Journal of
J Breast Cancer 2018 September; 21(3): 244-250
Patterns of Practice in Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer in Korea
Hae Jin Park*, Do Hoon Oh1,*,†, Kyung Hwan Shin2, Jin Ho Kim2, Doo Ho Choi3, Won Park3, Chang-Ok Suh4, Yong Bae Kim4,
Seung Do Ahn5, Su Ssan Kim5, Division for Breast Cancer, Korean Radiation Oncology Group
Department of Radiation Oncology, Hanyang University College of Medicine, Seoul; 1Department of Radiation Oncology, Myongji Hospital, Goyang;
Department of Radiation Oncology, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul; 3Department of Radiation Oncology, Samsung Medical Center,
Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul; 4Department of Radiation Oncology, Yonsei Cancer Center, Yonsei University College of Medicine,
Seoul; 5Department of Radiation Oncology, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Adjuvant radiotherapy (RT) is a well-established treatment for
breast cancer. However, there is a large degree of variation and
controversy in practice patterns. A nationwide survey on the patterns of practice in breast RT was designed by the Division for
Breast Cancer of the Korean Radiation Oncology Group. All
board-certified members of the Korean Society for Radiation
Oncology were sent a questionnaire comprising 39 questions on
six domains: hypofractionated whole breast RT, accelerated partial breast RT, postmastectomy RT (PMRT), regional nodal RT,
RT for ductal carcinoma in situ, and RT toxicity. Sixty-four radiation oncologists from 54 of 86 (62.8%) hospitals responded.
Twenty-three respondents (35.9%) used hypofractionated whole
breast RT, and the most common schedule was 43.2 Gy in 16
fractions. Only three (4.7%) used accelerated partial breast RT.
Five (7.8%) used hypofractionated PMRT, and 40 (62.5%) had
never used boost RT after chest wall irradiation. Indications for
The second most common cancer in Korean women is
breast cancer, and there were 19,219 newly diagnosed breast
cancer cases in Korea in 2015. Although there have been advancements in the understanding of the disease and its treatments, the incidence and mortality of breast cancer has increased constantly throughout the past 15 years in Korea [1].
Adjuvant radiotherapy (RT) is a well-established compoCorrespondence to: Kyung Hwan Shin
Department of Radiation Oncology, Seoul National University College of
Medicine, 101 Daehak-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul 03080, Korea
Tel: +82-2-2072-2524, Fax: +82-2-765-3317
[email protected]
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
Current affiliation: Department of Radiation Oncology, Chung-Ang
University Hospital, Seoul, Korea
Received: May 16, 2018 Accepted: July 6, 2018
regional nodal RT varied; ≥ pN2 (n= 7) versus ≥ pN1 (n= 17) versus ≥ pN1 with pathologic risk factors (n= 40). Selection criteria
for internal mammary lymph node (IMN) irradiation also varied;
only four (6.3%) always treated IMN when regional nodal RT was
administered and 30 (46.9%) treated IMN only if IMN involvement was identified through imaging. Thirty-one (48.4%) considered omission of whole breast RT after breast-conserving surgery for ductal carcinoma in situ based on clinical and pathologic
risk factors. Fifty-two (81.3%) used heart-sparing techniques.
Overall, there were wide variations in the patterns of practice in
breast RT in Korea. Standard guidelines are needed, especially
for regional nodal RT and omission of RT for ductal carcinoma in
Key Words: Breast neoplasms, Korea, Physicians’ practice patterns,
Radiotherapy, Surveys and questionnaires
nent of standard care for the management of patients with invasive breast cancer and ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) of
the breast [2,3]. RT for breast cancer has changed dramatically
in the recent two decades after multiple randomized trials.
These trials have not only established new standards of care
but have also raised additional questions about appropriate
management [4]. Surveys on patterns of practice show variations in clinical practice amongst practitioners, and these results can assist in creating guidelines and identifying areas of
controversy that drive future clinical trials [5]. Research
groups from the United States, European countries, Australia,
and China have reported a large degree of variation in practice patterns and there is controversy regarding the appropriate dose-fractionation schedule, application of regional nodal
irradiation (RNI) and its coverage, and RT omission in patients at low risk of recurrence [4-9]. The first Korean study
on patterns of care for breast cancer was published in 2007,
but its interest was limited to the evaluation and treatment in
© 2018 Korean Breast Cancer Society. All rights reserved.
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eISSN 2092-9900
Patterns of Practice in Breast Radiotherapy
patients treated with mastectomy and postmastectomy RT
(PMRT) [10]. No Korean group has conducted surveys on
patterns of practice so far, although breast cancer is one of the
most common diseases treated with RT [11].
The purpose of this study was therefore to report the patterns of national practice in RT for breast cancer in Korea, and
to support the need for new evidence-based guidelines and
future research.
A nationwide survey on the patterns of practice in RT for
breast cancer was designed by the Division for Breast Cancer
of the Korean Radiation Oncology Group (KROG). The
questionnaire-based survey comprised 39 questions on six
domains: (1) hypofractionated whole breast RT (WBRT), (2)
accelerated partial breast RT, (3) PMRT, (4) RNI, (5) RT for
DCIS, and (6) RT toxicity. The questionnaire was piloted
amongst the members of the Division for Breast Cancer of
KROG, and minor modifications were made before starting
the study. This study was conducted under the authorization
and cooperation of the KROG.
All board-certified members of the Korean Society for Radiation Oncology were invited to participate in the study via
e-mail in June 2017, and participation was voluntary. Study
data collected was analyzed for each question to evaluate variations of practice in RT.
Sixty-four radiation oncologists from 54 out of 86 (62.8%)
hospitals responded in June 2017. Of the respondents, 53
(82.8%) worked for academic-affiliated hospitals and 37
(57.8%) worked for hospitals with more than two radiation
oncologists, which qualifies a hospital as a radiation oncology
training center. The respondents were divided based on the
number of breast cancer patients they treated per month, with
nine (14.1%) treating more than 30 breast cancer patients, 13
(20.3%) treating 21 to 30, 23 (35.9%) treating 11 to 20, and 19
(29.7%) treating fewer than 10. The respondents were also divided based on the number of years they had been practicing
as radiation oncologists, with 24 (37.5%) practicing for more
than 15 years, 11 (17.2%) practicing for 10 to 14, 14 (21.9%)
practicing for 5 to 9, and 15 (23.4%) practicing for less than 5.
Hypofractionated whole breast radiotherapy for invasive
breast cancer
Twenty-three radiation oncologists (35.9%) stated that they
used hypofractionated WBRT in the management of early
stage breast cancer. Among the respondents who used hypofractionation, 12 (52.2%) stated that the use of hypofractionation was at the physician’s discretion, and 11 (47.8%) stated
that it was decided through a shared decision-making process.
Seventeen respondents applied hypofractionation in WBRT
only, and six applied it in both WBRT and RNI. Respondents
stated that a younger age, left-sided breast cancers, triple-negative breast cancers, a history of chemotherapy, and other adverse pathologic features were contraindications for hypofractionation.
Most radiation oncologists applied more than 40 Gy mainly
in 16 fractions, and used boost RT as well. The most common
hypofractionation schedule prescribed was 43.2 Gy in 16 fractions, followed by 42.4 Gy in 16 fractions and 39 Gy in 13
fractions. Regarding RT technique, field-in-field technique
(91.3%) was the most preferred, and intensity-modulated RT
(39.1%) or three dimensional-conformal RT (39.1%) was often applied as well (Table 1).
The reasons that 41 of the surveyed radiation oncologists
did not use hypofractionation were as follows: they thought
that it was not necessarily required in Korea, because of easy
access to medical facilities, low medical costs for cancer patients, and widespread additional private insurance (43.8%);
they were concerned about reimbursement, because the Korean
healthcare service payment is on a fee-for-service basis (35.9%);
and, they felt that the long-term data of hypofractionated
WBRT was still insufficient (34.4%).
Accelerated partial breast radiotherapy
Only three radiation oncologists (4.7%) used accelerated
partial breast RT. They all applied intensity-modulated RT,
and one of them applied CyberKnife® (Accuray Inc., Sunnyvale,
USA) as well. Different guidelines were followed for accelerated partial breast RT; one responder followed the American
Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) guidelines, one followed the ASTRO and Groupe Européen de Curiethérapie‐
European Society for Radiation Oncology guidelines, and one
followed institutional policy.
Postmastectomy radiotherapy
Five radiation oncologists (7.8%) used hypofractionated
PMRT. Fractionation schedules were 43.2 Gy in 16 fractions
(n = 2), 45.9 Gy in 17 fractions (n = 2), and 40.05 Gy in 15
fractions (n= 1).
Forty respondents (62.5%) had never used boost RT, but
eight (12.5%) always used boost RT after chest wall irradiation. Sixteen respondents (25.0%) used boost RT selectively
for close resection margins (n = 14), pT4 (n = 7), pT3 (n = 2),
and the presence of lympho-vascular space invasion (n = 2).
Hae Jin Park, et al.
Table 1. Hypofractionated whole breast RT
No. (%)
Survey responses
Use of hypofractionation
Choice of hypofractionation*
Boost RT*
Table 2. Postmastectomy RT
Shared decision
Physician’s discretion
Per ASTRO guideline, WBRT only
Per institutional policy, WBRT only
Per institutional policy, WBRT and RNI
None (all hypofractionation)
Left-sided breast cancers
Young age
Triple-negative breast cancers
2.5 Gy× 16 fractions
2.6 Gy× 16 fractions
2.65 Gy× 16 fractions
2.65625 Gy× 16 fractions
2.66 Gy× 16 fractions
2.67 Gy× 15 fractions
2.67 Gy× 16 fractions
2.7 Gy× 16 fractions
3 Gy× 13 fractions
3.5 Gy
3.2 Gy (simultaneous integrated boost)
3.15 Gy (simultaneous integrated boost)
3 Gy
2.7 Gy
2.67 Gy
2.65 Gy
2.5 Gy
2 Gy
Field-in-field technique
Intensity-modulated RT
3D-conformal RT with wedge
23 (35.9)
41 (64.1)
11 (47.8)
12 (52.2)
9 (39.1)
8 (34.8)
6 (26.1)
4 (17.4)
2 (8.7)
5 (21.7)
3 (13.0)
4 (17.4)
2 (8.7)
2 (8.7)†
1 (4.3)
4 (17.4)
2 (8.7)
2 (8.7)
2 (8.7)
1 (4.3)
6 (26.1)
4 (17.4)†
22 (95.7)†
2 (8.7)†
1 (4.3)
1 (4.3)
1 (4.3)
10 (43.5)†
2 (8.7)
1 (4.3)
1 (4.3)
3 (13.0)
2 (8.7)
21 (91.3)
9 (39.1)
9 (39.1)
RT = radiotherapy; ASTRO = American Society for Radiation Oncology;
WBRT= whole breast radiotherapy; RNI= regional nodal irradiation; 3D= three
*Percentage of respondents who responded “Yes” to use of hypofractionation; †A respondent used different fractionation schedules; 40 Gy in 16 fractions without boost RT or 39 Gy in 13 fractions with boost RT.
Forty respondents (62.5%) used bolus on either the entire
chest wall or scar only. Twenty-eight (43.8%) and 46 (71.9%)
did not use boost RT and bolus after breast reconstruction,
For RT techniques, standard or partial wide tangents were
the most preferred (82.8%). Intensity-modulated RT, reverse
hockey stick technique, and mixed photon and electron technique were applied as well (Table 2).
No. (%)
Survey responses
Use of hypofractionation Yes
Fractionation schedules* 2.67 Gy× 15 fractions
2.7 Gy× 16 fractions
2.7 Gy× 17 fractions
Use of boost RT
Yes, always
Yes, selectively
Use of boost RT after
Yes, always
Yes, close resection margin
Not experienced
Use of bolus
Yes, entire chest wall
Yes, scar only
Use of bolus after
Not experienced
Employed techniques
Intensity-modulated RT
Reverse hockey stick
Mixed photon and electron
5 (7.8)
59 (92.1)
1 (20.0)
2 (40.0)
2 (40.0)
8 (12.5)
16 (25.0)
40 (62.5)
1 (1.6)
25 (39.1)
28 (43.8)
8 (12.5)
2 (3.1)
24 (37.5)
16 (25.0)
12 (18.8)
12 (18.8)
7 (10.9)
46 (71.9)
9 (14.1)
2 (3.1)
53 (82.8)
10 (15.6)
4 (6.3)
3 (4.7)
RT= radiotherapy.
*Percentage of respondents who responded “Yes” to use of hypofractionation
Regional nodal irradiation
Seven radiation oncologists (10.9%) applied RNI only for
patients with 4 or more axillary lymph nodes (LNs) involvement. Seventeen (26.6%) always applied RNI for patients with
1–3 axillary LNs involvement. However, the majority of the
respondents (62.4%) additionally considered pathologic risk
factors, such as LN-related parameters (number, axillar level,
nodal ratio, and extracapsular extension), lympho-vascular
space invasion, molecular subtype, and tumor size, along with
axillary LN involvement.
The questionnaire provided a clinical case scenario of an
early-stage breast cancer patient with 1–2 positive sentinel LN
undergoing breast-conserving surgery (BCS) without further
axillary dissection, simulating the American College of Surgeons Oncology Group (ACOSOG) Z0011 trial. Eight respondents (12.5%) used standard tangents, and 32 (50.0%)
used high tangents with or without supraclavicular LN (SCN)
irradiation. Twenty (31.3%) included SCN and only two
(3.1%) included internal mammary LN (IMN) in the RT field.
With regard to IMN irradiation when applying RNI, only
Patterns of Practice in Breast Radiotherapy
Table 3. Regional nodal irradiation
No. (%)
Survey responses
Pathologic risk factors
In case of BCS with
positive sentinel LN
without ALND
IMN irradiation
IMN coverage
Employed techniques,
WBRT (duplicated)
Employed techniques,
PMRT (duplicated)
Posterior axillary boost
Table 4. RT for ductal carcinoma in situ
≥ pN2
≥ pN1
≥ pN1 with pathologic risk factors
Lymph node-related parameters
Lympho-vascular space invasion
Molecular subtype
Tumor size
Standard tangents
High tangents
High tangent or SCN
Always, on RNI
≥ pN2
Involved IMN on imaging
≥ pN2 with inner tumor location
≥ pN2 with central tumor location
≥ pN1 with inner tumor location
≥ pN1 with central tumor location
Involved IMN on imaging
Up to third intercostal space
Up to fourth intercostal space
Depending on tumor location
Intensity-modulated RT
Partial wide tangents
Mixed photon and electron
Intensity-modulated RT
Partial wide tangents
Mixed photon and electron
Reverse hockey stick
Yes, always
Yes, insufficient dose to axilla
Enlarged lymph node on imaging
7 (10.9)
17 (26.6)
40 (62.5)
39 (60.9)
31 (48.4)
24 (37.5)
19 (29.7)
5 (7.8)
8 (12.5)
28 (43.8)
4 (6.3)
18 (28.1)
2 (3.1)
4 (6.3)
4 (6.3)
9 (14.1)
30 (46.9)
19 (29.7)
6 (9.4)
13 (20.3)
7 (10.9)
2 (3.1)
8 (12.5)
24 (37.5)
28 (43.8)
4 (6.3)
43 (67.2)
27 (42.2)
9 (14.1)
35 (54.7)
24 (37.5)
13 (20.3)
5 (7.8)
26 (40.6)
11 (17.2)
24 (37.5)
3 (4.7)
BCS = breast-conserving surgery; LN = lymph node; ALND = axillary lymph
node dissection; SCN= supraclavicular lymph node; IMN= internal mammary
lymph node; RNI = regional nodal irradiation; WBRT = whole breast radiotherapy; RT= radiotherapy; PMRT= postmastectomy radiotherapy.
four respondents (6.3%) always treated IMN, and 30 (46.9%)
treated IMN only if IMN involvement was identified through
imaging. Nine (14.1%) treated IMN for all patients with 4 or
more axillary LNs involvement, but 25 (39.1%) additionally
considered tumor location for decision making. Most of the
respondents covered up to the third or fourth intercostal
space for IMN irradiation. The most preferred RT technique
for RNI was intensity-modulated RT for both WBRT (67.2%)
and PMRT (54.7%).
Survey responses
Use of hypofractionation
Fractionation schedules,
1.8 Gy× 25 fractions
1.8 Gy× 28 fractions
2 Gy× 25 fractions
2.65 Gy× 16 fractions
2.67 Gy× 15 fractions
2.67 Gy× 16 fractions
2.7 Gy× 16 fractions
2.7 Gy× 17 fractions
Boost RT
Yes, always
Yes, selectively
Percentage of respondents who
responded “Yes, selectively”
Selection criteria for boost Close resection margin
RT (duplicated)
Young age
Large tumor
Omission of WBRT
Not considered
Percentage of respondents who
responded “Considered”
Selection criteria for
omission of WBRT
Tumor size
Patient’s preference
Status of estrogen receptor
Resection margin
Nuclear grade
Van Nuys Prognostic Index
No. (%)
8 (12.5)
56 (87.5)
2 (3.1)
29 (45.3)*
27 (2.2)†
1 (1.6)
2 (3.1)
1 (1.6)*
3 (4.7)†
1 (1.6)
25 (39.1)
29 (45.3)
10 (15.6)
28 (96.6)
9 (31.0)
3 (10.3)
2 (6.9)
31 (48.4)
33 (51.6)
19 (61.3)
17 (54.8)
15 (48.4)
14 (45.2)
14 (45.2)
13 (41.9)
13 (41.9)
1 (3.2)
RT= radiotherapy; WBRT= whole breast radiotherapy.
*,†Two respondents used two kinds of fractionation schedules.
Regarding posterior axillary boost (PAB) RT, 26 respondents (40.6%) did not apply PAB at all. Eleven (17.2%) applied
PAB for all cases, and 24 (37.5%) considered PAB in cases of
insufficient dose delivery to axilla (Table 3).
Radiotherapy for ductal carcinoma in situ
The majority (87.5%) of radiation oncologists did not consider hypofractionated RT for DCIS treatment. The most
common fractionation schedule was 50.4 Gy in 28 fractions
(45.3%). Ten respondents (15.6%) had never used boost RT
for the tumor bed, but 25 (39.1%) always used boost RT.
About half of the respondents (45.3%) considered boost RT
depending on clinical and pathological risk factors, including
close resection margin (n = 28), young age (n = 9), and large
tumor (n = 3).
Thirty-one radiation oncologists (48.4%) considered omis
Hae Jin Park, et al.
sion of WBRT after BCS for DCIS. They identified low-risk
patients based on risk factors such as age, tumor size, patient’s
preference, status of estrogen receptor, comorbidities, resection margin, and nuclear grade. Only one respondent considered Van Nuys Prognostic Index (Table 4).
Radiotherapy toxicity
The Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) criteria
was used to evaluate radiation dermatitis (RD) [12]. For RD
prophylaxis, the most commonly used topical agent was
EasyDew®/Easyef® (Daewoong Pharmaceutical, Seoul, Korea),
which contains a small amount of epidermal growth factor
(n = 25), followed by gentle soap (n = 20), and topical corticosteroids (n = 10). Seven respondents did not recommend RD
prophylaxis during RT. Regarding RD treatment, the preferred treatment differed according to the severity of RD.
Respondents used Silvadene® cream (Pfizer Inc., New York,
USA)/dressing and antibiotics more frequently for grades 2–3
RD with moist desquamation than grade 1 RD with dry desquamation. Three respondents stated that they referred patients to a dermatologist for the management of grades 2–3
To reduce cardiotoxicity, 52 (81.2%) surveyed radiation oncologists employed heart-sparing techniques: intensity-modulated RT (n= 33), heart block (n= 31), deep inspiration breath
hold technique (n = 9), and prone position (n= 6).
This is the first nationwide survey for breast RT designed by
the Division for Breast Cancer of the KROG and endorsed by
the KROG, although a number of similar questionnaire-based
surveys have been conducted worldwide.
Delaney et al. [13] pointed out variations in practice would
probably always exist and there were many reasons; prior education and training of the radiation oncologist, institutional
history, treatment biases of individuals, different philosophies
on the way that cancer recurs and spreads, different interpretations of the literature and different resources available. As
expected with these reasons, our study revealed marked variations in current practices of breast RT in Korea.
For hypofractionated WBRT for DCIS and PMRT, highquality data are still scarce. Retrospective studies by Ciervide
et al. [14] and Lalani et al. [15] reported similar local recurrences in DCIS patients whether treated with hypofractionation or conventional regimen after BCS. A prospective trial
by Koukourakis et al. [16] reported encouraging local control
rates in high-risk subgroups and tolerable toxicity with hypofractionated PMRT with amifostine cytoprotection. Another
prospective trial by Ali and Abd AlMageed [17] reported
equivalent disease control and cosmesis between conventional
PMRT (50 Gy in 25 fractions) and hypofractionated PMRT
(42 Gy in 16 fractions). This lack of high-level evidence could
partially explain the very low use of hypofractionation in RT
for DCIS and PMRT.
For hypofractionated WBRT for early-stage breast cancer,
on the other hand, two trials provided high-quality evidence;
the UK Standardisation of Breast Radiotherapy (START) Trial
B compared 50 Gy in 25 fractions to 40 Gy in 15 fractions
[18], while a Canadian study compared 50 Gy in 25 fractions
to 42.5 Gy in 16 fractions [19]. No significant difference in tumor control and breast cosmesis was reported. Despite the
high-quality evidence, one-third (35.9%) of the surveyed radiation oncologists in Korea adopted hypofractionation due
to the reasons described in the Results.
Hypofractionated RT has several advantages over conventionally fractionated RT: shorter treatment period, increased
patient convenience, and lower costs (both direct health care
expenditures and opportunity costs to the patient and society
due to time away from home and work) [20,21]. However,
easily accessible medical facilities and low medical costs for
cancer patients because of National Health Insurance along
with widespread private insurance in Korea attenuates the necessity of hypofractionated RT. It is noteworthy that one-third
(34.4%) of the surveyed radiation oncologists still consider the
long-term data of hypofractionated RT insufficient despite evidence-based guidelines [21,22].
Regarding RNI, there is a consensus that it should be given
to patients with 4 or more axillary LNs involvement (pN2).
However, there remains controversy in how patients with 1–3
axillary LNs involvement (pN1) or patients with high-risk
node-negative disease should be treated.
Our study demonstrated significant variability in practice
patterns regarding not only the indication for RNI but also the
extent of RNI. Two-thirds (62.5%) of the surveyed radiation
oncologists considered RNI in pN1 and pathologic risk factors. It is possible that results of the National Cancer Institute
of Canada (NCIC) MA.20 trial and the Early Breast Cancer
Trialists’ Collaborative Group (EBCTCG) meta-analysis influenced the current practice of RNI. Both the NCIC MA.20 trial
and EBCTCG meta-analysis concluded that the addition of
RNI could reduce recurrences and mortality for patients
treated with BCS and mastectomy, respectively.
The MA.20 trial randomized patients with pN1 or high-risk
pN0 after BCS and adjuvant systemic therapy to undergo either WBRT or WBRT plus RNI (including SCN, IMN, and
axilla), and patients were stratified according to the number of
axillary LNs removed and involved. The MA.20 trial conclud
Patterns of Practice in Breast Radiotherapy
ed that the addition of RNI reduced breast cancer recurrences
but did not improve overall survival [23]. The EBCTCG metaanalysis analyzed 8,135 patients from 22 trials that randomly
assigned patients to treatment groups of either no PMRT or
PMRT (including SCN, IMN, and axilla), and showed PMRT
reduced both recurrence and breast cancer mortality in pN1
as well as pN2 [24]. However, these two studies with high-level evidence did not influence current Korean practitioners regarding the extent of RNI. Approximately half (46.9%) of the
respondents treated IMN only if involved IMN was identified
on imaging, and only four (6.3%) routinely treated IMN when
RNI was applied.
In the setting of ACOSOG Z0011 [25], which is of an earlystage breast cancer patient with 1–2 positive sentinel LNs undergoing BCS without further axillary dissection, 12.5% and
50.0% of the respondents used standard and high tangents,
respectively. These results were consistent with those of an
Australian study; 20.4% and 48.9% of practitioners used standard and high tangents, respectively.
Although the literature has demonstrated that RT halves ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence after BCS for DCIS, patients
show a favorable survival outcome with a 10-year survival rate
> 98%, regardless of the intensity of locoregional therapy
[26,27]. Given the favorable prognosis of DCIS, efforts to
identify patients who are suitable for less-intensive treatment
have been made [28,29].
In a recent survey from the United States (using the Georgia
and Los Angeles County Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End
Results registries), one quarter of the patients omitted RT after
BCS in DCIS, and the most common reason for omitting RT
was due to advice from a clinician. A total of 74% of radiation
oncologists would discuss RT omission as an option, but 70%
would still recommend WBRT in a clinical scenario of a
healthy, 65-year-old woman with favorable prognosis DCIS
who had undergone BCS [30]. In our study, 48.4% of radiation oncologists considered omission of WBRT after BCS for
DCIS in low-risk patients based on clinical and pathologic
factors. However, because our questionnaire did not give a
specific scenario, it was difficult to compare the results between the two studies.
A number of trials have evaluated the omission of RT after
BCS for patients with favorable factors in DCIS. The Eastern
Cooperative Oncology Group selected patients with low-risk
clinical and pathologic characteristics and observed them
without WBRT; the number of invasive ipsilateral breast
events increased through 12 years of follow-up, without plateau [28]. The RTOG 9804 trial selected patients with low-risk
DCIS and randomized them to either observation or WBRT.
The results were promising, contrary to those of the former
study, with a 6.7% local failure occurrence at 7 years without
WBRT. However, even within this low-risk group, the addition of WBRT reduced the risk of local failure to 0.8%, and
longer follow-up data is needed [29].
The aim of the present study was to provide baseline information to physicians about patterns of practice for breast RT
in Korea. The results showed a high-degree of variation on issues of breast RT, such as hypofractionation, RNI, and RT
omission in DCIS. These issues are also covered by the most
recent Korean Clinical Practice Guideline for Breast Cancer,
but definite conclusions cannot be reached because additional
evidence is needed.
Although the findings of this study are valuable, some aspects of this study require further consideration. A questionnaire-based survey is a very useful method of study to reveal
practice variations or controversy on treatments in the medical field. However, the results of the survey are based on selfreported data from respondents and might not reflect actual
physicians’ practices. Moreover, we could assume that there is
a wide range in the number of patients treated by each surveyed radiation oncologists. In other words, the response that
50% of the respondents consider hypofractionation does not
mean that 50% of patients are treated with hypofractionation.
Population-based studies utilizing data from cancer registries
or data on insurance claims are needed to figure out the actual
state of practice.
This is the first nationwide survey that represents the current practice of RT for breast cancer in Korea. The results of
this survey showed wide variations in the patterns of practice
in breast RT. Standard guidelines are needed, especially for
RNI and omission of RT for DCIS.
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Hae Jin Park
Kyung Hwan Shin
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