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2018, Christian Metz and the Codes of Cinema
8 pages
1 file
This chapter is a synthesizing account of the conference that took place in Zurich in June 2013. The conference is briefly situated with respect to that of 1989 in Cerisy-la-Salle, which took place in the presence of Metz himself. The author then identifies three successive generations of scholars and highlights some of the Zurich conference's core themes: research on the theories of enunciation; changes within the cinematic institution between the period of classic cinephilia, which was based on film viewing in the cinema, and the contemporary period, with its variety of modes of consuming moving images. These developments are tied back to Metz's hypotheses proposed in The Imaginary Signifier, which contains a theory of the cinematic apparatus.
The present paper is intended to explore the various ways in which cinema 'communicates' meaning, making use of the five materials of film, namely three of an auditory nature and two of a visual nature: dialogue, soundtrack (music) and noise, on the one hand, and images and graphic elements, on the other. This is not all there is to it, because all these materials are unavoidably appropriated by filmmakers in the guise of various signifiers, each with its own signified, along the trajectories of two signifying axes of meaning, to wit, the syntagmatic and the paradigmatic, respectively, on both of which certain codes are audiovisually inscribed. But even a thorough overview of these elements of meaning-generation is not sufficient to understand the way that film communicates-one has to follow Deleuze in his radical philosophy of the cinema, and scrutinize the difference between the cinema of the movement-image, and the cinema of the time-image. And I would like to claim that this complex intertwinement of signifying elements is the way that film communicates. Relevant films will be discussed to demonstrate how this happens.
Introduction to two extracts (available in separate file) from Cormac Deane's translation of Christian Metz’s final book, 'Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film', (L’énonciation impersonnelle, ou le site du film), published in 1991. The book-length translation will come out with Columbia University Press in 2015. In this introduction, Deane argues that, despite the book’s marginalized status in both Anglo-American and French film studies, it can nonetheless be used to address theoretical issues relevant to the twenty-first century: multimedia, interactivity, networks, subjectivity, (machine) intelligence, ideology and the status of the apparatus.
From 1968 to 1991 the acclaimed film theorist Christian Metz wrote several remarkable books on film theory: Essais sur la signifi cation au cinéma, tome1 et 2; Langage et cinéma; Le signifiant imaginaire; and L’Enonciation impersonnelle. These books set the agenda of academic film studies during its formative period. Metz’s ideas were taken up, digested, refined,reinterpreted, criticized and sometimes dismissed, but rarely ignored. This volume collects and translates into English for the first time a series of interviews with Metz, who offers readable summaries,elaborations, and explanations of his sometimes complex and demanding theories of film. He speaks informally of the most fundamental concepts that constitute the heart of film theory as an academic discipline — concepts borrowed from linguistics, semiotics, rhetoric, narratology, and psychoanalysis. Within the colloquial language of the interview, we witness Metz’s initial formation and development of his film theory. The interviewers act as curious readers who pose probing questions to Metz about his books, and seek clarification and elaboration of his key concepts. We also discover the contents of his unpublished manuscript on jokes, his relation to Roland Barthes, and the social networks operative in the French intellectual community during the 1970s and 1980s.
Critics of semiology, and of Christian Metz's work in particular, often alleged that he was not a cinephile, that he had no interest in films (since he hardly ever analyzed a film), and that semiologists like Metz were putting aside everything that made cinema an art and a source of aesthetic pleasure. In short, Metz was frequently attacked for being indifferent to film as an aesthetic artefact. This chapter seeks to develop a more nuanced view by examining the place that the aesthetic occupies in Metz's intellectual trajectory as well as its links with semiology. This place can be divided, broadly speaking at least, into three 'sites' between which the aesthetic moves: expressiveness, stylistics, and poetics.
Christian Metz and the Codes of Cinema, 2018
Christian Metz's concept of the 'imaginary signifier' is in some sense oxymoronic. Metz claims that the signifier in cinema is absent, but this assertion rests on conflating the signifier and the referent. This chapter links these contradictions to Metz's continuing allegiance to the notion of the image as defined in the phenomenological approaches of Merleau-Ponty and Sartre. Here, the image is defined primarily by an analogy with the real. Lacan, by contrast, situated the image as a conjunction of the imaginary, the symbolic, and the real. The author's analysis extends beyond the mirror stage essay to describe a relation of the subject to the image that is more productive for an understanding of cinematic space and time.
Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television
(1931-1993) is French film theoretician. His film research and analysis contributed to placing film studies amongst academic disciplines. Metz's writings influenced and inspired generations of film researchers. Christian Metz and the Codes of Cinema is a compilation of contributions and discussions at the conference held by the Department of Film Studies of the University of Zurich in 2013, intended as a tribute to 'the father of modern film theory' (p. 17). This book offers an extensive, encompassing reflection and analysis of Metz's oeuvre in English. Contributors place Metz's ideas and concepts in the context of twentiethcentury film research and investigate the genesis of his ideas.
Christian Metz and the Codes of Cinema: Film Semiology and Beyond (eds. Margrit Tröhler & Guido Kirsten), Amsterdam University Press, 2018
Table of Contents – Acknowledgments – Editorial Note
in Christian Metz and the Codes of Cinema: Film Semiology and Beyond, edited by Margrit Tröhler, Guido Kirsten and Julia Zutavern, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2018, 2018
This interview was conducted in Bologna in October 1988. The conversation unfolds along the three historical phases of Metz’s work – the semio-linguistic, the semio-psychoanalytic, and the text-pragmatical phase on filmic enunciation. Metz self-critically returns to his proposition of a Grand Syntagmatique of f ilm. In addition, he embeds his film-semiological approach in a meta-theoretical and meta-historical reflection, and talks about how much his thinking owes to André Bazin, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Jean Mitry, and many others.
Forthcoming in: Technē/Technology. Researching Cinema and Media Technologies, Their Development, Use and Impact, (Annie van den Œver, Ed.) Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2013
French under the title Essais sur la signification au cinema-TRANSLATOR. ** Except in one case, where the repetitive passage was too long and was removed, the reader being informed of this deletion in a footnote. † It is principally in Chapters 3, 4, and 6 that the reader will encounter these rather exhaustive notes. This is especially true of Chapter 3, "The Cinema: Language or Language System?" which is the earliest of the articles reprinted ´ xi xii PREFACE On the other hand, I have allowed myself to make various minor corrections and adjustments in wording, for the purpose of clarification. The exception is Chapter 5, "Problems of Denotation in the Fiction Film." I have taken this opportunity to bring together (and to add to considerably) three earlier articles bearing on related topics, but each one giving only a partial treatment (furthermore, there were certain discrepancies among the articles). This chapter has, therefore, not heretofore been published in its present form, although many of the passages in it have been published. In attempting to improve the phrasing of the original articles, in adding notes wherever necessary to account for more recent developments, and, finally, in striving, in Chapter 5, to give a general and current description of the main problems at issue, my goal has been, in the still new and developing field of film semiotics, to present the reader with a work as coherent and up-to-date as its nature permits. I wish to express my thanks to the five publications in which the texts that make up this volume originally appeared: Revue d'esthetique, La Linguistique, Cahiers du cinéma, Image et son, and Communications, as well as to the Centre d'Étude des Communications de Masse (École Pratique des Hautes Eludes, Paris) which publishes Communications, the Polish Academy of Sciences, which organized the international symposium where one of the papers that constitute Chapter 5 was first read, and the Festival of the New Cinema (Pesaro, Italy), which organized the round-table discussion during which the last chapter in this volume was originally presented.
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