay can happen if the positive and negative helicity
LV parameters for electrons are unequal. One can easily see [11] that the rate is non-negligible for
a given η approximately at the same energy at which the threshold of the vacuum Čerenkov would
be located. In this sense one might speak of an effective threshold. Unfortunately, we lack at the
moment sufficiently precise observations for casting constraints using this reaction although the
situation might change soon (see discussion in [11]). For what regards photon splitting we are still
missing a complete calculation of the rate which would include the the helicity dependence of the
photon dispersion, and the Lorentz violation in the electron-positron sector. However preliminary
calculations seems to be promising casting a bound on the photon coefficient of order 10−3 [65].
Stefano Liberati
Quantum gravity phenomenology
lie in the narrow region bounded horizontally by the dashed lines of the synch and IC bounds and
vertically by the birefringence constraint. However, we cannot a priori exclude that only one out
of four populations is responsible for both the synchrotron and inverse Compton emission, so the
electron sector is not yet strongly constrained (see again [11] for further details).
Nonetheless, it is clear that these simple arguments do not fully exploit the large amount of
information we obtain from the Crab Nebula. A detailed comparison of the observations with
the reconstructed spectrum in the LIV case, where all new reactions and modifications of classical
processes are considered, could still provide us with strong constraints on both positive and negative
η for the four lepton populations. This study is currently in progress and there is reasonable
expectation that it might settle this issue [68].
7. The naturalness problem: an analogue models lesson
Looking back at our ansatz Eq. (2.3) compatibility with observations induced us to assume
that the lowest order coefficients η (1) and η (2) contain some appropriate power of the small ratio
µ/M. Note however that we did not assumed any extra Planck suppression for the higher order
dimensionless coefficients (η (n) with n ≥ 3) which are then naturally of order one. Such an ansatz
assures that for any p ≫ µ the lowest higher order term allowed is always dominant on both the
lowest oder ones as well as on all the other higher order ones. If CPT invariance is not a priori
enforced, the dominant term would be the one cubic in the momentum in Eq. (2.2).
A naturalness problem arises because such a line of reasoning does not seem to be well justified
within an EFT framework. In fact we implicitly assumed that there are no extra Planck suppressions
hidden in the dimensionless coefficients η (n) with n ≥ 3. However we cannot justify why only the
Figure 1: Present constraints on the LIV coefficients for QED with dimension 5 Lorentz violation. The grey
area is the allowed one. The Dashed lines delimit the allowed range for at least one of the four lepton LIV
coefficients if one assumes that a single population has to be simultaneously responsible for the synchrotron
and inverse Compton emission of the Crab nebula (from [68]).
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Quantum gravity phenomenology
i h̄ ∂t ψi =
h̄2 2
∇ +Vi − µi +Uii |ψi |2 +Ui j ψ j
2 mi
ψi + λ ψ j ,
where (i, j) → (A, B) and again ψi identify the classical wave function hΨ̂i of each condensate
Now consider small perturbations (sound waves) in the condensate cloud. The excitation spectrum is obtained by linearizing around some background, and after a straightforward analysis and
a suitable tuning of the microscopic quantities it is possible to show that the dispersion relations at
8 Renormalization
group equations for QED with dimension five LIV terms have been also given in [72]. Solving
such equations can be used to show that η± and ξ are of order 1 at the TeV scale [68].
dimensionless coefficients of the n ≤ 2 terms should be suppressed by powers of the small ratio
µ/M. Furthermore it is easy to show [69] that, without some protecting symmetry, it is generic that
radiative corrections due to particle interactions in an EFT with only Lorentz violations of order
n ≥ 3 in (2.2) for the free particles, will generate n = 1 and n = 2 Lorentz violating terms in the
dispersion relation which will then be dominant.
It has indeed been suggested in [70] that supersymmetry (SUSY) could play a protective role
for the lowest-order operators: the dual requirements of supersymmetry and gauge invariance permit one to add to the SUSY standard model only those operators corresponding to n ≥ 3 terms in
the dispersion relation. However SUSY is broken in the real world and when LV SUSY QED with
softly broken SUSY was considered [71], it was found that, upon SUSY breaking, the dimension
five SUSY operators generate dimension three operators large enough that the dimension five operators must be suppressed by a mass scale much greater than M. In this sense, the naturalness
problem is not completely solved in this setting. Alternatively one can try to identify LV operators that are protected against transmutation in lower order ones by a variety of other mechanisms
like the irreducibility of the LV tensor structures,T-invariance, and the lepton number conservation.
This has been explicitly done for dimension 5 Lorentz Violating Interactions in the Standard Model
showing that some LIV operators are indeed protected in this way [72] 8 .
Finally also analogue models of gravity can be used as an inspiring tool in tackling the naturalness problem. We already saw the wave equation for phonons propagating on a Bose–Einstein
condensate BEC can be described as that of a relativistic scalar field on a curved spacetime (the
background is flat in the special case that the BEC is at rest and has constant density). Moreover the
dispersion relations for such phonons (Eq. (3.14)) does indeed show high energy corrections. However, in order to address the naturalness problem one needs to consider a system where there are
at least two kind of excitations/quasi-particles which moreover have to share the same Lorentzian
geometry at low energies. In this sense a system of two coupled BEC is ideal because does satisfy this criteria when its microscopic quantities (background densities and couplings) are suitably
tuned [17].
The basis of the model is an ultra-cold dilute atomic gas of N bosons in two coupled singleparticle states |Ai and |Bi. There are three atom-atom coupling constants, UAA , UBB , and UAB , and
an additional coupling λ that drives transitions between the two single-particle states. Ignoring
again back reaction effects of the quantum fluctuations one then obtains a pair of coupled Gross–
Pitaevskii equations (GPE)
Stefano Liberati
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low energies are [17]
ωI2 = c2s k2
ωII2 = c2s k2 + m2II c4s
ωI2 = c2s (k2 + ηI k4 /Meff
m2II c4s + c2s (ηII k2 + ηII k4 /Meff
where Meff = mA mB plays the role of the LIV scale.
So that a percolation of the standard (for BEC) quartic LIV terms into quadratic ones seems
to have taken place (at least for the massive quasi-particle). However looking in detail at the
form of the ηII and ηI/II coefficients one finds that while the former one is actually a small ratio
ηII = (mII /Meff )2 9 the latter are indeed coefficients of order one. So for any p ≫ mII the higher
order LIV terms will dominate over the quadratic one.
We can here propose a nice interpretation in terms of “emergent symmetry”: Non-zero λ
simultaneously produces a non-zero mass for one of the phonons, and a corresponding non-zero
LIV at order k2 . Let us now drive λ → 0 but in such a ay that at low energies the Lorentzian
geometry si still recovered (this can always be done [17]). In this case one gets an EFT which at
low energies describes two non-interacting phonons propagating on a common background (both
mII and η (2) go to 0 for λ → 0). Now this system possesses a SO(2) symmetry and hence non-zero
laser coupling λ softly breaks this SO(2), the mass degeneracy, and low-energy Lorentz invariance.
Such soft Lorentz violation is then characterized (as usual in EFT) by the ratio of the scale of
the symmetry breaking mII , and that of the scale originating the LIV in first place MLIV . We
stress that the SO(2) symmetry is an “emergent/accidental symmetry” as it is not preserved beyond
the hydrodynamic limit: the η (4) coefficients are in general different if mA 6= mB , so SO(2) is
generically broken at high energies. Nevertheless this is enough for the protection of the lowestorder LIV operators.
The interesting lesson to be learn concerns the fact that in this case one can see that the symmetry that protects the lowest order operators (those associated with the η (2) term) is not an high
energy one eventually broken at low energies, on the contrary it is an emergent (low energy) symmetry which being softly broken by interactions allows only for suppressed low order terms. It
would be intriguing to explore the possibility that something along these lines could happen in the
real world.
9 One
can always tune the microscopic physics of the 2-BEC system so that mII ≪ Meff
where I and II identified the two phon-like modes of the coupled system and where both the low
energy speed of sound cs and the effective mass m are a function of the microscopic parameters. In
particular mII → 0 if the laser coupling λ → 0.
One can then investigate if at high energies the interaction between these modes allows the
primary quartic order (in particle momentum) LV to “percolate” to quadratic order (hence inducing
non-zero η (2) terms) and make the latter the dominant contribution. In [17] it was shown that at
high energies one indeed finds that the high energy dispersion relations become [17]
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8. Conclusions
I wish to thank T.A. Jacobson and L. Maccione for useful remarks on the manuscript. Figure
1 was produced by L. Maccione for the manuscript [68] in preparation.
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