The paper presents a description of a test stand to determine the dependencies of rye grain diele... more The paper presents a description of a test stand to determine the dependencies of rye grain dielectric constant on pressure and on electrostatic field intensity. The study showed that grain dielectric constant increases together with electrostatic field intensity and decreases when higher pressure is exerted. This change is more distinctive at higher moisture content of grain.
2017 International Conference on Electromagnetic Devices and Processes in Environment Protection with Seminar Applications of Superconductors (ELMECO & AoS), 2017
The increasing demand for comfort, security and energy savings in modern buildings, combined with... more The increasing demand for comfort, security and energy savings in modern buildings, combined with the development of electronics and information technology, has contributed to the design of modern systems supporting management in building installations. This article addresses the issue of controlling modern electrical installations using computer-aided design and programming. One of the methods used is the use of visualization. It is the basic element informing the user of the system about the state of individual objects included in the building automation, which enables it to communicate and influence the controlled objects. Smart meters become an important part of building automation systems. These systems are commonly referred to as smart electrical installations. It is intended for switching, controlling, regulating and supervising equipment located in a building. For communication between the components, special communication protocols such as KNX, CAN, ZigBee are used. Their characteristic feature is the separation of power supply circuits from control circuits.
Streszczenie. Zjawisko oddziaływania pola elektrycznego na cząstki pyłu zaobserwowano pod koniec ... more Streszczenie. Zjawisko oddziaływania pola elektrycznego na cząstki pyłu zaobserwowano pod koniec XVIII wieku. Jednak pierwsze udane próby budowy elektrofiltrów przeprowadzono dopiero na początku XX wieku. Obecnie filtry elektryczne, zwane elektrofiltrami, to urządzenia elektrostatyczne. Ten typ filtrów jest stosowany do odpylania pyłów w przemyśle hutniczym, wydobywczym i energetycznym. Chociaż charakteryzują się one dużą skutecznością odpylania (nawet powyżej 99%), nie znajdują jednak zastosowania w obiektach, w których pyły mają charakter wybuchowy, np. pyły w młynach, kaszarniach itp. W tej gałęzi przemysłu powszechnie stosowane są filtry tkaninowe. Elektrostatyczne oczyszczanie gazów jest w dalszym ciągu dynamicznie rozwijającą się technologią. W połączeniu z technologiami usuwania zanieczyszczeń stanowi z pewnością podstawę dalszego rozwoju elektrofiltrów. (Komputerowe wspomaganie projektowania bezpiecznego filtra z uzwojeniem bifilarnym do odpylania materiałów w przemyśle rolno-spożywczym
The paper presents a description of a test stand to determine the dependencies of rye grain diele... more The paper presents a description of a test stand to determine the dependencies of rye grain dielectric constant on pressure and on electrostatic field intensity. The study showed that grain dielectric constant increases together with electrostatic field intensity and decreases when higher pressure is exerted. This change is more distinctive at higher moisture content of grain.
In accordance with EU Directives and the circumstances existing as a result of the economic crisi... more In accordance with EU Directives and the circumstances existing as a result of the economic crisis, the reasonable use of energy contained in various energy carriers in civil engineering is a common and multidirectional issue. Several opportunities in the scope integrated control of the installations in order to achieve maximum possible energy savings are ensured by an intelligent building. Furthermore, the issue of energetic audit has been discussed.
The paper presents a description of a test stand to determine the dependencies of rye grain diele... more The paper presents a description of a test stand to determine the dependencies of rye grain dielectric constant on pressure and on electrostatic field intensity. The study showed that grain dielectric constant increases together with electrostatic field intensity and decreases when higher pressure is exerted. This change is more distinctive at higher moisture content of grain.
2017 International Conference on Electromagnetic Devices and Processes in Environment Protection with Seminar Applications of Superconductors (ELMECO & AoS), 2017
The increasing demand for comfort, security and energy savings in modern buildings, combined with... more The increasing demand for comfort, security and energy savings in modern buildings, combined with the development of electronics and information technology, has contributed to the design of modern systems supporting management in building installations. This article addresses the issue of controlling modern electrical installations using computer-aided design and programming. One of the methods used is the use of visualization. It is the basic element informing the user of the system about the state of individual objects included in the building automation, which enables it to communicate and influence the controlled objects. Smart meters become an important part of building automation systems. These systems are commonly referred to as smart electrical installations. It is intended for switching, controlling, regulating and supervising equipment located in a building. For communication between the components, special communication protocols such as KNX, CAN, ZigBee are used. Their characteristic feature is the separation of power supply circuits from control circuits.
Streszczenie. Zjawisko oddziaływania pola elektrycznego na cząstki pyłu zaobserwowano pod koniec ... more Streszczenie. Zjawisko oddziaływania pola elektrycznego na cząstki pyłu zaobserwowano pod koniec XVIII wieku. Jednak pierwsze udane próby budowy elektrofiltrów przeprowadzono dopiero na początku XX wieku. Obecnie filtry elektryczne, zwane elektrofiltrami, to urządzenia elektrostatyczne. Ten typ filtrów jest stosowany do odpylania pyłów w przemyśle hutniczym, wydobywczym i energetycznym. Chociaż charakteryzują się one dużą skutecznością odpylania (nawet powyżej 99%), nie znajdują jednak zastosowania w obiektach, w których pyły mają charakter wybuchowy, np. pyły w młynach, kaszarniach itp. W tej gałęzi przemysłu powszechnie stosowane są filtry tkaninowe. Elektrostatyczne oczyszczanie gazów jest w dalszym ciągu dynamicznie rozwijającą się technologią. W połączeniu z technologiami usuwania zanieczyszczeń stanowi z pewnością podstawę dalszego rozwoju elektrofiltrów. (Komputerowe wspomaganie projektowania bezpiecznego filtra z uzwojeniem bifilarnym do odpylania materiałów w przemyśle rolno-spożywczym
The paper presents a description of a test stand to determine the dependencies of rye grain diele... more The paper presents a description of a test stand to determine the dependencies of rye grain dielectric constant on pressure and on electrostatic field intensity. The study showed that grain dielectric constant increases together with electrostatic field intensity and decreases when higher pressure is exerted. This change is more distinctive at higher moisture content of grain.
In accordance with EU Directives and the circumstances existing as a result of the economic crisi... more In accordance with EU Directives and the circumstances existing as a result of the economic crisis, the reasonable use of energy contained in various energy carriers in civil engineering is a common and multidirectional issue. Several opportunities in the scope integrated control of the installations in order to achieve maximum possible energy savings are ensured by an intelligent building. Furthermore, the issue of energetic audit has been discussed.
Papers by Marek Horyński