Ref: Ro J Rheumatol. 2023;32(1)
DOI: 10.37897/RJR.2023.1.6
Use of bisphosphonates in bone pathology –
benefits and risks
Dinu Antonescu, Cristian Ioan Stoica
Faculty of Medicine, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest, Romania
Foisor Clinical Hospital of Orthopedics, Traumatology and Osteoarticular Tuberculosis, Bucharest, Romania
This article aims to establish, on the basis of medical literature and of the authors’ experience, whether bisphosphonates
still have a role in treating skeletal diseases, with increased bone resorption. The effects of bisphosphonates on the bone
tissue, as well as the diseases in which they are recommended and the benefits obtained are reviewed. Possible side
effects are emphasized, both the immediate ones, which are better known and the late ones, occurring after a long-term
administration. It is shown that the benefit/risk ratio remains favorable. The conclusions highlight the fact that nowadays
bisphosphonates still have an important place in the treatment of skeletal diseases.
Keywords: bisphosphonates, osteoporosis, Paget’s disease, bone metastases, osteogenesis imperfecta,
atypical femural fractures, aseptic necrosis of the jaw
Bisphosphonates (BFs) were introduced into the
therapy of skeletal diseases in 1970, hoping to effectively prevent fragility fractures in elderly persons,
as initial studies have confirmed. Since 2003, various
publications have been issued, frequently explaining
severe complications as a result of a long-term administration of BFs. This determined many patients
to decline the BFs treatment and the physicians became more reticent in prescribing them. Based on
recent literature and on personal experience, this
article aims to answer the following question: are Bisphosphonates still of interest today?
Bref History. Synthesized in the mid 19-th century
and used as anticorrosive agents in the textile industry [1-3], BFs have also conquered, since 1960, the
pharmaceutical industry. Neuman and Fleisch noted
that the body fluids are supersaturated with calcium
phosphate, containing calcification inhibitors,
whereof the inorganic pyrophosphate is present in
urine [4,5] (Figure1). Starting from the pyrophosphate core (P – O – P), the BFs core (P – C – P) was
reached by synthesis (Figure 2).
Corresponding author:
Dinu Antonescu
[email protected]
Romanian JouRnal of Rheumatology – Volume 32, no. 1, 2023
FIGURE 1. - Formula of pyrophosphate
Over three decades of research have resulted in
the synthesis of more than 1,000 molecules, which
differ from one another in the substituents of chains
R¹ and R² (Figure 2). The BFs of first generation - Etidronate, Tiludronate, Clodronate – contain no nitrogen in their composition. The second generation – Alendronate, Pamidronate, Neridronate, Olpadronate
– as well as the third one – Risedronate, Ibandronate,
Zoledronate – contain an amino group in R². The an-
Article History:
Received: 21 March 2023
Accepted: 27 March 2023
Romanian JouRnal of Rheumatology – Volume 32, no. 1, 2023
FIGURE 2. - Formula of bisphosphonates
tiresorptive efficiency is increased in the second generation and especially in the third one. As against
Etidronate, Alendronate is 1,000 times and Zoledronate is 10,000 times more active. The first two articles
describing the biological effects of BFs were published in 1969, in Science magazine [6,7]. BFs have the
capacity to prevent bone resorption and to increase
bone density, to prevent experimentally induced calcification, to inhibit ectopic bone mineralization, to
inhibit the dissolution of hydroxyapatite crystals. By
increasing the bone resistance, the fracture incidence
is decreased [8-12]. But in animals, high doses result
in the worsening of microfractures and even in the
occurrence of fractures [13,14].
BFs prevent recruitment, differentiation and resorptive activity of mature osteoclasts and they even
may cause the apoptosis thereof. BFs also prevent the
fusion of mononuclear cells, precursors of osteoclasts
[15-20], and prevent osteoblast and osteocyte apoptosis [21].
Their first use was aimed at inhibiting heterotopic
calcification and ossification in progressive myositis
ossificans as well as inhibiting the same processes occurring after cranial or spinal traumas. Etidronate is
the only bisphosphonate used, in doses of 20 mg/kg
body weight per day, administered for 3 months at
most. A long-term treatment may cause osteomalacia. Its effectiveness is uncertain, especially in myositis ossificans [3,22,24].
Osteoporosis therapy with BFs is the most
effective and most frequent recommendation. Its
results are absolutely superior to the use of
Calcitonine, to the hormone replacement therapy or
to Raloxifene. Osteoporosis is characterized by a
significant loss of bone mass {after menopause, women lose about 50% of the cancellous bone mass
and 30% of the cortical bone [15]}, changes in the
bone architecture, associated with a decreased bone
mechanical strength and an increased risk of spine
and non-spine fractures. About 40% of postmenopausal women have osteoporosis and 40% of them
undergo a fracture during their lifetime. The quality
of life decreases, morbidity and mortality increase
(an osteoporotic spine or hip fracture increases the
mortality risk by 20%) [24,25]. Alendronate,
Risedronate, Ibandronate and Zoledroate are counted among the used BFs. Alendronate, orally administered, 10 mg daily or 70 mg weekly, for 3 years,
induces an increase by 7% in BMD (Bone Mineral
Density) on the spine and hip level (in comparison
with 1% loss in the placebo group). Spinal fractures
occur in 8% of treated women and non-spinal
fractures occur in 2.3%, as against 15% respectively
5% in the placebo group [22,26,27]. Risedronate, 5
mg administered daily, 35 mg weekly or 75 mg monthly, for 2 consecutive days, ensure an effective protection against vertebral and non-vertebral fractures, starting after 6 months of treatment. In the
first year, the incidence of vertebral fractures was
reduced by 65% and their cumulative decrease after
3 years reached 41%. The incidence of non-vertebral
fractures decreased by 39% after 3 years of treatment. At the same time, BMD increased significantly
in comparison with the placebo group, both on
lumbar spine level (5.4% versus 1.1%) and on
femoral neck level (1.6% versus -1.2%) [28,29]. The
“HORIZON” study (Health Outcomes and Reduced
Incidence with Zoledronic Acid) kept a close watch
on the efficacy of annual infusions of Zoledronate,
highlighting a significant decrease in vertebral and
non-vertebral fractures, as well as in the associated
mortality [30,31]. The BFs therapy was also extended
to osteoporosis in men {the treatment results are
similar to the outcomes of postmenopausal osteoporosis [32-34]} and to the one occurring after
corticotherapy (≥7.5 mg prednisone daily, for over 1
year). Risedronate is particularly used, as it decreases the incidence of vertebral fractures by 70%
Paget’s disease is characterized by a localized, accelerated bone resorption, followed by a chaotic deposition of the mineralized bone matrix. It occurs with
an incidence of 3.3%, in people aged over 40 [36]. The
use of 40 mg/day Alendronate, for a time of 6 months
results in a bone turnover decrease by 70% - 80% in
40% - 65% of the patients. Risedronate is administered in doses of 30 mg/day, for 3 months. Over 90%
of the patients respond to this therapy, with a decrease of the alkaline phosphatase of at least 50%.
Pamidronate, by perfusion of 60 mg in mild forms of
the disease and of 60 mg once a week or every two
Romanian JouRnal of Rheumatology – Volume 32, no.1, 2023
weeks, up to a dose of 400 mg in moderate and severe
forms, determines a remission of the disease. Zoledronate, by a single perfusion of 5 mg, determines a
normalization of alkaline phosphatase in 88.6% of
patients and their response is maintained in 95% of
cases, after a period of 6 months. Zoledronate is considered to be the elective bisphosphonate for Paget’s
disease [22,37-40].
Bone metastases. After lungs and liver, the skeleton is the third location, as far as frequency is concerned, for carcinoma metastases. The incidence
varies between 40% and 90%, depending on the
neoplasm type [41]. The most common locations are
on the level of the spine (particularly lumbar), in the
sacrum, pelvis, upper femoral extremity. The skeletal complications of metastases are hypercalcemia,
bone pains, pathological bone fractures, spinal cord
compression (in spinal fractures). The invasion of
malignant cells into bones destroys the normal balance of bone remodeling, causing the occurrence of
an excessive osteoclastic activity. Among BFs, Zoledronate 4 mg, Ibandronate 6 mg or Pamidronate 90
mg are used by perfusion, every 3-4 weeks. In breast
cancer, BFs reduce bone complications of metastases by 15% as against the control group and they ensure a longer skeletal event-free period. Survival
and the quality of life are improved [35,42-44]. Besides the inhibition of osteoclast function, BFs reduce the local release of tumor growth stimulating
factors, they have a direct antitumor activity, acting
synergistically with other antitumor agents [24,4547].
Hypercalcemia affects over 20% of patients with
multiple myeloma, lung, breast or kidney cancer. BFs
represent the most effective therapy. Perfusions with
Pamidronate (90 mg) or Zoledronate (4 or 8 mg) are
used in the treatment. Zoledronate is more active in
this case, 87% of patients having a complete response
to this therapy [48].
In total hip and knee arthroplasty, BMD of the periprosthetic bone decreases up to 6 months after surgery. Experimental and clinical investigations (Alendronate 10 mg/day for 6-12 months, Risedronate 2.5
mg/day or 35 mg/week for 6 months, Pamidronate 90
mg in a single dose on the 5-th day after surgery)
prove that BFs inhibit bone resorption and increase
BMD in postoperative acute phase [49-51]. Late periprosthetic osteolysis, which results in the prosthesis
mobilization, is mainly determined by the osteoclast
activation, induced by the macrophages that engulfed the wear products of the frictional torque of
metal (ceramic)-on-polyethylene. It was positively influenced by BFs in experiments on animals (canine
arthroplasty), but the benefits are not obvious in clinical applications. As a matter of fact, FDA has not approved the use of BFs for osteolysis treatment, associated with arthroplasty complications [24,52,53].
The use of BFs in children remains controversial. The long-term inhibition of bone remodeling
might result in a decrease in skeletal strength. The
long period of half-decay in bone determines the continuation of the inhibitory effect even after the administration interruption. It has been described the
occurrence of a “osteopetrosis” [54]. BFs have been
used, most frequently, in the treatment of Osteogenesis. Imperfecta.
Osteogenesis imperfecta is a genetic disorder,
whose symptoms are osteopenia, frequent fractures,
progressive deformities, decreased mobility and
chronic bone pains. Pamidronate is used by perfusion (0.5 mg/kg for children aged under 2 and 1 mg/kg
- 1.5 mg/kg for children aged over 2) for 3 consecutive
days, every 2-4 months. The treatment duration is 2-9
years [19]. Post-therapy, a decrease in the incidence
of fractures, a pain relief and a walking gait improvement can be noticed. BMD increases and bone turnover markers decrease. The cortical of long bones
thickens and the spans of cancellous bones multiply.
The most visible changes occur in the first 2-4 years
of treatment [55,56].
Fibrous displasia is a genetic disorder related to
the tuning of interaction between the proliferation
and differentiation of osteoblasts and osteoclasts. As
a result, abnormal, thin bone trabeculae are formed,
associated with a population of preosteogenic cells
and with a proliferation of fibrous tissue. Along the
peripheral lesions, there are hyperactivated osteoclasts. The most commonly used is intravenous Pamidronate, administered by perfusions of 0.5 mg/kg/day
for children or of 60 mg/day for adults, for 3 consecutive days, every 4-6 months. As a result of the treatment, pain is reduced significantly and the incidence
of fractures is decreased. In terms of X-rays, a cortical
thickening and a progressive ossification occur in
some adult patients [24,35,57-59].
In Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease (aseptic necrosis of
the femoral head in children), the bisphosphonate
treatment is justified by the role of bone resorption,
unbalanced by reconstruction, in the deformation of
the femoral head. Experimental studies on rats and
pigs have shown the positive effect of the bisphosphonate treatment on maintaining the spherical
shape of the femoral head. At this time, there still are
no clinical studies to confirm the usefulness of BFs
The use of BFs may lead to the occurrence of side
effects. The oral administration might cause irritations of the digestive tract, especially of the esophagus. Intravenous administration may cause fever and
“flu-like” symptoms, predominant in the first perfusion [62,63]. Hypocalcemia is usually mild, asymptomatic and transient. The increase in PTH (parathormone) is modest, being caused by hipocalcemia.
Latest studies have revealed the occurrence of atrial
fibrillations after administration of Zoledronate and
Alendronate, favored by heart failure, coronary artery disease, diabetes. Fluctuations in serum calcium
might be decisive. [64-66]. Some other studies have
not confirmed the existence of a causal relationship
between BFs and atrial fibrillations [67].
A long-term administration of BFs may cause, in
women undergoing osteoporosis treatment, atypical
femoral fractures, subtrochanteric or diaphyseal, frequently bilateral (simultaneously or sequentially),
transverse or slightly oblique, with a unicortical
beak, in a femur with cortical thickening. They occur
spontaneously or are caused by low-energy traumas.
They may be preceded by pains in the thigh. If the
X-ray does not show the fracture line, a magnetic resonance examination is recommended. The incidence
varies between 3.2 and 50 cases in 100,000 persons
per year. It may reach ≈ 100 cases in 100,000 persons
per year for very long periods of administration [6870]. Schilcher and Aspenberg [71] surveyed 900,000
patients undergoing bisphosphonate treatment for
osteoporosis and they noticed the occurrence of
13,500 osteoporotic fractures, as against 900 atypical
fractures. The decreased bone turnover, associated
with the increased bone mineralization, due to BFs,
causes bones to become brittle. This alteration of
bone strength, combined with the lack of microfracture repair, due to a late bone remodeling, leads, in
the long run, to an increased fracture risk [72,73].
Over 26% of the cases of atypical fractures have a late
consolidation or they do not heal at all. Despite the
severity of atypical fractures, the benefit offered by
BFs is 100 times higher than the fracture risk [74]. Another late and serious complication is the aseptic necrosis of the jaw. It occurs especially after the treatment with Pamidronate or Zoledronate, in patients
treated with high doses, for various neoplasms (multiple myeloma, breast cancer, prostate cancer etc.). A
series of risk factors (concomitant corticotherapy,
dental procedures, poor oral hygiene, treatment duration, dose and type of Bfs) enhance its occurrence.
It is presumed that it would happen due to mechanical microfractures, occurring during mastication,
which do not heal because of bone remodeling inhibition or because of the antiangiogenic properties of
BFs. The incidence varies between 0.03% and 10.5%,
being very low in case of osteoporosis treatment and
much higher after the exposure to 10-12 times higher
doses, as part of neoplasm therapy [75-78].
Romanian JouRnal of Rheumatology – Volume 32, no. 1, 2023
Our experience in using BFs is not important, but
it enabled us to get acquainted with this field, from a
practical point of view as well. It includes 53 cases of
postmenopausal osteoporosis, treated with Alendronate for 3-5 years, 16 cases of Paget’s disease, treated
by perfusions with Zoledronate, 11cases of fibrous
dysplasia in teenagers and adults, where we used
perfusions with Pamidronate, as in a case of Osteogenesis Imperfecta, treated for a period of 7 years,
starting from the age of 4. In osteoporosis cases, we
obtained an increased BMD and we prevented the occurrence of fractures, in Paget’s disease we obtained
decreased bone turnover markers, with a significant
improvement of the clinical symptoms, as in the case
of fibrous dysplasia as well, where the radiological
changes were discrete. Osteogenesis Imperfecta had
the most spectacular evolution, resulting in a BMD
improvement and, particularly, in an almost normal
life, with a daily attendance of school classes, in comparison to the severe walking deficiencies at the beginning of the treatment. Besides the immediate side
effects we have not registered any atypical fractures
or any jaw necrosis. In the few cases treated and surveyed, the bisphosphonate treatment proved to be
effective, having a high benefit/risk ratio.
After this exploration of the rich medical literature, as well as relying on our limited experience, we
can assert that BFs have not lost their validity. Their
therapeutic effect is important in all skeletal diseases
with a more pronounced bone resorption and their
benefit/risk ratio is positive. It is estimated that, even
under a 10 year-treatment with BFs, the incidence of
atypical fractures is of 1.1 per 1,000 patients/year [7981]. In exchange, the incidence of the total non-vertebral fractures is of 37 per 1,000 patients/year and the
incidence of vertebral fractures reaches 62.7 per
1,000 patients/year [81]. Given that the incidence of
atypical femoral fractures increases together with
the extension of treatment, it is considered that, after
5 years of bisphosphonate administration, if the fracture risk is not high (T-Score >-2.5, without a history
of osteoporotic fractures), this treatment may be interrupted (drug holiday) for 2–3 years. The resumption of treatment is recommended if an osteoporotic
fracture occurs, if BMD is decreased and/or if the values of the bone turnover markers are increased [81].
Considering these precautions for use, BFs must keep
their important place in the treatment of bone resorption disorder.
Conflict of interest: none declared
Financial support: none declared
Romanian JouRnal of Rheumatology – Volume 32, no.1, 2023
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