Crimson Publishers
Research Article
Wings to the Research
Pain in Burning Mouth SyndromeNeuropathogenic Hypothesis
Elena Claudia Coculescu1, Gheorghe Manole2, Carmen Nicolae1 and BogdanIoan Coculescu3,4*
Faculty of Dental Medicine, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest,
Faculty of General Nursing, Bioterra University, Bucharest, Romania
ISSN: 2637-7764
Cantacuzino National Medico-Military Institute for Research and Development, Bucharest,
Faculty of Medicine, Titu Maiorescu University, Bucharest, Romania
*Corresponding author: Bogdan-Ioan Coculescu, Faculty of Medicine, Titu Maiorescu
University, 67A Gheorghe Petraşcu, Bucharest, Romania
Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) in its primary clinical form has controversial etiopathogenesis, which
explains the frequency of therapeutic failures. On the other hand, the characteristics of the oral pain that
allow it to be identified as a particular form of pain are an impediment to its classification in a certain
category: through functional lesion/disruption of receptors, of neuropathy or cortical type. Based on
their professional experience and the scientific data from the specialized medical literature, the authors
raise the hypothesis of the existence of a neuronal irrigation deficiency, manifested both at the conductive
sensory fibers of the influx and, preferably, in the sensory-sensorial cortex for pain and taste, or their
association. According to the hypothesis, neural irrigation is responsible for installing a shortage of
energy production and use, as well as the local synthesis of excess reactive oxygen species that engages
the disruption of conduction of the thermoalgesic nervous influx generated in the oral/lingual mucosa.
Keywords: Oxidative stress; Neuropathic pain; Cortical pain
Abbreviation: BMS: Burning Mouth Syndrome
May 17, 2021
June 01, 2021
Volume 6 - Issue 3
How to cite this article: Elena Claudia
Coculescu, Gheorghe Manole, Carmen
Nicolae, Bogdan-Ioan Coculescu. Pain in
Burning Mouth Syndrome-Neuropathogenic Hypothesis. Mod Res Dent. 6(3).
MRD. 000639. 2021.
DOI: 10.31031/MRD.2021.06.000639
Copyright@ Bogdan-Ioan Coculescu, This
article is distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License, which permits
unrestricted use and redistribution
provided that the original author and
source are credited.
Since the definition of neuropathic pain in 1994 by the International Association for the
Study of Pain was of a general nature, in 2008, the Neuropathic Pain Study Working Group
within the same scientific forum pain has been redefined as “the pain as a direct consequence
of the injury or of affecting the somatosensory system” [1,2]. The characteristic feature
of the primary form of BMS to develop paroxystically, spontaneously, in the absence of
an inducing stimulus, or to exacerbate very varied stimuli, but also to associate abnormal
sensations, allows the pain to be classified as neuropathic. As it deteriorates the quality of
life, with socio-professional consequences, BMS’s symptomatology justifies the interest of its
etiopathogenesis study, which, if identified, would also provide effective management tools
for this condition [3-6]. Starting from our finding that the BMS sensitivity disorder is localized
to a particular neuro-anatomical area, we argue that the symptomatology of the syndrome is
the most likely expression of the development of predominantly functional disturbances at
the peripheral tract of the cranial nerves. It consists of the dendritic extensions, respectively
of the axon of the neuron I located in the nerve attached to the cranial nerves, which it forms.
In our view, dysfunctionality is predominantly axonal, as a consequence of the development
of microangiosclerosis in the vascular plexus whose tract accompanies the nerve, from which
two independent functional sources are detached: the extrinsic, epineural and intrinsic
endoneural system [4-9].
Material and Methods
In an attempt to explain the pathogenesis of pain syndrome in BMS, we have chosen to
discuss a possible neurophysiological mechanism based on articles published in international
databases conducted by the keywords “pain” and “burning mouth syndrome”. Starting from
this hypothetical version, this study seeks arguments that the burning mouth syndrome might
be due to nonspecific central neuropathic and/ or peripheral disorder.
Modern Research in Dentistry
MRD.000639. 6(3).2021
Starting from the concept that pain is a psychological experience
that “articulates” around three fundamental components: sensorydiscriminative, motivational and cognitive, it must be admitted that
both ordinary tact, pressure, vibration, temperature, and painful
sensations as a result of the strong increase in the intensity of
sensations of different types would be transmitted encoded into
packets of action potentials which, at the cortical levels of the
nervous system, are decoded, analyzed and converted into various
types of sensations, including those of algebraic type, within a
temporal-spatial model [10]. A. Admittance of irrigation deficiency
as responsible for neuronal dysfunction should be localized
mainly in the lymph nodes in the peripheral cranial nerve tract,
leading to sensitivity at the oral/tongue level, which assumes that
arteriosclerosis is required to be present in the micro arterioles as
their distributors. In these situations, the affected pathways are
proto neurons in the case of:
Facial, at the level of the ganglion.
Glossopharyngeal, Andersch ganglion
Ehrenritter (general sensitivity).
The pre-angular cranial nerve portion, conventionally referred
to as extranevraxial tract, in over 50% of its thickness contains two
types of thermo-algesic sensing conductive fibers:
Type A delta (Aσ), 6μm diameter myelin fibers which are
usually distributed over the surface, leading to painful inflow
at ≥10 m/s.
C-type amyelinic fibers, thin, with a diameter of <2μm, which
lead slowly, at a speed of 0.5m/s, involved in the generation of
obtuse, imprecisely localized pain.
Through these nerve fibers, the nerve influx reaches the
pericardium of the protoneuron, so that through its axon it
propagates to the deuteoneuron of the pathway. This axonal
structural portion of the pathway protoneuron is referred to as
the conventional intranasal tract. On the trace of this transmission
pathway, however, there are interposed between the presinaptic
membrane of the protononeuron and the postsynaptic membrane
made up of the buttoned terminations of the deuterones dendrites,
interstitial neurons with inhibitory function called G cells. The
protoneuron-G cell synapse also functions as a “gate”, because G
cells are synthetic modulators of the natural endogenous analgesia
system (secreting enkephaline opioids and especially endorphins).
Physiologically, by the action developed by analgetic induction
neuromodulators, G cells inhibit the transmission of excitation to
the pathway deuteoneuron, even if the receptors/nociceptors were
stimulated and, at the level of the first neuron of the pathway, a
nervous influx/potential packet action was generated. The action
of opioid neuromodulators is the expression of the nervous influx
driven by high-conduction Aσ myelin fibers and is equivalent to
“gate closure”.
Mod Res Dent
By contrast, the discharging of the nervous influx through the
amyelinic fibers of type C equates to the “gate opening”, allowing its
synaptic propagation.
The transmission of the nerve influx to a deutoneuron is the
expression of the reduction of the discharge frequency of the
analgesic neuromodulator by the interstitial neurons.
In BMS, the occurrence of pain in the form of hyperalgesia
may be pathogenically explained as expressing the disorder of
said physiological mechanism by at least three possibilities, two of
which are at the level of the proton of the pathway:
either by continuous stimulation of the C fibers;
or by selective reduction of high conductivity fibers, Aσ.
The limited duration of the BMS pain with the possibility of
returning to periods of time when the pain is absent for it then
to reoccur, virtually excludes as a pathogenic mechanism the
possibility of the intervention of this second invoked mechanism by
quantitatively reducing the number of algo-conductive fibers. This
is because the numerical reduction of both Aσ and selective fibers
can only occur through neuronal apoptosis. Since the neuron cannot
multiply, at least as the current level of knowledge shows, neuronal
apoptosis that cannot allow neuronal regeneration cannot explain
the recurrence of the BMS pain after a certain amount of time.
Accepting this scientific evidence requires that the “opening of the
entrance door” for Aσ fibers can only occur through qualitative
disturbances that disrupt the activity developed by the mediators.
Disturbance may be of interest either in the synthesis of neuronal
modulators whose prolongations lead at high velocities, or, most
likely, the way of the onward flow of neurotransmitters through the
protoneuron axon.
Pathogenetically, we admit that all three mechanisms can act
A possible other pathogenic mechanism may be one in
which the excessive synthesis of the neuropeptide P is involved
in the transmission of nociceptive impulse packets. Excessive
synthesis occurs at the body and axon level of the first neuron
of the thermo-algebraic pathway, generated by variations in
neuronal irrigation induced by the ratio of NO and SRO in the
perinervascular vascular plexus. In support of these assertions,
there are histochemical findings that have highlighted the excessive
presence of this substance in the terminal buttons of the axons of
the protons of these pathways, whereupon it is released to fix its
post membrane specific receptor, neurokinin 1.
Morpho-functional lesions through arteriosclerosis may
develop beyond the protoneuron headquarters, in the sensorysensitive ascendant tracts involved in the cortical transmission of
information collected from the oral mucosa, including lingual. The
hypothesis is supported by highlighting the existence of a large
Copyright © Bogdan-Ioan Coculescu
MRD.000639. 6(3).2021
number of carabinoid receptors at the level of the deutoneurons
of the pathway/caudal subunit, which means that the transmission
of nociceptive impulses to higher centers is controlled by an
endogenous opioid system.
This relatively recent scientific discovery may be an argument
in support of our hypothesis that, in order to develop hyperglycemia
in BMS, this third pathogenic mechanism, which reduces the
synthesis of enkephalins and endorphins, may intervene, but at the
level of the G interneurons, which interpose between proto- and
deutoneurons, respectively. The consequence of diminishing opioid
synthesis would facilitate neuropeptide P to develop its nociceptive
driving action.
Affecting the cortical projection areas of algal, thermal
and taste sensitivity as a result of the localization of atherosclerosis
in the irrigation vessel wall is a last level that can pathogenically
explain the symptoms of BMS. These integrative areas are:
For information led by sensory-sensitive fibers of the
facial level: areas 3, 1, 2 for sensory impulses, and for those in the
areas of ascending parietal circumference.
For those submitted by glossopharyngeal level: areas 3, 1,
2 and gustatory areas.
For the driven nervous influx, related, through the
trigeminal fibers: postcentral gyrus.
In support of the pathogenic mechanisms mentioned as
responsible for the induction of pain in the primary form of BMS,
the results of the studies of Jaaskelainen and Woda which admits
that the clinical diagnosis of this idiopathic form of the syndrome
comprises at least three distinct, subclinical neuropathic conditions
that may overlap in each patient:
The first subgroup (50-65%) is characterized by
peripheral neuropathy, which concerns the small diameter fibers
of the oral mucosa.
The second subgroup (20-25%) is made up of patients
with lingual, mandibular localized pain, or in topographical areas
suggesting pathology such as trigeminal neuralgia.
And a subgroup (20-40%) fall within the concept of
central pain. The author concedes that pathogenic, the concept of
central pain implies the possibility of hypofunction of dopaminergic
neurons from the basal ganglia [11].
Scientifically, it is demonstrated that in the processing of
information in these areas, an important role is the dopamine
neurotransmitter that modulates the control of affectiveemotional states. By synonymy, starting from the observation that
in Parkinson’s disease due to atherosclerosis the diminution of
dopamine concentration was proven, hypothetically, a functional
dopaminergic deficiency could be admitted in BMS as well, which
would allow the installation of an emotional lability with stressadaptive deficiency [12,13].
Mod Res Dent
The mechanisms through which
concentration may decrease may be two:
Diminishing of the synthesis into neuroplasm/axoplasm,
reducing the number of presynaptic storage vesicles;
Interference of Ca2+ influx because change in neurolemia
fluidity/permeability disrupts Ca2+ voltage-dependent channel
functionality. The consequence would be to reduce the cytoplasmic
concentration of Ca2+ that reduces adhesion to presynaptic
membrane of dopamine storage vesicles, leading to a diminishing
amount of dopamine released into the synaptic gap between
sensory-sensitive neurons.
Although action develops in the postsynaptic level in the
sympathetic autonomic nervous system, the neuroplastic
interference of the Ca2+ influx seems to be potentiated by
correlating the action of noradrenaline with ATP release in the extra
neuronal environment, which activates some of the specific purine
receptors (P2X1) and affects membrane depolarization, sensitizing
neuroplastic processes dependent on ion concentration.14 Among
other effects developed is the one that alters the vascular reactivity,
which acts as a regional oxidative imbalance factor [14].
The scientific acquisitions of the last three decades have argued
that through the aging process there is also a double change in the
functioning of the structures involved in collecting information
and transmitting it as a nervous influx. Thus, beyond the number,
distribution, and affinity of receptors, the pathogenic mechanism
and the affinity diminishing various components of the information
message processing chain, such as guanilatcicylates / G proteins
or adenyl cyclase occur. Biochemically, the interaction of the two
systems leading to ATP synthesis is demonstrated.
This process, carried out at the neuronal membrane level,
synergistically, also involves the energy deficit generated by the
release of cytochrome c in the cytosol [12,15]. Physiologically,
cytochrome c is located in the mitochondrial intermembrane
space, participating in the synthesis of macro-active compounds
through the phosphatidyl-inositol chain. The presence of oxidative
stress induced by astrocytus-microglia-neuron malization due
to atherosclerosis present moves cytochrome c into the cytosol
suppressing the functioning of the electron transport chain involved
in energetic synthesis.
Moreover, at the neuronal level, the ATP deficit is also
accentuated by the intervention of a third pathogenic mechanism:
that of the extracellular release of the macroergic compounds. The
release of ATP, which is a physiological process, takes place at the
level of multiple cell types, the inductive stimulus being mechanical.
Its release in pathophysiological conditions explains the appearance
of various diseases, including central nervous system dysfunctions.
In support of this pathogenic mechanism, the results of the
scientific research from the 21st Century decades show that in
general diseases, such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, tissue
Copyright © Bogdan-Ioan Coculescu
MRD.000639. 6(3).2021
ischemia, and cell lesions, ATP passes from the intracellular to the
extracellular environment [16,17].
By accepting for the initiation of pain the hypothesis of the
mechanical sensory transduction of the viscera, similarly, in cases
of BMS it can be admitted that the release of ATP occurs from the
epithelial cells of the oral and lingual mucosa and the attachment
would be made on the subtype’s purine receptors, P2X3 and
P2X2/3 of sensory-free nerve endings, located sub-epithelially.
Hence, the nerve propagation propagated as packets of electrical
current reaches the sensory protoneuron in the ganglion attached
to each of the three cranial nerves involved.
More recent studies acknowledge that after release into the
extracellular environment, ATP functions as a pro-nociceptive
neurotransmitter/neuromodulator rapidly activating metabotropic
P2Y receptors. Its pro-nociceptive effect is a powerful, long-term
action interfering including apoptosis.
Scientific research based on the use of selective antagonists
of the first type of purine receptor (P2X receptor) has produced
evidence that supports the ability of ATP to initiate and maintain
chronic pain after exposure to harmful stimuli as they serve to
initiate and sustain the states of increased neuronal excitability.
Since the development of the purinergic neurotransmission
concept in 1972, numerous scientific evidence has asserted the
role of ATP as a synaptic co-transducer only at central level.
Recently, numerous experimental research including biochemical
measurements, myografies or electrophysiological studies have
shown that extracellularised ATP is a major neuromediator at
the level of the peripheral nerves as well. This is because P2X
receptors that are attached to membrane ion channels play a role
in integrating neural and glial cell function into the central nervous
system, mediating among other effects chronic neuropathic pain,
neuronal degeneration and inflammation [18-20]. The latter may
be induced by oxidative stress developed by microangiosclerosis
Such effects as expression of purine receptor activation
have as scientific support the ability of the purine to act as a
neurotransmitter in modulating vascular reactivity, including
cerebral reactivity, apoptosis and secretion of certain cytokines.
The argument that supports the etiopathogenic hypothesis that
a neurodegeneration deficiency would occur in the pathogenesis
of BMS is the prevalence of the disease since the sixth decade of
life, when arteriosclerosis with the most diverse localization is
constituted even if it is not clinically manifested. In the same
vein, the most recent results of neurophysiology, psychophysics,
neuropathology and imaging research have revealed several
neuropathic mechanisms in subclinical stages of the disease
suspected at different levels of nevrax. Thus, in patients with BMS,
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at the sensitive-sensorial cortex, fMRI has been shown to reduce
neuronal activation by heat stimuli. On the same note, Jaaskelainen
and Woda admits that in the case of pain falling from BMS in the
category of cortical pain, pathogenesis would consist of a deficiency
of inhibition in the dopaminergic conduction pathways.
Conflicts of Interest: All authors report no conflict of interest.
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Copyright © Bogdan-Ioan Coculescu