bioRxiv preprint doi: this version posted August 16, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also
made available for use under a CC0 license.
Telomere-to-telomere assembly of a complete human X chromosome
Karen H. Miga1*†, Sergey Koren2*, Arang Rhie2, Mitchell R. Vollger3, Ariel Gershman4, Andrey
Bzikadze5, Shelise Brooks6, Edmund Howe7, David Porubsky3, Glennis A. Logsdon3, Valerie A.
Schneider8, Tamara Potapova7, Jonathan Wood9, William Chow9, Joel Armstrong1, Jeanne
Fredrickson10, Evgenia Pak11, Kristof Tigyi1, Milinn Kremitzki12, Christopher Markovic12, Valerie
Maduro13, Amalia Dutra11, Gerard G. Bouffard6, Alexander M. Chang2, Nancy F. Hansen14,
Françoisen Thibaud-Nissen8, Anthony D. Schmitt15, Jon-Matthew Belton15, Siddarth Selvaraj15,
Megan Y. Dennis16, Daniela C. Soto16, Ruta Sahasrabudhe17, Gulhan Kaya16, Josh Quick18,
Nicholas J. Loman18, Nadine Holmes19, Matthew Loose19, Urvashi Surti20, Rosa ana Risques10,
Tina A. Graves Lindsay12, Robert Fulton12, Ira Hall12, Benedict Paten1, Kerstin Howe9, Winston
Timp4, Alice Young6, James C. Mullikin6, Pavel A. Pevzner21, Jennifer L. Gerton7, Beth A.
Sullivan22, Evan E. Eichler3,23, Adam M. Phillippy2†
UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA USA
Genome Informatics Section, Computational and Statistical Genomics Branch, National Human Genome
Research Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD USA
Department of Genome Sciences, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA USA
Department of Molecular Biology & Genetics, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins
University, Baltimore, MD USA
Graduate Program in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, University of California, San Diego, CA USA
NIH Intramural Sequencing Center, National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of
Health, Rockville, MD USA
Stowers Institute for Medical Research, Kansas City, MO USA
National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of
Health, Bethesda, MD USA
Wellcome Sanger Institute, Cambridge, UK
University of Washington, Department of Pathology, Seattle WA USA
Cytogenetic and Microscopy Core, National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of
Health, Bethesda, MD USA
McDonnell Genome Institute at Washington University, St. Louis, MO USA
Undiagnosed Diseases Program, National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of
Health, Bethesda, MD USA
Comparative Genomics Analysis Unit, Cancer Genetics and Comparative Genomics Branch, National
Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD USA
Arima Genomics, San Diego, CA USA
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, Genome Center, MIND Institute, University of
California, Davis, CA USA
DNA Technologies Core, Genome Center, University of California, Davis, CA, USA
Institute of Microbiology and Infection, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
DeepSeq, School of Life Sciences, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA USA
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of California, San Diego, CA USA
Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, Division of Human Genetics, Duke University
Medical Center, Durham, NC USA
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Washington, Seattle, WA USA
bioRxiv preprint doi: this version posted August 16, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also
made available for use under a CC0 license.
These authors contributed equally to this work
Correspondence should be addressed to K.H.M. (
[email protected]) or A.M.P.
[email protected])
After nearly two decades of improvements, the current human reference genome
(GRCh38) is the most accurate and complete vertebrate genome ever produced.
However, no one chromosome has been finished end to end, and hundreds of
unresolved gaps persist 1,2
. The remaining gaps include ribosomal rDNA arrays, large
near-identical segmental duplications, and satellite DNA arrays. These regions harbor
largely unexplored variation of unknown consequence, and their absence from the
current reference genome can lead to experimental artifacts and hide true variants when
re-sequencing additional human genomes. Here we present a de novo human genome
assembly that surpasses the continuity of GRCh38 2 , along with the first gapless,
telomere-to-telomere assembly of a human chromosome. This was enabled by
high-coverage, ultra-long-read nanopore sequencing of the complete hydatidiform mole
CHM13 genome, combined with complementary technologies for quality improvement
and validation. Focusing our efforts on the human X chromosome 3 , we reconstructed the
~2.8 megabase centromeric satellite DNA array and closed all 29 remaining gaps in the
current reference, including new sequence from the human pseudoautosomal regions
and cancer-testis ampliconic gene families (CT-X and GAGE). This complete
chromosome X, combined with the ultra-long nanopore data, also allowed us to map
methylation patterns across complex tandem repeats and satellite arrays for the first
time. These results demonstrate that finishing the human genome is now within reach
and will enable ongoing efforts to complete the remaining human chromosomes.
Complete, telomere-to-telomere reference assemblies are necessary to ensure that all genomic
variants, large and small, are discovered and studied. Currently, unresolved regions of the
human genome are defined by multi-megabase satellite arrays in the pericentromeric regions
and the rDNA arrays on acrocentric short arms, as well as regions enriched in segmental
duplications that are greater than hundreds of kilobases in length and greater than 98% identical
between paralogs. Due to their absence from the reference, these repeat-rich sequences are
often excluded from contemporary genetics and genomics studies, limiting the scope of
association and functional analyses 4,5
. Unresolved repeat sequences also result in unintended
consequences such as paralogous sequence variants incorrectly called as allelic variants 6 and
even the contamination of bacterial gene databases 7 . Completion of the entire human genome
is expected to contribute to our understanding of chromosome function 8 and human disease 9 ,
and a comprehensive understanding of genomic variation will improve the driving technologies
in biomedicine that currently use short-read mapping to a reference genome (e.g. RNA-seq 10
ChIP-seq 11
, ATAC-seq 12
The fundamental challenge of reconstructing a genome from many comparatively short
sequencing reads—a process known as genome assembly—is distinguishing the repeated
bioRxiv preprint doi: this version posted August 16, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also
made available for use under a CC0 license.
sequences from one another 13
. Resolving such repeats relies on sequencing reads that are
long enough to span the entire repeat or accurate enough to distinguish each repeat copy on
the basis of unique variants 14
. A recent de novo assembly of ultra-long (>100 kb) nanopore
reads showed improved assembly continuity 1 , but this proof-of-concept project sequenced the
genome to only 5× depth of coverage and failed to assemble the largest human genomic
repeats. Previous modeling based on the size and distribution of large repeats in the human
genome predicted that an assembly of 30× ultra-long reads would approach the continuity of the
human reference 1 . Therefore, we hypothesized that high-coverage ultra-long-read nanopore
sequencing would enable the first complete assembly of human chromosomes.
To circumvent the complexity of assembling both haplotypes of a diploid genome, we selected
the effectively haploid CHM13hTERT cell line for sequencing (abbr. CHM13) 15
. This cell line
was derived from a complete hydatidiform mole with a 46,XX karyotype. The genomes of such
molar pregnancies originate from a single sperm which has undergone post-meiotic
chromosomal duplication and are, therefore, uniformly homozygous for one set of alleles.
CHM13 has previously been used to patch gaps in the human reference 2 , benchmark genome
assemblers and diploid variant callers 16
, and investigate human segmental duplications 17
Karyotyping of the CHM13 line confirmed a stable 46,XX karyotype, with no observable
chromosomal anomalies (SFigs 1,2, SNote 1).
High molecular weight DNA from CHM13 cells was extracted and prepared for nanopore
sequencing using a previously described ultra-long read protocol 1 . In total, we sequenced 98
MinION flow cells for a total of 155 Gb (50× coverage, 1.6 Gb/flow cell, SNote 2). Half of all
sequenced bases were contained in reads of 70 kb or longer (78 Gb, 25× genome coverage)
and the longest validated read was 1.04 Mb. Once we had collected sufficient sequencing
coverage for de novo assembly, we combined 39× of the ultra-long reads with 70× coverage of
previously generated PacBio data 18
and assembled the CHM13 genome using Canu 19
. This
initial assembly totaled 2.90 Gbp with half of the genome contained in contiguous sequences
(contigs) of length 75 Mbp or greater (NG50), which exceeds the continuity of the reference
genome GRCh38 (75 vs. 56 Mbp NG50). Several chromosomes were captured in two contigs,
broken only at the centromere (Fig 1a). The assembly was then iteratively polished by each
technology in order of longest to shortest read lengths: Nanopore, PacBio, 10X Genomics /
Illumina. Putative mis-assemblies were identified via analysis of independent linked-read
sequencing (10X Genomics) and optical mapping (Bionano Genomics) data and the initial
contigs broken at regions of low mapping coverage. The corrected contigs were then ordered
and oriented relative to one another using the optical map and assigned to chromosomes using
the human reference genome.
The final assembly consists of 2.94 Gbp in 590 contigs with a contig NG50 of 72 Mbp. We
estimate the median consensus accuracy of this assembly to be >99.99%. Compared to other
recent assemblies we resolved a greater fraction of the 341 CHM13 BAC sequences previously
isolated and finished from segmentally duplicated and other difficult-to-assemble regions of the
genome 17
(Tbl 1, SNote 3). Comparative annotation of our whole-genome assembly also
bioRxiv preprint doi: this version posted August 16, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also
made available for use under a CC0 license.
shows a higher agreement of mapped transcripts than prior assemblies and only a slightly
elevated rate of potential frameshifts compared to GRCh38 20
. Of the 19,618 genes annotated in
the CHM13 de novo assembly, just 170 (0.86%) contain a predicted frameshift (STbl 1). When
used as a reference sequence for calling structural variants in other genomes, CHM13 reports
an even balance of insertion and deletion calls (SFig 3, SNote 4), as expected, whereas
GRCh38 demonstrates a deletion bias, as previously reported 21
. GRCh38 also reports more
than twice the number of inversions than CHM13, suggesting that some mis-oriented
sequences may remain in the current human reference. Thus, in terms of continuity,
completeness, and correctness, our CHM13 assembly exceeds all prior human de novo
assemblies, including the current human reference genome by some quality metrics (STbl 2).
Using this whole-genome assembly as a basis, we selected the X chromosome for manual
finishing and validation due to its high continuity in the initial assembly, distinctive and
well-characterized centromeric alpha satellite array 3,8,22
, unique behavior during development
, and disproportionate involvement in Mendelian disease 3 . The de novo assembly of the X
chromosome was broken in three places, at the centromere and two >100 kbp near-identical
segmental duplications (Fig 1b). The two segmental duplications breaking the assembly were
manually resolved by identifying ultra-long reads that completely spanned the repeats and were
uniquely anchored on either side, allowing for a confident placement in the assembly. Assembly
quality improvements of these difficult regions was evaluated by mapping an orthogonal set of
PacBio high-fidelity (HiFi) long reads generated from CHM13 25
and assessing read-depth over
informative single nucleotide variant differences (Methods). In addition, experimental validation
via droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) confirmed the now complete assembly correctly represents the
tandem repeats of the CHM13 genome, including seven CT47 genes (7.02 ± 0.34), six CT45
genes (6.11 ± 0.38), 19 complete and two partial GAGE genes (19.9 ± 0.745), 55 DXZ4 repeats
(55.4 ± 2.09), and a 2.8 Mbp centromeric DXZ1 array (1408 ± 40.69 2057 bp repeats) (SNote
To assemble the X centromere, we constructed a catalog of structural and single-nucleotide
variants within the ~2 kbp canonical DXZ1 repeat unit 26,27
and used these variants as signposts
to uniquely tile ultra-long reads across the entire centromeric satellite array (DXZ1), as was
previously done for the Y centromere 28
. The DXZ1 array was estimated to be ~2.8 Mbp (BglI,
2.87 +/- 0.16; BstEII, 2.82 +/- 0.03) by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) Southern
blotting, wherein the resulting restriction profiles were in agreement with the structure of the
predicted array assembly (Fig 2 a,b). Copy number estimates of the DXZ1 repeat by ddPCR
were benchmarked against a panel of previously sized arrays by PFGE-Southern and provided
further support for a ~2.8 Mb array (1408 ± 81.38 copies of the canonical 2057 kbp repeat) (Fig
2c, STbl 3, SNote 6). Further, direct comparisons of DXZ1 structural variant frequency with
PacBio HiFi data were highly concordant 25 (Fig 2d, SFig 4).
Although unmatched in terms of continuity and structural accuracy, current long-read
assemblies require rigorous consensus polishing to achieve maximum base call accuracy 29–31
Given the placement of each read in the assembly, these polishing tools statistically model the
bioRxiv preprint doi: this version posted August 16, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also
made available for use under a CC0 license.
underlying signal data to make accurate predictions for each sequenced base. Key to this
process is determining the correct placement of each read that will contribute to the polishing.
Due to ambiguous read mappings, our initial polishing attempts actually decreased the
assembly quality within the largest X chromosome repeats (SFig 5). To overcome this, we
analyzed high-accuracy Illumina sequencing data to catalog short (21 bp), unique (single-copy)
sequences present on the CHM13 X chromosome. Even within the largest repeat arrays, such
as DXZ1, there was enough variation between repeat copies to induce unique 21-mer markers
at semi-regular intervals (Fig 2 def, SFig 6). These markers were then used to inform the correct
placement of long X-chromosome reads within the assembly (Methods). Using only
high-confidence read mappings, two rounds of iterative polishing were performed for each
technology, first with Oxford Nanopore 32
, then PacBio 29
, and finally 10X Genomics / Illumina 33
with consensus accuracy observed to increase after each round. Because the Illumina data was
too short to confidently anchor, it was only used to polishing the unique regions of the
chromosome where mappings were unambiguous. This detailed polishing process proved
critical for accurately finishing X chromosome repeats that exceeded both Nanopore and PacBio
read lengths.
Our manually finished X chromosome assembly is complete, gapless, and estimated to be at
least 99.99% accurate (one error per 10 kbp, on average), which meets the original Bermuda
Standards for finished genomic sequence 34
. Accuracy is predicted to be slightly lower (median
identity 99.3%) across the largest repeats, such as the DXZ1 satellite array, but this is difficult to
measure due to a lack of BAC clones from these regions. Mapped long read and optical map
data show uniform coverage across the completed X chromosome and no evidence of structural
errors in regions that could be mapped (Fig 2e, SFig 7), while Strand-seq data confirm the
absence of any inversion errors 35,36
(SFig 8). Single nucleotide variant calling via long read
mapping revealed lower initial assembly quality in the large, tandemly repeated GAGE and
CT47 gene families, but these issues were resolved by polishing and validated via ultra-long
read and optical mapping (Fig 1c,d, STbl 4, SFig 9, 10). A few isolated regions within the DXZ1
array show anomalous read coverage, which could be due to small structural errors beyond the
resolution of PFGE-Southern or lower consensus quality in regions of the array containing
relatively few unique markers needed for read anchoring and polishing (Fig 2 e-f, SFig 9, 10).
Our complete telomere-to-telomere version of the X chromosome fully resolved 29 reference
gaps 3 , totaling 1,147,861 bp of previous N-bases.
Nanopore sequencing is sensitive to methylated bases as revealed by modulation to the raw
electrical signal 32,39
. Uniquely anchored ultra-long reads provide a new method to profile
patterns of methylation over repetitive regions that are often difficult to detect with short-read
sequencing. The X chromosome has many epigenomic features that are unique in the human
genome. X-chromosome inactivation (XCI), in which one of the female X chromosomes is
silenced early in development and remains inactive in somatic tissues, is expected to provide a
unique methylation profile chromosome-wide. In agreement with previous studies 40
, we observe
decreased methylation across the majority of the pseudoautosomal regions (PAR1,2) located at
both tips of the X chromosome arms (Fig 3a). The inactive X chromosome also adopts an
bioRxiv preprint doi: this version posted August 16, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also
made available for use under a CC0 license.
unusual spatial conformation, and consistent with prior studies 41,42
, CHM13 Hi-C data support
two large superdomains partitioned at the macrosatellite repeat DXZ4 (SFig 11). On closer
analysis of the DXZ4 array we found distinct bands of methylation (Fig 3c), with
hypomethylation observed at the distal edge, which is generally concordant with previously
described chromatin structure 43. Interestingly, we also identified a region of decreased
methylation within the DXZ1 centromeric array (~60 kbp, chrX:59,217,708–59,279,205, Fig 3b).
To test if this finding was specific to the X array, or also found at other centromeric satellites, we
manually assembled a ~2.02 Mbp centromeric array on chromosome 8 (D8Z2) 44,45 and
employed the same unique marker mapping strategy to confidently anchor long reads across
the array. In doing so, we identified another hypomethylated region within the D8Z2 array,
similar to our observation on the DXZ1 array (SFig 12), further demonstrating the capability of
our ultra-long read mapping strategy to provide base-level chromosome-wide DNA methylation
maps. Future studies will be needed to evaluate the potential importance, if any, of these
methylation patterns.
This first complete telomere-to-telomere assembly of a human chromosome demonstrates that it
may now be possible to finish the entire human genome using available technologies. Important
challenges remain going forward. Applying these approaches, for example, to diploid samples
will require phasing the underlying haplotypes to avoid mixing regions of complex structural
variation. Our preliminary analysis of other chromosomes shows that regions of duplication and
centromeric satellites larger than that of the X chromosome will require additional methods
development. This is especially true of the acrocentric human chromosomes whose massive
satellite and segmental duplications have yet to be resolved at the sequence level. Although we
have focused here on finishing the X chromosome, our whole-genome assembly has
reconstructed several other chromosomes with only a few remaining gaps and can serve as the
basis for completing additional human chromosomes (Fig 1). Efforts to finally complete the
human reference genome will help advance the necessary technology towards our ultimate goal
of telomere-to-telomere assemblies for all human genomes.
Cell culture
Cells from a case of a complete hydatidiform mole CHM13 were cultured, karyotyped using Q
banding and cryopreserved at Magee-Womens Hospital (Pittsburgh, PA). The thawed cells
were subsequently immortalized using Human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT). The
CHM13 cells were cultured in complete AmnioMax C-100 Basal Medium (ThermoFisher
Scientific, Carlsbad, CA) supplemented with 1% Penicillin-Streptomycin (ThermoFisher
Scientific, Carlsbad, CA) and grown in a humidity-controlled environment at 37°C, with 95% O2
and 5% CO2. Fresh medium was exchanged every 3 days and all cells used for this study did
not exceed passage 10.
bioRxiv preprint doi: this version posted August 16, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also
made available for use under a CC0 license.
Metaphase slide preparations were made from human hydatidiform mole cell line CHM13, and
prepared by standard air-drying technique as previously described 46
. DAPI banding techniques
were performed to identify structural and numerical chromosome aberrations in the karyotypes
according to the ISCN 47
. Karyotypes were analyzed using a Zeiss M2 fluorescence microscope
and Applied Spectral Imaging software (Carlsbad, CA) .
DNA extraction, library preparation, and sequencing
High-molecular-weight (HMW) DNA was extracted from 5×107 CHM13 cells using a modified
Sambrook and Russell protocol 1,48
. Libraries were constructed using the Rapid Sequencing Kit
(SQK-RAD004) from Oxford Nanopore Technologies with 15 μg of DNA. The initial reaction was
typically divided into thirds for loading and FRA Buffer (104 mM Tris pH 8.0, 233 mM NaCl) was
added to bring the volume to 21 ul. These reactions were incubated at 4°C for 48 hrs to allow
the buffers to equilibrate before loading. Most sequencing was performed on the Nanopore
GridION with FLO-MIN106 or FLO-MIN106D R9 flow cells, with the exception of one Flongle
flow cell used for testing. Sequencing reads used in the initial assembly were first basecalled on
the sequencing instrument. After all data was collected, the reads were basecalled again using
the more recent Guppy algorithm (version 2.3.1 with the “flip-flop” model enabled).
A 10X Genomics linked-read genomic library was prepared from 1 ng of high molecular weight
genomic DNA using a 10X Genomics Chromium device and Chromium Reagent Kit v2
according to the manufacturer’s protocol. The library was sequenced on an Illumina NovaSeq
6000 DNA sequencer on an S4 flow cell, generating 586 million paired-end 151 base reads. The
raw data was processed using RTA3.3.3 and bwa0.7.12 49
. The resulting molecule size was
calculated to be 130.6 kb from a Supernova 50 assembly.
DNA was prepared using the ‘Bionano Prep Cell Culture DNA Isolation Protocol’. After cells
were harvested, they were put through a number of washes before embedding in agarose. A
proteinase K digestion was performed, followed by additional washes and agarose digestion.
The DNA was assessed for quantity and quality using a Qubit dsDNA BR Assay kit and CHEF
gel. A 750 ng aliquot of DNA was labeled and stained following the Bionano Prep Direct Label
and Stain (DLS) protocol. Once stained, the DNA was quantified using a Qubit dsDNA HS
Assay kit and run on the Saphyr chip.
Hi-C libraries were generated, in replicate, by Arima Genomics using four restriction enzymes.
After the modified chromatin digestion, digested ends were labelled, proximally ligated, and then
proximally-ligated DNA was purified. After the Arima-HiC protocol, Illumina-compatible
sequencing libraries were prepared by first shearing then size-selecting DNA fragments using
SPRI beads. The size-selected fragments containing ligation junctions were enriched using
Enrichment Beads provided in the Arima-HiC kit, and converted into Illumina-compatible
sequencing libraries using the Swift Accel-NGS 2S Plus kit (P/N: 21024) reagents. After adapter
ligation, DNA was PCR amplified and purified using SPRI beads. The purified DNA underwent
standard QC (qPCR and Bioanalyzer) and sequenced on the HiSeq X following manufacturer's
bioRxiv preprint doi: this version posted August 16, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also
made available for use under a CC0 license.
Whole-genome assembly
Nanopore and PacBio whole-genome assembly
Canu v1.7.1 19
was run with all rel1 Oxford Nanopore data (on-instrument basecaller, rel1)
generated on or before 2018/11/07 (totaling 39x coverage) and PacBio sequences (SRA:
PRJNA269593) generated in 2014 and 2015 (totaling 70x coverage) 2,18.
Manual gap closure
Gaps on the X chromosome were closed by mapping all reads against the assembly and
manually identifying reads joining contigs that were not included in the automated Canu
assembly. This generated an initial candidate chromosome assembly, with the exception of the
centromere. Four regions of the candidate assembly were found to be structurally inconsistent
with the Bionano optical map and were corrected by manually selecting reads from those
regions and locally reassembling with Canu 19
and Flye v2.4 51
. Low coverage long reads that
confidently spanned the entire repeat region were used to guide and evaluate the final assembly
where available. Evaluation of copy number and repeat organization between the re-assembled
version and spanning reads was performed using HMMER (v3) 52,53
trained on a specific tandem
repeat unit, and the reported structures were manually compared. Default parameters for
Minimap2 54
resulted in uneven coverage and polishing accuracy over tandemly repeated
sequences. This was successfully addressed by increasing the Minimap2 -r parameter from 500
to 10000 and increasing the maximum number of reported secondary alignments (-N) from 5 to
50. Final evaluation of repeat base-level quality was determined by mapping of PacBio datasets
(CLR and HiFi) (SFigs 5,9,10, SNote 3).
The alpha satellite array in the X centromere, due to its availability as a haploid array in male
genomes, is one of the best studied centromeric regions at the genomic level, with a
well-defined 2 kbp repeat unit 26
, physical/genetic maps 8,55
and an expected range of array
lengths . We initially generated a database of alpha satellite containing ultra-long reads, by
labeling those reads with at least one complete consensus sequence 27
of a 171 bp canonical
repeat in both orientations, as previously described . Reads containing alpha in the reverse
orientation were reverse complemented, and screened with HMMER (v3) using a 2057 bp DXZ1
repeat unit. We then employed run-length encoding in which runs of the 2057 bp canonical
repeat (defined as any repeat in the range of min: 1957 bp, max: 2157 bp) were stored as a
single data value and count, rather than the original run. This allowed us to redefine all reads as
a series of variants, or repeats that differ in size/structure from the expected canonical repeat
unit, with a defined spacing in between. Identified CHM13 DXZ1-SVs in the UL-read data were
compared to a library of previously characterized rearrangements in published PacBio (CLR 18,57
and HiFi ) using alpha-CENTUARI, as described . Output annotation of SVs and canonical
DXZ1 spacing for each read were manually clustered to generate six initial contigs, two of which
are known to anchor into the adjacent Xp or Xq. To define the order and overlap between
contigs, we identified all 21-mers that had an exact match within the high-quality DXZ1 array
data obtained from CRISPR-Cas9 duplexSeq targeted resequencing 58
(SNote 7). Overlap
between the two or more 21-mers with equal spacing guided the organization of the assembly.
bioRxiv preprint doi: this version posted August 16, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also
made available for use under a CC0 license.
Orthogonal validation of the spacing between contigs (and contig structure) was supported with
additional ultra-long read coverage, providing high-confidence in repeat unit counts for all but
three regions.
Chromosome X long-read polishing
We used a novel mapping pipeline to place reads within repeats using unique markers. k-mers
were collected from the 10x Genomics / Illumina dataset, after trimming off the barcodes (the
first 23 bases of the first read in a pair). The read was placed in the location of the assembly
having the most unique markers in common with the read. Alignments were further filtered to
exclude short and low identity alignments. This process was repeated after each polishing
round, with new unique markers and alignments recomputed after each round. Polishing
proceeded with one round of Racon followed by two rounds of Nanopolish and two rounds of
Arrow. Post-polishing, all previously flagged low-quality loci showed significant improvement,
with the exception of 138.6–139.7 which still had a coverage drop and was replaced with an
alternate patch assembly generated by Canu using PacBio HiFi data.
Whole-genome long-read polishing
The rest of the whole-genome assembly was polished similarly to the X chromosome, but
without the use of unique k-mer anchoring. Instead, two rounds of Nanopolish, followed by two
rounds of Arrow, were run using the above parameters, which rely on the mapping quality and
length / identity thresholds to determine the best placements of the long reads. As no concerted
effort was made to correctly assemble the large satellite arrays on chromosomes outside of the
X, this default polishing method was deemed sufficient for the remainder of the genome.
However, future efforts to complete these remaining chromosomes are expected to benefit from
the unique k-mer anchoring mapping approach.
Whole-genome short-read polishing
The 10x Genomics / Illumina data was used for a final polishing of the whole assembly,
including the X chromosome, but using only unambiguous mappings and allowing only indel
corrections (SNote 3).
Methylation analysis
To measure CpG methylation in nanopore data we used Nanopolish 32
. Nanopolish employs a
Hidden Markov Model (HMM) on the nanopore current signal to distinguish 5-methylcytosine
from unmethylated cytosine. The methylation caller generates a log-likelihood value for the ratio
of probability of methylated to unmethylated CGs at a specific k-mer. We next filtered
(, which uses a log-likelihood ratio of
2.5 as a threshold for calling methylation 59
pG sites with log-likelihood ratios greater than
2.5 (methylated) or less than -2.5 (unmethylated) are considered high-quality and included
in the analysis. Reads that do not have any high-quality CpG sites are filtered from the bam
for subsequent methylation analysis. Figure 3 shows coverage of reads with at least one high
quality CpG site.Nanopore_methylation_utilities integrates methylation information into the
bioRxiv preprint doi: this version posted August 16, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also
made available for use under a CC0 license.
alignment BAM file for viewing in IGV’s 60
bisulfite mode and also creates Bismark-style files
which we then analyzed with the R Bioconductor package BSseq 61
. We used the BSmooth
algorithm within the BSseq package for smoothing the data to estimate the methylation level
at specific regions of interest.
Data availability
Original data generated at SIMR that underlies this manuscript can be accessed from the
Stowers Original Data Repository at
Genome assemblies and sequencing data including raw signal files (FAST5), event-level data
(FAST5), base-calls (FASTQ), and alignments (BAM/CRAM) are available as an Amazon Web
Services Open Data set. Instructions for accessing the data, as well as future updates to the
raw data and assembly, are available from h
All data is additionally archived and available under NCBI BioProject accession PRJNA559484
(submission in progress) and NCBI accession ### for the whole-genome assembly and
completed X chromosome.
We acknowledge helpful conversations with Isac Lee on methylation analysis, and a helpful
review of the manuscript by Huntington F. Willard. Funding support: NIH/NHGRI R21
1R21HG010548-01 (KHM); Intramural Research Program of the National Human Genome
Research Institute, National Institutes of Health (SK, AR, VM, AD, GGB, AMC, NFH, AY, JCM,
AMP); Korea Health Technology R&D Project through the Korea Health Industry Development
Institute HI17C2098 (AR); Intramural Research Program of the National Library of Medicine,
National Institutes of Health (VAS, FT-N); Common Fund, Office of the Director, NIH (VM);
Stowers Institute for Medical Research (EH, TP, JLG); NIH R01 GM124041 (BAS); NIH
HG002385 and HG010169 (EEE); EEE is an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical
Institute; National Library of Medicine Big Data Training Grant for Genomics and Neuroscience
5T32LM012419-04 (MRV); NIH 1F32GM134558-01 (GAL); NIH/NHGRI U54 1U54HG007990
and W. M. Keck Foundation DT06172015 and NIH/NHLBI
U01 1U01HL137183 and
NIH/NHGRI/EMBL 2U41HG007234 (BP); NIH/NHGRI R01 HG009190 and NIGMS T32
GM007445 (WT, AG); NIH R01CA181308 (RAR); NIH/NHGRI 2
R44HG008118 (ADS and SS);
Wellcome Trust [212965/Z/18/Z] (NH, NJL, ML); National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)
Surgical Reconstruction and Microbiology Research Centre (SRMRC) (JQ). The views
expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NIHR or the Department
of Health and Social Care. This work utilized the computational resources of the NIH HPC
Biowulf cluster (
Author Contributions
SB, GAL, KT, VM, GGB, MYD, DCS, RS, GK, NH, ML, AY, JCM, EEE performed CHM13
nanopore sequencing, cell line preparation, and primary data analysis. AY and JCM generated
10x whole genome sequencing and assembly. BAS performed PFGE-Southern blotting array
size analysis. MK, CM, RF, TAGL, and IH generated bionano data and performed data analysis.
JF and RR performed CRISPr-DS analysis. EH, TP, JLG performed ddPCR and SKY analysis.
bioRxiv preprint doi: this version posted August 16, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also
made available for use under a CC0 license.
EP, AD, EH, TP, JLG performed CMH13 cell line karyotyping. KHM performed repeat
characterization and satellite DNA assembly. KHM, SK, MRV, AMC, and AMP performed
automated and manual assembly. KHM, SK, AR, MRV, GAL, DP, JW, WC, KH, EEE, and AMP
performed assembly curation and validation. SK, AR, and AMP performed marker-based
assembly polishing. AG and WT performed methylation analysis. AB and PAP generated
automated satellite DNA assemblies. ADS and JMB and SS performed Hi-C CHM13
sequencing. AR performed Hi-C analysis. NFH performed SV analysis. JA and BP performed
annotation analysis. VAS and FTN performed alignment versus RefSeq, repeat
characterization, and frameshift analysis. US provided access to critical resources. JQ
developed the initial ultra-long read protocol and updated to current chemistry. NJL provided an
Amazon Web Services (AWS) account and coordinated data sharing. KHM, SK, AR, MRV, and
AMP developed figures. KHM and AMP coordinated the project. KHM, SK, and AMP drafted the
manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Competing interest declaration
EEE is on the scientific advisory board of DNAnexus, Inc. KHM, SK, and WT have received
travel funds to speak at symposia organized by Oxford Nanopore. WT has two patents licensed
to Oxford Nanopore (US Patent 8,748,091 and US Patent 8,394,584). ADS, JMB, and SS are
employees of Arima Genomics. RAR shares equity in NanoString Technologies Inc. and is the
principal investigator on an NIH SBIR subcontract research agreement with TwinStrand
Biosciences Inc. All other authors have no competing interests to declare.
bioRxiv preprint doi: this version posted August 16, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also
made available for use under a CC0 license.
Figure 1. CHM13 whole-genome assembly and validation. (a) De novo assembly of the
CHM13 genome using 39× of ultra-long Nanopore sequencing combined with 70× PacBio
sequencing. Gapless contigs are illustrated as blue and orange bars next to the chromosome
ideograms (two colors used only to better highlight contig breaks). Several chromosomes are
broken only at centromeric regions (e.g. chr10, chr12, chr18, etc.). Large gaps between contigs
(e.g. middle of chr1) indicate sites of large heterochromatic blocks or rDNA arrays where no
GRCh38 reference sequence is available. (b) The X chromosome was selected for manual
assembly, and was initially broken at three locations: the centromere (artificially collapsed in the
assembly), a large segmental duplication (DMRTC1B, 120 kbp), and a second segmental
duplication with a paralog on chromosome 2 (134 kbp). The relative placement of gaps in the
GRCh38 reference are shown in the annotation track in black, known segmental duplications
that are in red (with segmental duplications with paralogous sequence on the Y chromosome
indicated in pink). Positions of repeats larger than 100 kb are indicated with the repeat sizing
bioRxiv preprint doi: this version posted August 16, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also
made available for use under a CC0 license.
(kbs) in the CHM13 genome (blue, tandem repeats and red, segmental duplications). Tandem
repeat classes, indicated in blue were resolved and evaluated by ddPCR and optical maps
when applicable. (c) Mis-assembly of the GAGE locus identified by the optical map (top), and
corrected version (bottom) showing the final assembly of 19 (9.5 kbp) full length repeat units
and two partial repeats (d) Quality of the GAGE locus before and after polishing using unique
(single-copy) markers to guide the correct placement of the long reads. Dots indicate coverage
depth of the primary (black) and secondary (red) alleles recovered from mapped PacBio
high-fidelity (HiFi) reads (SNote 3). Because the CHM13 genome is effectively haploid, regions
of low coverage or increased secondary allele frequency indicate low-quality regions or potential
repeat collapses. Marker-assisted polishing dramatically improved allele uniformity of across the
entire GAGE locus.
bioRxiv preprint doi: this version posted August 16, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also
made available for use under a CC0 license.
Figure 2. Validated structure of the 2.8 Mbp CHM13 X centromere array. (a) The
reconstructed DXZ1 X centromere array is shown with all ~2 kbp repeat units labeled by vertical
bands, with grey indicating the canonical unit and colored bands indicating structural variants. A
single LINE/L1Hs insertion was identified in the array, as marked by the arrowhead. Below, a
predicted restriction map is shown for enzyme BglI, with dashed lines indicating regions outside
of DXZ1 array that would be included in a restriction fragment. (b) Array size estimates were
provided by ddPCR, which was optimized against PFGE Southerns of other available cell lines
(HAP1, T6012, LT690). (c) Experimental PFGE Southern blotting is shown for a BglI digest in
duplicate (band sizing indicated by triangles), that matches the in silico predicted band patterns
(a) for the CHM13 array. (d) Catalog of 33 DXZ1 structural variants identified relative to the
2057 bp canonical repeat unit (grey), along with the number of instances observed, frequency in
the array, number of alpha satellite monomers per repeat unit, and size of the variant repeat
unit. (e) The black profile shows coverage depth of nanopore reads that could be uniquely
anchored to the DXZ1 array before (top) and after (bottom) marker-assisted polishing
(Methods). Single-copy, unique markers are shown as vertical green bands, with a
decreased but non-zero density across the array. Coverage uniformity of the anchored
reads improves after polishing, as well as the uniformity of reads mapped using standard
Minimap2 mapping (light grey profile). One location of reduced coverage toward the right
side of the array marks a possible issue remaining in the array (asterisk). (f) Distributions
show the spacing between adjacent unique markers on chromosome X and DXZ1. On
average, unique markers are found every 65 bases on chrX, but only every 22.8 kbp in
DXZ1, with the longest gap between any two adjacent markers being 53 kbp.
bioRxiv preprint doi: this version posted August 16, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also
made available for use under a CC0 license.
Figure 3. Chromosome-wide analysis of CpG methylation. Methylation estimates were
calculated by smoothing methylation frequency data with a window size of 500 nucleotides.
Coverage depth and high quality methylation calls (|log-likelihood| > 2.5) for PAR1, DXZ1, and
DXZ4 are shown as insets. Only reads with a confident unique anchor mapping and the
presence of at least one high-quality methylation call were considered. (a) Nanopore coverage
and methylation calls for the pseudoautosomal region 1 (PAR1) of chromosome X
(1,563–2,600,000). Bottom IGV inset shows a region of hypomethylation within PAR1
(770,545–801,293) with unmethylated bases in blue and methylated bases in red. (b)
Methylation in the DXZ1 array, with bottom IGV inset showing a ~60 kbp region of
hypomethylation near the centromere of chromosome X (59,217,708–59,279,205). (c) Vertical
black dashed lines indicate the beginning and end coordinates of the DXZ4 array. Left IGV inset
shows a methylated region of DXZ4 in chromosome X (113,870,751–113,901,499), and right
IGV inset shows a transition from a methylated to unmethylated region of DXZ4
Table 1. Assembly statistics for CHM13 and the human reference sorted by continuity
%idy all
%idy uni
56× 10x
(this paper)
76× PacBio
24× PacBio
Sanger BACs
39× Nanopore
(this paper)
Primary Technology: sequencing technology used for contig assembly. The PacBio CLR
assembly was additionally polished using Illumina data. The Nanopore Ultra-Long assembly
was polished with the PacBio CLR and 10x Genomics data. GRCh38 is primarily based on
Sanger-sequenced BACs, but has been continually curated and patched since the completion of
the human genome project. Assembly: assembler used and reference to the published
assembly. Size: sum of bases in the assembly in Gbp. GRCh38 assembly size includes 101
Mbp of alternative (ALT) sequences. No. Ctgs: total number of contigs in the assembly. NG50:
half of the 3.09 Gbp human genome size contained in contigs of this length or greater in Mbp.
bioRxiv preprint doi: this version posted August 16, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also
made available for use under a CC0 license.
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resolved: percentage of 341 “challenging” CHM13 BACs found intact in the assembly. BACs
%idy all: median alignment accuracy versus all validation BACs. BACs %idy uni: median
alignment accuracy versus the 31 validation BACs that occur outside of segmental duplications
(SNote 3).
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