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Southeastern Europe, 2024
This article explains the role played by contemporary art evocations of the communist past in the establishment of a more comprehensive memory of the communist regime in Romania. The analysis delineates the three memory frameworks of the communist regime in Romania (official memory, activist memory, and a nostalgic outlook) and contraposes them to the five artistic memory frameworks (Ceaușescu's portraits, the 1989 revolution, the victims of communism, the portraits of the members of the Securitate, and the communist nostalgia) that have crystallized in the period 2000-2020. Theoretically, the article uses the art and politics of memory focus, which is found at the intersection of the studies of cultural/artistic memory and the role of art in Transitional Justice studies, to propose a critical perspective on contemporary artistic discourses of the communist past in Romania.
Lecture Notes on Human Resource Management, 2023
مذكرة محاضرات في إدارة الموارد البشرية Associate Professor Dr. Osama Mohammed Elmardi Suleiman Khayal Nile Valley University, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sudan E-mail: [email protected]
Covers the scientific method and the materialist theory of models.
REMSES, 2023
À travers l'adoption diligente des technologies numériques, l'administration publique subit des transformations organisationnelles implémentant la vision privatiste réussie en guise de proposer une expérience centrée sur l'attente des usagers. Cette volonté constitue une aubaine indéniable pour accroître la qualité et améliorer la gestion publique auprès des citoyens. Audelà de cette vision, l'accélération du plan digital dû à l'effet sans précédent de la crise sanitaire mondiale a mobilisé l'accentuation des attentes des usagers, et a apporté une nouvelle perception au profit des services publics en ligne. Cette harmonisation nous a projeté dans une réflexion synthétique que nous avons tenté d'ancrer via ce cadre théorique. Notre objectif est de mettre en lumière, d'une part, l'implémentation du marketing managérial dans la démarche de la gestion publique, et son rôle
Reacciones en los soportes y conexiones para una estructura tridimensional Traducción: Jesús Elmer Murrieta Murrieta MECÁNICA VECTORIAL PARA INGENIEROS ESTÁTICA Novena edición Prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de esta obra, por cualquier medio, sin la autorización escrita del editor. DERECHOS RESERVADOS © 2010, respecto a la novena edición en español por McGRAW-HILL/INTERAMERICANA EDITORES, S.A. DE C.V.
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 2012
This paper compares the effect of two aspects of a city's spatial configuration -spatial separation between areas and dissimilarity in spatial integration between areas -on socio-economic residential differentiation in the city of Tel Aviv, Israel. The integration analysis is based on the space syntax methodological-conceptual framework and focuses on Tel Aviv's core, where the main socio-economic differentiations were identified.
Aliyu ibrahim lapai, 2021
In recognition of men's influence on family life decision and action, and the family planning needs of men, family planning programs are encouraged to involve men. The role of men in such matters is of great importance because decision-makers in vast majority of the Nigerian families are males. Their awareness and knowledge are essential prerequisites for taking correct decision at the right time. Therefore, the study was conducted in keffi Local Government Area to assess men's role, attitude and perception towards family planning. Community based study was conducted in 10 neighbourhood using systematic random sampling to select the study area. Structured questionnaires was used to collect information from people involving 70% of males respondents. A total of 185 questionnaires were distributed, results were presented in the form of frequency tables, percentages, charts and chi-square analysis. Age range was between 15 and 41 (+) years. The findings reveals that more than half of the respondents have primary and secondary education, followed by OND/NCE and adult literacy respectively. A greater proportion of the respondents were applicant and business highest income level ranging between 26,000-35,000, inspite of high knowledge of family planning, only 114 out of 185 respondents are currently practicing it. Ever use of family planning by respondents was slightly higher than current use, with high attitude towards contraceptives pills and condoms frequently used methods among respondents. The chi square analysis (X 2) = 81.36 revealed a significant association between educational attainment and knowledge of family planning, age, religion, income having statistically significant relationship with perception towards family planning.
Prólogo E sta edición se ha ampliado algo con respecto a la anterior y las láminas y figuras se han incrementado para enriquecer el expresioismo visual de los símbolos, no para «ilustrarlos*. A sim ism o, se han hecho ligeras correcciones y supresiones (reiterativas) de detalle. E n conjunto, hemos de adm itir que las ampliaciones se han realizado en dirección hacia la ciencia tradicional mejor que hacia la interpretación psicoanalítica, pues, para nosotros, lo esencial es la captación, la identificación c u ltu ral del sím bolo, su intelección en sí m ismo, no su «interpretación* a la luz de una situación dada. E s importante advertir el alcance de este distingo, sim ilar al existente entre un objeto y la situación o posición en que aparezca: una lanza es siempre una lanza, esté guardada en una vitrina, enterrada, clavada en el cuerpo de un hombre o en el de una fiera, aunque su significación emocional cambiará de acuerdo con tales situa ciones. A sí, el disco es, en sí, un símbolo dado, que podrá adm itir significa ciones secundarias, o «concomitantest, según corresponda a un rosetón de catedral gótica, a un clipeo antiguo, a un centro de mándala o a la planta de un edificio. E l dominio de la interpretación, más que propiamente simbológico, es psicoló gico, y obvio es decir que puede inducir a psicologismo, a cierta reducción que las doctrinas espiritualistas niegan y, con ellas, los psicoanalistas que han hecho profesión de fe hum anista, superando las limitaciones -necesarias, de otro lado -de su profesión.
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Петербургское востоковедение. Альманах, 2022
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Journal of General Education and Humanities, 2023
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