Sustainable Manufacturing Program Workshop Report
Sudarsan Rachuri
K C Morris
Utpal Roy
University of Syracuse
David Dornfeld
University of California, Berkeley
Soundar Kumara
Pennsylvania State University
Sustainable Manufacturing Program Workshop Report
Sudarsan Rachuri
K C Morris
Utpal Roy
University of Syracuse
David Dornfeld
University of California, Berkeley
Soundar Kumara
Pennsylvania State University
November 2013
U.S. Department of Commerce
Penny Pritzker, Secretary
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Patrick D. Gallagher, Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology and Director
Table of contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................. 1
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................... 3
OVERVIEW OF SUSTAINABLE MANUFACTURING PROGRAM ....................................................................................... 4
WORKSHOP CHALLENGE QUESTIONS ............................................................................................................................ 5
WORKSHOP DISCUSSION .............................................................................................................................. 8
WORKSHOP RECOMMENDATIONS AND TECHNOLOGY ROADMAP ............................................ 13
PROPOSED DRIVERS OF SUSTAINABILITY EVALUATION ........................................................................................... 13
TECHNICAL CHALLENGES............................................................................................................................................... 13
THE WORKSHOP RECOMMENDATIONS AND A RESEARCH ROADMAP ....................................................................... 14
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................................................................................. 18
APPENDIX A: INPUTS FROM THE PARTICIPANTS ...................................................................................... 20
APPENDIX B: BREAKOUT GROUP REPORTS................................................................................................. 43
APPENDIX C: RESEARCH TEAMS AND ABSTRACTS OF PRESENTATIONS .......................................... 49
APPENDIX D: WORKSHOP AGENDA ................................................................................................................ 51
The NIST Sustainable Manufacturing Program held a workshop on November 13-14,
2012, at NIST in Gaithersburg, MD. Dr. Shyam Sunder, Director of NIST’s Engineering
Laboratory, initiated the workshop proceedings. In his opening remarks, Dr. Sunder
explained the critical role of manufacturing for U.S economy and stressed the
measurement science need for resource efficiency in manufacturing.
The main purpose of the meeting was to present the Sustainable Manufacturing Program
plan and structure to the research community, as well as to provide the opportunity for
the team to become acquainted with each other’s contributions and better coordinate
research and developmental efforts. The research team consists of NIST research staff
working in the Sustainable Manufacturing program and external research
partners. Between 40-50 experts attended, brainstormed, and identified pertinent
research objectives that need immediate attention to achieve the Sustainable
Manufacturing Program’s research goals.
Dr. Sudarsan Rachuri explained the two thrusts of the Sustainable Manufacturing
Program of the program, namely:
Methodologies for Characterizing Sustainable Processes and Resources
Integration Infrastructure for Sustainable Manufacturing
The remainder of the workshop addressed the following fundamental questions:
To assess sustainable manufacturing what parameters should be measured to compute
resource efficiency in terms of energy, material, and water?
What are the key factors that contribute to uncertainty in sustainable manufacturing,
how can these be prioritized, and what measurement techniques can be applied?
How would a material model that supports sustainability decisions be formulated?
How can sustainability data for a manufactured part or assembly be aggregated to
enable sustainability analysis?
What are the information modeling concepts that are unique to sustainability
characterization and optimization?
What are the characteristics of an effective manufacturing-focused sustainability
assessment methodology?
What are requirements and challenges for a shared research testbed and what types of
things could be tested there?
Material information modeling was a key focus of the workshop. The participants
debated whether effective capture of all relevant sustainability information would require
the material information models be rooted in description and classification of unit
manufacturing processes. The real challenge in developing a material information model,
which is sufficiently flexible for capturing every unit manufacturing process, lies in the
data structures and ontologies used in the overall system architecture. Further, the lack of
existing measurement science and standards, including a lack of consistent information
representation for unit manufacturing processes, are two problems that some researchers
addressed as key concerns. Another element discussed was the depth of coverage in
modeling sustainability information.
The main outcomes of the workshop were:
1. A clear path forward for each of the program teams in regards to the overall
objectives and collaborative work.
2. Increased interactions between NIST team members and external stakeholders.
3. Better understanding of the team effort involved in realizing the program
The main recommendations from the workshop include:
Integrated Information Model:
Develop a unified and integrated information model for product,
assembly, materials, and processes
Develop a formal language for process representation to enable process
Sustainability Characterization and Optimization:
o Characterize unit manufacturing processes
o Develop a taxonomy for processes and standard definitions for basic
o Leverage work of other groups who have created such taxonomies
o Develop an analytical framework for process simulation and optimization
Sustainability Assessment Methodologies:
o Develop a measurement science-based methodology to enable analysis,
allocation, and synthesis of the energy and material consumption at the
factory level for gate-to-gate2 lifecycle impact assessment
o Develop a use case that can be used to showcase different aspects of
sustainable manufacturing
o Develop measurement science for product category rules (PCRs) to enable
lifecycle assessment for product
Validation of the Information Models Using a Shared Research Testbed
o Develop a repository of models, methods, and test cases for research
o Demonstrate integration and implementation of the three core information
models for product, material, and process coherently and show how to
retrieve the information required for sustainability assessment at any stage
of the product lifecycle
o Showcase the usability of the integrated information model for some
benchmarking problem(s)
The remainder of the report is organized as follows: Section 1 describes the workshop
goals and objectives including a description of the fundamental questions to be
Methodology is defined as a collection of related processes, methods, and tools.
Gate-to-gate is a partial analysis looking at only one value-added process in the entire production chain. Gate-to-gate
modules may also later be linked in their appropriate production chain to form a complete cradle-to-gate evaluation.
addressed. Section 2 summarizes the discussions from the workshop. Section 3 provides a
technology roadmap for sustainable manufacturing and the workshop recommendations.
The Appendices contains working material from the workshop or by participants after the
workshop as input to this report.
At the time of writing this report the Sustainable Manufacturing Program has evolved
into a new program called Performance of Smart Manufacturing System (PSMS). The
objective of the PSMS program is to deliver measurement science, standards and
protocols, and tools needed to predict, assess, optimize, and control the performance of
smart manufacturing systems. We will develop and deploy advances in cyber-physical
infrastructure (multi-stack reference architecture), modeling methodology for system
integration, standards, methods, and protocols for real-time data analytics, and, metrics
and assessment methods that will assure the performance of dynamic production systems
with a predictable degree of uncertainty.
Many of our research results and publications from the Sustainable Manufacturing
Program have good scientific relevance to this new program. The measurement science
results and associated tools produced by Sustainable Manufacturing Program were
published in reputed peer-reviewed journals and influenced the standards committees,
especially ASTM E60.133. Many of the fundamental measurement science results from
sustainable manufacturing program, including information models, process
characterization, and standards will be expanded to Performance of Smart Manufacturing
System program. Also the associated tools and methods, especially the testbed, and
simulation and optimization will be expanded to include data analytics, and performance
Traditionally, manufacturing industries are concerned with quality, cost, and
productivity. The new dimension added to these as a business megatrend 4 is
sustainability 5 . Industry needs a trusted system of metrics and the underlying
measurement science to compute those metrics 6 . Standards enable repeatable and
improvable processes and as such will allow industry to move forward in achieving
sustainability goals. To address these needs NIST initiated the Sustainable Manufacturing
Program. The program is charged to develop the science and standards for assessing
energy and material use at the factory level for evaluating gate-to-gate7 lifecycle impacts
The Sustainability Imperative by David A. Lubin and Daniel C. Esty, Harvard Business Review, May 2010 &
Megatrends: Ten New Directions Transforming Our Lives, John Naisbitt, Grand Central Publishing (August 16, 1988)
The notion of sustainability is broad and in this program we mainly focus on resource (energy, material) efficiency,
and waste reduction across the lifecycle of a manufactured product.
Corporate Sustainability-A Progress Report, KPMG and Economic Intelligence Unit, The Economist, April 2011.
Cradle-to-gate is an assessment of a partial product lifecycle from resource extraction (cradle) to the factory gate.
Gate-to-gate is a partial Lifecycle Assessment (LCA) looking at only value-added process in the entire production
chain. The gate-to-end-of-life step considers both the use phase and the disposition of the material at the end of a
product’s life. In this phase of the SM program we will focus on design to manufacturing of a product for gate-to-gate
lifecycle analysis and synthesis. In the latter phases of the program we will include cradle-to-gate and gate-to-end-oflife studies.
of manufacturing. The program team consists of researchers from the NIST Engineering
Laboratory as well as external researchers from universities and research organizations.
In November 2012 a Kick-off meeting for the program was held at NIST. The purpose of
the workshop was to focus the upcoming research on the measurement science issues for
sustainable manufacturing. The Sustainable Manufacturing Program plan and structure
were presented to all members of the newly formed team. The researchers had the
opportunity to present their research contributions to the program leading to better
coordination of their efforts and focusing on outputs, outcomes and, impacts. The
workshop agenda included an introduction to the program:
its goals,
objectives, structure, and milestones. This was followed by presentations by all the
researchers involved in the program on how their work applies to the common challenge
problem of measurement science for Sustainable Manufacturing. To this end a set of
challenge questions was sent out before the workshop for consideration by the
researchers. These same questions focused breakout group discussions at the workshop.
Researchers also were invited to contribute written responses to the questions after postworkshop reflection.
This report summarizes the workshop and resulting
1.1 Overview of Sustainable Manufacturing Program
The Sustainable Manufacturing Program will develop a methodology for the science and
standards for assessing energy and material use at the factory level for evaluating gate-togate lifecycle impacts of manufacturing. The methodology will enable the computation of
energy efficiency and material efficiency across different product lifecycles. Ensuring
resource efficiency requires an integrated systems approach and spans across lifecycle
issues. Interactions within and across these issues are critical to the fundamental
understanding of sustainable manufacturing, because focusing on any single issue could
result in suboptimal solutions and unintended consequences. Challenges come in the form
of what to measure and how to measure it, what to estimate and how to estimate it, how
to reconcile measurements into aggregate and comparable units, and how to optimize the
system as a whole. Also, the necessary standards to represent and report the information
used and processed by these methodologies need to be fully identified and developed.
To address these needs, this program is organized into two thrusts: methodology and
integration. The first thrust will develop a methodology for analysis and synthesis of the
energy and material footprint at the factory level for gate-to-gate lifecycle assessment
(LCA). To enable this factory-level methodology, the program will develop additional
methodologies for characterizing unit manufacturing processes, and product assembly
processes. Additionally, the program will investigate how these metrics can be made
available for design time decision making. To verify and validate these methodologies,
the integration thrust will develop sustainability modeling and optimization techniques
and a testbed based on real manufacturing use scenarios. The following summarizes the
work of the program as was presented at the workshop:
Thrust One: Methodologies for Characterizing Sustainable Processes and Resources
Sustainability Metrics for Design and Manufacturing:
1) Develop a generic product structure to support smart process decisions
2) Develop methods for integrating material properties into downstream lifecycle processes
3) Define an approach for developing a standard reference vocabulary to support
sustainable manufacturing
Sustainability Characterization for Unit Manufacturing Processes:
1) Develop assessment methodology for characterizing unit manufacturing
processes (UMP) with respect to energy and materials
2) Define a well-defined procedure to characterize any specific manufacturing
processes to build a repository of UMPs
3) Facilitate the development of a structured information base by enabling a
Standard Reference Model for Unit Manufacturing Process (SRUMP)
Sustainability Characterization for Product Assembly Processes:
1) Develop assessment methodology for characterizing assembly processes with
respect to energy and materials
2) Define a well-defined procedure to characterize any assembly process
3) Compute and include any material or energy impacts associated with
production networks
Thrust Two: Integration Infrastructure for Sustainable Manufacturing
• Sustainability Modeling and Optimization:
1) Develop a formal process representation of industrial scenarios
2) Develop the framework that integrates multiple standalone methodologies and
associated applications for assessing and reporting sustainability information.
3) Develop a framework for sustainability modeling and optimization
Testbed for Sustainable Manufacturing:
1) Develop real industrial manufacturing scenarios at the factory level,
developed through industry collaborations
2) Synthesize a methodology for testbeds based on prior experiences at NIST
and propose a reference testbed architecture
3) Demonstrate the program deliverables through the testbed, deploy the metrics
and measurement science, and assess sustainability performance
1.2 Workshop Challenge Questions
The state of the art for assessing the impact of manufacturing activities revolves around
industry-wide average measurements, isolated detailed studies, and extemporaneous
public policy. We aim to create a more science-based methodology. An analogy that can
be used is to defining the yardstick for sustainable manufacturing. The basic
measurement science addresses what to measure. Aggregation of measurements
establishes common units of measurement (i.e., how big is a unit, how do units fit into
larger units like inches go into feet go into yards). Implementation considers how to
create the measurement device. Unlike the one-dimensional yardstick, the measurement
device in this case will be multidimensional. The fundamentals of the models that form
this multi-dimensional yardstick need to be established. Finally, testing and validation
establishes that the science works given real world scenarios and that data on which it is
based can be adequately measured.
Much focus has been given to trying to define and measure factors which appear to be
related to sustainability, but the resulting definitions are often qualitative or
contradictory, the measurements are often scattered, and the reliability of the data is
questionable. Hence the end result is often very uncertain. A set of challenge questions
which explore the fundamental issues for a more rigorous methodology formed the basis
of technical discussions at the workshop. The solutions to these questions will help to
create the methodology. These questions, which address the breadth of factors to be
measured and the reliability of the measurements, are divided into four areas:
basic measurement science
aggregation of measurements
implementation of measurement science
testing and validation
The measurement science research and services that are critical in support of this
methodology include:
development of performance metrics, measurement and testing methods,
predictive modeling and simulation tools, knowledge modeling, protocols,
technical data, and reference materials and artifacts
inter-comparison studies and calibrations
evaluation of technologies, systems, and practices, including uncertainty analysis
development of the technical basis for standards, codes, and practices—in many
instances via testbeds, consortia, standards and codes development organizations,
and/or other partnerships with industry and academia
The following is the list of questions that were posed in this context to initiate discussion
around some of the most challenging issues. The workshop organizers invited
participants to present their work in this context as well. It was not required to address all
the questions but rather to highlight appropriate work in the context of the questions most
Basic Measurement Science
To assess sustainable manufacturing what parameters should be measured to
compute resource efficiency in terms of energy, material, and water?
This question addresses what factors should be measured and how to establish baseline
and boundary conditions for measuring manufacturing resources. These factors serve as a
baseline in assessing the trade-offs of the system as it is optimized. Boundary conditions
reflect sensitivity issues in the nexus of energy, material, and water modeling and
optimization. For example, are there thresholds for any one of the three resources
beyond which the demand on one of the others is dramatically impacted? Finally, the
question addresses models or modeling approaches that use actual measurements to
improve the overall efficiency of the system.
What are the key factors that contribute to uncertainty in sustainable
manufacturing? How can we prioritize these and what measurement techniques
can be applied?
Measurement techniques might address the level of granularity of measurements,
frequency of measurement, and level of uncertainty in the data. First we need
fundamental research to develop and demonstrate such techniques before proposing
standards for these measurements. Such techniques should also address the concern of
how to handle the uncertainties and errors associated with sustainable manufacturing
indicators from unit processing through the enterprise level. Techniques are also needed
to address the flow of information from the supply chain and to validate the data
reliability and provide data traceability. In addition, this question may address the
integration of Lifecycle Inventory (LCI) data, which represent industry averages, with
more local measurements (such as plant-specific).
Aggregation of Measurements
How would a material model that supports sustainability decisions be formulated?
Given that material information is pervasive in product design and manufacturing, it
provides a solid foundation on which to establish the metrics for sustainability. At the
same time it provides a link from the virtual world of design to the physical world. This
question addresses what a model of material information would look like to support
sustainable design choices. In particular, the properties that best capture the information
needed to make sustainable material choices need to be identified and organized in a
systematic way, perhaps being characterized across material types. Material information
in product development is quite broad. The scope of a model to support sustainable
design and manufacture would be unique yet would need to interoperate with the wide
range of material models that already exist. Approaches for presenting the sustainability
information about materials also need to be explored.
How can sustainability data for a manufactured part or assembly be aggregated to
enable sustainability analysis?
Energy use, for example, is a primary factor influencing sustainability but energy use is
difficult to gauge in a complex or even relatively simple manufactured good. The
production includes the energy used by the facility, energy used by different machines
and processes, energy used in producing and transporting component parts. All of these
measures contribute to the assessment of energy use for a particular item and yet
standards for how that use is apportioned and totaled do not exist. When we expand the
scope of sustainability indicators beyond energy use, the order of complexity of this
analysis problem grows dramatically. This challenge is compounded by the fact that
different processes may have characteristics unique to them. What are these
characteristics, how can they be normalized? Furthermore, the accuracy and integrity of
measurements is difficult to verify. Techniques are also needed to address the flow of
information from the supply chain and to validate the reliability of and provide
Implementation of Measurement Science
What are the information modeling concepts that are unique to sustainability
characterization and optimization?
Traditional modeling approaches were developed without an emphasis on sustainability
needs. This question explores what is available today and how it can be used and what
else is needed in terms of basic modeling capabilities to support sustainable
manufacturing. Some existing techniques (such as conceptual modeling, information,
programing, scripting, and modeling languages, optimization, or simulation) may be
extendable to support sustainability analysis; new techniques may need to be developed
to do trade-off analysis. Are there techniques that allow extensible modeling to address
domain-specific modeling requirements?
What are the characteristics of an effective manufacturing-focused sustainability
assessment methodology?
Sustainability assessment methodology (also called impact evaluation methods in LCA)
is an important area of research. Many divergent methods are emerging. This question
addresses whether there are fundamental characteristics common across methodologies
and what makes a methodology successful.
Test and Validate Measurements and Standards
What are requirements and challenges for a shared research testbed and what types
of things could be tested there?
We are planning for a national facility that would serve as a sustainable manufacturing
testbed, which would be used by outside organizations including researchers, industry,
and software vendors. This virtual facility would be available for developing and testing
the standards and measures that will support a sustainable manufacturing infrastructure.
The facility will serve as a platform for validating the emerging standards supporting
sustainable manufacturing and allow collaborators to work together in a neutral
environment to showcase how the standards work. This question addresses how such a
facility might be useful, what requirements there are for a facility of this kind, and any
research issues or lessons on testbed development that might benefit this project.
Two breakout groups were held during the workshop to discuss the topics of the
challenge questions. Both the breakouts and the participants were divided based on the
program thrust areas with each group of participants addressing both of the topics
separately. A summary of the discussions for each challenge question follows.
Participants were also invited to submit written responses to the challenge questions
following the workshop. These inputs are included in appendix A. All the material was
used to formulate the workshop recommendations in section 3.
QUESTION 1: To assess sustainable manufacturing what parameters should be
measured to compute resource efficiency in terms of energy, material, and water?
This question addresses what factors should be measured and how to establish baseline
and boundary conditions for measuring manufacturing resources. These serve as a
baseline in assessing the trade-offs of the system as it is optimized. Boundary conditions
reflect sensitivity issues in the nexus of energy, material, and water modeling and
optimization. For example, are there thresholds for any one of the three resources
beyond which the demand on one of the others is dramatically impacted? Finally, the
question addresses models or modeling approaches that use actual measurements to
improve the overall efficiency of the system.
The following points were raised in this discussion.
The discussion of what parameters should be measured quickly moved to how to
normalize measures. Both breakout groups discussed how metrics could be
normalized and agreed that metrics could not be compared without
normalization. Different ideas that emerged were measurements in terms of mass
efficiency, waste, term of use, measures per part, measures per value added,
GHG. The only agreement that seemed to emerge on this topic was that no single
normalization approach would be appropriate but that normalization would need to be
defined in terms of other sustainability goals. Metrics would depend on the point of
view of the person doing the measurement. Optimizations can be done for whatever
the metric is--when you decide what to measure, you are also deciding what you will
optimize. There also seemed to be agreement that no single factor could stand in
isolation as a metric but that metrics need to be defined in functional terms which
would factor in trade-offs.
The idea of developing a set of benchmarks as a basis for measurement was
discussed. The benchmarks would define a baseline against which sustainable
improvement could be measured. Benchmarks would need to be organized in some
way such as product class, energy use, process efficiency, or activity.
A dichotomy was identified as follows:
o completeness of measurement--such as complete accounting of energy and
material for a factory producing an average per unit of product
o measuring a single variable and how it varies in the context of controlled
parameters. It was argued that this latter approach was a better approach for
sustainability improvement.
There seemed to be agreement that a process taxonomy including terminology
definitions would be extremely useful. Standard definitions for processes would
enable clearer definition of metrics. Apparently some work has been started on that
from NRC.
The discussion centered on material efficiency – initial discussion was on unit mass.
However, when you compare different processes this may not make much sense as
additive manufacturing may be completely different from powder injection molding.
Alternative materials may lead to design changes and hence one should capture these
changes in material efficiency
The variations on processes leads to the need for defining process taxonomy
The DIN and NRC Classifications were touched upon
Discussion touched on what is the definition of “Waste.”
The group felt that we need to define material efficiency on a process basis
QUESTION 2: What are the key factors that contribute to uncertainty in sustainable
manufacturing? How can we prioritize these and what measurement techniques can
be applied?
Measurement techniques might address the level of granularity of measurements,
frequency of measurement, and level of uncertainty in the data. First we need
fundamental research to develop and demonstrate such techniques before proposing
standards for these measurements (which we do intend to do.) Such techniques should
also address the concern of how uncertainties and errors associated with sustainable
manufacturing indicators at unit process through enterprise level are best handled.
Techniques are also needed to address the flow of information from the supply chain and
to validate the data reliability and provide data traceability. In addition, this question
may address the integration of Lifecycle Inventory (LCI) data, which represent industry
averages, with more local measurements (such as plant-specific).
As what needs to be measured was not clear very little discussion was there on
Uncertainty in measurement seems to be heightened by the fact that in a real
scenario there will always be some "missing" or unmeasured data. Any
measurement approach will need a way to account for missing data or input
errors. There was also a discussion of the reliability of measurements as an
accurate representation over time since any single measurement is really only a
reflection of the circumstances in which it was taken. Any model developed to
account for these factors, providing theoretical values obtained via computation,
must itself be evaluated for quality.
QUESTION 3: How would a material model that supports sustainability decisions be
Given that material information is pervasive in product design and manufacturing, it
provides a solid foundation on which to establish the metrics for sustainability. At the
same time it provides a link from the virtual world of design to the physical world. This
question addresses what a model of material information would look like to support
sustainable design choices. In particular, the properties that best capture the information
needed to make sustainable material choices need to be identified and organized in a
systematic way, perhaps being characterized across material types. Material information
in product development is quite broad. The scope of a model to support sustainable
design and manufacture would be unique yet would need to interoperate with the wide
range of material models that already exist. Approaches for presenting the sustainability
information about materials also need to be explored.
There was significant discussion of the role of PCRs and whether an equivalent
method could be defined and used for process. The sense was that process was of
such a different nature and that it was so tightly coupled with other factors that
there would be no equivalent.
There was reference to quality standards for products and relating them to
aggregating measurements both in a deterministic and non-deterministic sense
The EPD and PCR (product category rules) were offered as possible ways
Different views (services) may help in aggregating measurements and building
Material model should
o account for decision space for alternatives,
o an assessment metric should be expressed as a function of control
variables to represent trade-offs,
o factor in "costs" associated with the material from other life-cycle phases
(e.g. material sourcing and material use) along with traceability to the
other phase
o to fit to SPAF structure should include a library of metrics, association to
process model, expressions of material consumption.
QUESTION 4: How can sustainability data for a manufactured part or assembly be
aggregated to enable sustainability analysis?
Energy use, for example, is a primary factor influencing sustainability but energy use is
difficult to gauge in a complex or even relatively simple manufactured good. The
production includes the energy used by the facility, energy used by different machines
and processes, energy used in producing and transporting component parts. All of these
measures contribute to the assessment of energy use for a particular item and yet
standards for how that use is apportioned and totaled do not exist. When we expand the
scope of sustainability indicators beyond energy use, the order of complexity of this
analysis problem grows dramatically. This challenge is compounded by the fact that
different processes may have characteristics unique to them. What are these
characteristics, how can they be normalized? Furthermore, the accuracy and integrity of
measurements is difficult to verify. Techniques are also needed to address the flow of
information from the supply chain and to validate the reliability of and provide
aggregation of metrics requires a common denominator in order to aggregate up
in aggregation care should be taken to avoid double accounting
regression analysis could be applied to account for missing detailed measures,
how to aggregate shared resources, create analytical formulation and find
consumptions averages per machine
QUESTION 5: What are the information modeling concepts that are unique to
sustainability characterization and optimization?
Although several of the SM and collaborator presentations showed an information model
of a manufacturing process to be used as the basis for analysis, most of the models
seemed to be consistent with a process-based LCA modeling structure. Many different
information models were mentioned. It was suggested that it would be better if there
could be one model. If there are different models, it should be possible to translate from
one model to another. Other topics discussed included
To what level of granularity should equipment used in manufacturing processes be
modeled (machine vs. component)? Does the answer depend on what kind of
analysis is going to be performed?
The program should consider supporting Fate and Transport modeling for
manufacturing facilities.
QUESTION 6: What are the characteristics of an effective manufacturing-focused
sustainability assessment methodology?
The following points were raised as important characteristics for an assessment
The modeling and representation of manufacturing processes may differ depending
on the phase of manufacturing that is being modeled/assessed.
o Product design
o Process design
o Manufacturing system/production design
o Production operations
It might be better to first focus on analyzing one fixed process plan for a product and
then move on to analyzing a processes plan with many alternatives.
Different advanced decision making techniques (such as AHP) should be explored
but their feasibility should be weighed against what manufacturing end users will
The methodology should be general. When applied to different case studies, different
weights may be used to compute the metrics supported by the methodology.
It was suggested that the methodology support a holistic sustainable manufacturing
analysis (note: the focus of the SM program is economic and environmental analysis
of gate-to-gate manufacturing processes)
QUESTION 7: What are requirements and challenges for a shared research testbed
and what types of things could be tested there?
The following points emerged as requirements for a research testbed:
One real product scenario should be selected to be the basis for all of the SM
projects research and demonstrations.
The testbed and testing requirements should come from
o All SM projects
o Industry partners
o SW application vendors
(Note: this is the approach that is being undertaken by the testbed project)
The testbed should be designed to use a virtual representation of a manufacturing
facility and its processes.
It is ok if some of the data collected is be of differing quality (measured vs.
computed) as long as it is recognized that this will affect the uncertainty of any
analysis results.
It would be nice if the testbed would provide the data collected from various
studies so that SMEs could come in and use it as a basis for analyzing their
The testbed should not be general but designed to support real manufacturing
case studies.
The workshop brought together NIST research staff and the research partners to define a
common vision for the measurement science needs for sustainable manufacturing. One
result of the workshop was a technology roadmap for sustainable manufacturing
3.1 Proposed Drivers of Sustainability Evaluation
A focus of the Sustainable Manufacturing Program is to create solution methodologies in
the two thrust areas: (1) Methodologies for characterizing sustainable processes and
resources, and (2) Integration infrastructure for sustainable manufacturing. Information
requirements for each of the two thrust areas are further subdivided.
A synthesis of the information requirements calls for the development of fundamental
and generic product, material and process related information and computational models,
which include:
A formal representation of product structure and assembly that integrates
material and process information, so that well-defined procedures and
assessment methodologies could be used to characterize the sustainability
metrics with respect to energy and materials,
A comprehensive material and process model to support sustainability
evaluation for any downstream lifecycle processes,
A framework for sustainability modeling and optimization (including the
development of a standard reference vocabulary to support sustainable
manufacturing, and
A testbed for assessing sustainability performance.
Technical Challenges
The benefits of the above mentioned sustainability program are difficult to assess at this
juncture, so it is very important that we acknowledge to be aware of the potential
challenges that lie ahead of us in implementing the proposed themes. The workshop
participants brainstormed and identified a few pertinent research objectives that needed
immediate attention in order to achieve the sustainable manufacturing research goals.
Following is a list of technological issues that were discussed in detail in the workshop:
Issue #1:
Development of information models: three main information models
related to product/assembly, materials and processes have been discussed. The questions
are: do they cover all necessary information required for sustainability analysis? Should
these three models be kept separated or be integrated into one? If they are kept separated
what should be the information exchange procedure between these models?
Issue #2: What are the information modeling concepts that are unique to sustainability
characterization and optimization?
Issue #3: To evaluate sustainability, what parameters need to be measured (and how) to
compute resource efficiency in terms of energy, material, and water? What are the other
characteristics of an effective manufacturing-focused sustainability assessment
methodology? What are the sources of uncertainty and how to deal with them? How can
sustainability data be aggregated for sustainability analysis?
Issue #4: How the product, assembly, materials, and process information models be
validated? What are the requirements and challenges for developing a shared research
These issues and suggested solutions in terms of a research roadmap are presented in the
next section.
The workshop recommendations and a research roadmap
The input from the workshop and follow up work resulted in the following roadmap for
future action for the program.
Development of an Integrated Information Model:
The workshop participants concluded that it would be better if there could be a core
model for product/assembly, materials and processes. The model should be modular and
extensible. It must support all pertinent information that may be required for
sustainability analysis at any given stage of the product’s lifecycle.
While the material usage and energy efficiency assessment are two critical factors in
sustainability evaluation, the granularity of material and process information contents are
most important and they need to be carefully modeled in different abstraction levels as
required. Material information is needed in every phase of the product’s lifecycle
activities, starting from design to disposal of the product; and the nature of material
information requirements changes with each lifecycle activity. For example, in a bottomup design approach, one may seek to match up the product’s performance requirements
with a material’s intrinsic properties (which are functions of a material’s atomistic
structure); whereas, in a top-down design approach, a designer may want to design a new
material that will suit a product’s functional requirements best (which may need
atomistic/meso -level information). The material information model should be able to
provide necessary information in both cases. Even at the macro- structure level, the
material property is not always well defined. Some of the material properties like creep,
fatigue, residual stresses, are time- and/or process- dependent, which necessitates
developing appropriate operating environments and process information models being
coupled with the material model.
Another important fact of the material information model is that it must be tightly
coupled with a product’s form and function models, and its manufacturing process
information model. It is a well-known fact that material properties may change
considerably at the end of a manufacturing process sequence that in turn, may affect the
product’s function. For instance, in the aerospace industry, casting and forging operations
are often used to manufacture the initial part shape. Both casting and forging introduce
unwanted stresses in the part, which in subsequent machining stages can be a source for
severe part distortions and ultimately part rejection due to failure to achieve the
geometric tolerance/accuracy required. Another example is in the case of heat treatment
processes, which are deliberately used to alter the material properties. Therefore, an
appropriate behavioral model for materials needs to be associated with the materials
information model. This adds to another dimension to the materials information modeling
structure; the issue is how to make the behavior model available (and there are a wide
range of different computational material models currently available, which could be
safely grouped under the material behavior model) for multi-scale modeling. There is a y
benefit in developing physics-based computational tools for predicting the behavior, and
influencing the design of nanostructured materials such as high-performance polymers,
composites, nanotube-reinforced polymers and other smart materials.
The question is how to couple this complex set of materials information models with
manufacturing process models. The workshop participants foresee that the real challenge
in developing the material information model, which is sufficiently flexible and dynamic,
lies in the data structure and ontologies used in the overall system architecture.
Now what about the manufacturing process model? To facilitate the material and energy
efficiency assessment, the manufacturing process model must provide (i) required
information related to equipment and process parameters, process consumables and
facility overhead charges, process wastes, and (ii) required process information to specify
material property/behavior at the end of a given manufacturing process sequence. It will
be very useful if the manufacturing process information could be specified at multiple
levels of detail – supply chain, manufacturing facility, line, department, cell level, and
machine level. This will help in tracking down the material and energy wastage.
Sustainability Characterization and Optimization:
For sustainability characterization, it is suggested that the information modeling concept
should capture and establish relationships between intermediate material information (of
shape, size, form feature, and surface property and its energy (as well as other
consumables such as tooling, lubricants, and coolants) consumptions in each step of the
manufacturing process sequence. It should also profile emission in the same manner.
For sustainability optimization, alternative process plans with different resource
requirements and process parameters should be evaluated.
The above modeling methodology will work fine for a “fixed” chain of processes (which
are characterized by fixed output quantities and fixed process control parameters); any
total amounts of energy, material, and water usage can be measured by appropriate
metering techniques. If the processes are not “fixed” (when both control parameters and
outputs vary), functions (instead of constants) of energy, material, and water consumption
need to be formulated in terms of output demands and process control parameters. These
functions could be developed either by using the black-box design approach or by using
the white-box approach. A black-box design approach starts with assessing the analytical
form of an assumed function, and then looking at operational input points and the
corresponding values of energy, material, and water usage over time, and regressing the
function (the regression analysis technique). Following the white-box approach, one
would decompose a process into sub-processes, try to model and estimate the energy,
material, and water usage functions of the sub-processes, and compose the global function
for the entire process. If needed, a mixed approach trading-off between the level of
process decomposition (into its sub-processes) and dimension of the regression problems
could also be adopted in assessing the sustainability indices. In either case, it is not a
simple exercise and it needs extensive modeling and model validation efforts.
Sustainability Assessment Methodologies:
Several researchers have advocated the necessity of a detailed identification of important
parameters for assessing energy, material, and water consumption/wastage. Broadly
speaking, energy consumption (kWh) needs to be evaluated:
1. for different manufacturing processes and their equipment, including material,
product handling systems (the workshop participants came up with a list of several
important process variables that directly or indirectly affect energy consumption in
the manufacturing process. It was suggested that NIST consult with other federal/state
research initiatives which are already made some progress in this area – See
Appendix A),
2. for any other auxiliary equipment that have not been considered in (i) (e.g., auxiliary
lubrication system, and cooling system),
3. for energy consumption during machine idling (when the machine tool is in standby
mode with its peripheral units turned on) and traversing (when the machine axes and
spindle are in motion without any metal processing), and
4. during the manufacturing process setup periods (energy consumption during setup
could be substantial in case of larger and heavier part processing). Production
efficiency and overall equipment effectiveness (including equipment availability,
performance efficiency, process utilization, and product quality) could be other
metrics for energy consumption assessment.
For material consumption assessment, the assessment parameters could be amount of
material usage including raw material use, raw material consumption (chips), and raw
material wastage (scrap). Additional material parameters could be other process
consumables including cutting tool consumables, engineering tooling consumables (e.g.,
mold and dies), device consumables (e.g., jigs, fixtures, and pallets) and lubricant
consumables to name a few. Waste material filtration, treatment and their handling for
used lubricants, coolants, and/or other toxic, hazardous materials could be other
significant factors in assessing the energy and material efficiency.
For evaluation of water consumption, filtration and treatment of hazardous materials have
significant contribution. Other factors include water consumption in manufacturing
processes like the use of water in the form of coolant or cutting fluid during any
machining operation.
However, collection and aggregation of the data to provide an overall sustainability
assessment of a part, assembly or a process could be difficult. A performance index that
covers energy, material, and water efficiency, and other manufacturing footprints
(including harmful emissions and waste) could be considered. Generalization could be
difficult, especially considering the long supply-chain that may exist for a complex
assembly. Some suggested that the use of a normalization method of the sustainability
data and use of a weighting method (like the eigenvector, weighted least square or
entropy method) as it has been applied in other engineering fields. Others argued that the
characteristics of a sustainable company, process or part could vary greatly across each of
these categories. In each case, the resources used to make the product (e.g., energy), the
value added to the product (could be measured with cost), and lifecycle impacts should
be considered to accurately assess sustainability.
It brings up the question of how to characterize the sustainability assessment
methodology itself. An effective methodology must meet the general criteria of
desirability, operability, practicability and repeatability. It should be easy to use and
inexpensive. It should be practical enough such that a corporate user can readily apply it
to one of its corporate business units for a specific product (group) in a lifecycle phase,
after selecting sustainability manufacturing performance indices, reference data set, and
assessment techniques. All data must be contextualized with process information. The
assessment methodology will have to incorporate some degree of flexibility to cater
different needs of various sectors and technologies. The researchers also realized that
there were inherent uncertainties present in data collection and data analysis.
There are uncertainties based on measurement techniques used and due to the inherent
variability of the processes. There could be other sources that may lead to uncertainty
problems: (i) lack of direct measurements of the parameters of interest, (ii) lack of
understanding regarding what drives parameters (often due to lack of knowledge in
process information), (iii) lack of understanding how to analyze data that has been
collected. Other indirect factors like lack of sufficiently quantifiable information,
uncertainty in government rules and regulations may create problems in identifying
correct data. When it comes to computation of metrics (quantitative models or equations),
many other factors could contribute to the uncertainty of manufacturing sustainability,
such as variations in setting operational parameters, and the machine model. It would
require a tremendous amount of coordinated efforts to build an appropriate database
necessary for the implementation of a sustainability assessment methodology in order to
support a range of materials and their associated processes, using various machine and
equipment resources.
Validation of the Information Models Using a Shared Research Testbed:
The main requirements of a shared research testbed would be: (i) to demonstrate
integration and implementation of the three core information models for product, material
and process (PMP) coherently, and to show how to retrieve the information required for
sustainability assessment at any stage of the product lifecycle; and (ii) to showcase the
usability of the core information model for some benchmarking problem(s). It should
help demonstrate the most important requirements of sustainability-related assessments
and standards within the product’s lifecycle framework. The benchmarking problems or
case studies should come from a multitude of industries that encompass a range of
discrete products so that an assortment of processes could be tested. The testbed must
mimic the process of interest as closely as possible and would allow testing of a large
number of parameters to compute resource efficiencies in terms of energy, material, and
The type of things tested should start from basic manufacturing process steps on simple
products and be enhanced gradually to complex processes on complex products. Initial
analysis may be based on product flow modeling. Later engineering process simulation
models may be included that allow testing of detailed unit process parameters and
modeling of assembly operations.
Several challenges have been anticipated in the development of such a national level
shared research testbed. The problem could be: (i) in determining which processes to test:
it should be determined based on product volume, value added and/or other
considerations, and (ii) in protecting the security of company data and proprietary
information: it may create problems and needs to be sorted out with the individual
company on a case-by-case basis.
4. Acknowledgments
The report has been prepared from contributions from all experts, presenters and
attendees who participated at the NIST Workshop. Special thanks go to the following
Prof. Alex Brodsky, George Mason University
Dr. Chin-Sheng Chen, Cyber Manufacturing Inc.
Dr. Margot Hutchins, University of California – Berkeley
Prof. Sanjay Jain, George Washington University
Prof. Kincho Law, Stanford University
Prof. Daniel Menasce, George Mason University
Prof. Christopher Saldhana, Pennsylvania State University
Dr. Rita Schenk, American Center for Lifecycle Assessment
Qais Al-Khazraji, Pennsylvania State University
We also thank Dr. Shyam Sunder, Director of the Engineering Laboratory, for his support
and welcoming remarks; Dr. Vijay Srinivasan, Chief of the Systems Integration Division
for his support and encouragement.
Many members of the Sustainable Manufacturing program participated in this Workshop
and provided valuable inputs and recommendations. The editors wish to thank YungTsun (Tina) Lee and Sharon Kemmerer for their comments and suggestions to improve
the report.
Certain commercial software products are identified in this paper. These products were
used only for demonstration purposes. This use does not imply approval or endorsement
by NIST, nor does it imply these products are necessarily the best available for the
Appendix A: Inputs from the Participants
The following discussions were provided by the researchers following the workshop and
after reflection on the workshop discussions. The text is presented exactly as it was
submitted without editing for synthesizing.
Soundar Kumara, Christopher Saldana and Qais Al-Khazraji, Penn State
Overview: This workshop focused on understanding the foundations required for
measurement science to characterize resource (energy, material) efficiency and facilitate
waste reduction across the production lifecycle (gate-to-gate) for manufactured products.
Most of the project leads (except UMD) participated in the effort. The project leads as
well as the researchers at several organizations and at NIST are employing a host of
approaches to tackle the problem of sustainability assessment. The one-and-half-a-day
workshop focused on several issues. This document summarizes the deliberations.
Summary: The central issue for the workshop and the challenge posed by the NIST lead
(Dr. Rachuri) was the need to establish standards for sustainability assessment by
manufacturing organizations. Some important elements involved in making such
assessments were highlighted, which include:
1. Understanding what needs to be measured, at which stages of the manufacturing
processes should these be measured and how we should measure them.
2. Identify the accuracy and precision of the above extracted measurements.
3. Verify and validate our measurements.
4. Provide the analytical method(s) to aggregate (compose) the individual
sustainability measurements into the final sustainability index.
5. Develop standards for the measurements, uncertainties and final sustainability
index for the gate-to-gate part of the manufacturing lifecycle.
The development of a material information model was a key topic that was tackled during
the workshop. To develop such a model, researchers asked the following questions:
1. Who will use the material information model during the lifecycle of the product?
What is the main focus of such a model? How do we capture material information
models for different material classes that essentially use different manufacturing
2. What will be the terminology/taxonomy for these material information models?
For every product, the manufacturing sequence is a combination of different unit
manufacturing processes. Several researchers highlighted that material information
models must provide the linkages between intrinsic/extrinsic material information and
manufacturing process metrics and this data must be made available during early product
design stages for the model to be of maximum use. They claimed that this would enable
designers to select alternative materials based on sustainability from a production
viewpoint. This material information model should also be useful in developing
optimization methods for production sequencing and process selection.
It was argued that effective capture of all relevant sustainability information would
require that the material information models be rooted in the description and
classification of these unit manufacturing processes. The real challenge in developing a
material information model that is sufficiently flexible for capturing every unit
manufacturing process lies in the data structures and ontologies used in the overall
system architecture. Further, the lack of existing measurement science (standards) and
lack of consistent information representation for unit manufacturing processes are two
problems that some researches addressed as key concerns in this regard. For example,
some researchers argued that it is unclear how “deep” one must go into modeling the
machine components, machine settings and the tool settings in order to analyze the
sustainability elements of each unit manufacturing process.
Another concern that was raised during the workshop was that factors such as material
information, product functionality, part geometric features, and process parameters are
interrelated since all of these (including material properties) can be changed as a
consequence of the manufacturing processes selected. Therefore, the material information
model should also facilitate tracing of mechanical and physical material property changes
during each unit manufacturing process. Therefore, the material information model, at
some level, must be designed to be dynamic and not static in nature.
While the material information model will provide capability to assess unit
manufacturing processes for individual sustainability indicators, a major focus of the
discussion and a source of contention amongst the researchers was the development and
potential validity of a generic analytical model to calculate an aggregate sustainability
index for multiple unit manufacturing processes in an overall production sequence. One
major point regarding the validity of an aggregate approach was the importance of being
able to model/capture the benefit of alternative designs/material selection in specifying
the gate-to-gate sequence of processes. For example, different processes have different
benchmarks, the researchers discussed the need to define these benchmarks and have a
standard level to compare other manufacturing sustainability indicators with their relative
In this regard, several researchers indicated that decision of the appropriate metrics,
design of scientific measures to calculate the resource efficiency (e.g. normalization
routines) and how to aggregate these metrics to supply the aggregate score are all highly
coupled to the role of the person (or company) making the lifecycle assessment. Thus,
any aggregate score will have to incorporate some degree of flexibility in definition to
facilitate the various users possible and weighting of the metrics appropriate for those
sectors/technologies. From an information architecture standpoint, the various
users/participants (or services) may have interest in different stages or granular
viewpoints of the gate-to-gate lifecycle. This will likely modulate the functionality
required to direct sustainability data to each of these services.
As some of these questions were being addressed, the suggestion was posed to the group
to utilize case studies to help draw out the most important requirements of sustainabilityrelated assessments and standards within the gate-to-gate lifecycle framework. These
case studies should come from a multitude of industries that encompass a range of
discrete products, ranging in technology levels used in manufacturing as well as in the
inherent economic unit value of the product.
Action items from PSU: Respond to 7 breakout questions.
1) To assess sustainable manufacturing, what parameters should be measured to
compute resource efficiency in terms of energy, material and water?
2) What are key factors that contribute to uncertainty in sustainable manufacturing?
How can we prioritize these and what measurement techniques can be applied?
3) How would a material model that supports sustainability decisions be formulated?
4) How can sustainability data for a manufactured part or assembly be aggregated to
enable sustainability analysis?
5) What are the information modeling concepts unique to sustainability characterization
and optimization?
6) What are characteristics of an effective manufacturing-focused sustainability
assessment methodology?
7) What are requirements and challenges for a shared research testbed and what things
could be tested here?
Dave Dornfeld, University of California Berkeley
1. To assess sustainable manufacturing, what parameters should be measured to
compute resource efficiency in terms of energy, material, and water?
The parameters below were developed for a project for the Sustainable Aerospace
Manufacturing Initiative (SAMI) 8 , which was focused on cutting. Most of these
parameters are generally applicable to all manufacturing processes. A few of these
variables would need to be translated to be perfectly applicable to manufacturing
processes other than cutting, but the translations are relatively straightforward. The units
of each variable are generalized unless otherwise noted as follows: l represents units of
length, v represents units of volume, t represents units of time, and m represents units of
Cell footprint
Average cell footprint
Total facility floor space
Compressed air usage
Demand on air compressor
HVAC energy
Lighting energy
Powered cell time
Total facility powered time
Total mass of fixture material
Total mass of material in all
processed parts
Total mass of replacement part
Noise level
Injuries per year
Process loss per cell
Idle power
Processing power
Warm-up power
Water consumed for cleaning
New coolant oil consumed
Coolant oil recycled
For more information see the final SAMI project report: Sustainable Manufacturing Assessment, GKN
Aerospace, submitted February 2011 the by National Center for Defense Manufacturing & Machining.
Lubricating oil consumed
Water consumed for coolant
Lifetime savings
Investment cost
Sick days per year
Tool life
t, v, or parts
Cycle time
Calendar time
Planned downtime
Unplanned downtime
Idle time
Processing time
Operation time
Warm-up time
Production volume
Scrapped volume
Reworked volume
Hazardous waste
Solid waste
Power demand and energy consumption
Idle power demand
Peak power demand
Component power demand
Warm-up power demand
Cutting power demand
Processing energy consumption
per year
Idle energy consumption per year
Warm-up energy consumption
per year
Production efficiency/overall equipment effectiveness (OEE)
Performance efficiency
Process utilization
Process consumables and facility overhead charges
Because many of the variables associated with consumables and overhead charges are
usually known at the facility level, we must first define a scaling factor that will assign
these flows to each cell or machine based on its relative size (larger machine tools or cells
generally have larger impact) and processing time (longer processing times generally
increase impact). This scaling factor, K, has been defined as follows:
A h
MT cell
A h
avg facility
This scaling factor should be used with any metric or variable known only at the facility
Coolant oil consumption
Recycled coolant
Lubricating oil consumption
Water consumption for coolant
Water consumption for cleaning
Tool life
t, v, or parts
Replacement parts
Compressed air usage
Effective compressor energy
Effective HVAC energy
Effective lighting energy
Process waste
Rework rate
Scrap rate
Process loss
Hazardous waste
Solid waste
Additionally, more traditional manufacturing metrics remain important in these analyses
to ensure that the process remains effective in producing parts that are of sufficient
quality. Some of these more traditional parameters are included in the suggestions above
(e.g., downtime, tool life), but can also be expanded for additional detail. For example,
perhaps the loads on a machine can be an important parameter that relates to the
maintenance and service life of that machine. Another example is the surface roughness
of the finished part, which may be important because it will dictate the impact of the
manufacturing phase on subsequent lifecycle stages.
2. What are the key factors that contribute to uncertainty in sustainable manufacturing?
How can we prioritize these and what measurement techniques can be applied?
Problems with measurement
o Lack of direct measurements of the parameters of interest (may be linked
to a lack of measuring devices)
o Lack of understanding regarding what drives parameters (often due to
disregard for associated process information)
Problems with existing data analysis
o Lack of understanding how to analyze data that is collected
o Erroneous assumptions regarding the applicability of data and analysis
(e.g., over generalization)
3. How would a material model that supports sustainability decisions be formulated?
Ashby charts may provide a useful framework to follow.
From our perspective, any model should consider all levels of the manufacturing
enterprise (i.e., process to machine to cell to line to facility to supply chain) as well as all
stages of the lifecycle to avoid offsetting any impacts. Manufacturing energy can already
be linked to surface characteristics like roughness (which relates to use efficiency and
thus use phase impacts), and other manufacturing considerations (e.g., tool wear,
availability) can be both related to processing choices. It seems reasonable that a material
model could be developed that follows the same relationships to assess other aspects of
sustainability (e.g., material and water usage).
4. How can sustainability data for a manufactured part or assembly be aggregated to
enable sustainability analysis?
Aggregating data to provide an overall sustainability assessment of a part or assembly
can be problematic at best. The characteristics of a sustainable company, process, or parts
can vary greatly across each of these categories. In each case, the resources used to make
the product (e.g., energy), the value added to the product (could be measured with cost)
and lifecycle impacts should be considered to accurately assess sustainability.
Assuming a specific part or assembly has been identified and considering only energy,
two possible measures are:
Energy per volume (to accommodate fluctuations in volume produced)
Energy per dollar spent to manufacture the product (to help account for high
product mixes)
5. What are the information modeling concepts that are unique to sustainability
characterization and optimization?
Information modeling is not our area of expertise, but we would argue that these concepts
are important:
Interoperability to contextualize data
Multiobjective optimization to balance the different priorities in sustainability
6. What are the characteristics of an effective manufacturing-focused sustainability
assessment methodology?
An effective manufacturing-focused sustainability assessment methodology would be
composed of three steps
1. Measurement of relevant parameters
Present a holistic picture of sustainability of the factory
Ensure data at the process level is at the right specificity
Data is contextualized with process information
All three pillars of sustainability (i.e., environmental, social, and economic)
should be considered
2. Characterization of the measured data to obtain information about the process
Define uncertainty of analysis
3. Optimization to use the information to improve the process
For steps 2 and 3, the approach should consider offsetting impacts both within the
manufacturing phase and between the manufacturing phase and other lifecycle stages
7. What are requirements and challenges for a shared research testbed and what types of
things could be tested there?
Test an assortment of processes
Testbed must mimic the process of interest as closely as possible
Test an assortment of measurement equipment and tools
Test large number of parameters (see question 1)
Determining which processes to test
o Should it be based on production volume, value add, or other
Proprietary information
o Some companies may not want to share manufacturing practices with
Uses for testbed
Identifying and quantifying parameters of importance for specific processes and
Identifying and quantifying sources of uncertainty
Rita Schenck, American Center for Lifecycle Assessment
Overall, I was very impressed by the workshop and agree with the feedback/summary
from the breakouts.
I think that overall the challenge to metrics for sustainable manufacturing is that the
questions of process optimization relate to efficiency of resources to accomplish a
process, while the metrics of sustainability relate to maximizing function while
minimizing environmental impact. It is a challenge to bring together these two different
points of view, i.e., process vs. function. I think the key will be to standardize ways to
link process to function. As an example, one might look at all the ways to create a
particular chemical. Each pathway has its own needs. Likewise, one might look at all the
ways to make a hole (this was an excellent example brought up in the workshop). One
can use a hand drill, a cam drill, a laser drill or even a high pressure water drill. They all
accomplish the same goal. We can compare energy use and materials loss and emissions
for all these different processes, and then evaluate their sustainability for a particular hole
or a range of holes we might want to make.
This leads directly to the need to have a standard taxonomy of process types, and they
should be arranged by function (e.g. adding material, removing material, changing shape,
chemical transformation, cleaning and so forth). The designers of manufacturing
equipment then need to have standard ways to test their equipment (drilling plastic,
metal, wood, etc.). This information can then be made available in the “lego blocks” that
represent the unit processes for LCA. Using the machine shop at NIST we could develop
preliminary test for different machines.
The virtue of the Product Category Rules (PCR) is that it can specify the rules for the
measurement of a unit process or group of unit processes including a cradle-to-grave set
to cover the entire lifecycle. Anything from a single process to an entire lifecycle could
be the subject of a PCR. The PCR is a specification for environmental sustainability
That means that we can take on any level of sustainable manufacturing we would like: we
have different options.
As a practical matter, I think it would be a good idea to take on a range of PCRs. I have
three examples,
1. We could choose the production of a food container, a relatively simple process.
Most of these containers are made of plastic and undergo extrusion or forming
and some kind of printing. They can be made of recycled materials and they can
be made to be recycled. We could develop a set of PCRs for each of the
processes used.
2. As I mentioned in our breakout, I am working with the Sustainable Apparel
Coalition. There the unit processes are very different: spinning and weaving and
dyeing, and cut and sew operations. This last process is very important to the
financial success of an operation. There are several mills in the Carolinas that we
could get to work with us.
3. Finally, another strategy would be to work with the metal-bending kind of
operations that are used by the companies that NIST is already working with. I
know few companies that are deep into LCA work. They certainly have a broad
range of machining operations they could use as testbeds, and some of them they
do military work, which could help subsidize the work.
Sanjay Jain, George Washington University
All the questions raised may require short research efforts to answer well. Indeed, most
of these questions are being looked into by projects under SM program. We may want to
have shared documents on-line for each of these questions that everyone can add to.
Below are thoughts on each of the questions.
Basic Measurement Science
1. To assess sustainable manufacturing what parameters should be measured to
compute resource efficiency in terms of energy, material, and water?
The parameters would need to be specified at multiple levels of detail – supply
chain, manufacturing facility, line/department/cell, and machine level. This will
help in tracking down the resources /resource-groups that have lowest efficiency.
To allow comparison with other manufacturing organizations, the parameters may
be defined per dollar value added – such as, kWh per dollar value added for
energy, kg/gram of material used per dollar value added, and kiloliter/liter of
water used per dollar value added. The tradeoff among the three measures is
expected to be environment dependent. Poor design of manufacturing processes
will generally have lower efficiencies on all three measures. There may be
tradeoffs on the efficiency frontier among the three measures that can be studied
using engineering simulations.
2. What are the key factors that contribute to uncertainty in sustainable
manufacturing? How can we prioritize these and what measurement techniques can
be applied?
One of the major sources of the uncertainty related to measures for sustainable
manufacturing will be due to the resource consumptions in overhead and shared
uses for production. For example, the energy used by the administrative staff at
the facility will need to be apportioned to the manufacturing output from the
facility. There can be multiple approaches to such apportioning (e.g. by weight,
by number of units, by number of pallets, etc.) each of which may be most
reasonable under certain circumstances.
Of course, there are uncertainties based on measurement techniques used and the
inherent variability of the processes, differences due to local measurement
practices, etc. It is believed though that the apportioning approaches will
contribute a larger percentage of uncertainty and should be addressed first. That
is, the priority order for addressing the different sources of uncertainties should be
based on the expected amount of uncertainty caused.
Aggregation of Measurements
1. How would a material model that supports sustainability decisions be
Material options will need to be considered integrated with process options.
Change in material will almost always result in change in process parameters, and
usually in change in process themselves. A decision tree may be developed that
considers multiple material options that allow meeting the product functionality
requirements, and for each material option, considers process alternatives that
again meet the product functionality requirements (for example, tolerance for
machined products).
A standard structure needs to be defined for making apple-to-apple comparison
across multiple material options that may be captured using different material
model types.
2. How can sustainability data for a manufactured part or assembly be aggregated
to enable sustainability analysis?
As mentioned above in the uncertainty topic, different apportioning approaches
for shared resources may be reasonable based on manufacturing environment.
Apportioning approaches may be standardized for each PCR category to allow
measurements that are reasonable for and comparable across each category.
Implementation of Measurement Science
What are the information modeling concepts that are unique to sustainability
characterization and optimization?
Most of the current techniques can indeed be extended for modeling additional
factors for supporting sustainable manufacturing. Such extensions should be
made in parallel with efforts to develop new technologies for the purpose if there
are research resources available. For constrained research resources, extensions
of current techniques are evaluated first before embarking on new developments.
What are the characteristics of an
sustainability assessment methodology?
The key characteristic for assessment methodology is the same as that for any
measurement tools – repeatability. That is, application of the methodology
multiple times for the same manufacturing artifact by multiple people should lead
to the same assessment within an identified uncertainty level.
characteristics include: ease of use, inexpensive, etc.
Test and Validate Measurements and Standards
What are requirements and challenges for a shared research testbed and what
types of things could be tested there?
In brief, the requirements and challenges include: security of company data, ease
of use, security of outputs of testbed, repeatability of assessments generated for
each scenario under a defined set of circumstances, and generation/ demonstration
of value through assessments conducted using the research testbed.
The type of things tested should start from basic manufacturing process steps on
simple products and be enhanced gradually to complex processes on complex
products. Initial analysis may be based on product flow modeling. Later
engineering process simulation models may be included that allow testing of
detailed unit process parameters and modeling of assembly operations
Utpal Roy, Syracuse University
3. To assess sustainable manufacturing what parameters should be measured to
compute resource efficiency in terms of energy, material, and water?
In terms of Energy: In Gate-to-Gate (G2G) scenario, we need to evaluate energy
consumption (kWh) in (1) different manufacturing processes and their equipment,
including material/product handling; in auxiliary equipment (e.g., for lubrication, cooling
systems, etc.) (2) Energy consumption during machine idle times, (3) in manufacturing
process setup (it is prominent in case of heavy parts/equipment); We also need to account
for the general energy consumption in maintaining healthy work environment in the
manufacturing facility and the energy consumption for recycling/reuse of lubricants,
coolants, etc.
In terms of Materials: In G2G, the combination of the followings: (1) amount of
material usage, (2) material waste (may be ratio of material waste/total material usage)
(3) recyclability of material waste (4) toxic/hazardous material content identification and
handling issues – need to be considered.
In terms of Water:
At least we need to consider:
(1) Water consumption in manufacturing processes.
(2) The hazardous material contents, both in product and manufacturing processing
elements must be monitored. Any quantification of the material waste that is
going to our water system will be extremely helpful.
4. What are the key factors that contribute to uncertainty in sustainable
manufacturing? How can we prioritize these and what measurement techniques
can be applied?
Lack of information /Missing data
Measurement uncertainty
Lack of sufficiently quantifiable information
Uncertainty in government rules/regulations, market price fluctuation of material,
energy, service.
Aggregation of Measurements
3. How would a material model that supports sustainability decisions be formulated?
Material information model must serve in determining: (1) design choices in the
conceptual design stage, (2) Material process choices, (3) product/process sustainability
indices. Material information model is NOT simply a material property database; it must
directly support the sustainable design and manufacturing activities. Information should
be readily available in the information model.
In general, I would rather expand the idea of developing a model which is not solely
Material –centric but also encompasses the development of an integrated approach
towards development of a product/material/process (PMP) –based model; it will
distinguish our work from other’s works in the field of material information model
development. The first step towards it would be to identify first and then classify the
information needs for making sustainability-based decisions in different product lifecycle
stages. The needs are definitely different at different phases. The information model
needs to be developed accordingly.
How can sustainability data for a manufactured part or assembly be aggregated to
enable sustainability analysis?
Some kind of performance index that covers energy and material efficiency, and other
manufacturing footprints (including harmful emissions and waste) could be considered.
Generalization could be difficult; especially considering the long supply chain that may
exit for a complex assembly product. However, I have some reservation about these types
of indices. Most of the present indices are formulated on an ad-hoc basis, and are
weighted indices that are prone to personal biases. I also do not feel one single
aggregated number can truly reflect the sustainability of a product/process.
Implementation of Measurement Science
What are the information modeling concepts that are unique to sustainability
characterization and optimization?
I am biased towards ontology based system.
What are the characteristics of an effective manufacturing-focused sustainability
assessment methodology?
What are requirements and challenges for a shared research testbed and what types
of things could be tested there?
The main requirements of the testbed would be to find a way to: (i) Integrate and
implement three predominant information models for product, material and process
(PMP) coherently so that information required for sustainability assessment at any stage
of the product lifecycle could be readily available; and (ii) showcase the usability of the
integrated information model for some benchmarking problem(s).
Alex Brodsky, GMU
To assess sustainable manufacturing what parameters should be measured to
compute resource efficiency in terms of energy, material, and water?
What is the information modeling concepts that are unique to sustainability
characterization and optimization?
What are the characteristics of an effective manufacturing-focused sustainability
assessment methodology?
Suppose we have a manufacturing process M (at any level, e.g., unit, assembly, gate-togate etc.), that produces output products in quantities p1,...,pn, and having control
parameters P. If the process if fixed (i.e., fixed output quantities, say daily, and fixed
control parameters), then any total amounts of energy, material, and water (a numerical
constant for each) can be measured by appropriate metering that would measure totals. In
this case however, - we can't attribute amount of energy, material and water to 1 unit of
each output product, and - we can't compare 1 process with another, if these processes do
not have the same composition and quantities of output products.
If the process is not fixed, i.e., there is flexibility in both control parameters P and the
demand for output products varies, then we need to assess functions (rather then
constants) E (energy), M (material), and W (water) use in terms of p1,...,pn, and P. If we
can come up with such a function, then we could: - reason about optimal setting of
parameters P given demand p1,...,pn,, and - compare different processes in terms of their
efficiency even though they do not have the same composition or quantities of output
products (e.g., this can be used for maturity model estimates) - attribute the amount of E,
M and W to 1 unit of each output product.
An important question is how to assess these functions. I can think of a black-box
approach, and a white-box approach: - a black-box approach would start with assessing
the analytical form of this function, and then looking at sample operational input points
and the corresponding values of E, M and W measured over time, and regressing the
functions, or - a white-box approach, in which one would decompose a process into
components, try to model/estimate the E, M and W function of the components, and
compose the global function for the entire process One can also consider a mixed
approach, that would make a trade-off between the level of decomposition and dimension
of the regression problems (to avoid the "dimensionality curse"). This is not a trivial
problem, but an important one to solve.
We also need to understand the key factors that contribute to uncertainty in sustainable
manufacturing. We need prioritize these and the corresponding measurement techniques
have to be developed. If statistical learning techniques (e.g., regression analysis) are
used, the selection of an analytical functional form may introduce uncertainty. The other
issues include:
How would a material model that supports sustainability decisions be formulated?
How can sustainability data for a manufactured part or assembly be aggregated to
enable sustainability analysis?
We may want to distinguish the situation when we control a manufacturing process to
produce a material, as opposed to the situation when we acquire material and would like
to estimate the composition of sub-materials within it.
the first case goes back to the question of assessing sustainable manufacturing
(see above)
the second case, we can try and use known databases and systems that have
information about composition of sub-materials, and then just aggregate.
a more refined approach for the second case, could be based on Sustainability
Product Labels (that Rita talked about), which is an interesting approach.
Regarding the requirements for a shared research testbed and the types of things could be
tested there, here are three levels of functionality that come to my mind:
black-box (data-retrieval and/or computational) services, e.g., via web-service
mechanism, to publish, search and use services.
a common database of standardized parts of information models (can be a
relational, XML based, Ontology-based or a combination thereof) that can be
accessed and modified by the testbed users
a knowledge base of higher-level abstraction artifacts, such as the sustainable
Process Analytics formalism (SPAF) artifacts describing manufacturing
processes, flows, metric computation and aggregation, process constraints etc.),
and tools (e.g., SPAF enabler) that would allow building of process models, their
easy composition, and performing (what-if) analysis, and decision optimization
tasks against the process analytics formalism.
Kincho Law, Stanford University
Here are a number of my observations and comments:
We need to develop a roadmap and overview on material information modeling. For the
research related to sustainability (energy) characterization of product assembly process
(from gate to gate), the research questions are:
What (the scope) to include in the model – the actual assembly processes, the
material handling processes, the transportation/logistic processes?
How to collect data to validate whatever information models we will be
developing to characterize sustainability parameters?
What testbed shall we use to validate our development?
As an initial step, we also need to review and establish initial taxonomies for the basic
assembly processes, including:
Material Handling Equipment Taxonomy: Material handling equipment (MHE) is
used for the movement and storage of material within a facility or at a site. MHE
can be classified into the following five major categories: Transport, Positioning,
Unit Load Formation, Storage and Identification and Control Equipment. This
knowledge source enables us to categorize constituent equipment artifact’s
relating to and/or involved within the handling and transportation of materials
within assembly plants.
Product Assembly Process Taxonomy: This taxonomy includes three major
subcategories; namely, Pre-Assembly, Components Assembly and Post-Assembly
processes. When considering G2G processes, we are specifically interested in the
components assembly aspect of the product assembly process taxonomy.
Joining Process Taxonomy: As an example of measuring energy performance
metrics for processes involving the use of complex equipment we utilize this
taxonomy as it provides an additional level of granularity for constituent subprocesses specific to the Joining Process aspect of product assembly.
Automobile Manufacturing Taxonomy: For the purpose of establishing an
information integration model for process-to-energy (P2E) reporting. The
automobile manufacturing taxonomy enables us to link processes (such as the
joining and product assembly process) to actual automobile parts being
manufactured within the assembly process.
Establishing the taxonomies of the different processes enables designing an information
service framework that could link energy calculations and measurements as services to
gate-to-gate process-to-energy reporting within automobile assembly. The information
models will provide the basis to systematically organize and to evaluate performance
metrics developed by the industry groups and researchers.
Chin – Sheng Chen
1. To assess sustainable manufacturing what parameters should be measured to compute
resource efficiency in terms of energy, material, and water?
a. Many researchers have argued that manufacturing sustainability (MS) assessment
should take place at the resource component level and by each operation mode. A
typical machine operates in three modes: machining (the machine is fully engaged
in metal removal and machining), idling (the machine tool is in standby with its
peripheral units turned on), and traversing (the machine’s axes and spindle are in
motion but no material is being removed). Typical machine components that
consume energy, material, and water include axis motor, spindle motor, coolant
pump, air compressor, chip conveyer, automatic tool changer, tool magazine,
hydraulic pump, computer fan, and exhaust fan, among many others.
b. Energy consumption parameters commonly used for machining are cutting force,
load, material removal rate, the depth of cut, feed, surface speed, machining time,
idling time, traverse time, and tool change time.
c. Material parameters include raw material use, raw material consumption (chip),
and raw material consumption (scrap). Additional material parameters are cutting
tool consumptions, engineering tooling consumption (e.g., molds and dies), device
consumption (e.g., jigs, fixtures, baskets, and pallet), and lubricant consumption.
d. Water used for machining is in the form of coolant or cutting fluid. Coolant
consumption is a function of cutting fluid rate and coolant usage time.
2. What are the key factors that contribute to uncertainty in sustainable manufacturing?
How can we prioritize these and what measurement techniques can be applied?
a. There are at least three approaches to assessing manufacturing sustainability: direct
measurement, computation, and use of nominal data.
b. Direct measurement would be ideal as its uncertainty reduces to calibration of the
measurement tool/meter used. Though the effort of direct measurement could be
largely automated to improve the efficiency of data collection, data collection
however, cannot happen until manufacturing actually occurs.
c. When it comes to computation using metrics (quantitative models or equations),
many factors could contribute to the uncertainty of manufacturing sustainability,
such as variation in material property, operational parameter setting, machine
model and maker, rigidity of work-piece setup, temperature, or even humidity. The
computation approach has its challenges, as a separate metric (and parameter
setting) may be needed for possibly each material type, each unit process type, and
each machine model/maker, consisting of different motors, drivers, cutting tools,
and holding devices.
d. Use of nominal data could face challenges similar to the computation approach,
because it would require a tremendous amount of coordinated efforts to build a
data base in order to support for a range of materials and unit processes types,
using various machine/equipment resources.
e. Computation has been a popular focus of many academic research efforts as well
as SM projects, for it could be more scientific and productive. Direct measurement
via tools such as the MTConnect9 could be useful for collecting and establishing a
sustainability reference database, in parallel to collecting real production data from
industry partners.
3. How would a material model that supports sustainability decision be formulated?
A material model of sustainability should consider a bill of materials (BOM) for the
product components, but also raw materials, engineering tooling, and tooling
materials. Since tooling is used for a unit process and tooling may also require its
own tooling, thus such a BOM structure could have multiple layers with linkages
pointing a material to a component or a tool, which in turn points to a unit process.
Jigs, fixtures, baskets, pallets, molds and dies are typical engineering tooling.
4. How can sustainability data for a manufacturing part or assembly be aggregated to
enable sustainability analysis?
a. Typical sustainability data for a manufactured part or assembly can be viewed as a
table of numerical values. Each entry is a measurement, computation, or nominal
value for a unit manufacturing process under a sustainability indicator.
b. To enable sustainability analysis, a normalization method should be used to
transform these values to address the nature of difference in the processing
technology and machine type as classified by each unit process type definition.
Linear scale transformation and vector normalization are two commonly used
c. For aggregation, a weighting method should be applied to evaluate relative
importance of each sustainability indicator. Eigenvector method, weighted least
square method and entropy method are often considered for this purpose.
d. Similar concepts of normalization and aggregation could be applied to assembly
products, following the component/material structure defined in the BOM model.
5. What are the information modeling concepts that are unique to sustainability
characterization and optimization?
a. For sustainability characterization, the information modeling concept should
capture intermediate material information (of shape, size, form feature, and surface
property, etc.) in each step of a unit manufacturing process, and energy (as well as
other consumables such as tooling, lubricants, gases and coolants) consumption
profile for each operation mode of each unit process type and each machine
(equipment) model/maker. It should profile emissions in the same manner. The
consumption and emission profile should be captured at the machine/equipment
component level as it is where energy is consumed and emissions occur.
b. For sustainability optimization, the information model needs to capture alternative
process technologies and production plans, with alternative routings, resources and
operational parameters. Sustainability optimization could be exercised through
alternative product designs as well.
MTConnect is a manufacturing industry standard to facilitate the organized retrieval of process
information from numerically controlled machine tools.
6. What are the characteristics of an effective manufacturing-focused sustainability
assessment methodology?
a. An effective methodology needs to meet the general criteria of desirability,
operationability, and practicability.
b. It is desirable to assess manufacturing sustainability of a product design via its
manufacturing process or production plan defined for a specific plant location, if the
manufacturing industry is the target user of the MS assessment methodology.
c. It should have sufficient detail (of steps and instructions) for each assessment
activity to be operation-able without relying on a consultant/expert.
d. It should be practical enough such that a corporate user can readily apply it to one
of its corporate business units for a specific product (group) in a life-cycle phase,
after selecting SM indicators, reference data set, and assessment techniques.
e. It should provide the MS functions of definition, assessment, analysis, improvement
and control, such that a corporate and factory-level user can engage in the
continuous improvement process of assessing and optimizing its corporate-wide and
factory/site specific manufacturing sustainability.
7. What are requirements and challenges for a shared research testbed and what types of
things could be tested there?
a. Potential customers:
i. Developers of metrics, models, techniques, methods, and tools.
ii. Academic and governmental R&D partners.
iii. Commercial hardware and software developers.
iv. Manufacturing partners of discrete part and products.
v. Machine and equipment makers.
b. Types of things to be tested (use of the testbed):
i. For developers, R&D partners, and commercial developers
1. Validate MS measurement/assessment metrics, techniques, models,
methods, and tools for standards compliance.
2. Characterize their performance with theoretical and industrial data.
3. Assess their application in industry settings.
ii. For manufacturing partners:
1. Validate their manufacturing process and production plans for
conformance to standards.
2. Benchmark manufacturing sustainability of their manufacturing process
and production plans.
3. Perform MS assessment.
iii. For machine and equipment makers
1. Characterize input efficiency (material, energy and water consumption)
at the machine/equipment level.
2. Characterize input efficiency (material, energy and water) at the
machine/equipment component level.
c. Testbed requirements
i. It will support rapid configuration for modeling and assessing
manufacturing routings and production plans for manufactured products
within the domain of interest.
It will be populated with assessment tools, methods, models, techniques,
best practices and reference data sets, in support for a range of sustainability
indicators and unit manufacturing processes required for manufacturing
sustainability assessment of manufactured products within the scope.
iii. It will have an aggregation feature that enables integration of individual
assessment data at the unit process level, for product-level sustainability
assessment and analysis.
It will support multiple assessment approaches (e.g., direct measurement,
computation, and use of nominal data).
d. Challenges
i. Identification of an industrial product with a production plan that can utilize
assessment metrics, tools, methods and techniques developed by projects in
the SM program.
ii. Establishment of a theoretical and industrial sustainability reference
database in the tested for benchmarking and base-lining.
iii. Collection of sufficient data for a range of resources and unit process types
to support experiments and validation of MS metrics, techniques, methods,
and tools.
Collection of sufficient real production data for benchmarking and baselining and to support validation and characterization of the MS metrics,
techniques, methods, and tools.
Experiments to be designed and conducted in the testbed for validating and
characterizing the performance of intended MS metrics, techniques,
methods, and tools.
Appendix B: Breakout Group Reports
The two breakout groups were organized by thrust area. A report from each group
Methodology Thrust – Breakout Report
November 13, 2012
Facilitators: KC Morris, Paul Witherell, and Kevin Lyons
QUESTION 1: To assess sustainable manufacturing what parameters should be
measured to compute resource efficiency in terms of energy, material, and water?
This question addresses what factors should be measured and how to establish baseline
and boundary conditions for measuring manufacturing resources. These serve as a
baseline in assessing the trade-offs of the system as it is optimized. Boundary conditions
reflect sensitivity issues in the nexus of energy, material, and water modeling and
optimization. For example, are there thresholds for any one of the three resources
beyond which the demand on one of the others is dramatically impacted? Finally, the
question addresses models or modeling approaches that use actual measurements to
improve the overall efficiency of the system.
The discussion of what parameters should be measured quickly moved to how to
normalize measures (as discussed above). Metrics would depend on the point of
view of the person doing the measurement. Optimizations can be done for
whatever the metric is--when you decide what to measure, you are also deciding
what you will optimize.
The idea of developing a set of benchmarks as a basis for measurement was
discussed. The benchmarks would define a baseline against which sustainable
improvement could be measured. Benchmarks would need to be organized in
some way such as product class, energy use, process efficiency, or activity.
A dichotomy was identified as follows:
o completeness of measurement--such as complete accounting of energy and
material for a factory producing an average per unit of product
o measuring a single variable and how it varies in the context of controlled
parameters. It was argued that this latter approach was a better approach
for sustainability improvement.
There seemed to be agreement that a process taxonomy including terminology
definitions would be extremely useful. Standard definitions for processes would
enable clearer definition of metrics. Apparently some work has been started on
that from NRC.
The discussion centered on material efficiency – initial discussion was on unit mass.
However, when you compare different processes this may not make much sense as
additive manufacturing may be completely different from powder injection molding.
The notion of dollar value was discussed as a measure for normalizing material usage
Alternative materials may lead to design changes and hence one should capture these
changes in material efficiency
The variations on processes leads to the need for defining process taxonomy
The DIN and NRC Classifications were touched upon
Discussion touched on what is the definition of “Waste.”
The group as a whole felt that we need to define material efficiency on a process basis
QUESTION 2: What are the key factors that contribute to uncertainty in sustainable
manufacturing? How can we prioritize these and what measurement techniques can
be applied?
Measurement techniques might address the level of granularity of measurements,
frequency of measurement, and level of uncertainty in the data. First we need
fundamental research to develop and demonstrate such techniques before proposing
standards for these measurements (which we do intend to do.) Such techniques should
also address the concern of how uncertainties and errors associated with sustainable
manufacturing indicators at unit process through enterprise level are best handled.
Techniques are also needed to address the flow of information from the supply chain and
to validate the data reliability and provide data traceability. In addition, this question
may address the integration of Lifecycle Inventory (LCI) data, which represent industry
averages, with more local measurements (such as plant-specific).
As what needs to be measured was not clear very little discussion was there on
Uncertainty in measurement seems to be heightened by the fact that in a real
scenario there will always be some "missing" or unmeasured data. Any
measurement approach will need a way to account for missing data or input
errors. There was also a discussion of the reliability of measurements as an
accurate representation over time since any single measurement is really only a
reflection of the circumstances in which it was taken. Any model developed to
account for these factors, providing theoretical values obtained via computation,
must itself be evaluated for quality.
QUESTION 3: How would a material model that supports sustainability decisions be
Given that material information is pervasive in product design and manufacturing, it
provides a solid foundation on which to establish the metrics for sustainability. At the
same time it provides a link from the virtual world of design to the physical world. This
question addresses what a model of material information would look like to support
sustainable design choices. In particular, the properties that best capture the information
needed to make sustainable material choices need to be identified and organized in a
systematic way, perhaps being characterized across material types. Material information
in product development is quite broad. The scope of a model to support sustainable
design and manufacture would be unique yet would need to interoperate with the wide
range of material models that already exist. Approaches for presenting the sustainability
information about materials also need to be explored.
There was significant discussion of the role of PCRs and whether an equivalent
method could be defined and used for process. The sense was that process was of
such a different nature and that it was so tightly coupled with other factors that
there would be no equivalent.
There was reference to quality standards for products and relating them to
aggregating measurements both in a deterministic and non-deterministic sense
The EPD and PCR (product category rules) were offered as possible ways
Different views (services) may help in aggregating measurements and building
Material model should
o account for decision space for alternatives,
o an assessment metric should be expressed as a function of control
variables to represent trade-offs,
o factor in "costs" associated with the material from other life-cycle phases
(e.g. material sourcing and material use) along with traceability to the
other phase
o to fit to SPAF structure should include a library of metrics, association to
process model, expressions of material consumption.
QUESTION 4: How can sustainability data for a manufactured part or assembly be
aggregated to enable sustainability analysis?
Energy use, for example, is a primary factor influencing sustainability but energy use is
difficult to gauge in a complex or even relatively simple manufactured good. The
production includes the energy used by the facility, energy used by different machines
and processes, energy used in producing and transporting component parts. All of these
measures contribute to the assessment of energy use for a particular item and yet
standards for how that use is apportioned and totaled do not exist. When we expand the
scope of sustainability indicators beyond energy use, the order of complexity of this
analysis problem grows dramatically. This challenge is compounded by the fact that
different processes may have characteristics unique to them. What are these
characteristics, how can they be normalized? Furthermore, the accuracy and integrity of
measurements is difficult to verify. Techniques are also needed to address the flow of
information from the supply chain and to validate the reliability of and provide
aggregation of metrics requires a common denominator in order to aggregate up
in aggregation care should be taken to avoid double accounting
regression analysis could be applied to account for missing detailed measures,
how to aggregate shared resources, create analytical formulation and find
consumptions averages per machine
From both sessions:
Both groups discussed how metrics could be normalized and agreed that metrics
could not be compared without normalization. Different ideas that emerged were
measurements in terms of mass efficiency, waste, term of use, measures per part,
measures per value added, GHG. The only agreement that seemed to emerge on
this topic was that no single normalization approach would be appropriate but that
normalization would need to be defined in terms of other sustainability goals.
There also seemed to be agreement that no single factor could stand in isolation as
a metric but that metrics need to be defined in functional terms which would
factor in trade-offs.
1. Each research group may want to answer the questions and send them back to
their TPOCs to initiate a dialogue and working document..
2. It is decided to select one or two products (which will serve to focus the group’s
attention) and try to generate answers to all the questions raised over the next few
Infrastructure Thrust – Breakout Report
Frank Riddick and Gordon Shao
Tina Lee
Question 1) What are the information modeling concepts that are unique to
sustainability characterization and optimization?
Many information models were mentioned. Can one information model cover all
of the different modeling requirements?
o It was suggested that it would be better if there could be one model.
o If there are different models, it should be possible to translate from one
model to another.
Although several of the SM and collaborator presentations showed an
information model of a manufacturing process to be used as the basis for
analysis, most of the models seemed to be consistent with a process-based LCA
modeling structure.
To what level of granularity should equipment used in manufacturing processes
be modeled (machine vs. component)? Does the answer depend on what kind of
analysis is going to be performed?
The program should consider supporting Fate and Transport modeling for
manufacturing facilities.
Question 2) What are the characteristics of an effective manufacturing-focused
sustainability assessment methodology?
The modeling and representation of manufacturing processes may differ
depending on the phase of manufacturing that is being modeled/assessed.
o Product design
o Process design
o Manufacturing system/production design
o Production operations
It might be better to first focus on analyzing one fixed process plan for a product
and then move on to analyzing a processes plan with many alternatives.
Different advanced decision making techniques (such as AHP) should be
explored but their feasibility should be weighed against what manufacturing end
users will accept.
The methodology should be general. When applied to different case studies,
different weights may be used to compute the metrics supported by the
It was suggested that the methodology support a holistic sustainable
manufacturing analysis (note: the focus of the SM program is economic and
environmental analysis of gate-to-gate manufacturing processes)
The methodology should support optimization in support of site selection studies.
Question 3) What are requirements and challenges for a shared research testbed and
what types of things could be tested there?
One real product scenario should be selected to be the basis for all of the SM
projects research and demonstrations.
The testbed and testing requirements should come from
o All SM projects
o Industry partners
o SW application vendors
(note: this is the approach that is being undertaken by the testbed project)
The testbed should be designed to use a virtual representation of a manufacturing
facility and its processes.
It is ok if some of the data collected is be of differing quality (measured vs.
computed) as long as it is recognized that this will affect the uncertainty of any
analysis results.
It would be nice if the testbed would provide the data collected from various
studies so that SMEs could come in and use it as a basis for analyzing their
The testbed should not be general but designed to support real manufacturing
case studies.
Appendix C: Research Teams and Abstracts of Presentations
Workshop Presenters
NIST Team: Sudarsan Rachuri, KC Morris, Kevin W. Lyons, Shaw C. Feng, Gordon
Shao, Swee Leong
Non-NIST Teams
1. Prof. David Dornfeld and Dr. Margot Hutchins, UC Berkeley
Enabling Standards Development for Sustainability in Manufacturing: The research
work will focus on sustainability metrics for manufacturability (including design
specifications for products, processes, and systems) and will closely work with projects
towards developing the methodology for sustainability characterization for unit
manufacturing processes and integration framework for aggregating metrics and
modeling sustainability. This cooperative research agreement will help to foster a
strategic relationship with a leading university for standards development.
2. Prof. Soundar Kumara, Prof. Christopher Saldhana, and Qais Al-Khazraji,
The Pennsylvania State University
Design, Development and Implementation of Material Information Models for
Sustainable Manufacturing: Development of a high-level unified model for organizing
material information from these various sources, incorporating sustainability metrics for
those materials including uncertainty quantification. The model will provide an accurate
framework for representing the entire lifecycle of material information, from raw material
processing to end of use, maintenance and disposal. This work will address information
models for materials and is critical for ASTM E60 related work.
3. Prof. Alex Brodsky, and Prof. Daniel Menasce, George Mason University
Process Analytics Language (PAL) for Sustainable Manufacturing: Modeling,
Analysis and Decision Optimization: Create and catalog formal manufacturing process
specifications in terms of (1) sub-processes, their coordination and flow of resources, and
(2) mathematical specification of process metrics and constraints expressed in terms of
parameters and control variables. This work is related to integration infrastructure for
sustainable manufacturing thrust.
4. Prof. Utpal Roy, Syracuse University
Information Models for Material and Material Processing for Product Lifecycle for
Sustainable Manufacturing: The three major tasks are related to the information
processing for material and process representations and analyses, and the development of
necessary case studies to illustrate the proposed methodologies. This work is an extension
of ongoing work to address measurement science and information models for materials
and is critical for ASTM E60 work.
5. Prof. Kincho Law, Stanford University
Supply Chain Characterization for Sustainable Manufacturing: This proposed
cooperative project aims to investigate information infrastructure and methodologies that
support (1) the characterization of sustainable product assembly and manufacturing
processes, and (2) the development of measurement metrics for sustainable product
lifecycle assessment. This work will develop a relationship with Supply Chain Council
(SCC) and Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) to extend the Supply Chain
Operations Reference (SCOR®) model for sustainable manufacturing.
6. Prof. Satyandra Gupta, UMD (did not attend)
Environmental Impact Analysis for Sustainable Manufacturing: A Framework and
Injection Molding Case Study: The research work will focus on characterizing unit
manufacturing process for sustainability. Work will be done in collaboration with the
project on Sustainability Characterization for Unit Manufacturing Processes to develop
the methodology for sustainability characterization. This work will contribute to the
ASTM E60 WK35705 effort on New Guide for Sustainability Improvement of
Manufacturing Processes.
7. Prof. Sanjay Jain, GWU
Sustainable Manufacturing Maturity Model: This cooperative project will contribute
a maturity model that gauges the current sustainability performance of a factory possibly
against a set of defined levels and provides the next level as target. Similar models for
other related areas would be reviewed. The options of discrete maturity levels, continuous
scale of quantitative metrics, and a hybrid of the two for assessing maturity will be
considered and appropriate option or a combination selected. The developed model will
be evaluated through application to a case study.
8. Dr. Rita Schenk, American Center for LCA
State of the art and measurement science need for product declaration based on
Product Category Rules (PCRs): The work includes, a review the current U.S. industry
adoption of PCRs for EPDs and what are the implementation issues. Specifically, it will
address the issues for SMEs. Analyze the industry reality in the U.S. and in the global
supply chain. The work will also define the industry requirements for U.S. EPD program
and assess the measurement science issues and also practical issues in performing the
LCA for EPDs and for Type I environmental labeling, Type II self-declared
environmental claims, and Type III environmental declaration.
9. Prof. Chen, Cyber Manufacturing Inc.
Enabling Infrastructure and Technologies Support for Sustainable Manufacturing:
The Contractor shall focus on the development of enabling methods, tools, manufacturing
sustainability assessment methodology, and demonstration system capable of analyzing
the manufacturing requirements and sustainability performance of a simple assembly in a
manufacturing cell with a given production plans, including but not limited to, the
identification and definition of relevant product, process, resource, and related
sustainability information.
Appendix D: Workshop Agenda
November 13, 2012
Welcome Remarks
Overview SM Program and the meeting
Projects Overview and Research
UCB, PSU, Syracuse, Stanford, UMD
GMU, GWU, Cyber Manufacturing,
Breakout Discussion
2:45-3:45 Methodology Thrust
2:45-3:45 Infrastructure Thrust
4:00-5:00 Methodology Thrust
4:00-5:00 Infrastructure Thrust
November 14, 2012
Breakout Discussion – Group presentations
Success factors, Deliverables, milestones,
standards - Roadmapping
Future Steps/Plan for Industry Workshop/
Visits …
Shyam Sunder
Sudarsan Rachuri
Project Leads (12 minutes
20 minutes each–Thrust
20 minutes each –Thrust
2 Breakouts based on
UCB, PSU, Syracuse,
GMU, GWU, Cyber
Manufacturing, ACLA
GMU, GWU, Cyber
Manufacturing, ACLA
UCB, PSU, Syracuse,
Group Representatives
Sudarsan Rachuri