Patrick A. Duba, Rabindra K . Roy, Jacob A . Abraham,
William A. Rogers
Computer Systems Group
Coordinated Science Laboratory
University of Illinois
Urbana, IL 61801
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712
ways to achieve this: by making a simpler model, which suffers from lack
of accuracy, or by using a more efficient algorithm, such as one which
exploits hierarchy in the circuit [7], or by using special purpose hardware
accelerators, e.g. IBMs Yorktown Simulation Engine (YSE) [8], NEC’s
Hardware Accelerator (HAL) [9], Zycad, Silicon Solutions, Daisy, etc.
[lo, 111.
Fault simulation of VLSI circuits takes considerable computing
resources and there have been significant efforts to speed up the fault
simulation process. This paper describes a distributed fault simulator
implemented on a loosely-coupled network of general purpose computers.
The techniques used result in a close to linear speedup and can be used
effectively in most industrial VLSI CAD environments.
The hardware accelerators no doubt provide the fastest simulation,
but they have some severe drawbacks. They are very expensive in initial
cost as well as maintenance, they are very inflexible because of their fixed
architectures, and it is not possible to incorporate new features into them.
Moreover, they have fixed fault libraries, which are applicable to only one
or a few technologies, and any major change in the prevailing technology
may lead to their obsolescence. Hence, there is an interest in software
simulators, which are flexible and can be run on general purpose computers.
1. Introduction
An alternative to hardware accelerators is the use of distributed and
parallel processing for fault simulation. The distributed processing
approach is applicable to general purpose processors and the implementation can be made flexible enough to incorporate changes in technology. In
almost all of the cases, distributed processing is less expensive when compared to hardware accelerators. In the late 1980s, there has been a strong
trend towards networking. Almost all the IC design houses have a network of engineering workstations. Most of the workstations in a network
are idle during nonwork hours. If all these workstations are used as a distributed processing system to work on the same problem, it is possible to
solve problems that are too complex for most mainframes. This led to the
investigation and development of the distributed fault simulator described
in this paper.
Test generation is an important phase. in the successful design and
validation of a circuit. It has been determined that test generation is an
NP-complete problem [1,2]; thus, the computational requirements grow
exponentially as the circuit size increases. The problem is much worse for
sequential circuits, where. the search space must also consider one more
dimension, that of time. Efficient automatic test pattern generators for
sequential circuits are not yet available, so the burden is laid on the test
engineers, who have to generate test sequences from their experience.
Fault simulation involves the process of applying such test patterns to a
circuit model in order to validate their effectiveness. For a given fault
model, the quality of the test set is expressed as the fault coverage, which
is the percentage of faults detected out of all the possible faults. Fault
simulators are thus indispensable tools in the test generation process. Considering the fact that a significant portion of the cost of producing an IC is
due to testing, it is essential to perform the fault simulation in as short a
time as possible, to reduce both the design-test-redesigncycle and the time
the produced chip spends on the test bed.
In its 6rst form, fault simulation was performed serially, injecting
one fault at a time into the circuit. The inadequacy of this approach
became evident with the development of MSI and LSI circuits which
prompted researchers to find new methods of fault simulation. At present,
the three most prevailing techniques used for fault simulation are parallel,
deductive and concurrent [3]. For simulating very large circuits, concurrent fault simulation is considered to be the best approach [4]. The
costs of parallel and deductive fault simulation are O(G3) and at least
O(G2). respectively [SI, where G is the number of gates in the circuit. A
formal model shows that the cost of concurrent fault simulation is worse
than linear for realistic circuits [4]; based on observations, concurrent fault
simulation seems to behave as an O(G2) algorithm [6]. As a result, when
these algorithms are implemented on a general purpose processor they take
a prohibitive amount of time for current VLSI circuits. This has led to
research into making the fault simulation process faster. There are three
Implementing an algorithm in a distributed environment is not a
simple task. The problem domain must be decomposed among the processors [12]; this is also known as task purririoning. Stated in simple words,
task partitioning is nothing but breaking the original problem into several
smaller subproblems. Another important issue is rusk allocation, i.e., mapping the subproblems to the processors. If task partitioning and task allocation are not performed properly, an increase in the number of processors
in a system may actually result in a decrease of total throughput [131.
This decrease can occur if a key factor called inferprocessor communicarion (IPC), which consists of all messages exchanged among processors
and shared memories, is not taken into consideration [14].
?his work was supported by the SemiconductorResearch Corporation under Contract 87-
Patrick A. Duba is cumntly with Hewlea Packard EDD, Cdmdo Springs, Colorado.
This communication overhead, which is absent in the analyses of
sequential algorithms, can be a bottleneck if not handled efficiently.
Granularity of computation (the smallest size of a task given to a processor) should be based on the parameters of a particular system. If the
granularity is chosen to be small, then the subproblems can be divided
evenly among the processors. This ensures better utilization of the processors, but the amount of interprocessor communication becomes large.
Therefore, if communication is the bottleneck of a system, granularity
should be large. It is very difficult to predict the exact granularity size
which will yield the best performance for a given problem and distributed
system. However, some broad ranges, based on computation and
communication requirements for each granule size, can be specified within
which the algorithm is expected to behave reasonably.
Fault simulation algorithms, which were developed for sequential
25th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference@
Paper 42.1
.OO0 1988 IEEE
processors, are not suitable for distributed implementation in their original
forms. One of the reasons is the difficulty in properly partitioning the
given task into subtasks. However, novel techniques developed recently
provide a way to overcome this difficulty [4]. These techniques automatically partition the problem into several smaller and somewhat similar sized
subproblems using information about the circuit hierarchy. The partitioning is done in such a way that each subproblem gets a unique subset of the
set of all the possible faults in the circuit. Thus the subsets of faults associated with different subproblems are mutually disjoint. As a result of this,
the task allocation problem is greatly simplied.
This paper describes the implementation of a distributed fault simulator running on a loosely coupled network of general purpose processors
connected via a bus. A large number of simulations were run on circuits
of varying sizes and total number of faults. For a given problem, there
were two parameters to be decided upon: the partition size (how many
faults are injected into each partition) and the number of processors used.
When compared to a serial run, many situations yielded a near linear
speedup. As the circuit size, and hence the total number of faults,
increased the speedup figures were found to improve.
The paper is divided into five sections. Section I gives the inuoduction to the problem. Section I1 describes the method of hierarchical fault
simulation, a hierarchical fault simulator (CHIEFS), and hierarchical fault
partitioning. The distributed algorithm and implementation are described
in section 111. Section N reports the results and explains various
anomalies in the performance graphs and section V concludes the paper.
II. Hierarchical fault simulation
The computationally intensive task in fault simulation is evaluation
of logic elements. Fault simulation speed can be increased by reducing the
number of evaluations or by increasing the speed of element evaluation. If
the evaluation rate is increased, the simulation will go faster, but the computational complexity of the algorithm remains unchanged. Since the
complexity of fault simulation is worse than linear [4], the computational
requirements for circuit evaluations will increase faster than the
corresponding increase in circuit complexity. Reducing the number of
evaluations decreases the complexity of the algorithm and provides
increased performance from existing hardware. An event driven simulation performs evaluations only when signals change, so there is no scope
of reduction in the number of evaluations in the event driven algorithm.
Hence the only other alternative is to reduce the number of primitives in
the circuit by altering the circuit representation. Hierarchy provides the
framework to make these changes and hierarchical design practices provide the information required to construct a hierarchical circuit representation. The fault simulator, CHIEFS (Concurrent HIerarchical and Extensible Fault Simulator), has demonstrated that these changes are feasible and
has provided dramatic simulation speedup under appropriate conditions
text editor
Graphics Edit01
Text Editor
Fault Simulator
I Completed
[ In Development
User Defined
v i )
Figure 1. CHIEFS Simulation System Diagram
definitions for the higher level macromodules in the circuit description.
Initially, the circuit description is automatically partitioned, using hierarchical information, into subcircuits each of which contains a small subset of
all the possible faults, as shown in Figure 2. During simulation, the circuit
description is reconfigured so that the current fault partition is simulated at
the primitive level and all other (fault-free) parts of the circuit are simulated at the highest possible levels. This is achieved by substituting the
high-level functional definition for subcircuits wherever possible in the
fault-free areas. Fault simulation is performed and the circuit is
reconfigured; then the next partition is faulted and the previous partition is
now fault-free. This reconfiguration process is repeated until all partitions
have been fault simulated. A performance model shows that the total time
for simulating many passes is indeed much less than simulating everything
in one pass for very large circuits [4]. It is instructive to note that this
technique partitions the given problem into subproblems that do not
require information from each other during evaluation. If, in a distributed
environment, each processor simulates a disjoint set of fault partitions,
many fault partitions can be evaluated in parallel. This was the key idea
behind the distributed implementation of this fault simulator.
C. P a r t i t i a A l P o r i t h
The hierarchical partitioning algorithm creates a series of circuit
representations (partitions), each of which is a complete representation of
the circuit. Each partition has a unique partition number associated with it
and considers a unique set of modules for fault injection. In other words,
each partition has a a unique set of faults for simulation. The partitioning
algorithm uses a user-specified number of faults (partition size) as a guide
in creating a partition. This recommended size has a -25% to +50% tolerance to allow the algorithm to partition along the higher-level module
boundaries whenever possible, which helps in minimizing the number of
modules in the partition. Fault behavior is modeled only in the simulator
primitives so each partition must contain a portion of the circuit which is
A. Descriution of the CHIEFS S v m
The CHIEFS system consists of several C programs, two parsers, a
fault simulator, and a wrapper. These programs contain about 20,000 lines
of code, which were developed under UNIX. The parsers were written
with LEX [I51 and YACC [16] to parse the fault and circuit description
languages. These parsers produce a common data structure to be used by
the fault simulator and the wrapper. The circuit description languages
currently accepted are SCALD [17,18] and TDL [19]. The fault library
language was developed in-house. Figure 1 shows the relationship among
various parts of the simulator.
B. Hierarchical Fault Partitioning
CHIEFS features a hierarchical fault partitioning technique which
increases simulator performance by reducing the total amount of computation required to perform the simulation. This technique is based on the
hierarchical circuit description and (redundant) high level functional
Figure 2. Hierarchical Fault Partitioning
Paper 42.1
represented at the primitive level. The remaining part of the circuit is
represented functionally (where possible) by a higher-level functional
representation. A configuration is created by marking the nodes of a tree
expansion of the circuit hierarchy. This tree data structure is also used to
record the faults that have been simulated, the faults that are in the current
partition, the faults that have been detected, and the faults that remain
undetected. Each module in the circuit hierarchy also contains the sum of
the number of faults in all of its lower-level constituent modules or in
itself if the module is a primitive. This number is used in the partitioning
algorithm to decide if a module is an acceptable object for partitioning or
if the module contains too many faults and therefore must be broken into
its constituent lower-level modules.
The partitioning algorithm starts at the highest level definition in the
circuit hierarchy and searches the tree data structure from left to right to
find modules which have not been incorporated into a partition, (see Figure 2). The number of faults in the first available module is checked
against the recommended partition size. If it is within the tolerances, the
module, all its descendents, and all its direct ancestors are marked as fault
enubled in the current partitioning. All siblings of the module and all
siblings of the direct ancestors of the module may be simulated with functional models if they exist. These modules are checked for the presence of
a functional model and if present, the module is marked for functional
evaluation. If a functional model does not exist then the descendents of
the module are checked. This procedure continues until a complete circuit
representation consisting of fault-enabled and functional modules is
cmted. If the number of faults in the module under consideration is too
large, the partitioning algorithm descends into the descendents of the
module and continues. If the number of faults was too small, the module
is marked as fault-enabled and the next sibling is considered for incorporation into the current partition. Subsequent siblings are incorporated until
the minimum number of faults have been enabled for the current partition.
Once the simulation for a partition has finished all the fault-enabled
modules are marked as previously simulated to prevent them from being
incorporated in another partition. The simulation is complete when all the
modules have been marked as previously simulated.
cal fault partitioning. Each faulted partition is considered as a subproblem
and allocated a processor. The proper grain size of a subproblem (faulted
partition) is very difficult to determine. Some general guidelines have
been followed. The partition size must be small enough so that each of
the available processors gets at least one partition, yet large enough so that
the evaluation time of the subproblem is not negligible compared to the
communication time. The allocation of the subproblems to processors can
be done in any order. The interconnection network employed is a bus,
which is slow relative to the processor speed and limits the maximum
number of processors that can be utilized efficiently. However, it was adequate for the maximum number of processors considered in this paper.
The following conditions must be satisfied for a distributed program
to be efficient:
T =T, l p
where T is the turnaround time for p processors working
on the problem, T, is the turnaround time for a single processor implementation and p is the number of processors
in the multiple-processor implementation. It should be
noted that T also includes communication time. This
implies that the overhead due to distributing the algorithm
should be low to satisfy the condition of linear speedup.
(2) Ti ZZ T,
where Ti and T, are turnaround times of processors i and
j, respectively. This condition implies a homogeneous distribution and hence a balanced load on all the processors.
An alternative way to partition the problem of fault simulation of a
given circuit could be at the circuit topology level, where different processors have different portions of the circuit. However, in that case some processors will require results of computation from other processors, which
would lead to large amounts of communication between the processors. In
the environment under consideration, communication is the bottleneck, so
minimizing communication is necessary. Hence partitioning at the circuit
topology is not an efficient method. The advantage of using faulted partitions is the independence of the subproblems from each other resulting in
minimized communication. Figure 2 shows the general picture of
hierarchical fault partitioning. Each host processor, also referred to as a
server, obtains a copy of the circuit and injects faults in a unique portion
of the circuit.
III. Distributed Hierarchical Fault S i m u l ~
Distributed processing can be defined as several loosely coupled processors working on the same problem to achieve some goal. It is different
from tightly coupled parallel processing, where communication time
between processors is comparable to local memory access time. In loosely
coupled systems, the communication costs are relatively high. These systems are preferable if computation granularity is large and task interactions
are relatively infrequent Though they offer less efficiency than tightly
coupled systems or simulation engines, loosely coupled systems have the
advantage of being less expensive and more versatile. The distributed
fault simulator, DCHIEFS (Distributed Concurrent HIerarchical and Extensible Fault Simulator), was developed on a loosely coupled system.
Several parameters influence the performance of a distributed system
[20], some of which are:
The architecture of our loosely coupled system is shown in Figure 3.
The client (master) and servers are on a communication bus using the TCP
protocol. The system employs the Network File System (NFS) which
enables the sharing of files in a heterogeneous environment of machines,
operating systems and networks [22]. The Remote Procedure Call CRpC)
facility of NFS supports a mechanism where a client machine can request
a remote server machine to execute a procedure and return the results to
the client. These two facilities were used to implement the communications between the client and servers.
The amount of parallelism inherent in the application problem.
The decomposition of a problem into subproblems.
The allocation of these subproblems to processors.
The communication delay of the interconnection structure relative to
the speed of the processors.
The first parameter is application-specific. The next two depend on the
implementation and the last one depends on the particular multipleprocessor system used.
All these parameters will be examined for the fault simulation problem. The precedence relation of a problem determines the inherent
sequentiality that must be observed in that problem [211. Because only
single faults are assumed to occur in a faulty circuit, there is no precedence relation in the simulation of different faults. Thus high parallelism can be achieved in the fault simulation problem. The method for
decomposing the problem into smaller subproblems is based on hierarchi-
Paper 42.1
A. A r c h i t e m dr'strib-
st r
u w
To keep the performance close to the optimal level, an efficient control paradigm should be selected. The control structures may be synchronous or asynchronous. In the synchronous case, all the servers start and
finish a parallel portion of the algorithm at the same time; whereas in the
asynchronous case,each server may be in different phases of the algorithm
simultaneously. In a synchronous control structure if imperfect load
balancing (varying partition sizes in the case of DCHIEFS) occurs, then
the servers that get smaller loads eventually become idle. In addition, if
the client has to determine which servers are ready to process more partitions, it has to serially check the status of the servers (polling). Both of
these procedures cause a performance penalty. To avoid these penalties,
we chose an asynchronous control structure. With this control structure,
the inherent difficulties associated with different subproblem sizes (imperfect load balancing) have a minimized effect on performance. In our algo-
result and provides a new partition number for the server. The process
continues until all the partitions of the circuit are fault simulated. Figure 5
gives an overview of the algorithm.
D.I m o l e m
The. distributed fault simulator, DCHIEFS, has been implemented on
a network of SUN workstations. The network is comprised of eight SUN
3/50's and one SUN 3/280 file-server connected by a 10 Mb/s ethemet.
The file-server is also connected to three other file-servers, each with its
own set of workstations. Although workstations connected to the other
file-servers were not included in the experiment, their utilization is planned
for future studies.
TCP Protocol
c - w 1
Figure 3. Architecture of the distributed system.
rithm, when a server finishes its assigned subproblem, it is assigned a new
partition number, which has not already been assigned to any server. This
happens irrespective of the status of simulation on other servers. To
minimize polling, a call-back scheme is chosen, where each server process
is responsible for initiating the request to the client for a new fault partition number.
C. Distributed A / Q o r i t ~
Client process determines the number of server processes available
Client process hitiallzes the server processes
While there are simulatiom to perform {
A server process sends results to the client process and requests
a new partition number
The client process saves the results and provides a new partition
number for the server process
Figure 4 shows the structure of the distributed process. The process
proceeds as follows: the user specifies the number of servers, which the
client initializes, by sending the circuit name and the user input options.
The client determines if the requested number of servers is available. If
so, the client initializes the desired number of servers; otherwise, the available servers are initialized. Based on the user-specified fault partition size,
the servers concurrently divide the circuit into fault partitioned sections
The server process repartitions the circuit for the partition
number it received
The server process simulates for the faults contained in that
Figure 5. The distributed algorithm.
Initialize server
Receive next panition number
Return partition result
The implementation required a server process to be running in the
background on each of the server machines. A distributed simulation is
initiated by starting a client process on the client machine (refer to Figures
3 and 4). then the distributed process proceeds until simulations of all the
partitions are complete. It should be noted that there is no reason why the
client machine can not also have a server process running on it. Either the
file-server or a workstation can be chosen as the client. In ow envuonment, however, the file-server (SUN 3/280) is 3 to 4 times faster than any
of the workstations (SUN 3/5Os). To simplify the analysis, the file-server
was not used as a client or a server.
IV. Results
using algorithm given in Section IIC. The algorithm is based on information about circuit hierarchy, which usually does not have a uniform or
homogeneous structure. As a result, the actual sizes of fault partitions are
not always equal to the specified size.
Several circuits of varying gate counts and total fault counts were
simulated on DCHIEFS. Two different parameters, the size of the fault
partitions and the number of servers used, were varied to study the performance of the distributed simulator. Since the communications between
client processor and server processors were found to occur infrequently,
the client processor (workstation) was also used to run a server process. It
is well known that the runtime of any program depends on the system
load. To eliminate this load dependency, no other user processes were
allowed to run either on the fileserver or on the workstations during the
course of the experiment. This no-load condition ensured repeatability of
the results, and was c o n h e d by repeating some of the experiments.
Each server gets a unique partition number from the client. Using
the partition number, each server injects faults in the corresponding partition, as explained in section 2. The server simulates the faults contained
in that partition. Once completed, the server sends the results to the client
and requests a new partition number (call-back). The client saves the
Figures 6 , 7, and 8 show the speedups for different number of processors and various partition sizes for three different circuits. The first circuit, MULT44 is a 4x4 multiplier, which has 3 levels of hierarchy (which
is the number of levels in the circuit hierarchy tree,as shown in Figure 2)
and 416 possible single line stuck-at faults. Simulation results of
Figure 4. Servers communicating with the client through a call-back scheme.
Paper 42.1
number of processors
Figure 6. Speedup versus the number of processors for varying partition
CONTROL LOGIC (664 faults)
number of processors
U T 4 4 is included in Figure 6. Figure 7 shows the results for a control
logic module, which contains many sequential elements with 3 level of
hierarchy and 664 possible single line stuck-at faults. The last circuit
simulated, FASTMULT, is a 24x24 bit mantissa multiplier with 25530
faults and 5 levels of hierarchy. Figure 8 shows the simulation results for
Almost all the speedup curves are monotonically increasing with
respect to the number of processors, which ensures that the use of more
processors result in lower run-time in most of the cases, but the rates of
increase in the curves do not follow a regular pattern with respect to
either the number of processors or the partition sizes. Two factors, both of
which are related to the irregularity in hierarchical structure of the circuit,
are responsible for this anomalous behavior. First, the circuits do not have
a uniform hierarchical structure, i.e., the sizes and the heights of the subtrees associated with different macromodules at the same level are not the
same. This implies that the corresponding hierarchical tree structure of the
circuit, similar to Figure 2, is not balanced. As a result of this, partitions
having deeper leaves in the faulty part take longer time to be simulated.
This causes an imbalance in the amount of work associated with each partition. Also,the nonfaulty parts of the circuit are different in different partitions. Some of the nonfaulty parts have a functional description and
some do not. So, the partitions, even when containing identical number of
faults, may take different times to be simulated, depending on the availability of a functional description of the nonfaulty part of the circuit.
Secondly, the actual partition sizes may be widely varying. The spread in
sizes may be as much as 75% of the user-specified partition size (50% on
the higher side and 25%on the lower side). As a result, the total number
of partitions n:, becomes more than n: , where n: is given by
CONTROL LOGIC (664 faults)
n:= L N ~ P , J ,
where N is the total number of faults and P , is the partition size specified
by the user. If x, is not a perfect multiple of the number of processors,
then some of the servers remain idle for some period of time when the
simulation process is about to end. This penalizes the performance, as can
be seen for larger number of processors for all the partition sizes in Figures 7(a) and 7(b).
The two factors mentioned above explain the anomalies in the
speedup curves. A very uniform hierarchical smcture of a circuit, both in
terms of number of faults and the availability of functional descriptions of
nonfaulty parts will ensure good uniformity in sizes of tasks associated
with the subproblems. However, this is very hard to achieve for any gen-
Paper 42.1
number of processors
Figure 7. Speedup versus the number of processors for varying partition
era1 circuit, which will have some parts that are random as opposed to
some that are regular. Also, the regular parts are usually of different sizes,
so it is very hard to say which combination of parution size and number of
processors will lead to the best performance. In the experiments reported
in this paper, some situations occurred when the speedups were very close
to optimal (partition size 50, 5 to 7 processors for the control logic in Figure 7(b) and partition size 500, 5 processors for FASTMULT in Figure 8).
In these cases, near-perfect load balancing occurred. But, given a circuit,
it is still unknown how to predict the best partition size.
The three example circuits presented here show very g o d speedups
for the distributed implementation. Several experiments were performed
in an attempt to find a formula for the optimal partition size for a given
circuit, but it became evident that the optimal partition size depends
heavily on the circuit topology, thus it can vary vastly even for circuits of
similar size and functionality. However, even if the optimal partition size
is not used, distributed fault simulation still shows very good speedup,
allowing this technique to be used to simulate very large circuits that may
currently require prohibitive simulation times on large mainframes.
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- FASTMULT ( 25530 faults )
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Speedup 5.0
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number of processors
Figure 8. Speedup versus the number of processors for varying partition
V. Conclusion
The purpose behind this research was to find a low-cost method to
speed up fault simulation by providing more general purpose processors in
a network environment. The results show that distributed fault simulation
is a promising alternative to the use of hardware accelerators. Most IC
design houses have networks of engineering workstations and distributed
fault simulation over that network can be an attractive solution to their
fault simulation needs. Distributed fault simulation as a method is not restricted to CHIEFS and it can be applied to any hierarchical fault simulator
which allows hierarchical fault partitioning. The speedups obtained for the
circuits are very close to optimal in those situations where the partitioning
size and the number of processors used are chosen correctly. Unfortunately, the optimal fault partition size depends heavily on the circuit
topology and is difficult to predict. A rule of thumb is to use a partition
size less than the ratio of total number of faults to the total number of
servers. If a larger partition size
used, some server(s) will certainly
remain idle, thus reducing eficiency. Even if the optimal partition size is
not used, the speedup figures are still very attractive. So, this technique
can be cffectively used to fault simulate very large circuits. Future work
will try to find a model which would predict the optimal or near optimal
values of partition size and number of processors based on circuit topology.
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This work was supported by the Semiconductor Research Corporation under Contract 87-DP-109. Special thanks to Ms. Carol Gura, Mr.
Jeff Baxter and Mr. Ralph Kling, without whose help this work would not
have been possible.
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Paper 42.1