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Julian's Reef was surveyed by side-scan sonar and remotely operated video during August, 1990. 1086 egg traps and 932 egg nets were then deployed in ten gangs over areas of the reef judged, on the basis of the initial side-scan sonar and video results, to offer the best lake trout spawning habitat. Inspection of egg-collection devices immediately after deployment showed that 98% of the traps and 92% of the nets were fishing (i.e., capable of catching eggs). ROV inspection of some gangs in November showed that 90% of the traps and 46% of the nets were still fishing. 520 egg traps and 621 egg nets were recovered intact during December. No lake trout eggs were found. A substrate map of the southern half of Julian's reef was prepared based on the side-scan sonar and video data. The substrate type offering the best shelter for lake trout eggs (described as bedrock and rubble) constituted 8.55% of the area surveyed. Within that substrate type less than 15% of the substrate provided physical structure described by others as suitable habitat for lake trout eggs and fry. Despite the effort to place egg-collection devices over good substrate, most missed those small areas of superior substrate. With the large numbers of egg-collection devices and the substrate map available from this study, future egg-collection attempts targeting the best spawning substrate on Julian's Reef can be made at low cost.
Journal of Great Lakes Research, 1995
Disk-shaped traps were used to examine egg deposition by lake trout (Sa1ve1inus namaycush) at 29 sites in the Great Lakes. The main objectives were to; first, evaluate the disk trap as a device for sampling lake trout eggs in the Great Lakes, and second, summarize what has been learned about lake trout spawning through the use of disk traps. Of the 5,085 traps set, 60% were classified as functional when retrieved. Evidence of lake trout egg deposition was documented in each of the lakes studied at 14 of 29 sites. A total of 1,147 eggs were trapped. The percentage of traps functioning and catch per effort were compared among sites based on depth, timing of egg deposition, distance from shore, size of reef, and type of reef (artificial or natural). Most eggs were caught on small, shallow, protected reefs that were close to shore. Use of disk traps on large, shallow, unprotected offshore reefs or along unprotected shorelines was generally unsuccessful due to the effects of heavy wind and wave action. Making multiple lifts at short intervals, and retrieval before and re-deployment after storms are recommended for use in exposed areas. On large reefs, preliminary surveys to identify preferred lake trout spawning habitat may be required to deploy disk traps most effectively. Egg deposition by hatchery-reared fish was widespread throughout the Great Lakes, and the use of artificial structures by these fish was extensive.
Journal of Great Lakes Research, 1994
Biologists in the Great Lakes have used circular egg traps to study lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) reproduction for the past several years; however, interpretation of egg trap data beyond the presence or absence of eggs has been speculative. The main objective of this study was to determine if trap data could be used to index egg abundance in spawning substrate. In 1990 and 1992 the number of eggs captured in traps on a reef in Lake Ontario was compared to the egg abundance in cobble substrate adjacent to each trap. Linear regression models indicated that the relationship between eggs captured in traps and egg abundance varied significantly, both among depth transects within years and between years (P < 0.05). However, within a given year, egg capture in traps generally increased as egg abundance increased. Wind-induced waves and water currents probably affected the proportion of eggs that were dislodged from the substrate and drifted into traps or off the reef and caused much of the variation observed in the eggs • trap-Legg abundance relationship. Different substrate size and interstitial depth may also explain some of the within year variation among trap sites. Trap data should not be used to compare egg abundance among different Great Lakes spawning areas unless data interpretation includes sources of variation such as water currents and substrate type. Comparison of trap data among years for the same spawning area should only be made among years with similar water currents.
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 1991
1991. Spawning by hatchery-origin lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in Lake Ontario: data from egg collections, substrate analysis, and diver observations. Can. ). Fish. Aquat. Sci. 48: 2377-2384.
Journal of Great Lakes Research, 1997
We report the first evidence of egg deposition by stocked lake trout in deep water in the Great Lakes, on Julian's Reef in Lake Michigan. Historic information, and current data from Lake Superior, suggest that many native lake trout spawned in deep water, and therefore some stocking efforts have been focused on deep reefs. However, no evidence has been previously found to indicate that stocked lake trout spawn in areas deeper than 20 m. The purpose of this study was to find evidence of lake trout spawning on Julian's Reef in Lake Michigan, a deepwater reef (minimum depth 27 m) which was an important spawning site for native strains of lake trout. We used a Phantom S2 ROV equipped with a suction sampler to obtain visual observations of lake trout and to collect eggs and egg predators (slimy sculpins). Five loose lake trout eggs and four sculpins were recovered; the three largest sculpins contained nine trout eggs. Adult lake trout were seen at rates above one per minute, in contrast to less than half that rate seen with similar equipment at Burns Harbor breakwall in Lake Michigan. We suggest future modifications of robotic ROV equipment to enhance in situ collections of lake trout eggs and sculpins.
North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 1994
A sampler is described and evaluated for use in early life history studies of demersally spawning fishes that broadcast eggs over rocky substrate. The sampler was designed to be buried in substrate and to collect spawned eggs under natural environmental conditions (including natural water flow). Each sampler consisted of a metal ring (32-cm inside diameter) with a 51.5-cmdeep nylon mesh bag attached (mesh size = 0.16 cm). Egg deposition in the substrate per unit area, survival of embryos at various developmental stages, and predator density in the substrate were estimated based on data from 135 bags buried by scuba divers on a spawning reef used by lake trout Salvelinus namaycush in Lake Ontario. None of the bags were dislodged during storms. Bags were easier to construct, bury, and retrieve than many other devices previously described.
Journal of Great Lakes Research, 1995
Reproductive success of stocked lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in the Great Lakes has been negligible in all of the lakes except Superior. Among the factors which may affect reproduction, the quality of spawning habitat and selection of good habitat by hatchery-origin lake trout are important for the success of population restoration. Stocked lake trout may be unable to recognize small areas of appropriate spawning substrate. The purpose of this study was to identify characteristics of spawning substrate (e.g., depth, substrate size, reef contour) that are important for spawning site selection by lake trout, and to associate these characteristics with egg incubation success. Six rock piles, 4.5 m in diameter, were constructed 80 m from a natural spawning reef Egg deposition and survival to hatching were measured on and adjacent to the rock piles and on the nearby natural cobble reef Lake trout spawned on all of the rock piles in 1990 and 1991. Few eggs were collected immediately adjacent to the piles. Egg densities on the piles were two to four times lower than on the natural cobble reef that was much larger in area. These data indicate that spawning site selection by lake trout was influenced by substrate size and location. Egg survival was high in incubators buried in rock piles (38-61%) and natural cobble (27-59%), but low in incubators adjacent to the piles (3-10%) and on sandy substrates (9%). Thus, lake trout detected and spawned on small areas of clean cobble that supported egg incubation. Lake trout will use new areas of substrate even when larger natural areas are available within 100 m. This result indicates that lake trout spawning on harbor breakwalls and man-made rubble piles is due to their attraction to clean substrate rather than the absence of natural substrate nearby.
North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 1989
Little evidence exists for extensive natural reproduction by lake trout Salvelinus namaycush stocked in the Great Lakes, except in Lake Superior. An obstacle to the systematic study of the fate of eggs produced by stocked fish has been the inability to inexpensively detect egg deposition and to measure egg deposition rates. We have developed a low-cost (US$7.00 per egg net), reusable egg-collection device (egg net) that can be set and recovered from shipboard. Egg nets placed on spawning substrate prior to spawning collect eggs passively and protect the eggs until their retrieval. The nets were tested on a shallow reef in Lake Ontario and on a deep reef in Lake Michigan. In Lake Ontario, 24 nets captured 261 eggs (336 eggs/m 2 ) from October 13 to November 13, 1987, and 23 nets captured 1,830 eggs (2,455 eggs/m 2 ) from November 13 to November 24, 1987. Over 50% of the eggs recovered were alive. Storms overturned some nets at the shallow-water site. No eggs were recovered in Lake Michigan, but inspection by a remotely operated video camera confirmed that 90% of the nets were upright 19 d after placement. With appropriate modifications for eggs of other sizes, the egg nets may also be useful for assessment of spawning by other species offish.
Aquacultural Engineering, 1983
A BS TRA CT A spawning and egg collecting system for fish with pelagic eggs is described and discussed. The spawning un# is a 175 m 3 submersible plastic pen supported by a polyethylene floating collar. The eggs are collected by rotating the water column in the pen and placing a net in the rotating water. The system is inexpensive and easy to operate. Temperature and illumination control are feasible. The quantity collected in the 1981 spawning season was 138 million eggs. Obtained eggs were of good quality. The theoretical spawning potential of the brood stock was 271 million eggs. This difference was mainly ascribed to suboptimal collection, but also to incomplete spawning and sinking of unfertilized and dead eggs.
Journal of Great Lakes Research, 2006
The Mid-Lake Reef Complex (MLRC), a large area of deep (> 40 m) reefs, was a major site where indigenous lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in Lake Michigan aggregated during spawning. As part of an effort to restore Lake Michigan's lake trout, which were extirpated in the 1950s, yearling lake trout have been released over the MLRC since the mid-1980s and fall gill net censuses began to show large numbers of lake trout in spawning condition beginning about 1999. We report the first evidence of viable egg deposition and successful lake trout fry production at these deep reefs. Because the area's existing bathymetry and habitat were too poorly known for a priori selection of sampling sites, we used hydroacoustics to locate concentrations of large fish in the fall; fish were congregating around slopes and ridges. Subsequent observations via unmanned submersible confirmed the large fish to be lake trout. Our technological objectives were driven by biological objectives of locating where lake trout spawn, where lake trout fry were produced, and what fishes ate lake trout eggs and fry. The unmanned submersibles were equipped with a suction sampler and electroshocker to sample eggs deposited on the reef, draw out and occasionally catch emergent fry, and collect egg predators (slimy sculpin Cottus cognatus). We observed slimy sculpin to eat unusually high numbers of lake trout eggs. Our qualitative approaches are a first step toward quantitative assessments of the importance of lake trout spawning on the MLRC.
ZDM – Mathematics Education, 2022
Leiden: Brill, 2012
Teología y vida, 2004
Journal of Education and Practice, 2018
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2016
Revista Veritas, 2024
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2018
Issues in Accounting Education, 2008
Research on Social Work Practice, 2019
Atherosclerosis, 2014
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 1997
European Eating Disorders Review, 2002
Journal Of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2018
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2013
International Journal of Advanced Educational Research, 2017