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2011, Sunday Independent
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Օրինականություն, 135, 2024
THE PERFORMANCE OF INVESTIGATIVE ACTION THROUGH VIDEOCOMMUNICATION1 Abstract The article examines the essence of conducting an investigative operation through videocommunication the criminal procedure provided by the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Armenia as an exclusive measure, the grounds for conducting an investigative operation through videocommunication the criminal procedure, and the procedural procedure for conducting an investigative operation through videocommunication the criminal procedure. While studying the selected topic, the legislative features of conducting an investigative action through videocommunication the use of a special case and the practical significance of its implementation were analyzed. The topicality of the chosen topic is due to the different interpretation of the legal provisions on investigative actions by means of the species. The purpose of the research of this topic is to study the features and grounds of investigative action in criminal proceedings using forensics, in particular, to identify the essence of conducting investigative actions through videocommunication forensics in criminal proceedings, the logic of legal regulations on the grounds for conducting investigative actions through videocommunication forensics, and the presumed will of the legislator, as well as to identify investigative procedures through videocommunication forensics features and problems of the procedural order of execution of the action. When studying the topic selected in the article, the legal comparative method, deductive and inductive, as well as analysis and abstraction methods were used. Keywords: investigative action; specific exceptional means; another place; personal safety. ПРИМЕНЕНИЕ ВИДЕОКОНФЕРЕНЦИИ ПРИ ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕ СЛЕДСТВЕННОГО ДЕЙСТВИЯ1 Абстракт В статье исследуются сущность применения видеоконференции при производстве следственного действия по Уголовно-процессуальному кодексу Республики Армения как исключительная мера, основания применения видеоконференции при производстве следственного действия и процессуальный порядок применения видеоконференции при производстве следственного действия. При изучении выбранной темы были проанализированы законодательные особенности применения видеоконференции при производстве следственного действия и практическая значимость его проведения. Актуальность выбранной темы обусловлена различным толкованием норм законодательства относительно применения видеоконференции при производстве следственного действия. Целью исследования данной темы является изучение особенностей применения видеоконференции при производстве следственного действия, в частности, выявление сущности применения видеоконференции при производстве следственного действия, логика правового регулирования оснований для применения видеоконференции при производстве следственного действия и подразумеваемая воля законодателя, а также выявление особенностей процессуального порядка применения видеоконференции при производстве следственного действия и проблем, возникающие при его проведении. При изучении выбранной в статье темы использовались сравнительно-правовой, дедуктивный и индуктивный методы, а также методы анализа и абстракции. Ключевые слова: следственное действие; исключительная мера; другое место; безопасность лица
Voices from the Other Side: Exploring Nonhuman Agents and Their Narrative Function in the Zhuangzi, 2024
In the history of Chinese literature, the Zhuangzi authors were the first to grant a voice to diverse forms of life, among them a snake, a tree, a dead man, a divine turtle, and even the wind. What exactly is the interest of incorporating nonhuman protagonists in brief literary fictions? Was there something at stake when trying out this pioneering narrative technique, or was it just for the sake of literary innovation and entertainment? Through a detailed analysis of a set of concise narratives, this study uncovers a consistent critique of the religious institutions (chiefly divination and sacrifice), as well as the economic practices prevalent during the Warring States period. It aims to demonstrate that the Zhuangzi's comprehensive critique of the Zhou cultural order achieves its "hearability" through a recurrent use of striking dualities, including day and night, dream and wakefulness, and humans and nonhumans. A heretofore silent and passive community of living beings raises its voice and is able to challenge the well-established discourse proclaiming human sovereignty over the natural world. These voices and the themes they raise serve, among other things, as a literary strategy intended to illuminate the universality of violence and the criminal essence of human culture (wen 文).
Business in today's world is a hectic and dynamic undertaking. The environment in which organizations operate is ever changing, thereby changing the needs of the organization and internal operations. The concept of organization behaviour is important as it provides insights into organizations' challenges and opportunities. Although organization behaviour varies from one organization to another, its usefulness is universal. By studying these behaviours organizations become more aware of their business ethics and are able to positively find ways to transfer their employee's attitudes and behaviours into more positive experiences personally and for the company. Most organizations realize that being ethical is good business practice and pays in the long run.
Histología Un tejido es un grupo de células y productos celulares similares que se forman en la misma región en el embrion y que colaboran para realizar una tarea estructural o fisiológica específica de un órgano. Se diferencian por los tipos y las funciones de sus células, las características de la matriz que los rodean y la proporción de espacio entre las células y la matriz. La matriz se encuentra compuesta por proteínas fibrosas y por lo general de un gel claro al que se le conoce como sustancia fundamental. Tejidos embrionarios: El desarrollo del humano empieza con una sola célula, la cual se divide para producir grandes cantidades de células más pequeñas e idénticas. Los tejidos maduros del cuerpo son: • Ectodermo: Es una capa externa de la que se originan la epidermis y el sistema nervioso. • Endodermo: Se desarrollan las mucosas del tubo digestivo, las vías respiratorias y las glándulas digestivas. • Mesodermo: Con el tiempo se formara el mesénquima, el cual dara origen a los tejidos muscular, óseo y sanguíneo. Cortes de tejidos: Las muestras de tejido son conservadas con un fijador (Sustancia química como el formol, la cual evita el deterioro). Despues de la fijación, casi todos los tejidos son cortados en secciones que suelen ser de una o dos células de espesor. Se montonan los cortes en portaobjetos y son coloreados de manera artificial con tinturas o colorantes histológicos para mejorar el detalle. Tejido Epitelial: Es una lamina de células estrechamente adheridas, del grosor de una o más células. El epitelio cubre la superficie corporal, recubre las cavidades corporales, forma las cubiertas externas e internas de michos órganos y constituye la mayor parte de las glándulas. Entre sus funciones encontramos. • Proteccion: El epitelio protege a los tejidos mas profundos contra invasiones y lesiones. • Secreción: El epitelio produce moco, sudor, enzimas, hormonas y la mayoría de las demás secreciones del cuerpo. • Excrecion: El epitelio vacia desechos de los tejidos como CO2. • Absorción: El epitelio absorbe sustancias químicas del medio. • Filtración: Todas las susntacias que salen de la sangre se filtrande manera selectiva a través del epitelio. • Sensibilidad: El epitelio cuenta con terminaciones nerviosas para percibir estímulos. El epitelio es avascular, casi siempre se encuentra sobre una capa rica en vasos de tejido conjuntivo laxo, que le proporciona nutrientes así como extraer desechos. Entre un epitelioy el tejido conjuntivo subyacente se halla una capa llamada membrana basal (Contiene colágeno, glucoproteínas).
History is not science and it can be twisted to suit the whims of the ruling class. Much has been written about Maharaja Ranjit Singh during his bicentenary to eulogize his achievements. No doubt he was a great ruler who liberated Punjab from the clutches of Afghan invaders and created a secular state in India but he had all the vices of a medieval monarch. The most authentic source about the personal life of Maharaja Ranjit Singh is
Rencana bisnis ibarat merupakan peta jalan bagi wirausahawan menuju pembangunan bisnis yang sukses dan menguntungkan Setiap wirausahawan yang sudah membuka usaha atau akan meluncurkan suatu usaha, membutuhkan sebuah rencana bisnis yang dibuat dengan baik dan berdasarkan fakta untuk meningkatkan peluang keberhasilan usahanya Penelitian membuktikan bahwa perusahaan yang melakukan perencanaan bisnis akan mengalahkan perusahaan yang tidak melakukannya.
Str. Scărlătescu, nr. 7, 011158, sector 1, Bucureşti, România Telefon: 021 315 65 05; 021 315 65 64 Fax : 021 311 13 40 Standardele de evaluare a bunurilor, ediția 2016, încorporează Standardele Internaţionale de Evaluare (IVS), ediţia 2013, care includ următoarele standarde: IVS -Cadrul general, IVS 101, IVS 102, IVS 103, IVS 200, IVS 210, IVS 220, IVS 230, IVS 233, IVS 250, IVS 300 şi IVS 310.
Critical Public Health, 2019
Drawing on Isabelle Stengers’ discussion of the investigation of Mesmer and the starring role that experimentation plays in the rationality of modern medicine, this paper examines longstanding tensions between the realms of evidence based medicine and complementary and alternative medicine. While evidence based medicine often claims the ability to demarcate between pseudoscience and science, and complementary and alternative medicine often claims that evidence based medicine involves a kind of pseudo-logic that is unable to capture all forms of efficacy, I argue that both of these claims are unfounded. Unpacking the similarities between the commission that evaluated Mesmer’s magnetism and the structure of evidence based medicine, a significant gap is revealed in today’s system of knowledge production within medicine. In order to demonstrate the efficacy of a novel treatment within a randomized controlled trial, the treatment must be shown to improve clinical outcomes significantly more than a placebo control. However, some treatments improve clinical outcomes, but operate primarily through placebo responses, leading to effective medicines being labelled ‘ineffective’ within randomized controlled trials. This phenomenon is known as the efficacy paradox and appears most frequently in chronic conditions and in relation to complementary and alternative medicine, in which placebo responses are common. It is argued that the realms of evidence based medicine and complementary and alternative medicine have much to learn from each other, in that one has neglected the vast potential of producing clinical benefit through placebo responses, while the other has neglected the understanding that can be gained through experimentation.
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καιρός | kairós: Boletim do Centro de Estudos em Arqueologia, Artes e Ciências do Património, 2020
Annals of Animal Science
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2018
Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2021