published: 22 January 2018
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.02351
Designing Awe in Virtual Reality:
An Experimental Study
Alice Chirico 1 , Francesco Ferrise 2* , Lorenzo Cordella 3 and Andrea Gaggioli 1,4
Department of Psychology, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy, 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, 3 School of Design, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, 4 Applied Technology for
Neuro-Psychology Lab, IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Milan, Italy
Edited by:
Robin Lee Bargar,
Columbia College Chicago,
United States
Reviewed by:
Khiet Phuong Truong,
University of Twente, Netherlands
Jennifer Hofmann,
University of Zurich, Switzerland
Francesco Ferrise
[email protected]
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Human-Media Interaction,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Psychology
Received: 07 July 2017
Accepted: 22 December 2017
Published: 22 January 2018
Chirico A, Ferrise F, Cordella L and
Gaggioli A (2018) Designing Awe
in Virtual Reality: An Experimental
Study. Front. Psychol. 8:2351.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.02351
Awe is a little-studied emotion with a great transformative potential. Therefore, the
interest toward the study of awe’s underlying mechanisms has been increased.
Specifically, researchers have been interested in how to reproduce intense feelings of
awe within laboratory conditions. It has been proposed that the use of virtual reality (VR)
could be an effective way to induce awe in controlled experimental settings, thanks to its
ability of providing participants with a sense of “presence,” that is, the subjective feeling
of being displaced in another physical or imaginary place. However, the potential of VR
as awe-inducing medium has not been fully tested yet. In the present study, we provided
an evidence-based design and a validation of four immersive virtual environments (VEs)
involving 36 participants in a within-subject design. Of these, three VEs were designed
to induce awe, whereas the fourth VE was targeted as an emotionally neutral stimulus.
Participants self-reported the extent to which they felt awe, general affect and sense of
presence related to each environment. As expected, results showed that awe-VEs could
induce significantly higher levels of awe and presence as compared to the neutral VE.
Furthermore, these VEs induced significantly more positive than negative affect. These
findings supported the potential of immersive VR for inducing awe and provide useful
indications for the design of awe-inspiring virtual environments.
Keywords: awe, virtual reality, presence, emotions, emotion induction
Awe is a complex emotion characterized by intense feelings of astonishment, wonder and
connectedness that arises when one is confronted with something vast that transcends previous
knowledge schemas (Keltner and Haidt, 2003). This emotion can be triggered by natural
phenomena, such as the view of the ocean or a starry night, but it may also be elicited by more
conceptual contents, such as great works of art and “grand theories” (i.e., the theory of relativity).
In the last decade, the scientific interest of awe has significantly increased, especially because
research on positive emotions has shown that experiencing awe is associated with transformative
changes at both psychological and physical levels (e.g., Shiota et al., 2007; Schneider, 2009; Stellar
et al., 2015). For example, awe can change our perspective toward even unknown others thus
increasing our generous attitude toward them (Piff et al., 2015; Prade and Saroglou, 2016) and
reducing aggressive behaviors (Yang et al., 2016). Generally, awe broadens our attentional focus
(Sung and Yih, 2015), and extends time perception (Rudd et al., 2012). Furthermore, this emotion
protects our immunity system against chronic and cardiovascular diseases and enhance our
satisfaction toward life (Krause and Hayward, 2015; Stellar et al., 2015).
Considering the transformative potential of awe, an important methodological question
concerns how to elicit intense feelings of awe within controlled laboratory conditions
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Designing Awe in VR
possibility to experience a VE from a first-person perspective
and in the sensorial isolation from the real world, as well as in
the technological degree of sophistication (Diemer et al., 2015).
Crucially, also the possibility to interact with 3-D objects, as a
property of immersion, is a key element able to enhance the sense
of presence (Blackmon and Mellers, 1996). This VR feature is
called interactivity. Interactivity has been defined as “the degree
of which users of a medium can influence the form or content
of the mediated environments” (Steuer, 1992; p. 80). Previous
studies have shown that these components of presence (i.e.,
immersion and interactivity) can amplify emotions reported by
users navigating VEs. For example, Baños et al. (2004a) evidence
a key relationship between immersive emotional environments
and the sense of presence. Specifically, it has been evidenced that
immersion can enhance emotional intensity, especially for high
arousing emotions (IJsselsteijn et al., 2001; Baños et al., 2008;
Diemer et al., 2015). In line with this, Riva et al. (2007) developed
a neutral, relaxing and anxious virtual park to test the ability
of VR to induce emotions and the link between affects and the
sense of presence. They evidenced that the more activating the
emotional state was, the higher the sense of presence. However,
they focused only on general affective states and not on specific
discrete emotions.
On the other hand, Felnhofer et al. (2015) combined visual
and auditory cues to design ad hoc VR scenarios able to
convey specific discrete emotional states (joy, sadness, boredom,
anger, and anxiety). They found that the sense of presence was
similar across all emotional scenarios, suggesting that presence
is not connected to the type of emotion, but maybe, on the
presence/absence of an emotional content.
Finally, also realness is a crucial variable conveying a high
sense of presence, thus influencing subsequent emotional states
(Schubert et al., 2001; Freeman et al., 2005). This would involve
several aspects of a VEs, starting from the kind of interaction
provided, to the visual and auditory stimuli together (Riva et al.,
Although several studies showed that VR has a potential for
both general affect and discrete emotional states, the relationship
between complex emotions, such as awe, and VR still needs to be
fully explored (Chirico et al., 2017).
In order to test the effectiveness of VE for inducing awe, we
designed four different scenarios: three VEs included elements
that were assumed to induce different instances of awe (i.e.,
view of tall trees, high snow mountains, seeing the earth from
deep space; please see the Section “Materials and Methods” for a
detailed description of VEs). The fourth scenario did not include
awe-inspiring elements, and was included as control condition.
Our main hypothesis was that awe-VEs would induce greater
feelings of awe than the ‘neutral’ VE. Furthermore we expected
that presence and awe are positively related, as suggested by
previous studies. In other words, the aim of this study was
threefold. First, the aim of this research was to validate a
set of VR awe-inducing stimuli. Consequently, we were also
interested in elucidating which environment was the most aweinducing one (i.e., the one which induced the higher intensity
awe). To this aim, we realized three interactive evidence-based
awe-inducing VR environments resembling three instances of
(Chirico et al., 2016). However, the intrinsic complexity of this
emotion is hard to be reproduced in the lab (Silvia et al., 2015).
According to the prototypical model of Keltner and Haidt (2003),
awe can be conceived as a complex emotion encompassing
the two main appraisal themes of vastness (i.e., the perception
of being in front of either perceptually or conceptually grand
and vast stimuli) and need for accommodation (i.e., the urge to
adjust mental frames according to new incoming information).
Consistently with this operationalization, previous experimental
studies on awe have attempted to induce this emotion by
exposing participants to grand and vast panorama or natural
phenomena (Saroglou et al., 2008; Griskevicius et al., 2010;
Van Cappellen and Saroglou, 2012; Van Cappellen et al., 2013)
ranging from deep space images, earth and stars (Silvia et al.,
2015) to supercell (Gordon et al., 2016). Awe arises from
“information-rich stimuli,” which entail a need to update our
current knowledge of ourselves and the world (Shiota et al., 2007;
p. 946).
Recently, virtual reality (VR) has been proposed as a new
technique to induce awe in the lab (Chirico et al., 2016). VR
is a technology that combines multi-sensory stimuli to generate
the perception of being “present” within computer-generated
environments and users with the possibility to interact with 3D contents, resembling real-life interactions, even in a controlled
laboratory setting. However, the potential of VR for inducing awe
in the lab has not been fully explored yet. A first study carried
out by Chirico et al. (2017) showed that the use of immersive
videos (i.e., 360-degree video recordings that capture the entire
scene around the camera) could generate more intense feelings of
awe than conventional 2D videos. Here, we aimed at assessing the
effectiveness of computer-generated, three-dimensional virtual
environments (VEs) in inducing awe. Differently from immersive
videos, VEs are fully interactive graphical scenarios that the user
can explore as a ‘real’ physical space. These VEs can be populated
with any type of objects and animated characters (i.e. humans,
animals, or other creatures) the users can interact with. From a
methodological viewpoint, the main advantage is that VEs allow
researchers to design any possible scenario and situation, both
realistic or imaginary. Furthermore, a VE can be programmed
to include specific tasks and challenges, thus widening the range
of experimental manipulations. Another possible asset offered by
VEs in awe research is that they allow the experimenter accurately
tracking participant’s behaviors within the virtual world, i.e., by
logging his/her ‘virtual’ actions. Last, but not least, in contrast
with 2D videos, a VE can also simulate physically “impossible”
phenomena, that is, events breaking the physical or logical laws
(i.e., flying over a city, reversing the direction of time etc.
(Rosenberg et al., 2013; Friedman et al., 2014; Serino et al., 2015).
Finally, immersive VEs are known to generate strong feelings of
“presence” in the user, that is, the subjective feeling of being in
another physical or imaginary place (Waterworth et al., 2010,
2015; Riva et al., 2011; Riva and Waterworth, 2014; Waterworth
and Riva, 2014). Actually, previous research (Diemer et al.,
2015) has shown that presence and emotions are closely linked
psychological phenomena. Specifically, the feeling of presence
can be enhanced by a sense of immersion within the VEs (Coelho
et al., 2006; Diemer et al., 2015). Immersion consists in the
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Chirico et al.
Designing Awe in VR
study used an evidenced-based design approach, drawing from
literature on awe to “design” vastness. Mountain scenario relied
on a concept of vastness as “width” (large panorama), whereas,
we designed vastness in terms of “height” (Tall trees and the
downfall) in the Forest condition. Finally, the Earth view, which
can be conceived as an instance of conceptual vastness (Yaden
et al., 2016), was designed to reproduce a prototypical instance of
awe, basing on vastness conceptual component.
Finally, each environment was designed also to induce a need
for accommodation as well. Since need for accommodation can
be operationalized as a type of surprise (Chirico et al., 2016), we
relied on this indication to build the environments, by creating
a standardized navigation path leading to an unexpected cue
(panorama, waterfall and Tall trees, Earth). See Figure 5 for the
design process of these stimuli.
awe, following guidelines provided by literature on this complex
emotion (Keltner and Haidt, 2003; Shiota et al., 2007; Krause and
Hayward, 2015; Piff et al., 2015; Gordon et al., 2016; Yaden et al.,
2016). Then, we contrasted the effects of awe, sense of presence
and general affect induced by these three environments with
those induced by a neutral content created ad hoc in VR. Finally,
we aimed to advance knowledge in the positive technology field
about the efficacy of two different awe-induction techniques:
360◦ -videos and VR. To this aim, we focused on 360◦ videos
and VR environments to compare their standardized effects
on the same variables (i.e., presence and awe). This study has
also implications for the methodology of the study of awe. The
validated stimuli can be used in other studies to manipulate this
The composition of this scenario was chosen based on the work
of Piff et al. (2015). These Authors led participants to stand in
a grove of highest Tasmanian eucalyptus trees. Similarly, our
environment displayed a forest of luxuriant forest culminating
in a high waterfall, hidden behind trees. Awe is related to high
stimuli, both natural (Piff et al., 2015) or artificial (Joye and
Dewitte, 2016) and Forest are one of the most prototypical
awe elicitors. We chose to enhance the awe-potential of our
trees by introducing another highest awe-inspiring stimulus,
that is a waterfall (Rudd et al., 2012). Specifically, the waterfall
fulfills two important functions. First, the waterfall was used in
combination with trees, to enhance the global feeling of vastness.
More, since awe is an emotion entailing not only a vastness
component (i.e., here the Forest and high waterfall) but also
a need for accommodation dimension (i.e., something able to
surprise the viewer), we chose to introduce the waterfall behind
trees to support this last complex component, which can be
assimilated to a special case of surprise (Chirico et al., 2016).
Finally, within the forest grove there is a path helping participants
to reach the waterfall. We chose to create a standardized path
(i.e., the same length and the same navigation speed in all
environments) that participants must follow, to prevent them
from frustration (Santos et al., 2009). Indeed, we created quite
vast virtual space in which participants can navigate but they
Thirty six participants voluntarily took part in the study
(18 females – mean age = 23.33; SD = 0.333; 18 males–
mean age = 23.67; SD = 0.404). Participants were graduate
students recruited through campus announcements at an Italian
University. We excluded participants reporting vestibular and/or
balance disorders. The experimental protocol was approved by
the Ethical Committee of the Università Cattolica del Sacro
Cuore prior to data collection. Each participant provided written
informed consent for study participation. Written consent and
all methods were carried out in accordance with the Helsinki
We modeled four interactive and immersive VEs with Unity
software (version 5.5.1.). Three contents were designed to be
awe-inducing, thus they depicted natural scenes of (i) Forest
(Piff et al., 2015) (see Figure 1); (ii) Mountains (Chirico et al.,
2016) (see Figure 2) and (iii) Earth view from deep space
(Gallagher et al., 2015; Yaden et al., 2016, 2017) (see Figure 3).
The neutral environments represented a natural scene including
green grass with few flowers and trees (see Figure 4). To
be consistent, we chose only natural scenarios to induce awe,
since they are indicated as prototypical awe-eliciting stimuli
(Keltner and Haidt, 2003). Further, to enhance the feeling
of immersion within the VE, we provided participant with
headphones supplied with Oculus rift DK2, so that they could
hear the environmental sounds consistently within the virtual
Specifically, we followed literature on awe and its subcomponents as design principles to be implemented into VR
scenarios. First, we drew extensively from the literature on the
subdimension of vastness, which emerged as the most crucial
component in the experimental study of awe (Chirico et al.,
Since vastness can be either conceptual (in terms of
complexity) or perceptual (in physical terms) (Keltner and Haidt,
2003; Yaden et al., 2016), the three target stimuli were designed
in line with these two components of vastness. Therefore, this
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FIGURE 1 | The Forest.
January 2018 | Volume 8 | Article 2351
Chirico et al.
Designing Awe in VR
FIGURE 2 | The High Snow Mountains environment.
FIGURE 4 | The Neutral environment: green clearing.
We included the background sound of wind blowing
through the peaks. This sound element would enrich users’
experience thus enhancing their sense of presence within
the VRE.
Earth from Deep Space
Watching at the earth from the space is considered the most
prototypical case of awe. This experience was described by
White (1987) for the first time as the “overview effect.”
Yaden et al. (2016) deepen this phenomenon by analyzing
the reports produced by astronauts during space travels. We
designed a scenario in which the user is immersed into the
deep space in front of the earth. Participants could navigate
toward the earth which rotates on itself, as it naturally occurs,
showing different sides (illuminated and obscured). In this
experience, both vastness and need for accommodation are
supposed to be conveyed. Specifically, the vastness is conveyed
through the possibility to see something much larger than
ourselves and which includes all the people we could have
ever known in our lives. The awareness of this condition
is related to the newness and to the paradoxical nature of
this experience. It is highly unlikely that people could see
earth from outside its atmosphere in their lives unless they
become astronauts. This contributes to the dimension of the
need for accommodation, because it acts as something able
to alter people’ accustomed schema, defined as “organized
conceptual framework through which individuals approach new
information and make sense of old experiences” (Yaden et al.,
2016, p. 6).
Here, to be as close as possible to the equivalent real situation,
we did not include any kind of sounds, since no sound could be
heard in the deep space.
FIGURE 3 | The Earth view from deep space environment.
did not know the environment previously, so, it was possible
that they never reached the final target, in this case the waterfall,
but just wandering. This would lead to a partial awe experience
in which the need for accommodation component would be
We integrated visual stimulation with consistent
environmental sounds including chirping of birds, typical
of this kind of forest, along with the noise of wind flowing
through the fronds of the trees. Finally, the sound intensity was
calibrated according to participants’ proximity to the sound
source (i.e., the waterfall falling on the rocks).
This environment featured high snow mountains with a path of
stones culminating in a beautiful panorama. We designed this
scenario in line with works of Keltner and Haidt (2003) and
Rudd et al. (2012). Here, the vastness component was conveyed
by means of the panorama showing the snow-capped picks, while
the component of need for accommodation was supported by the
unexpected view of the magnificent panorama behind picks. Also
in this environment, participants were instructed to follow a path
of stones, which led them to the view of panorama, after going
through rock walls.
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Neutral Environment
To induce a non-specific emotive state, we followed guidelines
by Baños et al. (2004b, 2008), Riva et al. (2007), Diemer et al.
(2015) and we deprived this environment of several other cues
used in the other scenarios. Specifically, this scenario displayed
a park consisting of a green clearing with very few trees and
some flowers. To contrast the effect of vastness conveyed by
January 2018 | Volume 8 | Article 2351
Chirico et al.
Designing Awe in VR
FIGURE 5 | Diagram of evidence-based stimuli design.
previous scenarios, we surrounded the whole scene with high
stones which hindrance the view outside the woodland. We
hypothesized that this physical closure, would be followed by
a feeling of psychological closure, the opposite of vastness.
Moreover, to ensure that this environment would not convey
a need for accommodation, we excluded all elements that
could result as unusual or unlikely. For example, the whole
environment could be perceived at a glance, nothing was hidden
or to be discovered as it happened in the other environments.
Participants in this condition followed the same standardized
path as in the other conditions (i.e., the same length in all
No sound was included in order not to orient participants’
emotional state.
After the navigation phase, again, participants’ awe and
general affect was assessed. Moreover, also the sense of presence,
perceived vastness and need for accommodation were measured:
(i) A single item Likert self-report measure was used to
assess awe along with other items measuring seven distinct
emotions (from 1 = not at all; to 7 = extremely): Anger;
Disgust; Fear; Pride; Sadness, Amusement and Joy. This
questionnaire was used to obtain a measure of “global
perceived awe.”
(ii) We administered the ITC-Sense of Presence Inventory
(ITC-SOPI) (Lessiter et al., 2001) to assess perceived sense
of presence. It is a well-validated questionnaire composed
of 42-items on a 5-point Likert scale (1 = strongly
disagree; 5 = Strongly agree). This questionnaire consists
in four subscales, each referring to a specific dimension
of presence, with a good internal consistency (Cronbach
Alpha ranging between 0.76 and 0.94): Sense of Physical
Space (0.94); Engagement (0.89); Ecological Validity (0.76);
Negative Effects (0.77).
(iii) Perceived vastness and Need for accommodation were
assessed through ad hoc questionnaire developed by
Chirico et al. (2017), according to the guidelines provided
by Schurtz et al. (2012) and Piff et al. (2015). Specifically,
Perceived vastness was assessed using these four items:
(1) What I watched provided me with a deep sense of
vastness; (2) I felt small in front of what I watched; (3) I
felt meaningless in front of what I saw; (4) I felt my sense
of self diminish in front of what I saw). Perceived need for
accommodation was measured through four items: (1) It
was hard to grasp what was going on in the video; (2) I felt
confused and bewildered in front of what saw; (3) I was
struck by the video).
At the baseline, participants were requested to complete:
(i) Again, a single item Likert self-report measure was used
to assess awe on a 7-point Likert scale (from 1 = not at
all; to 7 = extremely), along with other items measuring
other seven distinct emotions (from 1 = not at all; to
7 = extremely): Joy, and consensual definitions of emotions
taken from literature (Frijda, 1988; Morreall, 1989; Haidt,
2003; Algoe and Haidt, 2009; Griskevicius et al., 2010;
Lewis et al., 2010; Herring et al., 2011; Tong, 2015).
(ii) General affect was assessed by mean of the Italian PANAS
version (Terraciano et al., 2003), which measures two main
clusters of the affective experience. This questionnaire
consists in a list of 20 adjectives measuring the positive
affect (10 adjectives) and the negative affect (10 adjectives).
This scale showed an adequate reliability for PA (α = 0.76)
and for NA (α = 0.83).
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Chirico et al.
Designing Awe in VR
sample, we chose to carry out parametrical statistical analyses for
normally distributed variables (i.e., repeated measures ANOVA)
and the equivalent not parametrical tests for not normally
distributed variables (i.e., Friedman test and Wilcoxon Signed
Rank tests).
First, participants read and signed the informed consent
document. Then, they were given a written and an oral
description of the study. They were seated on a chair in front
of a computer, and they completed the baseline measures.
Then, they were asked to stand up in front of a computer
and were tested once per session. Before the navigation phase,
participant received a set of instructions about the experiment.
The experiment was divided into two phases: baseline and
navigation. In the baseline phase, participants were required to
report their general affect (PANAS) and the extent to which
they felt seven discrete emotions including awe. Then, they
were provided with information about how to use the Oculus
Rift DK2 and its fitted Microsoft Xbox controller (plugged
to the laptop). Finally, they navigated in each VE once in
a counterbalanced order. The Oculus Rift DK2 (Oculus VR
LLC, Irvine, CA, United States) is a head-mounted display
(HMD) with a resolution of 1920 × 1080 pixels and a frame
rate of 90 Hz. And also, to avoid cybersickness, we used
the following computer: graphic card NVIDIA GTX1070, and
a CPU Intel i7. More, we optimized the VEs to avoid low
framerates and screen flickering. Immediately before wearing
the HMD, participants were instructed to close their eyes
until the VE was displayed. The same VE was visible on a
desktop computer (i.e., Virtual Desktop application developed
for the Oculus Rift), so that also the experimenter could
check for it to start correctly. Then, participants received
standardized instructions about how to navigate in each
environment. The instruction form was the same for all
environments, as well as the length of the initial path they could
navigate in.
Standardized instructions format was as follows:
Discriminant Ability of Each Virtual
Results showed that the three awe-inducing VEs induced higher
levels of awe compared to the neutral stimulus and to the baseline.
Table 1 shows descriptive statistics concerning emotions scores
for each condition.
Awe variable was not normally distributed across conditions;
thus, we chose to carry out a Friedman test of differences among
repeated measures (all conditions including the baseline) was
conducted and rendered a Chi-square value of 73.07 which
was significant (p < 0.001). Then, a Wilcoxon Signed Rank
test to compare awe levels across all environments including
the baseline. When multiple statistics are applied to discover
pairwise associations, it is necessary to adjust the significance
levels since the probability to commit Type I errors increases.
With this regard, Bonferroni correction lowers the critical
p-value for the Wilcoxon test and it relies on the number
of performed tests. Therefore, for adjustment, we computed
the corrected level of significance (α = 0.05) to address the
multiple statistics. Since we had 5 conditions the number
of possible combinations is 10 (=5∗ 4/2) [N(N-1)/2] and we
adjusted the significance level to 0.005 (=0.05/10) (Cabin and
Mitchell, 2000). Resulted showed that Forest [Mdn = 6.00; Z =
−2.406, p < 0.001; r = 0.294], Mountains [Mdn = 5.00;
Z = −4.635, p < 0.001; r = 0.546], Earth [Mdn = 5.00; Z = −3.557,
p < 0.001; r = 0.419] induced significantly higher levels of
awe compared to the Neutral stimulus (Mdn = 3.00). Forest
[Z = −4.852, p < 0.001; r = 0.571], Mountains [Z = −4.984,
p < 0.001; r = 0.576], Earth view [Z = −4.969, p < 0.001;
r = 0.585] significantly differed from the baseline (Mdn = 2.00)
regarding awe levels. No significant difference emerged between
baseline awe and awe induced by the Neutral environment.
Please, see Table 2 for Wilcoxon test between each condition
and the baseline for each emotion.
Finally, we carried out also Wilcoxon Signed Rank test to
compare awe levels only across the three target conditions
(i.e., Forest, Mountain, Earth), in order to elucidate which
environment was the most awe-inducing one. For adjustment,
we computed the corrected level of significance (α = 0.05)
to address the multiple statistics. Since we had only 3
conditions, the number of possible combinations is 3
(=3∗ 2/2) [N(N-1)/2] and we adjusted the significance level
to 0.017.
Results showed that Mountain [Mdn = 6.00; Z = −2.406,
p < 0.01; r = 0.232] induced significantly higher levels
of awe compared to Forest (Mdn = 5.00) and to Earth
(Mdn = 5.00). No significant difference between Forest and Earth
was evidenced.
“Please, follow (specific natural cues embedded into the VEs to
provide participants with the same task: stones, a path, the earth),
and then explore the virtual environment freely, as you prefer.”
When participants indicated that they were ready to begin,
the experimenter started countdown. The navigation phase
lasted 3 min. After each VE, participants completed the
self-reported measures described above. This procedure was
repeated four times, one time for each condition, with each
participant. After all, four environments had been experienced
by the subjects, a debriefing phase concluded the session and
interviews were recorded. The entire experiment lasted about
55 min.
Data Analyses
Two normality tests (i.e., Kolmogorov–Smirnov and Shapiro–
Wilk) were carried out to determine if variables were normally
distributed. Only positive affect dimensions, sense of perceived
vastness, sense of physical presence, perceived engagement
in each condition were normally distributed. Also, ecological
validity in the High snow mountains and in the Neutral condition
followed a normal distribution. Given the small size of our
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January 2018 | Volume 8 | Article 2351
Chirico et al.
Designing Awe in VR
TABLE 1 | Emotions scores for each condition: mean and standard deviation for each emotion in each condition.
Earth view
TABLE 2 | Significance levels for each condition compared to baseline using Wilcoxon test.
Forest vs. baseline
Mountains vs. baseline
Earth view vs. baseline
Neutral vs. baseline
Significance at p < 0.001 = ∗ .
Sense of Perceived Vastness and
Perceived Need for Accommodation
substantial effect for the condition (BF01 = 5.349; err = 2.093e-8).
In other words, Mountains elicited levels of vastness significantly
similar to the Earth view condition.
We carried out a one-way repeated measures ANOVA
(conditions: Forest, Mountains, Earth view, Neutral), with
vastness as a measure. It emerged a statistically significant effect
of condition on the sense of perceived vastness [F(3) = 29.526;
p < 0.001; η2 = 0.458]. Post hoc comparisons were made to
determine the significance of pairwise contrasts, using the
Bonferroni correction (α = 0.05). High snow mountains elicited
a significantly higher sense of perceived vastness (mean
=18.527; SD = 4.953) compared both to Forest (mean =
15.889; SD = 5.306) and the Neutral stimulus (mean = 11.500;
SD = 4.982). Mountains and Earth view (mean = 18.278;
SD = 6.738) did not significantly differ regarding the ability
to convey a sense of vastness. Earth view conveyed a higher
sense of vastness than the Neutral stimulus only. No statistically
significant difference emerged regarding perceived need for
accommodation across conditions.
To test whether Mountains and Earth view were statistically
similar in conveying vastness, we carried out the paired sample
t-test Bayes Factor (BF), namely a ratio between the likelihood of
the data given null-hypothesis and the one given the alternative
one (Masson, 2011; Liang et al., 2012; Nuzzo, 2014; Rouder,
2014), using JASP (see Figure 6).
Results showed that Mountains and Earth view, the most
vastness-conductive stimuli, were statistically significant
regarding their ability to convey vastness. Results evidenced a
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First, we carried out a one-way repeated measures ANOVAs
(conditions: Forest, Mountains, Earth view, Neutral), with the
FIGURE 6 | Bayesian graph of Mountains vs. Earth view conditions
considering vastness measure.
January 2018 | Volume 8 | Article 2351
Chirico et al.
Designing Awe in VR
compared to Forest [Mdn = 3.60; Z = −3.118, p < 0.001;
r = 0.424], Earth view [Mdn = 3.50; Z = −4.335, p < 0.001;
r = 0.895] and the Neutral environment [Mdn = 3.60; Z = −3.531,
p < 0.001; r = 0.416]. Regarding negative affect, scores ranged
between 1 and 2 on a 5 point-likert scale. Friedman test showed
a Chi-square 9.26 (p < 0.05). We carried out a Wilcoxon
Signed Rank test which showed that Mountains (Mdn = 1.500)
elicited significantly higher levels of negative affects compared
to Earth view condition [Mdn = 1.167; Z = −2.702, p < 0.001;
r = 0.602]. Neutral stimulus (Mdn = 1.500) induced higher
levels of negative affect compared to Forest [Mdn = 1.500;
Z = −2.834, p < 0.001; r = 0.334] and Earth view conditions
[Z = −2.769, p < 0.001; r = 0.326]. Consider Table 4 for
descriptive statistics.
two normally distributed dimensions of presence as measures
(i.e., physical presence and engagement).
Physical Presence
There was a statistical significant effect of condition
on the perceived physical presence [F(3) = 29.180;
p < 0.001; η2 = 0.456]. Post hoc comparisons were made
to determine the significance of pairwise contrasts, using
the Bonferroni correction (α = 0.05). Results showed that
Forest, Mountains, significantly enhanced the perceived
sense of being physically present within the VE more than
the Neutral environment. Contrarily, Earth view induced
a significantly lower level of physical presence than the
neutral condition. In other words, the Earth view condition
induced the lowest level of perceived physical presence
compared to other conditions. See Table 3 for descriptive
Positive vs. Negative Affect
Since, awe is a composite emotion with a not well-defined
valence, we chose to integrate the discrete approach to
emotions, with a dimensional one, which allows capturing
nuances of positive and negative affective states associated
with each environment. First, we carried out a separate t-tests
to investigate the differences of in the positive affect before
(baseline) and after the exploration of environments. No
significant difference was found for Forest, Earth view and
Neutral environment with respect to the baseline. However,
exposure to High snow mountains significantly increased positive
affect (mean = 3.461; SD = 0.714) compared to the baseline
condition (mean = 3.161; SD = 0.512) [t(35) = −2.900;
p < 0.01].
More, we carried out a Friedman test of differences
among repeated measures, considering negative affect as a
measure (including all the four conditions and the baseline)
which rendered a Chi-square value of 33.51 (p < 0.001).
A separate Wilcoxon Signed Rank tests to investigate the
differences in the negative affect before (baseline) and after the
exploration of environments. Forest [Mdn = 1.1; Z = −4.003,
p < 0.001; r = 0.471], Mountains [Mdn = 1.1;
Z = −3.092, p < 0.001; r = 0.364], Earth view [Mdn = 1;
Z = −4.135, p < 0.001; r = 0.487] and Neutral condition
[Mdn = 1; Z = −2.837, p < 0.001; r = 0.334] significantly
There was a statistical significant effect of condition on perceived
engagement [F(3) = 9.964; p < 0.001; η2 = 0.222]. Post
hoc comparisons were made to determine the significance of
pairwise contrasts, using the Bonferroni correction (α = 0.05).
Again, results showed that Forest and Mountains conveyed
significantly higher levels of engagement compared with the
Neutral environment. However, Earth view induced significantly
lower levels of engagement compared to the other two target
conditions. See Table 3 for descriptive statistics.
Ecological Validity and Negative Effect
First, we carried out Friedman test of differences among repeated
measures (including the four conditions) was conducted and
rendered a Chi-square value of 27.42 which was significant
(p < 0.001). Secondly, we computed Wilcoxon Signed Rank test
adjusting alpha as mentioned in the “awe” results section both
with ecological validity and negative effect as measures. Here, we
had 4 conditions, so the number of possible combinations was 4
(=4∗ 2/2) [N(N-1)/2], consequently, we adjusted the significance
level to 0.008 (=0.05/6). Resulted showed that Mountains
(Mdn = 4.00) induced the highest levels of ecological validity
TABLE 3 | Physical presence and engagement scores for each condition: Mean and standard deviation for each condition.
Earth view
Physical Presence
TABLE 4 | Ecological validity and negative effect scores for each condition: Mean and standard deviation for each condition.
Earth view
Ecological validity
Negative effects
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January 2018 | Volume 8 | Article 2351
Chirico et al.
Designing Awe in VR
engagement [F(1,41) = 48.846; p < 0.001; η2 = 0.544]. Then,
we compared this effect size with those calculated in the current
study. Particularly, we calculated effect size (η2 ) comparing each
awe-inspiring environment of the current study with the neutral
condition. Effect size from Forest vs. Neutral comparison is
0.560. Effect size from Mountains and Neutral is 0.571. Effect
size from Earth view vs. Neutral is 0.390. Both virtual Forest
and Mountains resulted as more effective in inducing higher
levels of engagement compared to 360◦ videos. Finally, again,
we used data from Chirico et al. (2017) to compute a repeated
measure ANOVA comparing 360◦ awe-inspiring video with 360◦
neutral video with physical presence as a measure. Results showed
a statistical significant effect of condition on physical presence
[F(1,41) = 125.045; p < 0.001; η2 = 0.753]. Then, we calculated
effect size (η2 ) comparing each awe-inspiring environment of the
current study with the neutral condition. Effect size from Forest
vs. Neutral comparison is 0.236. Effect size from Mountains and
Neutral is 0.246. Effect size from Earth view and Neutral is 0.381.
Physical presence was higher in the 360◦ study, considering a
360◦ neutral environment as a comparison condition.
decreased negative affect compared to the baseline. Overall, all
environments conveyed positive affect and significantly reduced
the intensity of negative one. High mountains resulted as the
most positive affect conductive, able to significantly increase
participants’ positive moods.
Secondly, we carried out a one-way repeated measures
ANOVA considering all four conditions (Forest, Mountains,
Earth view, Neutral) with positive affect as a measure. There
was a statistical significant effect of condition on the perceived
general positive affect [F(3) = 29.180; p < 0.05; η2 = 0.08].
Post hoc comparisons using the Bonferroni correction showed
that only the Neutral condition (mean = 3.116; SD = 0.870)
elicited significantly lower level of positive affect only compared
with the Mountain condition (mean = 3.461; SD = 0.714). No
significant effect for negative effect across condition was found
after correcting with Bonferroni. However, even not significant,
High snow mountains displayed the highest level of negative
affect (mean = 1.289: SD = 0.432) followed, respectively, by
the Neutral stimulus (mean = 1.286; SD = 0.3766), the Forest
(mean 1.228; SD = 0.366) and the Earth view (mean = 1.172;
SD = 0.3141).
360◦ Awe-Inspiring Contents vs. VR
Awe-Inspiring Contents
To compare the effectiveness of VR and 360◦ as two novel
emotion-induction techniques, regarding awe induction, we
contrasted effect sizes from Chirico et al. (2017) with effect size
calculated in this experiment. Specifically, we focused on two
measures: awe and sense of presence.
First, since we chose to compare awe scores in this study
with those calculated in a previous study (Chirico et al., 2017)
with a similar experimental design, we had to be consistent
with the distribution of data. In this current study, perceived
awe measure was not normally distributed, thus we calculated
effect size starting from z-score from Wilcoxon Signed Rank test.
We computed effect size from the previous study by comparing
360◦ awe-inspiring video and 360◦ neutral video regarding the
ability to convey a feeling of awe, following the same statistical
procedure (we carried out a Wilcoxon Signed Rank test). Results
showed an effect size (computed as “r”) of 0.58 [Z = −5.367,
p < 0.001; r = 0.471]. On the other hand, we compared these effect
sizes with those calculated in the current study. In this study,
we computed effect size of awe by comparing each awe-inspiring
condition with the neutral VRE. Effect size (r) calculated from
the comparison between Forest and Neutral condition was 0.294.
Mountains vs. Neutral effect size was r = 0.546. Earth view vs.
neutral effect size is 0.419. 360◦ awe-inspiring videos resulted
as more effective than VR awe-inspiring environments, although
the difference was not wide.
Moreover, Chirico et al. (2017) considered only engagement
and physical presence as measures for the sense of presence.
Therefore, in the current study, we considered engagement and
physical presence as dimensions of presence.
First, we used data from Chirico et al. (2017) to compute
a repeated measure ANOVA comparing 360◦ awe-inspiring
video with 360◦ neutral video with engagement as a measure.
Results showed a statistical significant effect of condition on
In this study, we tested the possibility of inducing awe through
VR. To this end, four immersive and interactive VEs were
developed to induce awe and a neutral emotional state, according
to guidelines provided by literature (Piff et al., 2015; Yaden et al.,
2016, 2017; Chirico et al., 2016, 2017). As hypothesized, the
three target environments (i.e., Tall trees, High snow mountains,
Earth view) induced a significantly greater awe than the Neutral
stimulus (i.e., cleaning). Furthermore, each stimulus induced
more awe compared to other potentially intervenient emotions
(Chirico et al., 2017). In other words, it emerged the possibility to
elicit awe even using interactive elicitors. This is far more relevant
if we consider that awe is considered as a contemplative emotion
(Darbor et al., 2016).
Further, our aim was also to elucidate which environment
was the most awe-inducing one (i.e., the one which induced the
higher intensity awe). This study demonstrated that Mountain
environment was the most awe-conductive one. Specifically,
High snow mountains scenario displayed slightly higher level of
fear and joy, as well as of vastness and need for accommodation
if compared to the other two target stimuli. With this regard,
Keltner and Haidt (2003) stated that awe could be elicited by
stimuli perceived as conceptually and perceptually vast. A recent
article by Yaden et al. (2016) identified the overview effect as
a case of conceptual vastness “Vastness can be (..) conceptual
(..) as (..) the fragility and complexity of life on a small planet
in the vastness of space” (p. 4). On the other hand, Mountain
and Forest are usually conceived as perceptual instances of awe
(Yaden et al., 2016). This is the first study that focus on the ability
of conveying awe by two perceptual and conceptual instances
of this emotion. Specifically, this research evidenced that High
snow mountains stimulus, which was designed to convey vastness
through a large panorama, was the most effective elicitor of awe.
Surprisingly, also Earth scenario, which can be conceived as a
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January 2018 | Volume 8 | Article 2351
Chirico et al.
Designing Awe in VR
At a more general level, all these environments conveyed also
a high positive affect. Consistently with our purposes, the Neutral
environment elicited the lower positive affect. Interestingly,
High snow mountains induced a higher level of negative effect
compared to all other conditions, but the only relevant difference
was between the Earth view and the Neutral stimulus. At the
design level, it emerged that the Earth view condition led to
less negative effects related to navigation, maybe because there
were less reference points that could make participants feel
disoriented. This hypothesis is in line with qualitative reports of
participants at the end of the experimenter. Indeed, two main
themes emerged regarding the use of each environment. First,
the circular trajectory of navigation of the Neutral stimulus
was perceived as monotonous and disorienting. Secondly, the
possibility to see a vast panorama near to a cliff, was perceived
as dangerous but extremely fascinating, thus leading to a feeling
of disorientation. Therefore, two different kinds of disorientation
emerged. The first, which regarded the Neutral stimulus, was
related to the navigation trajectory. The second one, which
concerned the Mountains, consisted of the expected feeling of
disorientation related to intense episodes of awe. However, the
relevance of this effect is limited since ecological validity scores
ranges from 1.5 to 1.7 on a 7-point Likert scale.
Furthermore, Forest and Mountain resulted as more engaging
than the Neutral environment, as well as more presence
conductive. Unexpectedly, Earth view environment induced a
lower sense of engagement and physical presence, as dimensions
of presence, than the Neutral environment. This could be due to
the intrinsic paradoxical nature of this experience, which led to
a decreasing in the sense of physical presence (i.e., participants
struggled to believe and feel as if they were there). On the other
hand, a reason for lower engagement levels could be that this
experience was almost static (in the deep space perception of
movement is different from the one perceive on Earth) and
totally silent. This could have led to an unusual perception that
contributed to a less engaging experience.
Together all this evidence showed that awe can be elicited
at high intensity even in the lab. Specifically, mean scores of
awe, in awe-inducing environments, ranged from 4.611 to 5.250
on a 7 point Likert scale and the distribution of awe variable
showed a high negative skewness. This showed that the bulk
of the values lie to the right of the mean, that is, closer to
the maximum score of awe (Kim, 2013). Specifically, compared
to the baseline, each target environment elicited a significantly
higher amount of awe. More, each target condition elicited
also other emotions besides awe, compared to the baseline. At
the same time, also the neutral condition resulted as inducing
different emotional states (i.e., pride, awe, fear) compared with
the baseline. However, the neutrality of an emotional stimulus
should be evaluated also in relation to other emotional material
(Dan-Glauser and Scherer, 2011; Piff et al., 2015). With this
regard, our results supported the idea that our Neutral condition
acted as a control condition if compared with the other VEs.
These results suggested that VR alone, cannot induce intense
awe states, but also an ad hoc content is required (Chirico
et al., 2017). This result was also supported in this study. Even
though the neutral stimulus was able to induce a higher amount
conceptual instance of awe, was able to convey a sense of vastness
statistically significant to that induced by High snow mountains.
This result can be extended also to the need for accommodation
component. That is, all three target scenarios did not significantly
differ regarding their ability to convey need for accommodation.
This suggests that High snow mountains and Earth view, which
can be conceptualized as perceptual and conceptual instances
of awe, were equivalent regarding their ability to convey both
a sense of vastness and a need for accommodation. However,
High snow mountains and Earth view did not convey more need
for accommodation than Forest stimulus. Far from being an
outcome of vastness and need for accommodation components
manipulation, these results can suggest how it is possible to
design interactive virtual scenarios able to target different facets
of awe. Future studies can take inspiration from these findings to
address a more controlled manipulation of such awe components.
For instance, this study evidenced that empirical translation
of vastness in terms of “width” worked better in VR compared to
that in terms of “height,” and that different instances of vastness
can be equivalent into a VR setting.
Moreover, this study is in line with findings from ReinermanJones et al. (2013), Gallagher et al. (2014, 2015), Quesnel and
Riecke (2017) who demonstrated that VR was able to generate
awe through one of the most prototypical experiences of this
emotion, that is, the overview effect (i.e., the experience of
viewing landscapes from far above, which includes the Earth
view as the “quintessential version of this experience”; Yaden
et al., 2016, p.2). Here, we showed that the overview effect, when
displayed in VR, can be considered closer to natural-based VR
experiences. One of the main features of the overview effect
it is its intrinsically extraordinary nature. It is very alike that
we can see earth from outside its atmosphere during our life.
Therefore, it is the component of the need for accommodation
that is stressed in this experience. Indeed, if vastness changed
significantly across conditions, the need for accommodation
did not. In other words, VR could be considered as a sort of
natural generator of need for accommodation. It is noted that
VR itself could be considered as a source of paradoxical, unusual
experiences (e.g., Friedman et al., 2014; Gaggioli, 2016; Gaggioli
et al., 2016; Pallavicini et al., 2016; Serino et al., 2016) this would
open to a broad array of possibilities regarding the creation of VR
scenarios for eliciting complex emotions in the lab. First, these
findings indicated that it is possible to induce vastness and the
need accommodation components of awe differentially. This can
be promising for the design of VR environments able to induce
even other complex awe-related states, such as the emotion of
admiration (Onu et al., 2016) or elevation (Haidt, 2000), or to
manipulate different components of awe effectively. According
to the prototypical model of Keltner and Haidt (2003) on awe,
this emotion is structured as a family. In the core part of this
family there is the prototypical awe, and it is possible to find other
complex emotions around it, which are closely connected to awe,
such as surprise, admiration or elevation. These VR scenarios
are a promising starting point for the design of other awefamily emotional states, allowing also an integrated assessment
of theme (combining physiological, behavioral and self-reported
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January 2018 | Volume 8 | Article 2351
Chirico et al.
Designing Awe in VR
2016). Further, it would be useful to consider whether the
component of interaction acts differently in a natural context,
compared to a virtual one. Moreover, VR provides the possibility
to design almost infinite scenarios including different objects
and characters users can interact with. This allows for planning
tasks and challenges within the VE. Further, VR allows for a
complete tracking of participants’ performance. As previously
mentioned, another advantage provided by VR compared to 360◦
videos is that VE can reproduce “paradoxical” phenomena (i.e.,
violating laws of physics) in controlled settings. This could be
one of the assets that can contribute to the natural ability of
VR to induce a need for accommodation. Regarding the sense of
physical presence, we considered effect size from the comparison
between 360◦ awe vs. 360◦ neutral environment (Chirico et al.,
2017) with those from this study (Forest vs. Neutral; Mountain
vs. Neutral; Earth view vs. Neutral). Indeed, results indicated a
higher effect size in the 360◦ study. However, in any case, effect
size was based on the comparison with a neutral condition. It
could be possible that this VR format could enhance the sense of
physical presence even for neutral stimuli, as a matter of medium.
Thus, the differences between emotional VEs and Neutral one
were lower.
Finally, at the level of usability, these environments have been
highly tolerated by participants.
In short, these validated environments can be used in different
contexts and propose some design guidelines to be followed when
creating an awe-inspiring VE.
For instance, it is possible to design multiple and continuative
experiences in VR such as a VR training for repeated awe
induction, maybe in combination with conventional emotion
induction technique, such as emotional recall (e.g., Gilet, 2008;
Gaggioli et al., 2014). This repeated but controlled exposure
could lead to longer-term positive outcomes for individuals’
wellbeing and health. With this regard, it is possible to imagine
several applications for awe, related to its positive consequences
for health and wellbeing. For instance, it would be possible to
integrate a biofeedback device with one of these validated VEs
helping participants recognizing and self-inducing and regulating
intense awe emotional states in an ecological way or sharing
feelings of awe with another person at the physiological level
(e.g., Neidlinger et al., 2017). All people could navigate in these
environments and benefit from their effects. It is possible to
design different training to empower several cognitive, social or
emotional skills. Indeed, awe can enhance our prosocial attitude
toward even unknown others (Piff et al., 2015), it can improve
our ability to manage stress (Stellar et al., 2015), or it can increase
the satisfaction toward our life. Interestingly, awe can affect even
the perception of our body, thus making feel people smaller than
they actually are. All these aspects can be potential targets of an
awe-inducing training.
We are on the edge of a new modality to design complex
emotions fully exploiting their unique potential for human
progress and wellbeing.
of awe compared to the baseline, it was not as high as that
induced by other VEs whose content was designed to induce
Finally, also each target condition elicited awe as well as
other emotions. This effect is well-known in emotion induction
research as it is common that a stimulus induces other emotions
beyond the target one. However, it is relevant that other
intervenient emotions are not higher (in mean) compared to the
target emotion (i.e., awe) (Mayer et al., 1995), even they can be
considered in line with awe sub-components (joy, fear).
In other words, results showed a satisfactory degree of
specificity in emotion induction for our stimuli, therefore, VR
emerged as an effective inductor of awe and its sub-components.
With this regard, even Chirico et al. (2017) tested the
potential of immersive videos (highly realistic and immersive
videos displaying natural scenes) in inducing awe, they had only
scratched the surface. In other words, they have only addressed
the first part of the continuum of interactive technologies. They
considered the lowest level of interaction with VE (i.e., headtracking). Here, we moved forward by improving their previous
emotion-technique and we tested a more advanced form of
awe-inducing technique, as well as more complex forms of
interactions. In other words, we compared the effect of 360◦
videos and VR scenarios developed ad hoc for this study on
awe and sense of presence. Indeed, there are many differences
between these two forms of VR. First, the representational
apparatus of 360◦ -videos is composed of a camera situated
in a real time-space environment, while VR adopts a 3-D
representational apparatus, which is sensitive to users’ input
at many levels. At the same time, these two media conveyed
the feeling of “presence” differently. 360◦ -videos can ensure
a lower sense of presence compared to VR in which a
user is physically located in the space of the video camera.
This was reflected into our comparison between 360◦ -videos
and VR. We carried out a direct comparison between 360◦
videos and VR based on effect size. VR enhanced the sense
of engagement – component of presence – more than 360◦
videos. However, 360◦ videos increased awe intensity more
than VR. This could be due to the requirement to interact
and navigate in an unfamiliar VR environment that we gave
to participants. While in the 360◦ -video participants had a
sort of omniscient view of the scene and subsequent higher
sense of control, users in the VR settings could have perceived
a lack of control on the scene. This could affect awe rates.
Indeed, this emotion entails a sense of uncertainty which
can be tolerated only at some extent (Valdesolo and Graham,
However, there was a small difference in awe induced by VR
vs. 360◦ , thus, we suggested VR, compared to 360◦ videos, to
induce an intense awe for several reasons. First, VR environments
allow for a more ecological interaction with virtual content
closer to the equivalent real one. Here, we proposed a higher
form of interaction (i.e., navigation within a VE), but it is
possible that future works could focus on more sophisticated
ones. For instance, it could be possible to consider interactions
with other avatars or objects, thus creating a sort of aweinspiring virtual world (e.g., Bartle, 2004; Triberti and Chirico,
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This is the first study testing the potential of VR in inducing awe.
As a preliminary and explorative study, some limitations exist.
January 2018 | Volume 8 | Article 2351
Chirico et al.
Designing Awe in VR
First, we used the conventional single item to assess awe but more
sophisticated instruments of assessment could be considered to
measure this complex emotions, such as psychophysiological
measures, as it has been already successfully done (Chirico
et al., 2017). In this specific case, an eye-tracking system could
be used to track participants’ fixations points and saccades, to
determine environmental cues participants focused on more.
This would help design effective awe-inducing environments.
More, this is an exploratory study in which the aim was
to test the potential of immersive and interactive VR in
inducing awe. However, it could be possible to test whether
immersive and interactive VR is more effective than simply
immersive VR systems in inducing this complex emotion.
More, we assessed only seven other potentially intervenient
emotions besides awe, but future works should consider also
other positive and negative emotions that could co-occur with
awe (for instance, see Hofmann et al., 2017). Finally, we did
not consider the role of individuals’ proneness to live discrete
positive emotions, in the likelihood to experience awe in response
to these environments. Personality and stable dispositional
factors resulted as relevant for other positive emotions such
as amusement (Pietquin and Dupont, 2011). Therefore, they
should be considered in future studies to define a more
comprehensive model of awe and self-transcendent experiences
in VR.
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Authors contributed according to their competences and
interests. AC and AG conceived the main idea of the article.
AC collected all data and carried out statistical analyses. LC and
FF conceived and developed the technical setup. AC wrote the
first draft of the manuscript, while AG, FF, and LC contributed
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regarding the issues related to the rhetoric and to the literature.
AG supervised the entire work. All authors contributed to the
manuscript, read, and approved the final version.
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