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Exposició La llum de les imatges. Camins d'Art: Alcoi 2011. Catàleg. València, Generalitat, 2011, pàg. 428-429, fitxa 132.
Programa del Corpus Christi de La Laguna, 2001
espanolEl texto analiza el cambio de familia monastica que emprendio en la primera decada del siglo XVI la comunidad de Sant Antoni i Santa Clara de Barcelona -de clarisas a benedictinassituandolo en un proceso cronologico mas amplio de reformas monasticas emprendidas por el Papado o por la propia orden, y en lasparticularidades de la historia de esta comunidad de “damianitas” fundada en la ciudad de Barcelona en la decada del 1230 y su integracion en la naciente orden Santa Clara. El papel ejercido por la monarquia hispana en el punto algido de este proceso, con la reforma de Cisneros, lo situa tambien en otro orden querefuerza la construccion y consolidacion del estado moderno. Aspectos como la clausura, el habito monastico o la cura monialium nos permiten finalmente integrar los episodios vividos por esta comunidad de mujeres en un contextomas amplio de la politica sexual, o de las relaciones entre los sexos, del momento. El analisis incorpora la documentacion inedita del fondo d...
En el present article es posa al descobert la riquesa com a font històrica de primer ordre dels inventaris de sagristia del monestir de Sant Antoni i Santa Clara de Barcelona, primera comunitat de l’orde de Santa Clara en terres catalanes. L’estudi ens acosta a les particularitats d’aquesta sèrie documental en el seu fons arxivístic, la seva autoria (el càrrec de sagristana), així com a les principals tipologies de béns inventariats i descrits (parament i vestimenta litúrgica, orfebreria, obres d’art, llibres...). El conjunt permet donar una imatge rica de la cultura monàstica femenina, en l’acompanyament de la litúrgia, en la imatgeria sagrada, en la cultura escrita. Entre els resultats, sobresurt, la concepció funcional, curosa i detallada que la comunitat de germanes féu de cada peça, a l’hora de marcar el temps i el calendari litúrgic, com també a l’hora de gestionar i viure el dins/fora, la relació amb l’exterior.
Annals del Patronat d’Estudis Històrics d’Olot i Comarca, 2017
The present study deals with the friendship and projects between painter Joan Carles Panyó, and sculptors Ramon Amadeu and Josep Barnoya, at the turn of the nineteenth century: the confluence of Barnoya and Panyó in some great projects of ephemeral architectures carried out in the diocese of Girona and, especially, in the decoration of the chapel of the Holy Christ and the Blessed Sacrament in the parochial church of Sant Esteve, Olot. The paper provides a wide range of information about the chapel that helps to clarify its pictorial and sculptural decoration. Catalonia, art, sculpture, painting, 18th century, baroque classicism, neoclassicisme.
Faventia, 2007
Former bibliography about the homeric god Apollo Smintheus has neglected so far the myth of Crinis the priest and Ordes the shepherd, which is narrated in a synthetic historia fabularis in the D-Scholium to Iliad A 39. The purpose of this paper is to offer an analysis of this myth in comparison to those of Demeter and hitite Telipinu, in order to provide new arguments to the question. As a result of my studies aboud the issue I can declare on a solid basis that the homeric Apollo Smintheus is built upon an interpretatio Graeca of a local cult that bears important anatolic features.
Butlletí. Centre d'Estudis d'Alcover (Alcover) , 1996
En el siglo XVII se realizaron algunas reformas en el retablo mayor gótico de la iglesia de La Sang en Alcover (Alt Camp), transformándolo en un camarín para la imagen procesional de Cristo tallada por Agustí Pujol II y añadiendo pinturas al óleo obra de Acaci Hortoneda
Locus Amoenus, 18, 2020
In this article we will study, through various Catalan works, some variants of the iconographic motif of the Madonna of the Writing Christ Child. We will review how this motif, remarkably polysemic and which is so successful in the artistic style known as “Gothic International”, is illustrated in three examples: a miniature from the Levador del plat de pobres vergonyants, a lost codex from the church of Santa Maria del Mar in Barcelona; on the panel with the Virgin with the Child, the cardinal virtues and other figures, probably the topmost central section of the Altarpiece of Saint George of the Generalitat, by Bernat Martorell; and in the main compartment of the Altarpiece of the Virgin and Sant Vicenç Ferrer by Pere Garcia de Benavarri. The eschatological ingredients and other aspects, provided by the contexts in which these representations are inserted, legitimize, as we shall see, the interpretation of these “children” who write, read or speak as an option for the medieval representation of Christ the Judge, in this case, however, em- ploying a formula that renounces the most majestic and bloodiest accents of the Judgment to adopt a kind and even tender form, which also favors communication with the donor, individually or collectively. The Catalan examples studied here also allow us to establish significant compositional links with outstanding European works and thus to approach the circulation of motifs and models between approximately 1390 and 1460.
Global Regional Review
Aportaciones al conocimiento actual desde la Enseñanza Superior. Ed. Octaedro., 2024
Art-e Sanat Dergisi, 2017
Pragmatics, 2010
III Convegno della medievistica italiana (Udine, 10-13 giugno), 2024
Fangzhi Gaoxiao Jichukexue Xuebao, 2024
Anotaciones sobre la Maternidad Subrogada en el Perú, 2019
Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice, 2024
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2019
Gazi Medical Journal, 2006
BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care, 2021