Acoust. Sci. & Tech. 41, 1 (2020)
#2020 The Acoustical Society of Japan
A tutorial on immersive three-dimensional sound technologies
Craig T. Jin
School of Electrical and Information Engineering, University of Sydney,
Building J03, Maze Crescent, Darlington, Sydney, NSW, 2006 Australia
Abstract: There is renewed interest in virtual auditory perception and spatial audio arising from
a technological drive toward enhanced perception via mixed-reality systems. Because the various
technologies for three-dimensional (3D) sound are so numerous, this tutorial focuses on underlying
principles. We consider the rendering of virtual auditory space via both loudspeakers and binaural
headphones. We also consider the recording of sound fields and the simulation of virtual auditory
space. Special attention is given to areas with the potential for further research and development. We
highlight some of the more recent technologies and provide references so that participants can explore
issues in more detail.
Keywords: 3D sound technology, Virtual auditory space, Spatial hearing
PACS number: 43.38.Md, 43.38.Vk, 43.10.Ln, 43.10.Sv
There is renewed interest in three-dimensional (3D)
sound technologies driven in large part by the technological drive towards enhanced perception via mixed reality
systems. A few commercial examples, as of 2018, are
Microsoft 3D Soundscape and the HoloLens, Google’s
Resonance Audio, Sony Playstation headset with 3D
sound, the Oculus headset and its support for 3D sound
spatialization. There is also increasing support and awareness for 3D sound by broadcasting companies. A few
broadcasting examples are the BiLi project in France, the
Binaural Project by the BBC in the United Kingdom, the
Orpheus European project, the NHK Super Hi-Vision
theatre support for 3D sound with a 22.2 multichannel
system. At the current time, the technologies for 3D sound
are growing exponentially and so this tutorial will focus on
fundamental principles. To begin, we should clarify our
definition of 3D sound. By 3D sound, we refer to an
immersive experience in which the listener has a clear and
extended perception of a 3D sound space — that is sound
objects and sound events clearly positioned relative to
the listener and to each other in some ambient space that
encompasses both the listener and the sound objects. It
requires and involves something more than a transient
illusion or perception of sound direction; it requires an
extended and believable perceptual experience of auditory
space that supports some version of reality.
[email protected]
This tutorial focuses on three primary technological
areas: loudspeaker sound reproduction, binaural sound
reproduction using earphones or headphones, and sound
field recording. A related tutorial introduction is [1]. To
a lesser extent we consider sound field simulation — the
art of using engineering design to create a virtual sound
environment. We will assume familiarity with the fundamental processes underlying human 3D sound perception.
In particular, we assume familiarity with interaural time
difference cues, interaural level difference cues, monaural
spectral cues and the necessity for head-tracking when
rendering 3D sound over headphones. We also assume
familiarity with the following mathematical or signal
processing terms: head-related impulse response filters,
binaural room impulse responses and head-related transfer
Four loudspeaker reproduction methods shall be considered: vector-base amplitude and intensity panning,
transaural cross-talk cancellation, ambisonics, and wavefield synthesis. Loudspeaker reproduction methods for 3D
sound can be classified according to the listening conditions. Vector-base amplitude panning can provide a
relatively stable acoustic image across a moderate-sized
listening area with some compromises in spatial fidelity.
Wave-field synthesis can provide higher spatial fidelity,
but requires a substantially more dense loudspeaker array
and is often limited in the frequency range for which high
spatial fidelity can be achieved. The ambisonics method
generally accommodates only a single listener and has a
sweet-spot the size of a listener’s head. An advantage of
the ambisonic method is its rendering flexibility — it can
accommodate wave-field approximation at lower frequencies as well as panning at higher frequencies; scene
rotations are also easily handled. Transaural cross-talk
cancellation systems attempt to directly control the signal
at each ear and are generally targeted at a single or few
listeners. These systems often come in the form of a single
row of loudspeakers, often above or below a video screen.
With the exception of transaural cross-talk cancellation,
loudspeaker reproduction methods naturally or automatically encompass head movement. In other words, the
loudspeaker array creates a sound field and when the
listener moves his/her head the acoustic spatial impression
changes accordingly. With transaural cross-talk cancellation, the loudspeaker array simulates a virtual headphone
listening condition and head motion must be tracked using
some form of head tracker.
2.1. Vector-Base Panning
We begin with vector-base amplitude panning [2] and
vector-base intensity panning [3]. In three-dimensions, we
pan the amplitude of an acoustic source across the three
nearest loudspeakers as shown in Fig. 1. The three loudspeaker positions are associated with the vectors xu , xv , xw
and the virtual source position is indicated by the vector
xS . The virtual source position, xS , can be expressed as a
linear combination of the three loudspeaker positions using
matrix algebra as follows:
1 0
u ðS Þ
xu xv xw
xS ¼ @ yS A ¼ @ yu yv yw A@ v ðS Þ A; ð1Þ
w ðS Þ
where the vector ðS Þ contains the component weights
for the virtual source position vector expressed in terms of
the three loudspeaker position vectors. Note that we label
the plane-wave direction associated with the virtual source
by S . It is straight-forward to compute the vector ðS Þ
given the virtual source position:
xu xv xw
ðS Þ ¼ @ yu yv yw A xS :
zu zv zw
With vector base amplitude panning (VBAP), we select the
three loudspeakers in the loudspeaker array that are closest
to the intended virtual source position. We then set the
three VBAP loudspeaker gains, gu , gv , and gw according to
ðS Þ. However, we normalize the loudspeaker gains so
that the total energy is unity. In other words, we set the
loudspeaker gains as follows:
u ðS Þ
gu ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ;
2u ðS Þ þ 2v ðS Þ þ 2w ðS Þ
v ðS Þ
gv ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ;
u ðS Þ þ 2v ðS Þ þ 2w ðS Þ
v ðS Þ
gw ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi :
2u ðS Þ þ 2v ðS Þ þ 2w ðS Þ
The result of setting the loudspeaker gains according
to this equation results in the acoustic velocity vector [4]
pointing towards the direction of the virtual source. The
physical significance of the acoustic velocity vector
pointing towards the virtual source is that the interaural
time difference cue for the listener will be appropriate at
the low frequencies. We say that VBAP panning preserves
the low-frequency interaural time difference cues for the
virtual acoustic source. This leads naturally to the question
of the interaural level difference cues — will they be
veridical with VBAP panning? Unfortunately, the answer
is not at the higher frequencies.
In order to preserve the interaural level difference cues,
we utilize vector base intensity panning. Vector base
intensity panning (VBIP) is based on the acoustic energy of
the loudspeakers, often referred to simply as loudspeaker
energy. The loudspeaker energy for the loudspeaker at
position, xu , is given by the square of the loudspeaker gain:
g2u . If we weight the three loudspeaker directions by the
loudspeaker energies, rather than the loudspeaker gains, we
obtain what is often referred to as the energy vector rE :
rE ¼
Fig. 1 A virtual source is panned between three loudspeakers. We define vectors from a listening point to
the three loudspeakers as xu , xv , xw and a vector to the
virtual source as xS .
g2u xu þ g2v xv þ g2w xw
g2u þ g2v þ g2w
Note that the energy vector is normalized by the total
acoustic energy. In VBIP, the loudspeaker gains are
calculated such that: 1) the vector rE points toward the
virtual source direction; 2) only the three loudspeakers
Acoust. Sci. & Tech. 41, 1 (2020)
that are the most closely associated with the virtual source
direction are employed; 3) the total acoustic energy is equal
to one. In VBIP, we set the loudspeaker energies, eu , ev ,
and ew , according to ðS Þ as follows:
½eu ðS Þ; ev ðS Þ; ew ðS Þ ¼
½u ; v ; w
u þ v þ w
Correspondingly, we set the loudspeaker gains as:
u ðS Þ
gu ¼
u ðS Þ þ v ðS Þ þ w ðS Þ
v ðS Þ
gv ¼
u ðS Þ þ v ðS Þ þ w ðS Þ
u ðS Þ
gw ¼
u ðS Þ þ v ðS Þ þ w ðS Þ
One can easily verify that the total loudspeaker energy is
unity and that:
rE ¼
u þ v þ w
The difference between the acoustic velocity vector
and the acoustic energy vector and the interaural time and
level difference cues has been long understood. Nonetheless, when amplitude panning a virtual source between
multiple loudspeakers one has a conflict between these two
direction vectors — they are not the same, so what should
one do? In this case, the duplex theory partially comes to
the rescue. The duplex theory originates from Lord
Rayleigh and his experiments with tuning forks [5] and
indicates that interaural time difference (ITD) cue influences perception at lower frequencies and that the
interaural level difference (ILD) cue influences perception
at higher frequencies. However, there is no clear agreement on the boundary frequency and it depends on how
one explores this boundary; for an entertaining and
informative review, refer to Hartmann’s recent paper [6].
Most practitioners of vector base panning split the usage of
VBAP and VBIP gains at a boundary frequency between
500 Hz and 1,500 Hz. The boundary frequency, however,
is not the only concern. There is also the perceived width
of the source which is related to the norm of the energy
vector, rE [7]. In this regard, practitioners quantify the
angular spread, ðS Þ, of the virtual source using [8]:
ðS Þ ¼ 2 cos1 ð2krE ðS Þk 1Þ:
With VBAP and VBIP, one does not have independent
control of the angular spread of the virtual acoustic source.
For example, with VBIP the loudspeaker gains are set
by the acoustic energy vector and any variation in the
individual loudspeaker energies will necessarily modify
the perceived loudness of the virtual source. This implies
that as the source moves in space its perceived width will
vary. Efforts to compensate for the variation in acoustic
width are described here [8], but one can only really widen
the source width by utiliizing a greater number of loudspeakers.
2.2. Higher-Order Ambisonics
Higher-Order Ambisonics (HOA) provides a more
sophisticated viewpoint for rendering a sound scene using
loudspeakers. Nonetheless, at its essence, it still involves
panning a virtual sound source across a number of
loudspeakers. With HOA, a circular or spherical array of
loudspeakers is generally used and one considers panning
across a much larger number of loudspeakers than two or
three loudspeakers. This approach is particularly effective
for ambient sounds, but not so practical for direct sounds.
Therefore, more recent approaches separate the direct and
ambient components of the sound field [9–12]. A particular
advantage of HOA rendering is its ability to work with
sound field recordings and its ability to render ambient,
reverberant environments. Before delving into the technical
details we attempt to characterize the spirit and intuition
behind HOA rendering. Consider a sound field together
with a listening viewpoint. Without going into the details
of sound field recordings, it stands to reason that if one
records the sound field with a spherical microphone array
at the listening viewpoint, then any loudspeaker reproduction of that sound field should ideally result in the same
spherical microphone array recording when the spherical
microphone array is positioned at the listening viewpoint
of the loudspeaker array. Indeed, this provides one
empirical method to validate loudspeaker reproduction
techniques. The spherical microphone array enables a
specific spherical harmonic decomposition of the sound
field and sometimes this spherical harmonic decomposition
is referred to as an ambisonic decomposition. Thus, the
HOA rendering method attempts to identify the spherical
harmonic decomposition of the virtual sound source or
virtual sound scene and then reproduce this spherical
harmonic decomposition using the loudspeaker array.
2.2.1. Underlying theory
The HOA method of sound field reproduction is based
on the idea that the sound field can be described as a sum of
spherical harmonic components and can be considered as
panning in the spherical harmonic domain. In the frequency
domain, any sound field consisting of incoming sound
waves can be expressed as a series of spherical harmonic
functions [13]:
1 X
p r; ; ’; k ¼
il jl ðkrÞYlm ð; ’Þblm ðkÞ;
l¼0 m¼l
where pðr; ; ’; kÞ is the acoustic pressure corresponding
to the wave number k and at the point with spherical
coordinates ðr; ; ’Þ, and where jl is the spherical Bessel
function of degree l and Ylm is the spherical harmonic
function of order l and degree m. Equation (9), known as
the spherical harmonic representation of the sound field,
states that the sound field is fully described by the complex
coefficients blm ðkÞ. Describing the sound field at any point
in space requires an infinite number of blm coefficients,
which is impossible in practice. Nevertheless, a good
approximation of the acoustic pressure in the vicinity of the
origin can be obtained by truncating the series to an order L
that depends upon the wave number, k, and radius, r, from
the origin according to the formula [14]:
ekr 1
where e is the mathematical constant known as Euler’s
number. Hence, the higher the order, the larger the area
where the sound field is accurately described, with regard
to the wavelength.
2.2.2. Basic HOA decoding
Using HOA to record a sound field consists in obtaining
the blm components up to order-L, which are often referred
to as HOA signals. Conversely, using HOA to synthesise
a sound field consists in controlling the loudspeakers so
that they create a sound field having the desired order-L
spherical harmonic representation. In the HOA method, it
is usually assumed that the loudspeakers act on the sound
field as would plane-wave sound sources. This is a
reasonable approximation assuming the distance from the
loudspeakers to the center of the listening area is large
enough with regard to the order L. More precise methods
that consider the distance of both the loudspeakers and the
virtual sources more accurately are described in [15–17].
With these more accurate methods, one can even enable
near-field sources [15]. Returning to the simplifying
assumption that the loudspeakers may be modelled as
plane-wave sources, the relation between the speaker
signals and the spherical harmonic components of the
sound field is a simple matrix-vector product:
b ¼ Yg
where b denotes the vector of the spherical harmonic
components blm up to order L, s is the vector of the speaker
complex gains, and Y is the matrix of the spherical
harmonic function values at the loudspeaker angular
Y00 ð1 ; ’1 Þ
Y00 ð2 ; ’2 Þ . . . Y00 ðS ; ’S Þ
6 Y ð ; ’ Þ Y ð ; ’ Þ . . . Y ð ; ’ Þ 7
11 2 2
11 S S 7
6 11 1 1
Y ¼6
YLL ð1 ; ’1 Þ
YLL ð2 ; ’2 Þ
YLL ðS ; ’S Þ
where S is the number of speakers. The speaker signals are
calculated by decoding the desired (or recorded) spherical
harmonic signals using a decoding matrix D:
g ¼ Db0
where b0 denotes the vector of the desired spherical
harmonic components. The sound field reconstruction error
can be defined as the norm of the difference between the
desired and reconstructed sound field:
E ¼ kb b0 k ¼ kðYD IÞb0 k
where I denotes the identity matrix.
Clearly, the sound field will be perfectly reconstructed
if the decoding matrix inverts perfectly the matrix Y. This
leads to the following results:
. A perfect sound field reconstruction is possible only if
there at least as many loudspeaker as spherical
harmonics. In 3D, this condition translates into the
following relation:
S ðL þ 1Þ2
. The rank of Y must be greater or equal to the number
of spherical harmonics. This requires that the loudspeaker positions achieve a good angular sampling of
the sphere, which means that the loudspeakers must
be distributed as evenly as possible over the surface of
the sphere.
An obvious solution to the HOA decoding problem is to
use the Moore-Penrose pseudo inverse of matrix Y:
D ¼ pinvðYÞ
This solution is known as the basic HOA decoding and is
a direct analogue of vector-base amplitude panning in the
spherical harmonic domain. It results in the acoustic
velocity vector pointing toward the virtual source and
correct low-frequency interaural time difference cues.
2.2.3. Sweet spot size and alternate decodings
The size of the area where the sound field is accurately
described by the order-L spherical harmonic representation
of the sound field decreases with frequency, as expressed in
Eq. (10). A perfect sound field reconstruction requires the
size of this area to be greater than or equal to the size of the
listener’s head. Assuming the listener’s head radius is
10 cm, the maximum frequency value at which the sound
field can be reconstructed perfectly for a single listener is
given by:
fmax ¼
c 2L þ 1
2 0:1e
The corresponding frequency values are presented in
Table 1 for up to order 6. Clearly, the sound field will
not be perfectly reconstructed for a single listener above a
few kHz, unless a very large number of loudspeakers is
Acoust. Sci. & Tech. 41, 1 (2020)
Table 1 Maximum frequency for perfect reconstruction
as a function of the HOA order.
fmax (Hz)
used. Therefore, above the specified frequency values, it
is preferable to use an alternative to the basic decoding
procedure that improves the perceived quality of the sound
field reconstruction. The most common alternate decoding
method is referred to as the maxrE decoding and is an
analogue of vector-base intensity panning in the spherical
harmonic domain. The maxrE decoding matrix is calculated by multiplying the basic decoding matrix with a
weighting matrix, as follows:
DmaxrE ¼ DW maxrE
where W maxrE is a diagonal matrix whose diagonal
components depend only on the order. These weights are
calculated so that, when playing back a wave incoming
from a particular direction, the speaker signal energy is
concentrated in the corresponding direction. Mathematically, this maximizes the norm of the so-called energy
vector, which can be expressed as:
kgi k2 xi
rE ¼ Pi¼1
i¼1 kgi k
where gi is the gain of the ith loudspeaker and xi is the unit
vector pointing towards this loudspeaker from the listening
point. For a given maximum order L, the maxrE weights
are determined as follows. One first solves PLþ1 ðxÞ ¼ 0,
where PLþ1 ðÞ is the Legendre polynomial of order L þ 1.
Let x be the largest value of x which solves this equation.
Then the maxrE weights, wl , for order l L are solved
recursively as follows:
w0 ¼ 1;
w1 ¼ x ;
wlþ1 ¼
ð2l þ 1Þx wl lwl1
A detailed description of the benefits of maxrE decoding
and the computation of the weighting matrix can be found
in the PhD thesis by Jerome Daniel [4].
2.3. Wave-Field Synthesis
With wave-field synthesis, we consider both a reproduction region of space, , and a control region of space,
V, as shown in Fig. 2. We also refer to the loudspeaker
signals as driving point functions. The question is how to
calculate the driving point functions given the desired
sound field. Traditional descriptions of wave-field synthesis
(WFS) develop the theory via the Rayleigh integrals and
Fig. 2 Two regions of space are identified: a reproduction region and a control region. Adapted from [23].
the Kirchoff-Helmholtz integral [17–21] and initially
considered planar and linear loudspeaker arrays.
The Rayleigh integral approach contains many approximations and will only be briefly touched upon here. Two
readable accounts of WFS may be found in the short
tutorial presented at the 2013 European Acoustics Association Winter School [18] and the book by Jens Ahrens [22].
The brief description given here follows the formulation
provided in [22]. The Rayleigh I Integral describes the
sound field, SðzÞ, in a source-free half-space defined by a
boundary plane @. It states that the sound field is uniquely
defined by the gradient of the sound field on the planar
boundary in the normal direction pointing into the halfspace:
Gðz z0 ÞdAðz0 Þ; ð21Þ
2 SðzÞ
PðzÞ ¼
@ @n
where Gðz z0 Þ is the transfer function for an acoustic
point source, detailed below. Thus, the driving point
function, Dðz0 Þ, is given by:
Dðz0 Þ ¼ 2 SðzÞ
It is here that the complexities of WFS begin and we only
provide a summary of these complexities (refer to [22] for
details) in this tutorial introduction. What generally occurs
next is that many approximations are made. The planar
array of loudspeakers accommodating the driving point
function degenerates to a linear array that accommodates
listening only in the horizontal plane at a height of zero.
Because the integral involves integration with a complex
exponential, Laplace’s method of stationary phase is used
to make a high-frequency approximation that asserts that
the only important complex exponential terms contributing
to the integral occur where the phase of the exponential
term is stationary. This approximation leads to a driving
point function that depends on the listening position of the
listener and so further approximations are made so that
the driving point function is constant. In the end, the
approximations lead to what is commonly referred to as
a 2.5 dimensional solution in which the driving point
function has the form:
Dðz0 Þ
D2.5D ðzÞ ¼
where dref is a reference distance chosen to optimize the
playback and k is the wavenumber, described in more
detail below.
From a computational viewpoint, it is easier and more
practical to follow a formulation of WFS that follows the
simple source formulation as espoused by Fazi [23]. In the
following mathematical considerations, we operate in the
frequency domain and consider a single frequency only.
For simplicity, we omit the frequency dependence of the
variables. Using the simple source formulation, the
pressure, pðzÞ, at a location, z, within the reproduction
region is given by:
pðzÞ ¼
Gðz; yÞðyÞdAðyÞ;
where Gðz; yÞ ¼ 4jzyj is the transfer function for an
acoustic point source and k ¼ 2c f is the wavenumber, f is
frequency, is the air density, and c is the speed of sound.
The transfer function for an acoustic point source is
referred to as a Green’s function in the literature. As well,
the point source is referred to as a monopole loudspeaker in
the wave-field synthesis literature. If one knows both the
interior sound field, p ðzÞ, and exterior sound field, pþ ðzÞ,
as shown in Fig. 3, then the driving point function, ðyÞ,
is determined as:
ðyÞ ¼ rn p ðyÞ rn pþ ðyÞ;
where rn pðzÞ :¼ rpðzÞ nðzÞ
is the gradient of the
pressure in the direction of the outward normal.
The complicated mathematical considerations above
become significantly simpler when using a matrix formulation. This matrix formulation is similar to the Boundary
Surface Control method developed by Ise [24]. Assume
one has a set of loudspeaker locations indexed by i and a
set of control points indexed by j. One then forms the
transfer function matrix, S, where the element Si; j ¼
Fig. 3 The interior sound field, p ðzÞ and exterior
sound field, p ðzÞ are identified. Adapted from [23].
Gðzi ; yj Þ. Let the desired sound field at the control points
be represented by the vector y and let the unknown
loudspeaker driving point functions be represented by the
vector . One then computes the loudspeaker driving point
functions, , as a solution to the system of linear equations:
S ¼ y:
A common technique to obtain a least-norm solution is
to use Tikhonov regularization:
¼ ½SH S þ I1 SH y:
A common value for the regualization parameter is
¼ 0:03; refer to [25] for a discussion of reguarlization.
This is then repeated for each frequency. A complicated
sound field can be simulated for a given configuration of
loudspeakers and control zone using a sound field simulator
such as MCRoomSim [26].
With WFS, there are a number of practical considerations. For example, when the number of loudspeakers is
large, a sparse solution generally improves performance
[27], i.e., solve:
^ ¼ argminfkk1 : S ¼ yg:
With a large array of loudspeakers one should also
compensate for the directivity pattern of the loudspeakers.
In addition, one should also scale the size of the control
zone proportional to the frequency. One can use the ruleof-thumb that the approximate
pffiffiffi radius, R, of the control
zone should scale as: R 4 ekN , where N is the number of
loudspeakers, k is the wavenumber, and e is the natural
logarithm number. For robustness, one should include
some control points inside the control zone. These ‘‘inside’’
control points are sometimes referred to as CHIEF-points
in the boundary element method literature [28], where
CHIEF refers to combined Helmholtz integral equation
formulation. The CHIEF points resolve ambiguities in the
sound field solution.
2.4. Transaural Cross-talk Cancellation
We now consider transaural cross-talk cancellation
systems. These systems are commonly implemented in the
form of a row of loudspeakers as shown in Fig. 4 and aim
to control the signals at the two ears. A detailed description
and further references are given in [29]. The mathematical
description is similar to WFS except there are only two
control points: the signals at the two ears. As previously,
we operate in the frequency domain and for simplicity omit
the frequency dependence of variables. Let the loudspeaker
driving point functions be given by and the desired
binaural pressure signals at the two ears be specified by
y ¼ ½yL ; yR . We again solve:
S ¼ y;
Acoust. Sci. & Tech. 41, 1 (2020)
Fig. 4 Each loudspeaker has a transfer function to the
location of both the left and right ear. Adapted from
where S is the transfer function matrix. A least-norm
solution for the M 2 loudspeaker filter matrix, H, is
given by:
H ¼ ½SH S þ I1 SH ;
so that ¼ Hy. If one needs to compensate for slight
movements of the listener, an adaptive solution for the
loudspeaker filter matrix can be obtained from simple
beamforming considerations [29]. Note that in all of the
discussion above, we do not explicitly consider headrelated impulse responses — we simply control the sound
field at two points. One could, of course, amend the transfer
function matrix to include a consideration of head-related
impulse responses.
Spherical microphone arrays (SMAs) have been the
focus of considerable recent research [30–39] and are
especially useful for recording panoramic sound scenes.
Two recent books [40,41] provide a fairly comprehensive
overview. By virtue of their spherical symmetry, SMAs
provide a natural framework for analyzing sound fields in
the spherical harmonic domain, see Fig. 5.
We now derive the mathematical model used to
describe the acoustic behavior of a rigid, baffled SMA.
This description is taken from [42] and has been shortened
in parts for this tutorial. We consider the case of an SMA
consisting of N omnidirectional microphones located at
various positions around a perfectly rigid sphere with
radius R. As illustrated in Fig. 6, we define the position
of the microphones by their spherical coordinates ðr; ; Þ.
For simplicity, the mathematical expressions are derived
in the frequency domain as a function of the dimensionless
frequency kR, where k denotes the wavenumber, k ¼
2 f =c, f denotes the frequency and c denotes the speed
of sound. As well, for a given radial distance, r, we
introduce the dimensionless radius, , defined by: ¼
Consider the n-th microphone of the SMA, whose
spherical coordinates are ðn R; n ; n Þ. In the case where
Fig. 5 The dual-radius SMA prototype described in
Fig. 6 The notations used to describe the geometry of
an SMA are illustrated. From [42].
the incident sound field consists of incoming waves, the
acoustic pressure measured by this sensor is given by:
pn ¼
1 X
l¼0 m¼l
wl ðkR; n ÞYlm ðn ;
n Þbl;m ;
. blm is a complex coefficient depending only on the
incident sound field, which we denote as the order-l
and degree-m spherical harmonic component.
. Ylm denotes the order-l and degree-m real-valued
spherical harmonic function:
2l þ 1 ðl mÞ! jmj
Yl ð; Þ ¼
P ðsin Þ . . .
4 ðl þ mÞ! l
cos m
for m 0
sin jmj
for m < 0
where Pm
l is the order-l, degree-m associated Legendre
polynomial. Note that the sin term arises from the
spherical coordinate convention chosen in this paper
(see Fig. 6).
. wl ðkR; n Þ is the ‘modal strength’ associated with an
ideal, rigid spherical baffle, of the order-l spherical
harmonic modes at the microphone position and is
given by:
j0l ðkRÞ ð2Þ
wl ðkR; n Þ ¼ i jl ðn kRÞ ð2Þ 0
hl ðn kRÞ ;
hl ðkRÞ
where jl and hð2Þ
denote the order-l spherical Bessel
function and spherical Hankel function of the second
kind, respectively.
We refer to Eq. (31) as a Bessel-weighted spherical
harmonic expansion of the acoustic pressure. In the audio
engineering literature, this equation is sometimes referred
to as a spherical Fourier transform or a Higher Order
Ambisonic (HOA) transform and we use the term HOA
synonymously with the expression ‘spherical harmonic.’
According to Eq. (31), the exact value of the pressure
is determined by the summation of an infinite number of
terms. This sum must be truncated for the pressure to be
estimated numerically. In practice, we advise selecting
the truncation order, , as the minimum order such that
the relative error in the pressure measured by the SMA’s
farthest sensor is less than 80 dB (0.01%). Figure 7
shows the truncation order, , as a function of kR for
different values of . Details for the calculations to
determine the truncation order are provided in [42].
Assuming that an appropriate truncation order, , has
been determined, the value of the acoustic pressure
measured by the n-th sensor can be approximated as:
l¼0 m¼l
wl ðkR; n ÞYlm ðn ;
n Þbl;m :
Equation (34) expresses the summation over a finite
number of terms. It can therefore be rewritten as the
following vector product:
pn ¼ tT;n b ;
t;n ¼ ½t0;0;n ; t1;1;n ; t1;0;n ; . . . ; t;;n T ;
tl;m;n ¼ wl ðkR; n ÞYlm ðn ;
n Þ;
b ¼ ½b0;0 ; b1;1 ; b1;0 ; . . . ; b; T :
Similarly, the vector of the acoustic pressures received by
the N microphones of the SMA can be expressed as:
p ¼ T b ;
where T is the transfer matrix between the HOA
components up to order- and the pressure received by
the N microphones, given by:
T ¼ ½t;1 ; t;2 ; . . . ; t;N T :
3.1. Higher-Order Ambisonic Encoding
We refer to the process of retrieving the up-to-order-L
HOA components from the microphone signals as order-L
HOA encoding. In practice, this operation consists in
convolving the microphone signals with a matrix of Finite
Impulse Response (FIR) encoding filters. In this section,
we derive the mathematical expression for calculating the
encoding filter frequency responses.
The problem of finding the values of the HOA
components from the microphone signals essentially consists in solving Eq. (37) for b . In other words, the matrix
of the order-L encoding filter frequency responses, EL ,
must invert the matrix T as accurately as possible.
Mathematically, this means that EL must minimize the
quantity kEL T Ck2F , where k kF denotes the Frobenius
norm and C is given by:
C ¼ ½I ðLþ1Þ2 0ðLþ1Þ2
ððþ1Þ2 ðLþ1Þ2 Þ ;
where I n denotes the n n identity matrix and 0m n
denotes the m n zero matrix.
In practice we solve for EL using Tikhonov regularization. In other words, we define EL as:
EL ¼ arg minðkAT Ck2F þ
kAk2F Þ;
where is the regularization parameter setting the relative
importance given to minimizing the norm of the matrix
with respect to minimizing the error. Matrix EL is unique
and given by:
Fig. 7 The truncation order is shown as a function of
kR for different values of . From [42].
EL ¼ CT H ðT T H þ
I N Þ1
Acoust. Sci. & Tech. 41, 1 (2020)
where is the ratio of the energy of the measurement noise
in the HOA signals to the energy of the measurement noise
in the microphone signals. The proof of this result is given
in [42].
Consider now the issue of spatial aliasing. At high
frequencies, microphones can receive energy from undesired, greater-than-order-L, HOA components of the incoming sound. This results in spatial aliasing where the
encoded HOA signals are polluted by these undesired HOA
components. Figure 7 shows that the microphones with
larger receive more energy from the undesired, greaterthan-order-L, HOA components than those with smaller .
Therefore, at high frequencies it is desirable to apply
greater weight to the signals from microphones located
closer to the rigid spherical surface. In summary, the highorder information contained in T is essential for optimal
calculation of the encoding filters.
Fig. 8 The amplitude of the modal weights, wl ðkR; Þ
are shown as a function of kR and for orders 0 to 4
when ¼ 1 (top) and ¼ 2 (bottom). From [42].
¼ T HL ðT T H þ
I N Þ1 :
This solution for EL incorporates two critical aspects.
First, it applies regularization to prevent measurement
noise from being amplified unreasonably at low kR values.
Second, it optimally weights the microphone signals to
minimize spatial aliasing by employing a matrix T of
sufficiently high order.
With regard to the amplification of measurement noise,
Fig. 8 shows the amplitude of the modal weights wl as a
function of kR and for orders 0 to 4. At low kR values, the
weights corresponding to HOA signals of order greater
than one have very small amplitudes. As well, in the case
where the microphones are not located on the rigid
spherical surface ( > 1), the weights are equal to zero
at certain kR values. Without regularization, the encoding
filters would amplify the microphone signals greatly to
acquire the HOA signals at these frequencies and would
thus be very non-robust to measurement noise. The amount
of measurement noise in the encoded signals is bounded by
the regularization parameter as follows:
4.1. Head-tracking and Individualization
Binaural spatial audio is based on head-related impulse
responses and/or binaural room impulse responses. The
first and most important point to make is that immersive
binaural virtual spatial audio requires head-tracking. Without head-tracking the virtual acoustic sources move with
the head and destroy the perceptual illusion. It is the
advent of mixed-reality devices with head-tracking that
provide a significant impetus for immersive spatial audio
in the consumer industry. This then raises the issue of
just how important is individualized head-related impulse
In order to illustrate these issues we consider some
recent data [43] for an experiment contrasting individualized HRIRs and generic HRIRs. This description is taken
from [43]. There were four listening conditions: (1)
binaural rendering with individualized HRIR filters and
head-tracking; (2) binaural rendering with generic HRIR
filters and head-tracking; (3) binaural rendering with
individualized HRIR filters and no head-tracking; and (4)
normal headphone listening without binaural spatial rendering. There were twenty-three self-reporting normallyhearing listeners participate in the listening test. Listeners
were asked to listen to six sound excerpts:
. Mono: drums, Radiohead — Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
. Mono: guitar, Tarrega — Capriccio Arabe
. Stereo: Pop, Radiohead — Jigsaw Falling Into Place
. Stereo: Bossa-Nova, Stan Getz, João Gilberto — Vivo
. 5.1 Surround: Rock, Pink Floyd — Money
. 5.1 Surround: Pop Jazz, Norah Jones — Come Away
With Me
Sounds were played to the listener using the AKG 1000
open headphones and also a loudspeaker array consisting
Fig. 9 Results from the binaural listening test are shown for the six sound stimuli. The average population scores for the
four listening conditions are shown using a bar plot. The legend labels are as follows: Indiv. + HT Individualized
HRIRs with head-tracking; Generic + HT generic HRIRs with head-tracking; Indiv. no HT Individualized HRIRs
with no head-tracking; No 3D no binaural spatial rendering. Figures taken from [43].
of 12 loudspeakers: 5 Tannoy System 15 loudspeakers
forming a 5.1 arrangement and 7 additional Tannoy V6
loudspeakers forming a circular array spaced every 45
degrees. The loudspeaker playback provided a reference
for the headphone listening. Because the headphones are
open, the loudspeakers could be heard without distortion.
Every listener had HRIRs recorded using a blocked-ear
recording method [44] in an anechoic chamber using a
semi-circular robotic arm (methods were similar to those
presented here [45]). A MUSHRA-like [46] test paradigm
was used in which there was no hidden reference, but an
anchor was included. The explicit reference was loudspeaker playback and the anchor was headphone presentation with no spatial audio rendering. Listeners participated
in two different trials. In one trial listeners were asked to
rate overall preference and in another trial listeners were
asked to rate the clarity of the frontal image. Head-tracking
was implemented using a Polhemus G4 head-tracking
device mounted on the headphones.
Results of the listening test are shown in Fig. 9. As
expected, head-tracking contributed significantly to the
listeners’ scores because it provides a consistent listening
environment in which sound sources are robustly and
consistently localized when the head moves. Interestingly,
listeners also showed a small, but consistent bias for
individualized binaural rendering over generic binaural
rendering. The added benefit of individualized binaural
rendering is small compared to the benefit of head-tracking.
Nevertheless, in listening conditions without a visual
reference, there does seem to be a small benefit for
individualization in binaural rendering. This would suggest
that individualized binaural rendering will play some
role when visual stimuli are absent — for example, in
augmented spatial hearing conditions using hearables.
4.2. Binaural Reverberation and Ambiance
4.2.1. Binaural rendering of HOA signals
Head-related impulse responses are generally recorded
under anechoic, free-field conditions. This means that one
must consider the issue of how reverberation and ambiance
will be handled during binaural rendering. A perceptually
reasonable (the author is unaware of precise psychophysical validation) encoding of reverberant and ambient
sound fields is provided by order-3 HOA signals. Thus,
we consider binaural rendering of HOA signals. Let the
pressure, p, at the ears in the presence of N plane waves
be given by: p ¼ Hs, where H contains the head-related
transfer function information and s specifies the planewave sources. If the plane-wave sources are encoded as
HOA signals, Y, then we require a decoding matrix, F, so
that: p^ ¼ FY, where ideally, p^ ¼ p. A possible mathematical solution can be found using the pseudo-inverse:
F ¼ H pinvðY Þ. Nevertheless, this does not work well for
many reasons: the pseudo-inverse will smear the source
signals across directions, as well the phase component of
the matrix H is complicated and this solution will result
in strong spectral coloration. Therefore, it is recommended
that one smoothly fix the phase of the head-related transfer
functions above a certain frequency to a constant to obtain
H mod . Using F ¼ H mod pinvðYÞ provides a much improved
binaural rendering for order-3 HOA signals provided one
has a dense recording of head-related transfer functions.
4.2.2. Manipulation of the covariance matrix
There are many methods to simulate room impulse
Acoust. Sci. & Tech. 41, 1 (2020)
responses and also many methods to decorrelate audio
signals and it is not uncommon to apply these for binaural
rendering of spatial audio. The crux of the issue is that the
covariance of the signals at the ears determines many
binaural perceptual properties and so it is best to preserve
or control the covariance structure of the binaural signals.
These matters are well described in [47]. A brief
description is provided here. Assume there is a decoding
method to obtain binaural signals, pQ , from a set of input
signals: pQ ¼ Qx, where Q is some decoding matrix and
x is a vector of input signals and that somehow one knows
the desired covariance matrix Cp ¼ E½ ppH for some true
or desired p. In general, CpQ 6¼ Cp , so what can one do?
It turns out there is a method to obtain new signals p^ ¼
Mx þ M D D½Qx, where D½ is a decorrelation operator
and the matrices M and M D are to be determined, such that
Cp^ ¼ Cp . Unfortunately, these computations are sufficiently complicated that one is referred to [47] for the details.
The important point is that there are methods to control the
covariance of the signals at the two ears.
4.3. Improving Static Binaural Spatial Audio
One of the more interesting research directions for
binaural spatial audio is to enable static binaural recordings
to be rendered with head-tracking in an attempt to create
an immersive experience. This would be relevant to the
broadcasting industry which likely has many historical,
static binaural recordings. As well, this would be interesting for personal binaural recordings where listeners record
a sound scene using earphones capable of making recordings, such as the Roland CS-10EM (available in 2018).
This technique requires the extraction of acoustic sources
and source directions from the static binaural recording
and the creation of a new binaural rendering with headtracking. This could likely be done using personal mobile
devices. An interesting reference to work in this area is
[48]. As well, refer to [49,50] for methods to decompose
audio into direct and ambient sound as well as determine
the direction of acoustic sources.
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Craig Jin received a B.S. in Physics from Stanford in 1990, an
M.S. in Applied Physics from Caltech, and a Ph.D. from the
University of Sydney in 2001. He is currently an Associate Professor
within the School of Electrical and Information Engineering at the
University of Sydney and is the director of the Computing and Audio
Research Laboratory.