Volume 22, Number 7
October 2003
Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia
A Review
Surendra Basti, MD, and Marian S. Macsai, MD
Even though ocular surface squamous neoplasia
(OSSN) has been recognized for well over a century, the past decade has witnessed advances that
have helped rewrite many of the paradigms for the
diagnosis and management of these lesions. OSSN
occurs predominantly in the elderly for whom
they are the third most common oculoorbital tumors after melanoma and lymphoma. In addition
to advanced age and male sex, other major risk
factors linked to its pathogenesis are ultraviolet
light, cigarette smoking, and the human papilloma
virus. Although the latter has been linked to OSSN
for nearly 4 decades, its identification and role in
the pathogenesis of these tumors has been elucidated recently and is addressed in detail in this
review. Newer techniques of impression cytology
represent a noninvasive and reliable method of diagnosing OSSN and monitoring treated cases. The
efficacy of chemotherapeutic agents such as mitomycin C and 5-fluorouracil have been proven in
the recent past, making them a clear alternative to
the time-tested treatment of surgical excision and
cryotherapy. Early reports on the efficacy of topical Iterferon ␣ 2b indicate significant promise in
providing another alternative for the treatment of
some of these neoplasms. These advances thus represent a minimally invasive and highly successful
approach to the diagnosis and treatment of OSSN.
(Cornea 2003;22:687–704)
quamous lesions of the cornea and conjunctiva are uncommon but important because of their potential for causing ocular
and even systemic morbidity and mortality.
The clinical presentation of these lesions extends across a wide spectrum and differs
based on the degree of pathologic involvement. The latter can range from mild to severe dysplasia to full-thickness epithelial dysplasia (carcinoma in situ) and invasive squamous cell carcinoma. Squamous neoplasms
can involve the conjunctiva or the cornea individually but more commonly start in the
conjunctiva and extend across the limbus to
involve the adjacent cornea. Even though
such lesions have been extensively reported
since the first case described in 1860 by von
Graefe,1 the understanding of the pathogenesis and the management of these lesions has
changed significantly in the past decade. In
this paper, we review the recent advances
and present the current status of the diagnosis and management of squamous neoplasms
of the cornea and conjunctiva.
Various terms have been proposed to
describe the range of squamous neoplasms of
the cornea and conjunctiva. The initial cases
of squamous neoplasms described in the literature were cases of frank squamous cell
carcinoma.1 Subsequently, it has been recognized that both invasive and noninvasive (intraepithelial) forms of squamous neoplasms
occur.2–8 In the initial years following recognition of intraepithelial forms of squamous
neoplasms, various terms were used to describe these, including epithelial plaque, Bowenoid epithelioma, and precancerous epithelioma. Pizzarello and Jakobiec9 proposed
a terminology that parallels the gynecologic
pathology terms for intraepithelial neoplasia.
These authors classified conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasms as mild, moderate, and severe dysplasia based on the extent of involvement. Lesions that involve the basal one-third
of the conjunctiva are classified as mild,
those involving the inner two-thirds are classified as moderate, and lesions that are full
thickness are termed severe dysplasia. Waring et al10 extended the term to include the
Received for publication
December 7, 2002;
accepted July 1, 2003.
From the Department of
Ophthalmology (Drs Basti and
Macsai), Feinberg School of
Medicine, Northwestern
University, Chicago, Illinois and
Division of Ophthalmology (Dr
Macsai), Evanston Northwestern
Healthcare, Evanston, Illinois.
Reprints: Marian S. Macsai, MD,
Division of Ophthalmology,
Glenbrook Hospital, 2050
Pfingsten Road, Suite 220,
Glenview, Illinois 60025
[email protected]).
Copyright © 2003 by
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
CORNEA Basti and Macsai
Volume 22, Number 7
October 2003
cornea, and Erie et al11 further extended it to
include invasive neoplasia. Lee and Hirst12
have proposed the term ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN) to encompass the
entire spectrum of dysplastic and carcinomatous lesions of the ocular surface. This term is
gaining increasing acceptance at the present
time and is used in this review. In the interest
of clarity, we suggest qualifying OSSN lesions
with a prefix such as benign, preinvasive, or
invasive (Table 1). Such a system has the potential to provide a simple and accurate terminology for such neoplasms, especially if
combined with a histopathologic hallmark of
the lesion. For instance, benign OSSN—
papillomatous type, preinvasive OSSN—
grade III, invasive OSSN—squamous cell
type, and so on.
OSSN is uncommon. Templeton13 studied tribal groups in Uganda between 1961
and 1966 and found an average incidence of
0.13/100,000. A more recent study conducted in Brisbane, Australia found the incidence to be 1.9/100,000 population.14 It is
interesting to note that the incidence of squamous cell carcinoma of the skin was
600/100,000 in the latter geographic area. In
a recent study from the United States, Sun
and co-workers15 noted that the incidence
was 0.3 per million per year. The number of
cases of OSSN relative to the total number of
oculoorbital tumors ranges from 4% to 29%.
In the older population, OSSN is the third
most common ocular tumor after melanoma
and lymphoma.12 Benign lesions are at least a
third as frequent as malignant lesions of the
ocular surface.
Racial and Geographic Distribution
Several large studies of patients with
OSSN have found a predominance in Caucasians ranging from 90% to 100%.8,9,11,16 Sun
et al15 found the rate of OSSN to be 5-fold
higher in Caucasian men. Darker-skinned
populations in tropical climates close to the
equator can also develop OSSN.13,17–19 Ni et
al20 noted the age of onset was younger at
latitudes less than 30 degrees from the equator as compared with the age of onset at 45
degrees from the equator. More recently,
Newton and co-workers21 studied the geographic distribution of OSSN in relation to
ambient solar ultraviolet radiation. They
noted that the rate of squamous cell carcinoma declined by approximately 49% for
each 10-degree increase in latitude. For instance, in Uganda, there are 12 cases per million per year in contrast to 0.2 cases per million per year in the United Kingdom.
Age and Sex Distribution
OSSN predominantly occurs in older
men. Based on an evaluation of 18 studies
reporting on such neoplasms, Lee and Hirst12
noted an average age of occurrence as 56
years with a range of 4 to 96 years. Several
studies have shown that the average age of
carcinoma in situ patients to be 5 to 9 years
TABLE 1. Classification of Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasms (OSSN)
Benign OSSN
Pseudotheliomatous hyperplasia
Benign hereditary intraepithelial
Ca, carcinoma.
© 2003 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Preinvasive OSSN
Conjunctival/corneal intraepithelial
neoplasms grades I–III
Invasive OSSN
Squamous Ca
Mucoepidermoid Ca
Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia CORNEA
Volume 22, Number 7
October 2003
younger than those with invasive squamous
cell carcinoma.11,20 This difference in age
may represent the time taken for progression
from intraepithelial neoplasia to invasive carcinoma. Patients with xeroderma pigmentosum develop OSSN at a younger age.21,23,24
Young patients with HIV are also more prone
to develop aggressive OSSN.25
Based on the epidemiologic information available at this time, it appears that the
highest risk of OSSN is in older Caucasian
men, especially those who live closer than 30
degrees latitude to the equator.
As described above, OSSN can be classified as benign, preinvasive, and invasive
(Table 1). Of the benign OSSN, papillomas
are by far the most frequent neoplasms.
Other benign OSSN include pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia and benign hereditary intraepithelial dyskeratosis. Intraepithelial dysplastic lesions of the conjunctiva and cornea
have malignant potential and are hence classified as preinvasive OSSN. Based on the extent of epithelium involved by the dysplastic
process, these lesions may be graded as
grades I to III (described below in the Pathology section). Of the invasive OSSN, squamous cell carcinoma is the most common tumor. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma can also
occur on the ocular surface but is rare.
OSSN may represent the abnormal
maturation of corneal and conjunctival epithelium as a result of a combination of factors
such as ultraviolet B irradiation and human
papilloma virus. Other reported risk factors
include petroleum products, heavy cigarette
smoking, chemicals such as trifluridine, arsenicals, beryllium, ocular surface injury, vitamin A deficiency, light pigmentation of the
hair and eye, family origin in the British Isles,
Austria, or Switzerland, and infection with
the human immunodeficiency virus. There is
considerable evidence to support the role of
UV-B light and human papilloma virus in the
pathogenesis of OSSN, and these are discussed below.
UV-B Light
UV light causes DNA damage and the
formation of pyrimidine dimers.26 Failure or a
delay in DNA repair can lead to somatic mutations and the development of cancerous
cells such as occurs in xeroderma pigmentosum. Lee et al27 conducted a case-control
study in which they identified risk factors for
OSSN, which were pale skin, pale iris, propensity for sunburn, and spending over 50%
of time outdoors in the first 6 years of
life while living closer than 30 degrees latitude to the equator. Numerous other studies
have also identified UV-B light as a major etiologic factor in the pathogenesis of
OSSN.8,9,11,16–18,27–29 UV radiation is mutagenic for the p53 gene.30,31 Using immunohistochemical methods, Dushku and Reid32
evaluated p53 gene mutations in 5 cases of
limbal tumors and found increased nuclear
p53 mutations in all cases. This finding provides additional evidence for the causative
role of UV light in OSSN.
Human Papilloma Virus
There is a well-recognized causal relationship between human papilloma virus
(HPV) and squamous neoplasia of the uterine
cervix. DNA of HPV types 6 and 11 are associated with benign genital warts and grade I
cervical intraepithelial neoplasia.33,34 DNA of
HPV types 16 and 18 are found in up to 80%
of grades 2 and 3 cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and up to 90% of invasive squamous
cell carcinoma.35–38 A similar causal relationship between OSSN and HPV has been suspected for over 2 decades. HPV type 6/11 has
been detected in a large percentage of conjunctival papillomas,39 and HPV DNA has
been isolated from dysplastic and malignant
lesions of the conjunctiva and cornea.40–44
However, HPV DNA has also been found bilaterally in patients with unilateral ocular disease45 and in normal conjunctiva of patients
CORNEA Basti and Macsai
Volume 22, Number 7
October 2003
with genital HPV.46 These last mentioned
findings questioned the role of HPV in the
pathogenesis of ocular surface squamous
neoplasia. A recent study47 has helped put
some of these findings into proper perspective. Scott and co-authors47 evaluated a test
recognized to be a specific marker for active
viral expression. They used reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect the presence of HPV mRNA corresponding to the E6-E7 region in histopathologically
proven cases of conjunctival intraepithelial
neoplasms (CIN) and in controls. HPV 16 or
HPV 18 DNA and mRNA was demonstrated in
all CIN specimens and was absent in all of the
controls, indicating active HPV infection was
present in the former group. It has been demonstrated that protein encoded by the E6 region of HPV 16 and 18 forms a complex with
the protein encoded by the p53 tumor suppression gene in the host. The findings of the
study by Scott et al are consistent with the
findings reported for human cervical lesions
and are strong evidence for a role of HPV in
the pathogenesis of OSSN. It is likely that
HPV does not act alone in the development
of OSSN but may need a cofactor such as
UV-B light or one of the other risk factors
mentioned above.12 This fact might explain
the absence of OSSN in spite of the presence
of HPV in some clinically unremarkable conjunctival specimens.
FIGURE 1. Leukoplakic appearance of a limbal
squamous neoplasm (Courtesy Y. Y. Choong,
MD, Malaysia).
lymph nodes, and has well-defined borders.
The diffuse type (Fig. 4) is least common,
invades adjacent conjunctiva, and in its early
stages can present as persistent redness of
the conjunctiva without associated follicles
or papillae. Involvement of the palpebral
conjunctiva can cause inward rotation of the
lid margins. Thus, the diffuse type of OSSN
can masquerade as a chronic conjunctivitis.
These lesions are slow growing, and tumefaction occurs later in the disease process. The
exact demarcation of the edge of these tumors may be difficult to determine clinically.
Benign OSSN—papillomatous type lesions are exophytic, pink-red, strawberry-like
papillary growths. They have a stippled red
appearance, and these focal red areas correspond to the fibrovascular cores of the lesion.
Papillomatous lesions have a biphasic age dis-
Most conjunctival OSSN lesions are
slightly elevated and have characteristic tufts
of blood vessels and a pearly gray appearance. Their borders may or may not be well
defined. They usually straddle the limbus but
may be restricted to the conjunctiva and, less
frequently, the cornea. The macroscopic appearance has been described as being one of
three types: leukoplakic, gelatinous, or papilliform 9,11 (Figs. 1–3). Although circumscribed gelatinous lesions are most common,
two other types of lesions have been described.48 The nodular type is rapidly growing, has a propensity for spread to adjacent
FIGURE 2. Gelatinous appearing limbal squamous lesion. (Courtesy Shmuel Levartovsky, MD,
Ashkelon, Israel).
© 2003 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia CORNEA
Volume 22, Number 7
October 2003
FIGURE 3. Papilliform conjunctival lesions in a
patient with squamous cell carcinoma with orbital involvement. (Courtesy Gary S. Lissner, MD,
Chicago, IL).
tribution and growth pattern. In children,
they are most commonly multiple and pedunculated, involving the fornix, caruncle, or
eyelid margin. In adults, they are usually
single, sessile, and occur at the conjunctiva
or limbus (Fig. 5)
There is considerable overlap in the
clinical features of the different OSSN lesions,
and it is difficult to differentiate benign from
preinvasive and invasive OSSN lesions based
on the clinical appearance alone. Larger lesions that are fixated to underlying tissues are
usually suggestive of malignancy. Growth
patterns of OSSN lesions are variable, but
most are slow growing, and patients present
with redness, foreign body sensation, or mild
Corneal OSSN lesions typically are usually preinvasive and appear as an opalescent
FIGURE 4. Injected, diffuse involvement of both
palpebral and bulbar conjunctiva in a patient
with squamous cell carcinoma.(Courtesy Gary S.
Lissner, MD, Chicago, IL).
FIGURE 5. Slow-growing, translucent conjunctival and limbal lesion with radiating fronds of vessels (arrowhead) in a young woman.
ground-glass sheet whose surface is mottled.
A characteristic feature of many corneal lesions is that they have sharply defined and
fimbriated borders (Fig. 6) and are avascular.
Less frequently, the edges may be ragged or
even smooth. The convex leading edge
spreads away from the corneoscleral limbus
in an advancing arc. Fine white dots are often
present over the gray epithelium. These lesions can sometimes appear as large, elevated, pearl-white mounds. Corneal OSSN
lesions are slightly elevated compared with
the adjacent normal epithelium. Rose Bengal
staining produces a diffuse punctate stain
over the gray sheet. The virulence of these
corneal lesions themselves is low. Early involvement of the cornea adjacent to a conjunctival lesion may manifest as a mild opacification of the cornea. Such areas have dys-
FIGURE 6. Fimbriated edges of a gray corneal
lesion in a patient who spent prolonged periods
of time outdoors.
CORNEA Basti and Macsai
Volume 22, Number 7
October 2003
plastic corneal epithelium, which has a
polycystic appearance that is best visualized
by retroillumination. The etiology of these lesions is controversial, with some authors proposing a de novo dysplastic process in the
cornea49 while others suggest a centripetal
sliding of subsequently neoplastic cells from
the limbus.50These lesions are typically indolent and slow growing. They have a particularly high tendency to recur.49,51,52
• Pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia is a benign reactive or precancerous lesion of the
conjunctiva that tends to develop rapidly
over several weeks to months. These occur
anywhere on the conjunctiva and have a
whitish rather than gelatinous appearance.
Rarely, they may have crater-like centers
filled with keratin similar to a keratoacanthoma.
Differential diagnosis of OSSN includes
pannus, actinic disease, vitamin A deficiency,
benign intraepithelial dyskeratosis, pinguecula, pyogenic granuloma, keratoacanthoma, pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia,
malignant melanoma, and nevi, especially in
patients with racial melanosis. Pizzarello and
Jakobiec9 suggest some important clinical
features (Table 2) that may help differentiate
some of these lesions. These are as follows:
• Benign nevi occur in younger patients in
the interpalpebral area and have distinctive
cysts on slit-lamp examination. Poorly pigmented lesions may simulate a dysplastic
• Malignant melanoma has a regular smooth
surface, lacks gelatinous or leukoplakic surface disturbances, and may become ulcerated.
• Papillomas may look similar to preinvasive
OSSN or even invasive OSSN—squamous
cell type. Hence, histopathologic examination is necessary to confirm the diagnosis.
However, papillomas usually occur in
younger patients, may be sessile or pedunculated, and can occur anywhere in the
Histopathologic examination of papillomas demonstrates papillary fibrovascular
fronds covered by acanthotic epithelium.
(Fig. 7) Pediatric papillomas often have an
admixture of goblet cells and neutrophils
within the epithelium. A chronic inflammatory infiltrate may occupy the stroma. Adult
papillomas may exhibit various degrees of epithelial dysplasia characterized by nuclear enlargement, increased nuclear-to-cytoplasmic
ratio, and mitotic figures above the basal epithelial surface. The epithelial cells in papillomas have normal polarity, and the basal layers are usually unremarkable.
Preinvasive OSSN lesions are classified
as mild, moderate, or severe depending on
the degree of involvement of the dysplastic
Mild dysplasia, or CIN grade I, is defined as dysplasia confined to the lower third
of the conjunctival epithelial thickness. Moderate dysplasia (CIN grade II) extends into
the middle third, and severe dysplasia (CIN
III) to the upper third. Full-thickness dysplasia of the epithelium is also referred to as
carcinoma-in-situ. The pathologic basis for a
TABLE 2. Clinical Comparison of the Common Ocular Surface Neoplasms
Malignant melanoma
Childhood/young adulthood
Any age
Small cysts
White, smooth
© 2003 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia CORNEA
Volume 22, Number 7
October 2003
FIGURE 7. Thickening of the epithelium with fibrovascular fronds (arrow) within the acanthotic
epithelium suggestive of squamous papilloma
(Courtesy Paul J. Bryar, MD, Chicago, IL).
diagnosis of preinvasive OSSN is based on the
identification of epithelial disarray and abnormalities in maturation. In general, these conditions show an abrupt demarcation at the
lateral edges of the lesion between neoplastic
cells and the uninvolved benign epithelium.
(Fig. 8)
Invasive OSSN—squamous cell type
(Fig. 9) shows nests of infiltrating cells that
have penetrated the epithelial basement
membrane and spread into the conjunctival
stroma.53 Tumor cells may be well differentiated and easily recognizable as squamous, or
poorly differentiated and difficult to distinguish from other malignanacies such as seba-
FIGURE 8. Histopathologic appearance (hematoxylin-eosin, ⳯20 magnification) of conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia. To the left is normal
conjunctival epithelium. An abrupt transition (arrow) is seen between this area and dysplastic
epithelial cells, which occupy the entire thickness
of the epithelium to the right (CIN grade III)
(Courtesy Paul J. Bryar, MD, Chicago, IL).
FIGURE 9. Histopathology (hematoxylin-eosin,
⳯10 magnification) demonstrating dysplastic
cells that have replaced the normal conjunctival
epithelium. Invasion of the subepithelial area (arrow) by these cells confirms a diagnosis of invasive squamous cell carcinoma (Courtesy Paul J.
Bryar, MD, Chicago, IL).
ceous carcinoma. Well-differentiated tumors
have large cells with hyperchromatic nuclei,
prominent nucleoli, variable degrees of hyperkeratosis, and parakeratosis and mitotic
figures. Less-differentiated tumors are uncommon but more aggressive. Two types of
cells may be seen interspersed with squamous cells in such tumors.
Spindle cells. These are pleomorphic cells
with hyperchromatic elliptical nuclei
with scant cytoplasm and frequent mitotic figures. These cells may be indistinguishable from fibroblasts, and
hence spindle cell carcinomas are
termed pseudosarcomas. Electron microscopy and immunohistochemical
markers may be useful in differentiating
these tumors from true sarcomas.
Mucoepidermoid cells. These are cubiodal
cells with mucicarmine-positive intracytoplasmic droplets. The cell nests are
interspersed with pools of mucin in the
extracellular space. Mucoepidermoid
carcinomas exhibit a tendency to intraorbital extension as well as early recurrence if incompletely excised. For this
reason it is important that their mucinous component be recognized and
these tumors appropriately classified
CORNEA Basti and Macsai
Volume 22, Number 7
October 2003
Electron microscopic features of
include excessive number of organelles such as mitochondria, endoplasmic
reticulum, and tonofilaments; reduction in
number of desmosomes; alteration or absence of the epithelial basement membrane;
and deposition of a fibrillogranular material
between the basement membrane and Bowman’s layer.
A tissue diagnosis is almost always required before treatment of OSSN is begun.
This has traditionally been performed with an
excision biopsy in smaller lesions or a map
biopsy in larger lesions. These are discussed
in the next section, which describes surgical
techniques for OSSN. An alternative technique for tissue diagnosis is cytologic sampling. This technique is being used more often for the diagnosis and monitoring of OSSN
and is discussed below.
Cytologic sampling is a technique that
can be of great value in the management of
OSSN. Various techniques may be used to
sample the cells. The advantages and disadvantages of these techniques are summarized
in (Table 3). Malignant cells are particularly
well suited for exfoliative cytology because
they have poor intercellular adherence and
tend to desquamate when the malignant neoplasm is located on the mucosal surface. Exfoliative cytology can be performed using
specimens obtained by gently scraping the
lesion with a platinum spatula,57–59 a cytobrush,60,61 or by aspiration of the surface of
the lesion with a fluid-filled tuberculin syringe.62 Alternatively, impression cytology
can be performed using cellulose acetate paper63,64 or with the recently described technique using a Biopore membrane (MillicellCM, 0.4 µm PICM 012550, Millipore Corp,
Bedford, MA).65 Both the cytobrush and the
platinum spatula provide good samples.
However, cellular overlap may obscure some
of the details in specimens obtained with this
technique.60,61 Also, drying artifacts can occur with this technique of sampling. The latter can be avoided using the technique of
aspiration cytology.62 Impression cytology
with cellulose acetate paper is inexpensive
and easy to perform, even for inexperienced
operators, compared with cytologic scraping.66 However, specimens collected with
cellulose acetate paper need to be transported and processed immediately. This
makes it cumbersome and time consuming
for routine use in the outpatient clinic. Theil
et al65 reported on the utility of the Biopore
membrane device for impression cytology.
This technique has all the advantages of impression cytology. The device is mechanically stable, allowing direct orthogonal sampling from the ocular surface. There is good
adhesion of cells to the Biopore membrane
so that a large layer of cells is easily harvested. Specimens obtained can be placed in
95% alcohol for several weeks before processing. Consequently, this technique is advantageous for use in routine clinical practice
TABLE 3. Comparison of Techniques of Sampling Conjunctival Cells for Cytology
CAP imp cyt
Biopore imp cyt
Simple, inexpensive
Specimens can be stored for several
Cell-to-cell relationship maintained
CAP, cellulose acetate paper; imp cyt, impression cytology.
© 2003 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Morphologic detail may be obscured
Drying artifacts can occur
Specimens need to be read immediately
Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia CORNEA
Volume 22, Number 7
October 2003
and has been used in management of
OSSN.67,68 Cytologic study of OSSN can be
used for the diagnosis of corneal and conjunctival tumors, evaluation of tumors during
medical treatment, and follow-up of patients
after treatment to evaluate for recurrences.
The cytomorphology of OSSN has been well
described. In a recent review of 267 impression cytology specimens of lesions that also
had a biopsy, Nolan and co-authors69 provide
a detailed description of the cytologic
changes in OSSN. In cases with preinvasive
OSSN, three distinct types of cellular features
were identified as being the predominant cytologic feature:
Keratinized dysplastic cells with hyperkeratosis (55% cases)
Syncytial-like groupings (35% cases)
Nonkeratinized dysplastic cells (10% cases)
In cases with invasive squamous cell carcinoma, significant abnormal keratinization
was seen in 70% of cases (Fig. 10), and a
greater degree of inflammation was noted in
addition to the above changes described for
intraepithelial neoplasia. In general, there is a
paucity of cells in cases at the severe end of
the spectrum of invasive squamous cell carcinoma. These findings were confirmed in a
recent study by Tole et al.67 It was not pos-
sible even with considerable experience to
predict invasion based on impression cytology alone.
OSSN is frequently being treated using
immuno- and chemotherapeutic agents at the
present time. Cytology can be particularly
useful to evaluate such cases following initiation of treatment.68,70 It is important to note
that cytologic changes mimicking malignancy (nuclear enlargement and nuclear
hyperchromasia/smudging of chromatin)
have been reported in conjunctival biopsies
up to 6 weeks following topical mitomycin C
therapy.71 Nevertheless, there are features
that can help differentiate these from true
dysplasia, as was highlighted by Tole et al.67
Other techniques have been attempted to
monitor therapy for OSSN. Nadjari et al70 perfomed DNA cytometry in addition to cytology in patients treated with chemotherapeutic agents. They conclude that DNA cytometry is useful to provide an objective
identification of tumor cell regression. Immunostaining has also been used for the same
purpose. Investigators from Japan have performed immunostaining for proliferating cell
nuclear antigens (PCNA) and Ki-67.71 Aoki et
al73 studied immunostaining for PCNA, p53
immunostaining, and argyrophilic nucleolar
organizer regions (AgNORs). Based on these
studies, it appears that these tests can be potentially useful as prognostic markers in
OSSN. Further studies are required to determine their exact role in the follow-up of
treated cases of OSSN.
FIGURE 10. Impression cytology using Biopore
membrane in a patient with squamous cell carcinoma. Densely packed cells with pleomorphic
nuclei, scattered mitoses, and dyskeratosis (arrow) is seen (Courtesy Paul J. Bryar, MD, Chicago, IL).
Surgical excision of lesions has traditionally been the method of choice for treatment of OSSN. Because a tissue diagnosis is
mandatory before any kind of adjunctive
treatment, most surgeons resort to an excisional biopsy except for extensive lesions. A
wide surgical margin of 45 mm is required to
increase the chances of complete removal.74
Rose Bengal staining may help delineate the
CORNEA Basti and Macsai
Volume 22, Number 7
October 2003
margins of the lesion75 (Fig. 11). The conjunctival defect remaining following excision
can be closed primarily if it is small (less than
three clock hours in diameter). Larger defects
need tissue replacement either from a transpositional conjunctival flap, free conjunctival
flap from the other eye, or using amniotic
membrane transplantation. Lamellar techniques have been described for excision of
lesions that extend into the superficial cornea or sclera.76 More extensive surgery may
be required for lesions with intraocular invasion.77 In all cases, a “no touch” method is
used, and direct manipulation of the tumor is
avoided to prevent tumor cell seeding into a
new area.74 To minimize corneal epithelial
disruption in cases of suspected corneal preinvasive OSSN, Shields et al74 recommend using absolute alcohol application to facilitate
epithelial removal as a complete sheet. Conjunctival specimens have to be carefully
placed on absorbent paper and air dried to
prevent curling of the thin conjunctiva and a
loss of orientation of the tissue.
Recurrence rates for preinvasive and invasive OSSN following surgical excision
range from 15% to 52%.11,12 Because the tumor grows like the roots of a tree on apparently normal conjunctiva, small tumor islands
may remain after seemingly complete surgical excision of tumors, thus making histologic monitoring of surgical margins difficult.
In cases of corneal preinvasive OSSN, the
thinness and incohesive characteristics of the
epithelium make margin analysis difficult.
Studies have consistently shown that recur-
FIGURE 11. Rose Bengal staining delineates the
lesion in a patient with a gelatinous conjunctival
lesion (Courtesy Gary S. Lissner, MD, Chicago,
© 2003 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
rence rates are particularly high if dysplastic
tissues are left at the margins of the excised
lesion.9,11 Recurrences usually occur within
2 years after removal.78 Partially excised tumors, especially if they are carcinomatous to
begin with, tend to demonstrate recurrence
with aggressive behavior,11,20,79 possibly because of the tissue disruption associated with
the primary excision, which enhances the
ability of tumor cells to enter the eye.20
The increased recurrence rates and
technical difficulty associated with ensuring
complete surgical excision have prompted
surgeons to use adjunctive treatment with
the surgical excision. Cryotherapy, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy
have been used and are discussed below.
Cryotherapy is a commonly employed
modality of treatment in combination with
surgical excision. Studies with long-term follow-up have demonstrated an average recurrence rate of 12% with this combination of
treatments.78,80–83 Cryotherapy acts by destroying cells with a thermal effect and also
obliterates the microcirculation, leading to
ischemic infarction.84,85 It has the advantage
of reaching both superficial tumor islands
and deeply infiltrated tumor cells. Consequently, such a treatment can obviate the
need for radical surgery with large residual
tissue defects. A short-duration freeze with
slow thaw, repeated two to three times
(freeze-thaw-refreeze technique), is the recommended technique of cryotherapy. For lesions clinically confined to the conjunctiva,
after the lesion has been surgically excised, a
cryoprobe is inserted under the resected
edge of conjunctiva. The probe is directed
away from the globe, and the freeze-thawrefreeze technique is used to obliterate any
remaining tumor cells. If the limbus or the
episclera is suspected to be involved, cryotherapy should be applied to these sites also,
using a similar technique. A nitrous oxide
cryoprobe tip (2.5 or 5 mm) is used to form
an iceball extending 2 mm for the conjunctiva, 1 mm for episcleral tissues, and 0.5 mm
for the cornea. It is important to include the
limbal region during cryotherapy and not to
Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia CORNEA
Volume 22, Number 7
October 2003
apply the cryoprobe for more than 3 seconds. Care must be taken to avoid excess
freezing because this can cause iritis, hypotony, sector iris atrophy, corneal hemorrhage, and neovascularization. Extensive surgical excision or limbal cryotherapy can lead
to limbal stem cell insufficiency, and this may
require limbal autotransplantation.86
Radiotherapy has been used for OSSN
since the 1930s. Various sources such as
strontium-90, -irradiation, and ␥-radiation
have been used.87–89 Because radiotherapy
usually takes several weeks, is rather cumbersome for routine office use, and can infrequently have untoward side effects,90 it is not
widely used at the present time. Radiotherapy may have a role in the treatment of
diffuse lesions or extensive OSSN lesions in
conjunction with other modalities of treatment.
Chemotherapy with antimetabolic
agents such as mitomycin C and 5-fluorouracil has shown considerable promise in the
management of preinvasive and invasive
OSSN (Table 4). Topical chemotherapy has
several advantages when compared with traditional surgical excision and cryotherapy.91
These include (1) treatment of the entire ocular surface, thereby eliminating the need to
ensure clear tissue margins, as is necessary
with surgical excision, (2) apparent targeting
of the tumor cells reducing the risk of limbal
stem cell deficiency associated with the more
extensive surgical excisions involving the
limbus, and (3) simplicity of treatment and
reduced patient cost by avoiding repeat surgery in patients with recurrence. Disadvantages of topical chemotherapy include the
limited penetration of these agents and, consequently, their potential for failure in eradicating disease when used as the sole agent in
invasive squamous cell carcinoma. Also,
there is a potential for adverse changes in the
nasopharyngeal epithelium if exposure occurs. This last-mentioned complication can
be prevented by the placement of punctual
plugs for the duration of treatment. Reversible side effects of topical chemotherapeutic
agents include conjunctival discomfort and
hyperemia, punctate epithelial keratopathy,
and blepharospasm. It is important to recognize that mitomycin C has the potential for
causing serious ocular complications if not
used as prescribed.92
Since the first report93 on the use of
topical mitomycin C, various reports94–99
have confirmed the efficacy of this agent in
the treatment of recurrent and primary OSSN
(Table 4). Mitomycin C is an antitumor antibiotic that selectively inhibits DNA synthesis
and is a cell cycle–nonspecific agent that is
most effective in the G1 and S phases.100 Mitomycin C is referred to as a parent bioreductive alkylating agent, a drug activated by intracellular metabolic reduction of its quinone
group. This leads to the generation of alkylating species or to redox cycling that produces active oxygen species that cause DNA
damage. Because the hypoxia required for intracellular metabolic reduction of mitomycin
is more pronounced in tumor cells than in
normal tissues, it preferentially takes place in
tumor tissues, creating a certain level of selectivity.100 Mitomycin C is used in concentrations of 0.02% or 0.04% 4 times a day for 2
weeks. These cycles are repeated at 4- to
6-week intervals.
5-FU is a cell-cycle–specific antimetabolite that acts during the S phase of the cell
cycle. It is converted to 5-F DUMP, which inhibits thymidylate synthetase, preventing DNA
and RNA synthesis because of a lack of thymidine. This results in unbalanced cell growth
and ultimately cell death. Several reports have
confirmed the efficacy of topical 5-FU in treatment of preinvasive OSSN.91,101–105
Both 5-FU and mitomycin C are currently being used 4 times daily for 1–2 weeks,
and treatment is repeated if necessary. To decrease toxicity while maintaining efficacy,
Yeatts et al104 have described an alternate
pulsed dosing regimen using four applications of 1% 5-FU for 4 days, repeated every
month for 4 to 6 cycles. They observed that
with this pulsed dosing, the efficacy remained excellent, treatment was better tolerated, and the side effects were minimal compared with the 2-week treatment with 5-FU.
CORNEA Basti and Macsai
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October 2003
TABLE 4. Reported Series of Patients with OSSN Treated with Mitomycin C or 5-FU
Patients Agent
MMC 0.02% ×
10–22 d
MMC 0.02–0.04%
MMC 0.04% tid ×
1 wk, 3
one wk
MMC 0.04% qid ×
7 d, rpted
in 1–2 w
if reqd.
4–21 d tt
MMC 0.04% qid ×
7 d, 1 wk
on, 1 wk
MMC 0.02% qid ×
2 wks
MMC 0.02–0.04%
qid × 14
5-FU 1% qid for
14–21 d.
3 times
Response Follow-Up
4–12 mos
3–40 mos
14/16 CCIN REC: 4/16
0/1 SCC
after 1
cycle; 1/1
SCC after
2 cycles
6–9 mos
1/7 partially 2–16 m,
mean 9
to tt
Large CIN
10 ccin one
cycle; 2
CCIN two
cycles 2
CCIN min
rec. 2
CCIN rec
after two
Rec or
Mean 22 m, Extensive
6–50 mos
9 mos
24–44 mos
CIN <8 mm
3–30 mos
One patient
had deep
after 5 FU
Diffuse SCC
1% qid for 4
qid for 2–4 7/7 Two of
rett with
2–6 times
5-FU and
one with
quid for 2
7 mos
Mean 18.5
3/7 after
with 1
7–36 mos
course of
30 mos
Pt. had 2
courses of
CCIN, conjunctival-corneal intraepithelial neoplasia; CIN, conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia; SCC, squamous
cell carcinoma; tt, treatment; mos, months; REC, recurrence.
© 2003 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia CORNEA
Volume 22, Number 7
October 2003
For topical mitomycin, Shields et al97 use a
1-week-on and 1-week-off technique. They
report that this regimen is well tolerated and
retains good efficacy. For each of the abovementioned topical chemotherapeutic regimens, preplacement of punctal plugs protects the nasopharyngeal tissue from exposure to these potentially toxic agents and is
Based on the current clinical experience, it is clear that mitomycin and 5-FU are
effective for complete eradication of preinvasive OSSN. In cases of invasive OSSN, these
agents have traditionally been used to decrease tumor size before planned excision
and or cryotherapy. However, Shields et al97
recently reported their experience using a
higher concentration of MMC (0.04%) in
large (> 8 mm) recurrent conjunctivalcorneal invasive OSSN—squamous cell type.
No recurrence was noted during a mean follow-up of 22 months (range 6–50 months) in
any of the 10 eyes they treated.
(Figures 12 to 14) represent a strategy
that we suggest for the management of
OSSN, based on a review of the literature and
our own experience. For all lesions whose
largest diameter is less than three clock
hours, an excision biopsy is the initial treatment of choice. For lesions 3 to 6 clock
hours, a biopsy for confirmation of diagnosis
and determination of the invasiveness of the
lesion is recommended. In preinvasive le-
sions of this size, topical chemotherapy represents the best option. For invasive lesions,
a trial of chemotherapy is a good first option.
This may achieve either complete resolution
or chemoreduction. In the latter situation,
surgical excision and cryotherapy to the bed
of the excised lesion are required. For invasive lesions larger than 6 clock hours, a trial
of high-dose chemotherapy may potentially
be a useful option to obtain chemoreduction
or, as suggested in the above-mentioned
study, 97 complete eradication. Palliative
treatment with radiotherapy or extensive surgery such as enucleation or exenteration may
be the only options for large invasive lesions
that do not respond to chemotherapy.
Interferons (IFNs) are a family of naturally occurring glycoproteins that bind to cell
surface receptors and trigger a cascade of intracellular events, thus promoting antiviral
and antitumor properties through direct and
indirect mechanisms. Topical interferons
were first reported to be efficacious in a case
reported by Maskin.106 Vann and Karp107 reported on the successful use of a combination of intralesional and topical interferon␣2b in six patients with biopsy-proven primary or recurrent CIN. Complete resolution
was noticed within 6 weeks of commencement of treatment. The median follow-up in
these patients was 7.2 months (range 2–11
FIGURE 12. Suggested management strategy for OSSN less than 3 clock hours in diameter.
CORNEA Basti and Macsai
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FIGURE 13. Suggested management strategy for OSSN 3–6 clock hours in diameter.
months). More recently, Schecter et al108 reported success with the use of topical interferons in a series of 7 eyes with presumed
primary conjunctival and corneal intraepithelial neoplasia. IFN-␣2b (1 million units/mL)
was used 4 to 6 times a day until resolution
was observed and continued for a month
thereafter. The median time to resolution
was 54 days, and the range was 28–188 days.
The follow-up in this series ranged between
2.9 and 18 months.
Success has been reported in the dermatologic literature109,110 on the intralesional use of interferons in squamous cell car-
cinoma. The above-mentioned studies106–108
clearly suggest that local treatment with interferons might represent a promising alternative to the existing modalities of treatment
of preinvasive OSSN. Larger studies with
longer follow-up are awaited to better assess
the dosing regimen and recurrence rates with
the use of interferons for preinvasive OSSN.
Studies11,111,112 alluding to the longterm outcomes in patients with excised
FIGURE 14. Suggested management strategy for OSSN larger than 6 clock hours.
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Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia CORNEA
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October 2003
OSSN lesions have consistently demonstrated
that histopathologic involvement of the margin of the lesion is the most important factor
in predicting recurrence. These studies demonstrate that lesions where dysplastic cells
are present at the edge of excised lesions
have a 2- to 4-fold increase in the recurrence
rate and that recurrent lesions appear earlier
in the former group. For instance, in the series reported by Tabin et al,111 recurrent lesions appeared earlier in eyes with incompletely excised margins as compared with
those with healthy margins (mean 2.5 versus
3.8 years). Recurrence rates vary between
53% when pathology showed involved margins and 5% when pathology confirmed clear
margins.11 Lesions confined to the cornea
alone are extremely slow growing but have
an increased risk of recurrence. Eyes with
invasive OSSN—mucoepidermoid type have
also been reported to have an increased risk
of recurrence.113,114 The course of ocular
surface squamous neoplasms may be evanescent, but more frequently, it is slowly progressive and, if untreated, can lead to orbital
and intraocular spread and require exenteration. Systemic spread is extremely rare with
Future refinements of modern therapies will allow cell-specific anticancer treatment of these lesions. Cell-specific immunotherapies will require ex vivo expansion of
the tumor cell and development of immunespecific treatments. These cell-specific immunotherapies will allow for topical application
of tumor-specific antibodies that result in targeted destruction of the tumor cells, in both
the main tumor body and surrounding tumor
cell nests, with no damage to the surrounding tissue and preservation of the limbal stem
cells. Invasive tumors may require surgical
excision; however, intravenous delivery of
tumor-specific antibodies may obviate the
need for additional chemotherapy, radiation
therapy, or cryotherapy. In the event that surgical excision of the tumor is required, ex
vivo expansion and reimplantation of the patient’s limbal stem cells will result in stabilization of the ocular surface.
OSSN presents a unique challenge in
the treatment of squamous cell neoplasias.
Cell-specific immunotherapies will allow
treatment of these tumors with ill-defined
margins, hidden tumor cell nests, and a relatively high rate of recurrence. Limiting UV
exposure in the Caucasian patient, especially
those who reside with 30 degrees of the
equator, may decrease the overall incidence
of these tumors in at-risk patient populations.
However, the overall decrease in the ozone
layer and progressive longevity of the human
race may result in further increases in the
incidence of these tumors. Future therapies
will require targeted application of agents
that result in tumor cell death and ocular surface stem cell preservation resulting in ocular
surface stabilization and sight preservation.
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