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2004, … Encyclopedia of Translation Studies, London and New …
12 pages
1 file
Vivat Academia, 2003
electrónico y literato. Destacan sus estudios sobre aplicaciones eléctricas y motricidad sobre los que ha publicado varios artículos científicos.
[...] Na análise do pensamento brasileiro, coube a Miguel Reale formular um método de extremo valor heurístico, aperfeiçoado ao longo de mais de duas décadas, desde A Doutrina de Kant no Brasil (1949). Consiste o procedimento em deixar de lado tôda arrogância que nos leve a considerar privilegiada nossa própria situação para tentar compreender que problema tinha pela frente determinado pensador.[...]
Přehled výzkumů, 2023
[Reup] This is my essay on an interesting topic – Music. You can find the sample elsewhere online, yet I was not satisfied with that answer, so here we are. The original essay contains no mistake when it comes to the 4 criteria (i.e. Task Achievement, Coherence & Cohesion, Lexical Resource, Grammatical Range & Accuracy), so it was graded 8.0+ by an IELTS examiner. He made some minor improvements to strengthen the arguments in order that the essay can reach 9.0 Bandscore. The examiner is working in HCMC right now and he wishes to remain anonymous owing to the confidentiality agreement he signed with British Council. Feel free to read, analyse and distribute the material.
La Cosmética actual se ha ido distanciando de la ecología al reemplazar muchas materias primas naturales por otras sintéticas, volver a lo natural y mejorar nuestro aspecto puede estar al alcance de nosotros La ciencia cosmética ha ido avanzando año tras año sofisticando sus materias primas y envases, pero sin apartarse de su esencia que es el embellecimiento de la piel y sus anexos. Las Farmacias, Perfumerías y Supermercados se fueron transformando en cajas mágicas donde se encuentra un producto por cada tipo de piel por cada característica del cabello, uñas, pestañas y los más diversos aromas. Pero la gran mayoría de ellos poseen materias primas producidas por síntesis química o importadas que encarecen notablemente el artículo y no hablar de lo que se paga por las marcas.
Tonality – or the feeling of key in music – achieved crisp theoretical definition in the early 20th century, even as the musical avant-garde pronounced it obsolete. The notion of a general collapse or loss of tonality, ca. 1910, remains influential within music historiography, and yet the textbook narrative sits uneasily with a continued flourishing of tonal music throughout the past century. Tonality, from an early 21st-century perspective, never did fade from cultural attention; but it remains a prismatic formation, defined as much by ideological-cultural valences as by its role in technical understandings of musical practice. Tonality 1900–1950: Concept and Practice brings together new essays by 15 leading American and European scholars.
Metalla, 2017
During excavation of a tomb at Bat, Oman, an unusual gold bead entirely composed of 96 granules was discovered. The bead comes from an unstratified context in the bottom of the fill of the tomb, which means that it could date anywhere during the use-life of the tomb between the 3rd and 1st Millennium BC. The technical problems surrounding the manufacture of this bead are discussed and an experimental approach is used to explore a possible method of fabrication. The results of the experiments show that a combination of autogenous welding and brazing with copper salts to construct and join the individual units of the bead was successful to produce a visual replica of the bead. The method of bead construction based on the serial production of units and sub-units also has implications on the practice and organization of goldsmithing during this era.
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