Tax Competition
Recent papers in Tax Competition
Tax competition is a phenomenon that emerged because of the increasing mobilitiy of production factors, especially capital, between countries due to the globalization process. The concept of tax burden; It is meaningful in terms of... more
A general equilibrium model is constructed to study tax competition, where local governments compete for capital by holding down property tax rates and public expenditure levels. An exact definition of tax competition is provided, and... more
*Level 5 (UG 2nd year) Module: Political Economy of Taxation. Mark: 74 (first)*
These are the two questions I answered for my final exam which scored 73 and 75 respectively.
These are the two questions I answered for my final exam which scored 73 and 75 respectively.
Апстракт Даночен рај нуди на странски инвеститори, правни и физички лица, ниски или никакви даночни обврски со дополнителна погодност да финансиските информации не се споделуваат со странски даночни служби. Даночен систем на една држава е... more
Since the last decade of the 20th century, fiscal competition and tax havens have been the focus of attention of many policymakers all over the world. After the world financial crisis in 2008, those issues started to be perceived –... more
This thesis offers an account of the justification of democracy and its proper relationship with the market. It sets out a justification of democracy that I call impartial instrumentalism. According to this account, a political system is... more
The articles examines the international tax competition, BEPS and the position of the developing countries.
This article presents a history of international tax governance and offers a rationalist reconstruction of its institutional trajectory. As an unintended consequence of its institutional setup, the tax regime, which originally only dealt... more
The adoption of the common currency within a context of European fiscal systems diversity could lead to fierce tax competition. Capital income taxation is at stake. The fiscal gap on the corporate income tax between the European country... more
The paper deals with the problem of tax competition in the EU and its possible effect on tax policies. It includes a review of selected theoretical assumptions as well as an empirical analysis of available data. We focus our attention on... more
ÖZET Küreselleşme süreci yaşamın birçok alanını derinden etkilemekte ve alışılagelmiş olan değer yargılarını her gün yeniden dizayn etmektedir. Bu sürecin doğal sonucu olarak devlet teşkilatı ve onun ekonomik, mali ve sosyal yaşamdaki... more
This paper examines the effects of policy coordination in a two-country world with endogenous growth and imperfect capital mobility. Redistribution is financed by a source-based capital-income tax. Comparing the cases in which countries... more
Over the last two decades, industrialized countries have eliminated most remaining capital controls. The EU specifically abolished all restrictions on capital outflows by 1990, while common market principles guarantee EU firms the right... more
International tax competition is generally framed as states competing for foreign direct investment (FDI), and analyses of the phenomenon draw heavily on FDI statistics. In and of themselves, however, FDI statistics are merely a... more
There are issues challenging the validity of existing company tax regimes to better serve the principle of effective, efficiency, fairness and accountability of public interest. This has in turn lead to an initiative of company tax reform... more
This paper is part of a wider research on South and East Asian countries' taxation, carried out in this Department, under the direction of L. Bernardi, A. Fraschini and P. Shome, and under the supervision of. V. Tanzi. South and East Asia... more
This paper is part of a wider research on South and East Asian countries' taxation, carried out in this Department, under the direction of L. Bernardi, A. Fraschini and P. Shome, and under the supervision of. V. Tanzi. South and East Asia... more
RESUMO: Busca-se correlacionar a alegação de inconstitucionalidade da desvinculação das receitas da União (DRU) com o fenômeno da mutação constitucional, sob o prisma da transformação da es-trutura das receitas tributárias. De início, são... more
This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF. The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe... more
What taxes to levy, and at what rate, is among the most important decisions governments face. These decisions determine the size of their budget, and who foots the bill. But states do not make decisions about taxations in a void. Tax... more
In this paper we explore the growing phenomenon of co-productions in the film industry from a Neo-Schumpeterian perspective. We argue that the rise of co-productions is part of a wider narrative of financial and institutional dynamics... more
The sharing between national tax authorities of taxpayer-specific information has emerged over the last few years as a-probably 'the'-central issue in the formation of international tax policy. Yet this refocusing of the debate on... more
This paper uses a new economic geography model to analyze tax competition betweeen two countries trying to attract internationally mobile capital. Each government may levy a source tax on capital and a lump sum tax on fixed labor. If... more
*Level 5 (UG 2nd year) Module: Political Economy of Taxation. Mark: 73 (first)* This essay argues that globalisation does not lead to a ‘race to the bottom’ in the revenue context of capital taxation, more specifically Corporate Income... more
International tax competition undermines states' capacity for redistributive taxation. It is thus problematic from the point of view of both cosmopolitan and internationalist theories of justice. This paper examines the proposal of a... more
Over the years, the OECD has quietly taken centre stage in international tax policy development. The influence of the OECD is evident in the shape of Australian international tax policy. More recently, Australia has discovered that it... more
This paper analyses the development of taxes on corporate income in EU and G7 countries over the last two decades. We establish a number of stylised facts about their development. Tax-cutting and base-broadening reforms have had the... more
Switzerland is a showcase for the international impact and entanglement of national and even sub-national tax policies. Since the early 20 th century, Swiss tax policy has reached out beyond the national border and offered foreign... more
When a multinational firm invests in a country, potential host states compete for the firm by offering firm-specific tax reductions. Critics blast such incentives for transferring rents to the firm without affecting the investment... more
This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF. The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe... more
The multiple worlds of taxation approach highlights the complex interplay of competition, inequality, redistribution and harmonisation that arose from Switzerland's federalist tax policy. Fiscal federalism allowed for significant tax... more
The Internet has not only changed the way business is conducted but also raised issues such as Internet taxation that are awaiting to be resolved. Taxes are the major sources of financing for governments, which in turn, use them to... more
Abstract The reduction of the barriers to move factors of production in live with globalization has been a rationale for competition in foreign capital gains, especially underdeveloped and developing countries. This competition is... more
JT00129276 Document complet disponible sur OLIS dans son format d'origine Complete document available on OLIS in its original format ECO/WKP(2002)18 Unclassified English text only ECO/WKP(2002)18 2 ABSTRACT/RÉSUMÉ Enhancing the... more
This paper tackles the issue of international fiscal coordination in a world of integrated markets sovereign national governments. Taxation of mobile capital and immobile labor in order to finance a public good generates inefficient... more
Vergi sistemini basitleştirmek, zararlı vergi rekabeti ile mücadele etmek ve vergi hâsılatını artırmak için son zamanlarda birçok ülke tarafından kullanılmaktadır. Öte yandan, düz oranlı vergi sistemi, uy gulamalar neticesinde olumlu... more
Anfang der 90er Jahre war man sich unter Sozialwissenschaftlern einig, dass die Vollendung des Binnenmarktes zu erheblichem Wettbewerb zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten führen werde (statt vieler Gatsios/Seabright 1989; Giovannini 1989;... more
Resumo: A partir da definição do critério da territorialidade para incidência do imposto sobre a propriedade de veículos automotores – IPVA e da demonstração da importância do local do registro do veículo para fins de cobrança, o artigo... more
This paper explores the economic consequences of proposed EU reforms for a common consolidated corporate tax base. The reforms replace separate accounting with formula apportionment as a way to allocate corporate tax bases across... more
La constitution approuvée en 1978 a transformé la structure territoriale de l'État espagnol. En un peu moins de vingt ans, le modèle unitaire et fortement centralisé s'est transformé en un modèle dans lequel une part très importante des... more