Papers by teddy Wahyu Nugroho
Background: The acute upper respiratory tract infection was an infection on respiratory tract or... more Background: The acute upper respiratory tract infection was an infection on respiratory tract organ from the nose until pharynx. The geographical condition of a region could affect the case of acute upper respiratory tract infection. The factors related to both urban and rural life could affect in the difference of respiratory condition. The biological change of age, nutritional status, and allergy status were highly related to the increase of respiratory condition.Aim: To identify the risk factors of acute upper respiratory tract infection in the urban and rural public health center of Semarang.Methods: This research exerted observational research design and cross-sectional method. The total of research subjects were 200 patients with the diagnosis of acute upper respiratory tract infection in both the urban and rural public health center of Semarang. The risk factors were comprised of age, gender, body height, body weight, and history of drug allergy. The data sampling was taken ...
Background: Children with low birth weight tend to have a higher risk of experiencing abnormal gr... more Background: Children with low birth weight tend to have a higher risk of experiencing abnormal growth and developmental delays. While the risk of developing obesity in the later years is higher in children with high birth weight. Physical and psychological conditions can affect the quality of life of adolescents.Objective: To analyze the association between birth weight and quality of life in early and middle adolescents.Methods: This cross-sectional study involved 120 students aged 13-16 years in Semarang City in which a consecutive sampling method was used. The study was conducted in August 2020. Research subjects need to fill up the PedsQL, PAQ, birth history, and socio-economic questionnaires. Statistical analyses used were Chi-square and logistic regression tests.Results: Birth weight was significantly associated with quality of life (p=0.002). A history of abnormal birth weight increases the risk of experiencing poor quality of life as a teenager (p=0.002; OR=3.987). Low birt...
Revitalizing Family Planning Program and Women’s Empowerment for the Improvement of Population Well-being and Economic Development, 2018
Background: Contraception is an effective method of lowering the population rate. However, anecdo... more Background: Contraception is an effective method of lowering the population rate. However, anecdotal evidenceshowed that generally doctors were unable to provide IUD and implant contraceptive installation services. This study aimed to determine the effect of Contraceptive Technology Update (CTU) pre-service training on the knowledge and skill of the medical college students. Subjects and Method: This was a quasi experiment using one group before and after with no comparison design. A sample of 50 college students from the medical college was selected for this study. All of the study subjects received CTU training for 5 days, comprising 3 days of in-class training using mannequin, and 2 days of practical training with patients. The independent variable was CTU preservice training. The dependent variables were knowledge and skill. The knowledge data were measured by questionnaire. IUD and implant fixing skills were observed using MiniCEX. The data were analyzed by Wilcoxon test. Results: Knowledge after CTU training (median= 77.5) was higher than before CTU training (median= 62.5) with p= 0.001. IUD fixing skills after CTU training (median= 13.0) was higher than before CTU training (median= 10.0) with p= 0.001. Conclusion: CTU pre-service training significantly improves both knowledge and skills of IUD and implant fixingof medical college students.
Reaching the Unreached: Improving Population Health in the Rural and Remote Areas, 2018
Background: Measuring and monitoring a child's growth is important to judge the adequacy of diets... more Background: Measuring and monitoring a child's growth is important to judge the adequacy of diets or supplementary food being given. Monitoring child's development is critical to find out if a child's development is on track. It is important to act early if there are signs of potential development delay because early treatment is so important for improving a child's skills and abilities. This study aimed to determine effect of child growth and development training on the knowledge and attitude among community health workers in Semarang, Central Java. Subjects and Method: This study was a quasi-experimental with pretest and posttest with no control design conducted at Rowosari Puskesmas (community health center), Semarang, Central Java. The study subjects involved 62 community health workers (CHWs). The dependent variables were knowledge and attitude about child growth and development. The independent variable was training on how to measure and monitor child growth and development. The data were collected by questionnaire, and analyzed by Wilcoxon test. Results:Knowledge was higher after training (Mean= 77; SD= 9.8) than before (Mean= 68; SD= 11.2), and it was statistically significant (p= 0.001). Attitude was higher after training (Mean= 80; SD= 12.8) than before (Mean= 70; SD= 10.1), and it was statistically significant (p= 0.001). Conclusion: Training is effective in improving knowledge and attitude about child growth and development monitoring among CHWs.
Jumlah kasus yang ditangani Trauma Center RSI NU Demak, yang merupakan layanan unggulan meningkat... more Jumlah kasus yang ditangani Trauma Center RSI NU Demak, yang merupakan layanan unggulan meningkat, meski demikian, layanan ini belum memiliki rencana pengembangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesiapan manajemen RSI NU Demak dalam pelayanan Trauma Center dengan menggunakan analisis lingkungan internal dan kompetitor dengan pendekatan analisis Value Chain . Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang bersifat eksploratif. Variabel yang diteliti meliputi aktivitas pemberi layanan dan aktivitas pendukung layanan. Variabel dianalisis dengan melihat relevansi kompetitif dan keunggulan kompetitif, selanjutnya disusun strategi yang diterapkan di layanan Trauma Center. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, studi dokumentasi, dan wawancara mendalam kepada subyek penelitian, yang terdiri dari 4 informan utama dan 3 informan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian, faktor kekuatan penciptaan nilai terdiri dari penyempurnaan konsep Trauma Center , letak geografis, tarif, tenaga ...
Background: Maternal and Neonatal Referal Network Information System (Sistem Informasi Jejaring R... more Background: Maternal and Neonatal Referal Network Information System (Sistem Informasi Jejaring Rujukan Maternal dan Neonatal, SIJARIEMAS) is a program that seeks to strengthen the referral system of maternal and neonatal health in Indonesia by capitalizing the advancement of information technology. This strategy was developed to reduce maternal mortality rate in Indonesia. This study aimed to analyze the implementation of SIJARIEMAS at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Grobogan District, Central Java. Subjects and Method: This was a mixed qualitative-quantitative study conducted at PKU Muhammadiyah Gubug Hospital, Grobogan, Central Java, from May to October, 2017. The key informants of the qualitative study included manager and head of hospital ward. The variables under study included Input (Man, Machine, Material, Method), SIJARIEMAS implementation, and Output (maternal mortality). Results: Standard Operating Procedure already existed with 20 indicators. Machine and Material: Service R...
Background: Leprosy sufferers who experience disability at the time of diagnosis are usually late... more Background: Leprosy sufferers who experience disability at the time of diagnosis are usually late in seeking treatment because they are less aware of their health. Central Java Province ranks third with new cases of leprosy as many as 1,644 cases, after East Java (3,373), West Java (1,813) Provinces. It can be concluded that in Central Java there are still new cases of leprosy that if not treated properly will cause disabilities. Thus, level 2 disabilities in the form of foot ulcers should always be monitored and treated properly. Aim: Observe the success rate of several types of therapy for leprosy with foot ulcer at Donorejo Kelet Leprosy Hospital in Jepara Regency, and identify the grade and depth of ulcers before and after therapy. Method: Descriptive observational research (case study) using primary data obtained from questionnaires and weekly evaluation results regarding the size development of foot ulcers in leprosy for 4 weeks. Secondary data in the form of the given therapy...
Security Unit (SATPAM) is a profession that demands good endurance. During a pandemic, online edu... more Security Unit (SATPAM) is a profession that demands good endurance. During a pandemic, online education is one way that can be done to provide information about health and nutrition that can improve work performance and body resistance of security guards. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of providing online education to increase knowledge of health and nutrition in a security unit during a pandemic. This research is a quantitative study with a pretest-posttest design which was carried out on 68 security guards at the Diponegoro University campus. Online educational media used via Whatsapp. This research was in the form of providing a nutritional knowledge pretest, nutritional education and nutritional knowledge posttest to see the level of knowledge of the security unit. The pretest and posttest knowledge data analysis used paired t-test if the data distribution was normal and if the data distribution was not normal will use Wilcoxon. The results of statistical analysi...
Latar Belakang Batubara digunakan sebagai sumber energi langsung maupun tidak langsung, Sebagai e... more Latar Belakang Batubara digunakan sebagai sumber energi langsung maupun tidak langsung, Sebagai energi langsung digunakan antara lain untuk PLTU. Penyakit saluran napas ditemukan secara luas dan berhubungan dengan pajanan tertentu, misalnya debu. Hal itu terjadi karena pembakaran batu bara pada PLTU. Debu batubara mengandung bahan kimia yang dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya penyakit pada paru. Penyakit tersebut banyak muncul pada pekerja atau masyarakat yang berada di lokasi tambang batubara, atau di kawasan yang dilalui pengangkut batubara, karena menghirup debu batubara secara terus-menerus. Metode penelitian penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif untuk melihat gambaran karakteristik masyarakat dan gambaran kapasitas vital paru masyarakat di sekitar PLTU Kabupaten Jepara. Pemilihan responden dengan cara konsekutif, jumlah responden yang didapat adalah 45 responden. Hasil Penelitian Mayoritas responden berjenis kelamin laki-laki ( 71,1%), lansia (53,3%), tidak berolah raga ( ...
Strengthening Hospital Competitiveness to Improve Patient Satisfaction and Better Health Outcomes, 2019
Background: Stunting in infants is a manifestation of the long-term impact of several factors rel... more Background: Stunting in infants is a manifestation of the long-term impact of several factors related to poverty, social and culture, increased exposure to infectious/noninfectious diseases, food insecurity, and public access to health services. Pemalang was included in 10 cities/ districts of Central Java that received priority for stunting intervention. In order to prevent stunting it is essential to examine the causes of stunting in children in these areas. This study aimed to investigate the factors affecting the occurrence of stunting among children under 2 years of age in Pemalang, Central Java. Subjects and Method: This was an observational analytic study conducted in the working area of Kebondalem Health Center, Pemalang, Central Java, in July 2019. A total of 142 children under 2 years of age was selected for this study. The dependent variable was stunting. The independent variables were maternal education, paternal occupation, family income, family indicator, complete immunization, nutritional intake, and hygiene. The data were collected by anthropometric measurement and questionnaire. The data were analyzed by logistic regression. Results: Of 142 children under 2 years of age, 74.6% had low maternal education. A total of 46.5% fathers were employees. A total of 42.3% had low family income. Working fathers (OR= 0.04; 95% CI= 0.01 to 0.43; p= 0.007) and harmonious family (OR= 0.43, 95% CI= 0.08 to 0.63; p= 0.004) were associated with lower risk of stunting. Low family income (OR= 9.50; 95% CI= 1.02 to 88.55; p= 0.048) was associated with higher risk of stunting. Complete immunization, nutritional intake, and hygiene, did not show significant association with the risk of stunting. Conclusion: Paternal occupation, harmonious family, and family income, are associated with the risk of stunting.
Journal of Nutrition College, 2021
Latar Belakang : Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Yodium (GAKY) merupakan gangguan yang timbul karena k... more Latar Belakang : Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Yodium (GAKY) merupakan gangguan yang timbul karena kekurangan asupan yodium. Masalah GAKY di Indonesia cukup banyak. Oleh karena itu, pentingnya sosialisasi asupan yodium yang cukup agar dapat mengurangi resiko terjadinya GAKY di masyarakat. Kelompok yang perlu mendapat sosialisasi pentingnya memperhatikan kadar yodium yaitu wanita usia subur dan ibu hamil.Tujuan : Menganalisis hubungan antara kadar Ekskresi Iodium Urin (EIU) dengan LILA, IMT, status anemia, konsumsi garam dan pola makan subjek.Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan studi observasional yang dilakukan dengan desain Cross Sectional. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu hamil trimester 2 dan trimester 3 yang tinggal di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Mlonggo II dan Puskesmas Pakis Aji, Jepara. Total sampel 88 ibu hamil dengan teknik sampling yang diambil adalah consecutive sampling. Instrumen penelitian ini yaitu kuesioner, wawancara terkait asupan makan maupun asupan garam beryodium (...
Papers by teddy Wahyu Nugroho