Panopticon: A Scalable Monitoring System
Duncan Clough
Stefano Rivera
Michelle Kuttel
Department of Computer
Science, University of Cape
Town, Private Bag X3,
Rondebosch, 7701,
South Africa
Department of Computer
Science, University of Cape
Town, Private Bag X3,
Rondebosch, 7701,
South Africa
Department of Computer
Science, University of Cape
Town, Private Bag X3,
Rondebosch, 7701,
South Africa
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Patrick Marais
Vincent Geddes
Department of Computer
Science, University of Cape
Town, Private Bag X3,
Rondebosch, 7701,
South Africa
Department of Computer
Science, University of Cape
Town, Private Bag X3,
Rondebosch, 7701,
South Africa
[email protected]
[email protected]
Categories and Subject Descriptors
Monitoring systems are necessary for the management
of anything beyond the smallest networks of computers.
While specialised monitoring systems can be deployed to
detect specific problems, more general systems are required to detect unexpected issues, and track performance
While large fleets of computers are becoming more common, few existing, general monitoring systems have the
capability to scale to monitor these very large networks.
There is also an absence of systems in the literature that
cater for visualisation of monitoring information on a large
Scale is an issue in both the design and presentation of
large-scale monitoring systems. We discuss Panopticon,
a monitoring system that we have developed, which can
scale to monitor tens of thousands of nodes, using only
commodity equipment. In addition, we propose a novel
method for visualising monitoring information on a large
scale, based on general techniques for visualising massive
multi-dimensional datasets.
The monitoring system is shown to be able to collect
information from up to 100 000 nodes. The storage system is able to record and output information from up to
25 000 nodes, and the visualisation is able to simultaneously display all this information for up to 20 000 nodes.
Optimisations to our storage system could allow it to scale
a little further, but a distributed storage approach combined with intelligent filtering algorithms would be necessary for significant improvements in scalability.
C.2.3 [Computer]: Communication Networks—Network
Operations: Network monitoring; H.3.3 [Informational
Systems]: Information Storage and Retrieval—Information Search and Retrieval: Retrieval models; H.5.2 [Informational Systems]: User Interfaces—Graphical user interfaces (GUI)
General Terms
Design, Management
Monitoring System, Scalability, Visualisation
The last decade has seen the emergence of massively
large data centres composed of tens of thousands of nodes.
The scale of data centres run by companies such as Amazon and Google has expanded rapidly as consumers demand ever more resources. As systems begin spanning
data centres, large scale monitoring becomes essential.
With an ever increasing number of nodes, redundancy
has moved outside the individual server, giving more importance to effective management and monitoring of an
entire fleet of servers. However, few of the mature monitoring systems, that are constantly used in system administration, are designed for supervision of very large
There are a variety of monitoring systems for identifying and detecting different classes of problem. While
specialised monitoring systems can be deployed to detect
most specific problems, more general systems are required
to handle unexpected systemic issues [4]. General monitoring systems usually measure metrics such as CPU usage, free memory, network traffic, and availability [12].
Given such a set of metrics from a fleet of nodes (computers); system load, application performance, and outages
can be readily interpreted. This has applications ranging
from diagnosing performance bottlenecks in a single node
to optimising cluster-usage in Capacity Computing.
Designing a scalable and efficient monitoring system is
not a trivial task. A naı̈ve implementation may impose
∗Now at Development Centre South Africa
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SAICSIT ’10, October 11-13, Bela Bela, South Africa
Copyright 2010 ACM 978-1-60558-950-3/10/10 ...$10.00.
particularly scalable, with the system capable of handling
a theoretical maximum of 300 000 nodes. Unfortunately,
Astrolabe was designed for data mining and not visualising detailed information, so queries are limited to aggregates in order to reduce network usage. We improve on
this limitation, making individual metric values from all
nodes viewable.
A high level of fault tolerance is important to any massively scalable monitoring system. On a very large scale,
problems become inevitable and agents have to gracefully
recover from these problems [12]. Both Ganglia and Astrolabe use multiple levels of redundancy to increase robustness. Astrolabe goes further, using a randomised point-topoint message exchange to limit reliance on single channels.
The third aspect to a scalable monitoring system, visualising the monitoring information in a scalable manner, is often overlooked. Simultaneously visualising data
from tens of thousands of computers leads to a user being
presented with so much information that it is extremely
difficult, if not impossible, to comprehend it effectively.
A fleet of a million nodes would only compound this issue. Traditional graphs become too cluttered to effectively
display information [11]. Tools such as OVIS-2 [3] suggest
that statistical methods should be used to highlight important information. While this is effective at reducing information overload, our research specifically investigated
techniques for visualising all the information rather than a
subset. OVIS-2 also includes a physical 3D representation
of a cluster, with components being coloured individually
according to metric values. Although the physical representation is very useful in relation to actual clusters, it
also limits the visual scalability.
Our monitoring information is multi-dimensional as there
are multiple metrics to consider. This compounds the
problem of large amounts of information to be expected
from a large fleet. In order to build an effective, scalable
visualisation for our monitoring system we looked at general visualisation techniques for massive, multi-dimensional
Pixel-oriented [9, 16, 15] aggregation solves the problem
of loss of detail in multiple zoom levels by rearranging information into a more suitable format for the current zoom
level. Hierarchical [7, 11] aggregation attempts to group
related information to provide a meaningful overview of
and context for substructures. These techniques allow a
visualisation to provide a broader context to smaller subsets of data. Since nodes within a fleet have a logical and
physical layout, aggregation is appropriate to monitoring
Orthogonal projections from higher dimensions into understandable 3D or 2D coordinates help reduce the complexity of multi-dimensional data-sets, but have an associated loss of information [2]. ShapeVis [11] uses projections
to group objects with similar multi-dimensional characteristics in similar 3D spacial locations — a concept that inspired our Metric-map. Parallel Coordinates [8, 10] are a
popular method of rendering multi-dimensional data, but
require aggregation techniques for better scaling [11]. We
therefore decided not to include Parallel Coordinates in
our visualisations.
Perspective manipulation and user-interaction can be
used to enhance a visualisation. Filtering [2], linking and
brushing[17] (propagating selection between different visualisations), zooming and distortion [11] are examples of
methods that can improve a visualisation.
a heavy burden on a network, wasting a resource that
the monitoring system is intended to preserve [14]. A
large scale fleet will produce a massive amount of information that will need to be efficiently stored and quickly
displayed. Panopticon is our experimental system that
is able to non-intrusively monitor, efficiently store and
quickly retrieve metrics from a very large fleet. As a prototype, it was not required to implement all the features
of a general purpose monitoring system.
The monitoring and storing of metrics on a large scale
is not the only difficulty; effectively visualising them is a
problem that is often overlooked. If not displayed effectively, this information can easily overwhelm the user, hindering their ability to identify problems [4]. Traditionally,
graphs are used for visualising metrics and are very effective on a small scale. However, on a large scale, graphs
become visually limited by the number of curves that can
be plotted simultaneously. Therefore, a new method of
visualising monitoring information is required — one that
can deal with massive sets of data, and takes into account the multi-dimensional nature of the information.
A purely large-scale overview would not provide enough
node-specific detail to be useful for identifying problems in
individual nodes. Panopticon’s Visualisation component
presents a solution to these issues with our Node-map that
provides information at multiple levels of detail, and our
Metric-map that shows an overview of the fleet status.
Thus, the visualisation provides a general overview of the
status of all nodes, while also allowing access to the metrics of a specific node. Live changes in metric values are
highlighted for easy identification and historic information
on monitored nodes is also accessible.
We evaluated Panopticon by monitoring a live test clusters of 56 computers over a period of 4 months, as well as
with simulated data for significantly larger fleets. Our
analysis shows that the Panopticon approach can scale to
very large fleets, with the potential to scale to millions of
monitored nodes and be extended into a viable production
monitoring system.
For small scale monitoring, RRDTool is widely used
for storage of metrics and their visualisation [13]. Its
approach of storing individual, time-granularity-specific
metric values in their own separate databases has been
very effective, but quickly becomes inefficient when dealing with thousands of computers [12]. As the scale increases, communicating information from nodes to the
databases also becomes problematic.
CARD [1] is an early example of a monitoring system that employs a hierarchical approach specifically to
improve scalability. This approach was modernised by
Ganglia [12], with a multi-level tree of aggregation nodes
pulling information up from monitoring agents on individual computers. Communication bottlenecks were avoided
by only storing information in top-level RRDTool databases,
thus eliminating network usage during information retrieval.
Despite having a scalable architecture for collecting information, reliance on RRDTool storage limited the system
to below 10 000 nodes. This highlights the need for scalability to be central in the design of all aspects of a large
scale monitoring system.
Another approach is to distribute the storage of metrics across all nodes in the hierarchy, with queries being
pushed down the hierarchy to be serviced by all interested nodes. Astrolabe [18] showed that this method is
istics only increases with scale [18].
In a similar approach to Astrolabe [18], the monitoring
and aggregation system is a hierarchical network of agents
(the node-tree). The agent is installed as a daemon on
each node. It is responsible for observing and recording
host system metrics, and providing them to other nodes
on request. Internal nodes in the tree will poll their children for recent metrics. This information is propagated
up through the tree, recording the route within the data.
The root node receives metrics from every node in the system while only having to communicate with a few child
The system can handle unreliable hardware and networks by using multiple parent nodes for each child, all
the way up to multiple roots. Duplicate data is automatically reconciled by ignoring the oldest data for a particular
For our purposes, we selected a similar small set of metrics as Ganglia [12]: uptime, usage, load (1, 5, and 15
minute averages), network usage, and free memory. These
metrics are commonly used by monitoring systems, and
easily available on POSIX. The exact metrics monitored
would have negligible effect on our scalability evaluation,
which is dependant on data quantity, rather than content.
The inter-agent communication uses a very simple clientserver binary protocol. The only supported operations
are requests for all available metrics on a particular node
(both aggregated and locally observed) and a status report
on the availability of aggregated data.
For communication with other systems, agents could
run a Web Service Interface. Requests followed the REST
architecture [6] and data was encoded in JSON [5]. This
interface was used between the root node and the Storage
and Retrieval system.
Figure 1: Overview of Panopticon system architecture, showing the separate Visualisation, Storage
& Retrieval, and Collection components
Although each of the discussed techniques can be individually successful, it is a combination of techniques
that often results in the most successful visualisations [10].
Our visualisations were, therefore, designed to use multiple techniques.
Determining the cause of a problem on a network often requires looking into the past and comparing against
previous behaviour. Therefore, as well as providing upto-date information on the current state of a fleet, a monitoring system should store any collected information for
later use. We required Panopticon to store all live metrics at least once every 5 minutes, and to retrieve metrics
as requested by the Visualisation component in real-time.
The Storage & Retrieval component requires a high degree
of availability, as it provides critical information without
which system administrators are blind.
Our storage system was built around a high-performance
SQL database, MySQL. Having a centralised MySQL server
is an obvious limit to scalability and reliability: It is a single point of contention and failure. However, the simplicity of this approach in our proof-of-concept is considered
to be enough of a gain to outweigh these issues.
A time granularity of 5 minutes is widely used by monitoring systems (it is MRTG’s default [13]). It strikes a reasonable balance between information detail and network
and storage overhead. In early tuning experiments, our
RDBMS was shown to be capable of inserting 10 million
rows in 170 ± 32 s. This gave us an upper bound of being able to capture the information from 14 million nodes
with a 5 minute resolution. Since this was well above our
desired scale, a centralised RDBMS was considered sufficient for our system: it provided a good starting point for
testing, while having reasonable scalability.
Storage and retrieval features are implemented separately. Storage is accomplished via a daemon polling multiple root aggregation nodes in parallel, and storing re-
Panopticon is the combination of three separate components, each focussing on one part of a much larger problem: Visualisation, Storage & Retrieval, and Monitoring
& Collection (Figure 1). Each component runs as a separate entity, and communicates with other components
over the network. This allowed each component to be
developed and evaluated independently.
As a prototype system, the aim of Panopticon is to investigate scalability in the order of tens of thousands of
nodes. Many features that would be desirable in production monitoring systems are considered non-vital to our
Storage & Retrieval Component
Monitoring Component
A monitoring system is responsible for measuring metrics of monitored nodes and collating the data without adversely affecting the performance of those nodes or their
network [12]. It should be lightweight so that it does not
interfere with activities on nodes and is able to continue
reporting even when nodes are under intense load. It must
be highly reliable and robust, as reporting failures will be
perceived as node failures. It should also require as little
maintenance as possible, so that it is not an administrative
burden on a network. The importance of these character3
Node Detail
Group Detail
Group Summary
CPU: 4 %
Network: 0 %
RAM: 52 %
Zoom Out
Zoom Out
Figure 3: The three different levels of detail of the
Dead nodes
Figure 2: A graph of memory usage in only 20
machines over a week, highlighting the problem of
graph clutter.
All nodes above threshold
All nodes below threshold
trieved metrics in the database. Incoming data is timestamped on the storage node (to remove the requirement
that every participating node have accurate time) and
quantised into 5-minute buckets. Only two database tables are used: a node list table (with static information
and last-seen time stamp), and a full historical archive table. The archive table is indexed with a primary key on
the (address, time stamp) tuple so that full table scans
are never needed for the supported queries (below).
Retrieval is handled by a separate daemon, answering
requests from a visualisation front-end and sending updates as they become available. The protocol is textbased, for ease of debugging. As the number of monitored nodes may be very large, the responses are deltacompressed where possible.
Commands supported are: selecting metrics and/or nodes
of interest, and enabling or disabling live status updates.
Historical queries can be performed for fleet status at a
specific point in time, or for a set of consecutive metric
values from a specific node that are suitable for a timeaxis graph.
Most nodes below threshold
Few nodes above threshold
Figure 4: Information in the Group Summary
level of detail is summarised using an adjustable
threshold value, and represents an overview of activity within a Group.
Visualisation Component
The central issue addressed in this work is the problem of monitoring and visualising a huge number of nodes
simultaneously. So, above all, the visualisation must be
scalable. We also required low-level information to still be
easily accessible within our system. To meet these needs,
we designed two different overview visualisations (Nodemap and Metric-map) combining visualisation techniques
discussed in Section 2. Additionally, we provided traditional per-node historical graphs. The key difference between the two visualisations is their approach to solving
the problems of viewing low- and high-level information.
The visualisations were also able to interact through twoway selection propagation.
The Visualisation component aims to present information about the state of the fleet to the user. This is done
so that the user can identify problems with the fleet and
their potential causes. New information needs to be presented to the user as soon as it is available and historic
data also needs to be accessible.
Graphs can become too cluttered if too many computers are being monitored, and therefore are not applicable
to Panopticon as the main visualisation (see Figure 2).
Figure 5: An example of how selection and update
highlighting are visualised on the Node-map.
Group Summary Level
Node Level
Figure 6: Update highlighting shown in the contect of a fleet, where areas of change are easily
However, as they are still useful when only looking at a
single monitored machine, a historical graphing tool is included for that purpose. Nodes can be selected in both
visualisations, and have their historic information plotted
according to various time-granularities.
3.3.1 The Node-Map
b is darker than a, because
the average of b's metrics is
more than that of a's metrics
The Node-map is designed to be the main source of lowlevel information, while also providing an aggregated view
for a general summary of a fleet’s status. Nodes are aggregated by logical layout and displayed in multiple levels
of detail as shown in Figure 3. Metrics are grouped to
be above or below an adjustable threshold. This reduces
the amount of information presented by the Node-map,
reducing the information needing to be processed by the
user. The Node-map also briefly highlights any nodes that
have had changes in their metric values, so that a user can
easily notice any changes that occur (Figures 5 and 6).
When dealing with large numbers, viewing each node
individually becomes infeasible because (i) too much information is then presented to the user, and (ii) most window
tool-kits struggle to render tens of thousands of shapes in
real time. Therefore, once the user has zoomed out, a
group of nodes is replaced with a summary of the status
of those nodes. This significantly reduces the amount of
information that the user has to process, and reduces the
complexity of the scene to be rendered.
The summary is designed to highlight the number of
dead nodes, and the number of nodes on either side of the
threshold for all three metrics being monitored. The dead
nodes are represented by a black rectangle at the top of
the top of the group. The width of the rectangle is set to
be the group width, and the height is calculated by
max ngg , 5% × heightg , if dg > 0
dead_heightg =
, otherwise
Few Nodes
All Metrics Low
RAM Lowest
All Selected
Many Nodes
High Network
Quarter Selected
Figure 7: The features of the metric-map.
Large group of
nodes with high
RAM and network
Large group of
nodes with high
No nodes with
only high network
Lots of small dots
indicate varied
where a group g has ng nodes, dg of which are dead. In
the case where a tiny proportion of the total nodes are
dead, we increase the proportion of the height to 5% of
the group’s height so that the black rectangle will at least
be noticeable by the user.
The remaining space is then divided into three columns
to represent information about each of the three metrics
(in this case we are using CPU, Network and RAM usages, but these could be any three arbitrary metrics). An
example is shown in Figure 4.
When at this level of detail, the user is now able to select
entire groups of nodes. Selecting a group has the same effect as individually selecting every node within the group.
Since individual nodes are not visible, the selection is aggregated as well. Instead of a border, a semi-transparent
blue rectangle is drawn on top of the Group Summary,
that represents the percentage of nodes within the group
that are currently selected (Figure 5).
Figure 8: An example scenario on the metric-map.
Large Change
A problem in
60% of nodes
in the system
Minor Change
A normal update
with no problems
3.3.2 The Metric-Map
The Metric-map was designed to give a high-level overview
of the status of the fleet and, as a result of this focus, specific details are not directly accessible. The base of the
Metric-map is a hexagon, with coloured circles representing information about the fleet using their position, area,
opacity and borders (Figures 7, 8 and 9).
When nodes are given to the Metric-map, their metrics are quantised (rounding down) to percentages in the
set Q = {0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%}. Then, nodes
with the same values across all three metrics are put into
Figure 9: Visualising differences in fleet status on
the metric-map.
bins, where each bin can be represented by a tuple b =
(m1 , m2 , m3 ) ∈ Q3 .
Table 1: Overview of our test fleets.
For placement, the higher an mi is, the more it is “pulled”
towards its corresponding corner, µ
~ i . The exact position
p ∈ R2 of a bin b is calculated as a sum of each mi multiplied with its corresponding µ
~ i:
EC2 Cluster
mi µ
well as data from our live test fleet over a period of four
Panopticon was tested on two separate clusters, as well
as a single WAN cluster made by combining both the separate clusters (see Table 1). The TSL cluster was an active
university computer laboratory being used by undergraduate students. Load was periodically generated on the EC2
cluster by using a custom parallel n-body simulation.
This calculation does not result in a unique p for all b.
For example (1%, 1%, 1%) and (40%, 40%, 40%) both map
to the point (0, 0). Therefore the Metric-map also adjusts
the alpha intensity based on the overall load for a given
bin, with higher intensity corresponding to higher load.
The alpha intensity αb of a given bin b is calculated as
an average of each mi thresholded to a maximum of 1:
αb = min 1,
3 i=1
Monitoring and Collection
In testing the monitoring system, we were faced with a
practical problem: we had around 100 computers at our
disposal, but wanted to see if our system could cope when
10 000 or more nodes were monitored. Therefore, we simulated fake zones which then aggregated their fake information to their parent aggregation nodes. Since the exact
values of the information being monitored did not affect
the behaviour of the collection system, the simulated results give a reliable indication of expected performance on
real hardware. All reported results are based on average
of 9 test-runs.
This method was used because it is intuitive to have richer
colours linked to more activity, and fainter colours linked
to less activity.
Bins are plotted as circles on the diagram. The radius
of the circle is logarithmically proportional to the number
of nodes represented by the bin. A logarithmic scale allows the Metric-map to scale well as the number of nodes
Bins are selectable; clicking on a bin will select all nodes
within that bin and highlight it with a thick black border.
In the case that there is a partial selection within a bin,
the bin is only partially bordered. The exact formula for
the degrees of a bin b to be bordered is:
, if sb > 0
max nsbb × 360, 1
θb =
, otherwise
Storage and Retrieval
Over the four month test period the Storage and Retrieval system collected around one million rows of data
(i.e. node-measurements) at a resolution of 5 minutes per
Raw storage component rates were determined by simulating a 10 000 node fake zone on a single root node and
polling it continuously. Since the actual values of the data
do not affect the database performance (within certain
limits), pseudo-random data was used.
The performance of the data retrieval subsystem was
evaluated for a fleet of a million nodes. Similarly, psuedorandom data was used, as the only effect the data has on
performance is its delta-compressibility.
where sb is the number of selected nodes in b, and nb
is the total number of nodes in b. In the case where nsbb
is very small, we make sure that a selection is visible by
making θb at least 1.
System Design Methodology
An iterative methodology was followed for the development of our system. Firstly, the simplest working solution was put together, using scripting tools where possible. Additional functionality was developed as, and when,
required by other components in the system.
Components were developed in different languages, as
each component was developed using the most appropriate tools for its task. The Monitoring system was written
in D, a low level systems programming language. The
Database interface was implemented in Python, a scripting language. C++ and the Qt toolkit were used for the
Visualisation front-end, using Qwt for historical graphing.
OpenGL (via the Qt Graphics View Framework) was used
for the main visualisations. Development and testing was
done in Linux.
The Visualisation component was evaluated by two expert users: a departmental systems administrator from
our university and a developer from Amazon EC2 Web
Services. While using our prototype system, these expert
users were asked questions regarding the efficacy of the
visualisations, with their responses being recorded. More
detailed usability testing was not applicable, as Panopticon was developed to be a proof-of-concept, not a production system.
The expert users were shown the system in two different
configurations: with live reported data to demonstrate the
real-time aspects and with simulated data to demonstrate
scalability. For the live data, 120 nodes were visualised
due to intentional duplication in the aggregation component’s configuration. Of these, around 55 nodes were active and reporting. Since there were at most only a few
hundred computers at our disposal, a simulated monitoring system was required in order to test the Visualisation
component with large fleets (we simulated 15 000 nodes).
Since access to upwards of 500 nodes was infeasible,
simulated data was used at various stages to represent
a very large fleet. Each component was subjected to an
individual evaluation and tested with simulated data as
CPU Usage
Table 2: Results for scalability evaluation. CPU
usage was negligible and excluded.
Node Count
20 000
40 000
60 000
80 000
Memory (MiB)
Bandwidth (Mbps) / CPU Usage (%)
100 000
Number of Nodes
Figure 10: The resources required of Panopticon’s
top aggregation node — they are well within the
limits of current hardware.
1 000
5 000
10 000
25 000
50 000
75 000
100 000
Table 3: Time taken for visualisation queries on 1
million nodes, averaged over 100 tests.
Unlike the other components which could be tested with
random data, the Visualisation component requires realistic and sensible data for any meaningful evaluation
to take place. However, implementing a back-end that
can (i) realistically simulate a real-time monitoring system, (ii) supply realistic and consistent historic data, and
(iii) have metrics that realistically relate to each other, is
an extremely complex task requiring prolonged access to
many more computers than we had access to. As a compromise, we generate pseudo-realistic monitoring information, with relative ease, by assigning simulated nodes to
a set of characteristic usage classes (e.g. web servers, simulation clusters, general-use computer laboratories). The
nodes are collected into groups according to usage classes,
as could be expected in an orderly data centre. Each class
was assigned common failure modes through consultation
with expert users.
Wall Time
Full State
31.9 ± 0.3 s
19.9 ± 0.2 s
13.2 ± 0.1 s
Historic Data
< 0.002 s
we found it important to ensure that database queries
avoid full table scans and only return relevant information wherever possible.
The monitoring system communicated with the storage via a text-based JSON protocol. JSON was chosen
for simplicity and readability, but parsing the information sent from the monitoring system became a significant
bottleneck. Using Python’s simplejson parser, our system
was able to poll 10 000 nodes in 95 ± 5 s, leading to a limit
of 25 000 nodes when monitoring at a 5-minute resolution.
The performance of the data retrieval subsystem was
evaluated for a virtual fleet of a million nodes (see Table 3). It takes 32 s for a Full State query to complete,
which is acceptable since it is a once off start-up cost.
Update times of 20 s are also suitable, given the 5-minute
monitoring resolution and the fact that this is a background operation that the user is not aware of. Historic
Queries are instantaneous and therefore well within acceptable limits. Only the rewind time of 13 s is unacceptable, as near real-time response times are required for
replay functionality to be immediately useful.
Despite these limitations, our system showed that an ordinary RDBMS could be used to store and retrieve information from a monitoring system with the order of 100 000
nodes in real-time. We suggest that in future work, a
distributed storage system be investigated to achieve further scalability. While a centralised RDBMS is suitable
in terms of storage requirements for a million-node fleet,
other approaches would have to be followed to improve
retrieval performance. We suggest either a decentralised,
non-ACID-compliant storage system or a high degree of
partitioning across multiple servers.
In the Visualisation component evaluations, overall, the
expert users reported our visualisations to be useful when
In our four month real world monitoring exercise, our
monitoring agents proved themselves to be robust and
have a low system overhead. CPU and memory usage on
monitored nodes was found to be negligible, even when
polling once every 15 seconds. Aside from some minor
MySQL dead-lock issues, which occurred even at the lowest transactional isolation level, everything ran well and
was stable. During the last two months, the Visualisation
component regularly connected to the retrieval system and
was able to view the state of our test fleet.
In evaluations with simulated data, the performance
requirements of aggregated nodes was shown to be well
within the limits of consumer hardware; Table 2 and Figure 10 show our system was easily capable of aggregating
information from 100 000 nodes to a single aggregation
node on a LAN. Further protocol improvements, such as
incorporating data compression, would be required for the
system to be applicable to WANs or larger fleets.
The Storage component produced approximately 100 MiB
of data and indices in the four month test, yielding an average of 30 KiB per node per day. Therefore, 1 TiB of
storage would be able to hold a 90-day monitoring history for just under 400 000 computers — a trivial expense
when considering the cost of maintaining a fleet of that
size. When dealing with these quantities of information
Table 4: Reported feedback from our two expert users on the Visualisation component, obtained during
an interview while they experimented with the system.
Positive Comments
Suggested Improvements
Intuitive to use
Recent History view
Layout is simple to understand
Effective group summary
Rewind ability is valuable
Historic Information
Surprisingly intuitive to use
Metric-map should be the emphasised feature in the GUI
Provides a useful overview
Update highlighting
Replay Tool very useful
More complex graphing tool
Recent History as part of main
Visualisations very effective for
100s of nodes
More than 3-level hierarchies for
Effective up to 20 000 nodes
Update highlights should also
appear on the Metric-map
Selection propagation between
visualisations is valuable
monitoring up to 20 000 computers. Although initially
unfamiliar, the Metric-map was said to be “surprisingly
intuitive” to use. One user stressed the importance of providing context to a current visualisation, through access
to historic information. While the Replay Tool provided
basic functionality in this regard, it was suggested the visualisations should incorporate a view of recent history. It
was also noted that the expert users did not make use of
the Node-detail level of detail. Table 4 lists all significant
expert user feedback.
The expert users reported that the Visualisation component provided an effective visualisation of the overall
fleet status. The Metric-map was seen to be better at
representing overall information, with the Node-map being better suited to individual information. However, the
interaction between the two visualisations, through selection propagation, was seen as the most important aspect
of both.
Including easily accessible recent history provides a valuable perspective on current information. Users proposed
that this would be convenient for identifying possible issues with the current state of a fleet. Making this recenthistory visible alongside the real-time visualisation is a
possible extension to enhance the Visualisation component, but would also require improvements to the dataretrieval process. While our system focussed on providing
an alternative to graphing as a means of viewing monitoring information, graphs were still seen as necessary for
viewing specific, long-term, historic information.
Features such as logical grouping, aggregation, multiple
levels of detail and selection propagation between independent views enhanced our system’s scalability. Information
filtering techniques would be useful to further increase the
scalability of the Visualisation component.
As a proof-of-concept system, Panopticon was successful. All components were shown to be able to scale effectively into the tens of thousands of monitored nodes,
mainly limited by the Visualisation component and information retrieval speeds.
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