Ideas for a European legal framework for Research & Development in Biomedicine

THE HEALTH OF THE UNION Ideas for a European legal framework for Research & Development in Biomedicine INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP Pisa, Sala Rossa del Palazzo della Sapienza Friday, 6 October 2023, 9:15—17:00 Remote connection available upon registration. Please send an email to: [email protected] European Health Law ELaTe & Technology Scientific Committee: Nicolò Amore (nicolò[email protected]), Chiara Angiolini ([email protected]), Valentina Calderai ([email protected]), Carmelo De Maria ([email protected]), Francesca Episcopo ([email protected]), Tamara Favaro ([email protected]), Giulia Puleio ([email protected]). 9:15 Introductory Remarks European Health Law and Technology Three Years On, and the Way Forward Prof. Valentina Calderai and Prof. Carmelo De Maria - University of Pisa Medical Malpractice, Civil Liability and Artificial Intelligence under the Italian Law Prof. Mirko Faccioli, University of Verona Economic Analysis of Law, Private Liability Rules, and Medical Image Analysis Alfio Guido Grasso, Assistant Professor, University of Catania Redesigning Accountability Rules for Medical Devices: Toward a More Efficient EU Legal Framework for Patients and Innovators Prof. Erica Palmerini and Dr. Viola Cappelli, Sant’Anna School for Advanced Studies A Private Law Contribution for the Governance of Medical Knowledge Commons Enrique Santamaría Echeverría, Postdoctoral Researcher, Erasmus University Rotterdam The Need for a Definition of Health-related Data in Scientific Research Maria Elena Lippi, Ph.D. Researcher, University of Pisa 13:00-14:30 Lunch Break Introducing EU priority review vouchers to stimulate neglected diseases R&D Agustín Martín Lasanta, Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevoelkerung (DSW) Secondary use of health data and its regulation. An impact assessment of the proposed European Health Data Space on scientific research Daniel Foà, Research Fellow, Bocconi University Consequences of the New European Strategy for Data on Disease-Oriented Biobanks Noemi Conditi, Ph.D. Researcher, University of Bologna The ‘progressive consent’ model in research biobanks and health databases: a view from Italy Diletta Corti, Ph.D. Researcher, University of Pisa