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Alexander Reis (Hrsg.), Das Rhein-Main-Gebiet in der Spätantike – Beiträge zur Archäologie und Geschichte Akten der Tagung in Obernburg am Main vom 12.–13. April 2018, 2022
The glass bowl from Obernburg, decorated with biblical scenes and the in early Christian art rare motif of the Dominus-legem-dat scene, is a solitaire in its region. It may have arrived at its place of discovery as high-value loot or imported goods. While in the neighbourhood, east of the Rhine, hardly any evidence for early Christianity before the late Early Middle Ages can be cited, the region on the western side of the Rhine is in Roman tradition. However, late antique Christianity, having shaped society in the course of the second half of the fourth century especially in the urban settlements, lost its importance close to the Rhine border and emerged anew from the sixth century on. Now Christianization was desired by Frankish politics and found its expression also in Christian architecture. In relation to the finds, the features are of greater archaeological value, since they cannot be moved, and when their function is firmly recognized, they provide clear indications of Christian institutionalization.
Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales - Crónica de Derecho Internacional Público, 2023
La sentencia dictada por la Corte Internacional de Justicia1 (“Corte” o “CIJ”) en diciembre de 2022 dirimió una larga disputa entre el Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia (“Bolivia”) y la República de Chile (“Chile”). Esta disputa, originada a inicios del siglo XX, versa sobre la naturaleza y uso de las aguas del Silala, que nacen en Bolivia a 4.300 metros de altura y crean un humedal de interés internacional2 denominado bofedal alto andino, cuya flora y fauna endémica es única en el mundo.
Dynamics and Developments of Social Structures and Networks in Pre- and Protohistoric Cyprus., 2024
The concept of a ‘globalising’ Late Neolithic has been gaining traction in Near Eastern Neolithic literature. Nieuwenhuyse (2017) and Carter (2018) write respectively that the Halaf and the Ubaid were periods when interconnectivity brought people, materials and ideas into networks of relationships across a wide region. These relational networks were facilitated by more effective means of transport that enabled goods, technologies and ideas to circulate more efficiently. This new interconnectivity was not entirely homogeneous, however, and in some regions was in tension with cultural identity. The level of tension between interconnectivity and cultural identity differed according to a variety of social and economic factors, so that the archaeological record at this time appears as a sliding scale of similarity and difference. Given mounting evidence that this connectivity spanned not only the relatively well-watered ‘Levantine corridor’ but also the dry-steppe and sub-desert zones of the Syrian and Jordanian badia, the view that Cyprus was excluded from the processes of late-prehistoric ‘globalisation’ on account of its insular status appears increasingly at odds with the regional picture. In this paper we explore material evidence from Late Aceramic Neolithic Cyprus and the contemporary mainland that supports the view that Cyprus was a western extension of this ‘globalising’ Late Neolithic world and argue that differences between the archaeological record of Cyprus and the mainland reflects this tension between interconnectivity and cultural identity.
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Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception, 2022
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BMC sports science, medicine & rehabilitation, 2024
Revista Teologica, 2022
Anais do XXVII Workshop de Informática na Escola (WIE 2021), 2021
Applied Photosynthesis, 2012
Padres Y Maestros Publicacion De La Facultad De Ciencias Humanas Y Sociales, 2002
Nature Nanotechnology, 2014
arXiv (Cornell University), 2022
Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 2013
Infection and Immunity, 2004
Journal of Arid Land, 2016
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 2017
Journal of Law, Administration, and Social Science
Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences (JEHSS)