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highlights the importance of distributing zakat through the mosque to enhance the community's welfare in Desa Campaka, Kecamatan Pasongsongan, and Kabupaten Sumenep. The research conducted at Masjid Nurul Anfal aimed to understand the strategy of distributing zakat to transform recipients (mustahik) into contributors (muzakki) through the Sejahtera program and identify obstacles in zakat distribution. The study utilised an institutional zakat management approach with a qualitative method, gathering primary data from the research object and secondary data from relevant documents. The findings indicated that the zakat distribution strategy through the Sejahtera program at Masjid Nurul Anfal effectively transformed mustahik into muzakki, significantly benefiting the welfare of the community in Desa Campaka. The research concluded that zakat distribution through the Sejahtera program at Masjid Nurul Anfal plays a crucial role in the transformation of recipients into contributors. To enhance program effectiveness, regular evaluations and improved coordination among stakeholders are recommended.
Mohammad Afrizal , 2023
Zakat adalah salah satu pilar penting dalam agama Islam dan memiliki peran yang signifikan dalam kehidupan Muslim. Sebagai salah satu rukun Islam, zakat memiliki tujuan yang sangat mulia, yaitu untuk membantu meringankan beban ekonomi kaum yang membutuhkan serta menciptakan keadilan sosial di dalam masyarakat.
Positions, 2019
What matters for "biopolitical investigations," writes Roberto Esposito (2006: 7) in a recent article devoted to the "History of Concepts and the Ontology of Actuality," "is not the relationship between before and after, but the one between inside and outside. This is how an 'outside' -in this case life -enters into something else (something that is thought to be other) and transforms, twists, or undermines it. What is at stake are not the forms, but the forces [le forze], that is, the way in which these forces are exploding the forms." In this brief contribution, I would like to again take up Esposito's point, albeit in a different context from the highly philosophical one in which his thought operates. The tense relation between inside and outside (between forces and forms) will be analyzed here with specific reference to the way in which "life itself," in a sense quite different from its general positions 27:1
Let's inspect the structure of the table using a PRAGMA statement: sqlite> PRAGMA table_info("flightsTB"); 0,YEAR,TEXT,
XXIV Боспорские чтения., 2023
Крымский Федеральный Университет им. В.И. Вернадского Научно-исследовательский центр истории и археологии Крыма Российская Академия Наук Институт археологии Крыма Благотворительный Фонд «Деметра» Центр археологических исследований Международная научная конференция XXIV БОСПОРСКИЕ ЧТЕНИЯ Боспор Киммерийский и варварский мир в период античности и средневековья. Археологические и письменные источники в исторических реконструкциях Симферополь-Керчь-2023 Рекомендовано к изданию Научно-техническим советом Крымского федерального университета им В.И. Вернадского Протокол № 2 от 14.03.2023 г. XXIV Боспорские чтения. Боспор Киммерийский и варварский мир в период античности и средневековья. Археологические и письменные источники в исторических реконструкциях / Материалы международной научной конференции / Ред.-сост. В.Н. Зинько, А.В. Зинько.-Симферополь-Керчь, 2023.-472 с.
Primul Război Mondial, numit popular şi "marele carnagiu", a însemnat nu doar uriaşe pierderi umane şi materiale provocate atât de conflictul armat în sine, cât şi de bolile care au decimat populaţia în timpul conflagraţiei şi imediat după terminarea acesteia 1 ; teribile au fost şi consecinţele pe termen lung ale pierderilor umane: deficitul naşterilor, mortalitatea infantilă, o structură dezechilibrată a forţei de muncă, o continuă scădere a ratei natalităţii, urmare directă a diminuării numărului populaţiei masculine, dar şi a crizei instituţiei căsniciei, fenomenul îmbătrânirii populaţiei, dificultăţile financiare, creşterea fiscalităţii presupuse de integrarea socială a invalizilor, văduvelor şi orfanilor de război, precum şi de fenomenul reconstrucţiei 2 , pesimismul social, afirmarea radicalismelor sociopolitice.
Biblica et Patristica Thoruniensia, 2017
Pope Francis' double-invitation to embrace God's love and to be its witnesses requires human beings to have a spiritual readiness that reflects the grammar and the logic of being Christian. This paper aims to re-propose a fresh discourse on Christian witness. This is particularly imperative in the light of recent acts of heroic witness of those Christians who courageously stand up to hatred, even when it means giving up their lives. This paper proceeds in three steps. First, there is a contextualisation of Christian witness with an emphasis on the need to appreciate the fullness and the meaning of the Christian faith. Secondly, the paper sets out to discuss the grammar of witness particularly in the light of the Gospel of John. Lastly, there follows a presentation of the logic of being Christian despite it often being described as folly by those who have not yet come to know of God's love in real terms. Becoming Christian witnesses is a demanding process, that whenever undertaken, leads the Christian to be a livingexpression of God's unconditional love to all. Streszczenie. Podwójne zaproszenie papieża Franciszka do przyjęcia Bożej miłości i bycia jej świadkami wymaga, aby ludzie mieli duchową gotowość, żeby odzwierciedlać gramatykę i logikę bycia chrześcijaninem. Ten artykuł ponownie proponuje świeży dyskurs na temat bycia świadkiem Chrystusa. Jest to szczególnie konieczne w świetle ostatnich aktów heroicznego świadectwa tych chrześcijan, którzy odważnie walczą z nienawiścią nawet za cenę swojego życia. Artykuł ten został podzielony na trzy części. W pierwszej zostanie omówiona kontekstualizacja chrześciajńskiego świadectwa z podkreśleniem potrzeby docenienia pełni i znaczenia wiary chrześcijańskie. W drugiej, omówiono gramatykę świadka szczególnie w świetle Ewangelii wg św. Jana. W ostatniej zostaje omówiona logika bycia chrześcijaninem, która bywa określana przez tych, którzy realnie nie doświadczyli Bożej miłości, jako szaleństwo. Aby stać się chrześcijańskimi świadkami, potrzebny jest wymagający proces, który w każdym przypadku prowadzi do tego, aby chrześcijanin był żywą ekspresją bezwarunkowej miłości Boga do wszystkich.
International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2017
Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2007
Anadolu kardiyoloji dergisi : AKD = the Anatolian journal of cardiology, 2008
arXiv (Cornell University), 2016
Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2011
Biodiversity in Agricultural Landscapes of Southeastern Brazil, 2016
International journal of physiatry, 2018
Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology, 2016