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The article discusses the significance of Ret. Col. Douglas Macgregor's views as expressed in an interview with Tucker Carlson, emphasizing the need for uncensored information regarding the US government's actions and the war in Ukraine. It critiques the rise of military bureaucracy under the current command structure and draws parallels to Nomenklaturocracy, suggesting that increased military leadership leads to inefficiencies and challenges in governance.
Silk Road Virtual University Press, 2022
For the vast majority of Americans, a foreign war is something very far away that can be enjoyed in the living room in front of the television while eating junk food and/or having a beer or two. Now, in 2022, the US is provoking a war against an “adversary” that was a friend only a few years ago, and still wants to be friends, but the US won’t allow it. That is a normal thing for the US. What’s different about this war is for the first time in US history the US is demonizing, provoking, threatening and attacking via proxy, a contrived enemy that can hit back just as hard or harder. Gone soon, may be the living room, the television, junk food, beer, and most of what’s left of Western civilization. These are the stakes DC is playing with. The slide from proxy war to conventional war to nuclear war can happen in days or even hours. It’s a suicidal game with no winner, only losers. But the only thing that matters to the corporate chiefs that orchestrated this scenario is quarterly dividends. That they may not be alive to enjoy those dividends appears to have eluded them. President Biden, CNN, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, BBC, newspapers and broadcast news around the western world are all chanting in harmony: DESTROY PUTIN! “He is the personification of all that is evil in the world!” Daily “proofs” of his absolute evil are paraded before the media zombies of the world. More media addicted than ever, frustrated and bored after the long COVID-19 lock-downs, bad economy, fears and helplessness, Americans and western Europeans need someone to lash out at and vent their anger in righteous extreme violence. In an act of charity perhaps, the US corporate driven media has served up a human sacrifice on a silver platter for the pleasure of the frustrated and bored mob, the star attraction, the personification of all that is evil, the RUSSIAN PRESIDENT! The drumbeat of war quickens the pulse, sharpens the senses, and gives some meaning to an otherwise tepid and meaningless existence. Why wake up in the morning? Ah! What has that horrible fiend done now? And there are the US backed neo-Nazis running false-flag operations, pinning their own atrocities on Russians to give western audiences what they want, what they need and crave, a Great American President fighting a known threat to all that is good, kind and gentle in the world, like peaceful Ukraine. And so, the tender-hearted cry, watching the horrid atrocities attributed to President Putin on CNN and BBC. This build-up to a war against Russia was long in the making, pervasive, perfect, and stunning beyond belief. There is no questioning the videos, the photos, the heart-rending personal testimonials and the relentless 24/7 in-your-face “news.” There isn’t any question of innocence or guilt in the minds of western “news” consumers. President Putin is a war criminal, a monster, the personification of all that is or ever was, evil. Daily, new atrocities are paraded before the western audiences feeding their hunger for more, for blood, for punishment of the demon in human form, Putin. But how many of them stopped satiating their need to Make America Great Again, to consider the possibility that it’s all fake(?) just like the last war, and the one before that and the one before that and the one before that? Who cares!!?! America needs a hero, a Knight in Shining Armor like President Biden(!) to rescue them from the doldrums of all the problems in their ordinary lives. This is nothing new as noted by Stephen J. Heidt in his illuminating “Presidential Power and National Violence: James K. Polk’s Rhetorical Transfer of Savagery.” What is new is 1) the newly heightened technologically perfect, air-tight censorship in the west, and 2) the perfect fusion of Hollywood style theatrical "magic" and mainstream media news. To break the hypnotic spell binding fast the remnants of western civilization, this 346-page book contains history, a dispassionate review of the broadest range of available news, political analysis, a review of American and international laws and psycho-social analysis, and then lights the only possible path to a just peace guaranteeing self-determination and dignity for all. Don't read it at your own, and your family's risk. Or, read and share it with as many as possible as quickly as possible, for failure to do so may be more horrifying than any Euro-American can possible imagine. The rest of us? We've had 500 years of this and have had enough. The average 4-year-old learns cooperative play, and it's about time the US learns it too, before its too late, for everyone., 2022
See the above BOOKS. Here, TEXT REMOVED (because of possible freedoms restrictions in Europe) (An earlier version was published in 2018 as chapter 8 in the book "Justice First") Should Ukraine and Russian governments accept or not to negotiate right now and right there where they stand, is not a matter of freedom of choice, free will, democracy, self-determination, liberty, or universal rights of any kind; this is not any question from the moral sphere, neither the question of any human values or any theoretical ethical question.. This is something absolutely simple, down to earth question: This is simply the matter of war and peace not in Ukraine but in the world. Whether some state will choose to terrorize and murder some population, whether a state can promote Nazi movements and the Nazi military forces, and whether some nations should be permitted to adhere and submit to some aggressive military alliance like NATO (responsible for hundreds of wars in the last 60 years) – is not a matter of ”a free democratic choice” but a geopolitical choice that concerns the entire world and particularly the neighbouring countries. This is THE question of existence and should be treated as such. So particularly the Ukrainian government should immediately accept negotiations, renounce the above-mentioned aspirations and wait to see what are not Ukrainian but general interests in this part of the world. The decisions are now to be taken not by Ukraine but by the world. The issue must be transferred to the highest international level. *** Ob die Regierungen der Ukraine und Russlands akzeptieren oder nicht, jetzt und dort, wo sie stehen, zu verhandeln, ist keine Frage der Wahlfreiheit, des freien Willens, der Demokratie, der Selbstbestimmung, der Freiheit oder der universellen Rechte jeglicher Art; das ist keine Frage aus dem moralischen Bereich, weder die Frage nach irgendwelchen menschlichen Werten noch irgendeine theoretische ethische Frage. Das ist eine ganz einfache, nüchterne Frage: Es geht einfach um (nuklearen?) Krieg und Frieden, nicht in der Ukraine, sondern in dere Welt. Ob sich ein Staat dafür entscheidet, eine Bevölkerung zu terrorisieren und zu ermorden, ob ein Staat Nazi-Bewegungen und die Nazi-Streitkräfte fördern kann und ob es einigen Nationen erlaubt sein sollte, einem aggressiven Militärbündnis wie der NATO (verantwortlich für Hunderte von Kriegen in den USA der letzten 60 Jahre) beizutreten und sich ihnen zu unterwerfen – handelt es sich nicht um „eine freie demokratische Entscheidung“, sondern um eine geopolitische Entscheidung, die die ganze Welt und insbesondere die Nachbarländer betrifft. Das ist DIE Existenzfrage und sollte auch so behandelt werden. Daher sollte insbesondere die ukrainische Regierung sofort Verhandlungen aufnehmen, auf die oben genannten Bestrebungen verzichten und abwarten, was nicht ukrainische, sondern allgemeine Interessen in diesem Teil der Welt sind. Die Entscheidungen sollen jetzt nicht von der Ukraine, sondern von der Welt getroffen werden. Das Thema muss auf die höchste internationale Ebene übertragen werden. *** The present version makes reference to the war in Ukraine and I have been amending it frequently. My rejection of the war as the mean to resolve conflicts has remained unchanged. In this text I tried to explain the wars, not to justify them. The explanation may contain the reasons that we do not accept, but the actors of the wars do. I exposed the arguments of the actors and I am not trying to justify or disapprove any of them. When I advance some or reject some, this is how the actors on one or the other side see them, not how I see them.The well being of the US citizens is the final goal of the US politics. To achieve this, the US superiority in many respects, including military superiority, is a must. Therefore, it is universally accepted in the US that this should be achieved, between other things, by the means of force and on the expense of the other nations. The ultimate and thereby the only adversary is a factor that can oppose the US force, and this is only Russia. All other forces could be ignored. It is believed that such end justifies all imaginable means. Belief that even the peaceful means are acceptable only if they will lead to the complete destruction of Russia creates unsupportable tension. The US strategy has been a slow permanent, step by step, approach to the Russia’s borders, initiation of the conflicts and regime changes in the frontiers countries and the similar efforts for the regime changes tendencies in Russia itself. The present Ukraine crises (caused by the non application of the Minsk agreements and terror of the Donbas citizens by the Ukarine and potential absorption of the Ukraine into NATO) is an example where the US may be satisfied with any solution that would even leave unresolved Ukrainian crises susceptible for some later incorporation into NATO, no matter in what form. All steps towards the ultimate target, destruction of Russia’s nuclear power are acceptable. We propose a Permanent Russo-American Conference that could resolve this tension.
Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator US-Russia relations are at a new low. The US has slapped new sanctions on Russia in response to accusations of cyberattack and election meddling. The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service was accused of being behind the SolarWinds hack. Russia has asked to expel 10 American diplomates in a ‘tit for tat response’. US President Biden has suggested a summit with Russian President Putin, which would be the first of its kind since 2018. In an effort to understand the issues behind today’s headlines, Steven Sahiounie of MidEastDiscourse interviewed Shahzada Rahim, a geopolitical analyst based in Islamabad with specialization in Eurasian politics, Middle East and Russian Foreign Policy. He is the founder and CEO of think Tank and news website the Eurasian Post. He is also a close confidante of the former special representative to Kremlin, Professor Alexander Dugin.
United States policy toward Russia has been tailor-made for exploitation by the gangster-bureaucrats, oligarchs, military revanchists and secret police officials ruling Russia today. Administration suppression of warnings and analysis about deteriorating conditions in Russia shows a calculated policy to prevent decision-makers, Congress, and the public from learning the truth and taking early corrective action, Dr Waller tells Congress in a 1999 hearing. That policy has rewarded and protected corruption in Russia, discouraged honest crime-fighters in Russia, breathed new life into anti-Western retrograde forces, undermined progressive and pro-Western forces in Russia, and dismissed and even retaliated against constructive critics at home. Misguided U.S. policy toward Russia has rested on six fundamental points: 1. Unconditionally support the incumbent corrupt Kremlin regime and excuse away all its excesses; 2. Keep billions of dollars in cash flowing into the corrupt central bank with no accounting of how the money is spent; 3. Leverage none of the United States’ immense resources to reduce corruption, promote openness and fairness, or to make sure the aid gets to where it is needed in Russia; 4. Place the bulk of bilateral aid resources into the pockets of U.S. companies, not into projects within Russia that brought rapid tangible benefits and hopes to the Russian people; 5. Ignore or suppress opinions and facts indicating that the policy might be failing; 6. Insist that the policy is working.
Journalism and Media, 2024
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Transatlantic Policy Quarterly, 2023
This essay assesses the impact of the war in Ukraine on American foreign policy. The thesis provided here is that the war in Ukraine must be viewed as a painful but maybe necessary shock therapy that has helped to relieve the residual hangover from America’s two-decade-long, ill-advised war on terror and the lost wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. In parallel, the war has served as a vehicle for the reinvigoration of national grand strategy and the foreign policy that provides the vital connective tissue between ends, ways, and means. In this trinity, the foreign policy represents an instrumental tool to connect the assumptions that undergird grand strategy to the practical, real-world of international politics.
In 2014 America's export item №1, "democracy, " produced a neo-Nazi putsch in Kiev, and a civil war in Ukraine /1/. After 8 years of futile Western-mediated peace negotiations, while waging a war against the rebellious "new republics of Novorussia, " shelling populated areas and thus terrorizing Donbass' civil population to the tune of 14,000 civilians (of which 800 children !!!) dead and countless wounded, the Russians said "enough is enough, " and started a spets-op 1 to rid their brothers west of the recent common border, of the neo-Nazis. The conflict arose in a moment that was both delicate and critical for "Western democracies' political elite:" the time had come to admit crucial errors of judgment entailing enormous economic damages and financial costs plus elements of either ignorance or irresponsibility, or both. Droves of resignations-were these honest and conscientious individuals, or at least such with a slightest sense of dignity-were expected, to say the least. On the ground of implications for conflict of interest, on top of express contempt to democratic conduct, action has started towards forcing the resignation of Ursula von der Leyen, by the rebel MEPs whose courage, strife for justice, and dedication to the rule of law we reported earlier on /2,3/. Plenty of calls for Nuremberg 2.0 have been posted /4/, and a preliminary hearing has already started /2/. All of us that are on the opposite side of the barricade unanimously qualify the behavior of Western "democratic" leaders as "fascist, " and will not stop until all guilty get punished proportionally: essentially we don't have a choice since they specify the alternative as "resetting" us. And we stay vigilant, especially seeing that now the situation in Ukraine gives them a chance to deflect the attention of the masses to the conflict zone-and hopefully get them to forget about the "pandemic, " and the pending indictments... 2 To that end, I realized that I must explain more details, in a sequel to the earlier (2014) paper on the topic /5/, in order to assist homo occidentalis in comprehending the current intricacies, and in getting better oriented vis-à-vis-helped against, that is-the giant propaganda machine he is faced with, 24/7. Hence here we will answer the most important questions which almost everyone I know never asks, and never gets the answers of: who are the Ukrainians, what is their origin, and how do they differ-if at all-from the Russians? The origin of Ukrainians, and the genesis of their statehood The very first emancipation of independent Ukraine sanctioned internationally occurred-brief as it was-after the WWI. The Bolsheviks incorporated Soviet Ukraine into USSR, wherein it spent seven decennia of unsurpassed progress in literacy, cultural emancipation, industrial development, and military glory, until the split in 1991 3. Before 1918 Ukraine was part of the Russian Empire, its name denoting a geographic term labeled after the word in Russian for "fringe", "brim", "edge, " "land's end, " "borderland"-which in all Slavic languages will sound like "Okraina, " "Okrainina, " "Pokrainina, " and similar. And backwards in time the Russian Empire spans to Kievan Rus' , the earliest formally recognized by the world's arbiter of the time Russian Principality. Based on Byzantine chronicles, an 18 th century historian, Johan Stritter, constructs the genealogical tree of the "Ryurik" dynasty with the first ruler recognized as early as 9 th century /6/. Hence more than a millennium the population of this area (the southwestern, southern, and part of the central regions of European Russia) has lived without differentiation between "Russian" and "Ukrainian. " 4 For your information, this amounts to 40-50 generations! Let's now take a look at the position where the action took place, during the early years of Kievan Rus'-and bear in mind that the geographic term denoting the location of this piece of land onto the map of their big common Motherland Russia started to be in use for distinguishing some of the natives as a sort of differing "ethnos" only in 17 th century: Kievan Rus' emerged on the territory, and out of the population of the former medieval state of Bulgarica Magna, acknowledged by Byzantine scholars with statehood as of AD 642 /6/ 5,6. Old Great Bulgaria itself has evolved out of the mixture of the 1 From Russian "spetsial'naya operatsiya" = special operation 2 While We, The People are binding our time with watching this internal Russo-Russian conflict the criminals exposed in /2-4/ are relentlessly pursuing their ultimate goal: since midyear 2021 WHO is seeking supranational jurisdiction on public health. I can't imagine a bigger outrage: corrupted servile bureaucrats dwelling in the swamp of conflicts of interest, and busy with nothing but peddling Big Pharma's next products will get full control over my body and my mind? No Way! It's better to die on a barricade: perishing with dignity is thousand times preferable than kneeing in front of human scum! 3 At that point in time Ukraine's GDP was greater than France's. 4 Except perhaps at the very edges of the country; also, a more prominent distinction has been bestowed upon the local (Zaporozhian) Cossacks. 5 Kan Kubrat, Bulgarica's ruler of the time, has studied in Constantinople, was befriended with the future Emperor Heraclius, has been a Christian, and was bestowed with the title "patrician" before returning to his land to govern. This explains the privileged position of Bulgaria, Europe's most senior state in terms of lifespan under the same name. Christian tradition runs throughout the royal family, and at least two rulers, Tervel and Simeon, obtain the title of "Caesar" to the Roman Empire (Byzantium)
Military Review, 2019
This article focuses on how today’s Russian media portrays the U.S. military. The thesis is relatively straightforward. Over the past decade, the Kremlin-sponsored Russian media have inundated the Russian information space with an anti-American message, particularly anything associated with the U.S. military. They have created a narrative built around the assertion that the United States has been using all of its resources (military, economic, diplomatic, information, etc.) to prevent Russia from regaining its superpower status. Since Russian military personnel are subject to this same anti-American information diet, the Kremlin’s anti-U.S. propaganda campaign has transformed the U.S. military into the primary enemy for the Russian soldier. This article will review some Russian sources of anti-American propaganda and consider a handful of implications that may stem from this negative portrayal.
American Studies International. vol. 41, no. 1/2, 2003
مراجعات نقدية في تحليل الخطاب والبلاغة الجديدة, 2024
Politiques de la destructivité. Sciences sociales et psychanalyse, François Bafoil et Paul Zawadzki (dir.), Éditions Hermann :Paris, p.201-219., 2024
Prehodi v različnih socialnih in izobraževalnih okoljih, 2022
Korokon, tereken túl : Tanulmánykötet Kiss László tiszteletére. Eszterházy Károly Katolikus Egyetem Líceum Kiadó, Eger, pp. 77-112. ISBN 978-963-496-261-8, 2023
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Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji, 2022
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