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1989, American Journal of Clinical Oncology
4 pages
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Tarbiz, 2024
Rabbi Yom-Tov Asevilli’s Book of Rememberance: Philosophy, Kabbalah, Halakhah Rabbi Yom-Tov Asevilli’s (Ritva, Spain 1250-1320) Book of Remembrance (Sefer Ha-Zikaron) is a defense of Maimonides’ Guide of the Perplexed against Nahmanides’ harsh criticism in his well-known commentary on the Pentateuch. The Book of Remembrance is puzzling, because Asevilli, a prominent halakhist of the school of Nahmanides, comes to the defense of ha-Rav-ha-Moreh – Maimonides’ title in this book that indicate his greatness in both halakhah and philosophy – while at the same time declares throughout his treatise that he is an adherent of the kabbalah of “our great master,” and emphasizes that Nahmanides criticized Maimonides because of his kabbalistic views. The first sections of this article present the puzzling aspects that this composition raises, and the methods and techniques that Asevilli utilizes to defend Maimonides’ philosophy. The last sections offer a solution to the perplexity raised by the Book of Remembrance. The Book of Remembrance is a nexus at which major trends of Jewish thought in the High Middle Ages confront one another. This article interprets main passages of this book, draws an intellectual portrait of Assevilli, and analyzes his views on the relations between philosophy and kabbalah, and between both of them and halakhah. The enigma of Asevilli’s Book of Remembrance offers an opportunity to study the relationships between philosophy, kabbalah and halakhah in the world-view of sages from the school of Nahmanides, and through them, to portray the intellectual history of the Jews in Spain at the turn of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.
This book chapter deals with a brief history of the discovery of Neandertals in the 1800s and how the scientific thinking of the time may have led to the misinterpretation of the data from the skeletal remains, thus leading to the mistreatment of the human group in the popular culture. The chapter continues to document the major skeletal traits that define the group and offer new and revised interpretations both from other works and from my own perspectives. Key to these morphological works are the cold adaptive traits that led to the robusticity of the skeletal forms of the group, thus being used as a means to separate them from the human taxon. On the pathological remains, this work joins others in illustrating their significance in painting the new picture on the human group, where by, the presence of diseases is interpreted as a sign of good health (the health-disease paradox) and survivorship. Another important matter to this line of thinking is the realization that social group support for ailing members is clearly a human trait, making the Neandertals our equals in care and empathy. This chapter also delves on the debates concerning the interpretation of the genetic data derived from the Neandertal fossils. It is now shown that modern humans share many of the known functional genes such as FOXP2 (the language gene), MC1R (the pigment gene), PTC (bitter taste) gene, O01 haplotype (ABO blood group O gene) among others. Even in cases where there are variants of the genes such as the MC1R, my argument is that modern humans also show similar variations in many functional genes without making us separate species. An example is the gene that controls the production of the enzyme lactase whose function is the synthesis of lactose, the milk energy. Individuals that posses the lactase persistence gene can digest milk throughout life, and they make only 30% of the human population and are not a separate species. These arguments for similarity are also included in the treatment of the archeological data. In the behavioral interpretation, my work focuses on Neandertal ingenuity by giving various examples of their behavior evidenced by tool kits, burials and other archaeological data. Their long survivorship in colder Europe for over 200,000 years help support these lines of evidence; modern humans are yet to reach that species-wide longevity if they are considered separate. In short, the chapter offers a summary of Neandertal studies and may be a quick and informative read for students or anyone interested in the subject.
Pheonix Pagan Conference 2024, 2024
From Padstow's Obby Oss to the dragons of Helston's Hal An Tow and the Horse Skull Oss of Pen Glas, Cornwall has a wealth of Guize Dance beast. This paper explores their story, possible origins and meaning.
Do due process of law guarantees apply to the owners of real property in Wasnington State?
Anatomi berasal dari bahasa Latin, yaitu: ANA yang berarti bagian, memisahkan dan TOMI yang artinya iris atau potong. Jadi, ANATOMI adalah ilmu yang mempelajari bentuk dan susunan tubuh, baik secara keseluruhan maupun bagian-bagian serta hubungan alat tubuh yang satu dengan yang lainnya. Sedangkan Fisiologi berasal dari bahasa Latin, yaitu: FISI yang artinya alam atau cara kerja dan LOGOS yang artinya ilmu pengetahuan. Jadi, FISIOLOGI adalah ilmu yang mempelajari faal atau pekerjaan dari tiap-tiap jaringan tubuh atau bagian bagian dari alat-alat tubuh dan sebagainya.
Disusun Oleh Kelompok V: Sem V / PGMI-2 Anggi Pratiwi (0306172135) Husin Rizki Ginting (0306172148) Juni Arta (0306172134) Leni Zahara Rambe (0306172142) May Yuni Sitorus (0306172127) Sri Wahyuni Syahputri Nst (0306172140) Suci Nurmaini (0306172132) Syafa'atul Uzma Sirait (0306172138) PENDIDIKAN GURU MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH FAKULTAS ILMU TARBIYAH DAN KEGURUAN UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUMATERA UTARA MEDAN 2019 i KATA PENGANTAR Puji dan syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT atas limpahan rahmat dan karunia-Nya kepada penulis, sehingga kami mendapat kemudahan dan kelancaran dalam menyelesaikan makalah ini untuk memenuhi tugas kelompok mata kuliah Pembelajaran IPS di MI/SD yang di ampuh oleh dosen kami Bapak Muhammad Kaulan Karima, S.Pd.I, M.Pd. Tak lupa kami ucapkan terima kasih kepada pengajar mata kuliah Pembelajaran IPS di MI/SD atas bimbingan dan arahan dalam penulisan makalah ini. Juga kepada rekan-rekan mahasiswa yang telah ikut andil dalam penyusunan makalah ini, sehingga makalah ini dapat diselesaikan tepat pada waktunya. Diharapkan makalah kami ini dapat berguna bagi setiap orang yang membacanya terkhususnya bagi mahasiswa FITK. Semoga resensi kami ini dapat bermanfaat bagi para pembaca dan dapat menjadi panduan bagi semua orang yang membutuhkan. Adapun nanti nya banyak kekeliruan ataupun kesalahan dalam makalah ini, kami mohon kritik dan saran agarmakalah ini menjeadi resensi yang benar-benar berguna bagi para pembaca.
NovaInfo, 2024
Об этимологии имен Глеб и Борис Аннотация: В статье рассматривается происхождение имена древнерусских князей Бориса и Глеба. Установлено, что они имеют происхождение в балтской языковой среде, отражая мужское, воинское начало.
Dixit, 2019
La investigadora salvadoreña Amparo Marroquín Parducci, magíster en Comunicación, obtuvo su doctorado en Filosofía con la tesis La categoría de lo “popular-masivo” en el pensamiento de Jesús Martín-Barbero (2015). La especialista en el pensamiento del filósofo español-colombiano reflexiona sobre las condiciones de emergencia del clásico De los medios a las mediaciones (1987) y sobre los modos en que las preguntas allí formuladas continúan interpelándonos, al tiempo que dialoga sobre algunos de los debates político-culturales que atraviesan actualmente a la región.
Jurnal Sains Pertanian (JSP)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan starter yoghurt pada kadar tertentu terhadap karakteristik yoghurt yang dihasilkan, serta mengetahui kadar penggunaan starter yoghurt yang memberikan pengaruh optimal terhadap karakteristik yoghurt yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan yaitu sebagai berikut; P1: Starter bakteri 3%, P2: Starter bakteri 5%, P3: Starter bakteri 7%, P4: Starter bakteri 10%. Parameter yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitas yoghurt terdiri dari uji sensoris dan uji pH yoghurt. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian penambahan starter bakteri yang di inkubasi selama 8 jam dapat mempertahankan sifat sensoris dan mepengaruhi nilai pH yoghurt. Penambahan starter bakteri 10% dari volume susu menunjukkan rasa agak asam, aroma yoghurt ringan, warna putih kuning, agak pekat dan nilai pH mendekati mutu yoghurt SNI.
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