CHI 2018 Honourable Mention
CHI 2018, April 21–26, 2018, Montréal, QC, Canada
Communication Behavior in Embodied Virtual Reality
Harrison Jesse Smith1,2 and Michael Neff1,2
1 Oculus Research, Sausalito, CA, USA
2 University of California, Davis, CA, USA
[email protected],
[email protected]
Embodied virtual reality faithfully renders users’ movements
onto an avatar in a virtual 3D environment, supporting nuanced nonverbal behavior alongside verbal communication.
To investigate communication behavior within this medium,
we had 30 dyads complete two tasks using a shared visual
workspace: negotiating an apartment layout and placing model
furniture on an apartment floor plan. Dyads completed both
tasks under three different conditions: face-to-face, embodied
VR with visible full-body avatars, and no embodiment VR,
where the participants shared a virtual space, but had no visible
avatars. Both subjective measures of users’ experiences and
detailed annotations of verbal and nonverbal behavior are used
to understand how the media impact communication behavior.
Embodied VR provides a high level of social presence with
conversation patterns that are very similar to face-to-face interaction. In contrast, providing only the shared environment was
generally found to be lonely and appears to lead to degraded
ACM Classification Keywords
H.4.3. Communications Applications: Computer conferencing, teleconferencing, and videoconferencing
Author Keywords
Computer-mediated communication, virtual reality,
embodiment, social presence.
Modern communication is frequently mediated by technology. Each technology offers its own set of affordances [12],
and yet it is difficult to match the immediacy and richness
offered through the multimodality of face-to-face communication – so much so that the Department of Energy estimates
that roughly eight percent of US energy is used to support
passenger transport to enable face-to-face communication [1].
This work explores how embodied virtual reality (VR) can
support communication around a spatial task. Embodied virtual reality means that a person’s movements are tracked and
then used to drive an avatar in a shared virtual world. Using
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CHI 2018, April 21–26, 2018, Montreal, QC, Canada
© 2018 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM.
ISBN 978-1-4503-5620-6/18/04. . . $15.00
a head mounted display (HMD), participants view the world
through the avatar’s eyes, and the avatar’s movements reflect
those of their own body, effectively embodying them in the
virtual world. This technology allows people to interact in a
shared, 3D environment and employ both verbal and nonverbal
communication. In this work, we use marker-based, optical
motion capture to track participants and render their bodies
as simple 3D meshes in the environment, with an eyebrow
ridge and nose, but no other facial features or facial animation
(Fig. 1-C).Such an embodiment supports manual gesture, locomotion and verbal dialog, but limited hand movement and
no facial expressions.
To understand how such a representation (embodVR) performs
as a communication tool, we compare it to two other conditions. The first is the gold standard: face-to-face communication (F2F). The second is a variant of VR in which both participants can see the same shared environment, but their avatars
are not visible to themselves or each other (no_embodVR)
(One task provided a representation of participant’s own hands
to facilitate object interaction). Employing a within-subject
design, 30 dyads interacted with each other in each of the three
conditions, performing two tasks in each. They were told to
role-play being new roommates, and in the first task, they were
given a floor plan of their new apartment and had to agree on
which rooms should be used for the living room, dining room
and each of their bedrooms. In the second task, they had to
agree on a furniture arrangement by placing representative
furniture on the floor plan. These tasks offer an appropriate
test bed for interactions in which people must work with a
shared visual representation. The first task does not require
manipulation of the environment and the second does.
The technologies were evaluated based on both participants’
subjective impressions and a detailed analysis of their actual
verbal and nonverbal communication behavior. We expected to
see three distinct levels of performance, where F2F performs
best, followed by embodVR and then no_embodVR. This
echoes earlier work comparing face-to-face, audio/video, and
audio-only communication. Instead, we found very similar
behavior between F2F and embodVR, but a marked drop off
for no_embodVR. Recordings (real and virtual) of the apartment layout task were annotated for both verbal and nonverbal
behavior. For most factors, there was no significant difference
between F2F and embodVR, with often a significant drop off
for no_embodVR. This suggests that participants employed
similar communication patterns in F2F and embodied virtual
reality. Subjective measures provide insight into the “felt experience" of using the technology. On most, but not all, measures
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of social presence, the same pattern emerged of no significant
difference between embodVR and F2F, but a significant drop
off for no_embodVR. Much more detail is provided below.
Most real-time collaboration mediums can be grouped into
three different categories: face-to-face, tools that support audio communication only, such as a telephone, and tools that
support audio and visual communication, such as video conferencing (for detailed reviews of computer-mediated communication, please see [16, 47]). Previous works have established
a hierarchy in which face-to-face interactions are clearly superior to audio-only for most tasks involving spatial information
or negotiation [47]. The role video plays is less clear-cut, however. While providing a visual channel can theoretically aid
in mutual understanding (or conversational grounding), tools
with video feeds often do not perform significantly better than
audio-only equivalents [35, 32, 43, 25]. There are a number of
fundamental issues preventing video conferencing tools from
reaching the effectiveness of face-to-face interactions:
1. Interlocutors connected by video feeds are not co-present:
they cannot fully observe their partner (visibility) or their
partner’s physical context (visual co-presence). Fussell and
Setlock argue that there is “clear evidence” that visual copresence improves task performance [16] and helps support
grounding [18]. Visibility allows people’s gestures to be
seen, which is important for representational gestures, and
co-presence allows them to point to features in the environment. Co-presence reduces the need for verbal grounding.
In embodied virtual reality, participants are naturally copresent in the same virtual space, without a need to try to
engineer these features into a remote video system.
2. Most video feeds are stationary, positioned to provide closeup representations of the remote partner’s face or upper
torso. Such positioning can hinder movement-centric tasks,
and prevent transmission of posture and gesture cues. Most
non-stationary video feeds, such as smart phone cameras,
are controlled by the remote partner, which can result in
disorienting camera movements and sub-optimal camera
angles [26]. In embodied virtual reality, participants control
their view of the scene by adjusting their gaze.
3. Offsets between screens and cameras make it difficult or impossible to establish mutual gaze. Eye contact is important
for conversational management and establishing intimacy
between partners, and its absence can reduce the perceived
social presence of the communication tool. The difficulty
in establish eye contact can disrupt conversational management behaviors [27]. Observing gaze also allows one to
infer a partner’s focus of attention, which can aid grounding.
The Role of Shared Visual Workspaces in Collaboration Tasks
When considering remote collaboration tools with a visual
component, it is helpful to draw distinctions between shared
visual information pertaining to the state of a task (shared
visual workspace) and visual information depicting the state
of the remote partner. Many previous works have focused
on shared visual workspaces as a key component of effective remote collaborations [19, 20, 21]. Because the current
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study focuses on evaluating the impacts of embodiment, all
conditions incorporate a shared visual workspace.
When performing complex tasks with many different possible
states, a shared visual workspace can help partners synchronize their mental models of the task state and aid in the development of common ground: Gergle et. al. [19] found that,
when completing a puzzle, the speed and efficiency with which
dyads completed the task increased when a shared workspace
was present. Participants were less likely to verbally verify
their actions, relying on the visual information to transmit
the necessary communicative cues. In a study conducted by
Fussell et al. [15], partners completed bicycle repair tasks
under various conditions: the task was most efficiently completed in the face-to-face condition, and participants attributed
this to the presence of an effective shared visual workspace.
Interestingly, a shared visual workspace does not always result
in more efficient communication: in the same study by Fussell
et al., the addition of a video feed depicting the task did not
show significant advantages over the audio-only condition:
participants mentioned that it was difficult to make effective
deictic gestures [15]. In related studies, Kraut et. al. [32, 30]
performed an experiment where novice/expert pairs of bicycle
mechanics interacted via audio and audio/video media. While
the presence of a shared visual workspace did assist in enabling
shared common ground and more proactive help-giving by the
expert, it did not ultimately result in higher quality solutions.
The Role of Visual Behavior in Collaboration Tasks
Video feeds that show a remote partner allow users to communicate with a wide array of nonverbal behaviors (such as gaze,
gesture or posture) that can influence characteristics of the
interaction; comparisons of audio telephony to face-to-face
conversation indicate that people use more words and turns in
audio-only conditions [16]. When people can gesture at a work
space, they can use deictic utterances (“that", “those", “there",
etc.) rather than relying on longer, more descriptive phrases
("the table between the door and the window"). Studying a
drawing task, Bly found that gesturing behavior decreased
both in count and as a percentage of drawing surface actions
as interaction moved from from face-to-face to a video-link
to telephone only [10]. Clark and Krych [13] found that the
presence of a visual workspace results in many more deictic
utterances and gestures. Some experimental work has shown
that, if these gestures are appropriately supported, resulting
communication is more efficient, task performance increases
or users rate the quality of the experience higher [17, 28, 2].
The presence of nonverbal modalities may have additional,
subtler effects. Peksa et. al. found that, in VR settings,
orienting avatars towards a user results in the user taking
significantly more turns in a conversation [41]. Fussell and
Setlock [16] mention that conversational turn taking becomes
more formal in the absence of visual cues. Bailensen et. al.
found that, when virtual humans made eye contact with users,
female users tended to stand further away [5].
Evaluating Communication Tools
A useful remote communication tool should be efficient, allowing users to quickly achieve high-quality solutions. Therefore,
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two commonly used metrics are the quality of task solutions
achieved and their times-to-completion [32, 39, 48]. More
nuanced insights can be gained by annotating and analyzing
interactions: length, frequency, and initiation of conversational turns [37], gaps between turns [25], gaze patterns [4],
and overlapping turns [43]. For example, overly-elaborate,
highly redundant messages may indicate that a communication tool does not adequately support backchanneling [29, 31],
which can result in decreased mutual understanding between
partners. Presence of deixis, shorter spaces between conversational turns, shorter, more frequent conversational turns and
the presence of interruptions can all provide important clues
about how comfortable users feel within a medium.
More subjective measures are obtained through user surveys.
One such measure comes from Social Presence theory, which
argues that technologies differ in their abilities to present a
sense of other participants’ goals and motives [44]. A widelyused test for social presence, semantic differencing [40], asks
users to evaluate the communication tool by rating it along
multiple pairs of bipolar adjectives. It has been shown to be
sensitive to differences between 2D video, 3D video, and faceto-face interactions[23]. It has also been used to distinguish
between video conferencing tools that do and do not support
spatiality [24, 22]. Networked minds [9, 8, 7] is an alternative
survey approach focused on whether the user experienced
presence; both surveys were administered in the current work.
We designed a study to evaluate communication differences
between face-to-face interactions (F2F), VR with a motioncapture tracked avatar providing an embodied representation of
the users (embodVR) and VR with no avatars (no_embodVR).
All conditions included a visually shared work space.
A total of 60 subjects (30 male, 30 female) were recruited
through a professional agency, along with a backup roster of
friends, remote coworkers, and neighbors. In all cases, care
was taken to make sure participant pairs were strangers prior to
beginning the experiment. FannoParticipants were paired into
30 same-gender dyads to limit the number of combinations
and remove a potentially confounding factor of strangers being
less comfortable with the roommate scenario when dealing
with an opposite gender stranger. Participants were aged 18-56
(M=36.5, SD=10.0). The experiment took approximately 3
hours to complete and participants were compensated with gift
cards. IRB approval was obtained ahead of the experiment.
Study Design
The experiment employed a 1x3 design in which the factor,
communication medium, was (1) face-to-face, (2) virtual reality with a shared workspace, audio channel, and visible, fullyembodied, motion-capture driven avatars, or (3) virtual reality
with a shared workspace and audio channel, but no avatars. To
control for variations within participant pairs, we employed a
within-subjects design where each dyad performed the tasks
under each of the three conditions. In order to prevent subjects from reusing previous decisions in subsequent conditions,
three different floor plans were utilized. The order in which
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the floor plans were utilized was constant across all dyads, confounding its effect with that of factor ordering. The impacts of
both were minimized by using a fully-counterbalanced design
(five repetitions of each of the six possible factor orderings).
Post-experiment tests showed that order never had a significant
impact on any of the factors examined.
Because the effect of a communication medium can depend
upon the type of task being conducted, our participants completed two distinct tasks under each condition: first a negotiation task, then a consensus-building workspace-manipulation
task. These tasks are both social and relied on a shared visual workspace, allowing comparison of the role of the shared
workspace with the visual presence of the interlocutor. We
chose tasks that were familiar, but allowed detailed discussion.
Task 1: Negotiating Room Uses
Participants were instructed to role play a pair of roommates
moving into a new apartment. They were given a miniature
version of the apartment floor plan, which contained a labeled bathroom and kitchen, a lake, a road, and four unassigned rooms, labeled ’A’ through ’D’. These labels facilitated
easy verbal references. Participants then decided which of
these rooms would be each participant’s bedroom, the dining
room, and the living room. The participants were given noncompatible preferences (both wanted the same bedroom, and
different rooms to be the living room) and told to role play as
they saw fit in justifying their preferences. Participants were
given five minutes for the task and rooms were assigned by
the researcher if consensus was not reached.
Task 2: Building Consensus for Furniture Placement
In the second task, participants placed furniture inside the
apartment for which they had just assigned rooms. To foster
inter-partner communication during the process, participants
were asked to take turns placing furniture while adhering to a
specific protocol. For each turn, one participant would select
a piece of furniture and suggest two different locations for it
inside the apartment, justifying each location. Their partner
would then suggest a third option and justify it. Then, both
partners would discuss the options and select one together.
After this, the participants would switch roles for the next turn.
Participants completed this task for for ten minutes.
Upon arriving at the testing facility, participants completed
a consent form and a short demographic survey. During this
period, the researcher confirmed that both participants were
complete strangers, and instructed them not to speak or otherwise interact with the each other prior to beginning the
experiment. They were then fitted with motion capture suits
and optical markers in accordance with OptiTrak’s Baseline +
13 Skeleton. Each participant then played through the Oculus
Touch Tutorial [38] to familiarize them with the Oculus Rift
head-mounted display (HMD) and Touch controllers.
Participants were then told the rules of the tasks, positioned
in the motion capture area, and fitted with the HMD and
controllers (for VR conditions). Before the first task of each
condition, participants played a short bluffing game ( 1 minute)
to familiarize themselves with interacting in the condition. At
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the conclusion of the second task, participants were given a
survey to obtain their impressions of the task outcomes and
the communication medium. This process was repeated for
each of the remaining conditions.
At the conclusion of the third condition, participants were
given one additional survey to gather information about their
most and least favorite communication medium. Then, the
researcher performed an experimental debrief with both participants, and encouraged the participants to discuss their survey
answers and their general impressions of all three conditions.
Condition Implementation and Data Collection
For all conditions, subjects were recorded with three GoPro
cameras. Audio was recorded either with lapel microphones
or through the HMD microphone. For the VR conditions, the
POV (Point of View video) of each participant was recorded
during the interaction. In addition, the various transformations
of each object within the scene were recorded at 20 frames per
second, allowing us to create videos post-hoc of the interaction
with color-coded avatars, including making avatars visible that
had been hidden during the No Embodiment condition. These
videos were used for later analysis.
Face-To-Face (F2F)
In the face-to-face condition, participants performed the tasks
facing each other from across a table (Fig. 1-A and Fig. 1B). Furniture was represented by foam boxes with full-color
orthographic images of the furniture model on each side.
Virtual Reality with Full Embodiment (embodVR)
In the Full Embodiment VR condition, participants appeared
inside of a grey room, on opposite sides of a table containing
an apartment floor plan (Fig. 1-C); in actuality, participants
were located on opposite sides of the motion capture space,
facing opposite directions (Fig. 1-D). Table, furniture, and
floor plan dimensions matched those of the face-to-face condition. Participants and their VR devices were tracked with a 24
camera (Prime 17W) OptiTrack motion capture system. Their
positioning and pose was used to drive avatars and cameras
within a customized Unity scene. The lag of the entire system
was under 50 milliseconds; none of the participants mentioned
noticeable lag during their exit interviews.
The HMDs employed were Oculus Rifts: immersive, headmounted displays with 2160x1200 resolution, 90 Hz refresh
rate, and 110◦ FOV [6]. See the supplementary video for examples of participants wearing the devices. The Rifts employed
integrated microphones and in-ear earbuds to block out ambient noise and transmit mono audio between participants (via a
local VoIP server). Participants also used hand-held Oculus
Touch controllers to pick up furniture and make various hand
shapes (fists, thumbs-up, pointing with index finger).
Virtual Reality without Embodiment (no_embodVR)
The No Embodiment VR condition was almost identical to
the Full Embodiment VR condition. In the first task, however,
neither avatar was visible to participants. In the second task,
participants could view their own hands to assist in picking up
furniture, but could not see any part of their partner’s avatar
nor the rest of their body. The workspace was fully visible.
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Gesture Type
Reference Object or
Reference Person
Deictic (or pointing) gesture to an object or location.
Spatial or Distance
Gestures conveying more complex spatial or distance
information, such as a path through the apartment.
Acknowledgments of interlocutor, including head
nods and manual gestures.
Metaphoric and iconic hand movements, illustrative
of an idea (but not fitting in “Spatial or Distance").
Emotional or Social
Gestures conveying strong emotions or other social
Small movements of the hand in rhythm with the
spoken prosody.
Self-manipulations not designed to communicate,
such as nose scratches.
Deictic gesture at self or interlocutor.
Table 1. Annotators would apply one or more of these tags to each observed gesture.
To measure the effects of virtual reality and embodied avatars
on participant interaction, we employed several different types
of measurements. For readability, we will group each measure
description with related results and discussion in the sections
below. Results are summarized in Table 3 and Figure 2.
Following the trials, a remote team annotated verbal and nonverbal behaviors exhibited by each dyad during the floor-plan
negotiation task. This provided objective data on communication patterns to complement the subjective measures.
Annotators annotated each gesture performed by each participant, labelling its type. Following McNeill’s [34] assertion
that gesture should not be viewed categorically, but as having levels of different dimensions, annotators were allowed
to apply more than one tag to a gesture. The gesture types
are based on McNeill’s [33] proposal of deictic, beat, iconic
and metaphoric, but some dimensions were either collapsed
or subdivided to focus the analysis on the most relevant behavior for the tasks conducted here. Gesture types are shown in
Table 1.
Gesture may be redundant with or provide information not
available in the verbal channel. As a simple example, consider
a person pointing at room A on the floor plan. If they say
“I want room A," the gesture is (largely) redundant. If they
say “I want this room," the utterance cannot be understood
without the gesture. Annotators were instructed to add a Novel
Content tag to any gesture that contained information not
available through the verbal channel.
Participants’ dialog was annotated at two levels of granularity,
as summarized in Table 2. Utterances are individual sentences
or sentence-like units of dialog. Conversational turns denote
a period when one person holds the floor before it passes to
the other and may contain one or more utterances.
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Speech Data
A section of speech. A sentence or comparable.
Task related suggestions and discussion.
or Emotional
Strongly social or emotional utterances, such as “I’m
very excited."
Discussion not related to the task.
Verbal acknowledgements that indicate listening, such
as “uh huh".
Fully qualified references that can be completely understood from the utterance, like “I’d like room A".
The use of terms like “this" or “that" to refer to things,
such as “I’d like this room."
The duration for which one person holds the floor
before the other takes over. Labeled with how the
person gets the turn.
The person takes the floor by interrupting the other.
No Marker
No clear indication of how the floor was obtained.
Verbal Hand Over
The interlocutor verbally passed the floor to the
Nonverbal Hand
The interlocutor nonverbally passed the floor to the
Table 2. Speech is tagged in the two levels specified, with individual tags
listed below each level.
In the Face-To-Face condition, these annotations were made
based on audio and video feeds from three camera angles. For
the virtual reality conditions, annotations were made based
on video feeds, audio and color-coded audio waveforms, POV
footage for each participant, and multiple scene reconstructions in which avatars were always visible and color-coded.
To minimize the effects of individual annotators, all three of a
dyad’s task conditions were annotated by the same annotators.
To ensure high-quality annotation data, all tasks were annotated independently by two different annotators. Mismatches
between the two annotators were resolved by a third annotator
and quality checks were performed by the research team.
A similar statistical approach was used for all data reported
in this section. Repeated measures ANOVAs were run to determine if each dependent value varied significantly across
the three conditions of F2F, embodVR and no_embodVR.
Mauchly’s test for sphericity was run on all data and correction by Greenhouse-Geiser and Huynh-Feldt were applied as
needed (both of these always succeeded). Type II error was
corrected for using False Discovery Rate correction. When
significant variation was found in the ANOVA, Bonferronicorrected pairwise t-tests were run to determine which factors
varied. Significance was evaluated at the p < 0.05 level.
Analysis of utterances focused on the distribution of utterance
types. Their frequency is shown in Figure 2e. Condition
had a significant effect on the occurrence of pragmatic utterances, with pragmatic utterances occurring significantly
less frequently in the embodVR condition than in F2F. Condition also had a significant effect on the use of referential
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pronouns, with significantly fewer referential pronoun uses in
the no_embodyVR condition than in F2F and embodVR.
Analysis of conversational turns focused on the frequency of
conversational turns and the manner the turn was begun. Condition had a significant effect on the frequency of turns, with
significantly fewer turns occurring in the no_embod condition
than in the embodVR condition. The data shows a tendency
for the same relationship between F2F and no_embodVR conditions (p = 0.097). The relative frequency of the manner
by which a conversational turn began is shown in Figure 2f.
Condition had a significant effect on the frequency of interruptions, with interruptions occurring more frequently in the F2F
condition than in either embodVR or no_embodVR.
Analysis of nonverbal behavior focused on the frequency of
gesturing, types of gestures employed and novelty of information carried by the gestures. The analysis showed that both F2F
and embodVR had significantly higher gesturing rates than
no_embodVR, but there was no significant difference between
them (Figure 2a). In many dyads, one partner gestures more
than the other. In no_embodVR, the less frequent gesturer
made about 30 percent of the gestures, compared to 40 percent
for F2F and embodVR. This disparity was significant between
F2F and no_embodVR, and embodVR and no_embodVR, but
not between F2F and embodVR. See Figure 2g.
The frequency of gesture types is summarized in Fig. 2d.
Since a single gesture may display features of more than
one type, the total of frequency counts may exceed 100%
(in practice, it was ~120%). References to objects or locations
were the most frequent, followed by representational gestures
and gestures displaying complex spatial or distance information. The categories “Reference Person" and “Emotional or
Social" never occurred more than 5% of the time and were
dropped from the analysis. All remaining categories, except
“Backchannel," showed significant differences. In every case
except for “Self-adaptors", there was no significant difference
between F2F and embodVR, but both of these differed significantly from no_embodVR. A higher proportion of gestures
in no_embodVR were representational or beats and a lower
proportion were object/location references and spatial/distance
gestures. Self-adaptors were a higher proportion of gestures
in F2F and no_embodVR, compared with embodVR, with no
significant difference between these two categories.
Novel content was analyzed both in terms of the proportion of
gestures that were so tagged and the number of novel content
gestures per minute (Figure 2c). In both cases, there were no
statistical differences between F2F and embodVR, but gesture
with novel content was significantly lower in no_embodVR.
Overall, the verbal behavior is more consistent across conditions and the nonverbal behavior shows greater variation,
reflecting in part the visual nature of the nonverbal channel. Floor management is largely accomplished using nonverbal cues, such as gaze and posture [27], so it is more difficult over audio-only channels. The lower turn frequency in
no_embodVR likely reflects the difficulty of efficiently obtaining and relinquishing the floor in this condition.
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cant difference between the gesture rate in F2F and embodVR.
This suggests that people gesture at more or less normal rates
in embodied VR, even given the limitations of holding Touch
controllers. The greater disparity in gesture rate within dyads
for no_embodVR suggests that there may be entrainment behavior that occurs when people have visual access to their
partner. Such entrainment is a feature of rapport, and visually
displaying it during an interaction may be a way to increase
the felt rapport [45].
Figure 1. Dyads performed the first (A) and second (B) tasks in the faceto-face conditions. In virtual reality conditions, avatars appeared across
the table from each other (C), but were actually positioned on opposite
sides of the motion capture stage (D). In the embodVR condition, participants were able to see both avatars (E). In the no_embodVR condition,
participants were unable to see their partner and could only see their
hands in the second task, to assist with furniture manipulation (F).
The largely consistent utterance behavior suggests people are
not making major changes in their conversational style, either to accommodate for the lack of nonverbal information
in no_embodVR or due to any perceived differences between
F2F and embodVR.
Reference pronouns such as ’this’ or ’that’ often require a gesture or visual indication to clarify their meaning. It is therefore
reasonable that they occur significantly less frequently in the
no_embodVR condition where there is no way to accompany
the utterance with a visible gesture. Interestingly, participants
used such pronouns at the same rate in the F2F and embodVR
conditions, suggesting participants felt comfortably able to
clarify their pronoun usage though avatar gesturing.
The dominance of pragmatic utterances across all three conditions indicate that participants remained focused on their
task. However, there was a significant decrease in pragmatic utterances between the F2F and embodVR conditions.
This may partially be explained by slightly more backchanneling and non-task discussions in the embodVR condition,
though neither of these were not significant (MF2F = 29.9,
MembodV R = 32.5, pad j = 0.29).
The higher rate of interruptions in the F2F condition may
reflect that participants have more visual information on their
interlocutor (gaze, facial expressions) and hence have a greater
sense of when it is possible to take the floor.
It was anticipated that people would gesture less in
no_embodVR, when they can neither see themselves nor their
partner. It is perhaps surprising that they still averaged 9.1
gestures per minute. More interesting is that there is no signifi-
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It is reasonable that people make a significantly lower proportion of gestures that are tied to the visual environment (“Reference Object" and “Spatial") in no_embodVR. Similarly, they
make a higher proportion of gestures without environmental
references (“Representation" and “Beats"). Nonetheless, people still made referential gestures almost four times a minute in
no_embodVR. These were often redundant, such as accompanying the utterance “I’d like room A." with a gesture pointing
to the room, but when they weren’t they could generate substantial confusion. It is again important to note that, aside from
self-adaptors, there were no significant differences between
F2F and no_embodVR, offering further evidence that normal
communication patterns transfer over to embodied VR.
We did not develop a measure for gesture complexity, but after
viewing the corpus, it appears that the gestures people make in
no_embodVR are less complex and often smaller. The spatial
gestures were generally the most complex in the corpus and
often involved illustrating traffic flow in the apartment, how
noise might travel or the relative location of rooms. While
spatial gestures still occurred, none of these particularly complex forms were observed in the no_embodVR. It also does
not appear that this level of detail was transferred to the verbal
channel. Rather, some details of the arguments were left out.
To better understand the variation in self-adaptor behavior, we
conducted a follow-up analysis looking at self-adaptor rate.
They occurred 1.4 times per minute for F2F, 0.54 for embodVR
and 0.68 for no_embodVR. The F2F rate was significantly
higher than the other two. Self-adaptors are associated with
anxiety and the personality trait of neuroticism [46, 3, 14, 11],
so one possible explanation is that people are more anxious
standing across the table from a flesh-and-blood person than
they are in VR. It is also possible that they are more engaged
in VR, so manipulate less, or the Touch Controllers make it
more difficult to perform self-manipulations, although these
occurred and there was some additional adjusting of the HMD.
With regards to novel content, once again F2F and embodVR
show comparable performance. It is reasonable to expect
novel content to be lower in no_embodVR as people make
a conscious decision not to encode information on a channel
that cannot be seen. The fact that people are continuing to
encode novel content in gesture when not seen means that part
of their message is lost, which can lead to misunderstandings.
It is interesting to note that despite there being no physical
limits on people’s movements in the embodVR, they respected
standard rules of proxemics, but would occasionally move
into each others space in no_embodVR where there was no
indication of a body.
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Figure 2. Sub figure a shows the average number of gestures performed per minute for each condition. Subfigure b shows the percentage of gestures that
fall into each annotated category (note that, because some gestures fit multiple categories, totals for each condition can add up to over 100%). Subfigure
c shows the rate and percentage of gestures which introduced novel content into the discussions (for example, point at a location while referring to it by
a referential pronoun). Subfigure d shows the mean number of conversational turns taken per minute. Subfigure e shows the percent of utterances that
fall in each annotated category (note that, because some gestures fit multiple categories, totals for each condition can add up to over 100%). Subfigure
f shows the frequencies of the manners by which conversational turns were started. Subfigure g shows the ratio of gestures performed by the more
frequent gesturer and less frequent gesturer in each dyad. Subfigure h shows the mean social presence scores, with standard errors of the mean, as
measured by the semantic difference questionaire. Subfigure i shows the most and least favorite conditions, as reported by participants at the end of the
experiment. All error bars show standard error of the mean.
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Social presence, or the sense of interacting with another, is
a key factor in communication and a long term goal for virtual reality systems. To measure the degree of social presence afforded by each condition, participants completed a
semantic difference survey immediately after completing the
second task in each condition. Similar to previous works,
our survey consisted of eight bipolar word pairs (e.g. "coldwarm", "impersonal-personal", "colorless-colorful") selected
from [44]. Using a seven-point Likert scale, participants rated
the degree to which they felt each adjective in the pair described the communication medium. This is a common technique and previous studies have found that communication
mediums with higher degrees of social presence are often rated
as warmer, more personal, and more colorful [23, 42, 36]
A reliability analysis was conducted on the results of the semantic difference surveys by calculating Chronbach’s alpha,
which yielded a good internal consistency of 0.82. An average social presence score was then calculated from the factor
responses for each participant and each condition. The mean
and standard error are shown in Fig. 2h. Results of a repeated measures ANOVA, followed by pairwise comparisons
using paired t-tests, indicate that both F2F and embodVR
showed significantly higher perceptions of social presence
than no_embodVR (medium effect size, Cohen’s d of 0.62
and 0.65 respectively). There was no significant difference
between F2F and embodVR (negligible effect size).
Semantic Difference Measure of Social Presence
While it is not surprising that no_embodVR showed the lowest
social presence, we expected F2F to still show greater social
presence than embodVR, especially given that the current
avatar is relatively primitive, lacking facial expressions, a full
set of hand movement, muscle deformations, etc. Despite
this, both the results and comments in the surveys and exit
interview seem to indicate that people felt a high level of social
presence with their interlocutor when the avatar was present.
Following the semantic difference survey, participants were
asked to reply to an additional 36 prompts on a 7-point Likert
scale (Please see supplemental material.). These questions
were based on the Networked Minds survey [9, 8, 7], an alternative measure of social presence, as well as including
additional items deemed relevant for this study.
In the data from the long survey, 6 cells (of 6,480) were blank
because subjects forgot to circle answers. These blanks were
replaced with the average score of all participants in that condition. In addition, one subject missed 24 questions in the
no_embodVR condition. Data for that subject and condition
was excluded from the analysis.
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A factor analysis was performed on the full set of questions,
described in detail in the supplemental material. It yielded
six factors, four of which were maintained: Clarity of Communication, Social Awareness, Conversation Management,
and Disconnection to Partner. Chronbach’s alpha for these
four factors produced alpha’s of 0.92, 0.86, 0.81, and 0.76
ANOVAs showed that all four factors were significantly affected by condition at the p < 0.05 level, as summarized in
Table 3 and detailed in the supplemental document. Posthoc analysis showed that there was no significant difference
between embodVR and F2F on Clarity of Communication,
Conversation Management and Disconnection to Partner. For
Conversation Management, embodVR performed significantly
better than no_embodVR. F2F and embodVR performed significantly better than no_embodVR on the other two factors,
showing the same pattern as with the semantic difference measure. Effect sizes were medium in each case, except between
F2F and no_embodVR, where it was small. For Social Awareness, a three-level order appears where F2F performs better
than embodVR which performs better than no_embodVR,
with means of 6.16, 5.81 and 4.31 respectively. There was a
medium effect size between F2F and embodVR (Cohen’s d
= 0.51). There was a large effect size between both F2F and
embodVR when compared to no_embodVR (Cohen’s d of 1.3
and 1.1 respectively).
Three of the factors, including connection with partner,
showed the same pattern as semantic differencing, with no
significant difference between F2F and embodVR, but a degradation for no_embodVR, offering further evidence that people
experienced similar social presence in F2F and embodVR. For
Social Awareness, the degradation had a large effect size when
comparing either F2F or embodVR with no_embodVR, but
there was also a medium size difference between F2F and
embodVR. Looking at the individual components, the factors
“I could tell what my partner was paying attention to." and
“I am confident I understood the emotions expressed by my
partner." have the largest impact on this difference between
F2F and embodVR. Gaze and emotions are highly dependent
on eye movement and facial expressions, both missing from
embodVR, so this may explain its lower performance to F2F
on this factor.
At the conclusion of the final condition, participants were
asked to list their favorite and least favorite communication
medium in the experiment, along with reasons for their answers. Following the debrief, informal exit interviews were
conducted with the last 52 participants. These began with a
prompt such as “Do either of you have any questions for me
or any impressions you’d like to share?".
Results for participants most and least preferred interface are
shown in Fig. 2i. EmbodVR was most preferred by 39 participants and least preferred by 0. F2F was most preferred
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by 15 and least preferred by 17. Four people selected both
embodVR and F2F as their favorite. No_embodVR was most
preferred by 2 and least preferred by 42.
Discussion: Participant Preferences
To gain a deeper understanding of the preference results, we
categorized the written reasons given for people’s most and
least preferred interfaces. One obvious explanation for the
preference of embodVR is novelty, and there is some evidence
for this. Of those who preferred embodied VR, five mentioned something that related to novelty in their explanation.
For those that least-preferred face-to-face, the lack of novelty
came up for seven participants, many of whom thought it was
“boring". Novelty does not seem to be a complete explanation,
both because no_embodVR is also novel and the many other
justifications offered.
Of those who preferred embodied VR, eight mentioned they
liked seeing their interlocutor, seven thought the interface was
fun and/or exciting, six explicitly mentioned the importance
of body language and being able to show things in the environment, with comments like “I got tone and body language."
Five people thought the interface was more personal and social.
Three of the people who preferred embodied VR mentioned a
sense of presence, with comments “I enjoyed seeing my partners body language/movement. I felt like she was in room with
me even though she wasn’t", “[It] allowed me to interact on
a personal level with a stranger while still being intimate and
fully immersed", and even “seeing and hearing a real person
is amazing".
Of those that least preferred no_embodVR, 12 commented
that it felt impersonal, sterile or they had less connection with
their partner. For example, saying “it felt the most distant and
least like there was another person across from me."
For some, the abstraction of a grey, faceless avatar used in the
embodVR condition increased their comfort with the interaction. Four people mentioned this who listed the condition as
their favorite, with comments “being in VR makes it somehow
less intimidating arguing over room space when you don’t
know your partner well", “[I] felt less shy and self-conscious
than I would have otherwise because of this interface", “[embodVR was best] because it was a fun and safe environment to
navigate things I wanted. In-person it felt awkward [F2F], last
round [no_embodVR] it just felt like I could do it by myself. I
didn’t have a connection to my partner." Another commented,
“the [face-to-face was my least favorite] for sure. I do not like
conflict and in the [two VR conditions] it was easier to voice
my opinion."
We anticipated that the lack of facial expressions would be an
issue. There is some evidence that it was in the surveys, but
less than anticipated. Two people who mentioned embodied
VR as their preferred interface said that they felt the lack of
facial expressions, e.g. “But lack of facial expression made
hard to know his actual feeling". Two people that preferred
face-to-face mentioned facial expressions in their explanation.
Three people that preferred face-to-face also mentioned that
they it was easier to see expressions and understand their
partner, which may include facial expressions.
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Discussion: Exit Interviews
The exit interviews are particular useful for understanding the
more social aspects of people’s experience with the system.
Most people felt that having an avatar improved communication over the no_embodVR condition (28/52 mentioned this).
For example, P10 commented “I think by seeing the avatar ...
this changes the entire outcome of the conversation....I think
based on body language ... it makes it easier to have a communication and to find an agreement." P59 noted how the body
focused her attention: “Actually being able to see another body
across the table, your focus ... you’re automatically drawn into
that situation and you’re way more focused. And it is amazing how much being able to gesticulate, having that ability to
gesticulate, how that is so much part of the communication
process....". The richness of embodied communication and
how it impacted decision making was highlighted by P30 “I
was more influenced by his body language in [embodVR],
because I could see if he really liked it, or he was just making
an effort to make something different."
In looking at the mechanisms that helped in communication,
some people mentioned the role of gestures and pointing.
Three people pointed out that the embodied avatar allowed
them to anticipate what the other person was thinking earlier
and prepare a response, for example “It was nice to ...actually
see the person and then seeing them actually begin reaching
to an object, so you can .. you’re already thinking of your
reaction to it, what you’re going to say,... so you’re preemptively thinking of how am I going to speak to him about it, like
what am I going to say, how am I going to disagree, like ’oh. I
knew that piece, I didn’t like that piece’, alright, I’m already
thinking about how I’m going to disagree with him."[P36]
People noticed the lack of facial expressions in the avatar,
with ten participants suggesting that adding facial expressions
would be helpful and three noting the need for eye contact.
Five participants commented that it was easier to read expressions in the face-to-face condition.
Participant comments suggested that they feel more alone and
cold in the no_embodVR condition and a much greater sense
of social presence with the avatar (44 of 52 participants commented on this in some form). Eleven participants commented
that it felt like the other avatar was standing directly in front
of them, even though they knew the person was physically
standing on the other side of the room and faced away from
them. Indicative comments include: P60 saying “I felt like
you could see me. That was the weird thing....That changes
your behavior." and P59 replying “I really felt like I was talking to that grey thing." P21 commented, “I felt like the avatar
was really interesting, because even though I couldn’t see her
facial expression, I could see her body movement and I felt
her. I felt her presence there."
A surprising finding is some evidence that people changed the
competitiveness of their interaction depending on the interface used. They felt they were being more considerate and
empathetic when a body was present than in no_embodVR,
where they were willing to be more competitive, aggressive
and less likely to compromise. Nine participants made comments related to the no_embodVR interface depersonalizing
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ANOVA Result
Semantic Difference
Avg. Semantic Difference Score
F2,116 = 18.07, pad j < 0.001
F2F, embodV R > no_embodV R
Detailed Survey
Clarity of Communication
Social Awareness
Conversation Management
Disconnection to Partner
F2,116 = 12.13, pad j < 0.001
F2,116 = 91.30, pad j < 0.001
F2,116 = 4.89, pad j = 0.012
F2,116 = 13.39, pad j < 0.001
F2F, embodV R > no_embodV R
F2F > embodV R > no_embodV R
embodV R < no_embodV R (lower is better)
F2F, embodV R < no_embodV R (lower is better)
Utterance Type
Non-Task Discussion
Complete Reference
Reference Pronoun
F2,56 = 4.36, pad j = 0.043
F2,56 = 1.62, pad j = 0.260
F2,56 = 0.89, pad j = 0.500
F2,56 = 1.75, pad j = 0.260
F2,56 = 0.61, pad j = 0.547
F2,56 = 13.04, pad j < 0.001
F2F > embodV R
No significance
No significance
No significance
No significance
F2F, embodV R > no_embodV R
Turn Frequency
Conversational Turn Frequency
F2,56 = 3.94, p = 0.025
embodV R > no_embodV R
Turn Type
Verbal Handover
Nonverbal Handover
No Marker
F2,56 = 1.77, pad j = 0.179
F2,56 = 3.65, pad j = 0.064
F2,56 = 6.9, pad j = 0.001
F2,56 = 2.36, pad j = 0.138
No significance
No significance
F2F > embodV R, no_embodV R
No significance
Gesture Behavior
Gesture Frequency
Gesture Disparity
F2,58 = 34.75, pad j < 0.001
F2,58 = 9.83, pad j < 0.001
F2F, embodV R > no_embodV R
F2F, embodV R > no_embodV R
Gesture Type
Reference Object or Location
Spatial or Distance
F2,58 = 18.91, pad j < 0.001
F2,58 = 14.01, pad j < 0.001
F2,58 = 2.06, pad j = 0.14
F2,58 = 6.60, pad j = 0.004
F2,58 = 5.46, pad j = 0.008
F2,58 = 7.78, pad j = 0.002
F2F, embodV R > no_embodV R
F2F, embodV R > no_embodV R
No significance
F2F, embodV R < no_embodV R
no_embodV R > embodV R
F2F, no_embodV R > embodV R
Novel Gesture Content
Percent of Blocks with Novel Content
Novel Content Blocks Per Minute
F2,58 = 53.94, pad j < 0.001
F2,58 = 46.27, pad j < 0.001
F2F, embodV R > no_embodV R
F2F, embodV R > no_embodV R
Table 3. Results from ANOVAs and significant post-hoc t-tests for all computed measures. Verbal and nonverbal measures are calculated on the
annotation data from the floor plan task. Significance values for post-hoc results are reported in Figure 2
the interaction. Four commented that they were more aggressive, more direct, more willing to argue or less compromising
in no_embodVR. Two of these found the task easier in VR
because it was depersonalized. Two other subjects thought
they were more objective in the avatar condition, especially
without a body. Two other participants felt less present in
no_embodVR so wanted to control the situation more. A different dyad, outside of the nine, expressed that it was easier
to “bicker" when not in face-to-face. One other subject felt
that body language made it easier to reach agreement. An additional person commented that turn taking was more formal
in no_embodVR.
for social presence between F2F and embodVR, with lower
social awareness possibly reflecting the lack of facial information. There was a clear preference for including a body in the
experience as people felt “alone" in no_embodVR and ratings
dropped. Removing the body decreased referential pronoun
usage and lowered the frequency with which participants took
conversational turns.
There are, of course, limitations to the work. The first is that
this study examined a particular context in which users have
a shared visual work space. The activities included a negotiation task and a design task. Behavior may vary for different
environments and different activities. A second limitation is
that while we measure conversational behavior and subjective
experience, we don’t measure the effectiveness of the conversation. Both of these issues point to interesting follow-up
work. For example, it would be interesting to examine social
conversation to see whether facial motion plays a more dominant role here. Facial animation was excluded from this study
both due to technical limitations and in order to focus on the
impact of body movement. The study also used relatively lowfidelity models. It would be interesting to see if behavior and
experience changes with photo-realistic models that include
facial animation.
Embodied virtual reality and face-to-face interaction showed
remarkably similar verbal and nonverbal communicative behavior, with the anticipated drop off for VR without bodies.
Having a tracked body in the virtual world seems to help people feel that they are really interacting with another person: all
but one subjective measure showed no significant difference
We gratefully thank the team at Oculus Research. In particular,
this work would not have been possible without Ronald Mallet,
Alexandra Wayne, Matt Vitelli, Ammar Rizvi, Joycee Kavatur
and the annotation team.
Some participants felt more comfortable in VR than in F2F.
For example, P55 said “I just felt like it was easier for me to
be more relaxed and more myself [in VR] because ... I don’t
know ... it just gave me a safe place to do it ... like, in person, I
wouldn’t want to upset you, but when it became virtual reality
it was a little different ... like ... I don’t know, I just felt like
I relaxed more." This could be related to some participants
feeling less revealed in VR, even if overall social presence was
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