hprints-00599034, version 1 - 8 Jun 2011
Information behaviour
and practices of PhD students
Thea M. Drachen and Asger V. Larsen, Research Support Service,
Copenhagen University Library and Information Services
Eystein Gullbekk and Hilde Westbye, University of Oslo Library
Karin Lach, Vienna University Library
1. June 2011
Information behaviour and practices of PhD students
1. June 2011
1. Executive Summary
This report addresses the information behaviour and practices of PhD students and its implications for
library services. Academic libraries and their services are part of the information network of PhD students.
Therefore libraries should pay special attention to the needs and practices of this important academic
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The University Librarian at Copenhagen University Library and Information Service (CULIS) commissioned
this study. It was conducted by representatives from CULIS, University of Oslo Library and from Vienna
University Library. The study consisted of a survey and interviews targeting the PhD students at the three
involved universities.
The most important findings
Services are requested which are already in existence but are not communicated effectively enough to
the target audience.
Journal articles were identified as the most important information source.
Convenience of access is key, material not easily available is often disregarded. This is probably due
to time pressure.
Google is widely used during all stages but especially in the beginning of the search process.
Online library services are very much in use, physical buildings very much less so.
Reference management software is not as widely used as could be expected.
A great variety of methods are in use for searching and keeping informed, this is something that
develops significantly during the PhD.
Information research habits are often established long before the PhD studies. They further develop
during the PhD process but mostly without library support.
Supervision and courses are requested from the library but need to be efficient, effective, and
The most important recommendations
Take drastic steps to improve marketing and branding.
Offer ad hoc specialised rather than general support.
Offer short, specialised and to the point courses at the beginning of the PhD
Libraries should teach PhD students the most efficient methods for searching early in their studies.
Expand the number of electronic resources and offer online support and online courses to
accomodate needs of PhD students working and/or not giving time to attend courses in person.
Library catalogue and search tools should be made as intuitive to use as possible.
The library should maintain and update knowledge about local research workflows to facilitate
knowledge based library development aimed at the local research communities.
The libraries should offer dedicated PhD workspace, which is a particular desideratum by Vienna and
Oslo PhD students.
We found differences in the PhD workflow which might be disciplinary, local, or individual. These need to be
taken into account when developing, improving, or marketing library services for this target group and
researchers in general. Failure to do so will lead to services being overlooked, disregarded, or considered
Information behaviour and practices of PhD students
1. June 2011
2. Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Table of Contents........................................................................................................................................ 3
3. Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................................... 5
4. Introduction.................................................................................................................................................. 6
5. A look at the international literature ..................................................................................................... 8
5.1. Scope and purpose ................................................................................................................................. 8
5.2. Information behaviour .......................................................................................................................... 8
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5.3. Overview over the studies focusing on academic information behaviour or a new generation
of researchers consulted for this project .................................................................................................... 9
5.3.1. Macrostudies .................................................................................................................................... 9
5.3.2. Microstudies ...................................................................................................................................10
5.3.3. PhD students' information behaviour: findings from the international literature...............10
5.4. Recent relevant studies ........................................................................................................................15
5.5. Summary ................................................................................................................................................16
6. Results summarized .................................................................................................................................17
6.1. Finding, evaluating, and choosing literature and information .......................................................17
6.2. Tools for searching ..............................................................................................................................19
6.3. Methods for searching and keeping informed .................................................................................19
6.4. Getting hold of items not locally available .......................................................................................20
6.5. Reference management .......................................................................................................................20
6.6. Skills and development as scholars ....................................................................................................21
6.7. Feelings and challenges........................................................................................................................21
6.8. Library and other support ...................................................................................................................22
6.9. Use of library facilities .........................................................................................................................23
6.10. Requests for support and suggestions for improvement .............................................................23
6.11. Individual and subject differences and similarities ........................................................................25
6.12. University specifics.............................................................................................................................26
6.13. Summary ..............................................................................................................................................27
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7. Recommendations ....................................................................................................................................28
7.1. Library resources ..................................................................................................................................28
7.2. Information and services .....................................................................................................................28
7.3. Information search workflow .............................................................................................................28
7.4. Access to information ..........................................................................................................................29
7.5. Search tools ...........................................................................................................................................29
7.6. Reference management tools..............................................................................................................30
7.7. Courses...................................................................................................................................................30
7.8. Facilities .................................................................................................................................................31
7.9. Marketing, branding, and PR ..............................................................................................................31
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7.10. Further knowledge based library development..............................................................................32
8. References ...................................................................................................................................................33
Appendices in a separate document
Information behaviour and practices of PhD students
1. June 2011
3. Acknowledgements
We wish to thank Professor Niels Ole Pors from The Royal School of Library and Information
Science Copenhagen and Lukas Mitterauer from the Department of Quality Assurance (University
of Vienna) for assistance with editing the survey questions before sendout.
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Also thanks to Julia Lajta-Novak at the Department of English (University of Vienna) and Michaela
Zemanek at Vienna University Library for their suggestions concerning the survey questions, thanks
to Gerda McNeill at Vienna University Library for help with developing the survey questions and
help with the interviews, special thanks to Barbara Retschnig at Vienna University Library for help
with the interviews and to Tom Juul Andersen at the Department of Digital Infrastructure and
Service, The Royal Library for artwork.
Finally we would like to thank those many PhD students who thought it worth their while to share
their insights and experience with us.
Information behaviour and practices of PhD students
1. June 2011
4. Introduction
hprints-00599034, version 1 - 8 Jun 2011
This report addresses the information behaviour and practices of PhD students and its implications
for library services. The report summarizes the results of a study commissioned by the University
Librarian at Copenhagen University Library and Information Service (CULIS) which was conducted
by representatives from CULIS, University of Oslo Library and from Vienna University Library. The
aim of the study was to gain information that would help the libraries to improve and develop their
services for researchers.
University libraries are increasingly involved with different aspects of scholarly communication and
the research work flow. Besides traditional services - like delivering literature and scholarly
information or teaching search skills - libraries need to meet new demands from their universities'
research communities and PhD students: Storing, securing and sharing research data, connecting
researchers, tailored teaching and providing support for PhDs who wish to publish research are
among the new or emerging tasks of libraries.
Since the libraries involved in the study aim at improving and developing their services for
researchers it was considered crucial to find out more about this target group, in particular about the
way they seek, find, gain access to and make use of different kinds of information. The working
assumption was that PhD students‟ information seeking behaviour can act as an indicator for the
development of scholarly communication and research practices. By conducting this study at three
different European universities the libraries hoped to gain comparative information and a better
understanding of how beginning researchers in different disciplines seek scholarly information and
use their library's support in doing so.
The study itself began with a look at a selection of the growing body of international literature on
PhD students' information behaviour. Themes for further investigation were identified: What do
different groups of candidates see as the most relevant types and formats of scholarly information?
How do they validate the literature they choose to apply to their research? Which finding tools are in
use? What are the challenges they experience? What kind of support do they receive, and from
whom? Are there any subject differences and similarities? What is the role of libraries?
Based on the themes identified with the help of the literature the research group designed a survey
questionnaire, and later an interview guide for a second, qualitative part of the study. The survey was
sent out to all PhD students at the universities of Vienna, Copenhagen and Oslo. The survey was
followed up by qualitative interviews with PhD students from different disciplines at the three
universities, which completed our understanding of how doctoral researchers seek, find, gain access
to and make use of different kinds of information.
This report has been written as a contribution to the knowledge-based development of library
services at the involved libraries. It should not be read as a scientific paper since no statistical
analyses have been conducted on the survey results. Even so, the authors believe valuable
information has been obtained as to what our three university libraries can do to help the
information search, retrieval and management fit better into the workflow of the researcher.
The report consists of three parts. Part One (section 5) is a review of our reading of the selected
contributions from the international body of research literature. Part Two (section 6) is a summary
Information behaviour and practices of PhD students
1. June 2011
of the findings from the survey and the qualitative interviews. Part Three (section 7) consists of
recommendations for the future development of services at the libraries involved. The eager reader
may consult the more detailed presentations of the data in the appendices.
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The authors hope that readers will find the report both informative and enjoyable.
Information behaviour and practices of PhD students
1. June 2011
5. A look at the international literature
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5.1. Scope and purpose
In order to base the project survey and interviews on existing research, we decided to consult
relevant publications on academic information behaviour. Since a comprehensive literature review
was not possible within the constraints of the project, it was decided to take a more limited
approach. First a general definition of information behaviour relevant to the purpose of the study
was established. Then a number of exhaustive studies commissioned by RIN, CURL and OCLC
were reviewed as well as a small sample of studies very specifically pertinent to our research purpose,
namely studies focusing mainly on doctoral students or studies concentrating on the information
behaviour in specific subject fields. Since the focus of the project has been on current trends in
academic information behaviour, only recent literature was chosen for the review. The international
nature of our project has meant that only English language literature has been taken into account.
Furthermore, the decision was taken not to summarize all aspects of the literature but to analyse the
literature with a view to establishing themes that would help us formulate meaningful survey and
interview questions. Whenever possible, questionnaire or interview questions were extracted as well
as research themes. This procedure resulted in a number of individual excerpts, extracts and
summaries that supported us in the phases of survey and interview development. For the purpose of
our final report, it was later decided to further summarize our main findings from the literature
review and to add some information from some recent RIN reports as background information.
5.2. Information behaviour
In the 1980s the focus of research on information began to move from information systems to
information users and their information behaviour. (See for instance Wilson 1997) Information
behaviour was defined by Davenport (1997) as 'how people approach and handle information' (as
cited in Meyer, 2009). Since then the concept has been continuously evolving as different
perspectives have been introduced to the debate on how to define information behaviour. In the
discussions of the concept there has been a strong focus on the cognitive and the affective
components of information behaviour. Kuhlthau (2004), for instance, describes cognitive, affective,
and action oriented aspects of the information search process. Later, partly as a critical response to
Kuhlthau, context was recognized as an important factor in information behaviour. (See for instance
Hyldegård (2009) and Meyer (2009).) Meyer (2009), referring to Hepworth (2007) and Olsson
(1999), pointed out that context involves issues of power and social hierarchies and that it becomes
internalized in what an individual knows and expects and also becomes an integral part of his or her
norms. There are also external factors such as technology or the organisation to which the individual
belongs and its social practices. These internal factors and external factors in turn influence the
individual's information behaviour.
It should be mentioned that some researchers prefer the term "information practices" to the
term "information behaviour". For a discussion of this issue, see Savolainen (2007). For the
purposes of this project, we have kept the term "information behaviour", albeit without any strict
commitment to a purely cognitive standpoint. Rather, we have chosen to include a social8
Information behaviour and practices of PhD students
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constructionist perspective on how researchers search for, find and manage information and to keep
the more commonly used term.
5.3. Overview over the studies focusing on academic information
behaviour or a new generation of researchers consulted for this
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A number of studies have addressed the cognitive, affective, action-oriented and contextual aspects
of information behaviour in an academic context. A number of these have included or indeed
focused on the information behaviour and needs of PhD students.
5.3.1. Macrostudies
Approximately five years ago, a number of institutions presented findings of broad studies across
The College students’ perceptions of libraries and information resources report (De Rosa, Cantrell,
Hawk, & Wilson, 2006) is a companion report to a 2005 report of on perceptions of libraries and
information resources based on a survey of a wide selection of information users in North America,
Australia, India, UK and Singapore. The 2006 report concentrated on the attitudes and beliefs
relating to libraries and information resources of the 396 college students who participated in the
original survey. They were from all six countries, undergraduate or graduate students, their ages
ranging from 15 to 57. Younger (14-17 year old) respondents from the USA were included as
potential future college students to provide an additional perspective for the future. The survey was
across all subjects and yielded information on the themes of college students' library use, their
knowledge and utilization of electronic library resources, their use of the internet and search engines,
their attitudes towards the price of information and the brand identity of libraries.
The aim of the RIN Researchers and discovery services study (RIN, 2006) was to assess the use
and perceptions of the means that researchers use to discover and locate the information resources
relevant to their work. The authors based their findings on telephone interviews with 395
researchers across all disciplines (of which 29 were postdoctoral researchers), and 55 librarians and
information officers in various UK universities. These interviews were complemented by in-depths
interviews and focus groups with post-doctoral researchers. One aim of the study was to establish
whether members of a new researcher generation show different information behaviour compared
to their older peers.
The Researchers' use of academic libraries and their services study (Brown & Swan, 2007) was carried
out on behalf of two British institutions, the Research Information Network (RIN) and the
Consortium of Research Libraries (CURL) in order to arrive at a better understanding of the
possible future of library services for academic research. The study focused on researchers' attitudes
and beliefs concerning the support they receive from academic libraries in the United Kingdom and
on the implications of these findings for the future of library services. The report was based on
quantitative surveys of 2250 researchers and 300 librarians in the United Kingdom, which were
followed up by focus group discussions and interviews. Emerging from this research, issues relating
to perceived problem areas such as funding, to the role of the library as a physical entity, to
researchers' use of print and digital materials, to researcher behaviour, to suggestions for library
services and to the issue of the accessibility of material were discussed in the report.
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Information behaviour and practices of PhD students
1. June 2011
5.3.2. Microstudies
A number of studies were consulted for this project that focused more specifically on PhD or
graduate students or on specific academic subjects:
George, C., et al. (2006) studied the graduate student information seeking behaviour at an
American university in order to draw conclusions as to how academic libraries can improve their
support of this group of researchers. Taking definitions of information behaviour by Wilson and
Kuhlthau and Dervin's theory of sense-making as their starting point, the authors looked at
affective, cognitive and physical aspects of the graduate students' experience. The study combined
qualitative and quantitative methods. The authors carried out in-depth, semi-structured interviews
with 100 graduate students from Carnegie Mellon University, who represented the full range of
subjects of their university. The authors explored four aspects of information behaviour, namely the
students' methods for looking for and finding information, the information resources they use, the
role of people for their information research and other factors.
Green and Macauley's (2007) study compared how PhD students deal with information
research within the two quite different postgraduate education systems of American and Australian
universities. The authors discussed earlier research findings and conducted semi-structured, in-depth
telephone interviews with 2 American and 2 Australian doctoral students as well as with 2 librarians.
In their research, Green and Macauley (2007) explored how students collect information and what
they learn during the literature review phase of their PhD. The authors argued that libraries should
respect PhD students as self-directed and independent learners when it comes to information
literacy training.
Vezzosi (2008) conducted qualitative interviews with 18 PhD students in the field of biology
at an Italian university. Her purpose was to gain a better understanding of the PhD students‟ needs,
which, she argued, would lead to improved library services. The students belonged to different subfields of biology, i.e. environmental, molecular biology, and biotechnology and were years 1, 2, and 3
of their Ph.D.
Jamali and Nicholas (2008) carried out a survey among PhD students and staff of the
Department of Physics and Astronomy at University College London in order to find out more
about their information seeking behaviour. The study focused on two specific aspects of scientific
information behaviour, how scientists kept up-to-date and how they identified articles for their
research. It was established that there are differences in the information behaviour of different
subject groups within one discipline.
In their study Fleming-May and Yuro (2009) analysed data provided through qualitative
focus-group interviews with 24 social sciences doctoral students at an American university and a
web-based survey among librarians from a variety of American universities. The authors' research
goal was to show how PhD students conduct information research and what their information
needs are in order to enable librarians to provide specialised support for PhD students.
5.3.3. PhD students' information behaviour: findings from the international literature
From the international literature, the following themes emerged as particularly relevant:
Information needs
Types and formats of scholarly information
Information behaviour and practices of PhD students
1. June 2011
Skills and development as scholars
Subject differences and similarities
Suggestions for support by libraries
hprints-00599034, version 1 - 8 Jun 2011 Information needs
RIN (2006) identified a range of information needs of researchers and related them to their
information behaviour. Researchers need to find references of known sources, find sources in new
research areas not yet known to them, keep up-to-date in their own research fields, find published
and unpublished data, find non-textual sources like images or audio-files and find organisations and
individuals as well as sources of research funding. Types and formats of scholarly information
There is a clear trend in all disciplines for researchers to either mainly or increasingly use electronic
resources from their desktop. Brown & Swan (2007) reported that researchers are interested in even
more resources to be made available electronically and see this as a key function of libraries.
Humanities and arts scholars, however, still use print resources even to discover scholarly
RIN (2006) found that most researchers look for journal articles, book chapters, web sites,
the expertise of individuals, conference proceedings, and monographs in their information research.
Of these journal articles were the most important.
Convenience and ease of access are important factors in PhD students' choices when it
comes to information resources. This is confirmed by the findings of George, C., et al. (2006) as well
as other studies. Brown & Swan (2007) even came to the conclusion that only immediate availability
will lead to an information resource to be used, others, not immediately available, will be ignored. Validation of scholarly information
The issue of validation of information is raised by De Rosa et al. (2006), who reported that students'
methods for assessing the quality of information on the internet include what they already know,
common sense, cross-referencing, checking other internet resources and consulting their teachers. Tools
According to RIN (2006) most researchers use a variety of search tools to discover information,
mostly general search engines, multiple specialist search engines, library internet portals and subject
gateways. There are a number of differences according to subject or research experience in which
resources are used and how they are used.
Searching for scholarly information is nearly always done with the help of digital resources.
Brown & Swan (2007) found that researchers in all discipline rely on electronic finding tools to find
both digital and printed resources and that only very few of them, even in the arts and humanities,
use print resources to locate materials. A number of studies reported the importance of either
Google or of general search engines as a starting point for information researches: According to De
Rosa, et al. (2006) nearly 90 percent information searches by college student begin with a search
engine. George, C., et al. (2006) also stressed the importance of digital resources and especially of
search engines as finding tools, with some disciplinary differences as to how much these were used.
They also showed that electronic library catalogues are important tools for graduate students'
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1. June 2011
information research. De Rosa, et al. (2006) reported that nearly half of the students starting their
information research with a general search engine end up using library website resources. However,
they also noted that college students in general do not put libraries at the top of their choices of how
to access electronic resources.
hprints-00599034, version 1 - 8 Jun 2011 Methods
RIN (2006) provided a comprehensive overview of ways in which scholarly information is
discovered by researchers, which revealed that different search purposes, different disciplinary
backgrounds and different degrees of research experience are associated with different ways of
searching, finding and managing information.
George, C., et al. (2006) characterized two kinds of behaviour when graduate students search for
scholarly information. Depending on what they are doing their behaviour is either random or
organised: The random motions of information seeking are in effect during the planning stage, when
choosing an area of focus, developing a search strategy, or general browsing for background
information or a general idea of their field of research. The organized information seeking behaviour
includes regular planning sessions with an advisor, planned search strategies and use of citation
chaining. What George, C., et al. (2006) also noted was what they described as the "iterative"
character of the information seeking behaviour of the students they interviewed. Students returned
to earlier phases of searching when necessary.
As noted above, the internet - and more specifically Google - serves as a starting point for
many scholars. George, C., et al. (2006) noted different methods used by graduate students to find
information with the help of the internet or Google. They reported that students use the internet or
Google for searching with the help of keywords when their searches are non-specific and openended but even more to find websites as well as papers and to do citation searches by citation
Green & Macauley (2007) identified a number of information related tasks and strategies
typical of PhD students' information behaviour. These included personalized learning plans, mindmapping, seeking information sources from academics including their supervisor, exchanging of
information with other academics, being aware of their own information-seeking strategies and of
having to learn other strategies, seeking information from many different sources and in a variety of
ways (including browsing, serendipity, and other methods), identifying key citations from readings
and using footnotes, endnotes, and bibliographies to find sources, creating their own bibliographies,
writing research articles and conference papers, and finally the dissertation itself. Skills and development as scholars
The literature consulted showed that PhD students can be expected to change their information
practices and their identities as researchers.
George, C., et al. (2006) noted that with increasing research experience graduate students'
developed finer information seeking skills and that their search behaviour became more organised.
Vezzosi (2008) reported how the understanding of the research process of PhD students in
the field of biology becomes more professional and differentiated over time. This means that they
are more likely to use general search tools in the beginning but learn to regard bibliographic research
as important. The stage when they begin to be more organised as well as take a greater interest in the
issue is when they begin the writing process and start publishing papers.
This confirmed earlier findings by Green & Macauley (2007) that in the early stages of their
PhD students begin searches with the help of less specialized tools such as Google and in later
stages reported use of academic databases and academic sources.
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Fleming & Yuro (2009) similarly described how students' identities change as they advance
in their doctoral studies. They identified three aspects of this change in identity, as PhD students
transform "from undergraduate to graduate student[s]" (p.208-209), from "generalist[s] to
specialist[s]" (p.209-210) and from "student[s] to scholar[s]" (p.210-211). All three aspects can be
related to the students' self-perceptions and practice in information research, for instance in the
observation of how their own searching and research has become more focused, more efficient or
more systematic. Fleming & Yuro (2009) also showed that PhD students in the social sciences
reported using different sources, mainly journals and conference proceedings, which they had not
used as undergraduates.
The findings of Jamali and Nicholas (2008) and RIN (2006) indicate that the information
behaviour of PhD students is likely to develop further as they gain academic status and expertise
since researchers of older generations show differences in information behaviour that is related by
these studies not to their belonging to an earlier generation but to longer research experience. Jamali
and Nicholas (2008) pointed out that for keeping up-to-date more experienced researchers rely more
on personal networks and hear about developments from other researchers, for example during
conferences, while PhD students did not do so but often used alerting services. The reason for this
was seen in the greater integration into scholarly networks by older researchers. While RIN (2006)
saw no great differences in information behaviour across researchers according to research
experiences, they did establish that more experienced researchers generally use information
discovery resources less than other groups, which could indicate a greater expertise in their field of
research. Challenges
Researchers and PhD students in particular encounter challenges as they look for, find or manage
scholarly information. According to RIN (2006), researchers worry about irrelevant search results
and about missing important information during information searches and complain about time
pressure. Time pressure is also a factor in PhD students' search behaviour, as reported by Vezzosi
(2008), who found biology students felt lack of time influenced the way they searched for
information. Support
In the studies consulted it was repeatedly pointed out that people are an important source for
scholarly information as well as for information on scholarly information resources for PhD
students. Here academic teachers and peers have the most important role to fulfil. According to
RIN (2006) research colleagues are an important source for finding scholarly information. De Rosa
et al. (2006) also reported that college students in general do not only learn about new resources
with the help of web sites (61%) or from news media (44%) but quite often from friends (67%) and
teachers (50%) and to a much lesser extent from librarians (33%). Jamali & Nicholas (2008) found
that hearing about developments and colleagues are important means for researchers of keeping up
to date. George et al. (2006) confirmed the importance of interpersonal communication for the
information behaviour of Ph.D. students. As their study showed, graduate students‟ information
research is supported by professors or advisers (96%), and they receive recommendations (65%) or
resources (58%) directly from academic staff. Their information research is enhanced by the help of
other students (73%), who give them either recommendations (34%) or resources (30%). The extent
to which this happens actually varies within subjects. Library staffs give help too (40%), as do other
people (12%). Fleming-May & Yuro (2009), however, found that the PhD students that took part in
their focus groups reported that they prefer to ask their peers for help, seek some assistance from
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faculty, and hardly any from librarians. As a reason the feeling was given that one should already be
expert enough not ask for help. Subject differences and similarities
The studies consulted revealed that there are subject-related differences in information behaviour
among researchers. Brown & Swan (2007) established that a key difference between arts and
humanities researchers and researchers from other disciplines was that they were the only group
among whom library buildings and their services were appreciated by a significant majority and who
used print resources to a great extent. There are extreme disciplinary differences from where online
resources are used, too. Whereas 90% of physical and life science researchers prefer to access
electronic information from their offices, the corresponding figures for social science and arts and
humanities researchers are 76% and 58% respectively. Life scientists are least likely to access such
information from the library: only 10% gave this as their second choice, while 22% of arts and
humanities researchers did so.
Even though general search engines like Google are a starting point for most researchers,
there are clear disciplinary differences here, too. George, C., et al. (2006) found that while only
50%of humanities graduate students used Google for information seeking 93% of computer science
graduate students did so.
Another instance of subject-typical choices of information seeking methods can be found in
Fleming-May & Yuro (2009), who confirmed that it is typical of social sciences students to use
citation chaining as their main method of finding literature.
Jamali and Nicholas (2008) even found that within disciplines differences between what they
call "narrower subject communities" are important. (p.18) Depending on the research areas of
physicists and astronomers, they either tracked references or searched databases as their main
activity to discover articles. Suggestions for support by libraries
There are a number of recommendations for libraries with regard to providing better services to
PhD students and researchers in general:
Brown & Swan (2007) suggested a number of important issues that libraries need to consider
in this respect. They pointed out that differences in the ways in which researchers and librarians see
the future of the library mean that there should be an increase in communication. Furthermore they
found that it is librarians more than researchers who see information literacy as a core function of
the library and that there remains much to be done to ensure that these services become more
accepted among researchers.
With regard to information skills training by the library, RIN (2006) reported that only few
researchers (for instance, 38% of postdoctoral researchers) had ever undergone training with regard
to finding resources. Those postdoctoral researchers who had mostly did so during their PhD phase
and received the training from librarians or other information professionals and found it helpful.
Fleming-May and Yuro (2009) argued that in order to make their services more relevant to
PhD students, library services need to be tailored towards the special needs of this advanced user
group. Library instruction should not be too basic or general and is only suitable if it addresses
more specialized information needs. This view is in accordance with Green & Macauley's (2007)
view that librarians need to understand PhD students better. They need to take a look at how the
students' needs are determined by the doctoral system to which they belong and adopt a more
learner-centred approach. This means that doctoral learners' independence and their experience are
taken into account.
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5.4. Recent relevant studies
Although not consulted in the preparation stage of the current project, a number of recent study
reports on the information behaviour or practices of researchers should be mentioned as relevant to
our own results. Again, this is not a comprehensive overview of recent publications. However, the
following two reports were identified as complementary to our own results and might be consulted
when considering subject specific issues of information behaviour, which turned out to be more
complex and varied than expected.
In a number of case studies, the RIN (2009) report identified how life science researchers
use and exchange information. The report made clear that there is a great variety in the services and
strategies researchers use. Individual contexts have an important influence on the information
behaviour of researchers. One focus of the report was on how researchers view the sharing of data.
They preferred to have more control over their data and over who was allowed to use it than
provided by institutional repositories. The report argued for service providers to take the particular
contexts and situations of researchers into account. Interestingly, PhD students were reported as
being more limited in their information behaviour than other, more experienced researchers.
RIN (2011) reported on case studies revealing how humanities scholars from various
disciplines use information in their research. Due to the choice of case studies there was a slightly
greater focus on how these researchers used new technologies but more traditional ways of finding
information and more traditional use of print and manuscript resources were included. The report
showed that humanities researchers use a great variety of sources and approach them in different
ways. Trends observed included a greater ease with digital resources and new technologies which are
used alongside manuscript and print sources, which remain important to humanities researchers.
Furthermore humanities research was shown to be more collaborative than previously thought. It
turned out that data-sharing was considered less of an issue by humanities scholars possibly because
it is not as central to humanities research. As RIN (2009) did for life science, the RIN (2011) report
also stressed that there is great variation within the humanities with regard to information behaviour
and information needs. Web 2.0 tools or social media were, for example, used only in a limited way,
with the exception of PhD students in a philosophy department who used them to learn about and
spread new research. There were a number of barriers to humanities researchers adopting new
technologies although they did so if it served their purposes. The report noted that more support
was needed for humanities scholars to fully embrace the possibilities of digital resources and digital
services. In this respect it was made clear that certain issues need to be addressed. Such issues
included how complete or permanent digital archives are, how much or how little the work invested
by researchers in such resources or competencies inputs into their careers or what specialist support
there is for developing resources or competencies.
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5.5. Summary
What emerges from the literature consulted is that although PhD students may form a group of
information users in terms of their being at a similar stage in their development as researchers they
are not a homogenous mass, and neither are researchers within disciplines. However, there are
certain trends that can be established.
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The information behaviour of PhD researchers seems very much influenced by three "C"s, by
In other words, PhD researchers are not focused on how to find information or how to manage it,
they are interested in finding what they want to know (=content). Content is also what they most
want from libraries, and they do not necessarily care for whether or not the content is provided by
the library or some other source. Since they are pressed for time, PhD researchers are very much
influenced by considerations of convenience when it comes to what information resources they use
and how they use them. Finally, PhD researchers' information behaviour is very much influenced by
the particular contexts they find themselves, as students or staff of particular institutions, as
emerging experts of very specific sub-disciplines, as one in a peer group of students or researchers,
as individual human beings. Any service providers should take these into consideration when
developing services. Some of these themes as well as more specific issues will re-emerge in the
findings of the present study.
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6. Results summarized
This section presents a thematic summary of the findings of the survey and interviews.
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The survey was conducted using SurveyXact. 4.453 PhD students attending the universities of
Copenhagen, Oslo and Vienna answered a questionnaire containing 35 questions. Survey results
were divided by discipline (see below) and location (Vienna, Copenhagen, and Oslo).
Discipline groups:
Arts, humanities and philosophy (including performing arts, history, languages, linguistics,
literature, cultural studies, archeology, religion and theology, philosophy)
Social Sciences (including economics, business, political science, social anthropology,
sociology, human geography, gender studies)
Natural Sciences (including mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy and earth
Engineering (computer sciences, informatics)
Medicine (dentistry and other health related disciplines)
Law (including criminology)
Media and communication
Survey respondents had the option of multiple answers and of skipping questions altogether. This
means that one needs to be very careful when reading e.g. a graph, to take into account the number
of respondents to a given question before drawing meaning from that graph. For further survey
methods, see beginning of Appendix C. The survey results are presented in full in Appendices A
(graphs) and B (textual analysis).
After the survey 20 PhD students from the universities of Copenhagen, Oslo and Vienna were
interviewed in single sessions from November 2010 to February 2011. Interviews were conducted in
the interviewees‟ native language or in English. Number of interviewees was around one per
university per discipline area. In Vienna, the number of interviewees was increased to up to two
PhDs from similar subject backgrounds to include students whose PhD project was independent
from any employment as well as researchers whose PhD project was part of a university job, since
this was considered an important distinction at that university. For the interview guide and further
methodological remarks, see appendix D.
6.1. Finding, evaluating, and choosing literature and information
The results of the interviews show that PhD students think it is a very important part of the research
to get hold of the appropriate literature. They state clear preferences about what genres of literature
they find most relevant. However, PhD students seldom apply formal criteria (such as journal
impact factor) for choosing and evaluating reading material within a range of potentially relevant
Information behaviour and practices of PhD students
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items. Also many of the respondents find searching and obtaining literature to be a time consuming
When it comes to types of information PhD students want, search for and use in their
projects, we see that articles are ranked as the most important publications for their projects. In fact
a large majority of the candidates give articles top rank, both in the interviews and the survey. Within
humanistic disciplines books are still considered at least equally important but candidates report that
articles are getting increasingly central to their research. Within law studies, primary sources are also
ranked as important. These findings are underpinned by survey answers concerning preferred
publications independent of format (print/electronic) (see table 1).
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Table 1: information sources ranked the most important in the survey
1st place
2nd place
Journal articles
Book articles
Copenhagen Journal articles
Journal articles
Book articles
3rd place
Book articles
From the survey the picture regarding the use of print versus electronic material is quite clear:
Arts/humanities, Social Sciences, Law, Media/communication and Education use print information
more often than the other subjects in all three universities. The only exception is in Psychology in
Copenhagen, where the majority uses print material equally to electronic. In Oslo and Vienna the
Psychology groups‟ majority is in the “Electronic most of the time” category.
When evaluating what is relevant for the project, most of the interviewees do not rely on formal
criteria when selecting literature for their research. We also find interviewees who haven‟t thought
through what kind of criteria they go by. A wide range of considerations are relevant when the
candidates consider reading for their research:
Renowned author
Abstract / summary
The conclusion
Check that the method is in order. In some subjects, it is easy to see if the argument in
relation to the method is tenable.
How it is written, how the material is disposed.
Does the text correspond with what I already know?
Table of Contents
Recognized journal, already know the journal
Peer review
Literature that is much cited. Most PhDs are not concerned with impact factor.
Use key works as a starting point
Check the book on the shelf, check Google books
“Scientific texts are expected to be valid, so that texts published in a scientific context, are
valid in principle”.
“Publishers can be trusted”
Information behaviour and practices of PhD students
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Furthermore there is also a clear tendency that material which is difficult to get hold of may be
disregarded. The most recent material is prioritised.
Most PhD candidates do not know what Open Access is, a few have heard about it. One of
them believes that the view on Open Access will be different when OA becomes more established.
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6.2. Tools for searching
In the interviews and the survey, Google or Google scholar is described as the most commonly used
search engine, and the main tool for searching. In the interviews it was pointed out that the reason
for this is that Google is more user friendly than the other databases offered by the library. To
search effectively requires knowledge of databases and searching. The interviewees feel the databases
do not function very well. Vienna is the only exception in this regard. Interviewees from Vienna
answer that they start searching the databases, and only a few mention Google.
In the interviews candidates from all three universities also mention Google books as useful
when searching for books. New technologies seem to have an effect on how students relate to
literature. For example Google books is not only used as a tool for finding books to read but also to
scope information and get an impression of content or to consult specific text passages for citing.
Table 2: Answers given in the survey show that Google and Google Scholar are the most commonly
used tools for finding information for PhD projects across all three universities.
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Library online catalogue
Online bookstore
Copenhagen Google
Google Scholar/Library
Publisher‟s website
online catalogue
Google Scholar
Scholarly database
Beyond the various Google databases PhD students' choices of search tools differ between subjects,
but none of the interviewees mention a large variety. This may indicate that they do not use a wide
range of databases but stick with the main databases commonly used in their fields or even very
specialized databases.
Some PhD candidates search directly from the journal‟s (or the publisher‟s) web pages,
others carry out broad searches in journals they know (key journals in their discipline).
6.3. Methods for searching and keeping informed
The survey data show that the by far most common way of becoming aware of relevant literature is
by checking references in literature already read. The interview data confirm this finding but also
give a more nuanced picture of PhD students' search practices.
A majority of the interviewees mention reference chasing as an effective way of searching for
literature and some point to this as their main search strategy. A search method suggested by the
respondents in this context is using lists of references as a starting point and then further search for
the references in Google or Google scholar to obtain the documents. Conferences are mentioned as
occasions to get tips on names of authors and search terms.
In some disciplines subject searches seem to be common. In disciplines where such searches
yield too many results, other strategies are used. These include finding out who are important
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Information behaviour and practices of PhD students
1. June 2011
authors in the fields of their PhD topics either from colleagues, from their supervisors or at
conferences and then find out what they have written. A further strategy mentioned in this context
is using lists of references.
There is a difference between how PhD students search for unknown versus known topics.
When looking for topics already known to them, they describe how they look for/browse journals
or track references from the publication history of key authors. When they need to familiarise
themselves with topics that are new or unfamiliar to them, they do keyword and topic word searches
in databases. The PhD candidates invest a lot of time developing an overview of their topic. Some
of them find this difficult, and some of them felt lost in the beginning. They described information
research for their PhD project as a chaotic process, especially in the beginning. After a while this
situation improved as they felt did their search skills. The reason they got better at this was especially
because they developed greater knowledge of their topic and were able to find what was relevant
more intuitively.
According to the interviews, the PhD students usually do not plan their searches. When
needs occur they search in an ad hoc manner. A minority of the survey respondents have a more
systematic approach. After formulating their topic, they plan their search. Only a minority of the
PhD students save search histories. There were a few comments on wanting to become more
systematic concerning this.
To keep up to date PhD students use the same strategies as the strategies described above,
but some of the interviewees emphasize professional networking, discussions, conferences and news
blogs as ways of keeping up to date. Some of them say that they work on such a broad topic that
keeping up to date seems impossible. Some of the interviewees also use alert services to keep up to
6.4. Getting hold of items not locally available
Libraries are important information providers. If the local university library does not hold a
particular book, PhD students use national and international interlibrary loans. However, several of
the interviewees buy books if the international interlibrary loans are much delayed or the book is
reserved by several people before them. They also use booksellers, also on the internet, to buy
books. They search the booksellers on the internet by author or by search terms.
6.5. Reference management
The survey shows that the usage of reference management software is much higher at the
universities in Oslo and Copenhagen than in Vienna for all disciplines. In Vienna EndNote is
dominating the market, while users in Copenhagen/Oslo are more divided between EndNote and
Reference Manager. Furthermore the number of users finding the tool extremely useful is lower in
Vienna than in Copenhagen and Oslo and the number of users answering “Don‟t know” is
significantly higher in Vienna.
In the interviews several candidates express that reference management tools are
experienced as difficult to use not least due to technical problems. However, some PhDs believe
they manage reference management tools well. Many of them do not use reference management
tools, such as EndNote or Reference Manager, but use their own system like typing the references in
a Word document, by printing out the documents and make notes on them, or by writing notes
attached to the documents. A majority of the interviewees download documents to the computer
Information behaviour and practices of PhD students
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and store them in files. Some print out documents. In the interviews most PhD candidates express
concerns about being unsystematic and unstructured in their management of references and
documents. However, in the survey the respondents who were asked to rank a list of research skills
ranked “using reference management software” as least important. All other skills are considered
equally important across all disciplines (see appendices A and B question A3).
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6.6. Skills and development as scholars
As mentioned above, using reference management software” was ranked as the least important skill
in the survey. For the respondents of the survey in Copenhagen and Oslo “[k]nowing how to use
the library catalogue” was additionally ranked low as a research skill. This may correspond with the
fact that most respondents, regardless of university or discipline, replied they learnt about using
library services during their undergraduate studies or that they figured it out for themselves.
However, many respondents in Copenhagen and Oslo replied they did not know they could get help
or guidance from their libraries.
When looking at interview data we also see that the understanding of the applicability of
search tools to academic work processes changes from lower to higher levels of university studies.
During studies at lower levels, it appears to be common to get references from others, and
exclusively to check for known literature. At the PhD level, one must search more broadly and get
an overview over all relevant literature of academic quality. However, most of the interviewees
report that they find it easier to search for literature at the stage they are at now than before. They
seek more intuitively because they have become more academically competent. They have become
better at finding material and understanding its importance. A few of the PhDs say they haven‟t
developed during the PhD project but rather did so during the master studies or in between the
master and the PhD.
Thus, a majority of the PhDs feel they are getting by but at the same time they report that
they do not search professionally or in a structured way. A number of them even express concerns
about this.
Ethics do not seem like a prominent theme in any PhD program. Some seem to include
courses where ethics is a topic but just a few of the interviewees have attended one. Plagiarism is
hardly felt to be an issue at this level of study. Most PhDs say referencing and citation is part of
being a researcher and they simply do not plagiarise. In some disciplines more emphasis is put on
the number of references than in others. Hovewer, there are other issues that the candidates are
likely to address under the heading of ethics: One PhD candidate in medicine told us that coauthorship in particular was an issue. Others mention privacy as an issue. Where interviews are part
of the PhD research, there is a particular focus on privacy and ethical use of data. Self-citation is also
mentioned as a problem. Some interviewees mention the issue of stealing other people‟s ideas and
they are therefore reluctant to talk about what they are working on.
6.7. Feelings and challenges
When asked about the process of searching and finding information, many interviewees expressed
the following frustrations:
Frustrations occur when students are not able to get hold of things they know exist, books
are not on the shelves, or they do not have access to a particular database or other identified
Information behaviour and practices of PhD students
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electronic resources. One of the interviewees pointed out that when collected works not available
online this makes some of the literature much more difficult to find.
It can be a problem that the sharing culture is poor among researchers. One interviewee talks about
having difficulties obtaining graphs for experiments. Others talk about not sharing ideas because
they are afraid that others may steal them.
In the survey pressure of time was mentioned by PhD students from all three universities.
(see table)
Table 3: Factors affecting PhD progress negatively
Vienna: Pressure of time (55%), Necessity of working to support research (45%), Lack of money
(39%), Licensing or other restrictions imposed by e-journals and other information services (33%),
Family obligations (26%), Difficulties in getting hold of relevant scholarly materials (22%). Medical
students also feel constrained by Restrictions imposed by the regulation of research libraries (27%).
Copenhagen: Pressure of time (62%), Family obligations (23%), Lack of money (20%). Students in
media and communication also feel constrained by Difficulties in getting hold of relevant scholarly
materials (27%). Students in engineering (29%), psychology (39%), education (30%), and media and
communication (27%) feel constrained by Licensing or other restrictions imposed by e-journals and
other information services.
Oslo: Pressure of time (55%), Family obligations (34%). Students in media and communication feel
constrained by Difficulties in identifying relevant scholarly materials in your field (29%). And
students in engineering (28%) and education (32%) feel constrained by Licensing or other
restrictions imposed by e-journals and other information services.
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Pressure of time
Necessity of working to
Lack of money
support research
Copenhagen Pressure of time
Family obligations
Lack of money
Pressure of time
Family obligations
6.8. Library and other support
Answers received in the interviews when asked about support in the search and retrieval process
reflected a general reluctance towards contacting the library for support, which sometimes is due to
their feeling they should already know about certain issues.
When asked if they feel the university library supports their research enough, generally we
received a “neither satisfied nor dissatisfied” answer in the survey with the Oslo students seeming
more content with the services and the students from Vienna slightly less so. A few of the PhD
students received help from the library in a course and find this help positive but most survey
respondents have either found help from a librarian or found the information from the library web
Some PhD students find it embarrassing to ask for assistance, some because they have
already received it before. However, often they do ask when in need of assistance: Many PhD
students receive help from fellow students and senior academics. Most PhD students have not
attended courses run by the library during the PhD program; some have attended courses in
previous studies.
The interviews revealed that PhD students get help from others concerning keywords or
search terms. It is common to discuss keywords or literature with colleagues or other professionals
Information behaviour and practices of PhD students
1. June 2011
but this differs between disciplines. Some of the PhD students work more on their own and
therefore discuss little with others. It is not common to discuss search methods.
For some of the PhD students who were interviewed supervisors play an important role in
their information-seeking process. Several mentioned that they get author names from their
supervisors and that they also receive documents from them. Supervisors also refer students to other
people who can help.
It is common to borrow books from colleagues and to e-mail other researchers to receive help or
article reprints. The latter is especially common if the library does not subscribe to the journal. A
few PhD students are members of professional online forums where they receive assistance.
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6.9. Use of library facilities
When asked about the use of the library‟s online facilities in the survey, almost all students stated
that they visit online a few times a week, regardless of university and discipline, whereas the use of
the physical facilities is low in Copenhagen and Oslo.
In Vienna, 70-80% of survey respondents conduct most of their searches from home, in
Copenhagen, 90% search from their place of work at the university, whereas in Oslo, most search in
four locations: 1) from the place of work at the university, 2) from home, 3) from the place of work
outside the university, and 4) at the university library; in a falling order.
From the survey and the interviews we learn that very few PhD students visit the physical
library very often. In Vienna, most PhD students visit the library a few times a month/week
(difference between soft/hard disciplines), in Copenhagen, most visit a few times a year, and in
Oslo, most visit a few times a year/month (difference between soft/hard disciplines), apart from
PhD students in law, who visit on a weekly basis.
6.10. Requests for support and suggestions for improvement
Regardless of their subject and university, survey respondents saw providing access to scholarly
information as the most important support libraries could offer. Providing social space was generally
not rated as important by Copenhagen and Oslo PhD students but more so for students from
Vienna, and overall 25% of the Viennese PhD students are dissatisfied with the support in this
respect regardless of discipline. Copenhagen PhD students are generally most dissatisfied with the
support on issues concerning writing and publishing research.
According to the survey and the interviews, the library's role is described by the PhD students as:
Getting hold of things (Order articles and books)
Providing access to everything through subscription
Providing help with searches and assistance in managing the searches and results (librarians
should be experts on reference management programs)
Improving existing search systems, for example by providing good keywords on material
registered in the databases
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Desirable topics mentioned for courses are:
In depth and discipline specific help at the beginning of the PhD, both in information
searching/search terms, and reference management.
"Could need help to work more structured"
How to get an overview
Tips and tricks, practical things
Opportunities in the databases
Advice on the publishing process
Advice on Open Access
Impact factor
The PhD students consider it desirable that courses are:
Short local and professionally relevant (crash courses), not too detailed or lengthy
Integrated into the PhD program, which gives points
Early in the PhD program
Seminars/teaching outside normal working hours (Viennese comment)
Further expressed whishes for general library support are:
Help with proof reading for academic journal papers
The library taking care of primary data (several Copenhagen comments)
Space for PhD students in the library, working places, places for discussion etc (Vienna
Material should be collected in one place, from an interdisciplinary perspective. For example,
new acquisitions should be gathered in one place in the library (for all disciplines)
When books and journals are found in different locations and they have to travel around to
find literature, sometimes they choose other material instead
Longer opening hours (Vienna comment)
A coffee machine
Branding and advertising
Better advertising for the services the library already has
Offer book reviews, author portraits, be more like a bookstore
The library should be more visible, more information should be aimed at researchers.
Function that is useful: like the Amazon function: “the person who bought this item also
Communication in English for foreign PhD students (especially with regard to standard
messages and texts) (Oslo comment)
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Everything should be searchable from the same place, through the same search tool
More subscriptions
More e-books
Streaming of new books, more accessible lists of new books
Visible table of content through the library database
Databases containing pictures, charts, and graphs
Book and journal acquisition suggestion
Remote access to databases
Remote access to the electronic services
Free inter library loans (Vienna comment)
Problems with foreign languages. Subject-specific dictionaries are important
Contact with the librarian
Closer contact with the library
Getting a librarian to the institute or office
Personalised help.
Friendly staff at the libraries, the feedback from the PhD students is very varied from high
praise to the opposite.
The librarians should participate in meetings and arrangements where PhD candidates meet
The PhD students who have been in the U.S. in connection with studies or the PhD
program say the contact with the library is much closer there and the library is a place where
you study and get help. There is also a major focus on plagiarism, and courses concerning
this are offered in the library
6.11. Individual and subject differences and similarities
Most of the PhD students who were interviewed think that they work pretty much the same way as
others in their field when it comes to information-seeking and information management. They think
this varies from subject to subject and that it probably depends on the specific project. Some of the
interviewees think it is specific for them to use Google as their main search tool.
Some of the interviewees told us that they think they are better at searching and managing
information than colleagues. They are more well-informed about this and see themselves as more
There are many differences between subjects. However, it is difficult to see a common
pattern which is particular to a certain subject discipline. But an example is the distribution of
answers to the following question:
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Table 4: “Have you received any help with how to use the university library services since you
became a PhD student?”
For PhD students from Vienna there are no difference in the answers between disciplines (30-40%
yes, 60-70% no), except for Media/communication where 20% answers yes, and 80% no. But in
Copenhagen and Oslo the responses vary greatly between disciplines:
Subject (Percentage yes replies – Copenhagen) Subject (Percentage yes replies – Oslo)
Engineering (20%)
Media/communication (40%)
Medicine (30%)
Natural Sciences (45%)
Natural Sciences (35%)
Psychology (50%)
Arts, Humanities and Philosophy (45%)
Engineering (50%)
Psychology (45%)
Social Sciences (55%)
Social Sciences (55%)
Medicine (60%)
Media/communication (55%)
Education (65%)
Law (65%)
Arts, Humanities and Philosophy (65%)
Education (70%)
Law (80%)
This shows which differences exist between subject disciplines but also point to university-related
differences, which is the topic of the next section.
The survey also showed that there are subject specific differences when it comes to physical
visits to the university library. Few PhD students visit the physical library very often. In Vienna,
most PhD students visit the library a few times a month/week (the difference lies between soft/hard
disciplines), in Copenhagen, most visit a few times a year, and in Oslo, most visit a few times a
year/month (difference between soft/hard disciplines), apart from PhD students in law, who visit
on a weekly basis. Please see the graphic (appendix A, graphs: au a5 f7 u (Vienna), dk a5 f7 u
(Copenhagen), no a5 f7 u (Oslo)) or textual analysis (appendix B, question A5) of this particular
question for more detailed description.
6.12. University specifics
We encountered university specifics at a number of questions. When asked if the University Library
support their research enough, we found only few differences between disciplines but some between
the universities - the Oslo PhD students generally give more positive answers, followed by
Copenhagen students, while the Vienna mostly reply “to a certain extent”.
When asked where or from whom the PhD students received help with how to use the
university library services, many Oslo students equally often replied they attended a seminar/course,
whereas the Copenhagen students depending on discipline either attended a seminar/course or
received help from a fellow student. Many students from Vienna also received help from fellow
students and senior academics.
When asked about the use of the library‟s online facilities, almost all students visit online a
few times a week, regardless of university and discipline, whereas the use of the physical facilities is
low in Copenhagen and Oslo.
In Vienna, 70-80% conduct most of their searches from home, in Copenhagen, 90% search
from their place of work at the university, whereas in Oslo, most search in four locations: 1) from
the place of work at the university, 2) from home, 3) from the place of work outside the university,
and 4) at the university library; in a falling order.
Information behaviour and practices of PhD students
1. June 2011
Few PhD students visit the physical library very often. In Vienna, most PhD students visit
the library a few times a month/week (difference between soft/hard disciplines), in Copenhagen,
most visit a few times a year, and in Oslo, most visit a few times a year/month (difference between
soft/hard disciplines), apart from PhD students in law, who visit on a weekly basis.
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6.13. Summary
PhD students may not necessarily have turned out to be indicators of any radical changes in the
information behaviour of researchers. Rather and in keeping with the findings of other studies, they
are - both as students and as researchers - individuals in specific contexts whose particular
circumstances - the academic system they are part of, the services they can use, the research
community they are beginning to belong to, their particular personal circumstances, their personal
preferences - influence the information choices they take and the information behaviour they show.
In doing so they can be seen as developing and expanding on information research practices earlier
acquired and it can be argued that - should they stay within academia - the years spent on their PhD
research may be formative for their later scholarly information behaviour. While the requirements
they have concerning library and other information services may differ depending on internal factors
and external circumstances, some trends emerge for a clear majority of PhD students - these
concern the time pressure students feel, the strongly perceived need to have information resources
immediately accessible, and available and a developing relationship with the information network
(consisting both of information resources, publications and people) they are part of. Since academic
libraries and their services are very much part of this information network, albeit not always a
strongly visible one, and since PhD students are an important academic subgroup within the larger
groups of students and of researchers, libraries should pay special attention to the needs and
practices of PhD students when developing their services.
Information behaviour and practices of PhD students
1. June 2011
7. Recommendations
hprints-00599034, version 1 - 8 Jun 2011
The survey and interviews has yielded rich information on the information behaviour and practices
of PhD students and has raised certain issues for libraries. We have taken a look at the findings of
the study and the issues we can see for libraries and have tried to formulate recommendations
concerning possible actions to address them. Some of the recommendations will be resource heavy
and may not be economically viable. However, we have put them forward to highlight (some of) the
library services that we feel to be in need of increased or changed efforts in order to make sure that
PhD students both use and appreciate library services.
7.1. Library resources
From the findings we see the need for:
More journals subscriptions
More e-books
Databases containing pictures, charts, and graphs
More discipline-specific dictionaries, including subject specific language dictionaries
7.2. Information and services
From the findings we see the need for:
Help with proof reading for scientific journal papers
The library providing an option for sharing and taking care of primary data
7.3. Information search workflow
Interviews revealed that the retrieval of references and information by PhD students seems to be
very much integrated into the search workflow and availability or non-availability during that process
may determine whether or not an information source is used at all. Furthermore, it is important to
be or become aware of discipline differences. Even though many perceived discipline differences
seem to be local differences rather than “pure” discipline differences, they still need to be taken into
account. An important factor in the information search workflow that libraries need to consider is
that a vast majority of PhD students work on their project at some place other than the library and
on average few visit the physical library. Therefore remote electronic access to databases and
electronic services are key.
Information behaviour and practices of PhD students
1. June 2011
hprints-00599034, version 1 - 8 Jun 2011
With regard to the information search workflow that PhD students describe we recommend
that libraries should
Link document delivery and inter library loan services directly from search tools and
databases (e.g. via SFX)
Get local knowledge about the research workflow
Offer personalised remote support for students working from home (Web 2.0)
Offer personalised and local support (outside the library building). Librarians could e.g.
participate in meetings with PhD candidates such as workplace meetings which include
PhDs, PhD classes or special events for PhD students outside the library
Give resources to maintain local knowledge about discipline specific needs; these seem to be
specific to the discipline in the specific location and not necessarily be discipline specific
across borders
Tools should be intuitive to learn and easy to use
7.4. Access to information
Convenience, immediate availability of resources and easy access to information matter to PhD
students. When books and journals are found in different locations and they have to travel around
to find literature, sometimes PhD students choose other material instead
To ensure that library material will be used, we recommend that
everything should be searchable from the same place, through the same search tool
easy access to the resources the PhD students need should be an important factor in
decisions concerning holdings management and library facility development
inter library loans should be improved, especially with regard to costs (Vienna; interlibrary
loans are already provided for free in Copenhagen and Oslo)
a centralized access to books, journals and different disciplines should be provided as much
as possible (so they only have to go to one place when they have to use the physical library at
7.5. Search tools
Google is the most used, very often for ease of use, the “one-stop” nature of Google rather than the
cumbersome searches in subject databases which do not always provide access to full texts. Often
the databases are not seen as functioning very well or being user friendly
We recommend the following
The library catalogue and the library search tools should be made as intuitive to use as
possible and include a wide array of editing options (e.g. save your search, links to other
useful titles, smart tagging, lists of new books, and Table of Content for books in the
catalogue) Any efforts in this direction already taking place should be supported further
Information behaviour and practices of PhD students
1. June 2011
Improve existing search systems, for example by providing good keywords on material
registered in the databases
Information about what Google is and is not and how best to use Google. Do not insist on
people using databases, but help them with understanding what Google does/does not cover
and when databases might actually come in handy from the researcher‟s perspective.
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7.6. Reference management tools
It seems that whether or not reference management tools are used during the PhD is established
well before the students become PhD students. Reference management and use of the library
catalogue are considered “tools of the trade” (i.e. you should have learnt them before becoming a
PhD student) to be used if needed. However, there is also the widespread idea that you can manage
without (and so many PhD students do, many not knowing though some suspecting that things
could be handled more efficiently with the right knowledge).
Reference management tools should be introduced to students well before master‟s level
At the beginning of the PhD, information and courses should also be offered
A “personalized”, or at least discipline oriented information package (emergency kit) should
be presented at the start of the PhD and should include information on reference
management tools
Librarians should be experts on reference management programs
7.7. Courses
Courses and help to undergraduates “pay off” also when some of them become postgraduates.
Introduce courses to students well before they become masters students
In depth and discipline specific help at the beginning of the PhD, both in information
searching/search terms, and reference management
Correlate and coordinate courses to PhD students with PhD schools/programmes (and give
points) or make in collaboration with supervisors or any other body looking after the PhD
Based on the findings of this study, course themes should include
Help on structure and overview
Tips and tricks, practical things
Possibilities in the databases
Advice on the publishing process
Advice on Open Access
Impact factor
Information behaviour and practices of PhD students
1. June 2011
Since PhD students, often work or have other obligations and have very specific information needs,
they need
More specialized and subject-oriented courses particularly geared towards their specific
research situation rather than general courses
Courses outside regular working hours (particularly in Vienna)
Online alternatives to courses they need to attend personally at particular times
To be able to learn in their own time, in their own speed and whenever the need arises even
more than other students
hprints-00599034, version 1 - 8 Jun 2011
7.8. Facilities
While the general trend in Copenhagen for undergraduate and graduate students (before PhD
studies) is increased use of the physical library facilities, the PhD students of Copenhagen and Oslo
only use the physical library facilities sparingly, probably due to the fact that they usually have their
own offices at the university.
Most PhD students from Vienna work beside their PhD studies and since they do not have
an office of their own at the university or at the university library, they would profit from facilities
provided by the library:
Our recommendations include
Space for PhD students in the library, working places, places for discussion etc.
Access to library, seminars and teaching outside normal working hours
Access to facilities such as basic kitchen facilities (drinking water, coffee machine,
microwave, water boiler)
7.9. Marketing, branding, and PR
Last but not least, it turned out that many PhD students are not aware of services already provided
or the library involvement in providing services or do not ask for or use library services that would
support their research efforts. This means that marketing efforts concerning this (potential) group
needs to be increased. Since the vast majority of PhD students work on their project somewhere
other than the library and on average pay few visits the physical library, measures need to be taken to
ensure that the library is made a recognizable resource in terms of its website and/or catalogue or
any other online resources it offers. As most PhD students have either found help from a librarian
or found the information from the library web page at some stage, both personal and online contact
matter in this respect. In this international PhD students should be taken into account as an
important subgroup. Since Ph.D. students are under a lot of time pressure and seek convenience in
hprints-00599034, version 1 - 8 Jun 2011
Information behaviour and practices of PhD students
1. June 2011
Our recommendations include:
The library's marketing activities should be user oriented; the information that is provided
should not be centred on the library's perspective but on the needs of users.
Optimizing the webpage, proper branding of library websites
Better advertising for the services the library already has, including advertising about physical
space available
Marketing should highlight those areas of library services that correspond to PhD students'
priorities concerning speed of access etc.
The library should provide a “personalized”, or at least discipline oriented information
package (emergency kit) at the start of the PhD
Information should be aimed directly at researchers and their particular information needs
rather than be general both to fulfil particular information needs, to ensure that researchers
realize that the information is meant for them and not for the general public (since otherwise
it might not catch their attention) and to underline the importance of researchers as a user
group (since otherwise services might not be considered relevant)
It should be taken into consideration that PhD students may prefer being informed in
different ways, among them, the library information board, a newsletter directed especially at
PhD students or at researchers in particular disciplines, the library website
Communication should also be in English for international PhD students
Offer book reviews, author portraits, suggest further reading etc (compare Amazon)
Try to brand library services by making librarians come across as real people rather than yet
another automated information retrieval system
Book and journal acquisition suggestion should be more visible, it is a request from PhD
students at all three institutions, yet already available at the involved libraries
7.10. Further knowledge based library development
Since our experience is that there is a lot to be learnt from asking questions of potential users about
what services they really need, since we believe that libraries as user-centred service providers should
base their decisions on evidence learnt from their users, we finally recommend that
The libraries should continue to research user information behaviour
Research should be extended to post-doc and more experienced researchers as well as
undergraduate and graduate students to gain a more complete picture
Depending on the questions the library wishes to find answers to other methods should be
included in future research projects, like analysis of search logs etc. to include information
that cannot be learnt with the help of surveys or interviews
The libraries should continue to participate in international cooperation concerning user
Information behaviour and practices of PhD students
1. June 2011
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