international journal of behavioural biology
Collective Migration in House Dust Mites
Anne-Catherine Mailleux*, Aina Astudillo Fernandez!, Gilles S. Martin*, Claire Detrain! &
Jean-Louis Deneubourg!
* Unit of Ecology and Biogeography, Catholic University of Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
! Service d’Ecologie Sociale, Université libre de Bruxelles, CP231, Brussels, Belgium
Anne-Catherine Mailleux, Unit of Ecology and
Biogeography, Catholic University of Louvain,
Croix du Sud 4-5 (Carnoy), 1348, Louvain-laNeuve, Belgium.
[email protected]
Received: May 26, 2010
Initial acceptance: July 12, 2010
Final acceptance: September 19, 2010
(J. Schneider)
doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0310.2010.01845.x
House dust mites (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus) are widespread in the
furniture and mattresses of homes throughout Eurasia. Because human
occupation induces wide diurnal fluctuations in temperature and relative humidity, the most favourable locations for mites change constantly
and they must migrate repeatedly. Here, we triggered and studied mites
migration movements to a new area. Mites migrated from a starting
arena to a second arena through a diamond-shaped corridor offering a
choice between two branches of equal length. In this article, we show
that local air dryness and a distant water source were both necessary to
trigger collective migration. Males and nymphs had a higher probability
of migration than larvae and females. When migrating, although both
branches initially appeared to be chosen equally, most mites eventually
ended up choosing one particular branch. When about 50 or more mites
had passed, there was an obvious choice of branch. We used a modelling approach to show that these data support the hypothesis that mites
lay an attractive trail that is reinforced by followers. Consequently, the
consistency of the collective choice is higher as the number of migrants
grows. This article is the first to observe dust mite migration as a collective phenomenon.
Collective migrations occur in a wide range of taxa
throughout the animal kingdom. Among the most
studied examples are the social insects, such as ants
during foraging (Hölldobler & Wilson 1990), fish
(Sumpter 2009), birds (Bajec & Heppner 2009) and
other vertebrates (Couzin & Krauze 2003). Collective
migration is also observable in groups with a simpler
social structure, such as earthworms (Zirbes et al.
2010). Animals migrate during their nomadic phase
(Gotwald 1995), when they search for a new suitable shelter (Hölldobler & Wilson 1990; Mallon et al.
2001), when their resting place become overcrowded
(Seeley & Buhrman 1999; Visscher & Camazine
1999) and during swarming (Seeley & Buhrman
1999; Visscher & Camazine 1999; Seeley & Visscher
Ethology 116 (2010) 1–11 ª 2010 Blackwell Verlag GmbH
One crucial question is how individuals in the
group move as an integrated social unit (Dyer 2000).
The mechanisms underlying collective migration
have been poorly studied. It is sometimes thought
that collective migration is organized by a sophisticated system of communication among individuals
belonging to highly organized societies such as ants
and termites (Hölldobler & Wilson 1990). By contrast, previous studies have shown that collective
migration does not necessary rely on a complex
organization (Deneubourg & Goss 1989; Bonabeau
et al. 1997) and can simply be achieved through
amplification processes that result from simple interactions between individuals (Bonabeau et al. 1997;
Camazine et al. 2001; Deneubourg & Goss 1989;
Jeanson et al. 2004). Migrating individuals can
start a coordinated migration by following simple
rules that induce positive feedback loops. These rules
A.-C. Mailleux et al.
Collective Migration in House Dust Mites
are similar for subsocial or eusocial species and may
lead to similarities in their patterns of migration
(Buhl et al. 2006; Costa 2006) regardless of their
degree of social organization. An example of an
amplification process leading to coordinated migration is Anelosimus eximius, a social spider that produces silk threads that is followed by nestmates
during displacement (Furey 1998). This silk-laying
behaviour leads to the formation of silk ‘highways’
that ensure group cohesion as well as collective decision-making processes during swarming (Lubin &
Robinson 1982; Avilès & Tufino 1998; Saffre et al.
1999a,b; Mailleux et al. 2008). Other examples of
collective migration based on silk following can be
found in species with a simpler social organization
such as caterpillars (Fitzgerald 1995) and solitary spiders (Jeanson et al. 2004). The underlying dynamics
could easily be compared with those involved in
collective nest moving in ants (Hölldobler & Wilson
1990; Verhaeghe et al. 1992; Morgan 2008), which
are based on, among other things, a trail pheromone-following behaviour. Indeed, in the same way
as silk is used by spiders, spider mites (Yano 2008)
and caterpillars, trail pheromones might lead to
amplification processes and collective decisions, as
shown in ants and other subsocial species such as
lepidopteran larvae (Roessingh 1990; Fitzgerald
Here, we focused on the group of migration of
Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Trouessart 1897), a
house dust mite species distributed throughout Eurasia that causes allergic symptoms (for a review on
house dust mites, see Colloff 2009). Despite their
medical and economic importance, the migratory
behaviour of this species has been poorly studied
(Crowther et al. 2001). This mite feeds on human
skin scale and is found in the locations where this
scale collects, such as in bedding, carpets and padded
furniture (Murray et al. 1985). The dust mite is not
limited by food supply: we shed dead skin at a daily
rate of about 1.0 g per person, a sufficient amount
for several thousand mites to survive on for months
(Crowther et al. 2000). Considering its size, it is no
more limited by space: a mattress offers a considerable volume of space to populations of mites. (Crowther et al. 2000, 2001; Colloff 2009); therefore, the
biological traits of house dust mite populations are
unusual in that they are relatively free of the normal
constraints of food supply, space and predators.
The dust mite population size is mainly influenced
by the physical factors of temperature and humidity,
which are known to affect both reproduction and
development rates (Arlian 1992; Crowther et al.
2001). In mattresses, humidity and temperature
show large daily variations related to human occupation (Arlian 1992; Crowther et al. 2001). Consequently, the most favourable locations for mites
constantly shift. Previous articles suggest that mites
move away from dry conditions up a humidity gradient (Crowther et al. 2000, 2001). At bedtime, dust
mites migrate towards humans to absorb water from
breathing and perspiration before taking refuge and
aggregating in the depth of the mattress when
humans get up in the morning. There is evidence for
the migration of mites between microhabitats within
the home (Mollet & Robinson 1995; Mollet 1996)
but nothing is known about migrating dust mite
populations (Colloff 2009) that have been poorly
studied, although migration must be a crucial phase
for the survival of dust mites (Glass et al. 1998).
In this study, we triggered migration movements
to investigate the behavioural mechanisms involved
when these arthropods migrate to a new area. In the
first part of this study, we studied the migration of
mites to four different hygrometric conditions. The
stage, sex and speed of migrating and non-migrating
individuals were analysed. In the second part of this
study, we analysed and quantified dust mite social
behaviour, leading to group cohesion in experimentally induced migrations. In our article, we called
social behaviour any behaviour that results from an
interaction between individuals, which is the opposite to non-social behaviour, which results from an
interaction between an individual and its environment (Sokolowski 2010). Theoretical approaches
were used to analyse our data.
Materials and Methods
Experimental Set-Up
Mites were reared in Petri dishes and fed with
human skin flakes (skin and whiskers obtained by
cleaning electric shavers) and fish food (Tetra Goldfish crips). All mites were reared together under
similar conditions (20!C and 75% relative humidity).
The experiments took place in a room kept at 20!C
and 40% relative humidity.
The experimental set-up consisted of a starting
arena connected to a second arena (called the arrival
arena) by two corridors (Fig. 1). The floor and roof
were made of glass; the middle layer was made of
Plexiglas. This set-up offered an opportunity for
mites to move along two branches of equal length
(4 cm). We compared the migration dynamics of
the mites with (W) and without (D) a water source
Ethology 116 (2010) 1–11 ª 2010 Blackwell Verlag GmbH
A.-C. Mailleux et al.
Collective Migration in House Dust Mites
were composed of 302, 243–338 individuals (median, first and third quartile) and were similar for
the four hygrometric conditions (N total = 11 761,
Kruskal–Wallis test, KW = 5.47, p = 0.14).
The local surroundings of the set-up were homogenous to prevent any cues such as lights or temperature affecting the movement. The experimental
set-ups were cleaned (with hexane, then ethanol) and
carefully rinsed after each migration.
Statistical Analysis
The effect of environmental conditions and development
stage ⁄ sex on the proportion of migrating individuals
Fig. 1: The experimental set-up consisted of an initial arena A connected to a second arena B by two corridors (diameter of the arenas = 8 cm, figure 1). The floor and roof were in glass, the middle
layer was in Plexiglas. This set-up offered the opportunity for mites to
move along two branches of equal length (4 cm). We compared the
migration dynamics of the mites (see the photo of an initial group of
aggregated mites) with or without a water source (a small dish containing 0.3 ml of water, represented by droplet) placed in the starting
arena and ⁄ or in the arrival arena.
(a small dish containing 0.3 ml of water) placed in
the starting arena and ⁄ or in the arrival arena. Therefore, the behaviour of dust mites was tested under
four hygrometric conditions: (1) starting arena D
(Dry arena) to the arrival arena W (arena with a
source of Water), (2) W fi D, (3) D fi D, and (4)
W fi W. We placed a group of mites in the starting
arena at the beginning of each experiment. These
mites either migrated to the arrival arena or they did
not. Traffic on the two branches (number of individuals) was recorded by a video camera (·10) for 2 h.
From this video recording, we identified the sex and
stage of development and we also measured the
walking speed of individuals. After each experiment,
the sex (male, female) and stage (nymph, larvae)
were identified using the following procedure.
Migrant and non-migrant mites were placed in separate Petri dishes containing ethanol 95% for 1 wk.
Afterwards, they were dried for 1 d and placed in
lactic acid for 1 wk (Colloff 2009). Then, the mites
were extracted under a stereo binocular microscope.
This method accentuated the chitin structure of
mites and facilitated the identification of the development stage and sex of the mites. The experimental
situation was tested ten times for every situation
(except with D fi W, which was tested 12 times, but
the composition of the two supplementary observations was not studied). The starting groups of mites
Ethology 116 (2010) 1–11 ª 2010 Blackwell Verlag GmbH
Concerning the first part of this study (the analysis of
the migration of mites under four different hygrometric conditions): Some experimental data (number
of migrants) were analysed using GraphPad Instat
version 3.05 for Win95 ⁄ NT (GraphPad Software 1998,
Inc., San Diego, CA, USA). As the numbers of
migrants were not normally distributed, we used nonparametric statistical tests (Kruskal–Wallis). The other
experimental data (proportions of migrants, proportions of developmental stages and sexes, and walking
speeds) were analysed with generalized linear mixed
modelling (generalized linear model – GLM).
First, we used GLM with a binomial distribution to
estimate how migration was influenced by the hygrometric treatments in the starting and arrival arenas
while taking into account the sex and development
stage. We used the proportions of migrating individuals in each stage and sex category as the dependent
variables. Three fixed effect explanatory variables
were included in the model: starting arena treatment
(Wet or Dry), arrival arena treatment (Wet or Dry)
and the development stage (Male, Female, Larva,
Nymph). Second and third level interactions were
also included in the model. The experiment number
was used as a random variable to consider the nonindependence of the migration values for the four
stages within each experiment. We used type II (Fox
2002) likelihood ratio tests (LRT) to test the significance of each explanatory variable. We respected the
marginality rules, as models without one main effect
are compared with the full model without the higher
level interactions containing this main effect.
Second, we used a similar approach to estimate the
differences of speed between sexes and developmental stages. The dependent variable was the mite speed
expressed in micrometers ⁄ second and we used a
linear mixed model with normal error distribution.
The fixed and random explanatory variables were
the same as the binomial model. The analysis was
A.-C. Mailleux et al.
Collective Migration in House Dust Mites
performed in the language R (R Development Core
Team 2009) with the package lme4 (Bates & Sarkar
The collective choice of a path
Concerning the second part of this study (analysis of
the mechanisms leading to group cohesion), Monte
Carlo simulations and tests used to compare them
with the experimental data were coded with Matlab.
The expected choice dynamics were calculated for
the two situations. In the first one, we tested the
hypothesis that mites choose their path at random
(binomial situation). In the second one, we tested
the hypothesis that mites influence each other
choices (trail model situation). Monte Carlo simulations used in the calculations for both situations
were essentially the same and only differed in their
probabilities pL and pR of choosing respectively the
left and the right branch. In the case of the binomial
choice, they were taken to be equal to 0.5, in the
trail model they were given in Eq. (1).
One simulation consisted of 12 experiments in
silico. We took into account only the first 82 mites,
as at least 82 individuals migrated in the 12 experiments observed in vivo. For each virtual experiment,
82 mites were successively given the choice between
two branches: the comparison between a randomly
generated number and the probabilities pL and pR
determined the choice of each mite. After each passing mite, the percentage of mites that had chosen
the winner branch was counted. The branch walked
by most mites (>50%) will hereafter called the winner branch. The average of the 12 virtual experiments was calculated. Computing this simulation
10 000 times allowed us to establish the most likely
choice dynamics (average of the 10 000 simulations)
as well as the confidence interval (95%) around it.
Effects of Hygrometric Conditions and Developmental
Stage ⁄ Sex on the Proportion of Migrating Individuals
The likelihood ratio tests are shown in Table 1. The
random component of the experiment was 0.66 for
a residual variance taken to be 1. The model was
slightly overdispersed (overdispersion parameter
based on Pearson residuals = 4.3). However, we considered that this deviation from the binomial model
was negligible relative to the very low p-values
obtained with the likelihood ratio tests (Table 1).
These tests showed that the third level interaction
Table 1: Likelihood ratio tests (Type II, Fox 2002) for the proportion
of migrating individual model. This model is a binomial mixed model
of the proportion of migrating individuals (dependent variable) vs.
hygrometric treatment in the starting arena, hygrometric treatment in
the arrival arena and the stage. The experiment is used as random
Stage: starting
Stage: arrival
Starting: arrival
Stage: starting: arrival
Likelihood ratio
was highly significant (LRT = 31.41, df = 3, p <
0.0001). We then concluded that the treatment in
the starting arena had an effect on the proportion of
migrating individuals, and that the effect of this
treatment depended on the treatment in the arrival
arena (or vice versa), and that this synergistic effect
(second level interaction) is different between sexes
and developmental stages (third level interaction).
Effects of hygrometric conditions on the proportion of migrating individuals
Dry conditions in the starting arena and wet conditions in the arrival arena seemed to enhance migration. The probability of leaving the starting arena
(estimated by the model) was 0.175 with the ‘wet’
treatment and only 0.023 with the ‘dry’ treatment
after controlling for sex, developmental stage and
arrival treatment. The probability of migrating was
0.036 for a dry treatment in the arrival arena and
0.119 for a wet treatment in the arrival arena, independently of all other effects. However, the probability of migrating for a given starting treatment
strongly depended on the arrival treatment (second
level interaction – Fig. 2a). For a dry starting treatment, the probability of migrating was 0.367 – independently of the sex and stage – if the arrival arena
received a wet treatment, while it was only 0.071
for a dry treatment in the arrival arena. For wet conditions in the starting arena, the probability of leaving was low for both treatments in the arrival arena
(wet: 0.031; dry: 0.018).
Effects of stage and sex on the proportion of migrating
There were clear-cut differences in the proportion
of migrating individuals between sexes and stages,
Ethology 116 (2010) 1–11 ª 2010 Blackwell Verlag GmbH
A.-C. Mailleux et al.
Collective Migration in House Dust Mites
Fig. 2: Probability estimates (with SE) derived
from a mixed GLM with binomial distribution
for the proportion of migrating individuals
(dependent variable) with as explanatory variables a) the combination of hygrometric treatments in the starting and arrival arenas after
controlling for sex and stage b) the different
stages and sexes after controlling for hygrometric treatments in the starting and arrival
Fig. 3: Probability estimates (with SE) derived from a mixed GLM with
binomial distribution for the proportion of migrating individuals
(dependent variable) with as explanatory variables the stage (F for
female, L for larva, M for male and N for nymph), the hygrometric
treatment in the starting arena (wet or dry) and the hygrometric treatment in the arrival arena (wet or dry).
Fig. 4: Mite speed estimates (with SE) derived from a mixed GLM
with normal distribution with as explanatory variables the different
stages and sexes after controlling for hygrometric treatments in the
starting and arrival arenas.
Effects of stages and sex on migration speed
independently of the hygrometric conditions
(Fig. 3): The males and nymphs had a much
higher probability (0.101–0.104, respectively) to
migrate than the females and larvae (0.042–0.044,
However, these differences between sexes and
stages were stronger in some hygrometric conditions (third level interaction – Fig. 4). For a ‘wet to
dry treatment’, the differences between stages and
sexes were very low, all probability values being
close to 0. In ‘dry to dry’ and ‘wet to wet’ conditions, the males and nymphs migrated just slightly
more than the females and larvae. In ‘dry to wet’
conditions, although females and larvae were more
prone to migrate than in the other conditions, a
stronger migration was observed for the males and
Ethology 116 (2010) 1–11 ª 2010 Blackwell Verlag GmbH
The likelihood ratio test results are given in Table 2.
According to these tests, the models including
interactions were not significantly better than the
models without interactions. There were clear differences between developmental stages (LRT = 220.7,
df = 3, p < 0.0001) and there was also an influence
of the arrival arena treatment (LRT = 12.3, df = 1,
p = 0.0004). After controlling for the hygrometric
treatments, the males and females had similar
speed estimates (129.4 and 137.3 lm ⁄ s, respectively
– Fig. 4). The larvae moved themselves at quite
lower (67.1 lm ⁄ s) and the nymphs showed intermediate speed values (101.6 lm ⁄ s).
The Collective Choice of a Path
A central question in this study was how dust mites
chose their path and what influences their collective
A.-C. Mailleux et al.
Collective Migration in House Dust Mites
Table 2: Likelihood ratio tests (Type II, Fox 2002) for the proportion
of migrating individual model. This model is a normal mixed model of
mite speed (dependent variable) vs. hygrometric treatment in the
starting arena, hygrometric treatment in the arrival arena and the
stage. The experiment is used as random variable
Stage: starting
Stage: arrival
Starting: arrival
Stage: starting: arrival
Likelihood ratio
choice. For this question, we focused on the twelve
experiments of condition D>W that triggered the
highest number of migrants. In these experiments,
the mites faced a choice between two identical
options (the two branches of the diamond-shaped
set-up). If the mites had chosen at random, with an
equal probability of taking the right or left branch,
independently from each other, the expected number of mites on either side would have presented a
binomial distribution. However, the binomial tests
(Fig. 5) showed that the experimental results clearly
differed from a binomial distribution in 9 cases out
of 12: one of the branches was clearly preferentially
selected by the mites.
This asymmetric distribution between the two presumably identical branches could have resulted from
one of two possible deviations from the binomial situation. Either the branches were not identical (the
probabilities of taking either side were different), or
the mites did not choose independently from each
other. The former possibility could be ruled out
because the mites did not show a preference for one
of the branches: overall the left and the right branch
were taken at comparable frequencies (1007 and
1082 times, respectively).
The remaining possibility was that the mites
influenced each others’ choices. The question then
became one of how they influenced one another. A
first clue was found in the dynamics of the choice.
By the dynamics of the choice, we meant how the
average proportion of mites on the winner branch
varied with time or, more precisely, with the number of mites that have already migrated towards
the arrival arena. This average proportion was only
calculated for the first 82 mites that was the minimal number of mites observed in all the experiments. At first, the mites seemed to choose
indiscriminately between the two sides. For that
matter, the choice dynamics of the first 82 or so
mites did not differ from what would have been
expected in a binomial situation (Fig. 6a). The selection of a branch came progressively and was amplified as more mites migrated to the arrival arena.
This amplification suggested a mechanism analogous
to trail laying ⁄ trail following in ants. Mites would
leave an attractive trail as they passed through a
branch. The probability of taking that branch for
the following mites would increase, thereby reinforcing the trail and launching a positive feedback
loop that would result in an asymmetrical distribution.
To test this hypothesis, we formulated a model
derived from a choice function previously used to
explain trail formation in ants (Deneubourg et al.
Number of mites that migrated
Winner branch
Looser branch
230 272 298 304 312 323 396 455 459 526 N.D. N.D.
Size of populations in initial arena in ascending order
Fig. 5: Results of the binomial tests for the
12 experiments ordered by the size of the
initial populations (x axis). The height of the
bars represents the total number of mites that
migrated. The dark and light greys represent
the fraction that chose the loser and the winner branch, respectively. Nine experiments
out of twelve significantly differed from
the binomial distribution. (*: P < 0.05,
**: P < 0.01, ***: P < 0.001).
Ethology 116 (2010) 1–11 ª 2010 Blackwell Verlag GmbH
Average % of migrant mites that
chose the winning branch
A.-C. Mailleux et al.
Collective Migration in House Dust Mites
i: number of migrant mites
Fig. 6: Experimental vs. expected results under the null hypothesis of a) the binomial model and b) the trail model. The expected means of 12
experiments (dashed line), surrounded by its 95% confidence interval (grey area), were calculated with Monte Carlo simulations (N = 105). The
experimental data (solid line) can be predicted by the trail model, but not by the binomial model.
1990). According to our model, each individual
chooses the left or the right branch with the following probabilities:
pL ¼
je þ Le
þ Le þ Re
pR ¼
je þ Re
þ Le þ Re
where L and R are the numbers of preceding mites
that chose the left and right branches, respectively.
Parameter j represented the inherent attractiveness
of the branches, independently of any trail. The
exponent e was the degree of nonlinearity of the
The choice dynamics predicted by this model
greatly depended on the values of j and e. For very
large values of j, the influence of the trail on each
branch (Le and Re) was negligible, so the probability
of choosing either branch was approx. 0.5, and the
dynamics approximated the dynamics expected in a
binomial situation. The exponent e has a decisive
effect on the dynamics of the choice. If e = 1, there
is no amplification process and the distribution
between left and right becomes more symmetrical as
more mites pass. However, if e > 1, the positive feedback is such that the asymmetry is amplified with
each passing mite, and results in the selection of one
of the branches.
We calculated the expected choice dynamics
under the assumptions of our model with Monte
Carlo simulations (explained in detail in Appendix
A). We tested values of j ranging from 0 to 200 and
e from 1 to 4. We found that our model’s predictions
fit the experimental results very closely (Fig. 6b).
The best correspondence was found for j = 26 and
e = 2.8. To evaluate the agreement between our
experiments and our predictions, we calculated the
average number of mites on the winner branch as a
function of the number of passing mites, both for
Ethology 116 (2010) 1–11 ª 2010 Blackwell Verlag GmbH
the experiments and for the simulations. We
checked for a linear correlation between the experimental and the theoretical results. We found the
highest correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.9994) for the
parameter set in Fig. 6. The slope was not different
from one [s = 0.9994 (0.994, 1.005)] and the y intercept was not different from zero [y0 = )0.03463
()0.1881, 0.1188)].
Dust mite migration is a crucial phase for their survival (Glass et al. 1998; Crowther et al. 2000; Colloff
2009). In this study, we identified some determinants of their migratory behaviour. First, the triggering factor for migration is a humidity gradient.
Second, the tendency to migrate depends on
developmental stage and sex. Finally, once on the
move, the direction taken by a mite is influenced by
the behaviour of its conspecifics.
Our experiments showed that local dryness
strongly influences migration dynamics, especially
when a distant water source can be perceived.
Although this migration is collective there is not
always unanimity in the individual responses: some
individuals may decide to stay or to migrate to an
arena even the hygrometry is unfavourable at this
location. This might be attributed to differences in
the individual response thresholds to environmental
conditions. In our experiments, no matter what the
hygrometric conditions were, nymphs and males
were more inclined to migrate than to stay in the
initial arena (also, these were always more numerous). On the other hand, females and larvae had a
lower tendency to migrate. These differences
between the proportion of migrating males and
females were not linked to their respective walking
Collective Migration in House Dust Mites
speeds that are similar. Arlian et al. (1998) showed
that females are more resilient at a low relative
humidity than males and are therefore more likely
to survive a reduced relative humidity. This could be
attributed to their bigger body size and hence their
lower surface ⁄ volume ratio that makes them less
vulnerable to dehydration than males. The fact that
females tended to migrate less than males could be
explained by a higher tolerance of the females to
local dryness. The larvae walked slowly but the
length of the experience was long enough for them
to reach the arrival arena. Therefore, their low walking speed did not explain their low migration rate. Is
this stage more sedentary? Are they influenced by
the presence of females? These questions call for
new experiments.
Individual variability in the tendency to migrate
can be explained by qualitative and quantitative
variations in individual responsiveness (Beshers &
Fewell 2001). Responsiveness of an individual is regulated by internal factors such as genetic predisposition, physiology, developmental stage, sex and age
(Robinson 1992; Page et al. 1997). The responsiveness of an individual can also depend on several
external factors, such as the relative humidity and
light intensity in the laboratory. Here, we identified
three factors that modulated individual responsiveness in house dust mites: an environmental factor
(relative humidity), and two internal factors (sex
and developmental stage). Concerning the differences observed in the responsiveness, we made the
assumption that dust mites possess a spectrum of
migration and invasion mechanisms that include
both individual and collective strategies. Our
hypothesis was that the interplay between the distribution of individual responsiveness in the group and
the environmental conditions determines the proportion of mites that migrate and lay a trail leading
to an amplification process. Therefore, individual
and collective migration modes might represent temporary states that can interchange depending on this
interplay. During our experiments, the four stages:
female, males, larvae and nymphs might have had a
different responsiveness to the presence of the other
mites, for instance, via an aggregative pheromone.
This might rule their tendency to migrate or stay in
a non-migrant group.
Mite migration is commonly understood as the
solitary movement of individuals, triggered by and
directed towards environmental gradients. Here, we
showed that dust mites do indeed move towards a
humidity gradient, but also that they have the capability to migrate collectively and that the mechanism
A.-C. Mailleux et al.
involved in this social behaviour is partially decoded.
The good agreement between the model and the
experimental data strongly suggests that the mites
were able to perceive the branch that was taken by
most previous mites. This perception increases their
probability of taking that branch. This created a positive feedback loop (or an amplification process) that
resulted in the selection of one branch. We evidenced and quantified this part of the amplifying
process but the underlying biological trait remains to
be investigated. The likeliest possibility is the laying
and following of a chemical trail. As mites move, it
is likely that they passively lay chemicals on the substrate that then guide the followers (as observed on
spiders by Jeanson & Deneubourg 2006a,b). Another
possibility is that the presence of mites raises the
local humidity and ⁄ or CO2 concentration. Identifying the chemical cues (trail pheromones, H2O, CO2)
involved in the emergence of collective choices
could be another interesting step of this study.
We cannot state that the collective behaviour seen
in our laboratory experiments directly translates to
that observed in the field, although it would be
interesting to verify this point. However, one can
assume that the maintenance of cohesion while
migrating may be advantageous to house dust mites.
Indeed, collective migration behaviour might be
linked to the advantages of individuals remaining in
groups (Rivault et al. 1998; Ame et al. 2004; Prokopy
& Roitberg 2005; Le Goff et al. 2009). The two main
species of dust mites, D. pteronyssinus and Dermatophagoides farinae, are highly aggregative and this
behaviour might significantly reduce individual
water loss (Glass et al. 1998). We hypothesized that
collective migration offers them the possibility of
forming aggregates to protect them from dehydration
(Wharton et al. 1979). In general, forming such
aggregates has many advantages for both the individual and the group because it provides easier access to
food and mates as well as protection against predators (Ranta et al. 1993; Wertheim 2005). It also presents disadvantages since forming aggregates means
sharing food, mates and living space, and can result
in inter-individual conflicts (Ranta et al. 1993; Wertheim et al. 2004; Prokopy & Roitberg 2005; Wertheim 2005). Although group formation is of critical
importance for many species, few reports have studied the parameters modulating spatial distribution,
especially in non-eusocial arthropods such as Tetranychus urticae (Millar 1993; Strong et al. 1997).
In biology, the study of social organization has
mainly focused on species characterized by a high
level of sociality (Hölldobler & Wilson 1990; Seeley
Ethology 116 (2010) 1–11 ª 2010 Blackwell Verlag GmbH
A.-C. Mailleux et al.
1996). Species characterized by a simpler social organization have been poorly studied (Costa 2006;
Sokolowski 2010). In European house dust mites
(D. pteronyssinus), social behaviours have not yet
been explored because this species is widely supposed to be solitary. It is seen as an animal that only
aggregates in response to attractive cues in its
environment. Acari present the basic features
required for the emergence of coherent migration
and collective decision making, such as mutual
conspecific attraction, spatial proximity and spatiotemporal overlap of generations. Despite these
prerequisites, in Acari there is little evidence of
social behaviours apart from aggregative behaviours
and they are mainly found in spider mites building
silk nests (Kotaro & Saito 2004). Nevertheless, social
interactions in organisms with simple social structures, such as Acari, share common themes with
decision making in more complex organisms, which
makes them a relevant and useful subject of study.
In the case of dust mites, this relevance is reinforced
by their importance for health issues.
This work was supported by the IRSIB (Institut
d’encouragement de la Recherche Scientifique et de
l’Innovation de Bruxelles) for AC Mailleux, the FRIA
(Funds for Research in Industry and Agriculture) for
A. Astudillo Fernandez and the National Fund for
Scientific Research (FNRS, Belgium) for C. Detrain
and J.-L. Deneubourg. Many thanks to L. Dekelver,
D. de Saint Georges-Gridelet, T. Hance, Ph. Lebrun
and G. Van Impe. The food of mites, the skin flakes,
was collected by cleaning the electric shavers. We
thank our human skin suppliers for their generous
contribution. This is publication BRC182 of the
Biodiversity Research Centre at UCL. We thank the
anonymous referees for critical comments and helpful suggestions.
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