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2015, Canadian Journal of Plant Science
5 pages
1 file
Spaner, D., Navabi, A., Strenzke, K., Iqbal, M. and Beres, B. 2015. Coleman hard red spring wheat. Can. J. Plant Sci. 95: 1037–1041. ‘Coleman’ hard red spring wheat is an awned, hollow-stemmed cultivar of high yield potential adapted to the wheat growing regions of western Canada. Averaged over 30 site-years, during 3 yr of testing in the Parkland Wheat Cooperative Registration Test (2010–2012), Coleman was higher yielding than Katepwa (8.5%) (P≤0.05), AC Splendor (5.8%) (P≤0.05), CDC Teal (2.1%) and CDC Osler (2%), exhibited maturity, height and lodging resistance similar to, or in the range of the checks, had higher test weights than the checks and showed good resistance to leaf, stem and stripe rust. Coleman exhibited Fusarium head blight resistance greater than and DON contamination levels lower than the check cultivars. Coleman exhibited susceptible reactions to common bunt and loose smut. End-use quality attributes of Coleman meet the specifications of the Canada Western Red S...
Journal of Plant Registrations, 2017
Hard red spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is an important market class in the US Pacific Northwest, planted on an average of 44% of the spring wheat area in Washington State. The foliar fungal disease stripe rust (caused by Puccinia striiformis Westend. f. sp. tritici Eriks.) is a major problem for wheat cultivars grown in the region. The objective of this research was to develop an adapted hard red spring wheat cultivar with durable resistance to stripe rust. 'Glee' (Reg. No. CV-1130, PI 666940) hard red spring wheat was developed by the Washington State University Agricultural Research Center and released in 2013 for production in the inland Pacific Northwest. Glee was derived from the cross WA7839/ ID529 by a modified-pedigree bulk-breeding method. Glee was tested at sites across Washington under the designations WA8074 and Glee from 2009 to 2013. Glee is a medium-early maturity, semidwarf cultivar broadly adapted to all spring wheat production areas of Washington, especially in areas that receive >400 mm average annual precipitation. Glee was released because of its combination of superior grain yield potential, a high level of adult-plant resistance to stripe rust, and resistance to Hessian fly [Mayetiola destructor (Say)]. Glee's grain protein concentration, grain volume weight, and milling and baking characteristics are comparable to other hard red spring wheat cultivars produced in the Pacific Northwest.
Este estándar se basa en el conocimiento de la experiencia de dueños, operadores, fabricantes y reparadores de tanques de almacenamiento. El objeto de esta publicación es el de proveer guías en la inspección, reparación, alteración y reconstrucción de tanques de almacenamiento en acero utilizados en la industria del petróleo y química.
Hierasus, 2024
Türk Kültürü ve Hacı Bektaş Velî Araştırma Dergisi, 2024
Türkiye-Ermenistan sınırındaki Ani, farklı medeniyetlere ait pek çok taşınır-taşınmaz kültür varlığına ev sahipliği yapan önemli bir Orta Çağ yerleşimidir. Anadolu Türk-İslam şehirciliği ve Türk-İslam mimarisinin başlangıcını oluşturan Ani, el sanatlarında da dönemin ilk ürünlerini sergilemesi açısından özeldir. Bu çalışmada Ani Selçuklu Konutları kazısından çıkan, Türk sanatında figürlerin biçimlenişi ile birlikte oluşturduğu kompozisyon açısından ünik bir örneği oluşturan kemik eser incelenmiştir. Selçuklu Konutları kazısında 2021 yılında bulunan yer ejderi ve balık figürlü kemik eserde figürlerin dönüşüm anına yer verilmiştir. Yapılan araştırmalarda Avrasya sanat ortamına yayılmış hayvan üslubu örneklerinde benzer bir figür ve kompozisyon biçimlenişine ulaşılamamıştır. Bu nadir örneğin önemini ortaya koyabilmek açısından çalışmanın yönteminde; eserin tanıtımı, ikonografisi, hayvan üslubundaki yeri ve kullanım alanından oluşan başlıklar belirlenmiştir. Bunun yanı sıra kemik eserin Türk sanatında ejder ve balık figürlü örneklerle karşılaştırılması yapılmış, üzerinde yer alan ejder başlı figürün türü belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Yapılan araştırmada bu figürün, Tulpar ve ejder-aygır gibi Türk efsanelerinde geçen kanatlı at betimlemeleri ile ortak unsurlara sahip olsa da temelde bu efsanelerden tamamen ayrıldığı görülmüş ve yer ejderi figürü ile önemli bağlantılarının bulunduğu anlaşılmıştır. Araştırma ile hayvan üslubunda nadir bir örneği oluşturan kemik eserin bilim dünyasına tanıtımını amaçlamıştır.
Sansoni Editore, 1876
LA CIVILTÀ DEL SECOLO DEL RINASCIMENTO IN ITALIA - di JACOPO BURCKHARDT - TRADOTTO SULLA SECONDA EDIZIONE TEDESCA DAL PROFESSORE D. VALBUSA (con aggiunte e correzioni inedite fornite dall'Autore) - SANSONI EDITORE, FIRENZE 1876 - PDF COMPLETO ------------o------------- Nel 1860 lo storico svizzero Jacob Burckhardt ((Basilea, 1818 - 1897) pubblicò a Basilea la prima edizione di "La civiltà del secolo del Rinascimento in Italia". Una seconda edizione tedesca comparve a Lipsia nel 1869. La prima traduzione italiana dell’opera risale al 1876; a cura di Domenico Valbusa, è basata sulla seconda edizione tedesca, ma tiene conto di indicazioni e aggiunte appositamente comunicate da Burckhardt. Tutte le edizioni italiane pubblicate sino ad oggi sono condotte a partire dalla versione fornita da Valbusa. Dunque questo volume si mostra di particolare interesse, perché fornisce la prima traduzione italiana condotta sulla princeps (ovvero sulla prima edizione a stampa) tedesca del 1860 . Il libro ha esercitato per oltre cent’anni una vera dittatura scientifica. Non è possibile immaginare il Rinascimento senza queste pagine incalzanti. Neppure la revisione critica degli ultimi decenni ci ha davvero affrancato da Burckhardt, dal suo classicismo tormentato, sempre pronto a trasmutarsi in una rêverie tardo-romantica. Il modo migliore per comprenderlo, e allo stesso tempo “liberarsi” di lui, è rileggerlo oggi, come monumento di un Ottocento in cerca di se stesso. «Il fenomeno fondamentale dei nostri giorni è il sentimento della provvisorietà...", scriveva lo storico. "Non appena ci stropicciamo gli occhi ci rendiamo conto... di essere su una dei milioni di onde messe in moto dalla Rivoluzione». --------- Informazioni su questo libro: si tratta della copia digitale di un libro sopravvissuto abbastanza per non essere più protetto dai diritti di copyright, diventando di pubblico dominio.
This project looked at some aspects of Number Theory and its applications of RSA public key cryptography. This project used a sample message to demonstrate encryption and decryption application.
Puji dan syukur senantiasa terpanjatkan ke Hadirat-Nya, atas berkat, rahmat, dan bimbingan-Nya, penulis telah dapat menyelesaikan Tugas ini. Penulis menyadari bahwa selama dalam penyusunan tugas ini penulis banyak mendapatkan bantuan dan dorongan baik moril maupun materil dari berbagai pihak, semoga Tuhan melipat gandakan kebaikannya. Pada kesempatan ini penulis mengucapkan terima kasih sedalam-dalamnya dan sekaligus penghargaan kepada semua pihak yang telah membantu terselesaikannya tugas ini. Penulis menyadari bahwa dalam penyusunan tugas masih banyak kekurangan baik dari segi cara penulisan maupun materi kajiannya. Untuk itu penulis mengharapkan saran dan kritik ataupun masukan yang bersifat membangun untuk perbaikan tugas kedepan. Akhir kata, semoga tugas ini dapat bermanfaat bagi para pembaca dan semua pihak dan semoga Allah SWT senantiasa memberikan petunjuk, ilmu yang bermanfaat, serta ridha-Nya kepada kita. Amin Ya Rabbal 'aalamin.
The Age of Human Rights Journal, 2016
This article aims at problematizing the relation between identity recognition, economic redistribution, and political representation in the debate around Roma inclusion in contemporary Europe. Given that culture has increasingly become politicized, by analyzing the emergence of the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture I reflect on the political and economic potential and drawbacks that cultural identity holds in a European society in which capitalism has turned into a cultural trait.
Pedigree and Breeding Method
The hard red spring wheat Coleman was selected from the cross ''CDC Go/3/(FRTL/NEMURA)//McKenzie'' made at the University of Alberta in the winter of 2004Á 2005. FRTL/NEMURA was a line selected for crossing from a CIMMYT scab nursery grown at the University of Alberta in 2004. FRTL is an abbreviation of 'Firetail', which derives from ''Fong Chan 3/Tyrant// Veery #9'', while NEMURA derives from the cross ''Neuzucht/Bezostaya 1//Alondra/4/Nadadores 63// Triumph/CI12406/3/Emu''. CDC Go and McKenzie (Graf et al. 2003) are two registered CWRS cultivars.
The F 1 seed from the final cross was grown in the field in Edmonton in 2005. Two hundred seeds from individual heads were advanced using single seed descent without selection for two generations at the Lacombe Field Crop Development Centre during the winter of 2005Á2006. In 2006, space-planted F 4 hill plots were grown in a stripe rust nursery where selections were made on the basis of rust reaction, plant type, maturity and straw strength. The 70 heads from selected hill plots were grown as individual rows near Lincoln, New Zealand, during the winter of 2006Á2007, where selection was based on plant type, maturity and straw strength. Seed from selected F 5 rows was grown as single entries in an unreplicated yield trial in Edmonton in 2007 and as hill plots in a stripe rust nursery near Creston, BC, Canada. Based on cumulative agronomic, disease resistance and quality data, one of the lines was evaluated as 0518* F4SSD43 in replicated yield trials at one Saskatchewan and five Alberta environments in 2008. This line was further evaluated as entry number 7 in the Parkland B Test, and subsequently evaluated as PT765 in the Parkland Wheat Cooperative Registration Test from 2010 to 2012.
Evaluation in the Parkland Wheat Cooperative Registration Test followed protocols described by Fox and McCallum (2006). The data for the test were analyzed for individual years and combined following a mixed model design in SAS (SAS Institute Inc. 2003), with environments and replications as random effects and genotypes as a fixed effect. Response of test entries and checks to several diseases was determined in specialized disease nurseries for 3 yr (2010Á2012). Seedling infection types for leaf and stem rust were assessed using prevalent races. Reactions to leaf and stem rust in the field were measured for each test year in epiphytotic nurseries near Glenlea, MB, based on the modified Cobb scale (Peterson et al. 1948). Response to loose smut was determined as described by Menzies et al. (2003). Fusarium head blight (FHB) reaction of test entries was assessed in field tests near Glenlea and Carman, MB, following artificial inoculation with FHB races (Gilbert and Woods 2006). A mixture of prevalent races was used to determine the response of Coleman to common bunt (Fox and McCallum 2006). The end-use suitability analyses were conducted at the Grain Research Laboratory, Canadian Grain Commission, Winnipeg, MB, following standard protocols of the American Association of Cereal Chemists (2000). Eligibility for the CWRS market class was determined using American Association of Cereal Chemists protocols at the Grain Research Laboratory, Canadian Grain Commission, Winnipeg, MB. We assessed Coleman's seedling and plant characteristics in a description trial grown at Edmonton during 2013 and 2014. We planted the trial each year in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 3 blocks. The trial included the reference cultivars CDC Go and McKenzie. All characteristics were recorded as prescribed in the Objective Description Form from the Variety Registration Office, Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
In 3 yr of testing in the Parkland Wheat Cooperative Registration Test, Coleman was higher yielding than Katepwa (8.5%) (P 50.05), AC Splendor (5.8%) (P 50.05), CDC Teal (2.1%) and CDC Osler (2%) ( Table 1). Coleman matured 2.9 d (P 50.05), 1.4 d, 1.2 d and 0.5 d later than the checks AC Splendor, Katepwa, CDC Osler and CDC Teal, respectively (Table 1). Coleman was slightly shorter (NS) than Katepwa but taller (P 50.05) than the remaining checks, while the lodging resistance was in the range of the checks.
Table 1
Agronomic data for Coleman and check cultivars in the Parkland Wheat Cooperative Registration Test (2010 to 2012) Table 2. Disease reactions for Coleman and check cultivars in the Parkland Wheat Cooperative Registration Tests (2010 Á 2012) Leaf rust rating scale based on severity: 0Á10 R, 11Á30 MR, 31Á39 I, 40Á60 MS, 60 S. Severity0percent of the stem infected with stem rust using the Modified Cobb Scale. Bunt: Rating: 0Á4.70%0R; 4.71Á11.65%0MR; 11.66Á18.60%0MR-I; 18.61Á32.50%0I; 32.51Á39.45%0I-MS; 39.46Á46.40%0MS; 46.41Á53.35% 0S; 53.36Á100%0V.
Coleman expressed a resistant reaction to the prevalent races of leaf rust and ranged from resistant to intermediate for stem rust and stripe rust in 3 yr of testing (Table 2). It was rated intermediate to susceptible for common bunt and loose smut over the 3 yr of testing ( Table 2). The FHB disease indices for Coleman were R to MR at Glenlea over the 3 testing years and I to MR at Carman; it was similar to Katepwa in 3 of 6 site years and lower than all other checks. DON levels for Coleman were lower than all of the checks (Table 2).
Table 2
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