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Data mining is an innovative approach for teaching and learning process in education. National Board of Accreditation (NBA) is outcome based learning education. Faculty has to measure and assess the CO and PO attainment with respect to a number of direct and indirect tools, where a lot of clerical errands get involved. The assessment may get troubled due to the time constraints and various other activities. There is no such active system which will reduce these efforts. Our tool atomizes it. Through the Knowledge based tool for PO attainment we can reduce the intricacy in PO attainment process of NBA. Mainly the Knowledge based tool is used to reduce the clerical work of faculty in the assessment. In the given system classification algorithm and Bloom's taxonomy is used in mapping COs with POs .This system helps us to appraise mapping between COs and POs for each subject with the help of direct and indirect measures.
International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering and Technology (ICIRET-2021), 2021
In this research, experimental methodology has been conducted to analyzing a large set of undergraduate course evaluations from an Engineering faculty. We have shown how useful the application of data mining techniques in course management systems, although we have shown these techniques separately, they can also be applied together in order to obtain interesting information in a more efficient and faster way. Approximately 19 semesters has been assessment at a rate of 400 students divided by the four grades taught by 26 instructors by answering the obligatory questions. The data has been collected from these responses and transformed it into appropriate forms for mining. After that, built classification model, extract association rules and clustering the courses and students by using knime program.
2005 6th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, 2005
One of the most important facts in higher education system is quality. It concerns with all the circumstances that allow decision makers to better evaluate and enhance the higher educational organizations. One way to reach the highest level of quality in higher education systems is by improving the decision making procedures on the various processes such as planning, counseling, evaluation and so on. This can be achieved by utilizing the managerial decision makers with valuable implicit knowledge, which is currently unknown to them. This knowledge is hidden among the educational data set and it is extractable through data mining technology. The meaningful knowledge, previously unknown and potentially useful information discovered from raw educational data through data mining techniques are used to assist decision makers to improve the decision-making procedure and to set more enhanced policies for the educational processes. This paper is designed to first present and justify the capabilities of data mining in the context of higher education system by offering an enhanced version of a recently proposed analysis model (DM_EDU) by the author, used for the application of data mining in higher educational system. Then one of the most important sections of the model, "student assessment" sub-process under "evaluation" will be implemented in a real world higher education, MMU in Malaysia, to present the ability of data mining in discovering useful patterns. The final result of this application aids managerial MMU decision makers to improve decision-making processes.
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, 2014
Data mining is about explaining the past and predicting the future by means of data analysis. Educational Data Mining is a promising discipline which has an imperative impact on predicting students’ academic performance. Thousands of students take admissions in Universities and colleges every year, at the time of admissions they collect the students’ data. In the same way while the Teachers join in the institution they collect their personal and professional data. Understand the importance of data is essential from a business point of view. Data collected at the time of admission can be used for classifying and predicting students’ behavior and performance as well as teachers’ performance. Therefore, in this paper, we are examining the role of Data mining in an Educational Field. By using SDAR, we have identified possible grade values i.e., Excellent, Good, Average and Poor or Fail. We have used K-means clustering algorithm to find the best cluster center for attributes like attendance, Sessional marks and assignment marks etc. We have also discussed a Rule-Based Classification (RBC) method; it extracts a set of rules that shows relationships between attributes of the data set and the class label. In this paper we have also addressed the evaluation of Teachers’ performance by using data mining techniques at University and College level.
In the current trends of advance computing methodologies, data of students' performances in different grades can be used to improve the quality of managerial decisions. Student's academic performance is based upon various factors like personal characteristics and psychological factors. Educational database contains useful information for predicting a students' performance, rank factor and details. By applying different data mining techniques to educational data to analyse them as well as to develop good methods to knowledge gain and management. Finding better correlation between different data variables can allow us to make better and beneficial decision which can facilitate better resource utilization in terms of educational service delivery. This paper aims to analyses and predict the correlation between English, Mathematics and science subjects in terms of student academic result in 10th and 12th grade by using Aprior data mining techniques which mines required information. National level examination results of 10th and 12th grade students' have been used for this research. The results show strong relationships between subjects as well as subject relationships with gender of the student in a specific grade. The results of this research help educationist to develop proper education model to improve results and to get better achievements in the areas where lacking.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
One of the biggest challenges that Higher Education Institutions (HEI) faces is to improve the quality of their educational processes. Thus, it is crucial for the administration of the institutions to set new strategies and plans for a better management of the current processes. Furthermore, the managerial decision is becoming more difficult as the complexity of educational entities increase. The purpose of this study is to suggest a way to support the administration of a HEI by providing new knowledge related to the educational processes using data mining techniques. This knowledge can be extracted among other from educational data that derive from the evaluation processes that each department of a HEI conducts. These data can be found in educational databases, in students' questionnaires or in faculty members' records. This paper presents the capabilities of data mining in the context of a Higher Education Institute and tries to discover new explicit knowledge by applying data mining techniques to educational data of Technological Educational Institute of Athens. The data used for this study come from students' questionnaires distributed in the classes within the evaluation process of each department of the Institute.
Journal of Applied Data Sciences
Data mining is very much needed in various fields. Accessing a large amount of data requires time and a high level of accuracy. In higher education the potential influence of data mining on the learning processes and outcomes of the students was realized. Especially in the field of education, knowing almost every educational institute, both public and private, has thousands of data from students with a variety of different programs and subjects. Understanding the benefits of data retrieval will facilitate the course of education itself. The use of Data mining in education will be useful in developing a student-focused strategy and in providing the correct tools that institutions would be able to use for quality improvement purposes. In this paper, we will find out the benefits of applying data mining in the education sector using classification, prediction, association and clustering methods.
Data mining or Knowledge discovery (KDD) is extracting unknown (hidden) and useful knowledge from data. Data mining is widely used in many areas like retail, sales, ecommerce, remote sensing, bioinformatics etc. Student's performance has become one of the most complex puzzle for universities and colleges in recent past with the tremendous growth. In this paper, authors deployed data mining techniques like classification, association rule, chi-square etc. for knowledge discovery. For this study, authors have used data set containing Approx. 180 MCA (post graduate) students results data of 3 colleges.
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 2014
Management of higher education must continue to evaluate on an ongoing basis in order to improve the quality of institutions. This will be able to do the necessary evaluation of various data, information, and knowledge of both internal and external institutions. They plan to use more efficiently the collected data, develop tools so that to collect and direct management information, in order to support managerial decision making. The collected data could be utilized to evaluate quality, perform analyses and diagnoses, evaluate dependability to the standards and practices of curricula and syllabi, and suggest alternatives in decision processes. Data minings to support decision making are well suited methods to provide decision support in the education environments, by generating and presenting relevant information and knowledge towards quality improvement of education processes. In educational domain, this information is very useful since it can be used as a base for investigating and enhancing the current educational standards and managements. In this paper, a review on data mining for academic decision support in education field is presented. The details of this paper will review on recent data mining in educational field and outlines future researches in educational data mining.
"Uneori nu primim răspunsurile dorite, pentru că, pur şi simplu, nu ne-am pus întrebările potrivite. Nu se va mai întâmpla astfel. Debbie Ford ne spune ce ar trebui să întrebăm, pentru a obţine ceea ce ne dorim cu adevărat." -Marianne Williamson, autoarea cărţii Iubire magică "Indiferent de ce-ţi doreşti -fie să arăţi bine, să ai mai mult succes în afaceri, sau o legătură mai strânsă cu partenerul tău -dacă îţi pui întrebările potrivite, vei începe să te îndrepţi, cu mai multă forţă, în direcţia viselor tale" -Jack Canfield, autor al cărţii Puterea concentrării "Calitatea vieţii voastre este determinată de calitatea alegerilor pe care le faceţi. Dacă vă doriţi o viaţă mai bună, atunci trebuie să alegeţi cu înţelepciune, folosind recomandările din cartea Intrebările potrivite. Această carte, practică şi profundă în acelaşi timp, vă va oferi cadrul potrivit pentru a face alegeri care vă vor schimba viaţa." -Cheryl Richardson, autoare a cărţii Tu eşti pe primul plan şi E viaţa ta! "întrebările sunt şi răspunsul. Debbie ne învaţă cum să punem întrebările potrivite pentru a obţine răspunsurile corecte şi pentru a ajunge la rezultatele dorite, chiar acum." -Mark Victor Hansen, autor al cărţii Milionar într-un minut Iubitului meu tată din ceruri, Judecătorul Harvey Ford, care m-a învăţat puterea şi importanta capacităţii de a pune întrebările potrivite.
One of the outcomes of divorce that has appeared consistently over the years has been a lessening of contact between divorced noncustodial fathers and their children. This review synthesizes empirical evidence to portray the formidable obstacles that men face in maintaining contact with their children after dissolution of their co-residential relationship with the child's mother. Its goal is to bring new understanding to observed behavior patterns of divorced fathers. We will briefly examine what the research tells us takes place in many fathers who have been divorced from their wives and have lost physical custody of their children.
Journal of Applied Psychology, 2009
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Health technology assessment (Winchester, England), 2015
International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Management, 2015
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Zeitschrift für württembergische Landesgeschichte, 2022