ScanMe Mobile: A Local and Cloud Hybrid Service for
Analyzing APKs
Yevgeniy Cole , Hanlin Zhang , Linqiang Ge , Sixiao Wei , Wei Yu , Chao Lu ,
Genshe Chen , Dan Shen , Erik Blasch , Khanh D. Pham
Towson Univ., USA
[email protected],{lge2,hzhang4},{wyu,clu}
Intelligent Fusion Technology, USA
Air Force Research Laboratory, USA
[email protected],
[email protected]
ket share [5]. Because of its popularity, it has piqued the
interest of adversaries, who may launch malware attacks.
According to Fortinet, the network security product corporation, 96.54% of mobile malware infections were found
on Android [4]. From November 2013 to October 2014,
Kaspersky Lab [6] found 295,539 new malicious apps. Of
these apps, 12,100 were mobile banking Trojans. Existing
research states that Android experienced four times more
malware attacks during this period in comparison with the
previous reporting period [2]. Further, it was shown that
53% of all Android attacks were SMS Trojans, designed to
steal money and personal information [2].
To defend against mobile malware, static analysis [8] was
developed to conduct malware detection by viewing metadata and analyzing the decompiled source code of executables. Nonetheless, static analysis is limited by the ability of
code analyzers [7] and adversaries developed numerous obfuscation techniques against known static techniques. Further, the security of mobile devices is challenged by resources
limitations (e.g., energy and computing capacity, etc.), while
the detection of attacks requires real-time processing capability. The mounting volume of data stored in mobile devices
and the high computational power requirement hinder the
effectiveness of threat detection and analysis on Android systems. Therefore, as mobile malware continues to evolve and
becomes more prominent, it is critical that new dynamic,
efficient, and reliable tools and techniques are created to
combat newer malware.
In this paper, we developed a local and cloud hybrid malware detection service, denoted as ScanMe Mobile. We
implemented the mobile cloud based architecture to efficiently perform real-time detection. In our system, we applied Google Cloud Messaging (GCM). The data collected
from mobile devices are delivered to a detection center, which
conducts threat monitoring and detection based on collected
data. Our developed system, ScanMe Mobile, can conduct
both static and dynamic analysis. ScanMe Mobile offers
users a pre-configured sandbox environment to test and analyze mobile applications before they install them on their
phones. In layman’s terms, a sandbox is “an environment,
in which the actions of a process are restricted according to
As mobile malware increases in numbers and sophistication,
it becomes pertinent for users to have access to tools that
can inform them of potentially malicious applications. In
this paper, we developed a cloud based Android malware
analysis service called ScanMe Mobile. The objective of this
service is to allow users to learn information about Android
application package (APK) files before installing them on
their Android devices. With ScanMe Mobile, users can locally scan APK files on their phone’s SD (Secure Digital)
memory card, compile a comprehensive report, and share the
report by publishing it through a web interface. ScanMe Mobile allows users to perform both static and dynamic analysis
on APK files. In addition to integrating some existing analysis tools into the system, we performed Android malware
detection based on machine learning techniques. Our experimental data shows that our proposed system can effectively
detect malware on the Android platform.
CCS Concepts
•Security and privacy → Software and application
security; Software security engineering;
Android Malware; Google Cloud Messaging; Machine Learning; Sandbox; Google App Engine
Worldwide, as of first quarter 2015, Android is the most
popular smart mobile platform, controlling 78% of the marPermission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or
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RACS ’15, October 09-12, 2015, Prague, Czech Republic
c 2015 ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-3738-0/15/10. . . $15.00
a security policy” [1]. To detect malicious APKs through
dynamic analysis, we integrated Droidbox to analyze the
runtime behavior of scanned applications and implemented
an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based scheme to learn
their behavior patterns.
upload to a sandbox server. The application is also
responsible for registering the device to the Google
Cloud Messaging service and notifies the user when
a new message is received.
• Google Cloud Messaging Service (GCM): GCM is a
third party service that provides data transmission between the operation center and mobile devices. When
the application runs, the device will register to the
GCM service. After the registration, the application
sends its registration ID to the Google App Engine
Datastore and Website backend, where a new device
entity is created in the datastore.
• Local Application Sandbox Server (LASS): In LASS,
an Ubuntu 14.04 system, a VM (virtual machine) will
act as an application sandbox to analyze APK files. A
script was developed to automatically install and configure all necessary tools required for this environment.
We adopt a plug and play solution, which allows users
to install their own local sandbox systems and begin
analyzing their APKs quickly.
Figure 1: ScanMe System Architecture
Using real-world malicious and non-malicious APK samples, we conducted experiments on Android mobile devices
and evaluated the effectiveness of ScanMe Mobile in terms
of detection accuracy and overhead. Our experimental data
shows our proposed detection system can effectively detect
malware on the Android platform. For example, our preconfigured sandbox environment can successfully capture the intents SEND, CALL, PHONE NUMBER in malware, which
are all known for stolen information through SMS (Short
Message Service (SMS) messaging. Our dynamic analysis
malware classification system can achieve a detection rate
at 85%. When it comes to overhead, our proposed detection
service requires very little resources to run on an Android
device. ScanMe Mobile is efficient by taking less than one
minute to complete a static and dynamic analysis run.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: We
introduce the ScanMe Mobile design and implementation in
detail in Section 2. In Section 3, we show performance
evaluation of ScanMe Mobile system. Finally, we conclude
the paper in Section 4.
• Detection Module: In the local application sandbox
server, ScanMe Mobile obtains the information of uploaded applications. Among the obtained information,
permissions required by the application will be sent to
the detection module. To show the effectiveness of the
ScanMe Mobile system, we provision machine learning
based schemes to carry out detection. Through the
machine learning process, the trained module can be
used to determine whether uploaded applications are
malware or benign applications.
• Google App Engine (GAE) Datastore and Website: Once
the report is compiled, it is sent and stored in the
Google App Engine datastore. The datastore also stores
the registration IDs and messages of registered mobile
devices. Google App Engine hosts the web application’s frontend as well as the backend. We used JSP
technology and the Bootstrap framework to develop
our website.
We now introduce the workflow of ScanMe Mobile. As
shown in Figure 1, a new application implemented in the
Android platform first needs to register the device to the
GCM with a goal of retrieving its registration identification
(ID). The ID information will be stored and sent to GAE
backend as a “Device” entity. The user selects and uploads
APKs to the local sandbox server. Permission information is
sent to the machine learning detection module. The detection result will be sent back to the sandbox. After obtaining
the detection data, the APK file will be analyzed and a report will be sent to GAE. Once the sample’s report is written
to the datastore or when there is an error, the backend sends
a message to the registered device, and the user receives a
message from the GCM. The last step for users is to navigate
to the GAE website. Users need to enter the identification
for the samples and then view the results.
In this section, we first introduce the system architecture
and our design of ScanMe Mobile. We then present our
implementations of the Android Client, Google Cloud Messaging (GCM), Local Application Sandbox (LASS), and the
Google App Engine database and web site.
2.1 System Architecture
As shown in Figure 1, our system consists of five components: (i) the Android client application, (ii) a local sandbox
server, (iii) the detection module, (iv) a Google cloud messaging service, and (v) the Google App engine datastore and
website. Individual components are described as follow:
• Android Client Application: The Android client can
host an application that recursively scans its Secure
Digital (SD) card for all APK files. This application
allows the user to select one or more applications to
System Implementation
In this subsection, we describe the implementation of ScanMe
2.2.1 Android Application
and receive messages, as well as have access to the backend’s API (Application Programming Interface). When a
register request is made by the client application, the GCM
responds to it with a unique registration ID. At this point,
the client sends another request through the Endpoints API
to the assigned GAE instance. This instance accepts the
request and stores the device’s unique ID in the datastore.
The backend can send a message to the client by calling the
Endpoints’ doSendViaGCM() method. When the message is
received, the client executes onMessage() method and passes
the message to the MainActivity class through an intent. By
default, GCM is configured to broadcast a message, which
will be sent from the backend to 10 other devices found in
the datastore. This functionality can be turned off and the
message will only be sent to devices that upload APKs.
Our ScanMe Mobile Android application is designed to
be user friendly. It allows users to quickly select APKs to
upload without going through menus and forms. Figure 2
shows the layout of the design of the ScanMe Application.
When the application runs for the first time, it will ask the
user to register to the GCM service. Users have the choice
to register or continue using the application. The ScanMe
application allows users to upload and view their reports locally. Users who would rather view their report online will
have to register. If the user chooses to register, the registration ID will be stored locally on GAE datastore. The
registration ID is stored locally before it is saved to the datastore. Therefore, if the datastore fails to create a new device
entity, the user will not be able to receive messages. To deal
with this problem, users can clear the cache and register
The application only has permission to scan a SD card. If
APKs are stored on an internal storage, it will fail to find
them. By default, when users download applications from
Google Play and not from third party markets, the APKs
are stored internally, but the user can force applications to
be downloaded to the SD card directly. Applications will
be displayed within the scroll panel of the designed user
interface. The user can choose to upload one or more applications. The system works best when only one APK is
uploaded at a time because both static and dynamic analysis
can be performed. The sandbox server is configured to run
only one Android Virtual Device (AVD) at a time. To enable the analysis of multiple applications, users will have to
turn off dynamic analysis within the BASH startScan script.
For multiple applications, only static analysis is performed.
In ScanMe Mobile, a PHP script, called fileUpload.php, running on LASS, is configured to communicate with ScanMe’s
Android Application to allow APKs, as well as the device
registration ID to be uploaded. After the script returns either a successful upload or a failed upload, a message will
be displayed to the user.
Figure 3: Users’ Directory
2.2.3 Local Application Sandbox (LASS)
LASS is responsible for the static and dynamic analysis of
APK files, the compilation and formatting of reports, and
their submittal to
For security reasons, the sandbox runs locally and not on
the cloud. A local sandbox environment gives the user more
control without having to be concerned about malware propagation. When dynamic analysis is enabled for known malware, users can toggle the ability to dynamically analyze
malware without being connected to a network. The script
will enable networking once dynamic analysis has concluded.
When analysis is complete, a compiled report can be published to a website or kept local. The ScanMe Mobile service
allows users to compile reports and share them with a community by posting results on a Google App Engine powered
By running our BASH script (i.e., InstallSandbox), the
entire environment can be installed and configured automatically within 30 minutes. This allows any user with an
Ubuntu 14.04 VM to set up a safe running environment and
analyze malware. The script must be run with super user
privileges (sudo) and it takes an argument of an existing
account name. All non-system specific packages, directories
and files will be written under user’s home directory. Figure
3 shows the architecture of the user’s directory. A list of
InstallSandbox configurations is given below.
The installation of packages is shown as follows:
Figure 2: ScanmeApp
2.2.2 Google Cloud Messaging (GCM)
• Apache2, PHP5, MySql 5.6.
To establish a communication channel between the Android client application and a GAE instance, all clients must
register to the GCM service. ScanMe Mobile utilizes Google
Cloud Endpoint technology to integrate mobile clients with
a Google App Engine backend. Endpoint clients can send
• Python libraries and Android Analysis tool dependencies.
• Various analysis tool dependencies.
• OpenJDK 7, Android SDK, Android API 19,18,17 and
16 system images.
[3]. We implemented a script called ManifestScript, which
separates identified permissions into those three categories,
lists all custom permissions, features, services, receivers and
activities, and writes all data to the APK’s report file. Upon
writing to the report file, the script returns to startStan,
which converts the APK to a jar file and decompiles it into
java codes.
The classes.dex houses all of the Java code for the Android application. To read the Java code within classes.dex,
it must first be converted to a Jar file with dex2jar. The Jar
file can then be decompiled into Java classes using jd-cmd.
A custom parsing script is used to retrieve all mentioned
websites, IP addresses, phone numbers, intents and email
addresses. At this time, Androapkinfo, an Androguard tool,
is also run to list all files, which are not located within the
/res (resource) directory. Androapkinfo will generate some
output files, which can be analyzed at a later time to provide
more insight into the APK’s behavior. When static analysis concludes and if users have dynamic analysis enabled in
startScan, an emulator will be started with DroidBox script The startScan script then waits two minutes
for the emulator to load. Once it is loaded, will
be executed. This script starts, which pushes
and installs the APK in the emulator. DroidBox runs the
application after installation. The application runs for two
minutes. During this time, all file access, incoming and outgoing network data, phone calls, and SMS (Short Message
Service) messages will be logged. All results are displayed
in JSON format. A python script was developed to parse
JSON so that all data can be appended to the APK’s report.
After both static and dynamic analysis are complete, start
Scan runs a jar client, which sends a request to This client
sends the registration ID of the device, as well as the compiled report. Once received, the GAE server begins a datastore transaction. If creating a new entity is successful, a
message is then composed and is sent to the corresponding
device using the GCM service.
• Git, Maven, G++, Expect, x86 system libraries for
Ubuntu 14.04, and installation and configuration of
Android open source analysis tools (e.g., Apktool, Androguard, Droid−Box4.1.1, Jd−cmd, Dex2Jar, etc.).
The system configuration is shown as follows:
• Android SDK configuration and Android virtual device creation.
• Creation of files and directory structure illustrated in
Figure 3.
• Apache2 configuration to allow web access to publish
html within user accounts.
• PHP5 configuration to allow max POST request of
The execution within user directories is shown as follows:
• Change file and directory permissions to allow file uploads and write permissions to allow scan-apk to read
and write to files within users’ directory.
• Configuration of MySql to run as an instance under a
specific user.
• Symbolic links are created under HOME/bin to allow
easy access to analysis tools.
When the sandbox environment has been installed, an
inotify BASH script must be run in the background. The
script waits for new files uploaded within the /home/public
html/uploads directory. After a new APK has been uploaded, the script executes the startScan BASH script. start
Scan retrieves the device ID, which was written to identifiers.txt by the fileUpload.php, generates APK’s MD5 hash,
retrieves APK’s file size and name, checks for native code,
creates a XML element for each value and writes those values to a report file. The report’s name contains the APK’s
name, MD5 hash, and a timestamp. The report is stored in
the /home/AppSandbox/reports directory. To keep track
of uploaded files, from which device and when, startScan
creates an entry containing this information within uploadhistory.txt.
After parsing the uploaded APK, static analysis will be
performed next using file stored at /home/AppSandbox/apks
directory. StartScan runs Androaxml, which is a utility
within the Androguard suite, to convert the binary AndroidManifest.xml file to a human readable XML file. This file is
then parsed by the manifestScript, which extracts all permissions found within the manifest file and matches them with
permissions found in permissions.txt file. Permissions.txt
lists 206 Android permissions along with their category.
Android permissions are divided into three categories: normal, dangerous, and signature/system. Normal permissions
allow the application to use API calls that are not harmful
to the device and the user. Permissions under the dangerous category have access to potentially harmful API calls.
Signature/system permissions can cause the most harm and
have the most dangerous privileges. Notice that signature
permissions are hard to obtain as they require certification
by a manufacturer. They can also be obtained if an application is signed and installed in a special folder on the device
2.2.4 Machine Learning Based Detection Module
In the Sandbox, we obtain much information related to
uploaded applications. The permission information will be
used for further malware detection. To demonstrate the
effectiveness of our developed system, we implemented an
Artificial Neural Network (ANN)-based malware detection
classifier, which uses permissions to detect unknown malware. The classifier learns patterns of permissions and conduct detection. There are two processes in the detection
module: offline training and online detection. In the offline
training process, the ANN learns the abnormal behaviors of
malware in terms of permission requests. The learned model
will be further used to carry out malware classification in the
online detection process.
Figure 4: Workflow of Machine Learning Based Detection
The workflow of the system is shown in Figure 4. In the offline training process, the first step is to retrieve the permissions from Android applications. For Android applications,
all permissions are included in the Android-Manifest.xml file.
We obtain this file from the Sandbox. Next, we collect a set
of files, where each file consists of permissions requested by
one application. Figure 5 illustrates an example of permissions requested by an application. For the training process,
we need to process the data and map them to the format
required by the ANN. Because the ANN only accepts integers as input, we map each permission name to an integer
number. In terms of values for corresponding features, if
a particular permission is requested, its feature value is 1.
Otherwise, its feature value is 0. We then combine multiple
files and generate the input for the ANN. An example of
the input is shown in Figure 6. In the example, each row is
one application and each column is the value of the features.
Here, 1 means this permission is requested by the application while 0 means the permission is not requested. At this
point, we obtain the input that is used for offline training
process. We use the learned model in the Matlab neural
network tool box ( to conduct
unknown malware classification.
In the online detection process, the workflow is similar to
the one described in the offline training process. To classify
an application, the first step is to obtain permissions and
map the permission to the format required by the ANN.
Then, we use the trained ANN to determine whether a new
application is either a malicious or benign application. The
test file has the exactly same format as the training file,
which consists of features associated with each application
and values associated with each corresponding feature. The
online detection process will generate the output file, which
contains the classification result. The result is either +1 or
-1. When the number is positive, the ANN classifies it as a
benign application. When the number is negative, the ANN
classifies it as malware.
Table 1: Scan Results
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
IP Address
SmartWallActivity wallpaper
other samples in the database. If it does, a message is composed and sent to the user, notifying the user how to access
the existing results. If it is a new request, a new entity will
be created through a transaction. When an error occurs
during the middle of a transaction, the entire transaction is
rolled back.
The GAE frontend or website was designed with the Bootstrap framework and JSP technology. The website is mobile
friendly and easy to navigate. When a APK sample has been
successfully stored to the datastore, a message is sent to the
mobile device. The message contains the request required
by GAE to locate the target sample. For now, users can
simply navigate to the website mentioned above and enter
their sample’s ID or MD5 hash value. Once the APK sample is retrieved, a utility class parses the text object for the
sample. Results will be then displayed in four categories:
APK information, Android manifest, retrieved strings, and
dynamic malware analysis.
We now show the performance evaluation results in terms
of Sandbox performance, and detection accuracy.
Figure 5: Example of Permissions of Android Application
Figure 7: Detection Rate versus Training Set Ratio
To test the effectiveness of our system, 100 malware samples and 100 benign applications were gathered from the Android Malware Genome Project (http://www.malgenomeproject.
org/). The goal was to obtain the information from applications and classify them into either malware or benign applications. Results are illustrated in Tables 1 and 2. Table
1 makes note of all interesting intents, activities, emails, IP
addresses, and features found. The intents SEND, CALL,
PHONE NUMBER were found in malware, which are known
for stolen information through SMS messaging. The intents associated with packages came from malware, which installed additional packages from a remote server. Most of activities listed came from malicious applications hosting vari-
Figure 6: Example of Input for ANN
2.2.5 Google App Engine Backend and Frontend
When a submitted request is made to GAE backend at, the
backend checks whether the sample’s MD5 hash matches an-
80%. When we increase the training set ratio to 70%, the
detection rate approaches almost 86%. Figure 8 shows the
relationship between the false positive rate and the training
set ratio. As we can see from Figure 8, the false positive
rate declines as the training set ratio increases.
Figure 8: False Positive Rate versus Training Set
ous advertisements. The activities such as .PureGirls16 and
.ShowAllPics were from a variation of the GoldDream malware. Five applications contained email addresses. It is revealed that
[email protected] (DroidLyzer) and
[email protected]
(XXShenqi:Valentine’s Day worm) are both associated with
malicious applications. Table 2 lists some interesting services and websites found in the source code. For example,
three of malicious applications (e.g., wall paper apps. MySendEmailService and MyMakeMessageService) were found
within Troogoogle.apk. This app is a resource APK for the
famous XXShenqi Valentine’s Day worm.
Table 2: Scan Results
In this paper, we designed and implemented the ScanMe
Mobile application to address the security issue of mobiles.
Our developed system can conduct both static analysis and
dynamic analysis. ScanMe allows users to upload APK files,
analyze them in the sandbox and publish reports online. In
addition to integrate some existing analysis tools into the
system, we developed an Android malware detection system
using the machine learning based scheme. Our experimental
data shows that our proposed system is efficient and effective
to detect malware on the Android platform.
This material was support in part by research sponsored
by Air Force Research Laboratory under agreement number
FA9453-15-C-0016. This work was also supported in part by
US National Science Foundation (NSF) under grants: CNS
1117175 and 1350145. The U.S. Government is authorized
to reproduce and distribute reprints for Governmental purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation thereon. The
views and conclusions contained herein are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies or endorsements, either expressed or
implied, of Air Force Research Laboratory or the U.S. funding agencies.
To test the detection accuracy of our machine learning
based detection, we conducted experiments using those 100
benign applications and 100 malwares from the Android
Malware Genome Project. We obtained the input from the
Sandbox and then passed it into our detection module. We
used the Matlab Neural Network Toolbox built-in Matlab
R2013a ( to run the machine learning algorithm.
With a larger training set, more information can be used
to train the ANN classifier, leading to a higher detection
accuracy. We define the training set ratio as the ratio of
the number of training samples to the total number of samples. To measure the effectiveness of our detection system,
we define the detection rate as the probability of correctly
classifying the malware. That is, the ratio of the number of
malware correctly detected to the total number of malware
samples. We also define the false positive rate as the probability of falsely classifying benign applications. That is, the
ratio of the number of benign applications falsely detected
to the total number of benign applications.
Figure 7 illustrates the relationship between the detection
rate and the training set ratio. As we can see, the detection
rate increases as the training set ratio grows. For example,
when the training set ratio is 60%, the detection rate is
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