International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-2S12, September 2019
Android Malware Detection using Machine
Atika Gupta, Sudhanshu Maurya, Divya Kapil, Nidhi Mehra, Harendra Singh Negi
There is a huge pool of android developers with which
there is an alarming growth in the rate of malicious apps
which is becoming an issue for concern. Android is
considered vulnerable over iOS for the reason that it allows
the apps to be installed from the sources which are
unverified such as websites and apps from third-party stores
[2]. These malicious apps can hamper security as they can
steal confidential information and compromise the system. If
we roughly calculate a malicious android app is up every 10
seconds [3]. Android is also amongst the most valuable
target for the developers of malware. As developers are
finding interest and gains in malware so we have around 49
Android malware [4]. Due to which a great amount of effort
in coding the tools for software security which are capable of
handling these continuously flourishing market of malware.
Machine Learning is the subset of AI, which gives an
idea that if we feed correct data to the machine, it can learn
problem-solving by itself with experience [5]. It can also be
explained as the field which makes the computer learn based
on its experiences rather than programmed. The machine is
given the learning dataset, e.g. if we want the machine to
learn how a bird looks like, then we have to provide it with
the images of different types of birds from different angles
so that the next time the machines sees a bird it recognizes
that yes it is a bird and also record it for its experience [6].
Machine Learning classifiers are playing an important
role in the development of bright systems. ML takes a
dataset as input and produces a model that is capable of
handling new data. Adopting such methodologies has always
proven to enhance the accuracy of the detection system.
Many other methods available in the market such as Antivirus which drain the system’s resources, we can use some
other methodologies to detect the malware as we don’t want
to engage many resources and hamper the responsiveness. In
this paper, we have used dataset CICAndMal2017 which is
Android dataset and have implemented several machine
learning classifiers such as Naïve Bayes Classifier, Random
Forest, Decision Tress, Boosted Trees, K-Nearest Neighbor,
and Support Vector Machine, on it to check the accuracy of
each with respect to that particular dataset.
In this paper, our work is divided into the following
sections. The discussion in Section II is about related Work.
Sec III shows the architecture of android, section IV gives
the idea of related vulnerabilities, section V describes the
methodology of our work in which we discuss evaluation
metrics and the classifiers which were used, section VI show
the results obtained and discussion, And finally, the
conclusion our paper in section VII.
Abstract: Machine Learning is empowering many aspects of
day-to-day lives from filtering the content on social networks to
suggestions of products that we may be looking for. This
technology focuses on taking objects as image input to find new
observations or show items based on user interest. The major
discussion here is the Machine Learning techniques where we
use supervised learning where the computer learns by the input
data/training data and predict result based on experience. We
also discuss the machine learning algorithms: Naïve Bayes
Classifier, K-Nearest Neighbor, Random Forest, Decision Tress,
Boosted Trees, Support Vector Machine, and use these
classifiers on a dataset Malgenome and Drebin which are the
Android Malware Dataset. Android is an operating system that is
gaining popularity these days and with a rise in demand of these
devices the rise in Android Malware. The traditional techniques
methods which were used to detect malware was unable to detect
unknown applications. We have run this dataset on different
machine learning classifiers and have recorded the results. The
experiment result provides a comparative analysis that is based
on performance, accuracy, and cost.
Keywords: Android, Malware, Machine learning, Classifiers
As we know that smartphones are the requirement of the
new era and it has been around us and has become an
indispensable part of our day-to-day lives. As we are getting
several benefits, we are expecting more and more out of it.
Due to this, our consumption of cell phones is increasing, so
as our dependability, and we began to expect more and more
from our device. Today, we are in need of smartphones,
traditional phones are not sufficient to solve our daily realtime task application, but smartphones are designed to do so.
Smartphones are categorized according to the OS installed in
it. The most popular OS includes Android OS, iPhone OS,
Blackberry RIM OS, and Microsoft Windows OS and out of
which Android captures the market with 86.2% sales in 2018
[1]. With the increase in demand for these devices, there is a
huge competition amongst manufacturers to deliver as many
products as they can to earn maximum profit. In this sprint
of producing more and more devices security somehow is
Revised Manuscript Received on September 25, 2019.
Atika Gupta, School of Computing, Graphic Era Hill University,
Uttarakhand, India. E-mail:
[email protected]
Dr Sudhanshu Maurya, School of Computing, Graphic Era Hill
University, Uttarakhand, India. E-mail:
[email protected]
Divya Kapil, School of Computing, Graphic Era Hill University,
Uttarakhand, India. E-mail:
[email protected]
Nidhi Mehra, School of Computing, Graphic Era Hill University,
Uttarakhand, India. E-mail:
[email protected]
Harendra Singh Negi, Computer Application, Graphic Era Deemed to
[email protected]
Retrieval Number: B10110982S1219/2020©BEIESP
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Android Malware Detection using Machine Learning
analyses the category of the application using permissions
from Manifest file by multilayered feedforward networks.
This feedforward network has 2 layers, one hidden layer
performs the sigmoid function and another output linear
function is deployed. The author believes that the
permission written in the manifest file can be modified by
the malicious code authors, so to check this the author
permuted the test data and fed the network [11]. One more
research is based on the APK analyzer. Here an APK
analyzer is applied to a totality of 6863 applications, out of
which 3938 applications were benign and 2925 were
malicious. Features like permissions, API calls, and many
others were drowned out from the manifest and dex class
file. All the features were combined using mutual
information and the Bayesian algorithm was used for
classification [12]. Another research work presents the
features extracted from the manifest file such as application
name, application category, description. Package, price,
rating count, rating value A total of 18,174 applications
were extracted for the features and were classified using KMean clustering. It was analyzed that these methods were
enough to detect the malware, installation, and running was
not required [13]. One more interesting research found that
discusses using TinyDroid which uses Machine learning
techniques and instruction simplification. It proposes a
model that first extract the symbol-based opcode from the
Android APK. In the second step it uses the N-gram
approach and the classifier is trained to feed it to the
machine learning classifiers. The Drebin Dataset is
preprocessed to remove the unwanted features. This
experiment shows that TinyDroid gets a higher precision
rate and a less false alarm rate [14]. The study includes
extracting the features from Android devices and fed the
data to two machine learning algorithms which are the
Bayesian algorithm and Bayesian algorithm with a Chisquare filtering test. The result of this experiment shows
that the Bayesian algorithm with Chi-square gives a more
accurate result which is near about 89% and the precision
rate of Bayesian algorithm is almost 80% [15]. Another
Study shows how to detect the fresh malware which is selfupdating because these are the most dangerous ones which
can steal confidential information. They have used 5-10
self-written Trojan malware which has two versions: one
for the benign app and one for the malicious one. Several
traffic-based information is extracted from the app while the
app is in running state, and the apps are installed in the
devices and the traffic is analyzed. This traffic analysis
helps us to distinguish the benign and malicious app. The
features are extracted and measured within equal time
intervals. This study was successful to detect the malicious
repacked app with the help of traffic analysis [16].
The lowest layer of the Android architecture which is Linux
kernel is accessed to extract the Linux based features and
afterward, these features are used to detect malicious
applications. A total of 59 features were abstracted which
includes: CPU, network, memory, etc. and on and all 6
malware was run and the system to observed to extract the
above-mentioned features.
There is a noteworthy work is done in the field of
detection of Android Malware. The analysis is broadly
categorized into two categories:
a) Static and
b) Dynamic.
Static malware detection is those which are done without
running the app and can include 1) API calls 2) permissions
which can be extracted from a special file in the package
known as AndroidManifest.xml. On the other hand,
Dynamic is the one which is done when the application is
running which includes [7]:
a) Network traffic analysis
b) IP address
c) Battery usage etc.
Also, these two approaches can be mixed to generate a
hybrid solution.
Uses a total of 30 apps and 5 malware samples namely:
Gold Dream, DroidKungFu2, Angry Birds Rio Unlocker,
Snake, PJApps. The resources were allocated before the app
starts and behavioral patterns were extracted. The features
used were all divided into seven categories: Network,
Power, Process, CPU, SMS, Memory, and Virtual Memory,
and these features were inputted to information gain to
select the features. To this input data, four types of
classifiers are applied: Naïve Bayesian, SVM-Support
Vector Machine, Random Forest, and Logistic Regression.
The author in this paper concludes that the performance of
Random Forest proves the most promising [7]. The static
and dynamic approaches are employed using two methods:
Heuristic method and Signature-based method [8]. In
signature-based, the common method used is an anti-virus
vendor and it depends upon identifying a unique signature
in the malware. But these methods fail when it comes to
unknown malicious code. On the other side, heuristic
depends upon the rules which are noted by either the
specialist or by the machine learning classifiers that can
define the suspicious behavior and can also detect the
malicious unknown code [9]. In this paper [10][1], the
author has extracted the Android APK file which is
equivalent to jar files in java by reverse engineering, as on
its extraction AndroidManifest.xml is accessible which
contains all the permissions. Permissions are seen to check
for the standard and non-standard ones and CFG (control
flow graphs) are generated using the raw bytecodes.
Application permissions and experiments based on feature
selection method is used in [9]. Feature Extractor
(communicates with different components and extract the
feature metrics), a processor (for analysis and detection),
Threat weighing unit (collects the analysis result from each
processor and apply the algorithm) and Main service (gets
information from an alert manager about the malicious app
and decides the action to be taken) modules are used. User
rating, application permissions, the number of ratings given,
size of the particular application are considered and the ML
algorithms Random forest, Bayesian network, Decision tree
are applied. The number of samples used was around 820
and the experiment concluded that a higher accuracy rate
can be achieved without using the false positives rate.
Some research paper presents the use of Neural Networks to
Retrieval Number: B10110982S1219/2020©BEIESP
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-2S12, September 2019
The data collection process is initiated every 10 secs and the
collected data is sent to the server which in turn classifies
this data. 39 features out of the total 59 were selected and
the results were compared before and after the application
of the features. Feature selection enhances the precision rate
and lowers down the false-positive rate [17].
purpose of this classification is to get an idea of the weak
areas of the mobile architecture implementation.
a) Application layer: The major attack which occurs on
this layer is through the browser where the attacker can
execute some unwanted code to get into the system.
After making the way into the system it can get access
to all the sensitive data including the gallery. Also, the
injection of cookies cannot be controlled.
The architecture of Android is depicted in Figure 1. It
consists of the following layers:
a) Application Software: The first layer of this
architecture is the application software layer, which has
all the applications with which the user interacts. These
apps provide a way for the user to control the hardware.
Examples may include Camera, Clock, Calendar, and
many more.
b) Application Framework: This layer is the second layer
in the architecture which gives many services of higher
level to applications that are in the form of java classes.
Some major services such as Content providers,
Activity manager, Notification manager, Resource
manager, and view system are some of the components
of this layer.
Figure 2: Mobile architecture and associated
b) Application Framework Layer: The attack which takes
place at this layer is the DDoS attack and can also be
unauthorized access. In some cases, it has been seen
that the attacker gets deactivated all the locks on
sensitive data, which may compromise much sensitive
information like the contacts, gallery, camera, etc.
c) Library Layer: The vulnerabilities here are having a
huge impact. The attack launched was the DOS (Denial
of service) attack which leads to the stack overflow by
the execution of the API passing the wrong number of
arguments. Some attacks were also carried out by the
malware to get the authorization from the root of the
device. By doing this, an attacker can change the code
and make it act maliciously without anyone knowing
about the change in the signed APK.
d) Linux Kernel Layer: This layer is the most secure, but
still some of the vulnerabilities can be found. Any
number of fork commands (command to create a
process) an be launched without authenticating the
identity of the source by using the wrong set of
permissions [18].
Figure 1: Layered Architecture of Android
Libraries: The third layer is the bundle of libraries
which includes WebKit open-source web browsing
engine, familiar library libc, Android built-in database
SQLite which a convenient repository for dividing and
storing of application data, libraries which contains
features to record audio & video, libraries which are
responsible for securing the SSL.
d) Linux kernel Layerl: The lowermost layer is the Linux
kernel layer which includes almost 115 patches
altogether. The layer provides an abstraction level
between the hardware of the device and has all the
drivers which are essential like keyboard, camera,
display, etc. Here all the thing in whose handling Linux
is good at is done by the kernel such as an extensive
array of device drivers which provide us with the ease
of hardware peripheral interfacing, the networking, etc.
The investigation is carried out using two datasets, and the
details of these datasets are depicted in table 1.
Samples Features Benign Malware
Here, the classification of each vulnerability is done in
accordance with the layer from which it is generated. The
Retrieval Number: B10110982S1219/2020©BEIESP
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Android Malware Detection using Machine Learning
The first dataset which is used for this experiment is
Malgenome dataset which consists of features from 3799
application samples, in which the number of apps with
malware is 1260 and the benign applications are 2539. This
dataset is widely used by the researchers and is obtained via
static code analysis of the Android App. The second dataset
which is used is Drebin dataset where the samples used were
15036, from which the number of malicious apps is 5560
and the benign apps were 9476. The number of features used
in both the datasets is 215.
The flow of our experiment is depicted in figure 3. We
started with the raw dataset of Android Malware. The data is
then pre-processed to filter out the unnecessary features and
the pre-processing is also done by the WEKA tool. After the
pre-processing is done, the data is fed into the different
classifiers of machine learning to fetch the evaluation result.
B. WEKA Tool
The tool which we have used here to analyze the dataset
is the WEKA Tool. It is a software that is open-source that
pre-process the data first according to the need for an
experiment, apply several machine learning algorithms, and
create a visual representation. We take raw data as input
which may have several null values and unwanted attributes,
the pre-processing phase of WEKA helps to clean all that.
Next, depending on the kind of model which you need to
develop you may have to select from the given options like
Cluster, Classify, or Associate. Under each selection you
have several machine learning algorithms, you may select an
algorithm of your choice and the particular dataset to get the
results. Also, the same dataset can be applied to different
models, and then the output can be compared to check which
model gives the best output to meet your purpose. WEKA is
open-source under GNU public licensing and is considered
platform-independent as the code is written in java and it
provides the user with a graphical user interface to interact
with files and provides visual graphs and curves for analysis
C. Classifiers
1. Naïve Bayes: This is a classifier of machine learning,
which comes under the group of supervised learning
and is based on probabilistic logic. This algorithm
assumes that all the values for particular features are
not dependent on any of the other feature’s value. In
this classification, we try to find out the best
hypothesis (h) for the give data (d). To find out the
best hypothesis the easiest solution is to use our prior
knowledge. The theorem provides us with a method
of calculating the best hypothesis provided the
knowledge previously gained. The theorem here
P(hy|da) = (P(da|hy) * P(hy)) / P(da)
Where P(hy|da) here is the probability of the given
hypothesis in which the data (da) and is known as the
posterior probability. P(da|hy) here the probability of
the data da to provided hypothesis hy. P(hy) here is
the probability of the true hypothesis and is known as
prior knowledge. P(da) here is the probability of data
provided [20].
2. J48: J48 algorithm is a classifier that belongs to the
decision tree group which is in turn part of a
supervised learning approach in which the data input
is continuously split according to particular
parameters. The tree can be categorized into two
types of nodes such as decision nodes and leaves.
The additional features of J48 are decision tree
pruning which means to prune or not to traverse the
next node if we find the best solution, derivation of
rules, accounting for missing values. The basic steps
of this algorithm are:
If the instance belongs to the same class, it is
denoted by leaf and then the leaf is returned by
labeling the same class.
Figure 3: Flow of the experiment
A. Evaluation Metric
There are certain performance metrics which are used
and are as follow:
TPR: TPR is defined as the ratio classified apps that
are correct which contains malware to the number of
malicious apps in totality.
TPR= TP / (TP + FN)
Where TP: True positives (correctly identified malicious
apps), and FN: False negatives which are misclassified
malware instances.
FPR: This is given as the ratio wrongly classified
benign apps to the number of benign apps in totality.
FPR= FP / (TN + FP)
Where FP: false positives and TN: true negatives.
Precision: This rate is positive predictive and is
stated as below:
Precision= FP / (TP + FP)
The time taken to test the models are given in
seconds. These models are tested on 64 bit, Windows
10 PC which is having 12 GB of RAM.
Retrieval Number: B10110982S1219/2020©BEIESP
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-2S12, September 2019
The attributes are tested to calculate the potential
information and then the information gain is
Then the best solution is selected for branching
Random Forest: Random Forest is a classifier of
machine learning in which a supervised learning
approach for classification is. We know that the
forest terminology is used for a collection of trees,
more trees mean more robust forest. This algorithm
creates trees randomly on the dataset and selects the
best suited by voting. Due to this approach, it
eliminates the issue of over-fitting by averaging the
values. These votes can be weighted or unweighted.[22] The steps followed by the algorithm
Bootstrapping of a dataset is done to eliminate
the data which is not required.
A tree is created using a random number of
attributes. The attributes form the leaves and
nodes using the tree building algorithm.
The trees are not pruned and are allowed to grow
to its fullest.
Figure 4 : Shows the Malgenome dataset results
Figure 5: Some of the attributes visualized of Malgenome
This section contains the result of our experiment which
was carried out on two different datasets and the classifiers
applied were three namely: J48 Decision Tree, Naïve Bayes,
and Random Forest. The tool was utilized as an open-source
tool, WEKA. The datasets were optimized using this tool
only. For all the classifiers the value of percentage split was
set to 70% and 30%. Splitting the dataset means divided it
into two parts: one for the testing and the other for training.
The same configuration for both the datasets was used in
order to maintain the consistency. The given table 2 and
table 3 clearly defines the result of each classifier used in
accordance with different parameters.
Figure 4 shows the classification of classes resulted
which are class S (Malware) and class B (Benign), and
Figure 5 shows some of the attributes of the Malgenome
Figure 6 shows the classification of classes resulted
which are class S (Malware) and class B (Benign), and
Figure 7 shows some of the attributes of the Drebin dataset.
Naïve Bayes
Naïve Bayes
Figure 6 : Shows the Drebin dataset results
0.961 0.038
0.989 0.015
0.991 0.014
0.835 0.126
0.972 0.033
0.984 0.022
Figure 7: Some of the attributes visualized of Drebin
Retrieval Number: B10110982S1219/2020©BEIESP
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Android Malware Detection using Machine Learning
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Retrieval Number: B10110982S1219/2020©BEIESP
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication