Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
Quantile-based spatiotemporal risk assessment of exceedances
J. L. Romero1 • A. E. Madrid2 • J. M. Angulo1
Ó Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018
Structural characteristics of random field excursion sets defined by threshold exceedances provide meaningful indicators
for the description of extremal behaviour in the spatiotemporal dynamics of environmental systems, and for risk assessment. In this paper a conditional approach for analysis at global and regional scales is introduced, performed by implementation of risk measures under proper model-based integration of available knowledge. Specifically, quantile-based
measures, such as Value-at-Risk and Average Value-at-Risk, are applied based on the empirical distributions derived from
conditional simulation for different threshold exceedance indicators, allowing the construction of meaningful dynamic risk
maps. Significant aspects of the application of this methodology, regarding the nature and the properties (e.g. local
variability, dependence range, marginal distributions) of the underlying random field, as well as in relation to the increasing
value of the reference threshold, are discussed and illustrated based on simulation under a variety of scenarios.
Keywords Conditional simulation Quantile-based risk measures Space–time random fields Threshold exceedance
1 Introduction
The dynamics of a wide variety of physical phenomena
(e.g. in Geophysics, Environmental Sciences, etc.) can be
appropriately represented in terms of random field models
from which different probabilistic and statistical aspects
can be addressed (see, for example, Adler 1981; Christakos
1992, 2000; Piterbarg 1996; Vanmarcke 2010; Yaglom
1987a, b). In particular, analysis of extremal behaviour
constitutes one of the main objectives in many applications
oriented to risk assessment. A common approach in this
& J. M. Angulo
[email protected]
J. L. Romero
[email protected]
A. E. Madrid
[email protected]
Department of Statistics and Operations Research, University
of Granada, Campus Fuente Nueva s/n, 18071 Granada,
Department of Sciences and Informatics, University Centre
of Defence at the Spanish Air Force Academy, MDE-UPCT,
C/ Coronel López Peña s/n,
30720 Santiago de la Ribera, Murcia, Spain
context consists in describing structural aspects of excursion sets defined by threshold exceedances (hereafter,
‘excursion sets’), that is the set of locations within the
domain where the values of a given random field realization reach or are above a certain reference threshold (see,
for example, Adler 2008; Adler and Taylor 2007; Adler
et al. 2010, 2013; Azäis and Wschebor 2009). In fact,
different functionals related to geometrical characteristics
of excursion sets, such as the exceedance area, the excess
volume or the number of connected components, among
others, provide suitable random indicators useful for
quantification of risk (see, for example, Adler and Taylor
2007; Angulo and Madrid 2010, 2014; Chiu et al. 2013;
Christakos and Hristopulos 1996, 1997; Madrid et al.
2012, 2016; Yang and Christakos 2015).
In the last two decades, the development of a wellfounded theory of measures of risk has arisen as a new
scientific discipline, mainly motivated and also impulsed
by areas of applications such as Finance and Insurance,
although with an increasingly broadening interest, due to
its potential applicability, in many other areas of knowledge such as Environmental and Health Sciences, Geophysics, Engineering, etc. (see, for example, Föllmer and
Schied 2016, Klüppelberg et al. 2014). Among the variety
of risk measure families introduced in this framework,
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
quantile-based risk measures such as Value-at-Risk (VaR)
and Average Value-at-Risk (AVaR) have received special
attention because of their direct interpretation and easy
computational implementation, besides the compliance of
certain axioms. There is a very vast literature on applications of risk measures under this approach in diverse fields;
in the geostatistical context, see, for example, Bernardi
et al. (2018), Li et al. (2018). This theory quickly advances
in different challenging directions from the complexity
perspective, including systemic risk measures (e.g. Kleinow et al. 2017; Souza et al. 2016), risk transfer optimization (e.g. Filipović and Kupper 2008; Haier et al.
2016), etc.
In this paper, a general and flexible methodology for
spatial and spatiotemporal risk assessment is proposed
based on a conditional approach. More specifically, for a
given random field model and available observations,
empirical distributions of different threshold exceedance
indicators are obtained from conditional simulation, as a
basis for evaluation of measures of risk. In particular, the
study is focused on the global and local assessment of
exceedance area and excess volume indicators, from which
different risk maps are derived. For these so-called firstorder indicators, the compound cumulative distribution
function (e.g. Craigmile et al. 2005; French and Sain 2013;
Lahiri et al. 1999; Wright et al. 2003; Zhang et al. 2008)
plays a key role, both formally and regarding the practical
threshold specification (a formal definition is given in Sect.
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 provides a
basic introduction to essential concepts related to quantilebased risk measures and elements related to the threshold
exceedance indicators considered. Section 3 describes in
detail the methodological aspects, first formally and then
from a computational point of view. In Sect. 4, based on
simulations under different spatial (Cauchy, Student and
Fisher–Snedecor random fields) and spatiotemporal (blurgenerated autoregressive model) scenarios is performed,
different aspects of particular relevance are illustrated.
Finally, in Sect. 5 a summary is given with further reference to some directions of continuing research in this
2 Preliminary elements
This section introduces technical notation, definitions and
some preliminary relation between the elements involved
in the methodology proposed. First, some aspects related to
risk measures are considered.
2.1 Risk measures
Definition 1 Given a probability space ðX; F ; PÞ, and
MB ðX; F ; PÞ, the space of real-valued Borel-measurable
functions defined on ðX; F ; PÞ, a risk measure is a
q : MðX; F ; PÞ ! R
satisfying certain suitable conditions, where MðX; F ; PÞ is
denotes the
a linear subspace of MB ðX; F ; PÞ, and R
compactification of R given by R [ f 1; þ1g.
Often, MðX; F ; PÞ is taken to be an Lp ðX; F ; PÞ space,
with p 2 ½1; 1. In this work, we assume that the argument
random variables represent loss in some sense.
As mentioned in Sect. 1, mainly based on financial and
actuarial problems, some fundamental classes such as coherent and convex risk measures (see, for example, Föllmer
and Schied 2016) are attributed significance, each one with
some of the properties or axioms listed below:
Translation invariance: qðX þ aÞ ¼ qðXÞ þ a, for
a 2 R.
Monotonicity: X Y P a:s: ) qðXÞ qðYÞ.
Positive homogeneity: qðaXÞ ¼ aqðXÞ, for a [ 0.
Sub-additivity: qðX þ YÞ qðXÞ þ qðYÞ.
qðaX þ ð1 aÞYÞ aqðXÞ þ ð1 aÞqðYÞ,
a 2 ½0; 1.
(A detailed analysis of axioms (i)–(v) in a financial and
actuarial framework is developed in Föllmer and Schied
2016). A risk measure is said to be coherent if it satisfies (i),
(ii), (iii) and (iv), whereas is said to be convex if it satisfies (i),
(ii) and (v). Every coherent risk measure is a convex risk
measure, but not conversely. Coherent and convex risk
measures are important, in particular, because they can be
expressed in terms of mathematical expectations by means of
dual representation theorems. (From a conceptual point of
view, and in the context of financial risk assessment,
coherency was formally introduced and justified as a desirable set of properties in the seminal paper by Artzner et al.
1999, while convexity was proposed by Föllmer and Schied
2002, and parallelly by Frittelli and Gianin 2002, for a less
restrictive instrument regarding risk diversification.)
Risk measures formulated in terms of distribution
moments and/or quantiles are usually considered because
of their easy interpretation in terms of the probability distribution. Here, in particular, the definition of the wellknown quantile-based risk measures Value-at-Risk (VaR)
and Average Value-at-Risk (AVaR) is introduced.
Definition 2 Let X be a loss random variable, with
cumulative distribution function (CDF) FX . Let a 2 ð0; 1.
The Value-at-Risk at confidence level 1 a of X,
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
VaR1 a ðXÞ, is defined as the lower ð1
distribution of X:
VaR1 a ðXÞ ¼ inffx 2 R : FX ðxÞ 1
aÞ quantile of the
It follows that if X is a continuous random variable, then
VaR1 a ðXÞ ¼ FX 1 ð1
aÞ ;
where ‘ ’ stands for the ‘lim inf’ of the set.
Definition 3 Under the previous assumptions on X and a,
the Average Value-at-Risk at confidence level 1 a of X,
AVaR1 a ðXÞ, is defined as
1 1
VaRp ðXÞdp:
AVaR1 a ðXÞ ¼
a 1 a
In the case where X has a continuous probability distribution, AVaR1 a ðXÞ is a conditional expectation:
AVaR1 a ðXÞ ¼ E½XjX [ VaR1 a ðXÞ:
Hence, in this case, while VaR1 a ðXÞ represents the minimal loss that will occur in the 100a% worst scenarios,
AVaR1 a ðXÞ represents the average loss that will occur in
the 100a% worst scenarios. In general, VaR1 a ðÞ is not a
coherent risk measure, because of lack of subadditivity
except for special cases, whereas AVaR1 a ðÞ is always a
coherent risk measure. In fact, VaR does not take into
account the tail behaviour above the specified confidence
level quantile, whilst AVaR does it.
A generalized formulation of quantile-based risk measures is given by the so-called spectral risk measures,
defined as
Z 1
M/ ðXÞ ¼
VaRp ðXÞ/ðpÞdp;
where / is a weight function such that /ðÞ 0 and
0 /ðpÞdp ¼ 1. M/ ðÞ is a coherent risk measure for
monotonically non-decreasing weight functions (e.g.
AVaR1 a ðÞ).
2.2 Random field threshold exceedances
Some aspects related to notation and definition of random
field threshold exceedance indicators considered for the
methodology proposed are introduced below.
Hereafter, X denotes a spatial random field (RF), i.e.
X ¼ fXðsÞ 2 MB ðX; F ; PÞ : s 2 S Rd g; D S is a
bounded subdomain with non-null Lebesgue measure,
kðDÞ [ 0: For simplicity, all the random variables X(s) are
assumed to have a continuous distribution. Let u 2 R be a
pre-fixed threshold level.
Definition 4 Au ðX; DÞ ¼ fs 2 D : XðsÞ ug is the excursion set of X in D over level u 2 R.
While for d ¼ 1 this is the disjoint union of closed sets
some of which may be degenerate, for d [ 1 the excursion
set involves a higher geometrical complexity. In particular,
aspects related to the fragmented structure of the set can be
analyzed in terms of its connected components. A general
treatment of the geometry of random field excursion sets
based on intrinsic volumes is approached, for instance, by
Adler and Taylor (2007).
Definition 5
Iu ðsÞ ¼ 1fXðsÞug : s 2 S is the u-exceedance
indicator RF.
Definition 6 fXu ðsÞ ¼ maxf0; XðsÞ
u-excess RF.
ug : s 2 Sg is the
As mentioned before, risk measures are evaluated on
random variables representing loss in some sense. In this
work, indicators related to exceedance areas and excess
volumes are considered (see Table 1 for notation), under the
assumption that suitable regularity and measurability conditions hold for their existence, as well as for the existence of
their expectations (see, for instance, Adler 1981; Adler and
Taylor 2007; Azäis and Wschebor 2009, etc.)
For a given threshold u and a subdomain D, kðAu ðX; DÞÞ
expresses the total area with the values of the random
magnitude represented by the RF lying above the threshold
u; kD ðAu ðX; DÞÞ represents the exceedance area ratio with
respect to the subdomain D; E½kðAu ðX; DÞÞ and
E½kD ðAu ðX; DÞÞ denote their respective expected values.
Further, VðAu ðX; DÞÞ expresses the total excess volume of
the RF above the threshold u; V D ðAu ðX; DÞÞ represents the
excess volume ratio with respect to the subdomain D; as
before, E½VðAu ðX; DÞÞ and E½V D ðAu ðX; DÞÞ denote their
corresponding expected values. In Sect. 3, some other
indicators of practical interest are analyzed, such as the
volume ratio with respect to the area of the excursion set,
V Au ðAu ðX; DÞÞ, and the average volume ratio per (non-degenerate) connected component of the excursion set,
Vcc ðAu ðX; DÞÞ (this indicator is only considered when the
number of non-degenerate connected components, Ncc
, is
finite or, otherwise, for connected components with a certain minimum area size). It should be noted that the specific
indicators here considered are invariant with respect to
changes in the values of the random field variables corresponding to subsets of locations with zero Lebesgue measure. In particular, the possibility of degenerate excursion
sets consisting of only isolated points is not excluded;
however, in such cases the exceedance area, as well as the
excess volume, will be 0. This can be interpreted in the
sense that, under such indicators, risk is evaluated on the
basis of non-degenerate occurrences of exceedances with
respect to the dimension of the domain. (Nevertheless, as
an aspect of interest, for regularity conditions under which
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
Table 1 Some first-order random indicators of RF threshold exceedances
kðAu ðX; DÞÞ
Au ðX;DÞ
[u0 u Au0 ðX;DÞ
Indicator of exceedance area
Relative (w.r.t. D)
kðAu ðX;DÞÞ
k ðAu ðX; DÞÞ
Indicator of excess volume
VðAu ðX; DÞÞ
Relative w.r.t. D
V D ðAu ðX; DÞÞ
Relative w.r.t. Au
V Au ðAu ðX; DÞÞ
Relative per connected component Ci (average, for i ¼ 1; . . .; Ncc
Vcc ðAu ðX; DÞÞ
the probability of having degenerate tangence points to a
given threshold becomes null, the reader is referred to
multiparameter versions of Bulinskaya’s theorem in Adler
and Taylor 2007; Azäis and Wschebor 2009, among other
In general, the distributions of these indicators are
unknown, and analytical expressions or numerical
approximations for the considered risk measures are
unfeasible. This supports, as mentioned before, the
importance of developing suitable methodologies that
allow to compute these measures under general conditions.
2.3 Some preliminary results
kðAu ðX;DÞÞ
PNccD nVðAu ðX;Ci ÞÞo
kðAu ðX;Ci ÞÞ
Proposition 1 Given a spatial RF X on S 2 Rd satisfying
suitable regularity and measurability conditions, a bounded subdomain D S; and a fixed threshold u 2 R; the
following relations hold:
(i) kðAu ðX; DÞÞ ¼ D IuX ðsÞds
(ii) E½kðAu ðX; DÞÞ ¼ kðDÞSD
X ðuÞ
(iii) E½kD ðAu ðX; DÞÞ ¼ SD
R þ1 X
(iv) V ðAu ðX; DÞÞ ¼ u kðAu0 ðX; DÞÞdu0 ¼ D Xu ðsÞds
R þ1
(v) E½VðAu ðX; DÞÞ ¼ kðDÞ u SDX ðu0 Þdu0 ¼ kðDÞE½XuD
(vi) E½V D ðAu ðX; DÞÞ ¼ u SD
X ðu Þdu ¼ E½Xu
where XuD ¼ maxf0; X D
In this subsection, some preliminary formalizations and
results concerning the indicators defined in Sect. 2.2 and
their expected values are introduced.
Let FXD ðxÞ be the compound cumulative distribution
function (CDF) defined as
FXðsÞ ðxÞkD ðdsÞ;
FX ðxÞ ¼
where FXðsÞ denotes the CDF of X(s), and kD ðdsÞ :¼ kðDÞ
represents the normalized Lebesgue measure on D. Let X D
be the corresponding compound r.v., whose values are
obtained by first randomly (i.e. according to the normalized
Lebesgue measure) selecting a location s within the domain
D and then assigning the corresponding X(s) realization.
Let SD
FXD ðÞ, i.e. the decumulative distribution
X ðÞ ¼ 1
function (DDF) of X D . In what follows, suitable regularity
and measurability conditions will be referred to hold for
random field X in order to guarantee that the indicators
considered are well defined, as well as for the existence of
their expectations (see, for instance, Adler 1981, sec. 3.2;
Adler and Taylor 2007, sec. 6.2; Azäis and Wschebor
2009, sec. 7.1; Vanmarcke 2010, sec. 3.6).
Since IuX ðsÞ ¼ 1 if s 2 Au ðX; DÞ, and IuX ðsÞ ¼ 0 if
s 62 Au ðX; DÞ, it follows that kðAu ðX; DÞÞ ¼
Au ðX;DÞ ds ¼ D Iu ðsÞds.
By Fubini’s theorem, E½kðAu ðX; DÞÞ ¼ D P
½XðsÞ uds ¼ D SXðsÞ ds ¼ D 1 FXðsÞ ðuÞ ds ¼
D FXðsÞ ðuÞds, with SXðsÞ being the DDF of
X(s). Hence, by Eq. (1), E½kðAu ðX; DÞÞ ¼
kðDÞð1 FXD ðuÞÞ ¼ kðDÞSD
X ðuÞ.
kðAu ðX; DÞÞ
E½k ðAu ðX; DÞÞ ¼ E
ðAu ðX; DÞÞ ¼ SD
VðAu ðX; DÞÞ ¼ D½u;þ1Þ IuX0 ðsÞdsdu0 : Hence, by
R þ1
Fubini’s theorem, VðAu ðX; DÞÞ ¼ u kðAu0 ðX;
DÞÞ du0 ¼ D Xu ðsÞds.
From the proof of (iv), E½VðAu ðX; DÞÞ ¼
D½u;þ1Þ P½XðsÞ u dsdu . Hence, correspondR þ1
ingly, E½VðAu ðX; DÞÞ ¼ kðDÞ u SD
X ðu Þdu and
R þ1 0
E½VðAu ðX; DÞÞ ¼ kðDÞ u ðu uÞFXD ðu0 Þdu0 ¼
kðDÞE½XuD .
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
VðAu ðX; DÞÞ
E½V ðAu ðX; DÞÞ ¼ E
R þ1
E½VðAu ðX; DÞÞ ¼ u SD
X ðu Þdu ¼ E½Xu .
This proposition shows the relevance of the compound
CDF for the first-order indicators considered, playing a key
role in the methodology proposed in the following section.
3 Methodology
In this section, formal and computational aspects of the
proposed methodology are described. The approach is
based on a conditional risk assessment, performed at global
and local (subregional) scales, with the latter being used, in
particular, for risk mapping. Specifically, risk measures are
evaluated based on the empirical distributions of selected
indicators, derived from simulation of the underlying random field conditional to the available spatial (or spatiotemporal) observations. As mentioned, two special cases
of quantile-based risk measures, VaR and AVaR, are
considered here for illustration.
Formally, let X be the random field representing the
phenomenon under study, and let u be the reference
threshold level considered for risk assessment. As mentioned
before, commonly u may be prescribed as a certain critical
level of a direct meaning regarding the physical magnitude
and contextual aspects. However, in many cases risk
assessment is performed under specification of different
scenarios for threshold levels corresponding to percentage
(or probabilistic) global exceedance considerations. A natural approach, then, consists in considering the compound
CDF FXD for reference.
More precisely, as given in Proposition 1 (iii), for a
given threshold level u, the value
FXD ðuÞ ¼ 1
E½kD ðAu ðX; DÞÞ
represents the expected area proportion within D with no
exceedance over u (i.e, XðsÞ\u). In particular, for any
a 2 ð0; 1Þ, the threshold defined by the corresponding
ð1 aÞ quantile of the compound CDF FXD , i.e.
u1 a :¼ FX D1 ð1 aÞ , satisfies
E½kD ðAu1 a ðX; DÞÞ ¼ a:
(Conversely, for a given threshold u, the corresponding
exceedance area proportion is given by au ¼ 1 FXD ðuÞ,
with an analogous interpretation). In this approach, this
form of threshold level specification is applied to the
conditional random field derived from X with respect to the
available observed data X ¼ fXðs1 Þ; . . .; Xðsn Þg, denoted
as XjX. The corresponding excursion set is, in this case,
Au1 a ðXjX; DÞ. In practice, the threshold u1 a for a given a
value is estimated from the empirical compound CDF
obtained by aggregation of the conditional simulation
samples (see Sect. 3.2, step 3).
For simplicity, let us denote by I 1 a any first-order
indicator (such as the exceedance area or the excess volume) which is defined as a function of the realizations on
; ðXjXÞu1 a Þ (equivalently,
D of the joint random field ðIuXjX
1 a
as a function of the random excursion set family
Au1 a0 ðXjX; DÞ : a0 a ). Now, for a conveniently large
number M of simulated realizations of XjX, denoted here as
ðXjXÞ½m (m ¼ 1; . . .; M), the corresponding excursion sets
Au1 a0 ððXjXÞ½m ; DÞ
ðXjXÞ ;D
I1 a
can be identified. Evaluation of difm¼1;...;M
ferent risk measures is then performed based on the
empirical CDF, F^I , obtained from the latter. For instance,
assume that a threshold level specification is given as u1 a1 ,
for a certain prescribed exceedance area proportion a1 .
Then, the corresponding ‘empirical’ VaR and AVaR values
of the I 1
indicator can be derived, for any confidence
level 1 a2 , as VaR1 a2 ðI 1 a1 Þ and AVaR1 a2 ðI 1 a1 Þ.
In a spatiotemporal scenario, this approach can be
applied to the spatial cross-sections, thus allowing, by
conditional simulation, the derivation of dynamic predictive risk assessment according to different temporal
3.1 Local analysis and risk mapping
For a fixed threshold level u, possibly determined as u1 a1 for
a certain specified global exceedance area proportion a1 , a
local analysis can be performed regarding the spatial distribution of the exceedances, by applying the above described
procedure restricted to subregions, D0 , of the domain. For
simplicity, among different approaches for implementation,
here we assume that D is a rectangular domain and D0 is
defined by the restrictions of D based on a rectangular sliding
window of a certain size, which is moved in the directions of
the coordinate axes at regular steps with a certain degree of
overlapping. The evaluation of the selected indicators and
risk measures is then performed on each particular D0 subdomain, allowing the construction of ‘local risk’ maps on
D at different resolution scales. The spatiotemporal extension can be similarly carried out.
3.2 Further computational aspects
In practice, simulation of the underlying random field,
conditional on a set of observations at given locations, is
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
performed based on a regular grid. The nodes are identified
as the centroids of cells covering the spatial domain.
Computation of the empirical compound CDF based on
the simulated realizations is obtained by discretization of
the integral (1), as follows:
Based on a grid of N1 N2 cells for a (rectangular)
domain D, generate M independent replicates of the
considered random field XjX (hereafter denoted as
f X½ði; jÞ; m : i ¼ 1; . . .; N1 ; j ¼ 1; . . .; N2 g; m ¼ 1; . . .; M;
where X[(i, j); m] represents the value obtained for
the conditional random field (XjX) in the m th
simulated realization at the location corresponding to
the grid node (i, j). Let mði;jÞ ðxÞ be the number of
values X½ði; jÞ; m x at the node (i, j), and
P 1 P N2
mðxÞ :¼ Ni¼1
j¼1 mði;jÞ ðxÞ, i.e. the accumulated
number of values X½ði; jÞ; m x in the aggregated
f X½ði; jÞ; m : m ¼ 1; . . .; M; i ¼ 1; . . .; N1 ; j ¼ 1; . . .; N2 g;
which can be seen as
N1 [
fX½ði; jÞ; m : m ¼ 1; . . .; M g;
i¼1 j¼1
i.e. the union of the set of replicates at each point
(i, j), or as
fX½ði; jÞ; m : i ¼ 1; . . .; N1 ; j ¼ 1; . . .; N2 g;
i.e. the union of the m sample realization replicates.
Empirical CDF at each node (i, j): assign, for each
x 2 R,
F^ði;jÞ ðxÞ ¼
if x\X½ði; jÞ; ð1Þ
if X½ði; jÞ; ðmÞ x\X½ði; jÞ; ðm þ 1Þ; m ¼ 1; . . .; M
if x X½ði; jÞ; ðmÞ
where fX½ði; jÞ; ðmÞ : m ¼ 1; . . .; M g is the ordered
sample at (i, j).
Empirical compound CDF: assign, for each x 2 R,
F^XD ðxÞ ¼
N1 X
i¼1 j¼1
F^ði;jÞ ðxÞ
N1 N2
N1 X
mði;jÞ ðxÞ 1
M N1 N2
i¼1 j¼1
MN1 N2
Excursion sets, and corresponding evaluation of indicators,
are approximated on a cell aggregation basis.
Here, the package RandomFields of the R Statistical
Computing software is used for conditional simulation. The
MATLAB environment is used for the remaining computational and graphical aspects.
4 Illustration based on simulations
In this section, significant aspects of the quantile-based risk
measures VaR and AVaR applied to some indicators of
interest, as mentioned in Sects. 2 and 3, are analyzed under
different scenarios in the purely spatial and spatiotemporal
frameworks by means of a simulation study. For simplicity,
hereafter X implicitly stands, when appropriate, for the
conditional RF XjX on given observations. A percentile
level 1 a1 for the empirical compound CDF FXD , defining
an excursion set over threshold u1 a1 , and a confidence
level 1 a2 for the empirical CDF of each specific indicator, are considered. Global and local measurements of
these risk measures are illustrated and compared.
Moreover, in all the cases considered, and for illustration purposes, it must be understood that the random field
of interest is the discrete version of the underlying continuous-domain random field consisting of the variables
corresponding to a regular grid of a pre-fixed resolution. In
this sense, we must emphasize that aspects related to regularity conditions are not involved, except for the fact that
the results obtained are intrinsically related to the size of
the grid cells (see Adler 1981, Ch. 8, for a discussion in
reference to this issue).
4.1 Spatial analysis
Three classes of well-known random field models are
considered: generalized Cauchy, Student and Fisher–Snedecor. From the global and local measurements, significant
interpretations and comparisons, depending on the structural characteristics of the underlying model, are derived
from the analysis performed.
The Cauchy class model (see Gneiting and Schlather
2004) is defined by the homogeneous and isotropic
covariance function
CðhÞ ¼ r2 ð1 þ jhja Þ
a 2 ð0; 2 and b [ 0:
This class allows a separately characterization of local
variability and dependence ranges. For a random field on
Rd the parameter a determines the fractal dimension of
realizations, D ¼ d þ 1 a=2. If b 2 ð0; 1Þ, the process
has long memory, with Hurst coefficient H ¼ 1 b=2.
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
The Student and Fisher–Snedecor class models (see
Leonenko and Olenko 2014) are defined as
g1 ðxÞ
Tn ðxÞ ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2 ðxÞ þ þ g2 ðxÞ
g1 ðxÞ þ þ g2m ðxÞ
ðFisher SnedecorÞ
Fm;n ðxÞ ¼ 1 2
n gmþ1 ðxÞ þ þ gmþn ðxÞ
where g1 ; . . .; gmþn are independent copies of a meansquare continuous homogeneous isotropic zero-mean
Gaussian random field.
For this illustration, the Gaussian Cauchy class model
under four scenarios, ða; bÞ ¼ ð0:5; 0:1Þ, (2, 0.1), (0.5, 0.9)
and (2, 0.9), with variance r2 ¼ 0:1, and the Student and
Fisher–Snedecor classes based on the Cauchy class model
under these four scenarios, are considered. For each case,
200 realizations are simulated on the square ½ 100; 1002 ,
both unconditionally and conditionally. More specifically,
for the conditional approach, the parameter values are fixed
and an unconditional simulated realization of the random
field X is generated at 50 pre-fixed locations randomly
chosen within the domain. Then, adopting these values as
the observed data, realizations are generated by conditional
simulation using the same parameter values.
Results for various indicators including areas, volumes,
and volumes relative to areas (total and per connected
component), are derived and compared between the different scenarios, at global and local scales.
Figure 1 displays, as an example, simulated realizations
based on the four scenarios considered for the Cauchy
class, allowing the visualization of the dependence structure and fractality features according to the parameter
values. For instance, both aspects jointly depict a particularly contrastive behaviour for the cases ða; bÞ ¼ ð0:5; 0:9Þ
and (2, 0.1). The effect of conditioning can be seen comparing to the corresponding plot, for each case, in Fig. 2.
Furthermore, as illustrated in Figs. 3 and 4, long-range
dependence determined by smaller b provides lower variability in the neighborhood of the conditioning points. The
Fig. 1 Simulated realizations on the square ½ 100; 1002 from Cauchy model with r2 ¼ 0:1. a (a,b) = (0.5,0.1). b (a,b) = (2,0.1). c (a,b) =
(0.5,0.9). d (a,b) = (2,0.9)
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
Fig. 2 Simulated realizations on the square ½ 100; 1002 from Cauchy model with r2 ¼ 0:1, conditional to given values at 50 pre-fixed points
for each model. a (a,b) = (0.5,0.1). b (a,b) = (2,0.1). c (a,b) = (0.5,0.9). d (a,b) = (2,0.9)
heavy-tailed behaviour of Student and Fisher–Snedecor
models is clearly observed in Figs. 5 and 6, respectively,
where the different scales of variation can be also noticed;
to help visualization, nonlinearly rescaled representations
of the generated values are also displayed, using the
transformations gðxÞ ¼ sgnðxÞ lnð1 þ jxjÞ for Student case,
and hðxÞ ¼ lnðxÞ for Fisher–Snedecor case.
4.1.1 Global measures
Based on the empirical compound CDF FXD , obtained from
the 200 simulated realizations, for the three models and
under the different parameter values, the empirical distributions of various characteristics of excursion sets are
analyzed in terms of related VaR and AVaR measures.
Specifically, the aim is to assess the sensitivity of these risk
measures for varying thresholds, u1 a1 , and varying confidence levels, 1 a2 , under different scenarios.
In Fig. 7 three indicators are analyzed for the Cauchy
model with ða; bÞ ¼ ð2; 0:1Þ, r2 ¼ 0:1, namely the absolute
excess volume V, the excess volume relative to the
exceedance area V Au , and the average relative excess volume per connected component Vcc . Plot (a) shows the rate
of decay of V for increasing threshold u1 a1 , for different
confidence levels 1 a2 . As expected, for fixed u1 a1 ,
AVaR1 a2 ðVðAu1 a1 ðX; DÞÞÞ increases as a2 tends to 0. For
this particular model, a similar behaviour occurs for V Au , as
displayed in plot (b), which indicates that the excess volume decreases faster than the exceedance area for
increasing threshold. However, as seen in plot (c), due to
the effect of fragmentation, the indicator Vcc changes to
increase for higher threshold u1 a1 values. Regarding
indicator V Au , it is important to emphasize that, in the case
of heavy-tailed scenarios, the excess volume may decrease
slower than the exceedance area for increasing threshold,
as shown in Fig. 8.
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
Fig. 3 Surface plots for the map of variances from Cauchy model. a (a,b) = (0.5,0.9). b (a,b) = (2,0.1)
Fig. 4 Level plots for the map of variances (top plots) and corresponding level plot of differences of variances between scenarios (bottom plot)
from Cauchy model. a (a,b) = (0.5,0.9). b (a,b) = (2,0.1). c Differences between a and b
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
Fig. 5 Simulated realizations on the square ½ 100; 1002 from Student model, (top plots) at original scale and (bottom plots) using the scale
transformation gðxÞ ¼ sgnðxÞ lnð1 þ jxjÞ, for ða; bÞ ¼ ð0:5; 0:9Þ and (2, 0.1), with r2 ¼ 0:1. a (a,b) = (0.5,0.9). b (a,b) = (2,0.1). c (a,b) =
(0.5,0.9). d (a,b) = (2,0.1)
4.1.2 Local measures
A similar study is performed locally, based on sliding
windows, for assessment of regional variations of risk. The
scale of analysis and degree of interpolation are determined
by the size of the window and the sliding step. Here we use
a square window of size 33 33, and step equal to 11 cells.
Risk surfaces and maps are drawn for different characteristics, models and parameter values. For illustration, in all
the cases, an excursion set is determined for a fixed percentile 1 a1 ¼ 0:90, based on the compound CDF FXD .
Then, the VaR and AVaR risk measures for a fixed confidence level 1 a2 ¼ 0:95 are calculated for the local
indicators kD and V Au (with A0u ¼ Au ðX; DÞ \ D0 ) at each
subdomain D0 .
Figures 9 and 10 show the combined effect of conditioning and model structure for two contrastive Cauchy
In Fig. 11, as expected, the AVaR surface is above the
corresponding VaR surface, displayed in particular for
indicator V Au ; however, the conditioning effect makes the
relative differences between both measures to vary locally.
As noticed in Fig. 12, the heavy-tailed behaviour of the
Student and Fisher–Snedecor random field models is
reflected in a higher level of local heterogeneity in the
relative excess volume compared to the corresponding
exceedance area risk maps.
4.2 Spatiotemporal analysis
The methodology is also applied to conditional evaluation
of risk in a spatiotemporal context. For illustration, the
blur-generated non-separable space–time model introduced
by Brown et al. (2000) (see also Angulo and Madrid 2014,
for an extended version with dynamic spatial deformation)
is used:
Yðs; tÞ ¼ aY½hðs; t
1Þ þ Zðs; tÞ;
Y½hðs; t
1Þ ¼ h Yðs; t
1Þ ¼
hðs; s0 ÞYðs0 ; t
1Þds0 ;
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
Fig. 6 Simulated realizations on the square ½ 100; 1002 from Fisher–Snedecor model, (top plots) at original scale and (bottom plots) using the
scale transformation hðxÞ ¼ lnðxÞ, for ða; bÞ ¼ ð0:5; 0:9Þ and (2, 0.1), with r2 ¼ 0:1. a (a,b) = (0.5,0.9). b (a,b) = (2,0.1). c (a,b) = (0.5,0.9).
d (a,b) = (2,0.1)
with Yðs; 0Þ ¼ Y0 being a spatial random field on Rd , Z a
spatiotemporal random field on Rd R assumed to be
white in time, h a blurring kernel, and a a constant such
that 0\a\1. Here, in the case d ¼ 2, a Cauchy class
model for Z with ða; bÞ ¼ ð2; 0:1Þ and r2 ¼ 0:1, a homogeneous Gaussian blurring kernel with variance r2h ¼ 10,
and a ¼ 0:9 are considered. Given a fixed complete realization at t ¼ 0 obtained in stationary regime, 200 replicates are conditionally simulated for evolution at
t ¼ 1; 2; 3. In this case, a square window of size 21 21,
and step equal to 6 cell units is used for local analysis.
Predictive risk assessment is then peformed for different
characteristics, at horizons 1, 2 and 3. Specifically, in
Figs. 13, 14 and 15, corresponding risk maps obtained for
the indicators kD , V D and V Au based on AVaR are displayed. As expected, the levels of risk increase for larger
horizon, with this effect varying locally according to the
spatiotemporal dependence structure of the underlying
process. Also, these maps clearly reflect the dynamic
behaviour in relation to the conditioning observation at
t ¼ 0.
5 Conclusion
In this paper, a flexible methodological approach for spatial
and spatiotemporal risk assessment of threshold exceedances is introduced. Using the empirical distribution,
derived from conditional simulation on given observations,
of selected indicators related to geometrical characteristics
of the excursion sets, quantile-based risk measures such as
Value-at-Risk and Average Value-at-Risk are evaluated at
global or subregional scales. The latter allow the construction of (static or dynamic) risk maps at different resolution levels. In particular, first-order indicators such as
absolute or relative versions of exceedance area and excess
volume are formally shown to have a meaningful formalization in terms of the compound cumulative (and its
reciprocal decumulative) distribution function, which further provides a global quantile correspondence and interpretation regarding the determination of the threshold
exceedance level of interest for study. Computational
aspects of the implementation of the procedure are
described. Different issues related to the characteristics of
the underlying random field, in the spatial case, are
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
Fig. 7 Level plots of AVaR1 a2 ðI ðAu1 a1 ðX; DÞÞÞ for a I ¼ V, b I ¼
V Au and c I ¼ Vcc based on varying (u1 a1 ; 1 a2 ) values, from
Cauchy model with ða; bÞ ¼ ð2; 0:1Þ, r2 ¼ 0:1
Fig. 8 Level plots of AVaR1 a2 ðV Au ðA1 a1 ðX; DÞÞÞ based on varying
(u1 a1 ; 1 a2 ) values from a Cauchy, b Student and c Fisher–
Snedecor models with ða; bÞ ¼ ð2; 0:1Þ, r2 ¼ 0:1
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
Fig. 9 Local measurements of VaR for indicators a VaR0:95 ðkD Þ and b VaR0:95 ðV Au Þ from Cauchy class model with ða; bÞ ¼ ð0:5; 0:9Þ, r2 ¼ 0:1
Fig. 10 Local measurements of VaR for indicators a VaR0:95 ðkD Þ and b VaR0:95 ðV Au Þ from Cauchy class model with ða; bÞ ¼ ð2; 0:1Þ, r2 ¼ 0:1
Fig. 11 Local measurements of a VaR and b AVaR for indicator V Au from Cauchy class model with ða; bÞ ¼ ð2; 0:1Þ, r2 ¼ 0:1
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
Fig. 12 Local measurements of AVaR0:95 ðkD Þ (left) and AVaR0:95 ðV Au Þ (right) from a Cauchy, b Student and c Fisher–Snedecor models with
ða; bÞ ¼ ð2; 0:1Þ, r2 ¼ 0:1
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
Fig. 13 Local measurements of AVaR0:95 ðkD Þ from model (2)–(3) at horizons (left to right) t ¼ 1; 2; 3. Top plot represents the observed
realization at t ¼ 0
Fig. 14 Local measurements of AVaR0:95 ðV D Þ from model (2)–(3) at horizons (left to right) t ¼ 1; 2; 3. Top plot represents the observed
realization at t ¼ 0
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
Fig. 15 Local measurements of AVaR0:95 ðV Au Þ from model (2)–(3) at horizons (left to right) t ¼ 1; 2; 3. Top plot represents the observed
realization at t ¼ 0
analyzed and discussed through simulated examples. These
refer to the nature of the tails of the marginal distributions,
as well as to the range of spatial dependence and local
variability of realizations. In the spatiotemporal case,
application to predictive risk for different horizons is
illustrated based on a wellknown autoregressive model
involving blur-generated diffusivity.
The methodology proposed can be applied in a wide
variety of situations, with minimum requirements except
for the ability to perform conditional simulation in the case
under study. A number of relevant directions for continuing
research are open, among which we particularly stress the
following: (1) sensitivity analysis with respect to different
sources of perturbation and model specifications; (2) generalized thresholds (functional, stochastic, test-function
based, etc.) (3) clustering and dynamics of ‘hotspots’; (4)
analytical and methodological developments for secondand higher-order indicators, and (5) extension and application of state distortion and space deformation approaches
in relation to model complexities.
Acknowledgements The authors are particularly grateful to the
Associate Editor and the Reviewers for their detailed comments and
constructive suggestions, which have led to significant improvements
in the final version of the manuscript. This work has been partially
supported by Grants MTM2012-32666 and MTM2015-70840-P of
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