Eczema, sleep and daytime functioning in children
Danny Camfferman BA, Grad Dip Psych.
A thesis submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
Department of Paediatrics
Faculty of Health Sciences
The University of Adelaide
Submitted December 2010
Table of Contents
Table of Contents………………………………………………...................................………ii
List of Tables……….................................................................................................................ix
List of Figures…..…................................................................................................................xii
Publications in support of thesis…………………………………..........................................xx
List of Abbreviations…………………………………………….........................................xxii
Chapter 1: Introduction and literature review............................................................................1
1.1 Introduction……………………………………….....................................................1
1.2 Literature review……………………...….......................................................………2
1.2.1 The demographic profile of eczematous children with sleep disturbance......3
1.2.2 Notable questionnaire studies which focus on the sleep characteristics of
children with eczema................................................................................................4
1.2.3 Sleep disturbance in parents of children affected with eczema......................5
1.2.4 Mechanism assumed to cause sleep disturbance in children with eczema.....5
1.2.5 Actigraphic studies on children with eczema and sleep..................................6
1.2.6 Biological markers of childhood eczema and sleep........................................7
1.2.7 Polysomnography data on children with eczema............................................8
1.3 Summary of current data on the sleep of children with eczema..................................9
1.4 Body temperature and sleep in humans.....................................................................10
1.4.1 Eczematous skin and body temperature.................................................................11
1.5 Rhinitis and asthma disturbing sleep in children with eczema..................................12
1.6 Treatment of childhood eczema and sleep.................................................................14
1.7 Sleep disturbance and quality of life.........................................................................16
1.8 Childhood eczema, sleep, daytime behaviour and cognition....................................17
1.8.1 Eczema, sleep and behaviour in children with eczema.................................18
1.8.2 Eczema, sleep and ADHD in children with eczema.....................................19
1.8.3 Sleep and neurocognitive development in children......................................19
1.9 Summary of current literature on eczema, sleep and daytime functioning in
Chapter 2: Eczema, asthma, rhinitis, sleep and behaviour in children......................................40
2.1 The contribution of eczema, asthma and rhinitis to sleep disturbance and behaviour
in children........................................................................................................................40
2.2 Method.......................................................................................................................41
2.2.1 Participants and Procedure............................................................................41
2.2.2 Apparatus......................................................................................................41
2.2.3 The Child Health Questionnaire-Parent Form...............................................43
2.2.4 The Children's Dermatology Life Quality Index...........................................43
2.2.5 The Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children....................................................44
2.2.6 The Conner's Parent Rating Scale - Revised (S)...........................................44
2.3 Statistics.....................................................................................................................45
2.4 Results........................................................................................................................46
2.4.1 Correlations between atopic disorders and demographic/behavioural
2.4.2 Correlations between eczema, sleep disorder and behaviour........................47
2.4.3 Structural Equation Modelling Analysis.......................................................47
2.4.4 Evaluation of the Models generated through Structural Equation
2.4.5 Results of Structural Equation Analysis on children with eczema's sleep and
2.5 Discussion..................................................................................................................61
Chapter 3: Polysomnography data on the sleep of eczematous children..................................67
3.1 Rationale for conducting polysomnographic studies on children with eczema.........67
3.2 Potential measures of eczema severity......................................................................67
3.2.1 Current methods of measuring eczema severity............................................68
3.2.2 Biological markers of eczema severity.........................................................69
3.2.3 Urinary Leukotriene E4.................................................................................69
3.3 Method.......................................................................................................................70
3.3.1 Subjects and Procedure.................................................................................70
3.3.2 Apparatus......................................................................................................71
3.3.3 Eczema Assessment......................................................................................71
3.3.4 Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis........................................................................72
3.3.5 Leukotriene E4..............................................................................................72
3.3.6 Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children...........................................................73
3.3.7 Polysomnography..........................................................................................74
3.4 Statistics.....................................................................................................................75
3.5 Results........................................................................................................................76
3.5.1 Comparison of demographics, atopic disorders and sleep variables between
children with eczema and controls.........................................................................76
3.5.2 Relationship between atopic disease and polysomnographic sleep data
among children with eczema..................................................................................77
3.6 Discussion..................................................................................................................85
Chapter 4: An examination of the contribution of scratch disturbing sleep in children with
eczema ……………………………………………..............................................................…92
4.1 Itch.............................................................................................................................92
4.2 Scratch.......................................................................................................................92
4.2.1 Measuring nocturnal scratch using polysomnography..................................93
4.3 Nocturnal scratching in children with eczema...........................................................94
4.3.1 Nocturnal scratching in adults with eczema..................................................96
4.4 Method.......................................................................................................................98
4.4.1 Actigraphy.....................................................................................................99
4.4.2 Scratching......................................................................................................99
4.5 Results......................................................................................................................100
4.5.1 Actigraphy data of children with eczema compared to controls.................100
4.5.3 Relationship between atopic disease and actigraphy data among children
with eczema..........................................................................................................100
4.5.4 Relationship between actigraphy and polysomnography data among children
with eczema controlling for frequency that asthma disturbs sleep in the last 12
months and the frequency that rhinitis controls sleep in the last 12 months........101
4.5.5 Relationship between the SCORAD, scratching, arousals and sleep stage in
children with eczema...........................................................................................102
4.6 Discussion................................................................................................................109
Chapter 5: Eczema, sleep and body temperature in children..........………………………....116
5.1 Body temperature regulation in humans..................................................................116
5.2 Circadian rhythms and body temperature in humans..............................................117
5.3 Sleep disorders associated with temperature dysfunction.......................................119
5.4 The impact of eczema on heat transference in the human body..............................121
5.5 Co-sleeping and thermoregulation in children with eczema...................................122
5.6 Research on the skin of eczema patients and its impact on thermoregulation........122
5.7 Rationale for studying skin temperature in children with eczema...........................124
5.8 Method.....................................................................................................................125
5.8.1 Subjects and Apparatus...............................................................................125
5.8.2 Temperature.................................................................................................125
5.9 Results......................................................................................................................126
5.9.1 ANOVA results of nocturnal temperature differences between children with
eczema and controls ............................................................................................126
5.8.2 Correlation between sleep and nocturnal mean temperature values...........126
5.10 Discussion..............................................................................................................136
Chapter 6: Sleep and daytime functioning in eczematous children: Polysomnography and
neurocognitive testing.............................................................................................................141
6.1 Sleep and Neurocognition........................................................................................141
6.2 Neurocognitive deficits, co-morbid disorders and sleep disturbance in eczematous
6.3 Rationale for examining the neurocognitive profile of children with eczema and
possible associations with their sleep quality................................................................143
6.4 Method.....................................................................................................................144
6.4.1 Neurocognitive assessment.........................................................................144
6.4.2 Attention assessment...................................................................................145
6.4.3 Reading age.................................................................................................146
6.4.4 Snoring........................................................................................................146
6.5 Results......................................................................................................................146
6.5.1 Group Comparisons between eczema children and controls on snoring, atopic
disorders and sleep variables...........................................................................................146
6.5.2 Comparison of neurocognition variables between eczema and control
6.5.3 Relationship between eczema, behaviour and neurocognition among
children with eczema...........................................................................................147
6.5.4 Correlations between eczema, behaviour and neurocognitive variables
among children controlling for snoring and co morbid atopic disease disturbing
6.5.5 Correlations between polysomnography variables and behavioural ratings of
eczematous children, controlling for the frequency of snoring and the frequency
that co morbid atopic disease disturbed sleep.....................................................148
6.5.6 Correlations between polysomnography and neurocognitive variables of
eczematous children, controlling for frequency of snoring and the frequency that
co morbid atopic disease disturbed sleep............................................................148
6.6 Discussion...............................................................................................................156
Chapter 7: Eczema, sleep and daytime behaviour in children................................................164
7.1 Eczematous children's sleep findings......................................................................164
7.2 Neurocognition, behaviour and sleep in eczematous children................................164
7.3 Co-morbid disorders of Asthma and Rhinitis.........................................................165
7.4 Case study of female eczema patient (aged 7yrs) pre and post treatment..............165
7.5 Method....................................................................................................................166
7.6 Results.....................................................................................................................166
7.7 Discussion................................................................................................................170
7.8 Future directions for study......................................................................................170
7.9 Conclusion..............................................................................................................171
List of Tables
Table 1.1: Eczema questionnaire studies reporting sleep information.……………….......….23
Table 1.2: Eczema treatment studies reporting sleep data.......................................................26
Table 1.3: Questionnaire studies which report the sleep of parents of children with
Table 1.4: Studies using actigraphy to measure sleep in children with eczema......................29
Table 1.5: Studies using polysomnography to measure sleep in children with eczema..........30
Table 2.1: Atopic questionnaire items used to estimate severity and impact on sleep............42
Table 2.2: Correlation matrix of eczema, asthma and rhinitis variables..................................51
Table 2.3: Mean (SD) demographic, quality-of-life, sleep and behaviour questionnaire scores
for children with eczema and controls together with F-test/Chi-square (χ) results.................52
Table 2.4: Correlation matrix: atopy variables versus demographic, quality-of-life, sleep and
behaviour questionnaire variables in children with eczema..................................................................53
Table 2.5: Correlation matrix of sleep and behavioural scales and their subscales in children
with eczema..............................................................................................................................54
Table 2.6: Results of Structural Equation Modelling (Maximum Likelihood Estimates) in the
relationship between Asthma, Eczema, & Rhinitis on Sleep Problems and Behaviour
Table 3.1: Mean (SD) demographic and sleep scores for children with eczema and controls
together with F-test/Chi-square results ...................................................................................78
Table3.2: Correlation matrix: Atopic Disease with Polysomnography variables of children
with eczema..............................................................................................................................79
Table 4.1: Mean (SD) demographic, atopic disease and actigraphy variables for children with
eczema compared to controls together with F-test/Chi-square results...................................103
Table 4.2: Correlation matrix: Atopic disease severity and their relationship with actigraphic
Table 4.3: Correlation matrix of actigraphy and polysomnography sleep variables of children
with eczema controlling for frequency that asthma disturbs sleep in the last 12 months and
frequency that rhinitis disturbs sleep in the last 12 months...................................................105
Table 4.4: Mean (SD) and F-test results of the nocturnal distribution of scratch-related
activity in children with eczema.............................................................................................106
Table 4.5: Correlation matrix of eczema severity, polysomnography scratching events in
children with eczema..............................................................................................................107
Table 4.6: Studies of actigraphy and scratch in children with eczema.................................112
Table 4.7: Studies of polysomnography and scratch in children and adults with eczema....113
Table 5.1: ANOVA results of nocturnal temperature differences between children with
eczema and controls...............................................................................................................127
Table 5.2: Correlation between sleep and nocturnal mean temperature values.....................127
Table 6.1: Mean (SD) of frequency of snoring, atopic disease and sleep scores for children
with eczema and controls together with F-test/Chi-square results.........................................149
Table 6.2: Correlation matrix: Eczema, Behaviour, IQ, Attention and Reading Age variables
of children with eczema co-varied for frequency of snoring, frequency that asthma disturbed
sleep in the last 12 months and frequency that rhinitis disturbed sleep in the last 12
Table 6.3: Correlation matrix of the sleep and behavioural variables of children with eczema
co-varied for frequency of snoring, frequency that asthma disturbs sleep in the last 12 months
and frequency that rhinitis disturbs sleep in the last 12 months.............................................151
Table 6.4: Correlation matrix of the sleep and neurocognitive variables of children with
eczema co-varied for frequency of snoring, frequency that asthma disturbed sleep in the last
12 months and frequency that rhinitis disturbed sleep in the last 12 months. Attention Total
Score and Reading ability are also controlled for age............................................................155
Table 7.1: Pre and post treatment data of BMI, snoring, atopic disease severity, sleep
questionnaire, actigraphy and polysomnography variables of a 7 year old female with
Table 7.2: Pre and post treatment data of behavioural and neurocognitive variables of a 7 year
old female with eczema..........................................................................................................169
List of Figures
Figure 2.1: SEM Model for Hypothesised Relationships Between Conditions Sleep and
Figure 2.2: Partial Mediation of Cognition by Asthma, Eczema and Rhinitis Effect on
Figure 2.3: Partial Mediation of Hyperactivity by Asthma, Eczema and Rhinitis Effect on
Figure 2.4: Partial Mediation of ADHD by Asthma, Eczema and Rhinitis Effect on
Figure 2.5: Partial Mediation of Oppositional (Behaviour) by Asthma, Eczema and Rhinitis
Effect on Sleep.........................................................................................................................60
Figure 3.1: Minutes of Stage 1 sleep per 30 minute epoch......................................................80
Figure 3.2: Minutes of Stage 2 sleep per 30 minute epoch......................................................80
Figure 3.3: Minutes of Stage 3 sleep per 30 minute epoch......................................................81
Figure 3.4: Minutes of Stage 4 sleep per 30 minute epoch......................................................81
Figure 3.5: Minutes of REM sleep per 30 minute epoch.........................................................82
Figure 3.6: Minutes of Wake After Sleep Onset per 30 minute epoch....................................82
Figure 3.7: Scatterplot of VAS scores of itch severity and Desaturation Nadir in Total Sleep
Time in children with eczema..................................................................................................83
Figure 3.8: Scatterplot of VAS scores of itch severity and REM % in children with
Figure 3.9: Screenshot of sub cortical respiratory event recorded during polysomnography..84
Figure 4.1: Nocturnal frequency per hour of scratching when awake and scratching when
asleep in children with eczema...............................................................................................106
Figure 4.2: Screenshot of scratch event recorded during polysomnography (Brown and
Kalucy, 1979).........................................................................................................................108
Figure 4.3: Screenshot of scratch event recorded during polysomnography (Aoki et al.,
Figure 5a: Core body temperature of older adults (black) and children (white) over a 24 hour
Figure 5.1: Right versus left finger temperature control children..........................................128
Figure 5.2: Right versus left clavicle temperature control children.......................................128
Figure 5.3: Right versus left finger temperature children with eczema.................................129
Figure 5.4: Right versus left clavicle temperature children with eczema..............................129
Figure 5.5: Control versus children with eczema right index temperature............................130
Figure 5.6: Control versus children with eczema right clavicle temperature.........................130
Figure 5.7: Control versus children with eczema left index temperature..............................131
Figure 5.8: Control versus children with eczema left clavicle temperature...........................131
Figure 5.9: Control versus children with eczema right index finger minus right clavicle
temperature difference............................................................................................................132
Figure 5.10: Control versus children with eczema left index finger minus left clavicle
temperature difference............................................................................................................132
Figure 5.11: Right versus left distal-proximal gradient (finger minus clavicle) for control
Figure 5.12: Right versus left distal-proximal gradient (finger minus clavicle) for children
with eczema............................................................................................................................133
Figure 5.14: Average index finger (left versus right) temperature for children with eczema
and control children................................................................................................................134
Figure 5.15: Average clavicle (left versus right) temperature for children with eczema and
control children......................................................................................................................134
Figure 5.16: Average (left versus right) distal-proximal gradient (finger minus clavicle) for
children with eczema and control children.............................................................................135
Figure 6.1: Scatterplot of Hyperactivity and Sleep Onset Latency (minutes) in children with
Figure 6.2: Scatterplot of ADHD Index and Sleep Onset Latency (minutes) in children with
Figure 6.3: Scatterplot of Oppositional behaviour and Sleep Onset Latency (minutes) in
children with eczema..............................................................................................................154
Eczema affects up to 20% of children in western industrialised countries. Chronic childhood
eczema has significant morbidity characterised by physical discomfort, emotional distress,
reduced child and family quality-of-life and, of particular note, disturbed sleep. Sleep
disturbance, characterised by frequent and prolonged arousals, affects up to 60% of children
with eczema, increasing to 83% during exacerbation. Even in clinical remission, children with
eczema demonstrate more sleep disturbance than healthy children. Disturbed sleep in
otherwise healthy children is associated with behavioural and neurocognitive deficits.
Preliminary evidence suggests that disturbed sleep in children with eczema is also associated
with behavioural deficits while the impact on neuropsychological functioning remains
Two major studies were undertaken to examine the sleep of children with eczema and
possible secondary deficits due to poor sleep. Parents of children (6-16y) with eczema (n =
77) and healthy controls (n = 30) completed a validated omnibus questionnaire which
included items which assessed sleep, behaviour, general health, quality-of-life and additional
items assessing eczema, asthma, rhinitis and demographics. Structural Equation Analyses
revealed that the effect of eczema on the behavioural variables of Hyperactivity, ADHD Index
and Oppositional behaviours were mediated through sleep with no direct effect of eczema on
behaviour. A similar relationship between sleep and behaviour was observed for the co
morbid atopic disorders of rhinitis and asthma.
In the second study, children (aged 6-16y) with eczema (n = 24) and controls (n = 19) were
assessed through polysomnography to provide data on their sleep quality. Eczema severity
was evaluated using SCORAD ratings scales and eczematous children provided a urine
sample for analysis for Leukotriene E4, a biological marker of atopic inflammation.
Scratching was assessed using infra-red camera. Distal and Proximal body temperature was
measured to ascertain potential deficits in homeostatic processes and actigraphy was
employed to record nocturnal activity. To evaluate neurocognitive ability all children
underwent IQ testing with eczematous children undergoing additional children attention and
reading age measurements.
Polysomnographic data on children with eczema showed that they had a longer REM onset
latency, higher percentage stage 3 & 4 sleep, longer Wake After Sleep Onset and a lower Sub
Cortical Arousal Index than controls. Higher Leukotriene E4 levels was strongly associated
with longer Wake after Sleep Onset. In addition, Wake after Sleep Onset also exhibited a
trend toward higher itch and sleep loss ratings of the SCORAD. Increased Leukotriene E4
levels also demonstrated associated trends in lower Sleep Efficiency, longer REM Onset
Latency, a lower percentage of REM and fewer Stage Shifts. Using infra-red video contiguous
with polysomnography, scratching was found to occur during sleep in all sleep stages. The
SCORAD variable of Erythema, which is the redness or inflammation of the skin that is the
result of dilation of superficial capillaries was found to be strongly associated with nocturnal
Actigraphic data demonstrated that children with severe eczema had more nocturnal activity
and for longer periods of time than either mild to moderate eczema patients or controls.
Actigraphy variables were also associated with the frequency that asthma and rhinitis
disturbed sleep as well as eczema severity and Leukotriene E4 levels in children with eczema.
The actigraphic variables of Sleep Efficiency and Awakenings were moderately associated
with the polysomnographic variables of Total Sleep Time, Sleep Efficiency and Sleep Onset
Sleep Onset temperatures were similar between eczema and control groups, however the skin
temperature profile of children with eczema differed markedly from control subjects
thereafter. Distal skin temperature in eczematous children was found to be significantly lower
than controls for approximately a third of the night. Overnight trends in eczema subject's
Distal temperature indicated that the heat loss usually associated with nocturnal sleep was
markedly greater than controls.
Eczema children scored significantly lower on Full Scale IQ, Verbal Comprehension and
Perceptual Reasoning scores than controls. On the WISC-IV subtests, scores of similarities,
comprehension, picture concepts and letter-number sequencing were also significantly lower
in children with eczema than controls. After controlling for the impact of snoring, asthma and
rhinitis disturbing sleep, our findings suggest that lower neurocognitive performance in
children with eczema is related to their sleep quality.
In conclusion, eczema was found to affect the sleep of children with longer periods of awake
during the night and with more nocturnal movement than controls. The sleep architecture of
children with eczema was also found to be associated with behavioural and neurocognitive
deficits. Nocturnal scratching was found to occur during sleep and further, produce arousal
from sleep, however the lack of associations between itch and sleep variables indicate that
itch is also not a primary cause of sleep disturbance in children with eczema. The role of skin
temperature in nocturnal thermoregulation appears to be disturbed in this patient group with
eczema children showing evidence of a greater and more rapid heat loss than controls. It is
also suggested that these rapid changes in temperature are associated with sleep disturbance.
While the findings of a case study indicating that treatment improving sleep quality is also
associated with neurocognitive and behavioural improvements, further study is required to
determine the mechanism associating sleep fragmentation with daytime functioning.
Name: Danny Camfferman
Program: PhD in Medicine
This work contains no material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree or
diploma in any university or other tertiary institution and, to the best of my knowledge and
belief, contains no material previously published or written by another person, except where
due reference is made in the text.
I give consent to this copy of my thesis, when deposited in the University Library, being made
available for loan and photocopying, subject to the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968.
I also give permission for the digital version of my thesis to be made available on the web, via
the University's digital research repository, the Library catalogue, the Australasian Digital
Theses Program (ADTP and also through web search engines, unless permission has been
granted by the University to restrict access for a period of time.
Publications in support of thesis
Camfferman D, Kennedy JD, Gold M, Martin AJ, Lushington K. (2010) Eczema and sleep
and its relationship to daytime functioning in children. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 14 (6), 359369.
Camfferman D, Kennedy D, Gold M, Winwood P, Martin AJ, Lushington K. (2010), Eczema
and sleep and behaviour in children. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 6 (6), 581-588.
First, I would like to thank all the parents and children who participated in the study for their
time, interest and compliance, as without their support, this work could not have been
To Yvonne Pamula and staff of the Sleep Disorders Unit at the Women’s and Children’s
Hospital for their help and accommodating me in the use of their facilities.
To Fiona Futo and Margaret Heddle working as research assistants in the Sleep Disorder Unit,
for their assistance with recruitment of subjects for this project.
To Kathy Carmen from the Immunology Department for her help in the collection and
analyses of the Leukotriene E4 samples.
To fellow PhD. students Mark Kohler, Andrew Valkulin and Scott Coussens for their help and
advice throughout the study.
The final acknowledgement is to my supervisors Assoc. Prof. Kurt Lushington, Dr. Declan
Kennedy and Dr. Mike Gold for teaching me research skills that I will endeavour to expand
upon in the future.
List of Abbreviations
Acetylcholine (Ach)
Arteriovenous-anastomoses (AVAs)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF)
Childhood Atopic Dermatitis Impact Scale (CADIS)
Child Health Questionnaire-Parent Form (CHQ-PF-28)
Children’s Dermatology Life Quality Index (CDLQI)
Circulatory Temperature Index (CTI)
Dermatitis Family Impact questionnaire (DFI)
Eczema Area Severity Index (EASI)
Immunoglobulin E (IgE)
Infants’ Dermatology Quality of Life Index (IDQoLI)
International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISSAC)
Leukotriene E4 (LTE4)
Macrophage-Derived Chemokine (MDC)
Nottingham Eczema Severity Score (NESS)
Polysomnography (PSG)
Rapid Eye Movement (REM)
SCORing Atopic Dermatitis (SCORAD)
Socio-Economic Indexes For Areas (SEIFA)
Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB)
Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children (SDSC)
Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SNC)
T-cell attracting cytokine (CTACK)
Temperature environment (Te)
Temperature rectal (Tr)
Temperature skin (Ts)
The German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents
Thymus and Activation Regulated Chemokine (TARC)
Visual Analogue Scale (VAS)
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV)