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LABRAD : Vol 46, Issue 4 - October 2021
Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi
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VOL. 46, ISSUE 4
Intelligence &
Digitalization in
A Publication of the Departments of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine and Radiology
October 2021
Volume 46, Issue 4
Dr. Lena Jafri
Associate Editor
Dr. Sidra Arshad
Editorial Committee
Dr. Najia Ghanchi
Dr. Hafsa Majid
Dr. Mohammad Zeeshan
Dr. Anila Rashid
Dr. Qurratulain Chundriger
Dr. Shayan Anwar
Dr. Shaista Afzal
Associate Members
Sony Siddiqui
Iffat Arman
Zeba Anwer
Labrad Administration Office
Farhana Arshad
Department of Pathology and
Laboratory Medicine
Aga Khan University Hospital
Stadium Road, P. O. Box 3500
Karachi 74800, Pakistan
Tel: 92 21 3486 1551
Fax: 92 21 3493 4294, 3493 2095
Role of Barcoding in a Clinical Laboratory to Reduce Pre-Analytical Errors
Congenital Dyserythropoietic Anemia: The Morphological Diagnosis
How to get started? Implementation of Digital Pathology in Resource Limited
setting, Need, Challenges and Solutions.
Digital Imaging in Hematology: A New Beginning
Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy; Analytical Technique to Detect
Metabolomics: Identification of Fatty Acid Oxidation (FAO) Disorders
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy – Attenuated Total Reflectance
(FTIR–ATR) based Metabolomics for Gallstones: Development of Pakistani
Gallstone Library
Next-Generation Sequencing for HLA Genotyping
ABL Kinase Domain Mutation Analysis by Sanger Sequencing for TKI resistant
Urine Metabolomics to identify Organic Academia
Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) of Solid Tumor
Importance of using Genomic Tool in Microbial Identification
Diagnostic role of c-MYC, BCL2 and BCL6 rearrangement in B Cell Lymphoma
Meeting Reports: Eksath with Patients Having Rare Inherited Metabolic Disorders: 24
An E-Portal Launching Event
Basic Molecular techniques (Hands-on) workshop for Pathology Residents
Radiology Practice in 21st Century: Role of Artificial Intelligence
Case Quiz
Best of the Recent Past
From the Editor’s Desk
Dear Readers
With the recent advancements in diagnostics, the
diagnostic field is now moving from one analysis
to identify one disorder to one analysis identifying
multiple disorders. This has become possible with the
Omics and informatics based clinical diagnostics in
the area of Precision Medicine. These technologies
have tremendous application in research and
therapeutics as well. As these are gaining momentum,
people are becoming more interested in personalized
and preventive medicine. Correspondingly, along with
it the use of Artificial intelligence, mobile healthy
and digital pathology is revolutionizing the world of
diagnostics. This Labrad is in line with this year’s
Pathology Research Day theme ‘Omics, Artificial
intelligence and Digitalization in Diagnostics’. The
3rd Pathology Research Day was conducted on
October 15th 2021.
A compilation of articles covering the application
of various Omics, Artificial Intelligence based
technologies and digital Pathology in improving the
diagnostics. We have some interesting discussions
like challenges and solutions for implementing digital
pathology in resource limited setting, applications of
artificial intelligence in diagnostics, metabolomics
and genomics in identification of different disorders.
We value your opinion and feedback regarding
topic selections, educational and resource materials,
provide ideas on how we can better network and
communicate using LABRAD.
Dr Hafsa Majid
Guest Editor LABRAD
Role of Barcoding in a Clinical Laboratory to
Reduce Pre-Analytical Errors
Iffat Arman
Clinical Chemistry
The day to day progress of clinical laboratories
will be dreadfully impacted by two disruptive
technologies: Machine learning and artificial
intelligence. Artificial intelligence and machine
learning software are beginning to integrate
themselves as tools for efficiency and accuracy within
pathology laboratories. Artificial intelligence (AI)
represents a valuable tool used to improve diagnostics
through more accurate detection of pathology, better
laboratory workflows, improved decision support, and
reduced costs, leading to higher efficiencies.
purpose is to ensure accurate sample identification
and accession. It is an optical machine-readable
representation of data, which shows certain data
on certain products in the laboratory. Electronic
identification such as two-dimensional barcodes
can certainly include two or more person-specific
identifiers to comply with this requirement.
For clinical laboratories, timely and precise specimen
labelling is expected to ensure correct patient
identification from collection to results reporting.
Barcoding is a system of using varying width bars
as a way to provide identification information. Its
Single Dimensional Barcode: In a singledimensional barcode, the vertical lines and their
spacing constitute the code, but the whole length
of the vertical lines are not essential for the codes.
It is said that the code is repeated in perpendicular
Types of Barcoding: There are many types
of barcodes, the most common ones being one
dimensional and two dimensional.
directions, so a symbol along with printing defects,
such as spots or voids, can still be read.
Two Dimensional Barcode: Two-dimensional
barcodes seek information along with the height as
well as the length of the symbol. As a result of that
construction, these barcodes have greater storage than
the one-dimensional barcode. A two-dimensional
barcode is not comprised of bars or lines but rather
of black-and-white cells arranged in a matrix pattern
(often laid out in a square). This square image is
usually simpler to scan than linear barcodes, which
fits better on curved surfaces like test tubes or patient
Barcodes provide patient tracking and sample
management. Besides laboratory samples, barcodes
used on calibrators and blood products, reagents/
kits, quality controls in a clinical laboratory. Barcoding acts as an artificial intelligence tool that
helps record retrieval and is safer for patients in
terms of anonymity, accuracy, and elimination
of human error. Bar-coding the specimen label
effectively reduces clerical errors, minimises
mistakes in patient specimen handling, and increases
Congenital Dyserythropoietic Anemia: The
Morphological Diagnosis
Dr Kanta Devi
Clinical Haematology
Case presentation: A 11-year-old boy presented with
pallor and jaundice and had a history of regular
blood transfusions for two years. Family history was
unremarkable. Full blood count showed hemoglobin
(Hb): 8 g/dL, white blood cells: 2.7 X 109/L, platelets
96 X 109/L and reticulocyte count of 1.5 percent. The
direct antiglobulin test was negative. Liver functions
tests revealed normal enzyme with high total (2 mg/
dl) and unconjugated bilirubin (1.4mg/dl). Serum
ferritin was high (6561 ng/ml), while viral profile
including HIV, hepatitis B and C were negative.
Peripheral blood film revealed anisopoikilocytosis,
elliptical cells, polychromasia, basophilic stippling,
fragmented red cells, nucleated red cells, myelocytes
and metamyelocytes (figure 1). Hemoglobin variant
study by high performance liquid chromatography
showed normal composition Hb A (96 percent) and
Hb A2 (3.3 percent). Bone marrow aspiration and
trephine exhibited erythroid hyperplasia with marked
dysplastic changes including bi- and multinucleated
erythroid precursors, nuclear to cytoplasmic
asynchrony, inter-cytoplasmic and intra-nuclear
bridging, and nuclear mitotic figures (figure 2).
Clinical details, laboratory findings and bone marrow
morphological features were indicative of congenital
dyserythropoietic anemia (CDA), type II. Electron
Figure1: Peripheral smear showing myelocytes and nucleated red blood
cells (leucoerythroblastic blood picture)
microscopy and molecular studies were not performed
due to unavailability at our facility. He was managed
symptomatically with blood transfusions and iron
Discussion: CDAs are classically grouped into four
sub-types based on bone marrow morphological
features. Type I has
erythroblasts with
internuclear bridging.
Type II erythroblasts
have multinuclearity of
late erythroblasts while
type III has gigantoblasts
(erythroblasts with
≥8 nuclei), type IV
causes disturbance in
transcriptional activator.
Inheritance is autosomal Figure 2: Bone marrow aspirate smear showing dyserythropoietic features, internuclear bridging and nuclear budding.
recessive and diagnosis is
usually made in childhood
Bone marrow examination remains a key diagnostic
or early adult life. The etiology is not known for all
tool in identification of the CDAs. CDA type II is
the sub-types. The diagnosis of CDA is generally
also called hereditary erythroblastic multinuclearity
considered after other chronic hemolytic anemias
with a positive acidified serum test (HEMPAS), is
have been ruled out. Common clinical presentation
the most common form of CDA and is characterized
is anemia, jaundice and splenomegaly. Although,
by ineffective erythropoiesis, commonly involved
other more common inherited hemolytic anemias
mutation is in the SEC23B gene. Treatment is usually
have similar presentation, patients with CDA usually
symptomatic and includes blood transfusions, iron
have high serum ferritin which causes organ damage.
chelation therapy and removal of the spleen.
How to get started? Implementation of Digital
Pathology in Resource Limited setting, Need,
Challenges and Solutions.
Dr. Sehar Suleman and Dr. Qurratulain Chundriger
A classic histopathology workflow is an
amalgamation of intricate series of events, including
a manual review of glass slides that ultimately results
in diagnosis. An abrupt halt to this smooth running
occurs when the concerned pathologist finds difficulty
in judgment, they then consult with colleagues who
can be in a different lab, city or country altogether.
Henceforth, the sample needs to be then packaged,
labeled, and mailed to the intended lab for remote
consultation. This complete process can be quite
cumbersome, time demanding because of days/weeks
lost in transit, and expensive due to the courier costs.
The use of digital pathology in education, secondopinion consultations (real time collaboration),
slide archiving/retrieval and primary diagnosis has
grown drastically over the last decade. By using
high-throughput, automated digital pathology
scanners, it is possible to capture an entire glass
slide, under bright field or fluorescent conditions,
at a magnification comparable to a microscope
(Whole slide imaging – WSI). Simulation of virtual
microscope can be done by its dynamic mode of
viewing images (horizontal and vertical movement
of images, and zooming in and out), annotation and
ability to view the image on a large monitor also
promotes group interaction and discussion. Images
can also be accessed anytime with an Internet
or Intranet connected computer, or other mobile/
portable devices.
On the contrary, implementing full scale routine
digital pathology in low-resource settings remains
a challenge today. Among the many reasons
that discourage laboratories from adopting this
technology include reluctance of many unenthusiastic
pathologists, to embrace new modality (“Change
is hard”). Absence of locally made pathology slide
scanners, digital microscopes or manual whole slide
image (WSI) softwares (which if available are only
provided for research work), therefore, the high cost
of importing equipment, both soft and hard. Limited
funding/ executive sponsors, lack of high internet
bandwidth, efficient IT system including internal and
external network, unreliable electrical power because
of frequent outages, and adverse weather events which
could disrupt telecommunications.
Most of the pathologists in our setting have practiced
telepathology especially during Pandemic lockdown
by using microscope camera but when it comes to
the diagnostic utility of these digital images, reliable
consultation cannot be given due to limitations
of magnifying details and quality. Since we have
already gotten comfortable with virtual learning
these days, it is now, best to gradually start switching
gears towards digitization. For that matter, liaison
with world leading biotechnology, bioinformatics
organizations should be established which could be
sources of provision of training; they might as well
offer scanners, digital microscopes and software at a
relatively negotiable and affordable price, applicable
for budgets of low resource laboratories.
Following are the seven steps (Digital Pathology
System Workflow Road map) that if executed can lead
an organization to the forefront of Modern Pathology:
1. Getting Laboratory personnel interested: It is
important to convince the pathologists and lab
staff to accept the change, they can be directed
towards reading up digital pathology related
articles, studies, best practice recommendations,
survey barriers/high level needs and understand
the benefits versus risks based on evidence. At
this time new visual workflow and feedback can
be sought after.
2. Defining needs and goals: This requires framing
a detailed new workflow and business plan, laying
down how all the steps will be carried out, who
will carry them out (formulation of teams, roles).
A checklist can be established as an internal
quality control for each stage. Concept can also be
Specification of infrastructure/ Laboratory
information system needs: This step is crucial
and determines the selection of a project
technology leader, comparison of various tools,
budgets (sponsors, aids, expense distribution),
digital pathology system that is suitable for the
concerned laboratory and can be integrated
easily into the LIS. It also includes regulation of
infrastructure that can accommodate the new
system, provide storage and security.
Building a workflow: This is based on writing
a statement (standard operating procedure) of
workflow for each phase of digital conversion
(image acquisition, preanalytics, image
management and analysis).
Training: Offering of tutorials, training of
stakeholders, hands on skill training of lab
personnel is important prior to full adoption
and to determine gaps and progress. Full
conversion takes time. After intensive skill
workshops to cover key essentials, online access
to complementary materials and manuals can be
Comparison of both systems and then rollout:
Pathologists and stakeholders should review the
glass slides first and then again in coming weeks
WSI, concordance between the two methods
should be established and turnaround time should
be compared, followed by adjustment of digital
workflow depending on results. After satisfactory
results, fully convert to digital. Leverage benefits
at full roll out volume.
Analysis and expansion of application: Review
of speed, volume, and cost improvements, survey
of customer satisfaction, exploring new insights
from advanced data analytics, collaboration with
providers on upgrades and refinement.
Essentials of Digital Pathology System (DPS):
Whole slide imaging systems (WSI) comprise of two
major components – hardware and software. Typical
hardware include microscope with lens objectives, light
source (bright field or fluorescent), robotics to load and
move glass slides around, digital cameras for image
capturing and linked computer monitor with a software
to manipulate, manage and view digital slides.
Digital image analysis software development has the
potential to provide methods for quality assurance in
slide review and permits quantitative interpretation of
immunohistochemical staining intensity and location,
and even image comparisons to archived previously
diagnosed images. Under the new in vitro diagnostic
medical device regulation (IVDR) of the European
Parliament, manufacturers that are currently CE-IVD
certified are those of Philips, Roche/Ventana, Leica/
Aperio, Hamamatsu, 3DHISTECH.
Figure 1: Whole Slide Imaging
(Reference: Aperio AT2: Leica biosystems)
Before installation of DPS in laboratory, Ergonomics,
utility and convenience are vital for consideration.
Recommendations laid down in literature by
organisations who have completely converted to
digital include testing out the interface provided
by vendor prior to see if it is user friendly, easy to
Ensuring that
the digital
scanner fits
as easily as
possible into
the existing
and doesnot
disrupt the
workflow (such
as unwanted
noise while
operating). Ability of its integration in lab’s LIS.
Digital pathology images can be up to several GB in
size, with higher scan magnification producing larger
image files. Early communication and interchange
with IT department is critical, regarding handling of
image storage (on-premise or in the cloud), as well as
the network bandwidth, and data security; required
for such large
It is best to
research peer
reference to
seek reliable
with good
as Digital
pathology is
a substantial
Figure 2: A Lean Digital Pathology Clinical Laboratory setting
(Reference: PANNORAMIC Pathology Management System, 3DHISTECH)
Digital Imaging in Hematology: A New
Dr Hajrah Syndeed, Dr Asif Naveed and Dr Anila Rashid
Haematology & Transfusion Medicine
Peripheral blood smear morphological analysis:
Morphological evaluation of peripheral blood
smears by microscopy has a very important role for
identification of benign and malignant hematological
disorders. It is also important for picking up
particular features in non-hematological disorders.
Detailed morphological analysis includes evaluation
of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.
Any morphological abnormality is commented on
complete blood count report and helps clinicians in
Over decades, microscopic morphological evaluation
has been done by trained personnel (hematologists &
lab scientists), which requires extensive training and is
time consuming too. Digital morphological evaluation
of peripheral blood smear is a new beginning in the
modern era of diagnostics. Several analyzers are now
available that provide this opportunity of evaluation
through use of various software.
Principles & methods used in digital morphology:
Majority of the digital systems use innovative image
analysis technology based on a prior classification of
white blood cells (done on the standard counts and
scatter plot). A similar characterization is present in
the software for identification of red cells morphology.
There are approximately 21 morphological features
described for red blood cells and 17 pre-defined types
for white blood cells into the system.
Benefits of digital morphological evaluation:
1. Time & labor efficient: Digital evaluation using
software reduces time for evaluation of multiple
blood smears. This also helps in reducing the
workload on hematopathologists.
2. Inter-observer variance: Pre-defined criteria
for identification of cells reduces the interobserver difference to a large extent.
Figure 1: Digital Morphological Evaluation
(Source of Image:
3. Space constraints: The use of glass slides to
assess morphology leads to storage and safety
issues. The use of digital images instead of the
slides would help in reducing these concerns and
helps diagnostics to improve.
4. Remote reviews: Digital morphology/images can
be remotely accessed by professionals improving
academics and diagnostics.
5. Elimination of eye strain: Another benefit of using
digital imaging is that, it reduces eye strain
related to morphological assessment through
conventional microscopy.
6. Education & Training: Digital morphological
images can be saved into digital library that
facilitates education on multiple academic levels.
7. Research: Ease of availability and appropriate use
of images help for retrospective research for
various laboratory and clinical disciplines.
Limitation of digital morphology:
1. In neonates and pediatric samples, digital imaging
may not be helpful for identification of some
abnormal cells. This will require a routine
microscopic review (10-20 percent) of total
2. Digital morphology has a limited role when it
comes to identification of malignant cells,
dysplastic cells, red cell fragmentation, blood
born parasites and platelet clumps. This may need
a review from experienced professional.
3. A limited number of standardized soft-wares are
commercially available and are not very cost
Although, digital imaging requires robust validation
and training of personnel, its introduction has brought
about a change in modern era of diagnostics allowing
remote reviews, evaluation of laboratory performance
through proficiency testing, education and research.
Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy;
Analytical Technique to Detect Metabolites
Dr Muhammad Umer Naeem Effendi
Clinical Chemistry
Vibrational spectroscopies like Fourier transform
infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy allow classification of
high-throughput screening of biological specimen
and equally fits the “omics philosophy” of providing
unbiased, whole-system measurements. Specifically,
the use of FTIR spectroscopy to monitor biochemical
changes in living cells has widely gained importance
in the last ten years. This technique presents the
possibility to simultaneously identify various
cellular biochemical targets, both in vivo and in
vitro conditions, exploiting the differential infrared
radiation absorption of each metabolite at a specific
wave number.
Molecules and systems of biological relevance that
can be detected by FTIR spectroscopy include
molecules such as lipids and fatty acids, proteins,
peptides, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, and
biomembranes, animal tissues, microbial cells, plants,
and clinical samples. However, more recently, it has
been used, with the aid of sophisticated sampling
techniques such as infrared imaging, to diagnose
many diseases such as cervical cancer, Parkinson’s
disease, Alzheimer’s disease, kidney stone and
arthritis. So this technique has varied clinical
application. While literature has reported that this
technique can be applied for analyzing colon biopsies
through FTIR spectroscopy and chemometrics in
identification of colitis and colon cancer. Multiple
studies have reported that infrared spectra allowed the
identification of the discriminating molecules, e.g.,
the phosphate content and RNA/DNA ratio which
can then be used in certain diseases diagnosis and
monitoring. Cluster analysis of the selected spectra
provided excellent classifications that correlated
completely with clinical data. Although these
results are preliminary, the technique appears to be
promising, rapid, effective, and economic, assisting in
the disease diagnosis.
At the Aga Khan clinical laboratory we have been
identifying the renal and gall stone components using
the FTIR analysis. FTIR spectroscopy effectively
provides precise and accurate chemical variation
information about the structure and the composition
of the stones.
Metabolomics: Identification of Fatty Acid
Oxidation (FAO) Disorders
Azeema Jamil
Clinical Chemistry
Fatty acids (FAs) are important and play a significant
role in health and diseases. The detection of FA
imbalances, through metabolomics can provide an
overview of an individual’s health status. These
disorders are caused by a lack or deficiency of the
enzymes needed to break down fats, resulting in
delayed mental and physical development. Children
with one of these disorders have a deficiency of the
enzymes needed to break down fats. The lack of one
of the enzyme leaves the body short of energy and
accumulate products, such as Acyl-CoA.
The most common deficiency is medium-chain acylCoA dehydrogenase (MCAD). Other deficiencies
include short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (SCAD),
long-chain 3-hydroxy acyl-CoA dehydrogenase
(LCHAD) deficiency, very long-chain acyl-CoA
dehydrogenase (VLCAD) deficiency, glutaric
acidemia type II etc. can be identified using these
metabolomics based approaches. Most of these
disorders begin in infancy. FAO disorders treatment
varies depending on the type of substances that
accumulate in the blood.
MCAD deficiency: MCAD is one of the most
common inherited metabolic disorders. Symptoms of
the disease usually develop within first few months
of life. Children are most likely to develop symptoms
if they go without food for a while or while they have
increased calories requirement, because of exercise or
illness. The sugar level significantly decreases in the
blood (hypoglycemia), causing confusion or coma.
Children may have vomiting or seizures and become
weak. Long term symptoms cause delayed mental and
physical development, liver enlargement, weakness
of heart muscle with an irregular heartbeat. Sudden
death may occur.
LCHAD deficiency: The second most common fatty
acid oxidation disorder is LCHAD. Symptoms are the
same as those caused by MCAD. Affected individuals
may also have progressive impairment of the
structure, cardiomyopathy, nerve damage, particularly
the hands and feet, and abnormal liver function.
When children exert themselves, such as exercising,
the muscle tissue may become destroyed. The
damaged muscles may release the protein myoglobin,
which turns the urine colour brown or bloody.
VLCAD deficiency: VLCAD deficiency is similar
to LCHAD deficiency but presents with severe
Glutaric acidemia type II: Glutaric Acidemia
type-II is one of the condition termed as organic
acidemia. Individuals with these conditions have a
deficiency or absence of an enzyme that prevents the
breakdown of proteins and fats in the body, resulting
in several organic acids in the blood and urine. It
usually appears in infancy or early childhood as a
sudden episode called a metabolic crisis, in which
acidosis and hypoglycemia cause weakness, change
in behaviour such as poor feeding and low activities
and vomiting. Common childhood illnesses or other
stresses may trigger these metabolic crises (lifethreatening).
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy –
Attenuated Total Reflectance (FTIR–ATR)
based Metabolomics for Gallstones:
Development of Pakistani Gallstone Library
Drs. Muhammad Abbas Abid and Lena Jafri
Clinical Chemistry
The prevalence of gallstones is rising, possibly as a
result of longer life expectancy and altered nutritional
habits. Around 9-10.2 percent of Pakistani carry gall
bladder stones (1). Investigation of the constituents
of gallstones using spectroscopic procedures helps
in understanding the pathogenesis and etiology of
stone formation. In Pakistan, the diagnostic facilities
for assessing gallstone composition are primitive.
In the past, gallstone analysis was performed using
the manual titrimetric and colorimetric technique.
Not only was this method time and labor intensive,
but also the results only revealed part of the actual
composition. Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR)
Spectroscopy provides a quick and reliable method
for gallstone analysis. The diamond Attenuated Total
Reflectance (ATR) accessory allows for detection of
dry samples without any pre-treatment. It detects light
absorbance and transmittance in the wavenumber
range 4,000 to 400 cm-1 (wavelengths 2.5 to 25 µm)
and produces a unique absorbance pattern for each
The targeted metabolomics study requires an already
established reference library to match the produced
absorbance pattern. Unfortunately, no commercially
available neither a nationally developed library exists
to match the spectra developed by analyzing gallstone
samples, rendering the upgradation of gallstone
analysis impossible. Identifying this resource gap, we
aimed to develop a Gallstone Standard Library (GSL)
and a Gallstone Real Patients’ Library (GRPL) and
validate them using FTIR Spectroscopy in the Section
of Chemical Pathology, Department of Pathology
& Laboratory Medicine, Aga Khan University.
Commercially available pure standards of cholesterol,
calcium carbonate, bilirubin and bile salts (figure 1)
as well as gallstone specimens were analyzed using
FTIR Nicolet iS-5 Spectrometer from Thermo Fisher
Scientific, USA. Thermo Scientific™ QCheck™
algorithm, embedded within the OMNIC™ software,
was used to identify the unique spectral fingerprint
of the patient samples to match with known, standard
material. Similarity of >75 percent was deemed
adequate. Validation for accuracy of the library was
achieved for twenty investigated gallstones at an
international reference lab.
Rigorous examination was executed against the
established GSL entailing 71 “pure component”
spectrum separated into five subtypes to generate
the library. For the GRPL, 117 patient samples from
various cities of Pakistan were included. Eighty-four
percent of 117 stones matched with the established
GSL. Mixed stone was the most common subtype,
with cholesterol being the primary component. FTIR
spectrum of pure standards studied of bile salt is
shown in figure 1. Outcomes of the established library
were in complete agreement with the results verified
from the international reference lab. The established
library exhibited consistency is now effectively used
for examination of gallstone configuration in our
population and has replaced the labor- and timeintensive chemical method of gallstone examination.
Figure 1: FTIR spectrum of pure standards studied of bile salt analyzed
at Section of Chemical Pathology, AKU
Next-Generation Sequencing for HLA Genotyping
Samina Ghani
Molecular Pathology
The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system also
known as major histocompatibility complex (MHC)
in humans) is an important component of the
immune system. It is controlled by genes located
on chromosome six. The human leukocyte antigen
(HLA) genes represent the most diverse loci in the
human genome with over 14,000 alleles identified as
of December 2015. The high allelic diversity in the
HLA genes reflects HLA protein function in binding
and presenting a diverse array of peptide ligands
derived from microbial pathogens. As a result of
selection pressure, the HLA system now constitutes
one of the major genetic differences between
individuals and among different ethnic populations.
Therefore, the HLA genes are clinically relevant as
key determinants of compatibility in organ and bone
marrow transplantation and genetic susceptibility to
diseases. However, the highly polymorphic nature
of HLA genes poses unique challenges for the
development of molecular approaches to genotype
HLA alleles. This brief review will summarize the
utility of next-generation sequencing (NGS) for
HLA genotyping, highlighting the advantages of this
approach over other molecular methods for typing
HLA alleles.
Using standard Sanger sequencing methodology, both
alleles of a particular HLA locus are amplified and
sequenced together resulting in multiple heterozygous
positions in the electropherogram tracing. (Figure 1A).
Figure 1: Sanger sequencing methodology
As the phase of the polymorphic positions cannot be
visually determined, additional steps are required
to assign an HLA genotype. These include the
use of informatics software to query the IMGT/
HLA sequence database and assign the most likely
combination of alleles, PCR amplification of only one
allele, or the use of sequencing primers which anneal
to only one of the two potential HLA alleles. In some
instances, alternative allele pairs cannot be excluded,
leading to genotype ambiguity. The additional steps
required to generate HLA genotypes using Sanger
sequencing are laborious and time-consuming, thus
increasing the costs associated with HLA genotyping.
As a consequence, only a few select exons of an
entire HLA gene are routinely sequenced in clinical
laboratories to determine a patient’s HLA genotype
and ultimately the degree of HLA match between
donor and recipient.
Next Generation Sequencing: A common feature
of NGS technologies is that each fragment of DNA
is amplified and sequenced independently and
repeatedly, thus reducing the phase ambiguities
encountered using Sanger sequencing (Figure 1B).
Several approaches NGS for HLA genotyping have
been reported using a variety of capture strategies and
sequencing platforms.
The 454 platform utilized NGS for HLA genotyping
for application. The read length of this technology
(~ 250-500 bp) was sufficient to cover the average
size of an HLA exon Similar to Sanger approaches,
the 454 HLA typing strategies utilized exontargeted amplification (Figure 2A), which led to
challenges in primer design and required numerous
PCR reactions during library preparation. Although
automation and microfluidic PCR technology were
able to mitigate some of these issues, the ampliconbased sequencing approach was gradually replaced
by a shotgun sequencing strategy (Figure 2B). In
shotgun sequencing approach long-range PCR is
used to amplify each HLA locus in a singlereaction.
PCR amplicons are large and fragmented to produce
appropriately sized sequencing templates., these
templets produce the short (100-250 bp) sequencing
reads which are aligned to re-create a full-length HLA
sequence. The advantage of the long-range PCR and
shotgun sequencing approach is that primers can be
designed to anneal in less polymorphic regions of the
HLA genes (5’ and 3’ UTR’s, for example), resulting
in enhance capture and sequence of the HLA gene
regions. Paired-end sequencing can also be utilized
to bioinformatically phase HLA sequence data over
longer genetic distances (Figure 2C), including regions
between exons. Multiple commercial assays that utilize
the shotgun approach for HLA NGS are now available
for platforms such as Ion Torrent and Illumina.
Finally, bioinformatics approaches have also been
developed to produce HLA genotyping information
from targeted capture (exome) and non-targeted
whole-genome sequence data. One of the major
hurdle is the lack of sequence coverage from the
HLA region obtained through exome capture
techniques and pseudogene leading to misalignment
of sequence reads. Despite these challenges,
improved capture strategies and HLA genotyping
analysis strategies offer the ability to generate
accurate HLA genotyping from exome and wholegenome data. Advances in NGS methodologies and
competitive bioinformatics analysis approaches
for HLA genotyping, enabled us to define genes
within the HLA region, identifying polymorphisms
that may elucidate the evolutionary history of HLA
alleles, gene expression, and disease risk.
Figure 2: Exon-targeted amplification for HLA typing
ABL Kinase Domain Mutation Analysis by
Sanger Sequencing for TKI Resistant
Kahkashan Imam, Nazneen Islam, Zeeshan Ansar
Dysregulated tyrosine kinase (TK) activity is a
frequent hall- mark of multiple neoplasms. Chronic
myelogenous leukemia (CML), a myeloproliferative
disorder, represents a well characterized model
disease for TK-dependent transformation. On the
basis of the implementation of basic and clinical
research into clinical practice, introduction of tyrosine
kinase inhibitors (TKIs) are now the gold standard
in the treatment of CML patients and a successful
example of targeted therapy. The first cases of CML
in leukemia patients in the late 19th century, were
diagnosed through an enlarged spleen and markedly
elevated leukocyte counts. It took almost one century
to uncover that the Philadelphia chromosome is the
typical chromosomal change in CML patients and
another 13 years until Rowley and co-workers showed
that this anomaly is in fact based on a translocation
between chromosome 9 and 22. Another ten years
later, Bartram and co-workers were able to show that
the tyrosine kinase gene abl on chromosome 9 and the
bcr gene on chromosome 22 are fused and generate
the bcr-abl gene on the Philadelphia chromosome.
The BCR-ABL oncopro-tein is characterized by
constitutive and increased TK activity and leads to
malignant transformation of hematopoietic stem and
progenitors cells resulting in hypercellularity of the
bone marrow and altered cell adhesion properties of
leukemic cells both leading to typical leukocytosis
and sple-nomegaly observed clinically at diagnosis.
Untreated CML progresses through three distinct
clinical phases. Initially, CML presents with a
relatively stable chronic phase (CP) and typically
develops through an accelerated phase (AP) towards
myeloid or lymphoid (and rarely megakaryocytic or
even monocytic) blast crisis (BC), which strongly
resembles acute leukemia.
Table1: Recommended Testing Parameters for Patients on TKI Therapy per NCCN Guidelines
Recommended Test Specifications
Recommended Test Frequency
Bone marrow
Analyze ≥ 20 metaphase cells
At diagnosis
At 3 months, if RT-qPCR (IS) is not available
At 12 months, if neither CCyR nor MMR is achieved
At 18 months, if no MMR and no CCER at 12 months
≥1-log increase in BCR-ABL1 level without MMR
Use peripheral blood
Use dual probes for BCR and ABL1 genes
At diagnosis, if collection of bone marrow is not feasible Not
recommended for monitoring response to treatment
Use an RT-qPCR (IS) assay with sensitivity
of ≥ 4.5 log below the standardized baseline
Use peripheral blood or bone marrow
At diagnosis
None provided
mutational analysis
Clinically Relevant BCR-ABL1 Threshold Levels
for Predicting TKI Treatment Responses:
The clinical utility of laboratory methods for
monitoring TKI therapeutic efficacy, including
hematologic, cytogenetic, and PCR-based techniques,
depends largely on their limits of detection. Complete
hematologic response is based on normalization of
peripheral blood counts [National Comprehensive
Cancer Network (NCCN) Clinical Practice
Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines) Chronic
Myelogenous Leukemia Version 3.2013last accessed.
Cytogenetic response is based on the percentage of
Ph-positive (Phþ) metaphase cells observed in a bone
marrow sample, typically by Giemsa staining of
metaphase chromosome spreads.
Cytogenetic testing does have, however, the capability
to detect other chromosomal abnormalities besides
the Ph chromosome, and this may have prognostic
relevance. Ancillary interphase cell fluorescence
in situ hybridization (FISH), with DNA probes for
BCR and ABL1, is also commonly used to monitor
CML response to treatment. Because 100 to 500
interphase cells are typically examined with FISH,
this approach is more sensitive (1:500 to 1:100, or
0.2 to 1%) than metaphase cytogenetics. Depending
on the probes used, however, it can have a high
Every 3 months for responding patients
After CCyR is achieved, every 3 months for 3 years, then
every 3 to 6 months thereafter
If ≥1-log increase in BCR-ABL1 level with MMR, repeat in
1 to 3 months
If inadequate* response to first-line therapy or any sign
of loss of response, defined as hematologic or cytogenetic
relapse, or ≥1-log increase in BCR-ABL1 level
and loss of MMR
If disease progression to accelerated or blast phase CML
false-positive rate. FISH lacks practical utility for
MRD monitoring in the majority of TKI-treated
CML patients, and therefore is not recommended by
the NCCN for routine monitoring of TKI treatment
response (NCCN Guidelines). Instead, guidelines
from the NCCN, the European Leukemia Net (ELN),
and the National Institutes of Health recommend
serial BCR-ABL1 RT-qPCR assays at regular 3- to
6-month intervals for routine MRD monitoring of
CML patients receiving TKI therapy. Molecular
monitoring involves extraction of RNA from a bone
marrow or peripheral blood specimen and subsequent
RT-qPCR to measure transcript levels of BCR-ABL1
relative to those of a reference gene. Because the
analyte of RT-qPCR, RNA, is labile and degradation
prone, many pre-analytical variables can affect
sample quality and quantitative results, including
sample source (peripheral blood versus bone marrow),
sample storage (temperature, type of tube), sample
transport (duration of travel, temperature), and
sample stabilization (lysis buffer, storage buffer). The
reference gene in RT-qPCR serves as a control for
overall RNA quality (with respect to degradation)
and, assuming equivalent reference gene expression in
all hematopoietic cells, for the number of input cells
per PCR reaction. For example, in our laboratory,
when the level of reference gene RNA falls two
SD below the mean, RT-qPCR for the BCR-ABL1
and reference gene are repeated, and if this repeat
analysis again shows low reference gene RNA levels,
the sample is reported as inadequate (new sample
requested). Compared with cytogenetic testing, PCRbased molecular monitoring offers exquisite analytical
sensitivity, 100 to 1000 times greater than FISH or
bone marrow cytogenetic analysis. It is applicable
to bone marrow and peripheral blood samples, and
with a short turnaround time, provides quantitative
results that are associated with validated clinical
response thresholds. Disadvantages of RT-qPCR
include its lack of methodological and reporting
standardization, its need for specialized laboratories
and equipment, and the variability of analytical and
reporting systems. Summarizes current NCCN testing
recommendations for monitoring TKI treatment
response in patients with CML.
Figure 1: BCR-ABL1 KD Mutations for Therapeutic Choices
BCR-ABL1 KD Mutations for Therapeutic Choices
(amino acids 248 to 256); the imatinib-binding
region (amino acids 315 to 317); the catalytic domain
(amino acids 350 to 363); and the activation (A)-loop
(amino acids 381 to 402).11 Differential sensitivity to
imatinib, dasatinib, nilotinib, bosutinib, and ponatinib
has been demonstrated by these diverse mutant
BCR-ABL1 kinasesin in vitro studies.49e52 Because
there is often, but not always, a good correlation
between mutation-specific in vitro resistance and
in vivo clinical responses for some, but not all, KD
mutations and TKIs, the identification of the specific
mutation can help to inform the optimal management
strategy. In particular, the presence of the common
T315I mutation suggests that ponatinib, and no
other TKI, may be effective. In addition, NCCN
and ELN guidelines suggest a switch to nilotinib
(not dasatinib) for patients with the V299L, T315A,
or F317L/V/I/C mutations; and a switch to
dasatinib (not nilotinib) for patients with the
Y253H, E255K/V, or F359V/C/I mutations.
Aside from point mutations, the BCR-ABL1
KD also commonly develops insertion/
deletion mutations, including a 35-bp intronic
insertion at the exon 8 to 9 junction, an L248V
mutation with deletion of 81 bp of exon 4, an
exon 7 deletion, and several others. Although
the clinical and drug resistance significance of most
of these insertion deletion mutations is still unclear,
the very common 35-bp intronic insertion after exon
8 does not appear to mediate TKI resistance, in vitro
or in vivo. The BCR-ABL1 KD also carries some
common single nucleotide polymorphisms that appear
to be wholly benign, including three non-synonymous
(K247R, F311V, Y320C), and three synonymous
(T240T, T315T, E499E) variants, each of which has no
known effect on TKI binding or drug resistance.
The emergence of BCR-ABL1 KD mutations has
been shown to be associated with an increased
likelihood of subsequent disease progression in
patients with TKI-treated CML, Although the switch
to an alternative TKI, triggered by the finding of
a KD mutation, has never been shown to directly
improve long-term outcomes in a prospective trial,
ELN and NCCN guidelines nevertheless specifically
recommend a switch to certain
TKI agents when particular
mutations are detected. Due
to the diversity of mutations,
full BCR-ABL1 KD mutation
screening is done in most
laboratories by a direct Sanger
DNA sequencing technique
that has a detection limit of
approximately 20% mutant
allele. A significant majority
of BCR-ABL1 KD mutations
cluster to one of four hot
spots: the ATP-binding P-loop Figure 2: Map of all the amino acid substitutions in the Bcr-Abl KD identified in clinical samples from
patients reported to be resistant to imatinib
Figure 3: Interpretation of Bcr-Abl KD identified patient’s samples and Reference sample
Given our evolving
understanding of the molecular
events mediating resistance in
CML and Ph_ ALL, standards
for reporting of BCR-ABL
mutational studies would
benefit from a greater degree
of uniformity. Commerciallyavailable reference samples
and calibrators as well as a
publicly available BCR-ABL
mutation database are the
currently needed resources
to allow laboratories and
clinicians to interpret the
significance of BCR-ABL KD
mutation studies. While these
standardization efforts are
proceeding, mutation studies
should be based on the already
developed criteria for clinical
resistance (summarized above)
to better ensure appropriate
utilization. As shared
databases become more widely
available, the most appropriate
statements regarding the
clinical significance of specific
mutations will be better
defined and allow more precise
guidance to be given.
Urine Metabolomics to identify Organic
Saba Abdul Mateen
Clinical Chemistry
Organic acids are intermediates of amino acids,
carbohydrates, lipids and biogenic amine metabolism,
and any defect in a metabolic pathway may result in
elevated levels of these metabolites in urine. The
scientific study of chemical processes involving
metabolites is known as metabolomics, so organic
acid analysis in urine is known as metabolomics
through organic acid.
At Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi analysed
urine organic acid samples by Gas ChromatographyMass Spectrometry (GCMS) in Biochemical Genetic
Laboratory (BGL). A spot-urine sample is required for
analysis without preservative, and samples are stored
at -20°C until analysis. The analysis is performed
using ethyl acetate derived by bis-trimethylsilyl, using
the internal standard 3,3 dimethyl glutaric acid. The
data generated from the mass detector is analyzed
by Chemstation software with the help of libraries,
for example, the NIST library for Organic acids. The
system’s precision is assessed by analyzing internal
quality control samples, while for proficiency testing,
ERNDRIM and CAP samples are analyzed.
One of the most common disorder in Pakistan is
methylmalonic aciduria which is easily detected
on GCMS. Methylmalonic acidurias are inherited
metabolic disorders characterized by elevated
methylmalonic acid, along with methyl citrate,
3-hydroxyisovalerate 3-hydroxypropionate, and
tiglylglycine shown in figure 1. Metabolites are
widely used as diagnostic and/or prognostic indicators
of inherited metabolic diseases (IMDs). Urine
metabolomics plays a key role in diagnosis of these
Figure 1: A Urine organic acid chromatogram for a Patient with
Methylmalonic Aciduria
Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) of Solid
Misha Ahmed, Dr Najia Ghanchi
Molecular Pathology
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has changed
the face of oncology research and diagnostics by
significantly increasing the breadth, sensitivity, and
specificity of information obtained within a single
assay. A newer, alternative strategy called next
generation sequencing (NGS) allows clinicians to
simultaneous detection of several genes associated
with cancer. Next generation sequencing can be
performed on material from a patient’s tumor that has
been biopsied or surgically removed.
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is a new
technology used for DNA and RNA sequencing
and variant/mutation detection. NGS can sequence
hundreds and thousands of genes or whole genome in
a short period of time. Deep sequencing using Nextgeneration sequencing (NGS) provides the highly
sensitive detection of somatic variations in tumor
subpopulations. Illumina sequencing by synthesis
(SBS) chemistry is the most widely adopted NGS
Next-generation sequencing involves four basic steps:
Library preparation is the first step of next
generation sequencing. It allows DNA or RNA to
adhere to the sequencing flow cell and allows the
sample to be identified. Two common methods of
library preparation are ligation-based library prep and
tagmentation-based library preparation.(Figure 1)
Cluster Generation, the library is loaded into a
flow cell where fragments are captured on a lawn of
surface-bound oligo complementary to the library
adapters. Each fragment is then amplified into
distinct, clonal clusters through bridge amplification
when cluster generation is complete, the templates are
ready for sequencing.
Sequencing Illumina SBS technology uses
proprietary reversible terminator–based method
that detects single bases as they are incorporated
into DNA template strands. As all four reversible
terminator–bound dNTPs are present during each
sequencing cycle, natural competition minimizes
incorporation bias and greatly reduces raw error
rates compared to other technologies. The result
is highly accurate base-by-base sequencing that
virtually eliminates sequence context–specific errors,
even within repetitive sequence regions and homo
(indel) identification, read counting for RNA methods,
phylogenetic or metagenomic analysis, and more.
It provides the sensitivity and accuracy needed to
identify low-frequency variation with confidence in
samples of varying quality. High target coverage (at
least 93.5 percent of bases covered at ≥ 500×) provides
sensitivity and accuracy required for low-level variant
data analysis During data analysis and alignment,
the newly identified sequence reads are aligned to
a reference genome. Following alignment, many
variations of analysis are possible, such as single
nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)or insertion-deletion
DNA library bridge
Library hybridization
DNA fragmentation
Amplified clusters
DNA Library
DNA library
Alignment and data
Contigs (overlapping regions)
Fluorescently labeled nucleotides
Reads cluster 1
Reads cluster 2
Reads cluster 3
Data collection
Assembled sequence
Fig 1. Next-generation sequencing involves four basic steps
Applications: In section of molecular pathology
we perform 15 gene hotspot mutation panel that are
commonly mutated in solid tumors or Commonly
associated with prognosis of available therapies..
Using NGS based testing method, we accurately
detects variants from small amount of nucleic acid
extracted from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded
(FFPE) tumor tissue. Formalin-fixed, paraffin-
embedded (FFPE) tissue are routinely used for
morphological analysis of solid tumors. Both the
quality and quantity of input DNA are critical for
producing high-quality data for molecular assays.
TruSight Tumor 15 assay utilize this method to detect
15 most commonly mutated genes in seven cancer
types (Lung,Melanoma, Breast, Colon, Ovarian,
Gastric, and Prostate).This assay can examine
multiple cancer-associated genetic alterations
simultaneously. Solid tumor assay targets genes
and gene regions include single nucleotide variants
(SNV) and insertions and deletions (indels) that
have demonstrated involvement in solid tumors. The
accurate somatic variant detection of five percent
allele frequency can be achieved using FFPE tissue
samples. Following are the list of genes detected by
this method AKT1, GNA11, NRAS, EGFR, GNAQ,
RET, ERBB2, MET, TP53. (Table 1)
Table 1. TruSight Tumor 15 (TST15) Gene Panel Content
Gene Region Content (with target) covered by TruSight Tumor 15 with potential disease state
Exon 3*;E17K
GNA11(guanine nucleotide-binding protein
G protein)
Exon 5*;Q209L Melanoma
NRAS(neuroblastoma RAS viral
oncogene) Exon2*,3* (partial), 4
codons12,13,59,61117,146 colon
BRAF(B-RAF protein )
Exon 15*(patient);V600E/K/R/M
Melanoma, colon ,lung
GNAQ (guanine nucleotide binding protein,
alpha stimulating)
Exon 5*(patient);Q209L Melanoma
PDGFRA (Platelet Derived Growth
Factor Receptor Alpha)
Exon 12,14,18 Gastric, Melanoma
EGFR (epidermal growth factor
Focal Amplification, Exons12*
(partial)18,19,20; G719A, G719X; Exon
21(L858R), L861Q, T790M
ERBB2 (erythroblastic oncogene B)
Focal amplification, p.E770_A77insAYVM
Exon 14 (partial), 17,18,19,20* ,21*(partial)
Lung ,Breast
Gastric, Melanoma
PIK3CA (Phosphatidylinositol-4,5Bisphosphate 3-Kinase Catalytic
Subunit Alpha)
Exon 9,20
Lung, Breast, Prostate
KRAS ( Kirsten rat sarcoma viral
Exon2*(partial),3 (partia),4
Colon, Lung , Gastric
RET(rearranged during
Exon 16(M918T)
FOXL2( forkhead transcription factor)
Focal Amplification
Lung, Colon, Gastric
TP53 (tumor protein)
Full coding sequence
Lung, Melanoma, Ovary ,Colon
* = Coverage of these exons is only partial and targets
specific hotspots
The concordance was found 100 percent between
variants from reference material and TST15 reported
variants in laboratory our studies. It shows reliable
variant detection with reported clinical significance.
It is important to understanding the molecular
landscape of cancers and contribute to the worldwide
ongoing effort to determine whether certain variants
are potentially actionable variants. Next generation
sequencing method provides concurrent information
on multiple genes with high quality performance,
appropriate turnaround times, and optimal use of
FFPE tissue specimens. With the continuing discovery
of new cancer biomarkers and availability of robust
assay clinical services are required to implement more
comprehensive molecular testing methodologies.
Importance of using Genomic Tool in Microbial
Dr. Mohammad Arsalan and Dr. Sobia Khan,
The transition of “omics” tools utility from
research to disease diagnosis have revolutionized
the health care. This paradigm shift in diagnostics
have opened the new avenues for therapeutic and
preventive interventions. Several technologies have
been employed including transcriptomics, which
measures mRNA transcript levels; proteomics, which
quantifies protein abundance; metabolomics, which
signifies abundance of small cellular metabolites;
interactomics, which unravels the whole set of
molecular interactions in cells; and fluxomics, through
which dynamic changes of molecules within a cell
are established over time (figure 1). The multi-omics
approach is required to unravel the difficulties of
fundamental microbial biology.
monitoring, and investigation of new outbreaks.
This has improved public health surveillance
and also filled the knowledge gaps with-in
short time span. Studies done in Sub-Saharan
Africa between 2012 and 2018 found that >
50 percent newly diagnosed HIV infants are
resistant to mainstream non-nucleoside reverse
transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) medications.
This evidence formed the basis of developing
effective surveillance guidelines and policies.
World Health Organization (WHO) recently
updated the recommendation and has included
HIV integrase region genotype testing (along with
the reverse-transcriptase and protease regions) in
all specimens obtained in pretreatment or acquired
HIV drug resistance.
WHO supports the use of NGS as an additional
surveillance tool in below diseases. (figure 2).
Figure 1: Multi-OMICS approach use in disease diagnosis
Medical microbiology has been transformed by the
genomics in infectious disease diagnosis, treatment,
and preventive approaches. Following are few
exemplary situations in this regard.
1. Infectious disease surveillance
In the era of emerging infectious diseases,
genomic identification of causative agents aids in
disease burden estimation, epidemiology, trend
Figure 2: Pathogen genomics use for disease control programs
2. Identification of therapeutic targets:
In order to survive, microbes regularly modify
their structural and functional properties.
Recognition of these characteristics at
genomic level brings up opportunities for
new therapeutic options. In 1998, the genome
of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv was
sequenced, 4000 new potential therapeutic
targets identified, 50 percent of which were
given tentative functions.
Increasing antibiotic resistance and unavailability
of a viable vaccine candidate has made Neisseria
gonorrhoeae a “superbug”. A recent study has
utilized codon biasing, a tool to identify the
essential genes in N. gonorrhoeae that could be
utilized as novel therapeutic targets for drug or
vaccine development. Through the screening
of 2350 total genes, a list of 29 drug candidate
genes based on codon adaptation identified.
Data mining could predict the function of these
29 genes. These genes are involved in DNA
replication, energy synthesis and metabolites
production. A molecule/drug also identified which
can be used to target essential protein DapD
3. Antimicrobial resistance:
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR), which is
currently the most critical public health issue,
necessitates immediate global effort to counteract
its negative consequences. According to a recent
review published on genomics to track global
AMR, around 47 freely accessible bioinformatics
resources for detection of AMR determinants
in DNA or amino acid sequence data have been
WGS for AMR has several advantages over
traditional methods, as demonstrated by a
study of emerging aminoglycoside-resistant
Campylobacter in the United States, where
sequencing data revealed the rising trend driven
by nine different resistance alleles, six of which
had never been detected in Campylobacter
before and would not have been easily found
using PCR.
Outbreak control and investigation:
WGS also links epidemiology and pathogen
biology, which is critical for determining outbreak
investigation as it is crucial to determine whether
an outbreak is caused by natural causes, an
unintentional release of a cultured or engineered
organism, or a deliberate introduction of a known
pathogenic organism. WGS provides significantly
more resolution than conventional methods
by producing a complete database of genetic
polymorphisms (particularly single-nucleotide
polymorphisms, or SNPs). Methicillin Resistant
Staphylococcus aureus outbreak in the United
Kingdom, MLST (multi locus sequence typing)
identified only one sequence type for a group of
MRSA isolates, whereas WGS identified several
distinct clusters.
Two studies of tuberculosis transmission have
shown that the resolution of WGS with SNP
typing is much higher than that provided by
the previous gold standard typing method
i.e., mycobacterial interspersed repetitive unit
variable number tandem repeat (MIRU-VNTR)
Meta-omics-based research has revealed
significant associations between the gut
microbiome and human diseases such as
obesity, diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease
(IBD), cardiovascular disease, and various
cancers in the last two decades. For instance,
recent analysis of faecal metagenomic samples
from patients with colorectal cancer (CRC)
identified CRC-enriched bacteria, including
Bacteroides fragilis, Fusobacterium nucleatum,
Porphyromonas asaccharolytica, Parvimonas
micra, Prevotella intermedia, Alistipes finegoldii
and Thermanaerovibrio acidaminovorans, which
could potentially serve as diagnostic bacterial
markers across populations.
As a result, omics-based research has opened
up a whole new world of diagnoses, but it will
require significant expenditures in Next Generation
Sequencing, bioinformatics and computer
infrastructure. Monitoring, evaluation, and
sustainability frameworks are critical for determining
the value of NGS over other surveillance techniques,
identifying gaps and areas for advancement, and
ensuring that appropriate resources are available for
its operations.
Diagnostic role of c-MYC, BCL2 and BCL6
rearrangement in B Cell Lymphoma
Sony Siddiqui, Muneba Sharif and Zeeshan Ansar,
Molecular Pathology
Neoplasms that were often included high-grade
B-cell lymphoma in the past included blastoid or
pleomorphic variants of mantle cell lymphoma,
lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia, Burkitt
lymphoma, high-grade variants of diffuse large
B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), and neoplasms
designated previously in the 2008 World Health
Organization (WHO) classification as B-cell
lymphoma,unclassifiable, with features intermediate
between DLBCL and Burkitt lymphoma.
Aggressive B-cell lymphomas, including diffuse
large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), comprise the most
commonly diagnosed non-Hodgkin lymphomas in
the Western world and are potentially curable with
standard chemoimmunotherapy treatments in up to
two-thirds of patients.
as CD34, CD38, BCL6, and monotypic surface
immunoglobulin. Then, we apply FISH for MYC,
BCL2 and BCL6. If doublehit or triple-hit is found,
the case is classified as high-grade Bcell lymphoma
with MYC and BCL2 and/or BCL6 rearrangements,
irrespective of morphology. If double-hit or triplehit is not found, then the decision depends next
on morphology. If lymphoma cells are large and
morphology is typical for DLBCL, then it should
be classified as such, irrespective of isolated MYC
rearrangement. If lymphoma cells are intermediatesize and morphology is typical for BL or intermediate
between BL and DLBCL, then immunophenotype
such as BCL2 expression should be checked. If the
immunophenotype is not typical for BL, then it can be
classified as high-grade B-cell lymphoma NOS.
In the 2016 revision of the WHO classification of
lymphomas, the term high-grade B-cell lymphoma has
been repurposed. Most cases in this category include
so-called double and triple-hit lymphomas falling into
the subgroup designated high-grade B-cell lymphoma
with MYC and BCL2 and/or BCL6 rearrangements.
A smaller subset of cases are designated as high-grade
B-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified (NOS). This
group has overlapping morphological findings with
double and triple-hit lymphomas, and may carry MYC
rearrangement in a subset of cases, but lacks double or
triple-hit genetics as currently defined.
Diagnostic approach for high-grade B-cell
The diagnostic approach that can be used in practice.
When we receive a high-grade B-cell lymphoma,
blastoid mantle cell lymphoma is excluded with
cyclin D1, SOX11 immunohistochemistry or FISH
for IGH-CCND1 translocation. B-lymphoblastic
leukaemia/lymphoma can be excluded with TdT
and other immature markers. Of note, a subset of
high-grade B-cell lymphoma can express TdT so
it is very important to check other markers such
Figure 1: Algorithm for Diagnostic approach for high-grade B-cell
Diagnostic Importance of high-grade B-cell
lymphomas harboring rearrangements of MYC
and BCL2 and/or BCL6 (HGBL-DH/TH):
According to WHO 2016 classification of lymphoid
neoplasms, uncommon but clinically significant
subgroup of high-risk patients with a highly
aggressive clinical course and dismal long-term
survival. This subgroup, commonly referred to as
double hit (DHL) or triple hit lymphoma (THL),
has been officially classified as “high grade B-cell
lymphomas with rearrangements of MYC and BCL2
and/or BCL6. The standard way to identify these
aberrations is via fluorescence in situ hybridization
(FISH) probes.
MYC expression in DLBCL drives proliferation
and induces genomic instability. MYC is located on
chromosome 8 (8q24) and is crucial for metabolism,
protein synthesis, and amplification of transcription .
However, BCL2, an oncogene located on chromosome
18 (18q21), serves to promote cellular survival by
preventing apoptosis. BCL6 normally encodes a
transcriptional repressor and when overexpressed,
Double Hit
can down-regulate several other genes, including
TP53 (tumor suppressor gene), which subsequently
allows DNA-damaged cells to escape from apoptosis
. A typical translocation partner for these genes is the
immunoglobulin heavy chain gene (IGH) enhancer,
which is located on chromosome 14 (14q32). The IGH
enhancers activate efficient and accurate transcription
of clonal IGH genes. Hence concurrent translocation
of MYC and BCL2 and/or BCL6 molecularly generates
a cellular environment of rapid growth countered
by decreased apoptosis, and leads to a highly
chemoresistant phenotype.
Double Hit
Triple Hit
Figure 1: FISH analysis showing multiple gene rearrangements on paraffin embedded Tissue blocks. Showing (A) BCL2 gene rearrangement, (B) C-Myc
gene Rearrangement, (C)BCL6 gene Rearrangement (D) MYC/IGH translocation
The poor prognosis and adverse outcomes following
standard chemoimmunotherapy for patients
with aggressive B-cell lymphomas harboring
dual rearrangements of MYC and BCL2 and/or
BCL6 is now well-established. Due to the need
for more intensive induction chemotherapy than
RCHOP and the potential need to implement CNS
prophylaxis, it is crucial for treating physicians
to know whether a patient with newly diagnosed
DLBCL fits into the HGBL-DH/TH category. In a
cost-conscious era, routine and widespread testing
for biologic determinants of outcome may not be
appropriate, and a critical appraisal of predictors
is warranted. As a distinct clinical phenotype or
pathologic morphology cannot be identified to
accurately predict for underlying HGBL-DH/TH,
the molecular features of the underlying lymphoma
are a more objective means to screen for HGBLDH/TH. Herein, we have summarized the data to
support various methods of screening by molecular
features including COO, protein expression, and
sequential FISH testing.We recommend screening
all patient samples with newly diagnosed highgrade B-cell lymphoma with a dual fusion FISH
probe for MYC-IGH translocations. If the FISH
study is positive, the sample can then be tested for
BCL2/BCL6 translocations. Based on these data,
this is both the most sensitive and cost-effective
method to diagnose patients with HGBL-DH/TH
and to best inform treating physicians to aid in the
clinical management of these patients.
Meeting Reports:
Eksath with Patients Having Rare Inherited
Metabolic Disorders: An E-Portal Launching
Drs. Hafsa Majid
Clinical Chemistry
Launch of e-portal ‘EkSath with patients having
rare inherited metabolic disorders’ was conducted
on March 1st, 2021 at the Aga Khan University
(AKU), Karachi, Pakistan. The event was arranged by
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine,
AKU in collaboration with Pakistan Society of
Chemical Pathologists, and Pak IMD-Net.
Rare diseases affect many aspects of an individual’s
life including their social, educational, and
employment opportunities and are an emerging
global public health priority. For Pakistani families
affected by IMDs there is paucity of appropriate
health services and support groups and it is difficult
to find and to access information. These opportunities
are even more limited for families who have a child
who hasn’t been diagnosed yet. In addition, there
is a lack of coordination and integration, and no
central point of access to information on diagnostic
services, treatment clinics, family support groups or
up-to-date research. Bearing this in mind, an e-portal
was developed by Dept. of pathology and laboratory
Medicine in collaboration with Pak-IMD-Net for
parents/families with children diagnosed with any
IMD and physicians involved in the care of IMD
This event was attended by parents/families with
children diagnosed with any IMD, physicians
involved in care of IMD patients, and pathologist
associated with IMD diagnostic laboratories from
across Pakistan.
Picture 1: Picture of the event Organizers and Guest Speakers with the Dean Medical College, Aga Khan University.
Basic Molecular techniques (Hands-on)
workshop for Pathology Residents
Kiran Iqbal Masood
Molecular Pathology
As more molecular diagnostics tests are emerging
with more sensitive, specific and precise diagnostic
assays, these methods have assumed a niche in many
clinical laboratories replacing or complementing the
existing assays. Hence, it has become imperative to
strengthen the foundation of molecular pathology
of our residents by enabling them to be able to
understand the basic, technical and clinical knowledge
of the molecular based diagnostic testing. In order to
achieve this, the PGME committee took an initiative
by incorporating longitudinal molecular pathology
course within the existing curriculum.
Post-graduate medical education (PGME) committee
developed a task force whose aim was to carefully
design the training program that can be used by
pathology residency program as a framework that
caters to enable residents to develop understanding
of basic concepts of molecular biology along with its
clinical applications. The committee met monthly
and worked collaboratively along with representatives
from different sections and from the year 2021, core
curriculum for residents was revised to include the
essential concepts related to molecular pathology.
As part of the curriculum, we designed a workshop
on “Basic molecular techniques” for residents of the
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine.
The workshop comprised of hands-on training,
interpretation and troubleshooting on techniques
including Nucleic acid (DNA and RNA) extraction
using conventional and kit based methods followed by
conventional and Real-time PCR. The attendees for
the workshop included in total 14 residents, mostly
from year III, IV and V along with three residents
from year I who were able to secure resident research
grant (RRG) and were supposed to use the basic
molecular techniques in their projects along with two
of the residents from clinical hematology who came
with special request to join the workshop.
The workshop was organized by the faculty from the
section of Molecular Pathology including Drs. Kiran
Iqbal and Najia Ghanchi with the help of Pathology
research staff (Amna Nasir, Sarah Baber and Francis)
and molecular pathology technologists (Anum Ujala
and Misha Ahmed). The administrative support was
provided by Ms. Shamsha Punjwani. The workshop
was well-appreciated by the attendees. We are happy
to share some of the snapshots and feedback received:
Hands on was good experience, learnt a
lot, should conduct twice a year
Activity was excellent, highly
recommended for all residents
Everything was perfect at our level
Good workshop, clarified concepts
Need to organize more like these
Very interactive and easily defined, need
more hands on like these
Great session learnt basics of molecular
Hands-on experience was very helpful
Overall Great
Radiology Practice in 21st Century: Role of
Artificial Intelligence
Dr Shaista Afzal, Dr Imrana Masroor,
History of Artificial intelligence (AI)
The development of “intelligent machines” that can
mimic human intelligence has always intrigued
mankind. In Greek mythology, Homer wrote about
mechanical servants created by Hephaestus to help
masters. In the 13th century, Al-Jazri designed the
first robot that worked like a human e.g., playing
music and washing hands. Artificial intelligence (AI),
however, is much beyond robotics and involves the
processing of information and utilization of cognitive
computing systems. The perception of AI describes it
as an aiding tool that can improve human quality of
life and support their need. [i]
In 1956 at the Dartmouth Summer Research
Project, the field of AI was formally perceived.
John McCarthy et al. created the term “artificial
intelligence” and elaborated it as “AI is the science
and engineering of making intelligent machines,
especially intelligent computer programs. It is related
to the similar task of using computers to understand
human intelligence, but AI does not have to confine
itself to biologically observable methods ”.[ii] In
other words, AI representing machines which were
developed with a wide range of technologies, can
perform tasks that are representative of human
intelligence e.g., autonomous vehicle driving.
AI in Radiology
In 1980, computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems
applied image feature-based analysis and provided
the radiologist with a “second opinion” i.e., computer
output to help in final decision making. The two
examples of CAD utilization were for the detection of
microcalcification in mammography and pulmonary
nodules in digital chest radiography. However, in
cases of discrepancy between the computer reader and
computer aid, it is important to adopt a more acceptable
approach for incorporating AI into radiological practice
by leaving the final judgment to the radiologist.
In this era of AI, Diagnostic radiology applications
have witnessed significant progress and growth in
their workflow. AI not only involves detection of
pathologies, decision making, and diagnosis but also
encompasses setting of acquisition parameters, image
reconstruction, pre-processing along with monitoring
treatment response and hence patient management.
The goal of imaging equipment manufacturers is
to maximize image quality to improve diagnostic
accuracy. This however comes with increased cost,
time, and radiation exposure. The post-processing of
acquired images using AI/machine learning software
has shown promise in image quality and patient
Several facilitators and barriers have been
identified in the implementation of AI in radiology
practice [iii]. The facilitating factor being “cost
containment” which is expected to be achieved
with the development and implementation of
technological innovations to enhance efficiency
and quality. The high expectations of the “potential
added value” of AI are another factor. This includes
improved diagnostic performance due to automation
of tasks, and multiple operational benefits like
reduced workload, consistency in reporting effective
timesaving, and more advanced service provision.
The adoption of AI applications also reflects the
openness towards the adaptation of hospital-wide
“innovation strategies” of the hospital management
leadership. The “local champions” i.e., radiologists
that possess strong knowhow of the technical
aspects and interest in AI can play an important
role in the initiations and implementation of AI in
their department. The strategies to be adopted by
the local champions to overcome the oppositions
by their sceptical colleagues are sharing literature
and presentations for a better understanding of AI
applications and promoting experimentation by the
installation of an application test version. This will
not only convince and familiarize the radiologists
but also the referring physicians.
One of the hindering factors identified in the
implementation of AI in radiology is the inconsistent
technical performance of the AI algorithm i.e., the
sensitivity and specificity. [iv] This was seen with
the CAD application where a large number of false
positives created additional work for radiologists
and the potential of overlooking a lesion. The other
factors hindering the process of AI application being
unstructured planning and monitoring, uncertainty
about the added value in clinical radiology practice
and workflow and lastly, the trust and acceptance of
direct and indirect users i.e., radiologists and referring
AI applications are getting significant attention in
radiology practice, hence insight into the facilitators
and barriers in its implementation is crucial.
Consequently, it is important to include all relevant
stakeholders during the implementation phases of
planning, execution, and monitoring.
1. El Naqa I, Haider MA, Giger ML, Ten Haken RK. Artificial
Intelligence: reshaping the practice of radiological sciences
in the 21st century. Br J Radiol. 2020;93(1106):20190855.
McCarthy J. What is Artificial Intelligence. 2007. Available
from: HTTP:// www- formal.
Stanford. edu/ jmc/ whatisai/ whatisai. HTML
Strohm L, Hehakaya C, Ranschaert ER, Boon WPC, Moors
EHM. Implementation of artificial intelligence (AI)
applications in radiology: hindering and facilitating factors.
Eur Radiol. 2020;30(10):5525-5532. doi:10.1007/s00330-02006946-y
Case Quiz
Dr Sana Brohi
Haematology & Transfusion Medicine
Case presentation: A 14-month-old boy, presented
in emergency department with complaints of fever
and failure to thrive since birth. Physical examination
revealed pallor and hepatosplenomegaly. Parents had
non-consanguineous marriage and he was the first
child. Family history was unremarkable. His complete
blood count showed: haemoglobin: 8.9 g/dl, white
blood cells: 4.72 x 10E9/L, absolute neutrophil count:
0.78 x 10E9/L and platelets: 98 x 10E9/L. Peripheral
blood smear did not show any atypical cell. Bone
marrow aspirate and trephine biopsy was performed
Figure 2: Bone trephine showing histiocyte engulfing erythroid, lymphoid, and myeloid precursor
for evaluation of cytopenia which showed cellular
marrow with trilineage hematopoiesis and active
hemophagocytosis (histiocytes and macrophages
engulfing erythroid precursors) [figure 1 and 2]. Other
laboratory investigations showed low fibrinogen: 93
mg/dl, high triglycerides: 431 mg/dl and high ferritin:
85797.5 ng/ml.
Figure 1: Bone marrow aspirate showing histiocyte engulfing erythroid and lymphoid precursor
What is the most likely diagnosis?
Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH). It is an
aggressive syndrome of excessive immune activation.
It is most common in infants and young children but
can affect patients of any age. These disorders include
genetic (familial and immunodeficiency-related
syndromes) and acquired forms. Familial forms are
autosomal recessive, without a well-defined genetic
defect rarely mutations in PF1, Munc13-4 (UNC13D)
and syntaxin 11 (STX11), affecting neonates and
Diagnostic criteria: Five of the following nine
1. Fever ≥ 38.5°C
2. Splenomegaly
3. Peripheral blood cytopenia, with at least two of
the following: hemoglobin <9 g/dl (for infants
<4 weeks, hemoglobin <10 g/dl); platelets
<100 x 10E9/L; absolute neutrophil count <1 x
4. Hypertriglyceridemia (fasting triglycerides
>265 mg/dL) and/or hypofibrinogenemia
(fibrinogen <150 mg/dl)
Hemophagocytosis in bone marrow, spleen,
lymph node, or liver
Low or absent NK cell activity
Ferritin >500 ng/ml (ferritin >3000 ng/mL is
more indicative of HLH)
Elevated soluble CD25 (soluble IL-2 receptor
alpha [sIL-2R]) two standard deviations above
age-adjusted laboratory-specific norms
Elevated CXCL9
Treatment options: treatment options include
Corticosteroid: dexamethasone preferred, as it crosses
blood brain barrier; Immunoglobulin infusions,
cyclosporine and etoposide; For neurological
disease: Intrathecal methotrexate with or without
corticosteroids; Definite treatment is haematopoietic
stem cell transplantation.
Best of the Recent Past
#Pathologist #Followtheirlead
Interviews Recorded by Dr. Qurratulain Chundriger
The world of medicine is changing. With the advent
of personalized medicine, powered and backed
by evidence-based practices and more advanced
diagnostic, predictive and prognostic information,
the practice of medicine is in the process of a
metaphorical upside-down flip. This has created
challenges for pathologists, who need to conform
their practice to provide more efficient, faster, and
personalized test results, ultimately translating into
better care for the patient.
In line with the theme for this Labrad issue, we
interviewed the section heads of Department of
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, to know
about their vision and foresight in adopting to the
requirements of the era of modern medicine. However,
the role each section of our clinical laboratory plays in
clinical care are too many as well as very diverse, so
we requested them to focus on two major areas only.
Dr. Lena Jafri,
Associate Professor
and Section Head
Chemical Pathology
1. What
have been
brought to your
section, and
how have these
impacted the
clinical service provision?
Advances in the techniques of analytical
chemistry and metabolomics are the source
of the rapid evolution of a new omics era.
The introduction of metabolomics in the
Section of Chemical Pathology pertains to two
important platforms: analytical techniques, (gas
chromatography mass spectrometry and liquid
chromatography tandem mass spectrometry) and
multivariate data analysis software (Collaborative
Laboratory Integrated Reports -CLIR in
collaboration with Mayo Clinic, USA). With the
introduction of mass spectrometers and HPLC
in the section metabolic profiling of patients
suspected of having inherited metabolic disorders
is done. We have screened > 22000 high risk
children and adults in past 8 years and have
identified around 40 disorders using these cuttingedge technologies.
2. And what is your vision for the next five years,
and how will it benefit patient care?
I propose three main objectives that will be able to
configure a rendezvous point and propose future
directions. These include:
Predictive medicine: Enhanced sensitivity and
improved metabolite coverage translating into
faster and more accurate predictive capacity of
Preventive Medicine: Structure across targeted
metabolomics using mass spectrometry
supplemented with bioinformatics. This can be
translated into clinical care through services of
genetic counselling.
Collaborations and capacity building: In all three
disciplines of service, education and research is
the key to successful utilization of multiomics
approach for optimal outcomes.
Interviewee: Dr Zeeshan Ansar, Assistant Professor & Section Head Section of
Molecular Pathology
1. What Technological advancements have been
brought to your section, and how have these
impacted the clinical service provision?
Molecular pathology is the rapid advancement
of technology has been driven by 2 primary
areas: (1) automated extraction, amplification
and detection platforms and (2) next-generation
sequencing. As with any new advanced area, there
are challenges and limitations that the laboratory
medicine and public health fields must pay close
attention to as these developments intersect with
the care of patients and healthcare and public
health policy.
2. And what is your vision for the next five years,
and how will it benefit patient care?
I propose to work in two main areas, including:
Capacity building of my faculty and technologist,
train them on different genomic, transcriptomic
based applications. So they are able to conduct
research to
identify risk of
diseases and
translate this
and are better
able to grow
the section in
the times of
Bring in newer
technologies, broader assays which can detect
multiple disorders in a single run of a sample,
introduce services to identify inherited genetic
diseases, initiate cell free DNA analysis for
detection of oncology, prenatal screening and
integrate artificial intelligence into the service to
improve diagnostics.
Interviewee: Dr Imran Ahmed, Assistant Professor & Section Head Section of
1. What Technological advancements have been
brought to your section, and how have these
impacted the clinical service provision?
FilmArray (Biofire) is a real-time multiplex PCR
technology that integrates sample preparation,
amplification, detection and analysis. It can
simultaneously detect 14 and 22 pathogens in CSF
and nasopharyngeal swab specimens respectively
in a matter of hours. It reduces turn-around time,
helps targeted antimicrobial therapy, antimicrobial
stewardship and thus overall reduction in cost of
2. And what is your vision for the next five years,
and how will it
benefit patient
My vision is to
improve diagnostics
by bringing in
informatics and
digitalization in
Pathology. I plan to
improve microbial
identification through introduction of latest
technology and bringing in laboratory automation
are the next steps for microbiology.
Interviewee: Dr Arsalan Ahmed, Associate Professor & Section Head Section of
1. What Technological advancements have been
brought to your section, and how have these
impacted the clinical service provision?
The histopathology lab was remodelled in 2019, in
accordance with the “Lean methodology” in order
to maximize the productivity in response to the
continually increasing demands of the workload
and we have partially gone live with Novopath
tracking system. The remodelled lab also houses
“state of the art” grossing hall and a separate
storage space for blocks and slides for at least
one year. Along with it, during the past 2 years
we have brought technological advancements
by bringing in two 8-color flow cytometer,
which has helped us to cope with increasing
volumes, implemented new tests to expand our
services and by reducing the turnaround time of
reporting results (within 24 hours). We introduced
automation in ANA
(Helios system) and
Semen Analysis
(Computer assisted
sperm analysis). This
has further improved
the turnaround
time, eliminated
subjectivity and
processes, increased
the capacity of sample size for testing and
has improved the quality of patient testing by
maintaining it according to CAP standards. Liquid
Based Cytology for Pap-smear was introduced
using BD Sure Path to minimize the risk of
missing the disease by ensuring that 100% of the
cells are collected, processed leading to higher
detection rate of abnormal cells HSIL (precursor
for cancer in cervix) and significant reduced
cases of unsatisfactory samples. It also has the
option of performing molecular testing on residual
2. And what is your vision for the next five years,
and how will it benefit patient care?
In future we plan to introduce Subspecialty
practice in histopathology, depending
on the surgical volumes. Improve our
histopathology workflow processes by
completely implementing the long-awaited
tracking system, along with introducing voice
recognition dictation and going paperless.
We plan to introduce the Digital pathology
and Telepathology, expand our services to
other cities and countries of Middle East and
Southeast Asia.
Interviewee: Dr Natasha Ali, Associate Professor & Section Head Section of
Haematology and Transfusion Medicine
1. What Technological advancements have been
brought to your section, and how have these
impacted the clinical service provision
Introduction of automation in the routine test
performed in hematology has considerably
improved the accuracy of results and also the
efficiency of the laboratory. The automation
platform performs numerous tests from a single
EDTA tube. Process improvements such as delta
checks, pre- and post-analytical sample sorting/
archiving etc. have resulted in smart deliverables
with much decreased turnaround time leading to
better patient satisfaction
2. And what is your vision for the next five years,
and how will it benefit patient care?
Innovation in the area of clinical information
will save laboratory time and labor, while
enhancing patient care. With improvements in
optics, electronics, computing algorithms and
reagent systems – the insights into cellular health
and physiology also grow. The power of digital
morphology cannot be underestimated. Digital
morphologic analysis of haematology specimens
requires images scanned at high magnification
under oil
Compared to
glass slides,
digital images
are easy to
store, retrieve,
annotate or
and do not
with time.
This technique combined with artificial
intelligence where a software pre-classifies
and pre-characterizes cells by morphological
abnormalities using image analysis algorithms,
opens a new door to the way we interpret and
diagnose hematological disorders. The future for
hematology diagnostics is exciting indeed!
(Picture is Worth a Thousand Words)
Picture 1: Integration of urine chemical and microscopic analysis. System perform picture analysis by neural
network-based algorithm
Picture 2: Technical staff evaluating the graph of Xpert MTB/RIF which detects DNA sequences specific for
Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Rifampicin resistance by polymerase chain reaction
Picture 3: Haematology resident analyzing hemoglobin variant chromatograph generated by high performance liquid
Picture 4: Haematology residents reviewing bone marrow aspirate smear under microscope.
Picture 5: Chemical Pathologist interpreting lead spectra analyzed by Atomic absorption mass spectrometry
Picture 6: Chemical Pathologist reviewing the results of plasma Acylcarnitine analyzed by Liquid ChromatographyMass Spectrometry
Picture 7: Technologist analyzing dried blood spot specimen for Acylcarnitine on Liquid Chromatography-Mass
Picture 8: Sequencing cartridge is ready for processing and analysis in Miseq.
Picture 9: Molecular pathology technologist setting up Next generation sequencing assay for solid tumor testing.
Picture 10: The Helios HelMed is an automated platform for indirect immunofluorescence studies, which provides AI
assisted reporting using software and a library of images for structured reporting. In addition, it also suggests the next
step in testing/diagnosis by recognition of the pattern of positivity.
Picture 11: AI assisted reporting of Semen DR specimen is crucial for reporting not only the viability and mobility index
of the spermatozoa but also their speed and structural abnormalities.
Picture 12: The 8 color BD flowcytometer is the most advanced technology for assessment of antibody panels in
leukemia/lymphoma diagnosis and calculating minimal residual disease burden to name a few examples.
Picture 13: Grossing stations fitted with DRAGON speech recognition software, result in quicker turnaround times,
minimizing the chances of human error at the same time.
Society of
Virtual Workshop 2021
Beyond Diagnostics: How To Analyse
Brain MRI Scans for Research?
Picture 14: A virtual workshop conducted by the Radiology team in September 2021.
Pictures 15-17: A few glimpses of the Research Day of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine.