Ancient Greek σίδη 'pomegranate'


(1) The correspondences between Ionic σίδη or σίβδη, Aeolic ξίμβᾱ, Doric (Cyrenaean) σίβδᾱ f. ‘pomegranate, Punica granatum L.’, Boeotian σίδᾱ f. ‘pomegranate (tree and fruit)’, also ‘a water plant, probably water-lilly, Nymphaea alba L.’, Attic σίδη f. ‘water-lily’, are carefully discussed in the paper. It is concluded that the words demonstrate certain Pre-Greek features, which cannot be treated as native. (2) The comparison of Greek words for ‘pomegranate, Punica granatum L.’ (Gk. σίδᾱ, σίδη, σίβδᾱ, σίβδη, ξίμβᾱ f.) with Hittite GIŠšaddu(wa)- ‘a kind of fruit-tree’ indicates a possible borrowing of the Greek forms from an Anatolian source.

GRAECO-LATINA BRUNENSIA 19, 2014, 2 KRZYSZTOF TOMASZ WITCZAK (UσIVERSITY τό ŁÓDŹ) εAŁύτRZATA ZADKA (UσIVERSITY τό WRτCŁAW) ON THE ANATOLIAN ORIGIN OF ANCIENT GREEK Σ ΔΗ The comparison of Greek words for ‘pomegranate, Punica granatum L.’ (Gk. , , , , f.) with Hittite GIŠšaННu(wa)ά ‘a kind of fruit-tree’ indicates a possible borrowing of the Greek forms from an Anatolian source. Key words: Greek botanical terminology, pomegranate, borrowings, Anatolian languages. In this article we want to continue the analysis initiated in our article Ancient Greek σίδη as a Borrowing from a Pre-Greek Substratum (Witczak – zadka βί14μ 11γ–1βθ)έ The ύreek worН fέ ‘pomegranate’ is attesteН in many НialeМtal forms, whiМh Нiffer a lot from eaМh other what Мause some НifiМulties in Нetermining the possiЛle origin of έ The phonetiМ struМά ture of the worН without a НouЛt is not of HelleniМ origin anН it is rather a loan worНέ It also seems to Лe relateН to some Anatolian forms, Лut this similarity МorresponНs to a laМk of the exaМt attesteН worНs for ‘pomegranά ate’ in Anatolian languagesέ 1. A Semitic hypothesis σo SemitiМ explanation of ύkέ is possiЛleέ The SemitiМ term for ‘pomegranate’, *rimān-, is perfeМtly attesteН in Assyrian armânu, Akkaά dian lurmu, HeЛrew rimmōn, AraЛiМ rummān ‘iНέ’1, see also Egyptian (σK) 1 A SemitiМ name appears in the МoНex Parisinus ύraeМus β41λ (βθ, 1κ)μ π ϊ υ ·ἡ ‘pomegranate’ (delatte 1λγίμ κ4) ξ AraЛiМ rummān ‘iНέ’έ This Byzantine 132 KRZYSZTτό TτεASZ WITCZAK, εAŁύτRZATA ZADKA rrm.t ‘a kinН of fruit’, CoptiМ erman, herman ‘pomegranate’ (supposeНly from AfroάAsiatiМ *riman- ‘fruit’, espέ ‘pomegranate’ν Orel – StOlbOva 1λλημ 4ηί)έ The exaМt meaning of the AkkaНian terms šibru ‘a plant’ (a worН from a plant list) anН si’du (or se’du) ‘a plant’ (brinkman – civil 1λλβμ γκβ, βγ4) remains Мompletely unМlearέ It is worth emphasizing that Rosół (βί1γ) Нoes not introНuМe ύkέ into his list of early HelleniМ loanworНs ЛorroweН from a SemitiМ sourМe, though he НisМusses (negatively) the Seά mitiМ origin of εyМέ ύkέ ro-a, AeoliМ όα, DoriМ , AttiМ , , IoniМ fέ ‘pomegranate’, see Rosół (βί1γμ βίβ)έ 2. Remarks on an Anatolian origin The Anatolian toponymy strongly suggests that the suЛstrate term for ‘pomegranate’, inМluНing IoniМ ύreek anН its numerous variants, may Лe treateН as a Лorrowing from anМient Anatolian languages, see Witczak – zadka (βί14μ 11κ–11λ)έ In faМt, the existing of the Carian town Σ α suggests that the Carians МalleН thus the pomegranate tree (anН fruit)έ The SiНetiМ (ς) form Σ υα, referring to the Pamphylian town SiНe (‘pomegranά ate’), seems to inНiМate a native term of Anatolian originέ The Anatolian terminology Нenoting Лoth wilН anН МultivateН trees is relά atively sМarМeέ σo term for ‘pomegranate’ is given in the Anatolian lexiМa, Мfέ WeekS (1λκη)έ The most similar worН appears in Hittite GIŠšaddu(wa)ά ‘a kinН of treeήwooН plant’, where ύIŠ is an iНeogram Нenoting tree or WOOd, see GüterbOck – HOffner – van den HOut (βίίημ γ14)έ friedricH (1λλ1μ 1κκ) Лelieves that it represents a НomestiМateН plant (‘eine σutzlanzeς’), whereas tiScHler (βίί1μ 14ι) explains GIŠšadduwaά simply as ‘a plant’ (‘eine Planze’)έ The Hittite term in question is МlaimeН to Лe etymologiМally unМlear (“EtymologisМh unklar”, aММorНing to tiScHler βίί4μ ληκ)έ The Hittite term GIŠšaddu(wa)ά Нenotes a tree, as the attestation in KBo β4έ114, registering 1ί ύUσ GIŠšadduά ‘ten talents of šadduάwooН’, seems to Нemonstrate that the šadduά “in this Мontext is timЛer” (GüterbOck – HOffner – van den HOut βίίημ γ14), though the Мontext Нoes not exά МluНe a referenМe to fruits (‘ten talents of šaddu-fruits’)έ We Лelieve that GIŠ šadduwaά shoulН Лe translateН as ‘a fruitάtree’, as a Нerivative (МompounН noun) GIŠšaddupalaά Нenoting ‘ein planzisМhes ProНukt’ (tiScHler 2004: МoНex, МreateН in the 1ηth Мentury AD Лy ύeorgios εiНiates, is a meНieval Мopy of an earlier ЛotaniМal lexiМon (delatte 1λγίμ ηλ)έ τσ THE AσATτδIAσ τRIύIσ τό AσCIEσT ύREEK Σ ΔΗ 133 ληκ) must refer to a fruit of the GIŠšaddu(wa)ά than a Нifferent part of a plantέ The seМonН part of the Hittite МompounН -pala- is to Лe МompareН with τlН InНiМ (RV) phála- nέ ‘fruit (espέ of trees)’, also ‘the kernel or seeН of a fruit’ (mOnier-WilliamS 1λλλμ ι1θ)έ What is more, the Hittite МompounН noun GIŠ šaddu-palaά seems to inМluНe the same parts whiМh appear in the reverse orНer in the Sanskrit МompounН phala-śāḍava-, also phala-ṣāḍava- mέ ‘pomegranate tree’ (mOnier-WilliamS 1λλλμ ι1ι)2έ If this Мomparison is МorreМtly estaЛlisheН, then the Hittite appellative GIŠšaddu(wa)ά may mean nothing other than ‘pomegranate’έ The Carian anН SiНetiМ plaМe names in question (Σ α vsέ Σ υα), as well as the appellatives for ‘pomegranate’ attesteН in the AnМient ύreek anН AlЛanian voМaЛulary (AnМέ ύkέ α, IoniМ , AlЛέ shegë) seem to Нemonstrate relexes of an original laЛiovelar stopέ Unfortunately, the Hittite appellative GIŠšaddu(wa)ά (with the suggesteН meaning ‘pomegranά ate tree’) gives no eviНenМe for suМh a phonemeέ It Мannot Лe exМluНeН, however, that the Hittite name in question represents a Лorrowing from the δuwoiН languages anН the phoneme -w- in GIŠšadduwaά releМts the InНoά Hittite *gwέ όor the strong δuwoiН inluenМe in the Hittite voМaЛulary, see eέgέ Hittέ aku(wa)kuwa- Мέ ‘spiНer, tarantula’ vsέ Hittέ (δuwian loanάworН) auwawa- ‘spiНer’ (PuHvel 1λκ4μ βθ), Hittέ lalakweššar nέ ‘antάМolony, ant invasion’ vsέ Hittέ (a Лorrowing from δuwian) lalaueša- ‘ant, emmet’ (PuHvel βίί1μ 44–4η)έ The aάvoМalism of GIŠšadduwaά may Лe explaineН as a δuwian relex of Anatolian *e. Taking into aММount the Hittite (perhaps δuwian) term GIŠšaddu(wa)ά we Мan reМonstruМt the Anatolian protoform as *sedgwaά (or *sadwaά in the δuά woiН suЛgroup of the Anatolian languages)έ The НisМusseН ЛunМh of ύreek appellatives Нenoting ‘pomegranate’ was ЛorroweН from an unНetermineН Anatolian sourМeέ τf Мourse, the ύreeks must have ЛorroweН the term(s) in question from a West Anatolian variety anН not НireМtly from the Hittite lanά guageέ An exaМt sourМe Мannot Лe Мlearly inНiМateН, as the ύreeks maНe an early МontaМt with Нifferent Anatolian nations, among them the Carians, the δyМians, the δyНians anН also the SiНetians, later with the CappaНoМians, the Isaurians, the PisiНians anН so onέ The suggesteН МonneМtion Лetween Hittite GIŠšaddu(wa)ά (proЛaЛly from Anat. *sedgwa-) anН AnМient ύreek , fέ ‘pomegranate’ (ξ * 2 See also OInd. kalka-phala- mέ ‘the pomegranate plant’, kuca-phala- ‘the pomeά granate’ (origέ ‘having its fruit like the female Лreast’), dāḍima-phala- ‘the kernel of a pomegranate’ (Мfέ dāḍima- ‘the pomegranate tree’), vṛtta-phala- mέ ‘the pomegranά ate’, sat-phala- mέ ‘the pomegranate or any tree proНuМing gooН fruit’, su-phala- mέ ‘the pomegranate’, origέ ‘having a gooН fruit’ (mOnier-WilliamS 1λλλμ βθβ, βκι etМέ)έ 134 KRZYSZTτό TτεASZ WITCZAK, εAŁύτRZATA ZADKA or * ϝ ) is possiЛle from the phonologiМal point of viewέ The Мonsonants in the Hittite (Anatolian) anН AnМient ύreek forms seem to represent three Нifferent phonemesμ the siЛilant *s in the initial position (Мfέ Hittέ š- ο ύkέ ά), the Нental stop *d in the meНial position (Hittέ -dd- ο ύkέ ά ά) anН a laά Лiovelar stop *gw (or its later relex *w) in the inal syllaЛle (Hittέ -w- ο ύkέ ά ά or zero)έ The oЛserveН root voМalism in Hittite anН ύreek is Нifferent (Hittέ -aremains in opposition to ύkέ ά ά)έ However, the Нevelopment of *e to a in Hittite (anН espeМially in the δuwoiН languages) is well knownέ τn the other hanН, the Мhange of the short vowel *ĕ to ĭ was quite Мommon in early ύreek loan worНs (furnée 1λιβμ γηγ–γηη)3, anН sometimes even in inά Нigenous ύreek lexiМon (see eέgέ εyМenaean ύreek i-qo ‘horse’, AnМέ ύkέ ἵππ , DoriМ ύreek ἵ mέ ‘iНέ’ ξ IEέ *h1eḱwos)έ The НialeМtal form fέ ‘pomegranate’, attesteН Лoth in the HesyМhian lexiМon ( α · α ) anН εoНern ύreek НialeМts, eέgέ PontiМ ‘eine Planze mit roten όrüМhten an Нer Blтttern’, Samian ‘Pappel’, Rhoά Нian (Pσ) Σ , Chian (Pσ) Σ α (andriOtiS 1λι4μ 4λβν Witczak – zadka βί14μ 11θ, 11ι, 1β4–1βη), represents the same arМhetype * (or * ϝ )έ The alternation of with Нental plosives ( or ) is a feature of the ύreek voМaЛulary of suЛstrate origin (furnée 1λιβμ γκι–γκκ), eέgέ AnМέ ύkέ α vsέ εyМέ ύkέ da-pu2-ri-to-jo po-ti-ni-ja /daburinthojo potnia/έ The same alternation is registereН in Мertain AnМient ύreek Нiaά leМts, espeМially in the Pamphylian anН Cretan ones, eέgέ (1) Pamphέ ύkέ (in the speeМh of the town Perge) φ · φ έ Π αῖ (HsМhέ, ά4γγ), see AttiМάIoniМ ύkέ φ fέ ‘laurel’, Cyprέ, Thessέ α χ fέ ‘iНέ’έ In his poem σiМanНer of Colophon introНuМes a НialeМά tal form αυχ fέ ‘laurel’ (HeSter 1λθημ γηβ)έ (β) Cretέ ύkέ (in the speeМh of the town Polyrrhenia) α · υῖαέ Π υ (HsМhέ, ά4ίλ) ξ * π fέ ‘ly’ (brOWn 1λκημ ιιν Witczak 1λλημ β1–ββ), Мfέ Cretέ ύkέ π α fέ ‘ly’, AttiМ ύkέ π mέ ‘gnat’έ (γ) ύkέ Нialέ · (HsМhέ, ά1111θ)έ The Aeolian term α fέ ‘pomegranate’, registereН in the plural form α · α έ Αἰ ῖ Лy HesyМhius of AlexanНria, seems to Нemonstrate an initial guttural stop, as well as a nasal against of a Нental plosive, see 3 The alternation Лetween e and i in the ύreek Лorrowings of foreign (espέ Aegean) origin is registereН as early as in the εyМenaean times, eέgέ εyМέ ύkέ di-pa /dipas/ ‘a large vessel’ vsέ AnМέ ύkέ πα nέ ‘goЛlet’, εyМέ ύkέ ku-te-so /kutesos/ vsέ AnМέ ύkέ mέ (fέ) ‘ЛastarН eЛony, Laburnum vulgare δέ’, see ventriS – cHadWick (1ληθμ γλί, γλλν cHadWick – baumbacH (1λθγμ 1κγ, β1η)έ τσ THE AσATτδIAσ τRIύIσ τό AσCIEσT ύREEK Σ ΔΗ 1γη Witczak – zadka (βί14μ 1βγ)έ A guttural Мonsonant appears initially in the HesyМhian gloss υ · anН proЛaЛly also in the AlЛanian term shegë fέ ‘pomegranate’έ The alternation of a nasal anН a Нental stop is well reМognizeН in the Anatolian languages, eέgέ Hittέ nepišά nέ ‘sky, heaven’ vsέ Luw. tappaš- ‘iНέ’έ The НialeМtal form α ‘great pomegranate’ seems unМlear, as an anМient etymology, whiМh Нerives it from Aeolian α, Мanά not Лe veriieНέ The relation of all the forms Лeginning with a guttural stop (perhaps a laά Лiovelar *kw)4 to the aЛoveάmentioneН items with initial *s- (eέgέ AnМέ ύkέ α, , α) remains НisputaЛleέ The InНoάEuropean preix *kwuά with the augmentative or pejorative meaning (originally НeriveН from the pronominal interrogative stem *kwiά, *kwoά, *kwuά) seems the most likely hypothesis (ScHulze 1κλημ β4γ–β44ν leumann, leumann 1λίιμ θγν ScHulze 1λθθμ 4ίίν mayrHOfer 1λλβμ γηλ)ηέ This type of Нerivation is perfeМtly attesteН in Sanskrit anН other InНoάAryan languages6έ The folά lowing examples Мontaining the preixes in question are Мlearly motivatά eН Лy the prinМipal itemsμ τInНέ ku-bhartar- mέ ‘ЛaН husЛanН, ЛaН man’ vsέ bhartar- mέ ‘man’ν τInНέ ku-cela- nέ ‘a wretМheН garment’ vsέ cela- n. ‘Мlothes, garment’ν τInНέ ku-kāvвa- mέ ‘a ЛaН poem’ vsέ kāvвa- nέ ‘poem, inspiration, wisНom’ν τInНέ ku-plava- mέ ‘unsafe Лoat’ vsέ plavá- mέ ‘Лoat, skiff’ν τInНέ ku-putra- mέ ‘ЛaН son’ vsέ putrá- mέ ‘son, МhilН’έ The same preix is preserveН resiНually in other InНoάEuropean languages as well, 4 η 6 σote that the original laЛiovelar stop *kw, preserveН in the εyМenaean times, was simpliieН Лefore *s in the ClassiМal ύreek НialeМts, Мfέ εyМέ qi-si-pe-e [kwsiphehe] Нuέ ‘two sworНs’ (cHadWick, baumbacH 1λθγμ ββην aura JOrrO 1λλγμ βίη–βίθν BaRtoněk βίίγμ 1γκ, βθ1, ηλι) vsέ ύkέ Homέ φ nέ es-stem ‘sworН with a straight, НouЛleάeНgeН ЛlaНe’, AeoliМ φ nέ ‘sworН’ (cHantraine 1λι4μ ιθθν beekeS βί1ίμ 1ίγθ–1ίγι)έ The sМeptiМal position, expresseН Лy ScHmidt (1λκιμ γηκ–γθ1) with referenМe to Iraά nian lexiМal Нata, is not motivateН, see Э ь а (βί11μ 1ηλ–1θ1, 4ίι–4ίλ)έ σote that the pronominal interrogative stem *kwiά, *kwoά, *kwuά is very well attesteН in all the InНoάEuropean languages (POkOrny 1ληλμ θ44–θ4κ), inМluНing the Anatolian group, Мfέ Hittέ kuiš, kuit ‘whoς whatς’, kuwat ‘whyς’, kuwattan ‘whereς whitherς’, kuwatta aНvέ ‘in every way’, kuššanka inНefέ aНvέ ‘anytime, ever’ν PalaiМ kuiš, kuit (relέ anН interrogέ pronέ) ‘who, what’, kuiša ‘every’ν δuwian kuiš, kuit (rel. and interά rogέ pronέ) ‘who, what’, kuišḫa inНefέ pronέ ‘someone, anyone’ν HieroglyphiМ δuwέ kwi- ‘who, what’, kuman(a) aНvέ ‘ЛeМause’ν δyНian qi- ‘who, what’, quida ‘whoever, whatever’, kud relέ aНvέ ‘where’, kot relέ aНvέ ‘as’ν δyМian ti ‘who, whiМh’, tike inНefέ pronέ ‘someone, anyone’ (klOekHOrSt βίίκμ 4κκ–4λ1)έ σumerous examples are quoteН in the etymologiМal anН Мomparative НiМtionaries of the InНoάAryan languages (leumann, leumann 1λίιμ θγν turner 1λθθμ 1θγ–1θ4ν mayrHOfer 1λλβμ γηλ)έ KRZYSZTτό TτεASZ WITCZAK, εAŁύτRZATA ZADKA 136 namely in DarНiМ, Iranian, BaltiМ, ύermaniМ anН SlaviМ7έ In some Мases the preix in question seems to represent only one phoneme k- (originally PIEέ *kwά) rather than the syllaЛle ku- (ξ PIEέ kwu-), eέgέ δatin costa fέ ‘riЛ’, τlН ChurМh SlaviМ kost ‘Лone’, Czέ kost, Polέ kość ‘iНέ’ (meillet 1λίημ βθβν meillet 1λβ1μ 1–βν derkSen βίίκμ βγλ) vsέ Slovak osť ‘ishЛone, awn, thorn’, Polέ ość ‘iН’ (ξ PIEέ *H2ost- ‘Лone’)ν τInНέ khadati ‘to eat’, khādati ‘iНέ’, also Parthέ x’z- ‘to Нevour’, Khot. khaś- ‘to eat, Нrink’, Balέ khāδ- ‘to Мhew’ ξ Iranέ *xād- ‘to Нevour, eat, gorge’ (cHeunG βίίιμ 44η) vsέ τInНέ átti ‘to eat, Мonsume, Нevour’, δatέ edō ‘to eat’ (ξ PIEέ *H1ed- ‘to eat’)ν τInНέ kharjuram n. ‘silver’ (mOnier-WilliamS 1λλλμ γγι) vsέ PIEέ *H2erĝuro- ‘silver’, Мfέ ύkέ ἄ υ mέ ‘iНέ’, εessapiМ argorian nέ ‘silver’ anН (with a Нifferent sufix *-na-) τInНέ árjuna- aНjέ ‘white, Мlearν maНe of silver’ (mileWSki 1λθημ βίην mileWSki 1λθλμ βί4)έ The InНoάIranian examples are highly interesting, as the initial guttural *k- coalesces with the original laryngeal (PIEέ *H), yielНing a new phoneme kh-έ The form of the τlН InНiМ term kharjuram shows that it originates from *kwharĝuro- ξ *kwH2erĝuro- ξ *kwu-H2erĝuro- (origέ ‘what kinН of silver!’)έ The expressive anН augmentative funМtion of the preix *kwu- appears to Лe МonirmeН Лy the lexiМal Нataέ It is unМlear, however, whether or not the pejorative funМtion of the same preix, whiМh seems to Нominate in the InНoάAryan languages, shoulН Лe reМonstruМteН as an InНoάEuropean feaά ture, as suggesteН Лy ScHulze (1κλημ β4γ–β44ν 1λθθμ 4ίί)έ The HesyМhian gloss α · α αέἄ ὲ ὰ Ξ α (HsМhέ, άγβ4) Нemonstrates Мlearly that the ύreek worН α , Нialέ α fέ plέ Нenotes ‘great pomegranate trees, great pomegranate fruits’, perhaps even ‘overά great pomegranates ή α α ’κ, whereas other forms (eέgέ IoniМ or , DoriМ (Cyrenaean) fέ, Boeotian fέ) refer to pomegranά ates of normal sizeέ The expression ‘what a pomegranate!’ is seМurely moά tivateН in Мase of an aЛnormal size of the pomegranate fruit (or tree)έ This is why that the preix *kw(u)ά is very likely in the Мase of AeoliМ , Нialέ α ‘great pomegranate (fruit or tree)’έ The HesyМhian term υ · 7 See eέgέ Avestan kuruγa- fέ ‘a kinН of Нisease ή σame einer Krankheit’ (bartHOlO1λί4μ 4ι4) ξ Iranέ *ku-ruga- vsέ τInНέ ruj- mέ ‘pain, illness, Нisease’, róga- mέ ‘Нisease, inirmity, siМkness’ (mOnier-WilliamS 1λλλμ κκβ, κκκ)ν δithέ kumelỹs mέ ‘stallion’, also ‘foal, Мolt’, δatvέ kumeļš mέ ‘foal, Мolt’ ξ BaltiМ *ku-melias (StalmaSzczyk – Witczak βίί1μ βλ–γβ) ξ IEέ *mélyos mέ ‘stallion’, Мfέ τInНέ márвaḥ mέ ‘stallion’, Shumashti mair ‘male iЛex’ (ξ DarНiМ *marya-), OIr. meile mέ ‘horse, stallion, gelНing’ (ξ CeltiМ *melyos)έ σote that the ύreek aНjeМtive α in a ЛaН sense means ‘overάgreat’ (liddell, ScOtt 1λλθμ 1ίκκ)έ mae κ τσ THE AσATτδIAσ τRIύIσ τό AσCIEσT ύREEK Σ ΔΗ 137 , МompareН with AlЛanian term shegë fέ ‘pomegranate’, seems to Нemά onstrate the InНoάEuropean preix *kwuά as wellέ 3. Conclusions τur inal results, whiМh refer also to our earlier paper on ύkέ (Wit– zadka βί14μ 11γ–1βθ), Мan thus Лe summeН up as followsμ 1έ The attesteН AnМient ύreek terms for ‘pomegranate’, , , , , α, α, α, are relateН to eaМh other anН they Нemonstrate a numЛer of Preάύreek features, as МorreМtly stresseН Лy furnée (1λιβμ βκθ)έ βέ At least three AnМient ύreek forms ( , , α) are seМurely releМteН in the voМaЛulary of moНern НialeМts (see andriOtiS 1λι4μ 4λβν rOHlfS 1λθ4μ 4η4–4ηη)έ γέ The attesteН AnМient anН εoНern ύreek forms Мan Лe reМonstruМteН as *siCgwā fέ ‘pomegranate’ or *kw(u)-siCgwā fέ ‘great pomegranate’, where *C represents a foreign, nonάύreek phoneme, perhaps a Нental spirantέ 4έ The Мonsonant *C was realizeН in AnМient ύreek as a voiМeН Нental stop [D] (Мfέ , , seМonНary forms , ξ *siDgwā Лy an expeМteН metathesis of Мonsonants) or a liquiН [δ] (Мfέ α ξ *siLgwā) or w w a nasal [σ] (Мfέ α, α ξ *k (u)-siNg ā)έ ηέ Within the SemitiМ voМaЛulary no МonМrete sourМe of all possiЛle Лorά rowings Мan Лe НetermineНέ θέ The Hittite term GIŠšaddu(wa)ά seems to Нenote a kinН of fruitάtree, perhaps ‘the pomegranate tree’έ This term is relateН to the ύreek ЛunМh of appellatives, Лut no НireМt Лorrowing is possiЛleέ ιέ The Anatolian origin of ύkέ anН relateН forms seems aММeptaЛleέ czak Bibliography andriOtiS, nikOlaOSέ 1λι4έ Lexikon der Archaismen in neugriechischen Dialekten. 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GRAECO-LATINA BRUNENSIA 19, 2014, 1 KRZYSZTOF TOMASZ WITCZAK (UNIVERSITY OF ŁÓDŹ) MAŁGORZATA ZADKA (UNIVERSITY OF WROCŁAW) ANCIENT GREEK ΣΊΔΗ AS A BORROWING FROM A PRE-GREEK SUBSTRATUM The correspondences between Ionic σίδη or σίβδη, Aeolic ξίμβᾱ, Doric (Cyrenaean) σίβδᾱ f. ‘pomegranate, Punica granatum L.’, Boeotian σίδᾱ f. ‘pomegranate (tree and fruit)’, also ‘a water plant, probably water-lilly, Nymphaea alba L.’, Attic σίδη f. ‘water-lily’, are carefully discussed in the paper. It is concluded that the words demonstrate certain Pre-Greek features, which cannot be treated as native. Keywords: Greek Botanical Terminology, Pre-Greek Substrate, Pomegranate In our article we want to discuss the origin of Greek σίδη f. ‘pomegranate’ and to explain, if possible, its numerous alternative forms and derivatives. In Greek literary tradition the word σίδη (or Σίδη) appears in four following contexts: A) as a name of the city; B) as a female personal name; C) as a word for pomegranate tree and its fruit; D) as a word for water plant, similar to pomegranate, attested twice in Theophrastus (HP IV 10.1), most likely the water lily (mentioned among plants of Orchomenus and Egypt). Interestingly, when Theophrastus refers to pomegranates, he consistently uses the synonymic term ῥόᾱ. In other words, all meanings of the name σίδη / Σίδη can be divided into three main groups: appellatives, toponyms and eponyms. As all nomina propria derive from appellatives, we intend to discuss irstly the Mycenaean evidence, later the attested Greek (or non-Greek) nomina appellativa and inally proper names. 114 KRZYSZTOF TOMASZ WITCZAK – MAŁGORZATA ZADKA 1. Mycenaean evidence. The personal name si-da-jo (KN Dl 947.B; X 7626), perhaps also registered as ]si-da-jo (KN Nc 4490; KN Od 562.2), should be read as *Σιδαῖος, AurA Jorro (1993: 291). This Mycenaean anthroponym may be treated as an ethnic form derived from the place name Σίδη or Σίδαι, ChAdwiCk– BAumBACh (1963: 244, 269), though ruiJgh (1967: 220) does not exclude a straightforward derivation from the Greek appellative σίδη f. ‘pomegranate’. The Linear B evidence seems to suggest that the Mycenaeans called pomegranates ro-a /rhoai/, also ro-i-ko /rhoiskoi/ in a diminutive form, Fortes Fortes (1984: 8); Bartoněk (2003: 173, 356, 600). The synonymic term σίδᾱ f. ‘pomegranate’ is not attested in the Mycenaean Greek. The personal name si-da-jo is hardly a direct indication that the Mycenaean Greeks have known and used the synonymic term in question, though they must have known a Pre-Greek place name called Side or Sidai. 2. Synonymy in the pomegranate terminology: Greek literary evidence. The problem of two synonymic terms for ‘pomegranate’ is presented by Agatharchides of Cnidus. He gives an anecdote, recounted by Athenaeus (Ath. XIV, 64), about Epaminondas and the Boeotian name σίδᾱ for the pomegranates, see mAlinowski (2007: 282–283). σίδας δ᾽ ὅτι τὰς ῥοιὰς καλοῦσι Βοιωτοὶ Ἀγαθαρχίδης ἐν τῇ ἐννεακαιδεκάτῃ τῶν Εὐρωπιακῶν οὕτως γράφει: ‘ἀμφισβητούντων Ἀθηναίων πρὸς Βοιωτοὺς περὶ τῆς χώρας ἣν καλοῦσι Σίδας, Ἐπαμινώνδας δικαιολογούμενος ἐξαίφνης ἐκ τῆς ἀριστερᾶς μεταλαβὼν κεκρυμμένην ῥόαν καὶ δείξας ἤρετο τί καλοῦσι τοῦτο. τῶν δ᾽ εἰπόντων “ῥόαν” “ἀλλ᾽ ἡμεῖς, εἶπε, σίδαν” ὁ δὲ τόπος τοῦτ᾽ ἔχει τὸ φυτὸν ἐν αὑτῷ πλεῖστον, ἀφ᾽ οὗ τὴν ἐξ ἀρχῆς εἴληφε προσηγορίαν: καὶ ἐνίκησεν. Μένανδρος δ᾽ ἐν Αὑτὸν Τιμωρουμένῳ ῥοίδια αὐτὰς ὠνόμασεν (…). But Agatharchides, in the nineteenth book of his History of Europe, tells us that the Boeotians call pomegranates not ῥοιαί but σίδαι, speaking thus: – “As the Athenians were disputing with the Boeotians about a district which they called Sidae, Epaminondas, while engaged in upholding the claims of the Boeotians, suddenly lifted up in his left hand a pomegranate which he had concealed, and showed it to the Athenians, asking them what they called it, and when they said ῥοιά, ‘But we’, said he, ‘call it σίδα’. And the district bears the pomegranatetree in great abundance, from which it originally derived its name. And Epaminondas prevailed”. And Menander, in his Heauton-Timorumenos, called them ῥοίδια (…). Translated into English by Yonge (1854: 1041). ANCIENT GREEK ΣΊΔΗ AS A BORROWING FROM A PRE-GREEK SUBSTRATUM 115 On the basis of Agatharchides’ anecdote it seems obvious that two different names for ‘pomegranate’ was used in Boeotia and Attica. The observed synonymy was well known in the entire Hellenic world. Numerous equivalents of the Boeotian name are attested in the Ancient Greek lexicons and Greek dialects. 2.1. The homonymic water plant (Boeotian σίδᾱ, Attic σίδη). In his discussion on pomegranate Athenaeus (Ath. XIV, 64) informs us that the name σίδα denotes also a water plant. λέγεται δέ τι καὶ φυτὸν σίδη ὅμοιον ῥοιᾷ, γινόμενον ἐν τῇ περὶ Ὀρχομενὸν λίμνῃ ἐν αὐτῷ τῷ ὕδατι, οὗ τὰ μὲν φύλλα τὰ πρόβατα ἐσθίει, τὸν δὲ βλαστὸν αἱ ὕες, ὡς ἱστορεῖ Θεόφραστος ἐν τετάρτῳ περὶ φυτῶν, γίνεσθαι λέγων κἀν τῷ Νείλῳ ὁμώνυμόν τι αὐτῇ ἄνευ ῥιζῶν. There is, however, another plant called sida, which is something like the pomegranate, and which grows in the lake [near] Orchomenus, in the water itself; and the sheep eat its leaves, and the pigs feed on the young shoots, as Theophrastus tells us, in the fourth book of his treatise on Plants; where he says that there is another plant like it in the Nile, which grows without any roots. Translated into English by Yonge (1854: 1041). The plant from Orchomenus is identiied with nenuphar (Nymphaea alba L.), and the one from the Nile with lotus (Nymphaea lotus L.). It is worth emphasizing that in his work History of Plants (IV 10.1–4) Theophrastus of Eresus, the well known scholar and writer, uses the term σίδη to denote exclusively the water lily, mentioned in the list of plants of the lake Copais. When he mentions pomegranates, he uses the word ῥóα. Also Hesychios of Alexandria registers a water plant in Egypt called σίδη, referring to Theophrastus as an authority (cf. σίδη · Θεόφραστος φυτὸν ἕτερον τῆς ῥοιᾶς φησιν εἶναι τὴν σίδην, φύεσθαι δὲ ἐν τῷ Νείλῳ “side - Theophrastus says that a plant, different from the pomegranate, growing in the Nile”). 3. Ancient Greek lexical evidence. [A] Boeotian σίδᾱ f. ‘pomegranate’, also ‘a water plant, probably waterlily, Nymphaea alba L.’ (Ath. XIV 64); Attic σίδη f. ‘water-lily’ (Thphr., HP IV 10.1–4) seems a probable borrowing from Boeotian. [B] Ionic σίδη f. ‘a pomegranate tree and fruit’, liddell– sCott 1996: 1385–1386); see also σίδαι · ῥοιαί (Hsch., σ-590). The East Ionic term σίδη is relected in the Modern Greek dialects of Pontus and Cappadocia (see 116 KRZYSZTOF TOMASZ WITCZAK – MAŁGORZATA ZADKA below, 2.5.1.). Athenaeus (Ath. XIV 64) says that the term σίδη denoting ‘pomegranate’ was unknown in Attica. [C] Doric (Sicilian) σιδέα f. ‘a pomegranate tree’. The Doric form *σίδᾱ seems to be conirmed by loanwords attested in the South Italian dialects (see below, 2.5.2). [D] dial. σίλβαι · ῥοιαί (Hsch., σ-634). Though the term σίλβᾱ (or σίλβη) f. ‘pomegranate’ is not quoted in preserved texts of the Ancient Greek literature, strong relexes of it are attested in some dialects of Modern Greek (see below, 2.5.3.). Also the derivative form σίλβια · σίδια (Hsch., σ-635) ‘pomegranate peels’ should be taken into account. [E] Doric (Cyrenaean) σίβδᾱ f. ‘pomegranate’ (Call., Dian. 28; FernAndezgAliAno 1980: 581); see also σίβδαι · ῥοιαί (Hsch., σ-567). Ionic (dial.) σίβδη is also attested. [F] Aeolic ξίμβα f. ‘(great) pomegranate’, ChAntrAine (1974: 766): “obscure, p.-ê. mot d’emprunt”. The Aeolic appellative is attested twice in the Hesychian glossary: ξίμβαι · ῥοιαί. Αἰολεῖς (Hsch., ξ-68); ῥίμβαι · ῥοιαί μεγάλαι. ἄμεινον δὲ διὰ τοῦ Ξ ξίμβαι (Hsch., ρ-324). [G] Greek dial. (perhaps Cretan?) ῥίμβα f. ‘great pomegranate’. It appears exclusively in the Hesychian glossary: ῥίμβαι · ῥοιαί μεγάλαι. ἄμεινον δὲ διὰ τοῦ Ξ ξίμβαι (Hsch., ρ-324). The change of ξ- to ῥ- is suggested by some scholars for a Cretan dialect1. However, the evidence is far from being conclusive, as the only one example may be submitted, namely Cretan Greek ῥυστόν · δόρυ. Κρῆτες (‘spear, pike, the shaft of a spear’) < Gk. Hom. ξυστόν ‘spear, lance’, orig. ‘the polished shaft of a spear’, Brown (1985: 83). [H] the term κυσήγη f. ‘pomegranate’ is attested in the Hesychian glossary with no ethnic designation, cf. κυσήγη · ῥοιά (Hsch., κ-4730). Its resemblance to the Albanian term shegë f. ‘pomegranate’ is so obvious that it cannot be treated as an incorrect gloss. It is unclear whether Hesychian κυσήγη was used by a Greek tribe or a non-Greek population. The most probable conclusion is that κυσήγη should be regarded as a straightforward ancestor of Alb. shegë. Ancient Greek derivatives: [a] σίδιον n. ‘pomegranate peel or grain’ (usually in pl. σίδια); σίδια · τὰ τῶν ῥοιῶν λέπυρα ‘peels of the pomegranate fruits’ (Hsch., σ-598); σιδίῳ · κόκκῳ ῥοᾶς dat. sg. ‘grain of a pomegranate fruit’ (Hsch., σ-599). 1 sChmidt (1861: 429) adds in his comment on ῥίμβαι: “Cf. ξίμβαι. Creticum est, vide ῥυστόν”. Brown (1985: 83) rejects this interpretation on the basis of the following observations: irstly, “the Cretan ῥυστόν is a derivative of ἐρύω”; secondly, “the development ξ- → ῥ- is scarcely credible on phonological grounds”; thirdly, “there is no other independent evidence of such a change”. Finally Brown (1985: 83) concludes that “there is nothing to connect either word with Crete”. ANCIENT GREEK ΣΊΔΗ AS A BORROWING FROM A PRE-GREEK SUBSTRATUM 117 [b] dial. σίβδια · σίδια (Hsch., σ-567); [c] dial. σίλβια · σίδια (Hsch., σ-635); [d] dial. ψίδιον n. ‘pomegranate peel’, Alex. Trall.; ChAntrAine (1977: 1002). [e] dial. στίδιον · κόκκος ῥοιᾶς ‘grain of a pomegranate fruit’ (Hsch., σ-1855); [f] σίδειος adj. ‘of the pomegranate’; liddell– sCott (1996: 1386). [g] σιδόεις, -εσσα adj. ‘of the pomegranate’. Two Hesychian glosses [h] σίλβη · εἶδος πέμματος (ἐκ) κριθῆς, σησάμης καὶ μήκωνος ‘kind of cakes of barley, sesame and poppy’ (Hsch., σ-634) and [i] σίβληθρα · πόπανα τὰ περικεκνισμένα (Hsch., σ-569) should be separated from the Greek names for ‘pomegranate’. They have nothing to do with pomegranate fruits. According to neumAnn (1961: 98), the two Hesychian glosses in question represent an Anatolian ingredient in the Ancient Greek vocabulary, cf. Hittite šiluḫa ‘kind of a cake’ with two scribal variants šiluwa and šiliuwa ‘id.’. Beekes (2010: 1330) comments as follows: “If cognate, it is clearly a loanword or a Pre-Greek word. Yet the -β- of σίλβη is dificult to reconcile with the Hittite forms”. However, it is obvious that the Greek letter -β- renders the Anatolian phoneme *w [ṷ]. 4. Modern Greek evidence. To the best of our knowledge, some visible traces of the Ancient Greek terminology for ‘pomegranate’, discussed above, may be distinguished in the Modern Greek dialects. 4.1. Pontic σίδη, Cappadocian σίτη (in Sinasos), το σίδι (in Pharasa), Kerkyrian το σίδι ‘Weide, Weidenbaum’, Andriotis (1974: 492, No. 5347). The Pontic and Cappadocian appellatives seem to represent Ionic σίδη ‘pomegranate’. 4.2. There are numerous loanwords in the Italian dialects: Salentian sída, síta, sèta; Tarentian sèta; Old Barese sede, seida; Barese sétə, saitə, sèitə f. ‘melagrana’, Brindisian setúddu ‘iore di melagrano’, siCCA (1924: 197); rohlFs (1964: 454–455). All the Italian forms go back to Doric *σίδᾱ f. ‘pomegranate’. 4.3. Pontic σίλβᾰ ‘eine Planze mit roten Früchten an der Blättern’, Samian το σιλβί ‘Pappel’, Rhodian (PN) οι Σίρβες, Chian (PN) η Σίρβα, Andriotis (1974: 492, No. 5351). The Greek scholar derives these appellatives and place-names from Ancient Greek σίλβα f. ‘pomegranate’. 118 KRZYSZTOF TOMASZ WITCZAK – MAŁGORZATA ZADKA 5. Place and personal names. The place names derived from the appellative σίδη f. ‘pomegranate’ are registered not only in the Continental Greece, but also in Asia Minor and islands. As early as in 1921 J. Huber listed a number of Pre-Greek toponyms derived from a substratal term for ‘pomegranate’: „σίβδη, σίδη, granatum, quo in Asia Minore, Graecia, Africa nascitur. Ex hac arbore Σίβδα urbs Cariae, Σίδη urbs Pamphyliae et Laconiae, Σιδήνη urbs Troadae, Σιδήλη urbs Ioniae appellatae sunt”, huBer (1921: 22). The following toponyms are registered in the ancient sources2: 1) Side (Sida), a city and port in Laconia; combined with Etis and Aphrodisias in one federation named Boias (Paus. III 22, 11). 2) Side, a place name in Lamia-Hypata (Phthia). 3) Side, a town in Pamphylia, on the coast between Melas and Eurymedon (Stad. 214, 215; St.Byz., s.v. Σίδη), founded by the Cumaeans (Scyl. 101; Str. XIV 668; Arr., An. I 26); 4) Side, a town on the coast of Pontus (Str. XII, 3, 16), also named Polemonion (today Fatsa in province Ordu); 5) Side (ἡ Σίδη), a town in Troad, connected with Achilles (Apollod., Epit. 3, 33). 6) Sidai (αἱ Σίδαι), a territory in the Southern Boeotia near Attica’s border (Ath. XIV 560), called after the pomegranates growing there in great abundance, Benseler (1884: 1383); mAlinowski (2007: 283). 7) Sibda (ἡ Σίβδα), a town in Caria (St.Byz.). Benseler (1884: 1379) gives correctly the meaning ‘Granaten’, referring to the Hesychian gloss: σίβδαι · ῥοιαί (Hsch., σ-567). 8) Sidake (ἡ Σιδάκη), a town in Lycia (St.Byz.). The relation to the (Ionic Greek) lexeme σίδη f. ‘pomegranate’ is suggested by Benseler (1884: 1383). 9) Sidele (ἡ Σιδήλη), a town in Ionia (Hecataeus of Miletus in St.Byz.). 10) Sidene (ἡ Σιδήνη), a town in Lycia (Xanthos in St.Byz.). 11) Sidene, a town in Troas upon the river Granikos (Str. XIII). 12) Sidene, a town in Pontus, probably identical with Side (4). 13) Sidenos (ὁ Σιδηνός), a river in Pontus near the town Side/Sidene. 14) Sidous (Σιδοῦς), a village between Korinthos and Megara (St.Byz.). 15) Sidous (Σιδοῦς), a village in Ionia near Klazomenai (St.Byz.). 16) Sidous (Σιδοῦς), a village in Ionia near Erythraea (St.Byz.). 17) Sidous (Σιδοῦς), a place in Pamphylia (St.Byz.). 2 This list was made on the basis of Benseler’s lexicon, Benseler (1884: 1379–1383), and entries in WissowA (1923: 2208–2210), s.v. Side. ANCIENT GREEK ΣΊΔΗ AS A BORROWING FROM A PRE-GREEK SUBSTRATUM 119 18) Sidousa (Σίδουσα), a town in Ionia (Hecataeus of Miletus in St.Byz.), perhaps identical with Sidous 15. It cannot be excluded that the same botanic motivation (‘pomegranate tree’) appears in the following place names located in Asia Minor: 19) Sidyma (τὰ Σίδυμα), a town in Lycia (Alexander in St.Byz.). 20) Singua (ἡ Σίγγυα), a town in Pamphylia (St.Byz.). The name in question seems to refer to the Pamphylian town Side. Is it a native (Sidetic?) name of the town Side? 21) Sinda (ἡ Σίνδα), a town in Pisidia (Str. XII; XIII). 22) Sindia (ἡ Σινδία), a town in Lycia (Hecataeus in St.Byz.). Albert Carnoy suggests an Anatolian origin of the Greek appellatives for ‘pomegranate’ on the basis of numerous place names located in Caria, Troad, Pontus, Ionia and Pamphylia. He says as follows: “Le grenadier (σίδη, σίβδη) porte un nom d’origine anatolienne et, de fait, il apparaît dans un nom de ville carien: Σίδυμα et dans Σιδήνη en Troade, Σίδη en Pamphylie et Σιδηνός rivière du Pont, mais il existe aussi dans des collectives de la Grèce: Σιδοῦς, fortin sur l’île de Corinthe et endroit près de Clazomène, Σιδοῦσσα, fortin près d’Erythrée, Σιδήλη ville d’Ionie”, CArnoY (1959a: 226). It is worth emphasizing that the place-names Σιδοῦς (< PGk. *Σιδόϝεντ-ς) and Σίδουσα, earlier Σιδοῦσσα (< *Σιδόϝεσσα < PGk. *Σιδό-ϝεντια) located in Continental Greece seem to represent a purely Hellenic creation, so e.g. heuBeCk (1960: 6); CArnoY (1961: 193), containing a substrate element in the root. oткупщиков (1975: 272 = 2001: 159) emphasizes that the Ancient Greek place names on -εσσα were inseparably connected with the Pre-Greek substrate (“древнегреческие топонимы на -εσσα были неразрывно связаны с догреческим субстратом”). He demonstrates clearly that the Lydian town Σιδοῦσσα, whose name is motivated by the Greek appellative σίδη f. ‘pomegranate’, cannot be separated from other toponyms with the Pre-Greek sufixes -ηνᾱ, -ηλᾱ and -υμα, e.g. PN Σιδήνη (Lycia, Troas), Σιδήλη (Ionia) and Σίδυμα (Lycia), oткупщиков (1975: 274–277 = 2001: 160–163; 2001a: 291). It is obvious that the substrate place names denoting ‘pomegranate (tree and fruit)’ are distributed in Asia Minor, as well as in the Continental Greece. 120 KRZYSZTOF TOMASZ WITCZAK – MAŁGORZATA ZADKA 6. A survey of opinions on the origin of Greek σίδη. whArton (1890: 113) connects Gk. σίδη (also σίβδα) f. ‘pomegranate, water-lily’ with NPers. sīb ‘apple’. It is unclear whether – according to Wharton – the Greek term is etymologically related to the Persian term or it is borrowed from the Persian language. It should be added that Justi (1880: 18) derives the Iranian terms (NPers. seb, sev ‘apple’, Kurd. sev, siv ‘id.’) as borrowings from Hindi seb ‘apple’ (< Sanskrit sēvi- n. ‘fruit of Zizyphus jujuba, apple’3). Prellwitz (1892: 284) believes that Gk. σίβδη, σίδη f. ‘pomegranate’ represents a Carian borrowing. He compares it with Alb. shegë f. ‘pomegranate’ and NPers. sēb, sēv ‘apfel’. The Carian origin of the Greek lexical bunch was also suggested by hehn (1902: 244). meYer (1902: 24) claims the non-Greek origin of the σίδη/σίβδη lexical bunch (“Ohne Zweifel ungriechischer Ursprungs”). In his work on the earliest inhabitants of Greece huBer (1921: 22) gives a short reference to the pomegranate trees (and fruits), whose names have been borrowed by the Greek newcomers from a non-Greek substrate. He indicates also a number of Pre-Greek place names derived from the term σίδη. In his earlier works CArnoY (1955: 62; 1955a) explained σίδη as a Pelasgian word, deriving it from the Indo-European root *sweid- ‘to sweat’. hester (1965: 364) believes that the Pelasgian origin appears to be doubtful for phonological reasons (“no change of *d > τ”). That is why Hester prefers an “Asianic” origin of σίδη. In his etymological dictionary of the Greek plant names CArnoY (1959: 243) expresses a different hypothesis than an alleged Pelasgian etymology. According to his new opinion, the Greek term σίδη/σίβδη seems to represent a loanword taken from an oriental Indo-European source (cf. NPers. sēb). He tries to derive the attested Greek forms from the Indo-European archetype *seip-dhē, explaining that “[l]a inale dhē se trouve dans divers mots indo-européens. Quant à la racine seip, elle signiie : « découler, suinter », ce qui convient bien à la grenade dont on suce le jus”, CArnoY 3 An opposite direction of borrowing is suggested by turner (1966: 786), who derives Sanskrit sēvi-, sēva-, sēvita- n. ‘fruit of Zizyphus jujube, apple’ (lex.) from an Iranian source. In his opinion, most Modern Indic terms (including Panjabi seb, Hindi seb m., Oriya seba, Gujarati seb, sep n. ‘apple’) should be treated as direct loanwords from Persian sēb ‘apple’. Only Panjabi se f. ‘apple’, dial. ‘fruit of Prosopis spicifera’ (also seū ber m. ‘a grafted Zizyphus jujuba’, seuṇ f. ‘id.’), Oriya seu, seo ‘apple’, Nepali seu, syau ‘apple’ and Marathi śev f. ‘name of a fruit tree’, n. ‘its fruit’, may represent straightforward relexes of Skt. sevi-, turner (1966: 786). ANCIENT GREEK ΣΊΔΗ AS A BORROWING FROM A PRE-GREEK SUBSTRATUM 121 (1959: 243). As regards the Aeolic form ξίμβα, he explains it as a nasalized form: “C’est une variante nasalisée de sibdē empruntée à un autre idiome du proche orient”, CArnoY (1959: 273). In a different work the Belgian scholar suggests an Anatolian origin of the Greek appellatives for ‘pomegranate’ on the basis of numerous place names located in Caria, Troas, Pontus, Ionia and Pamphylia, CArnoY (1959a: 226). BrAndenstein (1958: 86–87) analyses the place name Side in Pamphylia, as well as the related Greek appellatives for ‘pomegranate’. He concludes that all the forms attested in Ancient Greek can be derived from the non-Greek archetype *śintwa. neumAnn (1962: 210–211) prefers to derive Gk. σίδη and σίβδη from the protoform *sibdā. They do not take into account a possible Pamphylian (Sidetic?) variant Σίγγυα (= Gk. Ionic Σίδη). dressler (1965: 186) discusses the Pamphylian change of the intervocalic dental stop δ [d] to ρ [r], indicating that the Pamphylian place name Σίδη contained originally a consonantal cluster and not one intervocalic phoneme [d]. He hesitates, however, whether the Greek term σίβδη, σίδη f. ‘pomegranate’ derives from *sibd- (as suggested by neumAnn 1962) or *śintw- (as BrAndenstein (1958) claimed on the basis of the Aeolic gloss in the Hesychian lexicon: ξίμβαι · ῥοιαί. Αἰολεῖς). Frisk (1962: 702–703) believes that the Greek word in question, as well as Alb. shegë ‘Granatapfel’, should be treated as a borrowing of unknown origin (“Unerklärtes Fremdwort”). The substratal origin of the Greek term for ‘pomegranate’ is claimed by Furnée (1972: 286), who indicates a number of Pre-Greek features, attested in the preserved forms denoting ‘pomegranate’: (1) A nasalization (“Nasalierung”), e.g. ξίμβα, ξίμβρα versus σίβδα, σίδη. (2) An alternation between [ks] und [s] (“Wechsel zwischen ξ und σ”), e.g. ξίμβα, ξίμβρα versus σίβδα, σίδη, cf. also Beekes (2010: XXVI). (3) A secondary dental stop (“der sekundäre Dental”), e.g. σίβδα, σίδη. (4) A development of δ into ρ (“der Lautwandel von δ […] zu ρ”), e.g. σίβδα versus ξίμβρα, cf. also Beekes (2010: XXVIII). (5) An epenthesis of λ (“die Variante […] mit epenthetischen λ”), e.g. σίλβα. In his etymological dictionary of the Greek language ChAntrAine (1974: 766) treats Aeolic ξίμβαι f. pl. ‘pomegranates’ as word of obscure origin, perhaps a loan word (“obscure, p.-ê. mot d’emprunt”). Having accepted Chantraine’s opinion, szemerénYi (1977: 5) indicates that the Aeolic appellative ξίμβᾱ f. ‘pomegranate’ cannot be separated from the pair σίδη = σίβδη f. ‘id.’. He gives a reference to BrAndenstein’s (1958: 86–87) and 122 KRZYSZTOF TOMASZ WITCZAK – MAŁGORZATA ZADKA dressler’s (1965: 186) papers. After Szemerényi the same opinion is repeated by PAPAnAstAssiou (1994: 36), s.v. ξίμβαι. ChAntrAine (1977: 1002) explains the σίδη family of words as a loanword (“Emprunt”), adding that the observed variation -βδ-, -δ-, -λβ- points clearly to a non-Greek source. He registers Ancient Greek lexical data, adding a valuable form, namely ψίδιον ‘pomegranate peel’ (Alexander Trallianus) = σίδιον n. ‘id.’, usually in pl. σίδια, σίβδια and σίλβια ‘pomegranate peels’. The initial alternation ψ- [ps-] vs. σ- [s-] seems to demonstrate a sixth (6) feature typical of Pre-Greek substrate. Also oткупщиков (1988: 127) emphasizes that the Carian place name Σίβδα (= ap. σίβδα ‘pomegranate’) contains the cluster -βδ-, which is foreign in the Greek language. Under the heading σίδη Beekes (2010: 1329) mentions the related byforms σίβδη and (Aeolian) ξίμβα, as well as to Alb. shegë f. ‘pomegranate’. After Brandenstein and Furnée he reconstructs the protoform *σιϝδ- for σίβδη and strongly argues that “the group is Pre-Greek”. On the other hand, Beekes treats the Hesychian gloss ῥίμβαι · ῥοιαὶ μεγάλαι. ἄμεινον δὲ διὰ τοῦ Ξ ξίμβαι (Hsch., ρ-324) as “unclear”. 7. The analysis of a Pre-Greek family of words. In his controversial book on the Pre-Greek substrate Furnée (1972) demonstrated numerous Pre-Greek features which appear in abundance in the analyzed family of the Greek words denoting ‘pomegranate’. His observations and conclusions were also supported by other researchers, including Chantraine, Otkupshchikov and Beekes (2010: XIII–XLII). The analysis of the preserved evidence let us to reach the following conclusions: 1. The Modern Greek lexical evidence demonstrates clearly that most Ancient Greek forms can be hardly treated as ictitious. 2. The Albanian term for ‘pomegranate’, shegë, as well as the Hesychian gloss κυσήγη · ῥοιά (Hsch., κ-4730), cannot be separated from the attested Ancient Greek forms: (Ionic) σίδη, (Boetian) σίδᾱ, (Cyrenaean Doric) σίβδᾱ, (Aeolian) ξίμβα and numerous glosses registered in the Hesychian lexicon, e.g. σίλβαι · ῥοιαί (Hsch., σ-634). The Albanian form is considered to be a loanword like Greek σίδη, BoisACq (1950: 864). 3. The Albanian phoneme -g- and the Greek consonant -β- (preserved in most attested forms) seem to document a labiovelar voiced stop *gw. This labiovelar stop was accompanied (usually preceded4) by an undeined 4 The attested cluster -βδ- may represent the original consonantal group -δβ- (< *-dgw-). ANCIENT GREEK ΣΊΔΗ AS A BORROWING FROM A PRE-GREEK SUBSTRATUM 123 substrate phoneme [C], which was identiied by the Greeks as a dental [D], liquid [L] or nasal [N]. 4. The Aeolian Greek forms denoting ‘great pomegranate’ seem to contain an augmentative preix *kw(u)-, which appears to be recognized in the form κυσήγη and Alb. shegë f. ‘pomegranate’. 5. All these variants indicate that the discussed term for ‘pomegranate’ cannot be a purely Hellenic word. Modiications in the middle consonant may suggest that the prototype is a Pre-Greek appellative containing an original sound [C], which was dificult to identify to the Greeks. It was adapted as a voiced dental stop [D] or a liquid [L] or a nasal [N] in Ancient Greek. 6. All the attested Ancient and Modern Greek forms can be reconstructed as *siCgwā f. ‘pomegranate’ or *kw(u)-siCgwā f. ‘great pomegranate’. 7. Different relexes of [C] explain attested forms and derivatives, e.g. C = dental *siDgwā > *sidbā > sibdā > sidā → sibdion, sidion, psidion; C = liquid *siLgwā > silbā → silbion; C = nasal *kwu-siNgwā > *kwsimbā > ksimbā > rhimbā. Our analysis of the attested Ancient and Modern Greek forms can be summarized as follows: Table 1: Pomegranate in Greek Pre-Greek Variants Greek Forms Attestations in Greek dialects Hesychian glosses (basic words) *siDgwā D = a dental consonant *sibdā, secondarily *sidā (<*sidbā < PGk. *sidgwā) Ionic and Attic σίδη f., dial. σίβδη ‘a pomegranate tree and fruit’, also ‘a water plant’; Doric (Cyrenaean) σίβδᾱ f. ‘pomegranate’ (CAll., Dian. 28); Boeotian σίδᾱ f. ‘pomegranate’, also ‘a water plant, probably water-lilly, Nymphaea alba L.’ σίβδαι · ῥοιαί (Hsch., σ-567); σίδαι · ῥοιαί (Hsch., σ-590) *siLgwā L = a labial consonant *silbā (< PGk. *silgwā) Pamphylian (?) σίλβᾱ f. ; East Doric (?) σίλβᾱ f.; *siNgwā N = a nasal consonant *(k)simbā (< PGk. *[kw]singwā) Aeolic ξίμβα f. ‘a (great) pomegranate’ dial. (?) ῥίμβα f. ‘id.’ σίλβαι · ῥοιαí (Hsch., σ-634) ξίμβαι · ῥοιαί. Αἰολεῖς (Hsch., ξ-68); ῥίμβαι · ῥοιαί μεγάλαι. ἄμεινον δὲ διὰ τοῦ Ξ ξίμβαι (Hsch., ρ-324) A similar development is attested in Gk. τίπτε ‘what, why’ < *τίτπε < ie. *kwid-pe, cf. Lat. quippe. 124 Pre-Greek Variants Hesychian glosses (derivatives) Modern Greek forms Foreign forms KRZYSZTOF TOMASZ WITCZAK – MAŁGORZATA ZADKA *siDgwā D = a dental consonant σίβδια · σίδια (Hsch., σ-567) ‘pomegranate peels’, also σίδια · τὰ τῶν ῥοιῶν λέπυρα. σίδαι γὰρ αἱ ῥοιαί. τίθεται δὲ καὶ ἐπὶ πάντων χλωρῶν (Hsch., σ-598) Pontic σίδη, Cappadocian σίτη (in Sinasos), το σίδι (in Pharasa); Kerkyrian το σίδι ‘Weide, Weidenbaum’ *siLgwā *siNgwā L = a labial consonant N = a nasal consonant σίλβια · σίδια (Hsch., σ-635) ‘pomegranate peels’ Pontic (in Chaldia) σίλβᾰ ‘eine Planze mit roten Früchten an der Blättern’; Samian το σιλβί ‘Pappel’; Rhodian (PN) οι Σίρβες; Chian (PN) η Σίρβα LW in the Italian dialects: Salent. sída, síta, sèta; Tarentian sèta; Bar. sétə, saitə, sèitə f. ‘melagrana’, Brind. setúddu ‘iore di melagrano’ < West Doric *σίδᾱ f. ‘pomegranate’ Bessan (?) κυσήγη · ῥοιά (Hsch., κ-4730); Albanian shegë f. ‘pomegranate’ < *siCgā Cf. also Pamphylian place name Σίγγυα (= Gk. 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