A Theory of Interregional
Tax Competition
Received January 27,1984; revised September 14,1984
A general equilibrium model is constructed to study tax competition, where local
governments compete for capital by holding down property tax rates and public
expenditure levels. An exact definition of tax competition is provided, and both the
existence and nonexistence of tax competition are shown to be theoretically possible.
It is argued, however, that tax competition must occur under empirically reasonable
conditions. Inefficiency in public production is also explicitly modeled. The amount
of capital used to produce a given level of public service output is shown to be
greater than that which is required to minimize costs evaluated at the prices facing
private firms. 0 1986 Academic Press. Inc.
Tax competition between local governments can take two forms. First,
each region’s local government attempts to encourage particular types of
investment by taxing some types of property at relatively low rates (e.g.,
business property is taxed less than residential property). Second, the local
government attempts to increase the total level of capital investment in the
region by lowering the average rate at which all property is taxed. Elements
of both types of tax competition are contained in Oates’s [13, p. 1431 claim
that “the result of tax competition may well be a tendency toward less than
efficient levels of output of local public services. In an attempt to keep tax
rates low to attract business investment, local officials may hold spending
below levels for which marginal benefits equal marginal costs, particularly
for programs that do not offer direct benefits to local business.”
In a previous paper [15], I examined the first type of tax competition and
conclude that, under likely conditions, each local government has an incentive to tax the property used to produce goods which are traded between
regions at a lower rate than property used to produce nontraded goods (e.g.,
housing). It is theoretically possible for the incentive to be reversed, but not
empirically likely.
The present paper is concerned with the second type of tax competition. I
present a general equilibrium
model in which a region’s local public
*I am grateful to Jack Mintz, Jon Sonstelie, and an anonymous referee for helpful comments
and suggestions. Research support was provided by the Council for Research in the Social
Sciences at Columbia University.
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expenditures are financed by a uniform tax on all of the region’s property.
Tax competition is defined as a situation where public service outputs and
tax rates are “too low” in the sense that a federal government could raise
the nation’s welfare by requiring each region to increase its public service
output. In my model, this forced rise in public service outputs is equivalent
to requiring that tax rates be raised. Surprisingly, even though I consider
only public services which do not directly benefit local business, I am able
to identify cases where the opposite restriction is desirable: a forced
reduction in each region’s public service output raises welfare. My analysis
suggests, however, that such cases are not plausible.
Theoretical models used to study efficiency of property taxation simplify
the structure of production and demand in unsatisfactory ways. Some
models assume that all private goods are traded between regions (no
housing); some allow for nontraded goods but assume that all or some
goods are produced by a linear technology (constant marginal costs and no
between inputs); some assume that public services consist of
public purchases of private goods; and some specify the functional forms of
production and utility functions (e.g., Cobb-Douglas).’
I construct a model which includes none of these assumptions and
demonstrate that it can be usefully employed to analyze the property tax.
Rather than obscuring the basic arguments, this added generality is utilized
to explain tax competition. Furthermore, I am able explicitly to model not
only the inefficiencies in the chosen outputs of public services, but also
inefficiencies in techniques used to produce these outputs. In particular, I
demonstrate that each local government has an incentive to produce its
chosen public service output using more capital than minimizes costs at
prices faced by private firms.
The plan of this paper is as follows. The next section describes the model,
and Section 3 presents an expression for the shadow factor prices used by
local governments to design their public production plans. This expression
is subsequently used in my investigation of tax competition. Section 4
defines tax competition and presents an important preliminary result about
its existence. In Section 5, sufficient conditions for existence are presented,
and the basic arguments behind them are provided. These arguments are
kept verbal so as to prevent their economic content from becoming concealed by complex algebra. Section 6 provides a formal statement of two
necessary and sufficient conditions for tax competition which imply the
sufficient conditions in Section 5. The Appendix contains their proofs.
Concluding remarks are made in Section 7.
‘See, for example, Beck [3], Boadway [4], Hamilton [7], Zodrow and Mieszkowski [16], and
Starrett (141. Hamilton [8] reviews the efficiency issues associated with the property tax.
The economy consists of a large number of regions. Two primary factors
are supplied to each region. One factor, capital, is perfectly mobile between
regions, while the other factor is immobile. A region’s fixed supply of the
latter factor is owned entirely by the region’s residents. To concentrate on
capital mobility, commuting and migration between regions are ignored.* I
call the immobile factor labor. Both capital and labor are perfectly mobile
between private firms within any region, but they are fixed in supply for the
nation as a whole.
There are two competitive industries within each region, the national
good industry (N) and the local good industry (C); and each region’s
government provides a public service (E).3 All three goods are produced
from capital and labor by a constant returns to scale production technology.
in a region’s factor markets requires that
where K, and Li are industry i’s capital and labor demands, and K and L
are the total quantities of capital and labor supplied to the region.
The national good is traded between regions in exchange for capital,
while the local good and public service are nontraded goods, consumed only
where they are produced. The national good serves as the numhaire, with
its price set equal to one in each region. Capital moves between regions until
all regions face the same after-tax return to capital, p. I assume that each
region is small in the sense that p can be treated exogenous from its
Each region’s public service output is distributed uniformly across its
residents. Expenditures on the public service are financed by a property tax,
consisting of a single specific tax rate, t, on the region’s total capital stock,
K. Because capital is mobile, the tax base K depends on the region’s tax and
expenditure policy.
The government budget constraint for a region is
tK = rK, + wL,,
’ Mintz and Tulkens [ll] provide an insightful
analysis of “commodity
tax competition”
in a
model which allows for commuting
between regions. However,
they do not consider taxes on
3The public
service may be interpreted
as either a publicly
good or a
public good, where each unit produced
is consumed jointly by all residents.
where r is the before-tax return to capital (r = p + t), and w is the return
to labor. Since the government is not constrained to minimize public
production costs evaluated at market prices, my analysis would in no way
change if only private capital, K, + Kc, served as the tax base. In this case,
revenue would equal t(KN + K,), and expenditures would equal pK, +
WL,. Since r = p + t, however, (3) is equivalent to the constraint,
?(KN + K,) = pK, + WL,.
To isolate efficiency considerations from equity considerations, I assume
that all individuals possess identical factor endowments and preferences. I
also assume that all regions possess identical production technologies and
contain identical numbers of residents.4 For notational convenience, the
population of each region is normalized to equal one. The representative
individual’s utility is a function of his consumption of the national good, the
local good, and the public service. He chooses his consumption of private
goods to maximize this function, subject to the budget constraint,
where Di is the individual’s (and region’s) demand for good i, p is the price
of the local good, and K and z are the individual’s endowments of capital
and labor. (z = L always, but K + K if inter-regional trade occurs.)
To simplify the analysis, two assumptions are placed on the form of the
utility function. First, utility is assumed to be weakly separable between
private goods and the public service: U = U(V( D,, DC), DE), where
V( D,, DC) is called “private utility.” Second, V is homogeneous of degree
one. Given the high level of aggregation in the model, these two assumptions appear to be reasonable.
The equilibrium
for a single region is described by (l)-(4) and the
following additional conditions, where Xi is the region’s output of good i:
D, = Xc,
D, = X,,
rK, + wL, = X,,
rK, + wL, = pX,.
Equations (5) and (6) hold because local good and public service outputs are
41f the public service is a publicly provided private good, then the size of regions is
irrelevant, since all production functions exhibit constant returns to scale. In this case, my
results hold when population sizes differ.
consumed only by residents; and (7) and (8) are the zero profit conditions
for private production.
Each region’s government chooses its property tax rate and demands for
capital and labor (the “public factor demands”) to maximize the common
utility of its residents. The chosen public policy is referred to as the region’s
public policy. Since all regions are effectively identical, they all
possess the same optimal public policies when the economy is in equilibrium.5 Thus, there is no trade between regions in equilibrium:
K = x
and D, = Xv. However, a region’s government can induce trade by pursuing a policy which differs from that followed by other local governments.
This potential for trade is recognized by each local government when it
chooses its optimal policy.
Consider a single region with an optimal public policy. The public shadow
an additional unit of i in
public service production, as measured from the region’s viewpoint. The
optimality of the initial public policy implies that sK/sL equals the marginal
rate of substitution between capital and labor (MRS,,)
in public production. To achieve economic efficiency from the nation’s viewpoint, sK/sL
must also equal the rental-wage ratio, r/w, since private firms minimize
costs by equating r/w with their MRS,,. But what is optimal for a single
region need not be optimal for the nation as a whole. In fact, I shall argue
that each local government chooses a production plan where sK/.sL falls
short of the ratio of after-tax factor prices, p/w, which is, of course, less
than r/w. In this sense, public production is too capital intensive: it is
technologically possible to raise utility in every region by reallocating labor
and capital so that the capital-labor
ratio falls in each region’s public
production sector.
I next present the basic argument behind this result. For a more detailed
argument, I then derive an explicit expression for sK/sL. The subsequent
sections utilize this expression to investigate the existence of tax competition, which concerns inefficiencies in the outputs of public services.
suggests that sK/sL is less than r/w, because r includes tax
payments to the local government, which should not represent a social cost
for the region. This intuition is correct, but it does not imply that sK/sL
equals the after-tax price ratio, p/w. A local government can certainly rent
capital at the after-tax price p, and it can employ labor at the wage rate w.
But when it lowers the capital-labor ratio in public service production, while
price of factor i, si, is the social cost of employing
5There may exist equilibria where identical regions choose different public policies. I ignore
this possibility,
by assuming that the economy is always at the equilibrium
where all
chosen public policies are identical.
keeping output fixed, less labor remains for private production. As a result,
the marginal product of capital falls in private production, and private firms
respond by reducing their employment of capital, thereby causing the
region’s property tax revenue to fall. This decline in tax revenue is an
additional social cost associated with a rise in the labor intensity of public
production. And the presence of this cost should lower sK/sL below p/w.
But what “market imperfection” causes the local government to employ a
production technique which is inefficient from the viewpoint of the nation?
The answer is that when the government increases the labor intensity of
public production, it creates a positive externality by causing an outflow of
capital from the region to the rest of the nation. The rest of the nation
benefits from the resulting rise in its tax base. By ignoring this benefit, the
local government chooses a public production technique which is too capital
intensive from the nation’s viewpoint. Of course, the assumed “smallness”
of each region implies that any change in a region’s public production plan
affects utility elsewhere by only a negligible amount. But this does not imply
that the externality problem is unimportant, just as the “smallness” of
automobile drivers does not imply that congestion externalities are unimportant. Although each region is “small,” the number of regions is “large.”
Thus, the total social cost of inefficient government behavior is significant.
I now prove that
where k, is the capital-labor ratio in national good production. Equation
(9) confirms my argument that sK/sL < p/w.
Starting from the optimal policy for a region, consider a small change in
the region’s public factor demands (&,, dL,) which does not move the
government budget out of balance at the prevailing property tax rate. Since
this policy change does not involve a change in t, it cannot change the
before-tax return to capital (recall that a single region has a negligible
influence over p). Then the wage rate must remain constant to maintain zero
profits in the national good industry. With no changes in factor prices,
product prices must also remain unchanged.
The optimality of the initial public policy implies that the small policy
change does not alter utility (to a first-order approximation). With product
and factor prices unchanged, this means that the policy change does not
alter public service output. But both X, and utility can remain unchanged
only if the social cost of providing the public service does not change:
+ sLdL,
= 0.
I next show that (&,,
dL,) also satisfies
pdK, + (w + tk,)dL,
= 0.
Equation (9) follows from (10) and (11).
With all prices unchanged following the small policy change, the residents’ demands for private goods stay fixed, as do the capital-labor ratios
in national and local good production. Thus, the total quantities of capital
and labor used in local good production do not change: dK, = dL, = 0.
Labor market equilibrium then requires that dL, = -dL,,
from which it
follows that equilibrium
in the region’s capital market is achieved by a
change in the region’s capital stock satisfying dK = dK, - kN(dLE). Since
prices are unchanged, the government budget [Eq. (3)] implies that tdK =
rdK, + wdL,. These last two equalities yield (11). The proof of (9) is now
Although sK/sL differs from r/w, (9) does imply that both ratios decline
as p increases with t held fixed.6 Furthermore, both ratios also decline as t
increases with p held fixed.7 These comparative statics results will be used
in my study of tax competition, to which I now turn.
4. TAX
As discussed in Section 1, I define tax competition as a situation where a
federal government could raise utility in each region by requiring all regions
to increase their public service outputs (or tax rates) by identical small
amounts. Thus, tax competition is defined in terms of inefficiencies in the
outputs of the public service. The previous section has shown that there is
another type of inefficiency in the model: the ratio of public shadow prices,
sK/sL, differs from the rental-wage ratio, r/w, in each region. Since public
production is inefficient in this way, the federal government cannot completely restore efficiency by restricting only the public service outputs which
local governments are allowed to choose. Public production techniques must
also be controlled. If, however, restrictions on production techniques entail
high “administrative
costs” relative to output restrictions, then it may be
desirable to impose only output restrictions. In any case, examining the
welfare effects of output restrictions appears to be a useful way of characterizing inefficiencies in public service outputs, as distinct from inefficiencies in their production.
t, r increases with
good industry.
The rise in
‘Proof. A rise in t increases r/w,
good industry
implies that
Then (9) implies that
p, and w must decline to maintain
zero profits in the
T/W lowers k,, thereby insuring [by (9)] that sK/sr, also
thereby causing k, to decline. Profit maximization
in the
the change in w satisfies dw + k,dr = 0, to a first-order
sK/sI. rises.
Note that I have restricted the analysis to an examination of local welfare
improvements. If welfare is a concave function of the X, which the federal
government requires each region to produce, then my results allow me to
compare the optimal restriction on X, with the equilibrium
X, in the
absence of restrictions. However, this concavity assumption need not hold.
My analysis will be based on the crucial observation (proved below) that
tax competition exists if and only if a rise in a single region’s public service
output causes capital to flow out of the region. To state this condition in
symbols, consider a region which is forced by the federal government to
supply a particular public service output, X,, and assume that this region
faces an after-tax return to capital equal to p. I define K(p, X,) as the
region’s equilibrium
capital stock. In other words, K(p, X,) gives each
region’s capital stock as a function of p and X,, assuming that K,, L,, and
t are set at their utility-maximizing
values under the given p and X,. Using
this notation, my claim can be stated as follows.
Tax competition
exists if and only if aK(p, X,)/G’X,
< 0.
Before presenting a formal proof of this claim, I first provide a simple
explanation. Each local government views the property tax as distortionary:
by raising the unit cost of capital above the after-tax return, the property
tax encourages private firms to use too little capital. Thus, the requirement
that public expenditures be financed by property taxation induces each local
government to alter its policies so as to stimulate additional investment in
the region. In particular, if a capital inflow accompanies a reduction in a
single region’s X,, then the region’s government treats this inflow as a
benefit associated with a lower X,. Since the nation’s total capital stock is
fixed, however, this capital inflow implies a capital outflow of identical
magnitude from the rest of the nation. The capital outflow represents a
negative externality, in that it imposes a cost on the other regions by
lowering their property tax base. The local government creating this externality ignores it, since its objective is to maximize the utility of only its
residents. By so doing, the local government sets its X, at a level which is
“too low,” as defined by my concept of tax competition. Since regions are
small, a single local government cannot significantly alter utility elsewhere
by changing its X,. But the economy’s equilibrium utility level is significantly reduced when all local governments set their XE’s too low.
Turning to the formal proof of the claim, recall that a single region has a
negligible influence over the after-tax return to capital, p. Each local
government therefore chooses the public policy which provides its residents
with the highest feasible utility under the prevailing p. Let u(p) denote this
maximum utility level. When the federal government forces all regions to
raise their public service levels by a given amount, utility changes because p
must adjust to maintain equilibrium in the nation’s capital market. Let
represent the marginal change in p from a forced rise in every
region’s X,. The resulting change in utility is (du/dp)( dp/dX,).
competition exists, as defined above, if and only if this utility change is
Intuition suggests that u(p) should decline as p rises: for a single region,
the property tax distorts firm behavior by discouraging the use of capital,
and a rise in p aggravates this distortion by encouraging firms to use even
less capital. In the Appendix, I confirm this intuition by showing that
du/dp must be negative (Lemma l), but the proof is far from intuitive. It
can then be said that tax competition exists if and only if dp/dX, < 0.
Now the forced rise in every region’s X, cannot alter any single region’s
capital stock because all regions are identical and the nation’s total capital
stock is fixed. Thus, p must change to keep K(p, X,) fixed as X, rises:
aK dp
ap dx, + ax,
A rise in p raises both r/w and sK/sL (see Sect. 3), and these price changes
lower the capital-labor
ratios used to produce the public service and the
private goods. This observation suggests, but does not prove, that aK/ap is
negative. In the Appendix, I show that aK/ap must be negative (Lemma 2).
Then (12) implies that aK/aX, and dp/dX, possess the same signs. I can
therefore conclude that tax competition exists if and only if aK/aX,
negative. My claim is proved.
5. TAX
Armed with the results of the previous two sections, I can now discuss the
conditions under which tax competition occurs. This section considers only
sufficient conditions, since the basic arguments behind them can be presented in a relatively simple way. The next section gives two necessary and
sufficient conditions which imply the conditions All formal
proofs are in the Appendix.
My first conclusion is that tax competition exists whenever public production is labor intensive relative to private production. In symbols, tax
competition exists if (but not only if) X,, > XKE, where Ai, is the public
production sector’s share of a region’s total supply of factor i (A KE = KJK
and h,, = L,/L).
The basic argument behind this result relies on my conclusion that tax
competition exists if and only if a rise in a region’s public service output
lowers its capital stock: aK(p, X,)/ax,
< 0. I shall sign this derivative by
decomposing it into two effects: an “output effect” and a “factor substitution effect.” For the output effect, I hold fixed the tax rate and all prices
faced by private firms, and I consider a “compensated” increase in X,,
where the resident’s lump sum income is reduced to keep utility fixed. The
factor substitution effect is obtained by returning the income to residents
and then letting the tax rate and all prices adjust to their equilibrium levels
under the higher X,.
To sign the output effect, note first that the constancy of factor prices
implies that the capital-labor ratios in national and local good production
do not change. Then the ratio of public shadow prices, sJs,., stays fixed
(see Sect. 3) implying that the capital-labor ratio in public production does
not change. And the constancy of product prices implies that the ratio of
national to local good consumption in the region remains unchanged.’ But
X, can rise only if labor is transferred from private to public production. If
public production is labor (capital) intensive, then a fall (rise) in the region’s
capital stock is needed to complete this transfer without altering the
ratios or private consumption pattern. In symbols, the output
effect is negative (K falls) if X,, > XKE, and it is positive if X,, < h,,.
Turning to the factor substitution effect, observe that the rise in X, must
be accompanied by a rise in the tax rate to keep the government budget
balanced. As a result, both T/W and sK/sL rise (see Sect. 3). Thus, there is a
drop in the capital-labor
ratios used to produce the two private goods and
the public service. And the relative price of the more capital intensive
private good rises, causing consumers to switch their consumption pattern
toward the more labor intensive private good. With both production and
private consumption
becoming more labor intensive, the region’s total
capital stock must fall to clear its capital market. Thus, the factor substitution effect is necessarily negative: K falls.
The assumption that public production is labor intensive insures that the
output and factor substitution effects are both negative. Thus, this assumption implies that an increase in X, lowers K, in which case regions engage
in tax competition.
However, the two effects have opposite signs when
public production is capital intensive. Examples can therefore be constructed where regions do not engage in tax competition. In other words,
there exists cases where a forced reduction in every region’s public service
output causes utility to rise.
There do not appear to be any strong arguments for signing X,, - X,,
one way or the other.’ It is still possible, however, to provide a condition for
sThis result requires the restrictions which I impose in Section 2 on the form of the utility
‘After reviewing the empirical evidence, Beck [3] assumes for his numerical calculations that
the public service which enters utility functions has the same factor intensity as his traded
private good, while his nontraded private good, housing, uses only capital. Under these
assumptions, my Proposition 1 supports his finding that the level of public services chosen by
local governments is inefficiently low, although our comparisons differ somewhat.
tax competition which appears to be empirically reasonable. Tax competition occurs if the negative factor substitution effect exceeds the output effect
in absolute value. The magnitude of the factor substitution effect obviously
depends positively on the substitutability
between labor and capital in
private and public production. The elasticity of substitution between labor
and capital, as normally defined, serves as the appropriate measure of factor
in public service production. For private production, a
simple measure can be obtained by using my assumption that the utility
function has the form U( V( D,, D,), DE), where the function I/ is homogeneous of degree one. This assumption allows me to treat private utility, V, as
a good which is “produced” from “intermediate inputs” iV and C by means
of a constant returns to scale production technology. I can then define uy as
the elasticity of substitution between labor and capital in the production of
private utility. The following remarkable result can then be proved: the
factor substitution effect outweighs the output effect if uy exceeds a lower
bound which is always less than one. I derive this lower bound in the
following section and use it to argue that tax competition exists under
empirically reasonable parameter values.
This section presents two necessary and sufficient conditions for tax
competition. (See the Appendix for proofs.) To state these conditions, I use
the notation introduced in Section 2 and the notational conventions of
Jones [9]: X ;, is industry j’s share of a region’s total supply of factor i, e,, is
factor i’s income share in industry j (e.g., eKC = (rK,)/(
pX,)), and uE
and uy are the substitution elasticities between labor and capital in public
and private production ( uy is discussed in detail below). The subscript “F ”
is used to denote the value of a variable for the entire private sector (e.g.,
f%, = r(K, + &)/VN
+ z-W); and “I ” denotes the total after-tax income of a region’s residents. Finally, I define p = [(sJsK) - (w/
which equals (tkN)/(w + tkN) by Eq. (9).
The following propositions give the necessary and sufficient conditions.
if and only if
In particular,
Regions engage in tax competition
tax competition occurs if A,, > A,,
(and 8K/aX,
(or A KP > A LF).
< 0)
Regions engage in tax competition if and only if
[(1-$2) - o,jhLFAKFT
where 1 > r
In particular,
regions engage in tax competition if
The first term in condition (13) corresponds to the factor substitution
effect discussed in the previous section, and the second term corresponds to
the output effect. As previously argued, both effects are negative if A,, >
x KE'
The validity of condition (15) can be assessed by relating uy to the
elasticities of substitution between capital and labor in N and C production, uN and a,, and the elasticity of substitution between N and C in
consumption, E. If aij is the amount of factor i used to produce a unit of
good j, then a y is defined mathematically as
L, = a,,D,
+ a,,Dc.
The changes in the ajj’s from a rise in r/w depend on uN and a, (see the
Appendix), while the changes in D, and DC depend on E. Using these
dependencies, the following expression is easily derived:
+ eKNh:N)aN
+ teLCAk
+ eKCA~CbC
where Xyj is industry j’s (j = N, C) share of the total amount of factor i
used to produce private utility. The coefficients of uN, uc, and E are all
positive and sum to one. The term involving E accounts for the change in
relative product prices caused by a rise in T/W. Specifically, if N is capital
(labor) intensive relative to C, then a rise in T/W lowers (raises) p, which
lowers (raises) D,/D,.
In other words, a rise in T/W always shifts consumption toward the labor intensive good, implying that u y is positively related
to the substitutability
between N and C.
Empirical evidence on production elasticities suggests values of uN and uc
near one. If the local good and national good are interpreted as housing and
“other private goods,” respectively, then empirical studies on housing
demand suggest values of E around .7 or .8 (see Mayo [lo]). It then appears
reasonable to assume that uy lies close enough to one for the sufficient
condition for tax competition given by (15) to hold under reasonable
parameter values. In any case, it appears that u,, would have to be
low for (14) to be violated. But because the range of estimated production elasticities is quite wide (see Nerlove [12]), the possibility
that tax competition does not occur cannot be completely dismissed.
I have demonstrated that, when the federal government forces each region
to raise its public service output, the resulting change in the nation’s welfare
may be either positive or negative. Atkinson and Stiglitz [2, p. 4941 obtain a
similar ambiguity in their analysis of optimal commodity taxation and
public goods: distorting commodity taxes have an ambiguous effect on the
optimal level of public good provision. lo In their model, commodity taxation distorts household consumption decisions. In my model, the constraint
that local public expenditures be financed by property taxation distorts
local government decision making. In fact, it is easily shown that local
governments would behave efficiently if they were allowed to raise revenue
by imposing lump sum taxes on their residents. With lump sum taxation,
local governments would no longer believe that private production is not
sufficiently capital intensive, and they would therefore no longer attempt to
stimulate capital investment by pursuing inefficient tax and public expenditure policies. Since all local governments choose the same policies in my
model, no region is able to increase its share of the nation’s capital stock
above that of any other region.
Although Atkinson and Stiglitz are unable to obtain global results, they
are at least able to obtain the local result that the optimal public goods
supply declines when the availability of lump sum taxation is reduced by a
small amount from the first-best optimum. Given my particular choice of
also, Atkinson
and Stem [l].
comparisons, I am unable to obtain even local results without imposing
further restrictions. I have considered some restrictions which appear to be
empirically reasonable, and I have shown that they insure the existence of
tax competition, where the federal government can raise welfare by making
each region increase its public service output. To satisfy these restrictions,
the substitutability
between capital and the immobile input, labor, must be
sufficiently high. The intuition here is that this substitutability
is closely
related to the responsiveness of investment decisions to property taxation,
and local governments can be expected to hold down tax rates if capital is
sufficiently “ mobile.”
By disaggregating the private production sector into two goods, I have
been able to explicitly analyze two distinct ways in which labor is substituted for capital when property tax rates are raised: (1) firms use more
labor intensive production techniques; and (2) the prices of capital intensive
goods rise relative to labor intensive goods, causing demands and supplies
to switch toward labor intensive goods. Models which ignore the second
source of substitutability
may omit an important response of investment to
property taxation.
My model explicitly recognizes that the public production techniques
chosen by local governments differ from those which minimize costs at
private producer prices. In particular, I have shown that the chosen
ratios in public production are inefficiently high. Production
inefficiency in government activities is a relatively unexplored area of
research. Courant and Rubinfeld [5, p. 2921 observe that “with the exception of Fiorina and No11 [6], there has been essentially no scholarly literature
on the mechanisms by which such inefficiency might arise, although its
existence is clearly on the minds of voters according to some survey results
we have obtained in other work.” Fiorina and Noll concentrate on the
inefficiencies created by the need to use government “bureaucracy” as an
input in the production of public goods and services. In contrast, I have
ignored problems of bureaucracy and concentrated on inefficiencies resulting from decentralized decision making by local governments. A model
which integrates both approaches would be useful.
< 0.
Since the region’s public policy is initially optimal, conditional on
p, the envelope theorem implies that the marginal impact of p on utility is
independent of the particular change in the region’s public policy which
accompanies the rise in p. Thus, I shall prove the lemma by showing that a
small rise in p reduces the maximum X, which can be produced when k, is
held fixed and the tax rate is adjusted to keep the value of private goods
Given (A.l), utility must decline if dX, < 0.
For zero profits, the (first-order) price changes accompanying the rise in p
must satisfy
X,dp = K,dr + L,dw,
where K, and L, are the total quantities of capital and labor in private
These price changes must also satisfy the resident’s budget constraint:
dD, + pdDc + Dcdp = Kdp + Ldw.
Since all regions are identical and choose the same public policies, there is
no trade at the initial equilibrium. Consequently,
D, = Xc,
D, = X,,
and the equality, dr = dp + dt, imply that
dD, + pdDc = K,dr + L,dw - Kdt.
Then (A.l) and the government budget constraint [Eq. (8)] give
0 = rdK, + wdL, - tdK.
Suppose, contrary to the lemma, that dX, 2 0. With k, held fixed, (A.7)
implies that
dK> 0.
And the fixity of the region’s total labor supply gives
dL, I 0.
I shall use (A.8) and (A.9) to derive a contradiction.
As mentioned in the text (Sect. 5) “private utility” can be viewed as a
final good which is produced from intermediate inputs N and C by means
of a constant returns to scale production technology. Letting aji denote the
amount of factor i used to produce a unit of good i, I can then use the
equilibrium conditions in Section 2 to write
L, = aLNXN + a,,&;
= a,,V(D,,
+ a,,(X,
= a&D,,
+ pa,dK
Since K = K initially, (A&-(A.lO)
imply that da,, I 0. In other words,
the capital-labor
ratio in private utility production does not fall. But this
implies that T/W does not rise. Thus, for zero profits in national good
production, dr I 0 and dw 2 0. Since dp = dr - dt > 0 by assumption, I
can conclude that
But (A.ll)
dw 2 0
> -dr
2 0.
contradicts (A.l) and (A.6).
< 0 at the equilibrium
(p, X,).
With X, held fixed, consider a small rise in p which is accompanied by the utility-maximizing
adjustments in the public factor demands
and tax rate. Assume, contrary to the lemma, that the resulting change in
the region’s capital stock is non-negative:
I now derive a contradiction.
There are two cases to consider. First, assume that the rise in p increases
r/w. Then dk, < 0. Using the equality, sK/.sL = p/(w + tkN), it is easily
seen that d(sK/sL) > 0. l1 With X, fixed, this implies that
dK, -c 0
dL, > 0.
(A.6) and the government budget constraint [Eq. (8)] imply that
- (dD,
By the optimality
+ pdD,)
+ wdL,
- tdK.
of the initial public policy,
X,w. See footnote
= rdK,
in r accompanies
+ sLdL,
= 0.
the rise in p only affects
its impact
Since T/W > sK/sL, however, (A.13) and (A.15) imply that
+ wdL,
< 0.
Inequalities (A.12) and (A.16) imply that the right side of (A.14) is negative.
But, with X, held fixed, Lemma 1 implies that private utility drops, from
which it follows that the left side of (A.14) is positive. This is a contradiction.
Finally, suppose that d(r/w)
I 0. Using dp > 0, it follows that -dr >
-dr 2 0 and dw 2 0. Then the right side of (A.6) is positive, whereas the
left side is negative. This is a contradiction.
Proof of Proposition
1. With the economy initially in equilibrium, consider a rise in a single region’s X,, with p held fixed. I first consider
separately the resulting first-order changes in the region’s K,, L,, K,, and
L,. The notation introduced in Sec$ons 2 and 5 is used here, and a “hat”
denotes a percentage change (e.g., K, = dKF/KF).
Recall the expression for L, given by (A.lO). By similar arguments,
= qJ’/(&
+ pa,,(K
Since the initial equilibrium is characterized by an absence of trade, K = K,
X, = D,, K, = K,, and L, = L,. Thus, differentiating (A-17) shows that
the percentage change in K, from the rise in X, satisfies
It is easily seen that
F. = B,,a,(~
- i);
and, by the zero profit constraint for national good production,
+ eKNiG = 0,
It follows from (A.18)-(A.21)
kF = -ay(eLV/eLN)i
+ C + $e,,R.
By similar reasoning,
i, = a,(e,,/e,,)i + P+ $s,,B.
The fixity of the region’s total labor supply gives
= - (L,/L,)i,.
Turning to R,, observe first that the definition
elasticity, uE, gives
RE - i,
= a,(&
of the substitution
- sIK).
Recall that the public shadow prices satisfy
= PAW+ fkv).
Equations (A.20) and (13) imply that the changes in r and w affect sK/sL
only through their effects on k,. In particular, it is easily shown that
SK -
s^L =
(A.21) (A.26) and (A.27) give
R, - i, = -uEu”/3(?/eLN).
(A.28) with (A.24) and (A.25) yields
The change in private utility, V,_can be obtained by using the resident’s
budget constraint, D, + pD, = pK + WL = I. Let p v be the gross value of
the capital and labor embodied in a unit of private utility. Then the budget
constraint can be written, p ,,V = & + wL, which gives
P= (wL/l)k-3”.
The zero profit conditions for N and C production
imply that
eKyi + e,,ci, = a,;
[f&Y- v4dLv)~LVli =a,.
or, using (A.20)
(A.32) into (A.30) and using (A.20) yields
Equations (A.22), (A.29), and (A.33) give expressions for Z?,, Z?r, and p,
respectively. The change in the region’s capital stock is
R = A&
+ h,,R,.
After several mepulations,
these four equations can be shown to yield an
expression for K which has the same sign as 3 multiplied by the expression
in Proposition 1 [condition (13)].12 But i is positive because p is fixed and
the tax rate must rise to finance the given increase in X,. Thus, Z? has the
same sign as the expression in Proposition 1. The proof is complete. Q.E.D.
Proof of Proposition 2. The proof consists of showing that the condition
(14) follows from (13). Turning to (13) first observe that
+ &FeLN]
= eKNeKF
Thus, the term 1 - (e,,/e,,)(pK/Z)
claimed. Observe next that
- eKN( PK/o
in Proposition
+ eKFeLN
2 is positive,
“The details are available upon request. (Note that Cl,,, = B,, and B,, = B,,, since there
is no trade at the initial equilibrium.)
It follows from these two observations that the expressions in (13) and (14)
have identical signs.
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