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2019, The Professional Medical Journal
4 pages
1 file
Edentulism is a condition which is associated with tooth loss. It can be partial or complete edentulism and is the most common oral health issue. It affects subjects of every age group. Multiple factors are believed for causing tooth loss including from poor oral hygiene to systemic diseases. Aim of this study is to highlight the causative factors which are believed to be associated with increased number of tooth loss. Hence, by identifying these factors, preventive techniques could be opted in time in order to prolong the tooth life. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: Fatimah Memorial Medical and Dental College, LHR. Period: August 20118 to December 2018 Material & Methods: 100 students which were recruited. By trained dentist after following standard protocols. After approval from ethical committee all the demographic data and relevant information was entered into predesigned proforma. Data was analyzed in SPSS version 21.0. Result: Study showed significant results show...
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry
Introduction: Tooth loss is a condition that occurs in most of the world's population. The most common causes of tooth loss are caries and periodontal disease. Periodontal disease can usually increase or getting worse by bad habits such as smoking. Smoking accelerates the course of periodontal disease and decreases salivary secretion, whereby increased the risk of caries incidence. Some components of the cigarette’s smoke that can accelerate the course of periodontal diseases are nicotine and tar. The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in the number of tooth loss in smokers and non-smokers. Methods: This study was a cross-sectional study. The sampling method was by the tables of Isaac and Michael, involving 78 smokers and 78 non-smokers in the village of Monmata Lhoong District. Results: Analysis was performed using the Mann-Whitney test. The result showed a significant difference between tooth loss in smokers and non-smokers (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The ave...
Journal of Periodontal Research, 2007
Background and Objective: Tobacco smoking has been shown to be a major risk factor for tooth loss. The present study was designed to examine tooth mortality and the patterns of tooth loss in smokers and nonsmokers over a wide age range in a selected population from Sana'a, Yemen. Material and Methods: A total of 2506 persons between the ages of 15 and 64 years were examined, and every permanent tooth was assessed. Missing teeth included both extracted and missing teeth. Individuals currently smoking one or more boxes of cigarettes (20 cigarettes) a day for 5 years were considered as smokers, whereas individuals with no smoking history were considered as nonsmokers. Results: Smokers had a higher mean tooth loss than nonsmokers. The difference was statistically significant at p < 0.001. Mean tooth loss was significantly higher in smokers across all age groups, except for those in the 45-54 years age group. Smokers had a significantly higher mean upper tooth loss than nonsmokers. Tooth loss decreased from the incisors to the canines and then increased, with peak loss in the first molars. Conclusion: Tooth loss among smokers is significantly higher than among nonsmokers. The central incisors, lateral incisors and first molars were the most commonly missing teeth in smokers, compared with nonsmokers.
Objectives: To determine the factors influencing tooth loss and to assess the strength of association between the factors and the loss. Methods: The unmatched case-control study was conducted at the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Medical University, Islamabad, from March to April 2016, and comprised data of patients who visited the outpatient dental department. Face-to-face interviews and clinical examination were done. Data was analysed using SPSS 20. Results: Of the 376 subjects, there were 188(50%) in each of the two groups. The mean age among the cases was 37.01±12.077 years and among the controls it was 28.06±9.591 years. Tobacco consumption and age >35 were significant predictors of tooth loss (p<0.05 each). Tobacco users with high duration and frequency had a significant value for increased chances of tooth loss (p<0.001). Both the smokers and smokeless tobacco users had more chances of tooth loss (p<0.001). Conclusion: There was negative implications of smoking on oral health which increased the chance of tooth loss. Keywords: Tobacco, Smoking, Smokeless, Pakistan, Tooth decay, Tooth loss, Oral health, Age, Education.
Background: Tooth loss is one of the leading problem in population. The present study was conducted to determine cases of tooth loss in study population. Materials & Methods: The present study was conducted on 1044 cases reported to the department. All were provided with questionnaire to report the causes of tooth loss. Patients were provided with either RPD, FPD or complete denture depending upon number of tooth loss. Results: Males were 544 and females were 500. Common causes of tooth loss were caries (425), periodontitis (360), malocclusion (155) and tooth trauma (104). The difference was significant (P< 0.05). Age group 20- 40 years consisted of 342 patients and 40- 60 years had 702 patients. 580 were uneducated, 244 had education upto primary school while 220 had upto high school. The difference was significant (P< 0.05). 594 patients had partial loss of teeth and managed with RPD (254) and FPD (340) and 450 were completely edentulous managed with complete denture. The di...
Purpose: The present study was conducted to determine the patterns of tooth loss among subjects with different tobacco- related habits and compare it with non-users of tobacco. Materials and Methods: A total of 1075 patients over the age of 14 years attending the Department of Periodontics, People's College of Dental Sciences and Research Centre, Bhopal, India from May to September 2009 were included in the study. Besides name, age and gender, information regarding tobacco habits was recorded through interviews. Based on the tobacco habits, the patients were grouped into 4 categories: group 1 (non-users of tobacco), group 2 (smokers only), group 3 (smokeless tobacco users only) and group 4 (users of both smoking and smokeless tobacco). Tooth loss was determined by clinical examination of all permanent teeth excluding the third molars. Tooth loss included missing or extracted teeth as well as teeth indicated for extraction due to periodontal disease, dental caries or wasting diseases. Prevalence and mean tooth loss for whole dentition, maxillary and mandibular arches were compared between the 4 groups. The chi-square test and one-way ANOVA were used for comparing the prevalence and mean tooth loss, respectively, between different groups. Results: The overall prevalence and mean tooth loss, respectively, for different groups were as follows: group 1: 28.3% and 0.85; group 2: 56.1% and 1.97; group 3: 58.7% and 2.38; group 4: 56.7% and 2.48 (P < 0.001 for both prevalence and mean tooth loss). The prevalence and mean tooth loss, respectively, for the maxillary arch for the different groups were: group 1: 15.3% and 0.32; group 2: 43% and 1.24; group 3: 34.3% and 0.91; group 4: 45.4% and 1.26 (P < 0.001 for both prevalence and mean tooth loss). The prevalence and mean tooth loss, respectively, for the mandibular arch for the different groups were: group 1: 22.3% and 0.52; group 2: 33.6% and 0.73; group 3: 50.9% and 1.48; group 4: 48.5% and 1.23 (P < 0.001 for both prevalence and mean tooth loss). Conclusion: When compared to non-users of tobacco, tooth loss was greater among subjects who consumed tobacco. In India, where consumption of tobacco in different forms is very common, public health programmes need to be implemented to increase public awareness regarding the adverse effects of tobacco on oral health.
Smokeless tobacco is one of that cause of oral disease and especially in Pakistan and India.1 Objective this study was to determine the prevalence of smokeless tobacco use and the association with tooth loss and oral health in patients coming Dow University of Health Sciences Karachi, Pakistan. 256 patients of age above 18 years were studied in outpatient department of oral diagnosis at Dow University of Health and sciences Karachi. The participants were clinically examined in two different groups according to exposure of smokeless tobacco. The oral health problems found among the participants were gingival recession (72%), tooth loss including tooth wear loss (68%) and missing teeth (60%). However, there were significant association between smokeless tobacco and gingival recession, tooth wear and edentulousness, as a result P-value obtained less than 0.05 on chi-square test. Furthermore odds ratio revealed that people who used smokeless tobacco had 4 times more chances to have toot..., 2016
Aims and objectives: To evaluate the risk factors for tooth loss and to establish base line data about missing teeth, among patients attending OPD of Farooqia Dental College & Hospital, Bangalore. Materials and methods: A sample of 150 patients, age group of 18 years and above with non- disease as factors for tooth loss, are considered. The subjects were interviewed with a structured questionnaire regarding age, sex, marital status, demographics, socioeconomic status, smoking habits, dental visiting patterns, and oral hygiene practices, and then clinically examined by a single examiner for number of missing teeth. Univariate analysis is carried out and those variables which show statistical significance are further examined for risk factors for tooth loss using Multiple Regression Analysis. Results: Of the 150 patients, 55 (36.7 %) were males and 95 (63.4%) were females and mean age was 35.5 years with an average of 10.7% of teeth missing per person. Subjects with no schooling had more than 2 missing teeth, current smokeless tobacco users and non regular dental visiting pattern had more than 2 missing teeth. Smoking had no association with the missing teeth. Women than men, Education and the family income were also significantly associated with the number of missing teeth. Conclusion: Modification of non-disease independent factors and awareness towards oral health could reduce tooth loss and improve oral health in the patients attending OPD of Farooqia Dental College & Hospital, Bangalore.
BioMed Research International, 2013
Objectives. To investigate the prevalence of tooth loss and different prosthetic rehabilitations among Iranian adults, as well as the potential determinants of tooth loss.Methods. In a cross-sectional community-based study conducted among 8094 Iranian adults living in Isfahan province, a self-administered questionnaire was used to assess epidemiologic features of tooth loss.Results. Thirty-two percent of subjects had all their teeth, 58.6% had lost less than 6, and 7.2% of participants had lost more than 6 teeth. One hundred and sixty-nine individuals (2.2%) were edentulous. Among participants, 2.3% had single jaw removable partial denture, 3.6% had complete removable denture in both jaws, and 4.6% had fixed prosthesis. Others reported no prosthetic rehabilitation (89.5%). In the age subgroup analysis (≤35 and >35 years old) tooth loss was more prevalent among men than women (OR=2.8and 1.9, resp.,P<0.01). Also, in both age groups, current and former smokers had higher levels o...
Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü dergisi, 2023
Son yıllarda özet, özetleme, özet oluşturma, özet yazma stratejisi gibi kavramlar ön plana çıkmakta, okuyucuları metnin tamamını okumaya ikna etme açısından önemli bir rol oynamakta ve başlı başına bir tür olarak kabul edilmektedir. Alanyazına bakıldığında bu tür metinlerle ilgili yazarların iddialarını ön plana çıkarma, bilgileri tutarlı bir biçimde sunma açısından incelenen çalışmaların daha az yer aldığı görülmektedir. Bu bağlamda, adların retorik işlevlerini ortaya çıkarmak ve üstsöylem modeli ile eşleştirmek için var olan üstsöylemsel adlar etkin bir role sahiptir. Nitel olarak yapılandırılan bu çalışmada, dilbilim alanında yazılmış araştırma makalesi özet metinlerinde kullanılan üstsöylemsel adların alıcı odaklı etkileşimli işlevleri ele alınmıştır. Bu kapsamda dilbilim araştırmaları dergilerinde yayımlanan 432 araştırma makalesinden 56 Türkçe araştırma makalesi özet metni incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucu, en sık kullanılan üstsöylemsel ad ulamının metin adları, en sık kullanılan sözcük-dilbilgisel örüntünün "ad+AD(s)I" yapısı olduğunu ve bu adların yazar savlarını tutarlı bir biçimde yönetmek için Türkçe araştırma makale özetlerinde sıklıkla kullanıldığını göstermektedir.
By evaluating an ongoing Aga Khan Foundation implemented programme in Kijiji Village, Southern Tanzania, this study explored whether Community Based Savings Groups as informal microfinance delivery systems address poverty, exclusion and inequality within communities and especially among women participants and their households. This was a qualitative study utilising African feminism theoretical frameworks and qualitative interpretative analytical lens. It combined naturalistic ethnography with personal interviews while employing purposive site and participant selection systems. Its unit of analysis was the household rather than an individual. For that matter, three households were observed and interviewed within their Village and homesteads. This included a total of 11 personal in-depth interviews, 2 focus group discussions, a transect walk of Kijiji Village to establish the village’s socio-cultural and economic facilities and a journal as a result of observation and reflection. The results indicate that CBSGs reach all the four economic categories including the poorest noted in Kijiji village and that through aggregation of savings and enhanced resilience, CBSGs play a catalytic role in poverty alleviation, social and economic inclusion and gender equality in households. Stress and compromised nutrition for children emerge as trade-offs as communities seek moneys to save and repay loans while focusing on accumulation of visible assets. Likewise, inadequate government social services and poor household relations are risks to CBSG’s social and economic effects. This dissertation concludes that the timing of evaluation and use of social constructionist theoretical frameworks are significant in detecting gender outcomes and men’s participation and, in establishing that CBSGs are social networks for women and men alike. Consequently, it points at the need for tailored, longterm and context specific microfinance projects that are inclusive of men and women.
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