Barbara S Bayne, MA (RAU)
Anita D Stuart, Phil.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Rand Afrikaans University
H Gertie Pretorius, Phil.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Rand Afrikaans University
The purpose of this study was twofold. The first aim was
to clarify the relationship between psychological stress
and lrritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) by establishing
whether individuals suffering from IBS experience minor
stress differently from healthy individuals in terms of its frequency or intensity. The second aim was more general
and concerns theory building in a field filled with ambiguity and confusion. Two groups, one comprising IBS sufferers and the other healthy controls, completed the Daily
Stress lnventory and the Occupational Stress lnventory questionnaires designed to measure minor daily and occupational stress respectively. The findings indicate that IBS
sufferers do not experience more stress than healthy individuals, but they experience the stressors with greater
Die doel van die studie was tweeledig. Eerstens is daar
gepoog om duidelikheid te kry oor die verband tussen
sielkundige stres en Prikkelbare Dermsindroom (PDS),
deur te bepaal of individue wat aan PDS ly geringe stres
anders ervaar as gesonde individue in terme van gereeldheid of intensiteit. Die tweede doelwit was meer algemeen en spreek die kwessie van teorie ontwikkeling aan in
'n veld gevul met dubbelsinningheid en verwarring. Twee
groepe, een bestaande uit PDS lyers en die ander 'n
gesonde kontrolegroep, het die "Daily Stress Inventory'' en
die "Occupational Stress Inventory" voltooi. Die vraelyste
is ontwerp om onderskeidelik daaglikse stres en werkstres
te meet. Die resultate dui daarop dat PDS lyers nie meer
stres ervaar as die gesonde individue nie, maar dat hulle
we1 die stressors ervaar met groter intensiteit.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common bowel disorder characterised by abdominal pain, gaseousness and an
altered bowel habit, each of which is present to a variable
degree, and is found in the absence of any recognised
gastrointestinal pathology (Bennet, 1989:51). It is estimated to affect 8-15% of the population, and accounts for
between 50% and 70% of referrals to gastroenterologists
(Drossman, Sandler, McKee & Lovitz, 1982:326).
There is no consensus amongst clinicians and
researchers concerning the underlying cause of this syndrome. Organic causes which have been suggested
include abnormal motor activity of the intestinal tract
(Snape, Carlson & Cohen, 1976:125), abnormal gut hormone, secretion and sensitivity (Ritchie, 1973:125-132),
and diet (Schuster, 1983). However, many studies have
indicated that psychological factors are important and that
patients with this syndrome are more neurotic, depressed
or anxious than others (Hislop, 1971:455; Young, Alpers,
Norl &Woodruff, 1976:162). A common thread throughout
both organic and psychological investigations is the role
that stress plays in this disorder, particularly in its onset or
in the exacerbation of IBS symptoms.
For example, Drossman et al. (1982:326-330) found that
70% of a general population sample reported that stressful events, such as marital difficulties or financial worries,
caused them constipation or diarrhoea, and 54% reported
the caused abdominal pain or discomfort. IBS sufferers
within this population were even more likely to report these
effects of stress.
A number of pathways by which stress results in these
symptoms have been suggested. Whitehead, Engel and
Schuster (1980:404-413) suggest that some people have
a biological hyperactivity of the colon; stress and emotional arousal as well as dietary factors may cause this
response. More radically, Latimer (981:475) suggests that
the symptoms of both IBS and anxiety result from a general physiological over-reactivity to stress. While a number
of studies have investigated the link between major life
event stressors and health, no studies are to be found in
which normal, healthy individuals are compared to IBS
patients with regard to daily life stressors. This is somewhat incongruous in light of the fact that recent stress
research has emphasised the impact of everyday hassles
or mundane irritants and stressors on health, suggesting
that chronic, low level stressors may have a far greater
impact on mental and physical well being than a single
acute exposure to a major stressor.
Thus far, studies conducted into the relationship between
daily stressors and IBS have investigated the effect that
these stressors have on symptom severity, specifically
focusing on symptom fluctuations preceding or following
exposure to daily stress. For example, Suls, Wan and
Blanchard (1994:103) tested the hypothesis that daily
sources of stress increase symptoms in IBS patients.
They found, however, that prior and concurrent daily stress
had no consistent effects in increasing gastrointestinal
symptoms. In a later study by Dancey, Whitehouse,
Painter and Backhouse (1995:827), an increase in symptom severity was found to precede an increase in the
severity of commonplace stressors.
The dearth of studies into the relationship between minor
stress and IBS is striking, particularly in the light of the
prevalence of this disorder and the frequency with which
stress is associated with it. Furthermore, the available
studies and results have tended to be highly erratic and
variable, providing little clarity but rather prompting an
ever-increasing awareness of the compiexity of the factors
involved in IBS.
The purpose of this study was twofold. The first aim was
to ciarify the relationship between psychoiogical stress
and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) by estabiishing
whether individuals suffering from IBS experience minor
stress differently from healthy individuals in terms of its frequency or intensity. The second aim was more general
and concerns theory building in a field filled with ambiguity and confusion.
The specific objective of the present study was thus to
clarify the relationship between minor stress and IBS by
ascertaining whether there are statisticaily significant differences between a group of female patients (n = 52) diagnosed with IBS, and a group of females (n = 52) with no
gastrointestinal problems, regarding their scores on two
measures of stress.
Sample selection
Patients suffering from IBS were recruited via several articles in newspapers and a women's magazine appeaiing
for volunteers. One consequence of this method of sampling (using individuals who read an article and volunteered themselves as research subjects to a study on IBS)
is an experimental group that is not altogether random in
its makeup. The respondents were almost exciusively
white females and it was therefore decided to control for
gender and race by only using white females in the study.
For inclusion in the study the foilowing criteria were met:
Women between the ages of 20 and 70 years, with a diagnosis of IBS confirmed by a medical practitioner.
A control group of IBS non-patients was then selected,
consisting of women between the ages of 20 and 70 who
had never been diagnosed as having IBS. Each group
consisted of 52 subjects.
Measuring instruments
Following a structured interview in which biographical data
and a medical history were obtained, both groups completed two psychometric questionnaires designed to measure minor daily and occupational stress, namely the Daily
Stress lnventory (DSI) and the Occupational Stress
lnventory (OSI) respectively.
Stress, as defined and measured by the DSI, is the subjectively perceived, cumulative impact of relatively minor,
daily, 'annoying' events (Brantley & Jones, 1989:l). Both
the frequency with which an event occurs, and its relative
impact represent important dimensions in an individual's
stress experience. Events may vary along these two
dimensions from a low to high impact. The frequency and
the impact of stressful events interact with one another
resulting in a measurable experience of stress for a given
time period along these two dimensions.
The items in the DSI are grouped into five content clusters,
namely: Interpersonal Problems, Personal Competency,
Cognitive Stressors, Environmental Hassles and Varied
Stressors. For each cluster, the respondent records the
frequency with which particular stressors occur, as well as
the impact that they have for the individual concerned, that
is, their perceived stressfulness. Each participant in the
study completed the DSI, recording the frequency and
impact of various minor stressors experienced in a 24-hour
The data from 433 adult subjects were used to calculate
internal consistency reiiability (Brantley & Jones, 1989:14).
Alpha co-efficients of .83 and .87 were reported. In terms
of vaiidity, studies show correlation with the Hassles and
Uplifts Scale (.33 - 5 7 ) and other measures of stress
(Brantiey & Jones, 1989:14-16).
The second questionnaire, which was completed by the
IBS and non-IBS groups, was The Occupational Stress
lnventory (OSI). This questionnaire was developed to provide a generic measure of various occupational stressors
that would apply across different occupational levels and
environments. The OSI provides a concise measure of
three dimensions or domains of occupational adjustment,
namely occupational stress, psychological strain and coping resources. A number of sub-scales provide detailed
information on each of these dimensions by measuring
specific attributes of the environment or the individual that
represent important facets of the domains.
The three questionnaires within the OSI may be administered separately or together, and include the following: The
Occupational Roles Questionnaire (which analyses stress
due to occupatior~al roles), The Personal Strain
Questionnaire (which measures psychological strain
reflected in behaviours and attitudes) and The Personal
Resources Questionnaire (which analyses effective coping
through the use of personal resources).
An internal consistency analysis of the OSI was completed by a sample of 549 adults. Alpha co-efficients of .89 to
.99 were reported for the total questionnaire scores while
the co-efficients for individual scales ranged from .71 to
.94 (Osipow & Spokane, 1987).
Two composite hypotheses have been formulated to
establish whether differences between the IBS group and
the non-IBS group exist in terms of two stress measures.
These are:
Hypothesis 1
There is a statistically significant difference in the vectors
of averages between Group 1 (IBS group) and Group 2
(non-IBS group) regarding the Daily Stress inventory's
sub-scales taken together.
Hypothesis 2
There is a statistically significant difference in the vectors
of averages between Group 1 (IBS group) and Group 2
(non-IBS group) regarding the Occupational Stress
Inventory's sub-scales taken together, the sub-scales of
the Personal Strain Questionnaire and the sub-scales of
the Personal Resources Questionnaire.
Control Group.
Demographic features
Statistical Techniques
Once the tests have been completed by both groups they
were hand scored, and a statistical analysis performed to
establish whether significant differences existed between
the two groups. Three statistical techniques were
employed in the analysis of the data, namely Hotelling's
T2-Test, Student's t-test and the F-test. Hotelling'sT2-Test
was utilised to establish whether the vectors of averages
between the two groups (IBS group versus non-IBS control
group) differed statistically from one another with regard to
the scores of the Daily Stress Inventory. The significance
of F-values was determined by the F-tables, where the ruling criterion was set at 0,05. Differences in this range were
considered significant, where Hotelling's T2 was shown to
be statistically significant. In this case, Student's T-Test
was used to ascertain in which variables the differences
Results were obtained on 104 subjects (52 IBS patients,
52 healthy controls). Each group consisted of white
women between the ages of 20 and 70 years (Table 1).
There were no group differences with regard to sex and
race, but a statistically significant difference in age was
controlled for in the analysis by creating two age divisions
within each group: a younger group (20-39 years) and an
older group (aged 40-70).
Differences in daily stress between the IBS
group and the healthy controls
The results of the present study indicate that the averages
of the IBS and control group are not statistically significant
in terms of the frequency of stressful events reported. In
other words, the IBS group did not report significantly more
or less stressful events to have occurred in the previous 24
hours than the non-IBS group. Significant differences
were noted, however, in the intensity with which these
events were experienced. Thus the Impact scores for the
sub-scales of Interpersonal (p = 0,039), Environmental
Hassles (p = 0,006) and Varied Stressors (p = 0,003), as
measured by the DSI were elevated for the IBS group,
showing that the stressors in these scales created greater
stress for the IBS sufferers.
Differences in occupational stress between
the IBS group and the healthy controls
A statistical analysis of the scores of the
Occupational Stress Inventory showed a division in the
IBS group by age. Younger IBS sufferers (ages 20 - 39) did
Part-time employment
Full-time employment
not differ significantly from the healthy controls on any of
the sub-scales. In contrast, the older IBS group (aged 40
- 70) and the overall IBS group showed significantly higher occupational stress levels than the non-IBS group on
five dimensions: Psychological Strain (p = 0,000),
lnterpersonal Strain (p = 0,003), Physical Strain (p =
0,014), Recreation (p = 0,025) and Social Support (p =
0,036). A discussion of the results follows.
The results of this study show that for both daily and occupational stress, group differences between the IBS and
non-IBS groups are apparent. In particular, the present
study has revealed age as a significant factor in determining the effect that stress has on IBS sufferers. These differences will now be discussed in greater depth.
Daily stress
While the impact of major life stress on health has been
widely researched (Holahan & Moos, 1985:739; Holmes &
Rahe, 1967:213), a more recent trend in stress research is
towards measuring the impact of everyday hassles or
mundane irritants and stressors on health. Earlier studies
have attempted to compare frequency and severity of
stressful life events in persons with and without IBS (Fava
& Pavan, 1976/77:93; Mendeloff, Monk, Siegel &
Lilienfield, 1970:14-17) and showed that patients with IBS
recall more stressful events than asymptomatic control
subjects or patients with inflammatory bowel disease. A
more recent study by Dinan, O'Keane, O'Boyle, Chua and
Keeling (1991:26-28) found that IBS patients reported
more life events that were perceived as negative, when
compared with patients with a peptic ulcer. These findings,
however, contradicted a prior study by Drossman, McKee,
Sandler, Mitchell, Cramer, Lowman and Burger (1988:701708) in which patients with IBS reported significantly fewer
stressful life events, and their life events were significantly
less stressful than those of asymptomatic control subjects.
The results of the present study indicate that the IBS group
did not report significantly more or less stressful events to
have occurred in'the previous 24 hours than the non-IBS
group. Significant differences between the two groups
were noted, however, in the intensity with which the IBS
group experienced these events. In particular, the IBS
group showed elevated stress on the sub-scales measuring lnterpersonal Problems, Environmental Hassles and
Varied Stressors, as measured by the Daily Stress
lnterpersonal problems
The elevated scores for the lnterpersonal Problems subscale indicate that the IBS group tends to experience
greater levels of stress when dealing with minor interpersonal difficulties, for example being interrupted while talking, being ignored by others or arguing with someone. In
many of the studies that have investigated the relationship
between IBS and stress, a number of different stressors
involved in the precipitation, exacerbation or maintenance
of IBS symptoms have been identified which relate specifically to interpersonal difficulties. In an early study by
Chaudhary and Truelove (1962:307-322), the most frequently reported stressful life events for female IBS sufferers included difficulties in marriage, problematic family
relationships and concerns about their children. Clearly,
difficulties in interpersonal relationships are experienced
as being particularly stressful for individuals with IBS, and
in addition, seem to play a role in the onset, exacerbation
or maintenance of gastrointestinal symptoms.
Internal coping resources are hypothesised to affect the
ability and effort of individuals to recognise a potentially
stressful event and trigger a response reaction to the stimulus in an attempt to prevent or eliminate potential distress
(Lin & Ensel, 1989:382-399). When interacting with others, personality factors may act as a personal resource
that will mediate the stress created by interpersonal problems.
Of particular importance is the personality disposition
underlying a sense of self-efficacy. According to Bandura
(1982:122) perceived seif-efficacy involves a judgement of
how effectively one can execute courses of action which
are necessary to deai with situations involving unpredictable and stressful elements. In the case of interpersonal problems, this may include skills such as conflict
management, assertiveness and a sense of self-confidence. Previous research, however, suggests that in
terms of personality characteristics, IBS patients tend to
be compulsive, over conscientious, dependent, sensitive,
guilty and unassertive (Langeluddecke, 1985:218).
Clearly, an individual with these personality characteristics
is unlikely to have well-developed internal coping
resources based on a sense of self-efficacy.
In conclusion, previous research has identified interpersonal difficulties as important stressors that influence the
onset and/or exacerbation of IBS symptoms. The present
research supports these findings, indicating that the IBS
group as a whole tends to experience lnterpersonal
Problems as more stressful than their healthy counterparts. Personality characteristics commonly found in IBS
patients that seem to be incompatible with Bandura's concept of self-efficacy may reduce the individual's ability to
cope with interpersonal stressors in an effective manner.
Environmental hassles
Previous research conducted to investigate specific types
of stressors associated with the onset or exacerbation of
IBS symptoms has typically shown two areas to be of primary importance: problematic interpersonal relationships
and contextual frustrations and irritations (Arun, Kanwal,
Vyas & Sushil, 1993:108-112; Mendeloff et al. 1970:1417). This was confirmed in the present study, as indicated
by elevated scores for the IBS group in the lnterpersonal
Problems sub-scale and the Environmental Hassles subscale.
The Environmental Hassles sub-scaie of the DSI measures the frequency and intensity of everyday minor stressors that are encountered regularly during contact with the
outside world. When grouped by age, IBS sufferers did not
differ from the non-1BS group in terms of Environmental
Hassles. This would indicate that the two groups of
women (IBS and non-IBS) tended to experience similar
frequencies of situational stressors, and did not differ in
terms of the perceived intensity of these stressors.
As a group, however, the IBS sufferers showed statistically significant differences in their stress levels for this subscale. When considering the entire group, the women with
IBS reported experiencing a similar number of environmental hassles to the controls, yet perceived them to be
more stressful.
The types of environmental stressors measured by the DSI
represent instances where the individual is unable to control the stimulus creating the stress. As such, in each
instance the individual has experienced a loss of control
over his or her environment, which is then perceived to elevate stress. Gardner, Ostrowski, Pino, Morrell and
Kochevar (1992:589) have suggested that perceived control, the belief that one is able to exert control over a noxious event, is a powerful mediator of an individual's
response to stressful situations. Several reports indicate
that aversive events do not have the same impact upon
persons who differ in their beliefs about the controllability
of laboratory procedures. Specifically, aversive stimuli do
not have the same degree of debilitating effect when subjects believe that they can control the onset or offset of
those events. Thus, the lack of perceived control when
exposed to environmental hassles might adversely affect
the IBS patient's ability to cope with everyday stressors
encountered within the environment.
Another concept closely related to the individual's attitude
towards the environment and locus of control is a constellation of related personality characteristics that is termed
'hardiness' by Kobasa, Maddi and Kahn (1982:168).
Included in this concept are the following elements: commitment to oneself, an attitude of vigorousness towards
the environment, a sense of purpose, and an internal locus
of control. According to Kobasa and her colleagues, hardiness can be viewed as a personal resource that is able
to influence an individual's reaction to life events or stressors, and may buffer or reduce the impact of a stressor on
subsequent illness (Smith, 1985:537-579). It is possible
that the IBS group in the present study lacks these quaiities of hardiness, which may negatively affect their ability
to cope effectively with environmental hassles.
Varied stressors
The Varied Stressors sub-scale of the DSI includes minor
stressors of a personal nature, as well as contextual stressors, for example: being criticised, forgetting something,
minor altercations and concerns over physical appear-
ance. In this sub-scale the IBS group scored significantly
higher than the healthy control group in terms of their
experience of the intensity of the stressors. Again, when
grouped according to age, there was no difference
between the IBS group and the healthy controls in terms of
either the frequency or intensity of varied stressors they
experienced. Once again, the characteristics of hardiness,
self-efficacy and perceived control discussed above may
buffer the personal and contextual stressors described in
this sub-scale, however, for the IBS group a lack of personal coping resources, including assertiveness and conflict management, may increase the perceived stressfulness of the Varied Stressors.
Occupational stress
The results of the Occupational Stress Inventory (OSI)
showed a division in the IBS group by age. The OSI also
provides a measure of minor stress, but the emphasis is
on minor stressors that are typically experienced within an
occupational environment. The younger IBS sufferers
(ages 20 - 39) did not differ significantly from the healthy
controls on any of the sub-scales. In contrast, the older
IBS group (aged 40 - 70) and the overall IBS group
showed significantly higher occupational stress levels than
the non-IBS group on five dimensions: Psychological
Strain, Interpersonal Strain, Physical Strain, Recreation
and Social Support. Each of these will now be discussed.
Psychological strain
The Psychological Strain sub-scale of the OSI measures
the extent of psychological strain andlor emotional problems, which are currently being experienced by the individual. The elevated score in this domain indicated that
the IBS group experiences more emotional problems than
the healthy controls, and these psychological difficulties
are a source of stress for the IBS group. That individuals
suffering from IBS are psychologically impaired or disturbed in some way is a widely held belief, and consequently numerous studies have been conducted to evaluate this component of IBS (Blanchard, Schwarz & Radnitz
Research indicates that psychological abnormalities are
frequently encountered in IBS patients, being diagnosed in
50% to 60% of clinic patients (Whitehead, Bosmajian,
Zonderman, Costa & Schuster, 1988:709), but the relationship between psychopathology and IBS is still not
clear. It is unclear whether symptoms of psychological distress are causally related to IBS or whether they are a consequence of this disorder. Studies by Whitehead et al.
(1988:709) and Drossman et al. (1988:701) indicate that
that the psychological symptoms are not causally related
to IBS but rather that they are related to health care seeking behaviour in patients with IBS. IBS patients, in contrast
to IBS non-patients (individuals who meet the criteria for
IBS but who do not consult physicians for the disorder) and
healthy controls, have a higher proportion of abnormal personality patterns and greater illness behaviour (Fava &
Pavan, 1976/77:93-99). Psychologicalfactors interact with
physiological disturbances and may determine how the
abdominal illness is experienced.
Patients with IBS often believe or fear that they have cancer or some other life threatening illness which may also
contribute to psychological distress (Walker, Roy-Byrne,
Katon, Li, Amos & Jiranek, 1990:1656-1661). In addition,
the onset of IBS may be fairly rapid, and uncertainty about
its causes and the lack of a definite diagnosis may all contribute to psychological unease. As such, physicians have
a role to play in educating and reassuring IBS patients to
alleviate the :tress that may result from recurrent, persistent or intensiiied gastrointestinal symptoms.
lnterpersonal strain,
The lnterpersonal Strain sub-scale of the OSI measures
the extent of disruption in interpersonal relationships, as is
essentially the same as the lnterpersonal Problems subscale of the DSI described above. The elevated scores on
both scales for the IBS group demonstrate inadequate
interpersonal skills, which affect individuals with IBS on a
daily basis in their home and/or work environment.
IBS samples, in general, tend to be slightly more introverted than either general medical patients are or healthy control groups (Esler & Goulston, 1973:16-18; Latimer,
1981:475-483). Therefore, in addition to the interpersonal
difficulties described above under lnterpersonal Problems,
introverted IBS patients may experience additional stress
at work when confronted with minor interpersonal stresses.
Physical strain
According to the results of the present study, significant
differences exist between the physical strain of the IBS
group and the control group. Elevated scores are found for
the IBS group as a whole, and again in the older group of
IBS sufferers. The Physical Strain sub-scale of the OSI
measures complaints about physical illness or self-care
These results are not aitogether unexpected, since the
sampling method used would have resulted in a selfselected sample of health care seekers. IBS patients who
regularly engage in health care seeking behaviours typically consult general practitioners and specialists regularly
and elevated scores for this sub-scaie could simply be a
reflection of their health concerns.
Community studies have shown that only a minority of persons who experience IBS-type symptoms seek medical
attention for them (Drossman et al. 1982:326; Sandler,
Drossman, Nathan & McKee, 1984:314). It has been suggested that people with IBS symptoms become patients
for two main reasons: those related to their symptoms
(such as exacerbation of the complaints, fear about serious illness, pending disability, or the use of self-prescribed
drugs) (Drossman et al. 1988:701-708) and those related
to psychosocial factors (such as psychological stress,
stressful life events, psychosocial disturbances and poor
social support). Therefore, the decision to seek medical
advice for IBS-type symptoms is dependent not only on
the severity of the gastrointestinal symptomatology, but
aiso upon a variety of psychological and socio-cultural factors (Whitehead, Winget, Fedoravicius, Wooley &
Blackwell, 1982:202-2-7).
Research has shown that women with IBS symptoms are
more iikely to engage in health care seeking behaviour
than men (Langeluddecke, 1985:218-226), with at least
twice as many females as males consulting their doctors
with this problem (Latimer, 1981:475-476). It is also of
interest that persons experiencing psychologicai distress
are more iikely to seek care for comparable symptoms
than those without (Langeluddecke, 1985:475-483). The
high scores for the Psychological Strain sub-scale of the
OSI indicate that the sample in the present study was
experiencing emotional distress, which may have compounded their concerns about their health.
To this point, the discussion has focused on the sub-scales
of the DSI and the OSI in which the IBS group has shown
elevated stress levels compared to the healthy control
group. The following two sections concern potential mediators of stress, namely Recreation and Social Support, yet
the results indicate that the IBS group make less use of
these two mechanisms to reduce their stress.
Recreational activities have long been considered an
effective mediator of stress (Kaplan, Sallis & Patterson,
1993), and the Recreational sub-scaie of the OSI measures the extent to which the individual makes use of, and
derives pleasure and relaxation from regular recreational
activities. The results showed that the older IBS group
(aged 40 - 70) and the overall IBS group engage in significantly less recreational activities than the corresponding
non-IBS group. One reason that IBS patients may not
engage in recreational activities to the same extent as
individuais without IBS is the debilitating effect that the
physical symptoms of IBS may have. Gassiness, constipation or diarrhoea may make IBS sufferers reiuctant to
move beyond their home environment to an unfamiliar
place where they may have to get to a bathroom quickly
(Dancey & Backhouse, 1993:1443-1448).
Social support
The second mediating variable in the OSI that is significant, is that of Social Support. The Social Support subscale of the OSI measures the extent to which the individual feels support and help from those around himlher. As
with the Recreation sub-scale described above, individuals
in the IBS group used social support significantly less than
the healthy controls, failing to exploit the buffering effect
that social support potentially has. In times of psychological need, social support can provide emotional sustenance, informational guidance and tangible assistance.
Empirical evidence from a variety of sources has demon-
strated an inverse relationship between social support and
various indices of physical and mental illness (Holahan &
Moos, 1985:739-747; Kobasa, 1979:l; Lin & Ensel,
1989:382). Caplan (1974) has described three stressmediating functions provided by social support systems.
Firstly, social support systems heip people to organise
their skills and resources for coping with the stressful life
event; secondly, they share the burden of the stress; and
finally, social resources may provide emotional and instrumental support. Thus, in times of psychological need
social support can provide emotional sustenance, informational guidance, tangible assistance, as well as opportunities for social comparison and self-esteem, ail of which can
be secured through membership in a group in which one
feels a sense of belonging (Krantz, Grunberg & Baum,
In the case of irritable bowel syndrome, patients do not
typically discuss their symptoms (Dancey & Backhouse,
1993:1443-1448). This may be in part due to the socially
inappropriate nature of IBS symptoms - society does not
sanction public discussion of bowel movements or flatulence. Even if this were not the case, however, many individuals with IBS feel a sense of shame resulting from the
lack of control they have over their bodies, and as such
keep silent about their discomfort. The result is that IBS
patients may feel isolated from other 'normal' people,
unable to communicate their discomfort and consequently
separated from the buffering effect of social support. This
factor, combined with the increased stress of the IBS
group may mean that any discussion of their symptoms is
stressful in itself and is avoided. Thus the benefits of social
support described above remain elusive.
in conclusion then, empirical evidence from a variety of
sources has demonstrated the powerful buffering effect
that social support may have on stress. The present study
indicates that the IBS group does not use this resource
effectively, and a number of possible reasons for this were
in discussing the daily and occupational stressors above,
it becomes apparent that statistical differences between
the iBS and non-IBS group exist when comparing the two
groups as a whole. When the IBS and control groups were
divided into an older and younger group of women, and
then compared on the DSI, no statistically significant differences were apparent between the two groups.
When considering the results of the OSI, however, a statistically significant difference was found between the older
group of women suffering from IBS and their healthy counterparts. The IBS group in this instance showed significantly higher stress levels for minor stress that would typically be encountered in a work environment.
Establishing reasons for this phenomenon are beyond the
scope of the current study, yet it is tantaiising to contem-
plate why the minor stressors measured by the OSI, which
seem in many instances similar to those measured by the
DSI, showed a marked difference among the older women
with IBS in terms of stress measures by the OSI, but not
the DSI.
Some hypotheses that may be explored here concern the
effect that an accumulation of minor life stressors has on
an individual's ability to cope with minor stressors at work
and still perform effectively. Alternatively, the issue of
younger women having a greater resilience to minor
stress, particular in their occupational environment may be
pertinent. A third possibility is that younger women may
regard everyday hassles at work as challenges (coping
with difficult relationships, braving traffic everyday, learning
to deal with argumentative or rude individuals etc.), whereas older women may have become weary of the relentless
nature of these stressors, and thus more susceptible to
their effects.
The role of minor occupational stressors and the age split
that becomes apparent in this study seems to be unique in
the literature. Previous research regarding minor stressors
and IBS have tended to concentrate on the issue of stress
and its relationship to symptom exacerbation (Dancey e l
al. 1995:827; Suls et ai. 1994:103). Clearly then, more
research is needed to investigate the triad of IBS, minor
occupational stressors and the effect that age may have
on the relationships between the two issues.
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IBS patients and open the door for further research to
explore the exact nature of the reiationship between age,
occupational stress and IBS. The research findings in this
study appear to be unique, and as such they need to be
replicated and verified before more in depth investigations
be undertaken. Once again the tremendous scope of this
field is highlighted, rich with new directions to explore and
research opportunities to investigate that will bring us inexorably closer to understanding the enigma of irritable
bowel syndrome.
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