Chemical reactions at CdS heterojunctions with CuInSe2
Angel Aquino and Angus Rockett
Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 31, 021202 (2013); doi: 10.1116/1.4775341
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Chemical reactions at CdS heterojunctions with CuInSe2
Angel Aquino and Angus Rocketta)
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Illinois, 1304 West Green Street, Urbana,
Illinois 61801
(Received 27 October 2012; accepted 21 December 2012; published 9 January 2013)
The stability of the CdS/CuInSe2 (CIS) heterojunction is critical to understanding the projected
lifetime of CIS devices and the effect of processing conditions on the nanoscale chemistry of the
heterojunction. This article reports the results of annealing heterojunctions between CdS deposited
by chemical bath deposition and single crystal and polycrystalline CIS films between 200 and
500 C for 10 to 150 min. No atomic movement was observed by secondary ion mass spectrometry
at temperatures of 300 C and below. At 400 C even for the shortest time studied, Cu and In were
found throughout the region initially consisting of CdS only and Cd was found to have moved into
the CIS. In the polycrystal, annealing at 500 C resulted in movement of Cd throughout the CIS
layer. No time dependence was observed in the 400 and 500 C anneals indicating that a reaction
had occurred forming a compound that was in thermodynamic equilibrium with the remaining CIS.
Diffusion turns on rapidly between 300 and 400 C, indicating a high activation energy for atomic
movement (2.4 eV). The onset of diffusion is consistent with the onset of Cu diffusion in CIS.
C 2013 American Vacuum Society. []
Increasing concerns about global energy resources
coupled with significant reductions in the cost of photovoltaics are driving renewed interest in this topic.1 The very
high performance of copper chalcopyrite-based devices
makes them particularly attractive candidates for detailed
study.2,3 One of the issues that arises is the nature of the heterojunction in the devices and in particular those from which
the best devices are produced: CdS/CuInSe2 (CIS) heterojunctions and similar junctions with the Ga-containing alloy
Cu(In,Ga)Se2. Various groups have studied this interface
and have found evidence of reactions and surface doping.
The atomic-scale structure of CdS/CIS interfaces has been
examined and Cd has been found to dope the surface of
CuInSe2.4,5 However, no significant penetration of the chalcopyrite material by Cd has been demonstrated in nanoprobe
transmission electron microscopy studies.6,7 Reactions at the
heterojunction have been demonstrated by various groups on
polycrystalline layers. Primarily this has related to polycrystalline thin films suitable for devices.8–11 In situ, hightemperature, x-ray diffraction experiments by Krishnan et al.
show the formation of a CuCd2(In1xGax)Se4 phase at the
interface.12 Some of these studies involved only partial electrolyte treatment of the sample surface.13 Studies of heterojunctions with single crystals have also been reported.14
Kazmerski suggested that a device based on a single crystal
epitaxial layer was limited by diffusion at the heterojunction.15 Finally, the diffusion coefficient for Cd in CIS was
studied by Rutherford backscattering examination of a metallic Cd layer on a CIS polycrystal and fitting of the results
with an error function.16 None of these studies, except the
latter and more recently Krishnan et al.,12 have examined
time dependent reactions as a function of temperature. Time
and temperature dependence are critical to the ultimate
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021202-1 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 31(2), Mar/Apr 2013
stability of the heterojunction, particularly if it becomes necessary to heat the junction when forming a second junction,
as may be necessary in some tandem device structures. It
also has implications for ultimate lifetime and reliability of
photovoltaic modules based on CIS. An excellent review of
the stability of the interfaces in these devices may be found
in Ref. 17.
To further address the issue of how CdS interacts with
CuInSe2, we have examined the reactions/diffusion of species across CdS/CuInSe2 heterojunctions. In the current
study, a single crystal epitaxial layer of CIS grown on a
GaAs substrate was used to avoid rapid diffusion along grain
boundaries and to minimize surface topography effects that
make depth profiling difficult.13 A polycrystalline CIS layer
was also used for better comparison with previous results.
A single crystal epitaxial layer of CuInSe2 was grown by
a hybrid sputtering and evaporation method on a (100)oriented GaAs substrate. The deposition process has been
described in detail elsewhere.18 For consistency in the measurements, a single epitaxial layer with a very smooth surface
was chosen for this study. That sample was grown at 730 C
for 50 min at a growth rate of 1 lm/h. The film composition as measured by energy dispersive spectroscopy was
found to be 19.4% Cu, 24.1% In, 2.8% Ga, and 53.6% Se.
For comparison, a polycrystalline layer also grown on (100)
GaAs at 720 C for 50 min was also studied. The composition of that sample was 21.5% Cu, 24.7% In, 2.2% Ga, and
51.6% Se. Both the single crystal and the polycrystalline
layers were 0.75 lm thick. The samples were coated with
25 nm of CdS by chemical bath deposition using a recipe
described in Ref. 19. Following CdS deposition, the samples
were overcoated with SiO2 to prevent loss of constituents
during annealing. The SiO2 was deposited by sputter deposition for the epitaxial layer and by evaporation for the polycrystalline sample.
C 2013 American Vacuum Society
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021202-2 A. Aquino and A. Rockett: Chemical reactions at CdS heterojunctions with CuInSe2
The samples were cleaved into small pieces such that
both the CIS and the CdS would be as similar as possible.
Each piece was annealed face-up on a quartz boat in flowing
N2 in a tube furnace. Annealing temperatures were 200, 300,
400, and 500 C for 10, 30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 min. Times
were from insertion to removal from the furnace so there
was some heat up time in each anneal that is included in the
above times. This is not expected to have significantly
affected the results reported here as temperature makes more
difference than time at that temperature. The experimental
process is shown schematically in Fig. 1.
Following annealing, the samples were analyzed by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) in a Cameca IMS 5f
instrument using Csþ primary ions incident on the sample at
an energy of 5.5 keV and detecting positive secondary ions
ejected from the sample surface. An electron gun was used
to neutralize the surface of the sample when sputtering due
to the insulating characteristics of SiO2 to avoid charging
effects. The depth of each profile was determined by measurement of the crater in which the analysis took place by
microprofilometry using a Sloan Dektak-3 instrument.
Typical composition depth profiles for the epitaxial and
polycrystalline samples as deposited are shown in Fig. 2.
The SiO2 layer is roughly 50 nm thick and appears in the first
few data points near the surface of each sample. In this
region, the other signals are changing rapidly due to the large
chemical change in the matrix and the onset of sputtering.
Therefore, the data in the region of the SiO2 should not be
considered reliable. Note that the signals for Cu, In, and Se
settle down to relatively constant values so the depth profiles
are only shown near the surface where changes are
The CdS layer is visible where the Cd and S show a
strong rise, while the CIS layer shows Cu and Se. (In is not
plotted to simplify the graphs but follows the trend in the Cu
signal.) The rise in the Cu signal near the heterojunction is
due to an ion yield and sputtering rate change passing from
the Se to the S matrix. A similar bump occurs in the In signal
for the same reason. The bump in the Cu and In intensities
does not correctly reflect the real Cu and In contents. The
roughness of the sample surface in the case of the polycrystal
reduces the effect of this yield change so the bump is not as
obvious. Note that the S, Cd, and Cu signals are all dropping
together in this sample below the heterojunction, reflecting
the penetration of Cd and S into the polycrystalline material.6 The drop in the Cu signal with the drop in S is the
same effect as the bump in Cu in the single crystal sample
profile but spread out over the range over which the S signal
dies away. The Cu signal eventually settles down to a constant level approximately 0.4 lm into the film. In both samples, there is a region clear of significant Cu, In, and Se
further defining the CdS layer.
When the samples were annealed, the Cu, In, and Cd
were found to move while the S and Se stayed in the same
place. The In movement was similar to that of Cu so the remainder of this work focuses on the Cu, but the In profiles
were the same. Evidence for the lack of movement of S and
Se can be seen by plotting the S and Se depth profiles as a
function of annealing temperature and time. The normalized
FIG. 1. (Color online) Schematic of the experiments performed. The samples were CuInSe2 layers on GaAs substrates coated with 25 nm of CdS and 50 nm
of SiO2. The sample was cleaved into pieces that were furnace annealed and analyzed by secondary ion mass spectrometry, x-ray diffraction, and other
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 31, No. 2, Mar/Apr 2013
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021202-3 A. Aquino and A. Rockett: Chemical reactions at CdS heterojunctions with CuInSe2
FIG. 3. (Color online) S and Se signals across the heterojunction after
annealing at four temperatures for 90 min each. Further annealing produced
no additional movement of atoms. The polycrystalline sample showed similar behavior.
FIG. 2. (Color online) Composition depth profiles near the sample surface
for (a) the epitaxial and (b) the polycrystalline sample with CdS and SiO2
coating as deposited.
S and Se profiles for the epitaxial film as a function of
annealing conditions are shown in Fig. 3. Note that no significant movement of either species is observed even for
annealing at 500 C for 90 min. The 500 C 150 min anneal
also produced no movement of the two elements. Thus, the
chalcogen profile at the heterojunction is highly stable. This
also provides a good marker for the location of the original
To characterize the movement of Cu and Cd, we need to
deal with the ion yield change at the heterojunction. Several
attempts were made to compensate for this change based on
the S to Se ratio measured but no satisfactory result was
obtained. We therefore use the depth profiles obtained for
the as-deposited films (Fig. 2) as a reference and compare
these to the annealed sample profiles to determine if movement occurred. There was no change in the profiles within
the noise in the data for the 200 and 300 C annealed samples for any annealing time. Annealing at 400 and 500 C
produced significant movement in both the single crystal and
polycrystalline samples. Figure 4 shows the depth profiles
from the epitaxial single crystal sample annealed at 200 C
for 90 min and the sample annealed at 500 C for the same
FIG. 4. (Color online) Composition depth profiles of the epitaxial film
annealed (a) at 200 C for 90 min and (b) at 500 C for 90 min. The Se and S
profiles are unchanged. The peak in the Cu signal has moved outward and
Cd has moved inward during annealing at 500 C. No significant difference
was observed between the sample heated to 200 C for 90 min and the asdeposited profile.
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021202-4 A. Aquino and A. Rockett: Chemical reactions at CdS heterojunctions with CuInSe2
time. The profiles show movement of Cu and In from near
the heterojunction in the CIS into the CdS and Cd movement
in the opposite direction when annealed at 500 C but not at
200 C. Note that the signals are normalized so the background signal varies from one element to another in different
profiles. The Cd, Cu, In, and Se signals had approached the
values they would have throughout the remainder of the
depth so the profiles are terminated at this depth to show the
details of the front heterojunction.
The movement of Cd, In, and Cu was found to be time independent for most of the annealing conditions studied. For
temperatures of 300 C or below, no movement of any element was found above uncertainty in the data. The epitaxial
sample behaved somewhat differently from the polycrystalline sample under higher temperature anneals. At 400 C for
times longer than 10 min, Cu and In were found to diffuse
completely through the CdS leaving a Cu-deficient layer
near the surface of the CIS for both samples. In the 10 min
anneal, this diffusion process was not complete for the epitaxial layer and further movement was found for longer
anneals. The data are not sufficiently clear to extract a
FIG. 5. (Color online) Composition depth profile for the polycrystalline sample annealed at (a) 300 C for 60 min and (b) 500 C for 60 min. The profile
in (a) is the same, to within noise in the data, to the profile shown in
Fig. 1(b). Note the diffusion of Cd through the entire CIS layer in the higher
temperature anneal while no movement of S or Se is observed.
reliable diffusivity and only this single data point (400 C,
10 min) showed any time dependence. Cd was found to
move into the Cu/In deficient region of the CIS, replacing
the lost Cu/In which had moved into the CdS layer. In the
polycrystalline sample, outdiffusion of Cu/In was observed
at 400 C for 10 min or longer, which did not change with
time. At 500 C, more extensive outdiffusion of Cu and In
was observed, again without time dependence.
Plots of composition profiles for the polycrystalline sample are given in Fig. 5. Significant diffusion of Cd was not
observed at 400 C in the polycrystalline sample. At 500 C,
the Cd was found to have diffused rapidly into the bulk of
the CIS layer and was distributed uniformly throughout the
depth of the layer. The behavior of In matches that of Cu.
The differences in behavior in the polycrystal relative to the
single crystal are probably mostly associated with grain
boundary diffusion coupled with the roughness of the surface, which has the effect of averaging the signal observed
by SIMS over various depths.
The absence of further atomic movement at 400 and
500 C for increasing anneal times indicates that the resulting Cu and Cd distributions [Fig. 4(b)] are in equilibrium for
that temperature. The interpretation is that the observed distribution should represent a specific stable (CuIn)xCd1xSe
phase. X-ray diffraction analysis of the annealed samples
showed evidence of a new Cu0.75Cd0.5In0.75Se2 phase (PDF#
04-013-0597) for the sample annealed at 500 C for 90 min.
The unannealed sample showed only the CuInSe2 and GaAs
phases (the CdS peaks overlap with the CIS peaks so they
cannot be distinguished separately). The XRD spectra are
shown in Fig. 6. Energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy
(EDS) measurements were also performed on the annealed
film. The composition after annealing was 16.8% Cu, 19.5%
In, 2.2% Ga, 36.7% Se, 11.3% Cd, and 13.4% S. Assuming
80% of the Cd is now in the original CuInSe2 layer (which is
FIG. 6. (Color online) X-ray diffraction data for two films, after a 200 C,
30 min anneal and after a 500 C, 120 min anneal. The peak positions for the
major diffraction peaks for chalcopyrite CuInSe2 and Cu.75Cd.5In.75Se2 are
marked. The major peaks at 27 and 66 are due to the GaAs substrate.
The other peaks fit very well with those of CuInSe2 for the 200 C, 30 min
annealed sample and with Cu0.75Cd0.5In0.75Se2 for the high temperature
annealed sample.
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021202-5 A. Aquino and A. Rockett: Chemical reactions at CdS heterojunctions with CuInSe2
reasonable based on the Cd depth profile), that a respective
amount of Cu and In are now in the original CdS layer,
and normalizing these compositions, a compound with
Cu0.65Cd0.49In0.79Ga0.12(SþSe)1.95 is obtained. These values
obtained from EDS are in close agreement with the Cu0.75Cd0.5In0.75Se2 phase observed by x-ray diffraction.
Many authors have referred to “diffusion” of Cd in CIS.
From the current work we can estimate a diffusivity range
for Cu in CdS containing sufficient cation vacancies (as it
replaces moving Cu or In). At 300 C for 150 min, Cu or In
would have had to have moved less than 10% of the thickness of the CdS (2.5 nm) to be undetectable by SIMS. At
400 C to have moved completely through the CdS, the diffusion distance would have had to have been significantly
more than 25 nm in 10 min. Taking the diffusion distance, x,
as x ¼ (Dt)1//2, where D is the diffusivity and t is the time,
and solving for D, D ¼ x2/t, the maximum diffusivity at
300 C would have to be less than 1 1017 cm2/s. The minimum diffusivity at 400 C would have to be greater than
1.5 1014 cm2/s. To obtain this difference in diffusivity
over 100 C would imply an activation energy for diffusion
of Cu and In in CdS of greater than 2.4 eV. This magnitude
of activation energy is common in diffusion of impurities in
typical semiconductors by a substitutional mechanism.20
Because Cd diffusion turns on in nearly the same temperature range in both samples, the diffusion activation energy
for Cd in CIS would have to be approximately the same in
single and polycrystalline materials.
The estimated values for diffusivities are much smaller
and for diffusion activation energy much larger than the previous reported diffusivity for Cd in CIS.16 If the prior work
were correct, we should have seen Cd diffusion into the CIS
even at 200 C when annealed for 150 min with a detectable
variation in observable diffusion of Cd into the CIS at 200 C
for the various anneal times. We conclude from our results
that diffusion is much slower than reported by Kumar. This is
not necessarily inconsistent with the prior work as that
experiment was very different. In the current work, we diffused Cd from CdS into single crystal and polycrystalline
CIS and measured the results by SIMS. In the earlier work,
the Cd was metallic, which would result in a strong reaction
with the chalcopyrite CIS resulting in a large number of Se
vacancies in the material and a very different point defect
density. Furthermore, the Rutherford backscattering analysis
has a variety of complications involved in the data interpretation. The 0.47 eV activation energy for diffusion in the earlier
work is also more consistent with an interstitial rather than a
substitutional diffusion mechanism. Therefore, we consider
our results distinct from the prior work.
In the current work, we find that the diffusion of Cd is
coupled to the diffusion of Cu and In. All of the chalcogen
compounds have a very strong tendency to valence compensate. Counterdiffusion of Cu and In and Cd would tend to
result in a net exchange of one In and one Cu for two Cd
atoms. This is precisely what we observe in the XRD data
showing the final compound to be Cu0.75Cd0.5In0.75Se2. Our
observation that the diffusion of Cd, Cu and In resulting in
the formation of a (CuIn)xCd1xSe compound is consistent
with the previous work by Heske et al. who found compound formation by photoelectron spectroscopy but did not
investigate the time or temperature dependence of the reaction.8 The phase identified in this work is different from that
identified by Krishnan et al.12 in that they observe a more
Cd-rich phase.
Based on the annealing conditions studied, here we conclude that no true diffusion [i.e., x ¼ (Dt)1/2 driven by a concentration gradient] of any significance of Cd, Cu, or In can
occur under conditions of chemical bath deposition (maximum 75 C) or under conditions where air annealing of the
heterojunction is performed by some groups (200 C). Any
long-range transport of these atoms begins at much higher
temperatures, around 400 C, and may result in the rapid formation of Cu0.75Cd0.5In0.75Se2 rather than extended transport
of atoms into the bulk of the CIS. It is possible that a few
atomic layers of atomic exchange may occur at 200 C but if
that is the case, it is not detectable by any of the methods
employed here.
We conclude that CdS/CIS interfaces are chemically stable at temperatures below 400 C, although short range
transport of atoms over distances too small (monolayers) to
measure by the techniques used here may be responsible for
degradation of devices.17 The S and Se profiles across the
heterojunction are highly stable even at 500 C for 150 min.
However, above 400 C, Cu and In begin to diffuse out into
the CdS layer. To valence compensate for the loss of these
elements from the CIS, Cd moves into the vacated locations
but does not diffuse effectively in the bulk of the CIS. However, Cd can diffuse relatively rapidly along grain boundaries in the polycrystalline material. The diffusion results in
formation of a stable phase, Cu0.75Cd0.5In0.75Se2.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the
Air Force Research Laboratory contract FA9453-08-C-0172,
Space Vehicles Directorate, Kirtland AFB and was carried
out in part in the Center for Microanalysis of Materials at the
Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory at the University of Illinois. The CIS films used in this study were
grown by D. Hebert and C. Mueller at the University of Illinois, whose help is gratefully acknowledged. Assistance
with XRD data analysis by Dr. Mauro Sardela of the Materials Research Laboratory at the University of Illinois is also
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